May's GQ cover boy is Jake Gyllenhaal, and the photos have popped up, along with some snippets of the interview.

How's single life treating Jake Gyllenhaal these days?
"It's ... it's okay," he says in May's GQ.
A few years ago, Gyllenhaal -- who has since split from Reese Witherspoon -- boasted that "the most important job for a man is to find the right woman."
Does he still feel that way?
"Mmmm," he says. "It goes in either direction. I think it's important for every man to find the right woman and every woman to find the right man."
Asked if that's the most important thing, he pauses for a long time. "Who am I to say what the most important thing in life is?" he replies. "The best answer I could give to any of those things is that I really don’t know. Particularly right now in my life."

Gyllenhaal's parents -- film director Stephen Gyllenhaal and screenwriter Naomi Foner -- finalized their divorce last year after 29 years of marriage.
He says such events can "bring out the truth and honesty in a relationship, and that's greatly relieving to everyone — that people can kind of move and change and grow. And so in some ways, as much pain as there is, there's also a positive outlook on it. And thinking, you know, some relationships last a lifetime, and some relationships don't."
He says his parents' split hasn't affected his personal view about relationships. "Like I said, I think it takes a lot of courage for my parents to make the decision that they made, and I trust both of them and their outlook on life," he says. "They're wonderful parents to me and my sister [Maggie]."
"I think any successful marriage, even if it hasn’t lasted for a lifetime, will create a sense of an ideal," he goes on. "But I don’t have a fantasy. There's not a fantasy. I know it's messy, is what I want to say."

“I’m trying not to keep things so neat. I think I’m realizing my strengths and my faults. I think I’m trying to see what is me…and what is not me.”

"Horns are, to me, the most affirmative instrument to say there is something beyond where we are. In Mumford & Sons [music], whenever those horns come on, I feel like it's all going to be okay. Life's all good -- for the whole world. Maybe that's sophomoric, but I really feel that in my heart."

"I just loved jumping whenever they said 'Jump!' I loved the idea that someone would say just go ahead and jump: 'Man, you know what? Just go ahead and f***ing jump!' 'Really?' And Van Halen was like, 'Yes, my friend.'"

On his experience filming Brokeback Mountain: “There was something magical in that time. We all slept in our trailers out by a trailer park in the first month of making that movie. I was sleeping next to Ang’s trailer; Ang’s trailer was next to Heath and Michelle’s trailer—they’d kind of moved in together. And Michael Hausman, the producer, brought his Airstream trailer down. And it was just us, by this river, for a month. And we would walk to set, and we would eat together, and we would make coffee in the morning, and I would wake up in the morning and there would be Ang Lee doing Tai Chi outside of my trailer, and it was just magical.”
On how Heath’s death affected him: “I don’t really like talking about it. That period of time was…it was difficult. He was very sensitive. He didn’t always have a sense of performance in his everyday life. He knew who he was. I think actors very often, they know how to present something, and that’s part of their job. I think he was just really sensitive. We often used to do a lot of things together, because people were very interested in him and I think we felt safe together. For such a serious actor as Heath was, he was crazy funny. Dark funny, but funny. I don't think any of us can watch [Brokeback Mountain] to this day. I remember talking to Michelle very recently and her being like, 'I didn't know if it was any good or not.'"
Even when we did Brokeback and stuff, it was like my work was the only thing that mattered to me. It was like I could only understand or define myself through doing that. Life, I didn’t totally understand. And I think I was afraid of life. And I had success in my work, enough success that you could keep going back there. But after that happened…I think I recognized that it was work. And I recognized that this is for real.”
Love this part:
Brother-in-law Peter Sarsgaard on a fight he and Jake had, causing them not to speak for ten days: “The nice thing is, for Jake, he doesn’t see having any argument as something that ruins a relationship. He sees it as something that could potentially help one. That’s something I learned from him. I’m extremely close with him. He’s basically my brother.”
Peter further points out, in extolling Jake’s virtues, how unusual he is: “It’s a very difficult thing—or it has been over the course of my life—for me to have respect for people like Jake, who are not self-destructive, who are positive. There are very few actors who have that quality. I go [sighs], ‘Ohhhh, motherf–ker just wants to live—f–k him.’ and my thesis with Jake is that it is genuine. He is not doing it to be more popular and more successful, it is actually who he is.”
A new featurette on the stunts in PoP, from UGO:
A shot of Jake between bloody takes on Source Code in Montreal:

And another shot - Jake delivering a punch:

See it in motion!
(GQ scans courtesy of IHJ.)
Thanks for this, UV!
I'm really, really looking forward to reading the interview.
Thanks UV, can't wait for the full interview.
Love what Peter said about Jake.
Just Jared
Brother-in-law Peter Sarsgaard on a fight he and Jake had, causing them not to speak for ten days: “The nice thing is, for Jake, he doesn’t see having any argument as something that ruins a relationship. He sees it as something that could potentially help one. That’s something I learned from him. I’m extremely close with him. He’s basically my brother.”
Peter further points out, in extolling Jake’s virtues, how unusual he is: “It’s a very difficult thing—or it has been over the course of my life—for me to have respect for people like Jake, who are not self-destructive, who are positive. There are very few actors who have that quality. I go [sighs], ‘Ohhhh, motherf–ker just wants to live—f–k him.’ and my thesis with Jake is that it is genuine. He is not doing it to be more popular and more successful, it is actually who he is.”
Me, too, Bobbyanna. I actually would prefer reading the whole thing, but of course, I've read all the snippets!
Thanks, anon. Love the Peter stuff. The Heath stuff is hard to read and clearly, hard for him to discuss.
Thanks so much UV, I can't wait the read the whole interview. The snippets are great and I love the photos.
Love what Peter has to say and it's clear that it's difficult for him to discuss Heath.
Thanks UV- that was fast.
The "inside" pictures are exceptional and funny. I like them much more than the cover.
I enjoyed the tidbits but looking forward to reading the whole article and interview.
He's such a sweetie! I love the one with his hands on his hips..a little dissapointed we didn't get more 'beauty' shots of him they're more 'personality' shots. I like the fact he's towering above everyone in times square...that one in the shop though with the weird stance is a little bit C-A-M-P though :P
Prince Of Persia Stunts Featurette:
I definately like the photos inside better than the cover shot!
Thanks so much for the scans and the bits from the interview, I can't wait to read the whole interview.
I have to squee a little - sorry! :)
I love some of these quotes of Jake's, and you have to argue to really know someone - no glossed-over civilities, and you're closer because of it. The Brokeback time sounds so warm. I'm happy that he could share some of his feelings about Heath's loss, which are his and his alone. The cover pic is a lot clearer, and I get a soft, sands feel from it. I love some of the action photos. Thanks guys! :)
I think we're all squeeing a bit.
Thanks for the Empire link, Monica. Can't find an embed code, unfortunately.
Added a little more of the interview, as well.
I want to absorb it more, but I have to work, damn it!
thanks UV cant wait for it to come out love all the pics going back to the previous post i didnt like the first photo dont know where they trying to go with that one but doent look like ins inthe article really liked the second one
The latest clip on Empire is really good too - the stunts are really fun and believeable, and Gemma's are fun too! :) I love in one scene where Dastan is walking up a wall and goes into a backflip. I wonder if I could do that? The villains are fantastic. ;)
These GQ photos shows ao much of Jake's personality IMO, I love the crowd scenes in Times square!
So many quotes from the article, all fascinating, I can't wait to pick up GQ when it it hits the stands.
There's a lot to take in with this interview, UV. He seems very emotionally and socially accessible. Manages to be self- aware without being self-absorbed. Just a really sweet, good person.
Damn!Did I say I'm really looking forward to PoP! :)
Jake seems very open and mature based on these snippets posted. He has gone through so much in the last few years but his humor and grace comes through.
I adore these photos, I remember the tweets from the girls that had to sign waivers because they were going to be photographed with Jake for GQ!
I love the bit about what Peter said about Jake too:)
Looking forward to reading the full interview.
I couldn't view that Pop clip:(
Oh, that's too bad, Josie. Did you try it from the Empire site? Maybe that will work.
It is funny when you see Jake doing all these jumps and then remember that he didn't do the cliff jump in BBM. I guess he's conquered a few fears :)
And anon, I am pretty sure I couldn't do any of those stuns. Gemma was adorable celebrating after she did that one stunt.
A possible director for the Namth project? The author of this article is not a Jake fan and is an idiot, but it's interesting, if true.
Josie, and everyone else :) I embedded the featurette - maybe it will work for you now?
Wow, it could be a great story if done well, and there's a big resemblance between Joe and Jake. And a Dusty Springfield biopic in the works too? I may swoon. :)
Okay, sorry for the madness if anyone was just trying to read comments. I accidentally deleted the anon comment then posted my own about three times.
I think I need a break!
I can watch it now UV, Thanks!!
Wow, Jake looks awesome doing those stunts,looks like he had so much fun doing this movie.
I forgot about the Namath movie, sounds like it may get greenlighted now that there is a Director attached to it , thanks for the link UV!
Great GQ article and pics!! Jake sounds great, hard to hear about Heath since you can tell it was hard for Jake to talk about. And I respect what he said about his parents divorce and his family. And he looks great in the pics....SQUEE!!! :D
Excellent article. Thanks a bunch UV. It says so much about so many things in Jake's life. Wonderful. Peter's comments cement exactly what many of us feel about Jake, that he's positive and is about the truth. I saw that but didn't really know him. Now Peter has confirmed that for us.
He's growing right in front of us into something of a good humane person that doesn't need his work define who he is anymore.
I must say from the previous post, that first picture - I love it. I was giggling at some of the comments that he looks constipated in the pic, but I see pain, the end of a deep sigh, bewilderment, it's a good mood picture. Sure, he looks tired but to me that adds to the mystique. This new GQ cover, not so much (I can't stand that they've made his eyes brown - not that I've got anything against brown eyes as mine are). This will not stop me from buying GQ.
He is awesomeasaurus.
A special thank you UV from somebody who can't get the American version of GQ!
Oh, you're very welcome, Roby. Prego :)
Sheba, I don't get the brown eyes either. I am hoping they won't look brown on the actual magazine. I'm glad you liked Picture #1 from the last post, too!
I love reading that Jake is a genuinely happy and positive person. As Peter points out, it's hard for some people to believe that's genuine or not to get annoyed by it.
And as FL pointed out, it makes the negativity in Jake fandom all that much more dispiriting.
Josie, glad you could see the video. It's a good one.
Get real, I also loved what Jake said about his parents and the divorce. Jake's father comes off as an ass frequently, and sometimes I wonder how irritated Jake is by it. But at the end of the day, they are his parents and he loves them. And he doesn't hesitate to say it. That's pretty cool.
Forgot to say hello to Jess F - welcome.
Manages to be self- aware without being self-absorbed. Just a really sweet, good person.
Great way of putting it, Bobbyanna.
I already voiced my displeasure over the cover photo but I do love the others! I love the one of him in Katz Deli standing on the chair, what a fun and goofy photo!
It must be so hard opening up about Heath, his parents, and the split but he comes across as sensitive, smart and someone who has done a lot of growing up in the last few years.
Love the Van Halen bit and what Peter said about him is so spot on, Jake is the real deal.
Thanks so much UV for posting the photos and the quotes.
Jake and Gemma looked like they were having a blast in that video!
"I love reading that Jake is a genuinely happy and positive person. As Peter points out, it's hard for some people to believe that's genuine or not to get annoyed by it."
"And as FL pointed out, it makes the negativity in Jake fandom all that much more dispiriting."
He's definitely got some special quality that just shines through. Maybe it's just that, while he's certainly capable of getting angry, petty, vindictive, even mean-spirited,etc., it isn't his basic nature. Rather than wallow in negativity he looks forward, he's solution oriented, hopeful. He tries to draws on good energy rather than negative energy. Jake doesn't strike me as small-minded.
We know he's competitive and intense, and he's certainly outspoken and assertive, probably pretty agressive at times. I just don't think he wastes time on crap.
I mean...he's not perfect. No, really.:)
This interview really was an eye-opener. Very insightful. Gemma is a delight in that video.
How did they managed to make his eyes brown? The cover is, odd. Not the best photo of him but I really like the rest of the photos. I like the fact that they aren't the usual GQ shots but fun and a bit silly, my fav is the one of him playing ping pong!
I'm both happy and a wee bit sad reading some of his quotes about Heath and BBM. It has to be so hard for him. Not a fan of Papa G myself but Jake loves his family and it's great reading what he said about them.
Peter is so right about Jake, he always comes across as positive and upbeat, glad to read what I thought about him is true.
That featurette on the stunts was fun to watch!
James Mangold would be an interesting choice to direct the Namath bio, I loved 3:10 to Yuma.
Coming soon: When you type in a topic in search in Twitter like airline fares to China, an ad will pop up for an airline. Yes, Twitter has finally found away to make money!
Jake is standing under a "Jake's Bar Mitzvah" sign in the deli photograph.
I had to click on it Anon., thanks!! I just saw Jake, I love it!!!
I missed the "Jake's Bar Mitvah" sign! What a fun photoshoot that was!
I WANT!!!:
BruckheimerJB: Book on the making of PRINCE OF PERSIA out today from Disney Editions. Great photos, and a cool afterword by Jake Gyllenhaal.
15 minutes ago from web ·
And as FL pointed out, it makes the negativity in Jake fandom all that much more dispiriting.
Agreed. My consolation is my belief that Jake's inate positive nature, his honesty and his generosity of spirit cannot be diminished by the small minded, the cruel and the ignorant.
Absolutely loved Peter's comments about his "brother"! I was so impressed that he mentioned what he has learned from knowing Jake. IMO that's one of the highest compliments someone can pay..... being inspired or influenced by the example of how someone else deals with life. Wow!
We often used to do a lot of things together, because people were very interested in him and I think we felt safe together.
Okay, I need a little help "translating" this bit of babble. I don't get the connection between people being very interested in Heath, and the rest of the sentence. I'm generally pretty good at following his train of thought, but this one escapes me. I'd love to hear other Babblers thoughts. :)
I'm so looking forward to getting my hands on the actual magazine. Until then, a big thanks to UV for this post!
i ordered that book on the making of pop from amazon came today was only 17.00 dollars but worth has all kinds of pictures makes a great book for the coffee table its that size with a great picture of jake on the front in his after word jake talks about making his first jump which was 35 feet and how it felt that he did on the first attempt
My consolation is my belief that Jake's inate positive nature, his honesty and his generosity of spirit cannot be diminished by the small minded, the cruel and the ignorant.
Perfect, suvee.
He is an incredible man. I'm more in love with him.
During the interview you see how strong he is and that all these problems had left him more mature about life. This interview made me so proud of him.
My eyes were in tears when he remembered Heath and BBM. It's still so hard for him.
And for Michelle. Good to know that he and Michelle are friends, this means that he visits Matilda as I always believed.
Since I've been a babbling, gushing fool, suvee, I'll give it a shot. I interpreted it that "people were interested" in both of them, not just Heath. Maybe media, maybe industry, maybe "friends", etc. and when he said they felt "safe" maybe he meant trust. They trusted one another. Had each other's back.
Or maybe Jake meant it exactly that way, "people were interested in him" and Heath was shy, sensitive, easily hurt, etc. But again, when he said "safe" I think he meant that there was a very special bond of trust.
I'll never make it to May 28th! LOL!
Your other comments were just perfect, suvee.
I was thinking the doing things together and people being interested in Heath was from the interviews they did for BBM. The film festivals and magazine articles (i do rem. the Entertainment Weekly one) that they did together. Safety in numbers.
Heath was never a fan of interviews and to have someone with you during those was welcome support i'm sure.
As Jake doesn't tell a lot of detail with his personal life am sure he keeps in touch with many folks. And am sure Michelle and Matilda are very much a part of that.
Wow, what great quotes! Thanks so much for sharing these.
These quotes just make me love him more, if that's possible.
Maybe Jake provided some support for those interviews and everyone converging on Heath when he might have been uncomfortable with it. That might be the bond of trust Jake is referring to? Apparently, there's a lot more said in the actual mag, which I have to read! :)
I just read more "rumors" about Jake and Isabel - they had a nice pic of her, and a separate one of him. She looked very Boticelli with her hair was crimped and her angelic expression. They'd make a great looking couple, at any rate.
I think Jake felt very protective of Heath. Jake has such an outgoing personality, loves doing interviews. Heath was shy and not comfortable doing stuff like that, he was sensitive as Jake said.
Neither one of them thought that BBM would have the impact that ir did and they weren't prepared for it. Jake loved and admired Heath IMO, it must have been really hard for him to talk about him after over 2 years, it's still raw.
And I agree with you Bobbyanna that he meant himself and Heath when he said that people were interested in Heath.
I think Jake meant that a lot of people would bother or try to talk to Heath, but he didn't mind going out with Jake, because he felt safe with Jake. Like Jake would deflect the attention and also know that Heath wasn't into that scene.
It isn't a very artfully constructed sentence, but I think that's part GyllenBabble and part reluctance/discomfort with the subject.
Re: Jake's Bar Mitzvah. I missed that totally. I didn't even see "Jake." So thanks, anon. I love it.
My consolation is my belief that Jake's inate positive nature, his honesty and his generosity of spirit cannot be diminished by the small minded, the cruel and the ignorant.
Beautifully put, suvee.
Oh, Mary, the book sounds wonderful. The cover photo is pretty cool.
Keep gushing and observing, Bobbyanna and everyone else. Though I suppose we could wait to read the whole article...
bobbyanna, speaking of perfect comments, I so loved this one of yours..... so well put!
He tries to draws on good energy rather than negative energy.
Thanks to all for your help with my question, I'm still not sure I totally understand exactly what Jake meant, but I can easily see how Jake would have been a "safe harbor" for Heath during that crazy time. The two of them must have trusted each other implicitly. That shared experience of BBM clearly forged a special bond between them.
Just posted a pic of Jake on the SC set - filming a bloody take.
Typical Jake day - the news always comes at once!
I was wondering what the hell that tweet was about I saw about Jake with a bloody nose! I clicked on it and they said you had to register.
Poor Jake! Those wounds look very realistic.
It was such a crazy time during BBM promotion I can see Heath turning to Jake for safe harbor because Jake is used to the glare.
"I think we felt safe together."
It wasn't just Jake being a safe harbor,it was mutual. Maybe it started with making and promoting Brokeback Mountain,the awards season craziness, etc. but it went beyond that. It's painful to read about it.
"We often used to do a lot of things together, "
This broke my heart.
"Thanks to all for your help with my question, I'm still not sure I totally understand exactly what Jake meant, but I can easily see how Jake would have been a "safe harbor" for Heath during that crazy time. The two of them must have trusted each other implicitly. That shared experience of BBM clearly forged a special bond between them."
You've answered your own question very well Suvee. Can you imagine the sh!t they had to go through for this movie. Jake handled it with such grace and good humour even if he wasn't feeling good humoured and Heath must have felt safe around Jake because of their work. No-one else, not even Michelle could have understood how they had to deal with their feelings during and after the movie as well as the aftermath.
I'd like to share this. My brother-in-law died late 2004 (he was 35) and I recently found a picture of him when clearing house. I couldn't contain my anguish so I'm imagining how Jake would feel, not being a close family member but having a deep relationship with someone that was ripped away from your life so suddenly and having to deal with that, but dealing with it in public. Having to talk about it opens wounds so I do sympathise with his reluctance to expose them at this time. When he's ready he'll share more with us if he wants to. I'm happy too that he's still very much in touch with Michelle. Talking does help and you know, I wanted to say that here is one of the 'safe places' that I can come to to share my garbled thoughts with you without being 'beat up'.
Feeling a wee bit emotional now so off to watch some funny Jake moments.
Jake and Heath did go through a lot of shit during BBM promo, I remember reading that the paps used to yell homophobic crap at them. I can imagine that they felt safe and trusted each other.
I love Jake's outlook on life, I'm sure that it has helped him through some rough times. I'm looking forward to reading the interview.
The cover of GQ: Just no. The photos inside: YES! Reading the quotes from the interview he seems somber and reflective for the most part but the photos are totally fun and goofy.
I didn't think that the Namath movie would be the next movie Jake would do but it does sound like it.
Loved the latest Pop feature, we get to see and hear David Belle!
I loved Jake's comments about Heath too - I got a little teary reading them. Of course he cared about him.
Another observation: I really respect Jake's sense of privacy. The public things that've happened,Heath's death, his parents' divorce, his break-up,he acknowledges and manages to address. But he doesn't give away what is his personal,singular experience.
He handles it all with grace. He doesn't trash anyone, or tell on anyone, or criticize anyone. He's open, without giving away pieces of himself, or of anyone else's life.
he acknowledges and manages to address. But he doesn't give away what is his personal, singular experience.
That's such a good point, Bobbyanna. Really, going all the way back to breaking up with Kirsten, he hasn't divulged much about the specific things that happen to him, but he does, as you say, address them generally.
I couldn't contain my anguish so I'm imagining how Jake would feel, not being a close family member but having a deep relationship with someone that was ripped away from your life so suddenly and having to deal with that, but dealing with it in public.
Sheba, I know exactly what you mean. I think this is why it took Jake a few seconds to get himself together when Nate Berkus asked him about Heath after the Oscars. It was unexpected and he was unprepared. And he was in public. Bad enough when you're confronted by something like that in private.
The cover of GQ: Just no. The photos inside: YES!
That about sums it up, Shondra! I wonder if GQ has seen the many, many tweets wondering how they managed to make Jake look not hot.
And oui, it was really fun to see David Belle in the featurette. That one might be my favorite of all the ones we've seen.
I just had a terrible thought - I hope the eventual DVD will have more than just these featurettes stung together. (Yes, I know the movie hasn't even come out yet, but I can't stop my brain!)
Oops, forgot to say that Stephanie posted the bloody set pics on the IHJ forum. They are one of those exclusive sets, so we can't post them anywhere else.
I really don't think we needed that many pics of Jake blowing his nose - and inspecting the results! Poor thing.
A great observation Bobbyanna.
When he does talk about personal things, he keeps his true feelings to himself. The quotes about his parents are a good example, he addresses the divorce but he doesn't go into details, just like his split where he just says "it's ok" on being single.
When he discusses Heath, he is cautious snd keeps the most painful thoughts to himself.
Wow, what bloody pics of Jake on IHJ, poor baby!
I read the GQ article this morning (the magazine is out at a few outlets). Amazing article. EVERYONE who is a BBM fan MUST buy it because Jake talks a lot about making BBM, his relationship with Heath, working with Heath and his feelings about him. He actually says (and I'm not paraphrasing) that not only did he admire Heath but he was kind of "enamored" by him. He also refers to Heath as a close friend and a creative partner.
It will give you a real lump in the throat. Very moving.
The picutres for GQ are adorable and I'm looking forward to read the whole interview, esp. what he says about Heath.
11:52 AM - thanks for the heads up. :)
I'm also looking forward to all the tv shows he'll appear. Should be fun. I hope PoP will be a success.
Great interview...very intimate...Jake is such a sensitive and amazing guy...so honest with himself and people he loves...<3 Jake more and more...waiting for italian GQ edition...
There's another story about NAILED at playlist.com. It appears that post-production may have resumed.
Oh, and Duncan Jones confirms that there is only two weeks left in filming on Source Code in a new tweet. So I guess they are ahead of schedule as someone speculated last week.
that not only did he admire Heath but he was kind of "enamored" by him. He also refers to Heath as a close friend and a creative partner.
Thanks for sharing. I always believed in the friendship of these two. Always.
Anon 11:52, I actually find it painful, and I feel kind of bad for Jake,even in this measured discussion in a magazine. I never doubted for a moment that they remained friends.
I still find it offensive and disgusting that some people required proofs or confessionals from Jake, criticized him, and were so hateful to him. They begrudged him his privacy and felt they were "owed" something.
You know, there aren't a lot of people like that, but they're loud voices, and they're persistent in their ignorance. Small, mean-spirited people.
The relationship was obviously private, personal, and something to be cherished. If Jake wants to finally talk about his friend, fine. Because sometimes, I know, it's really hard to find words. My heart goes out to him.
But it isn't something I looked forward to, or that I needed to be reassured about. In general, I'm always grateful for anything he shares with his fans. He's always been more than generous. IMO. The entire interview covers a lot of ground, and it sounds like one of the better articles about him.
Will David O. Russell's 'Nailed' Finally See The Light Of Day?
More tidbits from the GQ:
I never doubted Heath and Jake were friends either. I think in retrospect, it was wrong, at least for me, to have wanted to hear something said. I think we as fans were all distraught also, and when clearer heads prevailed, we can see that he's entitled to keep his own personal feelings private.
I had no doubt that Jake and Heath remained friends. It was disgusting that some in Jake's fandom questioned it after he passed away and insisted that he say something in public.
It's obviously very painful for him to discuss, his relationship was private, not for the public and the fans.
The bits and pieces that I am reading from the GQ interview shows that he was open to discuss his relationship and the filming of BBM, but he is keeping things private, which is how it should be.
As Jake has never been one to give a lot of details about things compared to some celebrities who give you every thought they have and everything they do.
I always understood why he did not comment about Heath because it was a personal loss. As he didn't talk about his parents divorce and as anyone has noticed not anything about his break-up with Reese, other than it happened. The type of thing where people put out information for the media. You see that with others. Conmpared to the things we've seen in the magazines all one-sided on her part. And a lot of that, tho built around her, is probably just speculation by the magazines.
If he is asked a question then he will say something but as we see and how it should be he's not going to let us know what he did when he heard about Heath and how his days were after it, or his reaction when hearing his parents were divorcing, etc.
Now he feels more comfotable talking about Heath and it seems as much as anything to let people know what a great guy he thought he was.
(am typing fast at work and hope most of this made sense).
After I have read the whole interview over at WDWs blog I have to say this is a very intimate conversation. Jake opens up a lot and he comes over as thoughtful, intelligent and humorous. I was touched with his words on Heath and BBM - that was very emotional.
And realising that the interviewer was Chris Heath I am not surprised - some years ago he wrote an excellent book on one of my favourite musicians - british entertainer Robbie Williams. He accompanied him for about two years and he managed to show us the person behind the public face.
This is one of the best articles/interviews on/with Jake I have read so far.
Thanks for the Nailed info, Jackie O and Monica. I haven't read the article yet. Dare we get our hopes up?
The people who condemned Jake for not saying anything after Heath died will no doubt now condemn him for saying anything. The presumption and venom will sadly persist.
I have to really absorb the whole interview. Work is kicking my ass this week. But it's so touching to hear Jake talk about his family and about Heath. It's clear now that he was referring to the BBM hoopla when he talked about going out with Heath.
I just adore the way his mind works and his mouth sometimes doesn't :)
No worries, Annie. You made sense :)
Carla, interesting info about the author of the article. He did a good job. Though I wonder if Jerry B will be pissed that there's very little about PoP!
Just finished reading the interview. I have to say that I love how intimate the interview is and revealing Jake was. As difficult as it was I heartened to hear how close he and Heath were.
I never doubted that Jake and Heath had a friendship. It does sound like they were very close and that he cherished that and wanted to keep that private. Clearly he keeps in touch with Michelle too.
Bobbyanna, UV et al I too was, and still am, disgusted at those who condemned and demeaned Jake for not speaking about Heath or proving that he was part of the memorials, etc. Those who said he didn't care or whatever bullshit. Clearly he cares and it does seem that they were able to spend time together privately.
UV, I agree with your comments about Stephen G. in the last thread.
And omg he said mishigoss!!! A word I use all the time, lol. He is just so endearing...swoon!
nd thanks for the SC pic. Seems Jake is getting to do some action in that one! :D
There sure is some mighty fine Gyllenbabble in that GQ interview and I love him for it. I don't understand it, but I love him all the same.
Though reading what he said about Heath makes me sad all over again. Sad that we lost him, sad that Jake lost someone close, and sad that it's never enough for some people.
Definately a lot of gyllenbabble from the quotes posted. I think I understood most of it bless his heart. This is the first interview that Jake has done since Rendition (Interview magazine in Sept/2007).
The quotes about Heath left me with a lump in my throat. He lost a close friend, suddenly. It had to be devastating for him and I never doubted their friendship.
"Fans" that were pushing him to divulge his private thoughts should be ashamed of themselves but i know they aren't. even this interview is probably the enough, the hell with them.
I'm looking forward to reading the full interview, thanks for the scans and the quotes UV. The photos are fun , pretty much what I thought they would be based on the tweets back in February!
It's the best interview of Jake in years.
He broke my heart when he talked about Heath and BBM. So many things he talked about the magic moment that he lived during this movie.
I thank him for sharing so much information about this moment and on his thoughts about life.
I'm more in love with this man.
Those "fans" are people who are disappointed Jake isn't coming out as gay and use every little thing they think he does wrong to get back at him.
"hough I wonder if Jerry B will be pissed that there's very little about PoP!"
I think it is great that an interview/cover shot to promoting PoP has been kind of transformed into a "personal" conversation.
Not sure JB sees it the same way....:-)
Thanks also for the infos on "Nailed" - it would be so great if we could see this - even if only on DVD.
Might be wrong but don't interviewers when they get a piece ready for a magazine, etc. probably have more than what you see as the final product. So there might be more POP out there but just didn't make it.
There will be other things on Jake and mostly mainly dealing with POP so that will be taken care of.
You are right about some of those "fans". And they're going to not like the line about being 5 years old and being around Martha Plimpton.
I wish i could find it but had seen mentioned somewhere a comment from Halle B. when working on one of his dad's movie and meeting Jake and saying she fell in love with him when he was 10 years old. He was special then.
I picked up a copy of GQ on the way home from work yesterday. It's one of his best interviews. Very personal and reflective but he manages to keep certain aspects private like his parent's divorce and Heath. He talks about them but he doesn't go deep into it. His comments on the split are already out there about being single and how it's important for man to find the right woman , etc.
I was happy to hear that he is in touch with Michelle. He called Heath a good friend and mentor and how he kept in touch with him. The real painful part about the sudden death of Heath was left out of the interview as it should be .
Lot's of talk about BBM, more so than Pop, the writer does talk to Newell and he repeats the previous comments about Jake being his first choice for the film. He also talks about Jarhead and Zodiac and directors Finch and Mendes.
Lot's of babble but I got through it! He was a big soccer fan when he was a kid and he describes how he started cycling with Lance, no mention of the Lance bio which I thought was the main reason they started cycling and hanging out together.
The Nailed news sounds intriguing, I hope we get to see it in some form soon.
Duncan Jones:
ManMadeMoon @GeekSyndicate all good so far... and less than 2 weeks of shooting left! Today is Michelle Monoghan's last day! :( awwww
9 minutes ago via TweetDeck in reply to GeekSyndicate
A video of Jake filming a scene yesterday
going to try and seeif Gq magazine came out early ou where i live i hope so dont know if i can wait till the 20th:)
Thanks for the video, anon - I had just updated the post with a picture of that!
Thanks for the Duncan tweet, Monica. I bet they are happy to get outside to film some stuff!
These are the train station scenes they're filming, BTW. We'll probably get more stuff in the next couple of weeks as some of it takes place outside.
So they must be running their final lap now. They'll be done by next weekend.
Thanks, UV. These look "real." Good thing Jake isn't really connecting.:)
Wonder who the guy is.
Jake didn't use a stunt double for those scenes!
Mishegoss= crazy in Yiddish, Jake used this word when he was being interviewd.
Mishegoss=Gyllenbabble! Well not all of it, just some:)
This is one of Jake's best interviews IMO, so much to absorb.
stephanie has posted more of the fight scences from yesterday also says who the actor is whos hes doing the scene with
Love Jake in action on the SC set! here is another pic, w/o the action:
Maybe we should rename the site Mishegoss for a while :)
Old Bostonians will remember an old DJ, Charles Laquidara, who had a segment called Mishegoss.
Old times then. New post now.
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