Scans from two new books, We Make Our Own Destiny: Behind the Scenes of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time and the PoP Movie Storybook. The books - and, one hopes, the movie - display sweeping, sumptuous sets and dramatic action. All the elements of an epic.

The beauty of nature:

A heroic prince:

A heroic princess:

Death-defying stunts:

And, of course, a cast of thousands:

Sort of a Where's Jake-o in those two pics. The "class photo" is bigger than the one in the last post, so you should be able to see Jake better.
There are some actual words in the books. First, a description of some of Dastan's costumes - some of the words are cut off but I think you can get the gist.

Then an Afterword, written by Jake, where he talks about the teamwork and cmaraderie it took to make this massive movie.

Bigger version of the L.A. PoP billboard posted earlier:

Some random fan photo finds. Here's Jake from the SC Chicago filming last week:

This is from Venice, 2005, I think. I just like it for some reason - maybe because it looks nice and sunny and it's gray and gloomy here today:

(Book scans courtesy of IHJ.)
Ah, beautiful. Can't wait! :)
I know the feeling, anon!
Here's an extended version of the PoP set video from yesterday. It's fun to see this stuff.
This is refreshing: CNN lists PoP as one of the "10 summer movies that we're actually looking forward to":
5. "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time" (May 28): No, I've never played the video game. But yes, I am prepared to see Jake Gyllenhaal's amazing torso in battle scenes. And this is a Disney flick, so you can bring the kids. Gladiator-ish fun for the whole family!
Gorgeous pics UV and thanks for the extended video.
Lovely, thanks for the extended vid UV, it was fun. An Ahhhh moment.
Just wanted to say how gracious you are in your acknowledgements in the last post. I think you know what I mean. And I love how gracious Jake is in his acknowledgement that he could not have achieved it without all the crew. I'm delighted that I can now take my son, nieces, nephews and godchildren to finally watch a Jake movie :DDD
Thanks, sheba. Took me a minute but I got it. The brain doesn't work as fast as it used to.
I liked Jake's afterward. He did a nice job, I think. No GyllenBabble there. Of course, there probably was an editor involved!
I updated the post with some fan photos I found. Just some fun shots.
I think Jake wrote something for a "Donnie Darko" book.
And i'm sure he wrote for the POP book also. There could of been an editor change something here and there or maybe not at all because I'm pretty sure Jake can write.
His mother is a writer and he has watched that his whole life.
He's also a smart guy and well-read and no doubt wrote papers in school.
Now and then you might have to read over something he has said (tho in his mind i'm sure he knows what he meant..)..but on the whole have found him articulate and able to get his thoughts across and do it with humor, sincerity, honesty and a lot of heart.
I was just teasing, Annie. I can follow Jake's thoughts, usually, however circuitous.
But even the best professional writer needs an editor. I'm sure someone made sure Jake's prose shined.
humor, sincerity, honesty and a lot of heart
He displays those in abundance, I agree.
Great PoP photos, UV! Bless you for deciding to include pic #5....... the way Jake looks in that one could truly inspire major fantasies! :)
Seriously, PoP looks like an unbelievably beautiful, visually sumptuous film. I love movies that have a great visual aesthetic, and this one sure looks like it delivers.
Finally found the new GQ, and have read the interview once. I am not going to spoil it for those who have not read it, but I can only echo what others have said. Wow! It is an insightful, revelatory and substantive piece.... definitely worth the wait. I'm looking forward to a stimulating online discussion here at GB!
Oh, and one more thing. The GQ cover photo isn't as awful as it appeared in the scans we have seen. Still not a great Jake photo, but it's not dreadful IMO.
Sorry to spam, but I wanted to add that I was happy to see the CNN "10 Summer Movies...." list yesterday, too.
It's been a while since a Jake movie has been touted as a must see.
On a site (somewhere) during BBM time someone had what was an article in their paper (one of those that go out to various papers I'm sure) from a Heath interview.
As i'd print off various such things I looked around and found it this evening.
"The fact we had taken up this challenge, we instantly had respect for one another. I take my hat off to you, now we really have to help each other out and make this work. I'm lucky, he (Jake)is a beautiful person from a beautiful family. It's kind of ridiculous how loving their family is and intelligent and creative. I was really lucky that I had a good person and wonderful actor to work with, otherwise it would have been a completely different film".
The book's cover of POP is one of the worst I've ever seen. I know there are many bad images of POP, but there are good pictures too.
They should have chosen better.
I guess I'm one of the few, but i do not like the work of Disney with some pictures of Prince of Persia.
The photo of Dastan and Tamina in the desert is my favorite. I remember those great Hollywood epics, like Lawrence of Arabia.
Thank you, Anne.
Most of the pictures are so lovely.
Good to see the film making CNNs "Must see" list.
Hopefully Jakes huge success at the Wondercon will be transported to the cinemas.
I have not seen this posted (or have I missed it? So much news these dasy...) but PoP will have its premiere at the Graumans Chinese theatre at 17th May.
PoP Premiere
Three days later the movie is released here in Germany. Although there will be a premiere in the UK, I have not seen/read anything concerning a premiere over here.
Jake at a new place?
#Jake gyllenhaul is in Montreal at Joe Beef
"The fact we had taken up this challenge, we instantly had respect for one another. I take my hat off to you, now we really have to help each other out and make this work. I'm lucky, he (Jake)is a beautiful person from a beautiful family. It's kind of ridiculous how loving their family is and intelligent and creative. I was really lucky that I had a good person and wonderful actor to work with, otherwise it would have been a completely different film".
Those are nice things of Heath to say about the Gyllenhaal family. :)
Thanks for all the great new pics, I love the one from Venice, looks like that lady is pressing her boob against Jake's belly. ;)
"Jake Gyllenhaal’s PRINCE OF PERSIA: THE SANDS OF TIME Hollywood Premiere May 17, 2010
by Anna Robinson | Apr 16, 2010 | ShareThis| Leave a Comment
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, directed by Mike Newell and starring Jake Gyllenhaal, will have its Hollywood premiere on Monday, May 17, 2010, at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard. The event will benefit the American Film Institute.
Also as part of the AFI benefit, Mann Chinese 6 and El Capitan Theatre will present "A Cinematic Celebration of Jerry Bruckheimer," which will include screenings of Bruckheimer-produced fare such as Armageddon, with Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, and Ben Affleck; National Treasure, starring Nicolas Cage; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, with Oscar nominee Johnny Depp; and Top Gun, the movie that turned Tom Cruise into an international box-office superstar.
Each screening will be introduced by an actor or filmmaker from the movie."
I can't wait until I get my hands on this book, what stunning images. I love the 2nd and 3rd photos especially. Love Jake's afterword, I have the DD book with his afterword.
Thanks for posting the extended video, that was fun!
Glad to see Pop on that CNN list, hopefully it wil pop up on other must see lists.
I think I heard that Pop will premiere in the UK on May 9th Carla.
Thanks for posting that Monica, I remember Heath saying that about Jake and his family.
I have GQ too Suvee, he looks a lot better, still not his best pic as you have said.
i have the book and its fantastic all the lovely pictures especially jake:) its gives a smell biography of all the main charachters really worth it to purchase it
So stunning, what a beautiful sight to wake up too. The images are so sweeping, and majestic.
I can't wait to purchase this, thanks for the review Mary!
Love the fan pics from SC, reminds me of the Times square photos in GQ. I would love to discuss the GQ interview in depth too Suvee, it's not a fluff piece. It's one the most personal Jake interview I have read.
The premiere of Pop in the UK is May 9th and the US premiere is the 17th, it's getting closer!
That's a really nice pic of jake and the fan from 2005, I think that was during the TIFF.
Thanks, Annie, for posting. I remembered that quote too when I read Jake's GQ interview excerpts about Heath. It's nice to know they were close friends.
Looking forward to PoP so much now, after seeing all of these beautiful pics! I have to clarify my post from the previous thread re Robin Hood. I saw a brief clip and I heard Russell's accent - it sounded so much more authentic. I remember the older Robin Hood where Kevin Costner didn't do the accent, and while it was a good film, having the accent gives it much more authenticity and I was immediately brought into the time period. So while I am looking forward to seeing it, I really can't wait for Pop!
Picked up my copy of GQ!! :D
Great, great PoP stuff. So excited to hear about the premiere date.
And thanks for the other Jake pics, old and new.
Love the Heath quote. What a wonderful thing to say about Jake and his family.
Have a great Saturday everyone! Am out and about today myself. :)
The photos are beautiful, liked Jake's afterword too.
This film is going to be epic!
Thanks so much Annie for posting that. I remember when Heath said that and thought that was a beautiful thing to say.
No mention where:
izanator: Montreal=Jake Gylenhaal a few feet away at lunch
about 4 hours ago from mobile web ·
Thanks for posting the fun facts, anon. it's very cool that someone who worked on Lawrence of Arabia and Doctor Zhivago worked on PoP.
You can't say Disney/Bruckheimer skimped on this one.
Catching up from last night. Wanted to answer this from suvee:
Great PoP photos, UV! Bless you for deciding to include pic #5
I do what I can for others :)
Finally found the new GQ, and have read the interview once. I am not going to spoil it for those who have not read it, but I can only echo what others have said. Wow! It is an insightful, revelatory and substantive piece.... definitely worth the wait. I'm looking forward to a stimulating online discussion here at GB!
I got it this afternoon. The cover is better in person but it's still a disappointment.
I love some of the details in the interview, like the way Jake got his scar and the fact that he's wearing that black diamond and the St. Genesius medal.
About the CNN "looking forward to" list, I think Zodiac was a movie people were anticipating eagerly. My happiness has more to do with the fact that is seems fashionable for people NOT to want to see PoP.
Monica, LOL at the commentary on the PoP book cover. It is a terrible photo on the Storybook. What were they thinking? Behind the Scenes has a good cover photo.
Nice words from Heath about jake and his family. Thanks for posting that, Annie.
It really does make my heart sad to hear Jake talk about Heath and that "magical" time. It's definitely a moment that has passed. So much venom and bitterness in its wake. Nice to be reminded of the beauty.
Please feel free to discuss the interview as you wish. My brain is too fried to make discussion questions :)
Thanks for the tweets, Tweety. I wonder how much longer Jake will be in Montreal.
I have a feeling that this is his last week, UV, if everyone is right about the timing of everything. Since this is the second, and last (?), week of the train station scenes and since the train station scenes were the last to be filmed then that would make this the final week.
This would correspond with what the manmademovies site on facebook wrote last week that there were only two weeks left, Duncan this past week saying that there were less than two weeks left and Jake, at WonderCon, saying that they were "almost done."
So anyway, last week, that's my guess.
I should have been clearer, I guess. I know when filming ends, I was just wondering if Jake will be there until the bitter end. I don't really need an answer - I'm sure we'll find out when it happens :)
I hope he's enjoyed Montreal, despite that idiot blogger's antics a few weeks back.
Just saw this and thought in this article on a possible Nameth movie there are some people who don't know much --
Mangold did a pretty admirable job of depicting the warts-and-all life of Johnny Cash in Walk the Line, and presumably he could do similar justice to Namath's story. First step is finding the right guy though-- anyone have someone more athletic than Jake Gyllenhaal in mind for this?
First of all he IS athletic (will this person see POP?)(let alone the numerous pictures of him playing various sports)
And the fact Joe (if the comment is correct) wants Jake to be in the movie.
Think that would pretty much be the end of discussion.
There are some people who still think of Jake as Donnie Darko, anon. Or more insidiously, think he can't be athletic since he was in BBM. But a lot of people have said they think Jake is a good choice, too.
This cracked me up:
West London’s finest, the band Mumford & Sons, recently made their US debut at the Troubadour, in West Hollywood, much to the delight of the Brokeback Mountain actor Jake Gyllenhaal, who applauded shyly from a celeb-only balcony. Jake was chatted up by Mumford mums, flown to LA for the occasion, who had no idea who he was. One confided afterwards that he is a “very nice boy — but he does need a shave. His whiskers are very tickly”.
Lucky mothers!
Gemma Arterton on Jonathan Ross:
Part one and Parte two
ManMadeMoon Heading out to inspect last set built for Source Code today. Not much filming left but get to work with Vera Farmiga and Jeffrey Wright!
5 minutes ago via TweetDeck
I have this book on order, can't wait to get it! What gorgeous images. Pop does have a Lawrence of Arabia feel to it.
Yeah, some people don't seem to realize that Namath himself chose Jake to play him, sigh.
I have wondered how he got that scar under his eye, a toy fire truck! I remember him buying that ring for himself when he was doing promo for BBM and Jarhead.
This was one of the most personal interview Jake has done IMO. You can tell that he felt comfortable with the interviewer. He opened up about Heath but the interviewer didn't push, he just let Jake talk ,same with his parents and his break-up. Jake left the most intimate details off the table and the interviewer respected that.
Looks like SC is wrapping about a week early. Despite thst shit that happened last month I think Jake enjoyed Old Montreal.
My copy is on order too!
I love coffee table books and this one looks stunning.
I picked up my copy of GQ last night. I haven't finished reading the whole thing but i would love to discuss it here with fellow babblers.
I remember that quote from Heath Annie about Jake and his family, thanks for finding it and posting it.
Lucky mothers indeed UV, thanks for that link, I remember the tweets of him at that concert.
Gemma is gorgeous, love that JR clip, thnaks Monica
I would really enjoy it if people gave a full account of the Jake interview in GQ. I live out of country and it is not available to me. Thanks.
IHJ and at least one other site have the entire article scanned as of a couple of days ago, Anon 5:00.
That is where I read it.
GQ scans/interview:
New featurette:
Great clip, monica! Thanks.
The action sequences look incredible. Harrowing!
Checking twitter,seems Duncan Jones is a bit anxious about volcanic ash.
Just thinking. The Los Angeles premiere of PoP is going to be a benefit for AFI,so it will probably attract a glitzy crowd, and good media coverage.
Do you think Reese "and her boyfriend" will appear at the Premiere - she made the headlines for being at Jennifer Garner's Birthday Party..
But seriously, as said Premiere should get a lot of attention.
Some really strong scenes in the new preview.
i wonder if thash will affect jake going to london for the preimier
Interesting tweet by Duncan Jones:
[i]By the way...can't say what it is, but saw the "big money shot prop" for Source Code today...it's un-bloody believable! Best prop ever! [/i]
I wonder what it is?
Hmm - that is intriguing.
If people want to speculate, please try not to spoiler. I laughed at one of the replies, which was a papier mache Jake Gyllenhaal head!
Thanks for all the links, Monica. Is that a new Hassansins featurette, does anyone know? I think er got that one before. It was a good one - all the fanbots loved it.
For so many reasons, let's hope this ash situation clears up, literally.
Sorry I was away most of the day, folks. Work stuff again. New post. Please feel free to continue the GQ convo there.
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