Tired of looking at that old screensaver on your phone? Well, if you have a Nokia phone, you can look at Jake Gyllenhaal, aka the Prince of Persia, instead. Just don't Dastan and drive!

I really like the first one. A lot.
I assume they will have these things for other phones, but I don't know where or when.
Courtesy of IHJ and Disney, more production stills of Jake Gyllenhaal in Prince of Persia. We get to see him with Sir Ben in the second one.

I don't know if this is the kind of video for which Jake was doing voiceover work, but it's fun! A commercial for the PoP LEGOs:
Two more Chicago shots from SC filming:

Do you think that was in the script or Michelle's ad libbing? :)
(PoP production stills from IHJ.)
Love the pics UV and that last one, too funny.
I hope you don't mind me linking to this, it's written by one the the original Jake blog writers, JakeWatch's Prophecy Girl, it's her take on the interview, I found it funny.
Please delete if you want.
I really like the 1st and 3rd images, I hope that it'd available for other phones since I don't have a Nokia!
So many goodies are being released by Disney, it's hard to keep up!
J.Merchner on Pop and working with Bruckheimer:
Thanks for the link anon. Herman Munster, LOL!!
I still have the Jake Watch site bookedmarked:((
Wow, some of these pics are wonderful! I really like the first Nokia one too, a lot! :)
He looks magnificent on horseback in the first new production still, and he looks great in all of these. I love the sense of motion.
thanks for the link to jakewatch very funny they should of let us jake fans pick the cover shot:)
I don't mind the link to PG's page, but I don't know if she minds. I guess we'll see :)
I don't have a Nokia, either, Extra. I'm almost happier, because I'd probably want one, and I don't know if I could actually change my screensaver to that without incurring the mockery of friends!
Jake does look magnificent on horseback, Cathy. I really love that first big photo.
Mary, I wonder if GQ has any reaction to the almost universal criticism of the cover. And I wonder if Jake liked it or not.
Brothers Spy posted this at the end of the last post, in case anyone missed it. From Duncan Jones, last night:
By the way... cant say what it is, but saw the "big money shot prop" for Source Code today.. its un-bloody-believable! Best prop ever!
What did you do on your weekend? Jake was recording a LEGO voiceover:
With Jake's busy schedule, it was tough to find the right time slot to record, but as always, we were more than happy to accommodate last minute openings. When we received word a few days ago that Jake could patch in through ISDN from a Montreal studio, we were happy to oblige.
The Saturday morning session was a pleasant surprise. The recording went smoothly, and we even finished ahead of schedule. Jake was quite the professional, even staying in character between takes at times! He was very friendly, and kept us all entertained with his playful side comments, (An example of his insight: We should all aspire to the ripped physique and "plastic abs" of his Lego counterpart.) Needless to say, Jake proved to be the perfect Prince of Persia.
interesting i wonder what it was for?
I really like Jake on horseback. That was not a wimpy horse! :)
All the action shots are pretty impressive, but that one of him jumping makes me queasy! 35 ft. is high!
Jake does look wonderful on horseback, all of these images are incredible.
I'm a fan of the first photo too!
Wanted to share this article from todays Variety online:
"LONDON -- Volcanic ash is kicking the "Iron Man 2" world preem across the globe from London to L.A., due to continued hazardous flight conditions.
Paramount and Marvel Ent. said in a statement: "Due to the continuing air travel uncertainty, Paramount Pictures and Marvel Entertainment have taken the decision to move the 'Iron Man 2' world premiere and junket to Los Angeles. A press release will be issued in due course advising of this event and confirming talent attendance."
"The film,...was due to preem in the Blighty capital on April 25."
"Events have some execs worried about travel to the Cannes Film Festival, due to commence May 12."
I don't know if this will affect PoP's UK premiere and the European junket or not. Some scientists think conditions may begin to improve soon. They are saying the volcano is making lava now, & the ice is gone so the plumes aren't quite as high.
I'm very glad Jake's in North America. Altho, I'm sure he'd have lots of places to stay if he were ever stranded in the UK.:)
Are we looking at Roland Emmerich's next disaster movie - Hollywood vs. The Volcano? (I confess that I saw that headline somewhere else.)
Just updated the post with a fun LEGO ad, perhaps the kind of thing Jake was doing voiceover work for.
I think we're unanimous in liking Jake on a horse!
"The film,...was due to preem in the Blighty capital on April 25."
Firstly, I have always hated Variety's pretentious Variety-speak. Irks the crap out of me. Premiere..Preem...is it really that frigging difficult to type three more letters, Variety?
Secondly, I've been reading that air travel to the UK may be lifted as early as tomorrow evening. Hollywood execs are wusses.
LOL, but wait, wait. That LEGO commercial - go look at 17, 18 seconds in and notice the look on Dastan's face, LOL the hell? They've incorporated how Jake sort of talks out of the right side of his mouth onto that little bitty LEGO. How funny is that!
Flights have already started again over here in Germany, also in Austria, Sweden etc. - the UK PoP premiere should be safe. Today I have seen the first plane flying over my town - at the moment they are flying lower than usual to avoid the ash clouds.
I was wondering if Jake and/or his people had any saying in choosing the GQ cover? The reactions all over the net were equal - most liked the pictures inside but the cover was a no-go.
Those NOKIA images are nice - I am an owner of a very old NOKIA phone, this could be a reason to buy a new one...:-))
The Lego ad is funny - I love that Jake is now involved in a movie that brings out all those silly things nobody really needs but makes the "fangirls" heart beating faster.....:)
Hee - I wonder what other quirks they've captured. Will the Prince tell us about the "massive" and "amazing" sets :)
Not sure if people have seen this new Facebook vid. And it's not Thursday. They are shaking things up!
I don't know if that link will work but you can find it on FB.
Posted simultaneously, Carla. We silly fangirls have a lot to keep us busy! Let us know if you get the new phone :)
I am owner of a Nokia too. There's a photo of Ennis and Jack in it. Yes my friends saw it, and they do not care. They know I'm in love with movies, especially for Brokeback Mountain.
I like the picture number four.
Nice PoP pics. Jake on horseback is always really great. Disney is coming out fast and furious with PoP stuff. Extra, it is hard to keep up. :)
My 8 year old nephew, who is the Lego king, will love those Legos, lol!
PG sure is in rare form at her blog about Jake's GQ. :)
Btw, WDW posted a great interview of Gemma Arterton on Jonathan Ross. Both of them really praised Jake and PoP.
Part 1
Part 2
I just posted a whole long comment and it is gone. :(
I don't have a Nokia either, I hope they make them avaialble for other phones because I love the first one!
That LEGO commercial is adorable! I love that Jake is in a movie that I can take my nieces and nephews to:)
Flights are resuming in parts of Europe so the UK premiere is safe.
Oops, nevermind it showed up. :)
Btw, if any of you have seen the Rachel Zoe Project her assistant Brad tweeted about Jake. :)
And thanks for the SC pics and updates. Every report and pic makes it seem better and better!
New post. Please feel free to continue the GQ convo there.
Okay, I'll start....
The one thing that truly surprised me was his confession that he had been (previous to Heath's death I assume) the kind of person that defined himself by his work.
...it was like my work was the only thing that mattered to me. It was like I could only understand or define myself through doing that.
That self-assessment is so totally different from the kind of person I thought he was. He always struck me as a very well rounded, balanced man.... someone who had other loves and interests that "defined" him.
My impression was kind of reinforced by his lengthy breaks between filming, mainly in 2006, 2007. I'm a big believer that, to the extent a person has control, people spend their time doing what they love. For a couple of years, he pretty much took 10-11 months off between movies...... and I assumed that was an indication that he had other things that he wanted to spend time on, other interests that were part of what made Jake, Jake.
Even more fascinating is his segue into the "pretending" that the people he is working with will be his family forever. I can't tell if he is saying that he once believed that and now he doesn't, or if he is just making an observation in general. Quite interesting if he is referring to himself.
Sorry this comment is so lengthy.... but there's a lot of substance in this interview IMO.
I think it was on Conan's show when he said in-between work it was crazy time..
Certainly think he has a lot of interest besides making movies..cooking..reading..music..
sports so work wasn't the only thing in his life (and some girlfriends in there too) but as some people do they do define who they are by their work..
He's not 22-24 anymore and he really does seem to learn each year from just life and also learn from his acting experiences.
I think he'll always be enthusiastic about his acting roles because they are learning experiences (and when he finally Directs too).
When he does have that family he wants then that will be incredibly important to him also.
Life is a big deal to him. I like that.
Yeah, I think Jake has always had a lot of things he likes/loves to do. I think he was always happy not working, but it sounds like he defined himself by the work he did. And maybe it was okay if he let other relationships slide. And now he realizes that's not the way to go. And that life off-screen is more important than on. It's probably a lesson a lot of actors learn and relearn.
I'll have to reread the section on movie families - there was a little babble going on there :)
Get real, glad your comment wasn't eaten. And thanks for the RZ assistant tweet. She's scary, but that was cute.
And you and chica are using the nieces and nephews for cover, huh? :)
Forgot to say that someone tweeted earlier today that there are PoP posters on the subways in NY. So keep your eyes peeled, NYCers!
I love the third and fourth screensaver, just beautiful.
Thanks for that link, I wondered what happened to Prophecy girl after JW, she is still funny as hell!!
The LEGO commercial is great, the lego Dastan is talking out of the side of his mouth,LOL!
Thanks for the link to the Gemma interview on JR get real, love to hear what a nice guy Jake is.
Jake loves FB! I would love for him to get one.
Some flights have resumed in Europe, the UK is waiting for another day or so but the Pop premiere should be on schedule.
Love all the SC pics, can't believe it's about to wrap by the end of the week.
I was a bit taken aback regarding Jake's comments on families too Suvee. Interesting that he felt that way, not clear if he still feels that way from the interview.
Jake has hinted in the past that things were not always rosy at home, I think that he escaped into his film families when things got a bit rocky, JMO. Also he said that marriage was "Messy" and respected his parents decision to divorce.
I have a feeling that Jake's parent's marriage was over before they made the official announcement.
I also think his comments about finding the right woman, something he has said before is telling. I really think he thought that he found that women in Reese but it didn't happen.
This is my opinion: Jake wanted to make it legal, she didn't. He pulled the plug because it's a bit insulting for him to be viewed as being fine living together and being apart of her life and her kids but not good enough to be a husband.
That said, I think he took it hard, more than her obviously but I also think he was the rebound guy.
Suvee, I understood it to mean that he often used work as an escape, "A place to hide" when he found real life turbulent, and He now sees his work differently.
Seems like he strives for more balance now, and his expectations of what he can take from his work environment are more realistic. If that makes sense.
I related the comments about "film family" to his BBM experience. I remember that just before he started BBM, he and Kirsten broke up. He even mentioned it on Oprah, I think.
The isolated location contributed to him feeling cut off and lonely and drew him closer to cast and crew. Then the awards season hoopla was a unique, shared experience.
I do believe Jake likes to create a sense of community on his film sets and locations with cast and crew. He probably functions best when that happens.
I've noticed that Jake often forms long term friendships with people he's worked with. Jamie Foxx, Robert Downey, Jr., Heath. But he also has a lot of other friends, like the Texas crew.
It seems like the common thread is that they're all always doing something. They're creative, whether they're filmmakers, chefs, or musicians, actors, directors,visual artists, etc.
I loved his description of Heath as a creative partner. Jake's been completely immersed in filmmaking all his life, and filmmaking is collaborative.His perspective definitely comes from his family background. He appears to be a very engaged, curious person, very interested in other people.
I think Jake meant that he found some kind of solace on some movie sets when things got tought at home. BBM was one of those sets, he describes the expeireince as "magical" in the interview.
I loved his description of Heath being his creative partner too. Jake is creative and absorbs and learns from others around him and embraces it.
I just read that Vera Farmiga is pregnant with her second child.
LOL, UV, yes I am using my nephew for Lego cover. :p
OMG, Rachel Zoe is scary but her assistant Brad seems sweet.
I will keep an eye out for the PoP posters on the subway!
I'll keep my eyes open for the Pop subway posters too!
I remember looking for them when Brothers came out, and they were just a few :(
Chica, I actually saw a lot of Brothers posters downtown but I didn't see many on the subway.
Also wanted to say how great it is to see pics of Jake and Sir Ben Kingsley.
Great posts, Josie and Bobbyanna. I agree that it's just a matter of Jake realizing that he needs/wants to strengthen his own family and friends. I do think Jake wanted to get married, and it wasn't going to happen. So he left. And now he's figuring out what to do next.
I do believe Jake likes to create a sense of community on his film sets and locations with cast and crew. He probably functions best when that happens.
ITA, Bobbyanna. Like most of us, really. Doesn't mean there's no conflict or tension. In fact, Jake seems to welcome that. But you want to know everyone's working towards the same goal.
I don't remember seeing any Brothers posters on the subway, I don't think.
Here's a cute picture someone posted - meeting Jake and Paul Rudd at the Newseum in DC:
Forgot to say that the picture above came from this blog.
This post made me laugh. I did love that part of the GQ story about Jake making the "E" in his name.
I have a friend who thought you had to conserve letters so she would write "My name iSusan." Hee.
This Glamour bit on the PoP stunts featurette is pretty funny, as are the comments.
ITA, Josie and UV, that Jake was the one who walked away from that relationship. And yes, as things appear, he was her rebound guy. He deserves better.
But we all have to live and learn!
Jake looks so good on horseback, hell on anything! Count me in as not having a Nokia either, I love the first image , very mysterious and sexy.
I love that Lego commercial! I can't believe how many toys i'm going to by for myself because of Pop!
I will have to go back and read Jake's GQ interview again before I comment on what was brought up here. Very interesting observations so far.
I remember JW, what a funny blog! That was too funny and so true , thanks for the link Anon!
Jake and Paul in DC, almost a year ago. Time sure flies, that's a really great fan pic UV.
Thanks for the link to the Gemma interview Get real I love J. Ross. She has a busy year with Pop and Clash of the Titans.
I saw my first Pop poster on the subway this morning! It was Dastan with 2 swords looking very determined and hot and a very sultry Princess Tamina in the background!
This event is invitation only (Press) for the new Sprint phone. It will take place in NY on 5/12. They also plan on screening Prince of Persia as well:
BitPix: Prince of Persia
Sexy Through the Years: 'Prince of Persia' Stud Jake Gyllenhaal!
Yay - a poster sighting! I think Stephanie has the posters up at IHJ. Very cool, chica. Thanks for letting us know.
New post with the ET bit (thanks, Monica!) and some new PoP stills.
Yes, even more :)
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