It was a big weekend for Jake Gyllenhaal and Jake Gyllenhaal fans, as Brothers finally opened. Jake looks pretty proud of himself - what can we look forward to this week?
Here's a video with Jake talking about visiting prisons and working with Tobey and Natalie.
Okay, that was done last week, as well. But let's hope more of these videos make their way to the interwebs. There is another audio clip of Jake, this time on what it's like working playing the brother of a contemporary/rival.
And look - thanks to Monica - a new TV spot for Brothers. Even better, it doesn't single out Tobey and Natalie while ignoring Jake!

Oh, no - Jake looks bored. Who knows what he'll do to make this another exciting week.
How about this - a nod from Cinematical as one of Oscar season's two-best performances, along with Ben Foster from The Messenger:
... Soldiers on notification duty make an appearance in Jim Sheridan's Brothers, too, to tell Grace Cahill (Natalie Portman) that her husband Sam (Tobey Maguire) has been killed in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan. If you've seen the trailer, you know that Sam is eventually found and returned home, by which point Grace has bonded with Sam's screw-up brother Tommy (Jake Gyllenhaal). Sam's frightening transformation upon his return is the point of the film, and Maguire is terrific in the role. But it is Gyllenhaal, playing a volatile, deeply troubled ex-con, who has the harder job here. In Maguire's case, we see in graphic detail Sam's harrowing experience as a prisoner in Afghanistan, and our minds do a lot of the work of giving what follows its impact. On the other hand, the movie only hints at Tommy's past, and Gyllenhaal is left to do the heavy lifting.
He pulls it off beautifully. Consider the dinner scene early in the film, and Tommy's face-off with his father (Sam Shepard), intent on goading and belittling him; there's so much unspoken family history packed into Tommy's increasingly unsuccessful attempts to contain his anger while his dad throws insults. And consider the suggestion, subtly planted, that Tommy is using his brother's apparent death -- and the resulting opportunity to be a "good guy" -- as a self-esteem boost to make up for decades of playing second fiddle to his star athlete, war hero brother. It's a fantastic, troubling performance -- smaller and quieter than Maguire's, to be sure, but more impressive for it. ...
These might have been lost in the Brothers shuffle over the weekend. First, an official picture of Jake on Jimmy Kimmel - sorry, Monica! :)

Second, a new poster for Prince of Persia:

Finally an interview adult. I like to see Jake seriously.
I would love to see him nominated for several awards. I do not know if it will be.
It's so nice to see all this praise for the performance of Jake, but it's annoying not to see any recognition for it.
New for me:
Brothers Spot tv
Oh, I like that one, Monica. Thanks. I put it in the post.
I think there have been a lot of "adult" interviews with Jake. You just have to try to forget the Kimmel one :)
I wanted to make sure this wasn't lost - posted it at the end of the last post:
The Women Film Critics Circle has nominated Jake as Best Actor for this year:
Jeff Bridges: Crazy Heart
Ben Foster: The Messenger
Jake Gyllenhaal: Brothers
Kevin Spacey: Shrink
Though I don't expect it will be, it would be nice if this were the first of a few nominations for Jake.
Clearly, these female critics are very discerning!
Speaking of awards, this one's for Tobey. I was thinking about the scene, after his return, when he's eating with his wife and daughters and one of the kids tells a joke about "ears."
For me, that was an amazing bit of acting. Made me tear up yet again! Tobey seemed almost childlike. That was a "moment" that had as much impact for me as the later, explosive scene we're all familiar with.
Thanks Monica and UV. I'm glad we keep finding these little treasures.
I'm not familiar with the Women Film Critic Circle but I am familiar with WBAI, I listen to that station all the time!
How cool that they nominated Jake, and in lead, he desrves all the acclaim, he was incredible in the role. I heard Jeff Bridges is great in Crazy Hearts, he sounds like a shoo-in for a BA nom.
oscar nominati0ns will be announced feb 2 hope to see jakes name there along with brothers as best picture
Exposed Wounds: Oscar Season's Two Best Performances:
Sam's frightening transformation upon his return is the point of the film, and Maguire is terrific in the role. But it is Gyllenhaal, playing a volatile, deeply troubled ex-con, who has the harder job here. In Maguire's case, we see in graphic detail Sam's harrowing experience as a prisoner in Afghanistan, and our minds do a lot of the work of giving what follows its impact. On the other hand, the movie only hints at Tommy's past, and Gyllenhaal is left to do the heavy lifting.
He pulls it off beautifully. Consider the dinner scene early in the film, and Tommy's face-off with his father (Sam Shepard), intent on goading and belittling him; there's so much unspoken family history packed into Tommy's increasingly unsuccessful attempts to contain his anger while his dad throws insults. And consider the suggestion, subtly planted, that Tommy is using his brother's apparent death -- and the resulting opportunity to be a "good guy" -- as a self-esteem boost to make up for decades of playing second fiddle to his star athlete, war hero brother. It's a fantastic, troubling performance -- smaller and quieter than Maguire's, to be sure, but more impressive for it.
Monica, lol - I just posted that in the post. Great minds think alike. And it was wonderful to read. Cinematical is my new favorite move site!
This makes us so proud!
Listen to U2’s ‘Winter’ from ‘Brothers’
In contention
Academy Award™ nominated Actor Jake Gyllenhaal will be on hand to dole out the night’s most prestigious honor, Game of the Year, as well as to present a special look at his upcoming Walt Disney Pictures and Jerry Bruckheimer Films, future blockbuster “Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.”
I really liked the insidereel interview, thanks for posting it.
Love the Cinematical review of Jake's performance, I plan on seeing it on Friday.
Let's hope that the nomination from this group of critics is one of many to come!
Jake will be one of the presenters Saturday for the Video game awards on Spike TV:
Academy Award(TM) nominated Actor Jake Gyllenhaal will be on hand to dole out the night's most prestigious honor, Game of the Year, as well as to present a special look at his upcoming Walt Disney Pictures and Jerry Bruckheimer Films, future blockbuster "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time."
We posted at the same time UV!! You can delete if you want.
Smart smart move for Jake. This will go a long way with the gamers.
If anyone wants to see AO Scott and Michael Phillips, the new At The Movies guys, review Brothers, it's here.Phillips loved the film; Scott did not, but he praises Jake and Natalie.
Monica, this is the show Siskel and Ebert originated - and did best. Then it was Ebert and Roeper. And then Ben Lyons! But he and his cohost were so awful they were canned.
yea i watched the show last nite forgot to mention it earlier yea phillips loved it but at least scott didnt say to skip it just said rent it
i just noticed this anecdote on the comments for Coming Soon's article about the Brothers press conference:
I was a crew member on this movie, shot in Northern New Mexico two years ago. I will never forget how well Jim Sheridan worked with all the actors to pull the best performances out of Jake, Toby, and Natalie - all top drawer talent. The production tested both the crew and actors mettle with a powerful story line, & true nasty weather conditions. (We shot in snowstorms at 4am in the mountains of Northern New Mexico... even came back from Christmas break to find the studio sets flooded due to pipes breaking during the freezing weather!) I will be in the front of the line at the theater come opening day, proud to display my crew jacket.
A Look at the Potential 2010 Oscar Category Straddlers:
.Melanie Laurent, Christoph Waltz and Brad Pitt in Inglourious Basterds
.Anthony Mackie in The Hurt Locker
.Woody Harrelson in The Messenger
.Christian McKay in Me and Orson Welles
.Jake Gyllenhaal in Brothers
I don't think he needs to worry much about Melanie Laurent or Brad Pitt, both of which are obviously supporting if you ask me. Or Jake Gyllenhaal, although I wouldn't mind seeing Gyllenhaal get a nod for Brothers considering I thought his was the best performance in it… but for what category? Lionsgate has placed him in the Best Supporting Actor category, but in reality all three (Tobey Maguire and Natalie Portman) are co-leads in that film if anything, which could cause voting confusion.
Nice to see Jake at least mentioned in connection with an Oscar nomination.
I thought Brothers was a well done and intelligent film, and I thought Jake really shined. I loved the fireplace scene, and he was so good in the scene when Sam came back home.
I liked the first half of the film better, and the war scenes were very upsetting to me, as they were meant to be.
Jake was powerful in that movie. I hope he reaps the benefits of his excellent work.
Jake was so good in Brothers, he deserves all the praise he is getting. His scenes with Natalie are touching, funny, warm and just the right amount of chemistry for me. I just wish it went a bit further but this was a remake and Sheridan wanted to be as faitheful to the source material as possible.
Tobey and Natalie shined in their roles as well, Natalie didn't have much to do but what she had to work with was wonderful. Tobey as surprised me playing a soldier suffering from PTSD, it was haunting and powerful performance.
Madison, Geare, Sheperd, etc were all excellent but it's Jake's Tommy that makes this film work and i'm not just saying that because i'm a fan.
I have a few complaints, but they are minor and they reall didn't change my opinion of the film.
Some scenes are devastating and violent, it was hard to watch.
Thanks for the links, it looks like more and more people are recognizing what a great performance he gave in this film.
Thanks for all the great articles and such...so glad to hear Jake is being considered award worthy!! :D I think he was fantastic in the movie and deserves all the accolades.
Also, great to see the new video's, pics, etc.
....and Gyllenhaal is left to do the heavy lifting.
I love that! I really hadn't thought of it that way, but it's so true. The movie was full of scenes that defined Sam for us, but Jake didn't have that advantage...... he had to define Tommy primarily through his skill as an actor. It makes his creation of the most "fleshed out" character all the more impressive. I'm not expecting him to get much awards love, but he sure deserves it!
And bless you for opening today's post with that particular photo. :)
Sorry to spam, but wanted to pass along this excerpt from David Denby's review of Brothers in The New Yorker (he did not like the movie):
Then Sam returns, nearly destroyed by what he had to do to survive in Afghanistan. Will he be capable of resuming his marriage? There’s not much rooting interest for us, since Maguire and Portman don’t go together in the first place. He’s humorless and ungainly, and odd-looking in his high-and-tight military haircut; she’s elfin and flawlessly pretty, and unconvincing as an ex-cheerleader turned mother of two, and they don’t set off the dimmest of sparks in each other. With the exception of Jake Gyllenhaal, whose shambling self-disgust hits the only genuine note, the movie is a classic of Hollywood miscasting and ambition gone askew.
"...With the exception of Jake Gyllenhaal, whose shambling self-disgust hits the only genuine note..."
Denby's a pretty influential critic.I disagree with him about his general assessment of the movie, but I'm glad he thought Jake was "genuine," tho it's pretty faint praise.
I was just on Wikipedia (!) reading first Tobey's bio, then Jake's. I didn't know Naomi's late brother Robert Achs, was a filmmaker.
I am more grateful than I can ever say for all the videos, clips, and photos, the interviews in print and radio, etc.
You'd think I would be sated. But it's had the opposite effect. I'm craving more. I'm looking forward to another Brothers viewing, but I am even more excited to know Jake will be on the Dec. 12th Gamers' special with PoP.
Consider the dinner scene early in the film, and Tommy's face-off with his father (Sam Shepard), intent on goading and belittling him; there's so much unspoken family history packed into Tommy's increasingly unsuccessful attempts to contain his anger while his dad throws insults.
I thought this was such a compelling scene with Jake too. He seemed so edgy, so uncomfortable in his own skin, it was almost painful to watch. I don't know that I'd call it self-disgust, but you could see his self esteem had taken a beating somewhere along the line. ((((Tommy))))
Cathy, I felt like Tommy had real low expectations as far as his dad was concerned. No trust at all.Painful and very sad. I felt like he was frustrated and angry at the futility of trying to get thru to his dad. Had probably given up. Almost. It's very difficult terrain to negotiate, when a person craves parental approval, but needs to have it on their own terms. When you think about it, the cost of war on a returning veteran took it's toll on their father too, a generation before. They were all damaged people.
In case you didn't get to see it on TV, it looks like ABC is repeating Jake's Jimmy Kimmel episode tonight. At least, according to my digital TV guide.
Suvee, I liked that Denby quote. I think the praise for Jake is real, but yeah, he really didn't like the film.
Cathy and Bobbyanna, great observations on the dinner table scene. Tommy was edgy and belligerent and vulnerable. It was hard to watch.
I've been so crazy busy lately that I haven't had time to do much of anything including seeing Brothers! That will be taken care of this Saturday.
Thanks everyone for sharing your reviews here and posting all the other reviews and links. I'm looking forward to seeing this film We waited so long for it and it was well worth the wait from what I have been reading and hearing about the film and Jake's performance.
Congratulations Jake on the Womens Film Critic Circle nomination!
He has won over a lot of fan boys by appearing on the video awards show on Spike this Saturday, I guess I will have to watch it now!
Bobbyanna, you put that so well in your post at 10:48, and thanks UV! It had to be on his own terms, and that can cause friction. I'm trying to remember Sam's facial expression when all this was going on, but I think he had such a bond with Tommy. That big smile he broke out into when he went to pick Tommy up was beautiful.
I plan to see Brothers again as soon as I can.
does any one know if the video game awards broadcast from la or new york?
It's Spike TV's annual Video Game Awards and it will be held on December 12 in Los Angeles.
Brothers FYC Poster
The early dinner scene was well acted and full of tension. You could see and feel all of Tommy's frustrations and anger. Trying his whole life for approval from his father, living in the shadows of Sam and realizing that he would never live up to that image.
It was a diffuclt scene to watch.
Good point Bobbyanna about the generation of emotional battle scars from 2 generations.
Thanks for the FYC poster. I thought Sam Shepherd was very good, but firstly his part wasn't that big, and secondly,his part really could have been done by anyone. He reminded me of the guy from October Sky who was even better in a bigger part. Why is Lionsgate doing this to Jake? First they go and push for Tobey as if Jake was invisible, than the put Sam Shepherd on the list! I hope Jake gets nominated and wins an award for this, he deserves them. In a way, this is Jake's second movie about trouble between father and son.
October Sky was first. Brothers wouldn't have been anything without Jake.
Wow, I see Bailee is nominated - I loved her part. She had the "darker" personality if you can call it that, compared to her sunny younger sister. But their feelings were the same, they had different ways of showing them. A lot like her Uncle Tommy. :)
The FYC is interesting because from the reviews I have read, Jake is getting the best reviews. Bailee Madison second.
Oscars 2010: The Race So Far -- Best Supporting Actor
The Long Shots: Peter Sarsgaard's slick seducer in 'An Education' (pictured, right) would be a worthy nomination, but his costar Molina may steal his thunder here. Jake Gyllenhaal is a possibility for the love triangle 'Brothers,' though he also may find himself competing with costar Tobey Maguire, who has the flashier role.
This reminds BBM. There was doubt whether Jake was a leader or support!
Do not click the picture posted by said. It's just the image of his brain.
Thanks for the alert, Monica.
I don't understand nominating Peter Sarsgaard as a supporting actor - that role seems like a lead role to me. I also don't think he deserves a nomination, nor does Alfred Molina.
And this is reminiscent of BBM for Jake - confusion over which category he should be in. And more praise for the showier role than for Jake's natural performance. It's a shame.
Any news on Reese and Jake?
Debbie, it's common to place the names of more than one person per category from a movie. We'll see if they give Tobey an individual FYC ad/poster and not one for Jake. Then we'll know the Lionsgate pattern of underusing and undervaluing Jake is continuing. As SAG actor pointed out, Jake has gotten the best reviews overall. obey has certainly gotten a lot of praise, but also many pans. I have seen more consistent praise for Jake.
Mary, I think the VGAs are in Los Angeles.
The only news I'm anxious to know is: who will play Christina in Source Code?
My suggestion: Michelle Williams or Rebecca Hall.
I think that filming will start soon, perhaps in January, since Jake already has a new haircut.
Filming will take place in New Jersey?
And more praise for the showier role than for Jake's natural performance. It's a shame.
Yes, in case of Brothers Tobey's character is showier than Jake's, but in BBM Jake's was showier than Heath's.
Jake has proven time and again that he's a great actor. I'm sure in the near future there is another Oscar nomination in store for him.
(No disrespect to Tobey, but I doubt he'll receive an Oscar nomination)
It's that time for chattering by critics & positioning by studios, agents, etc.so we'll probably be hearing a lot of stuff that won't eventually pan out. Top ten lists, etc.
The most consistent critical praise I've been hearing about overall,is for Jeff Bridges,Colin Firth,Jake, Meryl Streep,and Carrie Mulligan.
David Denby's reviews in the New Yorker made me laugh. He dumped on every movie he reviewed except the Tolstoy movie, The Last Station. Nothing else seemed to measure up.
Of course, Matt Damon, Morgan Freeman and Clint(God, I hope not) Eastwood, are being touted, Mon'ique' and the young woman who played Precious, then Tobey, Woody Harrelson,Ben Foster, Stanley Tucci,Helen Mirren, Amy Adams, Daniel Day Lewis,(just because)Penelope Cruz,Marion Cotillard,and to a lesser extent Natalie and Maggie Gyllenhaal.
I think Sam Shepherd is a long shot because he didn't have that much screen time and really, Jake's performance overshadowed his. In the end, he just didn't have that much impact on screen.
Some people are comparing Brothers unfavorably with The Hurt Locker, too. I think it will prove an interestng season. I wish there was something we could do for Jake to get the recognition he deserves.
From an actor's standpoint in BBM, Heath had the showier role - his character wasn't as showy but the role had more "Acting!" moments. And Heath delivered. But Jake's more natural, seemingly effortless performance was undervalued.
I'm not sure when Source Code begins. But I did just see this on Duncan Jones' twitter:
am in Chicago! Was in a helicopter today recce-ing for the new film!
Heath was mentioned for Dr. Parnassus, and Robert Downey, Jr.'s name was mentioned for Sherlock Holmes,too.
If Brothers wasn't a remake, i think it'd have fared better with critics. I think some critics were biased because of it and automatically concluded a remake can't be as good. I think that's an unfair POV.
As for Jake being underappreciated as an actor. I disagree. He's a respected actor and has a respectable career.
Heath was mentioned for Dr. Parnassus, and Robert Downey, Jr.'s name was mentioned for Sherlock Holmes,too.
We'll have to wait for reviews for Sherlock Holmes. But i hope the movie and RDJ deliver. Although RDJ delivers most of the time.
As for Parnassus. I doubt Heath will receive a nom. Even though they mostly praise him (and the other actors), they say it's not Oscar qualitly like Brokeback or TDK. On top, the movie received mixed reviews, which is not a surprise for a Gilliam film though.
Btw, thanks for all the great updates, pics and videos.
Jake is very charismatic in the interviews and I love his cheeky smile. :)
I remember reading that the reason Jake didn't get a GG nomination for BBM was because the foreign press though that he was in the wrong catagory for BBM, he should have been lead along with Heath. A lot of members voted for him for lead in Jarhead and then some for SA for BBM, split vote and he didn't get enough votes in either catagory.
I can see the same thing happening with Jake and Tobey although I think the BA actor and BSA catogories are pretty full now.
Johnny Depp received his first Oscar nomination with 40!
There are not many young actors who got Oscar nods before 30 or have a respectable filmography. Only DiCaprio comes to mind, but he's lucky to work with Scorsese who is one of the most regarded directors. And performances in good movies, like Scorsese's movies, get more attention.
Thanks for all the reviews, updates and discussions on "Brothers".
I hope we will get a release date soon over here and I don´t have to wait until the DVD is out.
Duncan Jones has won the British Independent Award for "Moon" as Best Picture and he won for "Best Debut Director".
British Independent Awards
I am very proud that Jake is working on such a small indie movie again and mixing his projects. There was an interview with Duncan Jones and from what I have understand it was Jake who wanted to work with Duncan on his next film.
I am not sure how things will turn out during the awards season but "Brothers" reviews are mixed and the movie came out very late. I hope that Jim Sheridans good reputation with the academy will get them some attention
Duncan Jones has won the British Independent Award for "Moon" as Best Picture and he won for "Best Debut Director".
Congrats! :)
The only news I'm anxious to know is: who will play Christina in Source Code?
My suggestion: Michelle Williams or Rebecca Hall.
Good choices. I'm curious too whom they'll cast. Hopefully a good actress.
I'm not sure when Source Code begins. But I did just see this on Duncan Jones' twitter:
am in Chicago! Was in a helicopter today recce-ing for the new film!
Oh that wasn't lost on me, UV. Noooo sirrreee. Duncan's next film for sure is Source Code. And he's doing recon work over Chicago. Looking at the layout of the CTA and Metra systems from the air perhaps?
The script calls for NJ Transit/NY MTA systems. But that's okay, locations are changed all the time between script to film.
You know what other city has a very film-friendly MBTA and commuter rail system? Yes, that's right, Boston. Also a major hub of the pharmaceutical and biogen industry.
I'm not a big Michelle Williams fan so I'm not anxious to see her work with Jake again.
Yes, but what kind of incentives can Boston offer over Chicago's? I suspect this will not have a big budget. I also suspect New York/New Jersey had their fill with Pelham 123. I wonder if this will be too similar?
On Huffing Post - the Politics section - Meghan McCain went to see "Brothers" and said it showed that "Hollywood hates the troups"..also the person writing the article said..it seemed like everyone else hated it too (critics..etc..)..that's not true as it's gotten some excellent reviews, and even if not - the actors have gotten good ones overall...esp. Jake.
I'm typing fast..."Huffington".
Yeah, the Huffington Post praised McCain for at least seeing the movie, then went on to write about it even though he hadn't. Idiotic.
And FL, you know I thought of Boston immediately when I saw that tweet.
And anon, Massachusetts can offer incentives. We've had several films shot here recently. Of course, it helps that Ben Affleck doesn't seem to want to shoot anywhere else.
Thanks for the awards info for Jones and Moon, Carla. Hope you get a date for Brothers soon!
They say these are the real thing: Jack Twist's Boxer Briefs.
You have the script of Source Code, Fl?
Anon 03:34, I think Michelle is perfeict for this type of movie.
I do not know what to say about the underwear, UV.
I sent a message to you!
Monica, you can find the link to download the script here. It's at the end of the blogger's review where it says script link: Source Code. The "Source Code" is a clickable link that will take you to Mediafire where you can download it.
I really don't want to see Michelle Williams in this movie. Hasn't he worked with enough BBM folks already? Some other blog mentioned Zooey Deschanel for the Christina character. I can see that. I can also see someone like Christina Ricci. Someone with pretty yet quirky looks is how I envision this character. Kirsten Dunst wouldn't be bad either. Not that THAT will ever happen. o_O
Zooey would be perfect for the role, I thought about her when i read the script!
OT: The facebook is real but her children's facebooks are obviously fan facebooks. But check out her friends page, i'm 100% positive it's her son's GF's facebook. hint: She is using another name:
Yeah, that Facebook "friend" looks legit to me. And I've been so tempted to use my dog's picture on my Facebook home page, too. :)
I saw Brothers today. It was very moving and very intense. Jake put in an amazing performance. He says so much with a look alone he didn't have to speak a lot. Anyway, hey arf, can you link us to the facebook that is supposedly Reese's?
If U R not a member of FB, U can't access that link.
Jake in People's year-end review, in the list of Biggest Guns, aka arms.
How Jake's KCRW set came about:
Actor Jake Gyllenhaal was heavily influenced by his parents’ musical tastes as a child and repaid the favor with a Guest DJ Project set dedicated entirely to family – from the folk song his dad sang him to the live track that makes him sob on set. One of my favorite parts of this session was all his imitations – he takes on both of his parents and Director Jim Sheridan, who directed him in the new film “Brothers.”
This Guest DJ set also came about in a very serendipitous way. Obviously Jake, who is a fan of the station, is someone I would have loved to have on anytime. But it was a meeting between Jake and KCRW Volunteer Coordinator Connie Alvarez -- many of you may know her as the scribe behind KCRW’s programming emails – in the parking lot at a Dodgers game that actually made it happen. Connie, who was there with the sole goal of acquiring a Manny Ramirez bobblehead, can be very persuasive. Thanks Connie! And a big thank you to Jake too.
Yes, thank you, Connie!
Cute pic of Maggie and Bailee Madison at some sort of Young Hollywood event tonight.
Maggie's ensemble is tragic.
Hasn't he worked with enough BBM folks already?
Aww. I'm actually really looking forward to LAOD. He and Anne had amazing chemistry in BBM and they'll probably have amazing chemistry in LAOD too. Also I like the storyline of the film. It has potential to be good.
Maggie and Bailee Madison
I can't see the pic. :(
Zooey Deschanel
I like the idea. Which reminds me, it's time to rewatch "The Good Girl" again ;). I personally wouldn't want to see Kirsten Dunst in the movie at all.
Kind of OT: Anne Hathaway is in talks to star in Spiderman 4.
Just checked on rotten tomatoes, Crazy Heart (Maggie's new film) is getting great reviews (89%).
She's one of the most talented young actresses in Hollywood.
Thanks for the People link UV! I'm so glad he ran into Connie, I loved hearing him play DJ, I learned so much more about him from that.
The link to Maggie and Bailee doesn't seem to work!
I could definately see Zooey playing the female lead in Source Code, Ricci is a good choice as well.
Regarding the facebook account:Mom's look real, I was hedging on the other but she does own that type of dog, and I don't think at least 3 people on that friends list would friend a faker.
There is a fan facebook for her and that's not it.
"Maggie's ensemble is tragic"
I sometimes describe her style as improvisational! LOL! Actually, that's some kind of wintery jacket she popped over her dress. If you go to WireImage, Maggie went to two events last night: The Golden Globes Salutes Young Hollywood with Bailee and the red carpet premiere for her own movie, Crazy Heart. She look gorgeous at the Crazy Heart premeiere. No jacket. :)
I love Zooey Deschanel.
Maggie looks beautiful at the screening of Crazy heart but I have no idea what she has on at the GG Young Hoolywood awards, a fur UPS jacket? The pic of her and Bailee and her is cute!
Maggie has a very unique style, sometime I really like it, i think she makes intersting and daring choices but other times it's like what the hell???
I have been hearing great things about Crazy Hearts, great reviews for both Maggie and Jeff Bridges.
"...a fur UPS jacket?"
Ouch! That's a hilarious description!
Wouldn't it be cool if Peter, Jake,and Maggie all get nominated for GG or Oscars? Peter for BA, Jake BSA, and Maggie BSA?
Ha, ha!!! I was thinking about that too Bobbyanna: Jake, Maggie and Peter nominated for either a GG or AA, how cool would that be??
BTW, The Womens Film Critics Circle winners will be announced today at 11:00am on WBAI.org. UV has already linked (check comment # 4 on this thread)or are they just announcing the nominnees?
Well I'll try and listen to it on my break today.
I have to say: Christina is my second name!
Hasn't he worked with enough BBM folks already?
No. They had only one scene in BBM!
Here is the link to the facebook Bette, it's private like Mama's. The spelling on the other name is different but that was intentional. Again there are 3 people on her friends page that wouldn't friend a faker, one is Mama, guess the other 2:
Picture of her and her French bulldog:
Yeah, that facebook page looks kinda legit to me too. But she's got it set to private and she didn't make a huge attempt to hide it (using her real first name, friending her relatives and real-life friends) so I don't think it's too big a deal to know she uses facebook. It's not like we'll get to read her messages or anything. And she doesn't have a lot of friends listed, about 25, compared to some of her friends on there with 600. So maybe it's just something she tried out but doesn't really use much. I'm guessing the other 2 people you are reffering to are Jennie Witherspoon (I'm guessing sister-in-law?) and Jenny Belushi (Jim's wife, known friend of hers). I guess it's a good sign that she's still got Mama on her friend's list though! :)
Apparently they are going to show a PoP clip on the VGAs:
Besides the Prince of Persia game reveal at #VGAs, we will show you an exclusive new clip of the film introduced by Jake Gyllenhaal.
If you can't see the Maggie/Bailee pic, it's at WireImage. Just do a search.
a fur UPS jacket
Chica, this is the funniest thing I've read all week. Almost worth seeing that atrocious out fit just for that line!
Oh, did anyone tune in to that WBAI thing? I had a conference call and couldn't.
What's the "WBAI thing"?
UV, for whatever reason I couldn't listen to the broadcast on WBAI at 11:00. It was suppose to be a live stream broadcast. Hopefully we will get news on this later either on the WBAI blog or the Critics blog.
I see Jake is going to make me watch something that I would never watch in a million years and on Spike TV, bleh!
Glad that gave you a laugh UV!
Considering Jake and Reese never attended a premiere together (Except Rendition) I wouldn't expect them to show up together at the screening for Crazy hearts, could you imagine the distraction? I guess he ditched the red carpet since there are no pics of him there. They said that Reese was at the Monday screening with Colin Farrel who is in the movie , Ed Harris and Orlando Bloom:
One of their famous "sources" said that she and Maggie are close and that Reese was beaming.
At the moment Jake is getting ready to do another movie. i don't know all they have to do, but they are busy before hand.
Also he's got the awards show this Sat. and presenters have to be there to rehearse.
Look at the visiting the jail for "Brothers" and things we don't know about until 2 years later.
I agree. I remember his look for Rendition when he was promoting it in late Sept./early Oct. and he said it was for Brothers, which started filming in late November.
I thought at the time that was a bit early for him to be getting ready, but as we have learned he was visiting prisons, getting his mind set for the role.
If Source code starts filming let's say late Jan/early February then yes he would be getting ready.
The story take place on a NJ train and I know that there has been speculation on where it would be filmed:NJ/NY/Boston/LA/UK?
People magazine, bleh!
If there was a serious, final break-up that left Jake hurting,
I doubt Maggie, or anyone else close to Jake,would be feeling very "close," to Reese. People and their sources know nothing. They invent.Just like the rest of them.
I don't believe they are truly broken up. Reese is not a dumb woman. LOL!
boy people magazine is really harping on the jake/reese thing every time they are seen out by themselves they really make the most of it the other mags seem to be leaving them alone wish they would too but they have to sell magazines
Best of The Decade: The Playlist's Best Films Of 2007
10. "Zodiac"
"Zodiac" is several films in one — it's a historical epic centered around the elusive serial killer in the Bay Area in the 1960s and '70s, when free-love turned to bloody cynicism; it's a thoughtful meditation on where media and murder intersect; it's an investigation into the pop culture of the time; and it's a damn fine detective story, with Mark Ruffalo as the dogged cop and Jake Gyllenhall as the newspaper cartoonist who carries on the investigative torch after everyone else has left it behind. (It's also a testament to technological advancement – this is one good-looking digital flick.) But one thing that never gets mentioned is how autobiographical it is. Director David Fincher is interested in depicting the depths of obsession precisely because that's how his brain works; cerebral indeed.
People have changed what they originally wrote, first they said "may have ended, denied by reps" now they say "has ended according to a source". Wish they would make up their mind.
Someone noticed that Jake appeared in some of the best films of the cinema?
Donnie Darko, Brokeback Mountain, Zodiac. Movies that will be remembered for a long time!
Source Code may be next!
Thanks for the script, FL
Monica your link doesn't work.
Anon, 05:30:
Thank you:).
The longer it goes that Jake and Reese are not seen together, the more people are going to speculate and the worse it looks for their relationship.
Thanks for the link, Monica. Jake has been in some classic movies. And some very good ones. Not a bad resume so far!
Yes, thanks monica, BBM, DD and Zodiac are classics, and he isn't even 30 yet!
I agree about J&R UV, I don't blame them for trying to avoid the paps and trying to go under the radar, but it's making thinks difficult for them even when they denied it through their reps.
What they said and what Jake said at the press conference is enough for me, but they are looking for their $$$ shot,it reminds me of them in the beginning in 2007.
For whatever reasons, they decided to go under the radar again after being so open IMO.
I agree, UV.I honestly don't believe they are together any longer. Maybe they just want things to settle quietly so they can move on. They both seem to be the kind of people who would wish only the best for one another.
About J&R.... I agree, UV.
Just my opinion, but I don't believe People would still be pushing this story unless they had a lot of confidence in the veracity of their source. Hope it's not true, but I'm not so sure now.....
i hope their still together too but im begining to have my doubts too if true i would think their reps would make a statement if they have broken up maybe their just going thru a rough spell oh well well just have to wait and see
I thought the same thing when I first heard, but when both reps. denied it than I said ok, they got bad info. But People have been going back and forth on it like they are sure,and they usually don't stick with a story unless they were sure, well they used to any way.
They usually either get their info directly from the reps., not "friends" or "sources" but they still have not said that "according to their reps" which is weird.
I can't believe a rep. would give them that info and then turn around and deny it, it makes no sense, and I refuse to believe that friends of theirs would contact them, was it someone else associated working with the reps. at some level?
And then Us magazine, their rival has the total opposite story with their reps. on record denying it .
I would think that if it was over they would just instruct their reps to make a statement and be done with it. And it wasn't the case where it got out before it was suppose to, their reps are profesional and have been around too long to make a slip like that.
And if it is false, then they need to find out who it is and find out why they would do something like that the week his movie was opening, it makes no sense and seems very unprofessional.
Just my 2 cents
They're definitely still together.
They just haven't been in the same city until this past weekend. There were still the bi-weekly visits, but he was filming in Pittsburg until last Tuesday and she was in London last Monday to Thursday.
I imagine the reason they didn't show up to Maggie's premiere together (asides from the fact that they have yet to show up together at a premiere together) is that they probably didn't want to show Maggie up.
After all, the obvious question is: why would she go to see Maggie's movie at all if they weren't together?
I agree with the poster above, People Magazine is hedging their bets now. If you read what they write closely, they don't seem so sure. They went from being definite about it, to qualifying their position by saying "a source" told us (as in A SINGLE SOURCE). This means, in more than a week since they "reported" on this story, they have not found another source to confirm their original (hence the hedges). If anything, a second source told them that they hadn't "broken up" at all.
They're still together, don't worry.
People Magazine's pushing because they have something to prove. They looked stupid for what might have been an accurate but premature leak. Rep denials, etc. obviously made them angry.
R&J haven't been seen together in weeks. People Mag will keep on pushing to force some kind of confirmation or denial with more details. R&J are under a microscope right now. People wants a story,even if they have to invent most of it.
The social season's starting,
CAA party,Christmas parties, awards season, etc.It'll be hard to avoid talk if they keep showing up solo. The explanation that Reese went to a special screening at CAA sounds really lame.
Anon 6:59, if you're referring to Ryan, he was her husband for almost eight years. They had two kids together. It was a different situation.
I think I agree with Anon 6:28.
"...they need to find out who it is and find out why they would do something like that the week his movie was opening, it makes no sense and seems very unprofessional."
I absolutely agree with this!
bobbyanna is 100% right.
People Magazine is fishing for a story, not reporting one.
They were the ones who everyone quoted when they said they were broken up, if it turns out to not be true (which I strongly suspect it isn't) then they're going to look like major-league assholes.
Sure the people who always hated them together are out in full force praying/hoping that the break up was true, but they don't matter.
In the end, Christmas/Jake's birthday/awards season/etc. is all coming up and we're going to know for sure one way or another, sooner instead of later.
But I think People Magazine is just trying to get ahead of the story now and if/when they do show up somewhere together People Magazine are just going to say "Oh, they were broken up but have now worked things out."
This is about People Magazine saving face.
After all, obviously People Magazine is all over this story, yet they have not found a second source to confirm what their first source told them.
That's pretty strange, and telling.
Pretty obvious Reese's people caused the "premature" leak. After all, she was going to the UK crusading against domestic abuse for Avon.He was finished shooting, had all that press to do, so she was sure it might come up, especially by her being out of the country.
His people were real upset.That's why the joint denials & that's why she looked all pale in London. Maybe she felt guilty. What ever happens, I wish only the best for Jake. He is such a sweet guy!
If Jake or Reese goes out socially,it's impossible to think that some friend or acquaintance wouldn't ask them how the other one's doing. Time will definitely tell. No point to worry.
That makes no sense, why would she leak it before she went to the UK and he had press to do? There was no indication that there was any thing wrong, all they both had to do to avoid any personal questions was to ask the interviewer before hand, end of story.
If there was a break up, then it would just be issued the week after, there was no reason to leak anything prematurely, it's not done that way.
If anyone remembers back in 2007, there were about a month of break-up rumors in the lesser rags, it wasn't until June 2007, that People declared that they had broke-up. If i recall, a statement wasn't issued by their reps, but several "friends" that sited that it was too soon for her and that they would never get back together and are still friends.
This time they site one source and with no explanation (they later spun a reason based mostly stories they did on them in 2007).
The difference then: A reason and no denial from their reps, now: No reason at first and denials. Could it be the source this time was the same source as 2007, that's why they didn't question it? And could that source be someone associated with BWR, their PR Co? And did this person give them correct info, or was it just a rumor? A fight maybe blown up?
Geez, I can't wait to go and see Brothers on Saturday, enough with the tabloid crap.
People Magazine has already said that their source was someone "unofficial" who had heard from someone else at that Thanksgiving party that she had said they were broken up.
It's possible (and I suspect it's what will be spun by People Mag when all is said and done) that something happened between them. Stuff happens all the time between couples. Maybe they fought. Maybe they had even broken up. Then, they got back together and didn't think it was a big deal.
But I think that People went to press with a story they didn't know the full extent of and now they're fishing for answers. Jake and Reese seem uninterested in playing their little games.
I still think there is far more evidence to suggest that they're still together than they broke up.
Let's be honest, if this weren't People Magazine and was Life and Style, all other things being equal, no one would even have thought twice about it.
Well, we will know soon enough. all this nonsense is giving me heartburn! (It couldn't be the vegan chili with 17,000 different kinds of peppers and about a kazillion ounces of chili powder!)
Jude LW is going to select the next recipient of the Heath Ledger acting scholarship in Australia.
Terry Gilliam has chosen Robert Duvall for his Don Quixote movie, and there's a sweet video clip somewhere of Jeff Bridges and Colin Farrell singing at a country western concert in Crazy Heart.
Everyone is saying that Jeff Bridges gives the performance of his life! I didn't realize he's been nominated for an Oscar four times! Maggie was showered with praise for her performance as well. T Bone Burnett, who was music director for Walk the Line, did Crazy Heart.
New post :)
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