Gemma Arterton Online has posted some scans from the book, "We Make Our Own Destiny: Behind The Scenes of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time." Naturally, they scanned the Gemma-centric pages, but there are some Jake Gyllenhaal photos and tidbits among them.

And finally, we see the full "class photo:"

Photos of Jake engaging in some pretend pugilism on the Source Code set in Montreal. Of course, before they can get to the real fake fighting, they have to practice:

To see it all in motion, click here.
(Scans courtesy of Gemma Arterton Online.)
great post Uv success i found the Gq magazine at my local walmart after driving 10 miles to the nearest borders and they didnt have it yet well any way off to read the article be back later
These pics are just beautiful. So looking forward to Prince of Persia. :)
You made me LOL, UV - some of us do remember WBCN, Charles Laquidara and Mishigoss very well! :)
Jake looks good in the Source Code pics too.
The scans are absolutely stunning!
Disney really knows how to promote ther movies!
There's never anyone who looks like Jake on my commuter train.
Yeah, there's never anyone who looks like Jake at my office, at the grocery store, walking his dog in my neighborhood, at any restaurant I ever go to..... :)
I can't get over all the photos we are getting from SC. I'm so used to seeing almost nothing while Jake is filming, I'm sort of in shock at this bounty. Not complaining, though! My favorites have to be the Atticus on set pics.
I'm definitely not used to seeing anyone that looks like Jake in the little gourmet market where I stopped to pick up dinner, but there he was !!!
Funnily enough, this store doesn't even sell many magazines, but for some reason they had GQ right by the checkout! :)
Thanks for the gorgeous scans.
I've gotta say. Just my opinion, but shame on GQ for this cover. How can you have someone who looks like Jake Gyllenhaal looks and then do that. If I hold it at a certain angle it looks OK, but really.
I hate Disney Brazil!
They changed the release date for Prince of Persia here. Will be on 03 June!
I'm so used to seeing almost nothing while Jake is filming, I'm sort of in shock at this bounty.
Me too. These images are so intense!
The first image of Dastan and Tamina is very beautiful. All these images seem paintings. thanks, UV.
Dans la chambre a coucher is a beautiful one too - they do look like paintings. Just beautiful.
We Make Our Own Destiny: Behind The Scenes(scans)
The scans are beautiful, anon and Cathy E. I hope people comment at least on how beautiful and sumptuous these sets are.
Suvee and Bobbyanna, isn't it amazing how many people say they see Jake-a-likes everywhere. I have never seen one!
I'm definitely not used to seeing anyone that looks like Jake in the little gourmet market where I stopped to pick up dinner, but there he was !!!
Ha! Nice sighting, B :) Glad you got the magazine, Bobbyanna and Mary. I hope to find it tomorrow.
Suvee, the SC pic sets are such a nice surprise! Hope we get a few more during the next week or so.
Older Bostonian - I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers those days! I wasn't actually a devoted listener, but I do remember Mishigas. I think that's how he spelled it.
Monica - oh no! That sucks, to put it less than artfully. Just a week, but it will be so frustrating to wait. I'm irritated that the UK is getting it a week before we do!
I saw those, too, Monica. I'll try to do a new post with them tomorrow. More beauty.
The captions were a lot of fun, thank you! And the little video, watching Jake work and then the little bit with Michelle Monaghan at the end, was fun. You can tell they have a good rapport.
loved the article jake comes across as very sincere and intelligent definitely his best interview by far even with all that gyllenbabble mixed in
Wow, these scans are just gorgeous from the We Make Our Own Destiny book. I knew Jake would be handsome and dashing in it, but I didn't know how much! These are just amazing, and the scenery! I'll have to look at them more tomorrow.
Yes, it was Mishigas, UV, and I was a pretty regular listener. :)
I definately never see anyone that looks remotely like Jake in my neck of the woods!
The photos are beautiful, they really do look like paintings.
Sorry to hear that Pop was pushed back a week Monica:(
I'm so glad that we are getting so many set pics from SC!!
The photos are gorgeous, and the costumes and sets are breathtaking.
Jake and Michelle look really good together, can't wait for this film!
This is not a new tweet, but it does look like SC will wrap a week early , Brothers spy mentioned this in the previous post:
manmademoon:all good so far... and less than 2 weeks of shooting left! Today is Michelle Monoghan's last day! :( awwww
about 22 hours ago via TweetDeck in reply to GeekSyndicate
I have the GQ magazine too, I have to read the entire interview.
Pop premiere in L.A. for all you peeps that live in L.A.:
Date: Monday May 17th
Attending: Jake Gyllenhaal,Gemma Arterton and many more
Location: El Capitan Theatre, 6838 Hollywood Blvd, in Hollywood
Arrival Time: 5:30-6:30pm
I think the UK premiere is on May 9th.
Thanks, Extra!! That's a great site. Disney's opened POTC at El Capitan, too. Hope it's "good luck."
Things are stacking up. Iron Man2 opens on the 7th,the following week Robin Hood opens on the 14th, then the red carpet premiere of PoP.
I read an article yesterday that said, according to industry tracking polls, there's extremely high interest pre-opening, for Iron Man2. They're predicting a huge opening weekend. I'm glad JB is giving them time to play out. I don't think Robin Hood will do nearly as well.
The scans from the book are beautiful.
What funny captions from the SC set pics, LOL!!
I hope that any posters here that live in the UK or L.A. can manage to get near any of these premieres, that would be great, thanks Extra!
It'll be here be for you know it! :) I hope it does huge box office numbers. Russell Crowe will take Robin Hood up a notch, I've already heard a bit of his voice from the trailer. :)
Looking forward to IronMan2 too, but especially PoP. :)
Iron Man 2 has the recognition of there being an Iron Man 1 which was a big hit. Think everyone who saw the first one will be looking forward to the next one.
Am sure Robin Hood will have a good first week.
As much as we've seen on POP not everyone has seen as much as we have so the big push will start in a couple weeks. Would think & Hope Entertainment Weekly will have a cover and Other than the handful of previews on tv there hasn't been much yet but that will change soon.
The Nameth movie might be the next one on the horizon which would be cool.
But there's still the "Moon" project still out there and besides possibly the musical maybe something else there that we just haven't heard about yet.
Jake answering a fan question on his reaction when he heard he got the part of Dastan:
Thanks, FB. They were late getting that up. I wondered if they were leaving the weekly PoP publicity to the GQ interview.
Glad you enjoyed the captions, LG and OONP. Just a way to change things up, instead of just posting pics all in a row, as I'll be doing in the next post, lol.
I enjoyed that little moment between Jake and Michelle at the end of the video, too, LG :)
I wonder if there will be other European premieres between the UK on 5/9 and the LA premiere.
I assume people know that IHJ has the GQ scans, courtesy of WDW. So you don't have to wait for the magazine to read the article.
Entertainment weekly has their summer blockbuster issue out with A.Jolie on the cover, I'm sure Jake and Pop is featured.
OT: I went to a screening of Kick-ass the other day. Good thing I didn't pay to see that garbage. It's based on a comic book and a very lame one at that.
If a 11 year-old girl killing grown men is entertaing to you then you may like it. I know it's based on a comic book and in a different "reality" but the images are disturbing.
Was just going to mention Entertainment Weekly which just came in the mail a very short time ago. Page 44 and 45. Newell: "He's like a little Lord of Misrule...It's great to have a hero who doesn't take himself too seriously, and Jake's got a tremendous cheekisness to him. He's a naughty boy."..
Then there's a nice picture of Jake in the pull-out Calendar of Summer movies.
"e" for "s" but if you read it fast it looks like its spelled right.
Had to go to Wikipedia to look up the Lord of Misrule. Thanks, Mike! I do like cheeky Jake.
Will have to make a magazine shopping trip this weekend.
New post with some of the book scans.
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