So many tweets and photos of Jake Gyllenhaal (and Michelle Monaghan) filming Source Code in Chicago today that we needed a new post. Filming was done in Millennium Park, near The Bean, as well as a chase scene on the city streets.

This series of photos was taken by a blogger who wandered onto the set:

I love "The Bean." It's fun public art:

These were the first pics on twitter. Front:


More fan photos. You get a sense of the crowd surrounding Jake:

And yet more:

(Four photos courtesy of Just Jared. Twitter photos by suesues and its_kelseyy. SC series photos courtesy of the Parsons Family. Other photos from Facebook.)
thanks UV jake and michelle do look good together looks like their are having a good time wonder how long theyll be in chicago
Jake and Michelle look like they're having a ball! Thanks for these.
BubblyBoy: OK, I confess. I'm not a huge BB fan. It took me several attempts because it was just too corny for me. At first.
BUT THEN: surprisingly, it grew on me. I have probably watched it all the way thru three times,it feels like more bcz of the false starts. But I do think it's a sweet movie, and well cast. Just not near the top of my list of favorites.:)
(Monica, I LOVED "Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang.")
I don't know why I type "Bubbly" when I mean to type "Bubble!"
De nada, Mary. They do like good together, though I'm still not sold on her.
Bobbyanna. I guess you want some champagne! I'll exhort you to watch Highway, which I really like.
I wanted to report this. It's the article about the twitter food fight that erupted after Jake and Michelle ate at Park Grill for lunch.
Jake and Michelle really do make a good (on screen) couple. Thanks for the photos!
I love that Jake is so excited about SC, and I hope Duncan appreciates the work Jake is already doing to promote his film and generate excitement.
My feelings about BB are similar to yours, bobbyanna. It took several attempts to make it all the way through.... just not my kind of humor. But it does have a sweetness that is, um..... sweet.
Jake eats french fries! That was so funny. Of course he eats french fries, he's a foodie..... they eat everything. Plus, it helps that he's too young to worry about cholesterol and triglycerides. :)
These photos are great, thanks so much to that blogger that wandered on to the set! Jake and Michelle look like they are having a great time.
It took me awhile for me to appreciate the charms of Bubble boy. It's a quirky, sweet comedy and Jake is so funny in it.
I love the tweets about the "food fight"! Jake and Michelle sure has stirred up a lot of excitement in one day.
I have to go back and catch up on anything I may have missed, it's hard keeping up with all the stuff that's coming out, thanks so much UV!
OONP, you're right. The articles, photos, tweets and videos are coming too fast. After PoP, if we go back into a Jake drought, we'll have to remember this time!
The food fight was hilarious. Never a dull moment with Jake!
Suvee, I think I forgot to thank you for answering my spinning beachball/pie piece of doom. It happened a bit today, too. I think. It could be my ancient computer not working well with the latest versions of Safari and FF.
French onion soup, turkey pastrami and fries. Doesn't sound like a typical Califonria meal :) And if you saw the fries on that Park Grill chef's twitter, you can see they'd be hard to resist.
Finally, added some Facebook photos to the post.
I love the second photo, Gyllen tounge:)
And hot wheels Jake in the last photo, LOL!! Jake has really been talking up SC, he really is excited about this film and so am I.
Looks like he is getting along well with Michelle from these photos. I have to admit that I wasn't too thrilled when I heard that she was cast, she didn't seem the type based on the script I read. They do look good here though.
Jake's lunch sounded yummy !
The news is coming fast and furious UV, we are being spoiled!
I have to admit that BB is one of 2 Jake films that I have not seen (The other one is Lovely and Amazing). I have seen clips of BB, I think it's time I take a look at it:))
Speaking of Jake films you may or may not have seen, over the past several weeks 'Josh and S.A.M.' has been on Starz a couple of times starring (heh) a young Jake. Okay, he's only in it at the beginning and at the end, but it's worth catching to see Jake being a teenage bully. Wait, no, that's not a good thing...that's a terrible thing really. But he's just so precious you want to squeeze the 12 year old stuffing out of him.
Sadly this film has yet to find a home on DVD making it impossible to find any screencaps except this one I nicked from someplace years ago.
Wow, Jake is looking so damn good and seems very relaxed and happy. He is really shining lately and it is such a wonderful to see.
I like his interaction with Michelle too. I am more anxious to see him interact with Vera and Jeffrey Wright. This movie looks better and better imo.
So much Gyllen-news I can't keep up!!! Loving it all so much! :D :D :D A huge thank you again to UV, Fl and everyone who is keeping us updated. All the updates have been amazing.
I never saw Jake on the Homicide: Life on the Streets episode until recently, and I was amazed by how good he was, even then. Really convincing. :)
I've only seen a clip of that Homicide episode. Is he in more than one scene?
Thanks to FL, I got to see Josh and Sam the other day, He is adorable, even though his character is decidedly not.
Extra, you can find all of the Jake Lovely and Amazing scenes on youtube, I think. It's not a great movie, but I love Jake in it.
Get real, it would be nice to see Vera Farmiga or Jeffrey Wright. With Jake, of course :)
Adding to the Gyllenslide, more FB and IHJ photos from today.
And if you're in Chicago tonight, Jake is allegedly in Andersonville, though no one knows where! And they are supposed to be filming again tomorrow.
Some tweets are speculating Jake is in Andersonville tonight.
My guess, based entirely on the Mostly Indisputable FL CZ Theory:
Anteprima, Italian Restaurant, in the Andersonville neighborhood of Chicago, on Clark street. Here is their description:
"Our cooking is primarily governed by the seasons. The menu changes from week to week...
We search out the best ingredients we can locate, preferring local and organic producers when practical."
This is pure speculation, of course!:)
Great job, UV.
I did not remember that Proof had been filmed and Chicago.
Wow, those photos are wonderful. thanks.
I never saw Josh and Sam, Lovely And Amazing and Brothers.
I saw Homicide Life and there are more scenes with him than in that video from youtube, UV.
I am a big fan of Chicago Bulls.
No, I'm sorry, it's just a quick clip I saw. If there's more, I'd like to see it too! :)
"Bubble Boy" is one of my guilty pleasures. I had never imagined getting so much fun with such a silly movie. Jake is a wonderful comedian - I hope we see him again one day in - perhaps a "meatier" role- a comedy again. IMO making people laugh is much more difficult than to make them cry.
Coulter is one sexy guy - the filming team obviously caused a riot among citizens and tourists in Chicago.
After filming is done and the PoP madness is over hooefully we all - including Jake - will get one or two months to relax and breathe again...hihi
It's April 10th!
That can only mean one thing.
Thanks for running this place. :-)
Happy Birthday, UV!
Two birthdays in April? You both must be Aries or Aries and Taurus?
Have a wonderful, joyfilled day, UV!!!!
Happy Birthday, UV! Hope your year brings much happiness and success. Enjoy your special day!
Maybe Mr. G will make another appearance in your honor. :)
As always, a big thank you for this awesome blog!
What great photos! I love Jake's looks for this film and he looks good with Michelle. So they did end up filming in Chicago. I wasn't sure when I saw the tweets about a casting call going out for Jake and Michelle doubles. Jake sure caused enough excitement in Chicago yesterday, they are filming for one more day there.
Bubble boy is a guilty pleasure for me too Carla! It's such a fun, goofy movie. I hope Jake get to do another comedy like that again, he has such an expressive face and such great comic timing , he is perect in that film.
Happy Birthday UV! Have a wonderful day and thanks so much to you and FL for this blog, it's the best! And thanks for keeping everyone updated on a very busy wek!
happy birthday UV have a good one
Have a wonderful birthday UV!! I love all the SC photos, thnaks!!
Happy Birthday UV, have a great day and thanks for the pics.
Happy Birthday, UV! Hope you have a great day with family and friends!
And thank you for giving us Jake fans this wonderful place!
I hope you have a Happy Birthday UV!
I love that first photo of Jake and Michelle with the Bean~
I just realized my post above sounds like the SNL Bronx Beat ladies skit with Jake, which I love btw.
Happy Birthday anyway! :)
Happy Birthday, UV!
Thank you so much for its work here!
Happy birthday UV! And thanks to you and FL for making this my favorite Jake site!
Happy birthday, UV. Enjoy your big day! You deserve it!
Have a wonderful birthday UV!!
Just popped in to say, hope you're having a wonderful day. Happy Birthday UV. This blog is precious and so much fun thanks to you guys.
From Twitter:
"just saw the Prince of Persia (Jake Gyllenhaal) at Olive and Gourmando in Old Montreal "
about 2 hours ago via Tweetie
Guess he's back in Canada.
Hope you are enjoying your birthday UV!
I'll keep my eyes peeled for the longer Jake segment on the Reelz channel on Sunday.
I see that Jake is back at one of his CZ in Montreal, thanks Bobbyanna!
Aww, Reese is still friended to Mama:
Just wanted to wish a happy b-day UV. I haven't had a chance to catch up on the latest news you posted, there is so much to catch up on!!
Thank you so much for doing such a bang up job with this site (you too FL)
Aww, thank you so much for the birthday wishes, FL, and everyone else! I had a wonderful day seeing old friends from near and far. Good food, drinks and even better company. And a delicious homemade lemon birthday cake to top it all off.
Now to catch up on all the news of the day :) Hope you all had a fabulous Saturday. Thanks for making this such a fun and friendly place.
Buon compleanno!!!!!!!!
Coulter Stevens/Jake is looking mighty fine in these pictures, thanks so much for posting them UV!!
We may get to see more set pics in Montreal, I still think he has to film the train scenes. It's been a whirlwind week for Jake and his fans, we have been spoiled!
Happy belated birthday, I hope you had a great day!
Paula is right. This is the week they film the train station scenes so we'll probably see a lot more of Jake this week. We should keep our eyes open for pics, tweets, etc.
They're filming these scenes in Montreal according to that cameraman I was chatting with and the manmademovies guy on facebook. No one seems to know where exactly though.
BTW, happy birthday UV.
I think this may be the first time Jake has been tweeted here:
ghislaincouture: Breakfast and Jake Gyllenhall in the house in Montreal (@ Byblos Petit Café) http://4sq.com/96gf5J
37 minutes ago from foursquare ·
Thanks for the extra birthday wishes :)
I think that is a new place, Tweety. Hope the Olives+Gourmando folks aren't upset!
New post since it's not Friday any longer :)
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