It happened on November 21st without much fanfare in the Jake community, but it didn't go unnoticed by me.
LOS ANGELES — Late last week the buzz around the tables at Orso, a film industry hangout since it opened here 20 years ago, was about, of all things, the imminent demise of Orso.
The trattoria is near a Robertson Boulevard strip that has seen some rowdy shopping by the likes of Lindsay Lohan and that remains home to the paparazzi-plagued Ivy restaurant. But Orso will be gone by Nov. 21, acknowledged Taylor Lumia, an owner and a member of the restaurant clan whose patriarch is Joe Allen of the namesake restaurant in New York. “It’s not without some sadness and remorse, said Mr. Lumia, who spoke by telephone from his home in Maine. “These things are never easy.”
Like Morton’s, Chasen’s and the original Spago on Sunset Boulevard, Orso — loved less for its food than for the gossip on its ficus-shaded patio — is soon to become the latest entry on a list of Hollywood lunch-and-dinner power spots that used to be.
Named for a dog that once befriended Mr. Allen in Venice, Orso was hurt when the Creative Artists Agency and International Creative Management moved into Century City office towers, shifting the center of gravity for their lunch sessions westward to new hot spots like Craft. And it lost a mainstay when the nearby New Line Cinema — once the biggest house account — cut hundreds of employees in a corporate restructuring.
Still, Orso tapped the industry crowd and, occasionally, stars as far afield as Johnny Depp and Mel Brooks. Among the executives, agents, producers and others spotted at the tables lately were Tom Ortenberg, David Dinerstein, Samuel Goldwyn Jr., Pat Kingsley, Chris McGurk, Stuart Ford, David Permut, David Friendly, Toby Emmerich, Bingham Ray, Kevin Iwashina, Bruce Feirstein, David Colden, Michael London and others who will now be lunching elsewhere.
One secret to Orso’s enduring appeal: a policy that allowed both the famous and the less so to light up in the privacy of the high-walled patio, even as other places clamped down on tobacco. “It was a great place to take actors, because you could smoke outside,” said a film executive, who did not want to be identified for fear of earning the wrath of less understanding nonsmokers.
You can read the full article here:
NYTimes: It's Nearly a Wrap for for Hollywood Power Lunches at OrsoIncludes pics from
I didn't realize that Orso was the setting for the Wearing of the Shirt. Ah, good times!
Got a fun surprise today when we saw Up in the Air (two thumbs up). All the concession stand workers were wearing PoP t-shirts....... black shirts, plain on the front, with the PoP logo and May, 2010 on the back.
God bless Disney. :)
I was so grateful for those stalkarazzi that day, he looked so yummy ! Sorry to hear about Orso, signs of the times.
That is so great Suvee, Disney knows how to promote their films! I'm off to se Avatar later.
This was the first video filmed by paparazzi I saw of Jake. Very sexy!
thanks, FL!
I'm still having trouble accessing the blog. The problem is with the internet here. I contacted and they are trying to solve the problem.
That shirt caused heart attacks on the net when they first appeared, love looking at him wearing it again, thanks!!!
Looks like Jake (and Maggie) are back in NY, there was a tweet of her earlier and a tweet of her in L.A. on Christmas Eve and Jake at a NY airport on Christmas eve:
iceboxurges: just saw jake gyllenhaal at the movies, let's hope he's going to see #it'complicated.
23 minutes ago from twidroid
I forgot to add my 2 thumbs up too Suvee, I saw Up in the air on Christmas Eve, loved it. Unfortunately none of the concession stand workers were wearing any Pop t-shirts!
Stalking via tweeters! There have been several tweets placing Jake in NY today, but this tweet proves that he was waiting for a flight out of NY Christmas eve at the airport not waiting for a ride. Imagine sitting next to Jake for the whole flight and not realizing who he was!:
daisiespushedup: my mom was next to jake gyllenhaal in the flight and she didn't know who he was..
17 minutes ago from txt
This spotting was earlier in the day:
workforfood: Walked by Jake Gyllenhaal, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard @ Chelsea Market today. Beautiful people!
21 minutes ago from Tweetie
Sounds like Jake left NY on Wednesday and returned today with Maggie since she was spotted in L.A. Wednesday night. Christmas in L.A. and New Years in NY? Or will Jake be using his frequent flyer miles again??
Babblers all!
Tweety has the absolute best information. My son's girlfriend went to the movies this afternoon with her sister...Kips Bay see Avatar and saw JAKE GYLLENHAAL!!! Her sister asked if she could take a pic with him; he said not today. Kips Bay is a great theater center to attend... it's off the beaten trail...way off ...If you want UV, you may take the theater location off your site to protect him in case he wants to go again there...but for us I had to tell and squeeeeeeeeee:0
I am still screaming...neither my son nor I saw Jake...this is a purely visceral response...OMG! My son is laughing his ass off at me and leaving a text to his girlfriend...he just told me...he forgot 'til now when he rememembered my Jake obsession...He's a good son:lol
I do love you all:)
Awww, Sass, what a great bit of info! How exciting for your son's gf. No need to remove it from the blog. Manhattan has a lot of cinemas - no doubt he's been to several.
Hope your holidays were happy.
Awwww, FL! Thanks! I'll always have fond memories of Orso's because of The Shirt!
Sass! I am squeeeing for you!!! How
cool that they saw him.
I was not so lucky today with my movie choice. My daughter and I saw "Nine."...or at least the first hour of it.
I can't remember when I ever walked out of a movie before. It was that bad. Penelope, Fergie,Marion Cotillard,Judith Dench, Daniel Day Lewis, all wonderful. They can sing! They can dance. What a waste of talent.
The movie was horrible. Truly awful. I have no words.I'm sorry if I'm offending anyone. I'm sure it must have fans, but I just couldn't see it thru.
Jake in NYC. Hmmm. Ping pong?
i saw sherlock holmes friday nightthat was very good
Check email, FL!
It's a great meeting, sass.
Sorry about Nine, bobbyana. My friend saw it and said the same thing.
I want a great trip for you, UV.
Sorry about Nine Bobby.I saw It's complicated this afternoon. It's a silly, funny, sometimes too long movie with great acting. Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin were fantastic as usual.
Steve Martin tried drama in this movie. OMG. His character was useless sad and awful. He should never try dramatic acting again.
I thought he would be funny... he threw me off.
Meryl and Alec were great at the comedic and dramatic parts of the movie...and I didn't walk out.
I'd read bad 9 reviews but was hoping they were inaccurate. Oh well...going to see Avatar tomorrow ....a Christmas present from my son's wonderful girlfriend.
I can't believe how bad the economy is for the rich... the high end restaurants were closing here since last fall but I think the closings have stabilized for a while.
Wall Street bonuses were good for many brokers and that is good for lots of people here. Obama has a hella mess to clean up.
WE had a reatautant close here a while back that had been open for 70+ years. Plumms, and old J%R haunt closed earlier this year or late last year.
xcuse sp
One more thing....the train lobbies and train station sites were loaded with police today...and that's all good. This situation is what I was hoping wouldn't happen with Obama's administration.
The would be bomber's dad...a wealthy Nigerian Banker...had called attention to his son's increasing radical behavior at the US Embassy in NIgeria...Duh? Why was this ignored?
Just heard the explosives were enough to blow the plane out of the sky.
Hi Sass, What a great sighting for your son's GF! I have been to that theater before, it's off the beaten path maybe that's why he chose it. I saw Avatar ( Not at Kips BAY) and the movie lives up the hype. I thought it would be just a CG fest but it's more than that.S. Weaver is fantastic and the 3-D effects are out of this world!
Sorry to here about the closing of Orso, I remember the infamous shirt Jake wore that day, I wish he would wear it again!
I had no idea Plum closed Sass, the econmy is really kicking people in the ass. I'm off this week, my niece and her family plus my brother and his familyare in town. They want to go into the city so we all we experience the heightened security at the subways, it's so scary out there.
I heard about Nine Bobbyanna from people that have seen it and they said the same thing. What a shame with that cast.
On Twitter links photos of Reese arriving at LAX Christmas Day. If a tweet about Jake is true,he arrived back in LA Christmas Eve,and was tweeted on a plane back to New York,yesterday or the day before.I'm mystified at Reese coming in to New York,and staying here for little more than 48 hours,right at Christmas. Reese often flies private, but it seems she didn't this time. I do believe they had a huge falling out, but I also think maybe something is going on between them.
We will see Avatar tonight.
These pictures and the video, Jake is beyond sexy! Makes me wonder how many women in H'wood wanted some of that. The time between Kirsten and before Reese must have been busy. He smiles like he is enjoying every minute of it. He knows he is sexy, and he is working it!
Reese spending a week in NYC, up until Christmas Day, without her kids present is bizarre.
I think at the very least that she went there in hopes of talking to Jake. That both of them flew back to LA around the same time is another strong indication that she was successful.
I'm not sure how successful she was at convincing him to return but there seems to have been an attempt by Reese to get Jake back.
I'm beginning to think that Jake was the one who broke up with her and not the other way around.
I'm getting better babblers...soon will be peppering our blog with occasional fits of Gyllenhysteria...
NY Magazine's Maggie article... is a good read enjoy. I don't remember how to html but I'll try...
108 Minutes With Maggie Gyllenhaal
Maggie here
sass I did it:)
I agree reconciling. The fact that he flew out of NY and then back yesterday indicates to me that he wasn't going to be in NY on Christmas.IMO they flew seperately to avoid the tweets/sightings.
There are just the pics of her arriving at LAX on Christmas day and nothing of her until Sunday where she was spotted in Venice with her kids. Jake was spotted at the NY airport on Christmas eve and then several tweets of him in NY yesterday plus the one where someone's parents sat next to him flying back to NY yesterday.
I think she at least IMO convinced him to spend Christmas with her, I may be wrong but it fits. Now how long will he remain in NY?
It looks like Jake may have saw Avatar yesterday Sass, your son's GF is so lucky to have seen him yesterday!
Hope everyone had a great Christmas!
Hey, sass!!! Thanks for the link to the NYmag article on Maggie. Loved her "fake cheese-shopping" comment and that she called her mom! Interesting comment about "lowest bidders" since I'm in the middle of a dilemma, with contractors bidding on insurance claim stuff. My "lowest bidder" is scarey low. Almost too low.
OUCH! That last "anon" was me. I don't like to post anon!
Wow, I can stare at that picture of Jake all day, and he was working it that day! Too bad about Orso, very difficult times for everyone.
Hello Sass, and what a great sighting via your son's girlfriend! I hope he wasn't bothered too much.Loved the Maggie interview, sounds like she and Peter have areally big place in Brooklyn with the sofa comments, thanks for the link Sass.
Thanks for the link to the Maggie article, I enjoyed it a lot, despite some of the comments that were left on it (why do people have to be so negative all the time?). I thought Maggie came across as very charming and how interesting and nice that she opened her home to the interviewer (and us).
What an interesting family, those Gyllenhaals. I was struck by Maggie's comment that her mother is a writer (common knowledge) but that her mother's mother (her grandmother) was a doctor! So I looked it up and found her name was Ruth Achs and she was a pediatrician (died at age 48 in 1968, but I couldn't find the cause). So there's some tragedy there too as it must have been hard for Naomi to lose her mother so relatively young. I notice that Maggie's middle name is Ruth, obviously named after her grandmother. Naomi also had a brother who died of cancer at 54.
I know in industry it's commonplace to accept the lowest bidder, however, my feeling has always been - go with the lowest bidder and you'll end up getting inferior quality goods and workmanship. It's a tough call to make.
Because I don't have a fireplace, I was unaware of the "emission-free fireplaces" that Maggie mentioned in that New Yorker article. Evidently this company holds the patent on "emission-free" fires. Who knew.
Thanks for the link to the Maggie interview, sass.
And how amazing that your son's GF saw Jake! I'm not sure what I would do if I actually came face to face with him..... probably just smile and then covertly stare as long as I could. :)
I know what you mean about scary low bids, bobbyanna. I usually opt for the middle ground...... I've been burned by the low bidder (sloppy workmanship and materials) and I've also learned that the high bid often just means they've padded for a bigger $ profit. Good luck!
Yes Jake knew he looked sexy that day, you can tell from the smile. I don't know if Jake was a regular at Orso or not, it's a shame that it is closing.
I'm impressed with your son's GF Sass, I wouldn't be able to text or do anything else if I ran into Jake!
Thanks for the link to the Maggie interview Sass. Interesring comments about not having any homemaking kills passed down to her from her mother who is a writer and her Grandmother who was a doctor.
I know they were seperated for over a year but it must still be a bitch to have it finalized on Christmas Eve:
Sorry to hear that Orso and that Plum restaurants have closed. Jake did look delish in these pics though with The Shirt!!
OMG, SASS, Kips Bay is my favorite movie theatre and Jake was there!!!! How awesome that your sons gf saw him...squee indeed!! :D Btw he will see big billboards of Brothers and PoP there!
Sad to hear about the Gyllenparents divorce being final on Christmas Eve. It is never easy but that is pretty harsh.
I liked the Maggie interview. The Gyllenhaal's are a very interesting family!
A BIG thumbs up from me too on Up In the Air. Excellent movie and great performances.
Speaking of Maggie and Peter's place, you can get a glimpse of it here in this video, you can see Maggie in the back. The video is of Stephen Gyllenhaal and it was taken around Thanksgiving. He is mocking the item that was sent to him, the package was from Pittsburgh, it doesn't appear that Jake was there so maybe he sent this instead?:
There were a few anon. comments here around that time here saying that Jake went to Nashville for Thanksgiving, one said that there were family problems but that J&R were still together and any problems were due to family.
BTW: I don't like S. Gyllenhaal.
He is mocking the item that was sent to him
Lack of something useful or creative to do!
High hopes for film industry:
But the future is: Upside Down, a $50 million adventure about two parallel universes, starring Kirsten Dunst; Dawn of War, a $110 million mythological epic set in Ancient Greece, starring Henry Cavill; and Source Code, an estimated $60 million sci-fi mystery, starring Jake Gyllenhaal. Production on all three is slated for the next few months.
Stephen was mocking items mailed to Naomi. He was rummaging thru a box mailed to her. Fleeting glimpse of Maggie in the background.
Everyone knows that Jake absolutely did not go to Nashville for Thanksgiving. He arrived at EWR early Thanksgiving morning and went to New York, spending his TG weekend there before returning to Pittsburgh to wrap his movie so he could head west for Kimmel.People ought to stop perpetuating myths. It's unnecessary. They aren't gracing the covers of any magazines. No drama. All is quiet.
Everyone doesn't know that anon. We are speculating based on information that is out there just like you.:tweets, etc.
No they are not gracing any magazines this week but they were on the cover of Us last week, the "break-up" worked, it's been a long time since they made the cover.
Yes there was no drama and all is quiet as it should be because as Jake sadi during his press conference on 12/3:
"I know all about news cycles, I don't have to respond", or something like that. He also said" the more famous the more I want to keep things private".
Speaking of press conferences, why did Jake refer to his GF, when responding to a question about wanting children of his own someday in reference to Brothers? According sources they were already broke-up and he could have easily answered the question w/o bringing Reese into it and he was talking about her.
Either he had no idea she decided to end it while she was in the UK, or it's all been done before: 2007.
PS: Why is Stephen rummaging through his ex-wife's things at his daughters house and posting it on youtube? Jake could have been there at Thanksgiving but that box was from Pittsburgh, something that would be sent if they weren't going to be there. I can't imagine Stephen's family sending her anything from PA.
Again all speculation, if you don't like it then don't lurk here.
"Again all speculation, if you don't like it then don't lurk here."
Excuse me, but you don't get to say that.
Mailing a package to someone at a particular address is easily explained. We don't even know how long the box was sitting there, or who sent it! What we "know" is that it was there,it was opened, it had his mother's name on it. People sometimes leave open packages sitting out.
Maybe when the box was shipped Jake didn't realize he'd actually be there. Maybe Naomi sent for the items for Maggie to share, and it coincidently came from some mail order place in Pittsburgh! His mom often hangs out with Maggie to help with Ramona.We don't even know if the address on the box, is Maggie's address. Sheesh! There're dozens of explanations.
The comments about the GF's kids were consistent with the "official" word from publicists at that time, that they were still together. Maybe at the time he was still hopeful they'd work things out. Maybe they are still working things out. Maybe they are not and it is over. It's going on 3 months since they were seen together.
He was simply pointing out his experience in observing and interacting with kids. No reason to attach such 'significance' to it.
A lot of speculation isn't fact-based. The person who said Jake took a connecting flight to Nashville had nothing at all to base it on. Nothing. But a wish to perpetuate the idea they were still together.
There were no tweets about Jake on a plane to, or in Nashville with Reese, and there were actual sightings of Jake in New York that TG weekend, including Friday. Since he was still working in PA trying to wrap up,it makes sense.
Thursday morning, Thanksgiving he was spotted at EWR with his co-star Anne Hattaway. A few other tweets places him there w/o Anne and there seemed to be a time spand between the tweets: either he was waiting for a ride or making a connecting flight. He was next spotted after Thanksgiving in NY on a Friday. No one said he traveled to Nashville with Reese, she was already there.
You are speculating on the lack of pap pics of them as are the rags, which doesn't mean they didn't break-up, it just means that they were both working at the time, but there were tweets/tweet/pics and other sightings of them together all the way up to the first week in November, something the rags were not aware of.
Again, not saying they didn't break-up, but you and the rags are just piecing together fiction because they are not giving any actual details out, it's their business. The connecting flight scenerio is fiction baswd on tweets as well, but he could have slept in the airport for all we know and we don't know, your speculation is no more true than the other and the crap in the rags sure ain't.
Jake definately thought that he and Reese were fine during that newsconference because he had no reason to bring her up based on what I read, he actually went out of his way and it had nothing to do with his reps denial, he didn't have to say anything because of that.
There is something "off" about his father, what was the point of filming that? No wonder Naomi finally had enough. Is he still with that tacky literary agent Cantara?
Jake has said that his relationship with his father is complicated, no shit.
"No one said he traveled to Nashville with Reese, she was already there."
Excuse me. Maybe I wasn't clear. I did not say he traveled WITH Reese to Nashville.
(We really don't know whether "she was already there," because the first actual sighting of her in Nashville was Sunday, out to dinner with her dad.)
" and the rags are just piecing together fiction.." This isn't accurate at all. I'm just re-stating what's been verified by tweets and photographs, not speculation I read in 'rags." I don't read "rags."
"Jake definately thought that he and Reese were fine during that newsconference because he had no reason to bring her up based on what I read, he actually went out of his way and it had nothing to do with his reps denial, he didn't have to say anything because of that"
So what if Jake referred to Reese as his girl friend the weekend of November 21st. press conference. Maybe he was being chivalrous. Maybe he was trying to send her a signal. They've done it in the past. You have no way to know if he knew or didn't know, or if he "thought they were fine." Again. Invention. Leaping to conclusions!
I think he was referring to the kids in the movie, and re-enforcing his own experience with small children. I have yet to actually hear or see him saying what he was quoted as saying.
What I am saying, is that we don't really know what is going on. Period.
The news conference was on 12/3 after the denial, on 11/21 he was on a press junket and it never came up ecause the "break" news happened on the 29th.
I read the interview from the 12/3 news conference and he was not talking about the kids in the movie, he was talking about real-life: Maggie and Reese's kids, if he was being chivalrous, he wouldn't have mentioned her at all and if he was sending her a signal, then the rug was pulled out from under him.
Really, people? Really?
This sort of speculation really needs to stop. It serves no purpose.
Ummm... good morning! It's wicked cold out here! Since today's the last day of Eldest Daughter's visit,we'll definitely do indoor stuff. Based on your recommends "Up In the Air" is a distinct possibility. Youngest Daughter's in Chicago,&they'll meet up to fly home to NYC,tomorrow. The prospect of flying out of Detroit is making me nervous, but it's probably safer now than it was before the "incident." Chilling to realize the only reason that plane didn't explode is because the detonator didn't work!
I will encourage them to volunteer with that 826 Reading and Writing project. Maybe go to the "ping pong tournament.":) (I bet Jake is one of those guys who 'slams' the ball all agressive and stuff.)
The "Source Code" guy, Duncan Jones, is tweeting a lot. He went to see Avatar.
The prospect of flying out of Detroit is making me nervous, but it's probably safer now than it was before the "incident."
So, funny story. A colleague flying home from the upper midwest had to change planes in Detroit. This was after the second incident on Sunday. She said she breezed right through the gate area at Detroit and no second security screening was required. Nothing. Nada. As if nothing had happened at the Detroit airport over the last several days. O_O
Compared to UV who had to change planes out on the west coast en route to Palm Springs and had to do the whole security line alllll over again. I hate the TSA.
The "Source Code" guy, Duncan Jones, is tweeting a lot.
Yes, he's an avid tweeter. I hope he continues to be during filming. :-)
You're right, FL. Sorry. I was only trying to clear up some stuff, not contribute to the rumors!I'm completely done even trying to do that.(The press and the interviews were all mostly done on 11/21, even if it might appear on 12/3rd.)
"Compared to UV who had to change planes out on the west coast en route to Palm Springs and had to do the whole security line alllll over again. I hate the TSA. "
My youngest had no security issues either, going to Chicago! Lisa, my oldest, just told me that a member of Congress,De Mint(?)is holding up two key appointments to the TSA.
I also read that some older man "helped" the terrorist wannabe board a plane in Amsterdam without a passport!
Don't you love it when the director tweets! I'm also really glad for Doug Liman blogging about the project he's working on with Jake. I was digging around, and there's a Doug Liman on Hudson Street in Tribeca or SoHo or whatever. Don't know if it's him, tho.
No more speculation, enough already.
Hope everyone is still enjoying the holidays and gearing up the New Year celebrations, I know I am.
I hope we get to see Jake in that shirt and similar wear in the New year!
I can't believe that airport security is still lax 8 years after 9/11, I just don't get it.
Hey, bobbyanna, Liman may have a place in Soho, Jake seems to hang around there a lot in NY as well as Brooklyn!
Hello all -checking in from Palm Springs. It's a little cooler here than we'd like, but it has been a lovely day. And you know, there's no snow!
Mary, I didn't realize you lived close to PS. Nice area of the world to be in :)
Love this Orso post, though it's sad to see the place go. Where else are we going to get the Jake?lindsay Lohan near miss photos?
Monica, it's funny that Kirsten Dunst is doing a movie about parallel universes while Jake is doing a somewhat-similarly themed film.
Good luck to anyone traveling this week. Most of my friends had little trouble with airport security. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing.
We saw this photo when the blogger tweeted about it, I think, but it's fun to read the encounter again:
Sari Fisher, a ModCloth Buyer, had the good fortune of bumping into Jake Gyllenhaal on her way to work one morning! Sari says, “I spotted Jake on my weekly pre-work trip to Dozen Bake Shop. He was filming a scene for Love and Other Drugs down the street from the shop and mere blocks from ModCloth HQ! I saw him walk into Dozen and knew (having had a huge crush on him since I saw him in Donnie Darko) I had to go in for a closer look. When I finally got up the courage to talk to him, he was sweet and charming and even offered up one of his entourage to take this photo of us!” He even got a fake tattoo of the Pittsburgh Steelers logo!
Hope everyone is having a good week!
Hope you are enjoying your stay in Palm Springs UV! I survived Christmas with the family, I can't wait until 2009 is ovah!!!!!
I forgot all about the near miss of Jake and Lohan at Orso, I was too focused on that yummy shirt that he was wearing.
Thanks for the link, I love reading stuf like that about Jake,
I'm in Melbourne, Australia and today went to the movies to escape the heat (it's been a sweltering 100 degrees farenheight today). I'm pleased to report that I saw a 'coming soon' poster for Prince of Persia. So, yes, Disney sure knows how to promote it's upcoming pics!
Hello, Melbourne anon. Thanks for the report. I'm guessing we won't be able to make the same complaints about Disney that we had for Lionsgate.
We're going to the movies tomorrow night and I'd love to get my first PoP poster sighting.
Palm Springs is still chilly but we sat around the firepit and drank margaritas, which made everything okay :)
Good to hear that you're having a good time in Palm Springs, UV!
Here it is raining every day.
Palm springs and margiritas, what a great way to ring in the New Year UV, have fun!
glad youre having a good time iv too bad the weather isnt a little warmer unfortunately i dont get to palm springs too much
Oh I the PoP poster yesterday when I saw Sherlock Holmes. It made me smile. I can't wait!
OT - does anyone else find their PC's pick-up trojans/viruses from the x17 website?
Yes I've noticed that also. Freezes up my computer
What do people think of Lainey's suggestion.
Jake and Cameron Diaz?.
Nah, i'm not digging the idea of him with Cameron Diaz. I think he should consider Kate Bosworth maybe (I think she may be ready for another serious boyfriend), or someone not in the biz all together, but not Diaz.
Jake deserves someone who puts HIM ahead of their own agenda.
yes, I've noticed the x17 site gives me a virus warning too, but just lately, so something's on their site my virus checker doesn't like.
Jake and Cameron...ick! Doesn't work for me but I get that Lainey is trying to think of someone fun-loving for Jake (she calls Reese a tight ass). In Reese's defense, and using the 2 examples Lainey gives, Reese has made fart jokes (on Leno, when she talked about the German signs for enter and exit being very close to the English for "ass fart") and poop jokes (on a plane with a baby, and an exploding diaper with poop everywhere (her words)). So I don't see Reese as someone Jake couldn't kick back and be fun with.
New short article at In Touch Weekly, saying Jake is trying to win Reese back: here. But come on, how could they possibly know what her Xmas gift was? Are they just pulling that out of thin air? *skeptical look*
I don't know - two funny people would probably get on each others' nerves. lol
Had not heard Cameron say much about wanting a family. Jake wants someone he can have a family with.
Rem. his - most important thing a man can do in his life is find the right woman.
Most people writing columns and such have done very little research on the people they're writing about, or so it seems.
Did he buy her Limoges? Now this is just silly; if she's not ready for marriage, understandably, can't he wait for her? If he truly loves her, noone else will do.
Well, Jake seems to have a faible for cute little blondes, but I'm not a big fan of Cameron Diaz. I don't think they'd make a good match either.
I think he needs someone serious. If they reconcile, great - but if it isn't Reese, I wish he'd find someone outside the biz. As someone said above who will put HIM first. He deserves it!
Beware the trojan. It was this virus that destroyed my windows.
He can destroy HD and still reads all the computer passwords. Avoid accessing X17.
Some fans seem to want him to hook up with one of the Brokeback girls. I think it's maybe better for him to hook up with someone not (much) in the public eye.
Although I don't really care who he'll be with, as long as he continues making movies and is successful with it, I'm fine with (almost) everything. ;)
You mean as long as it is a woman and not a man.
Jake clearly doesn't need any help from gossip columnists or bloggers to find someone to date. It's a obviously transparent ploy to keep the story alive,fill up space, and attract comments from people who really ought to know better. These gossip bloggers obviously know nothing new. And 99% of the time IHJ & Gyllenbabble have the most accurate news three steps ahead of most of the gossip columnists and all of the tabloids. It's been said at least a half dozen times lately, but this speculation is pointless.
Oh, I think he's perfectly capable of finding his own person as well, but I thought this story was kind of romantic! Too bad it's probably made up. Jewelry is great, but predictable. It's a romantic gift because it's vintage and from France. I know these stories are silly, but you'd have to be made of stone not to talk about them a little bit, that's why they put these things out there. I agree about overdoing it tho. It really doesn't matter to me who he chooses to be with either, I'm just a fan of his movies, and always will be because of his portrayal of Jack Twist. :)
happy nnew year to everyone here at gyllenbabble have a safe one
The stories about Jake and Reese are nice to read and yes romantic but I don't get too invested in them since it's fiction from the tabloids. The vintage china from France does sound lovely I have to admit!
Who knows with these cycles. Last month Jake mentioned that he visited prisons for his role in Brothers and became involved in the prison writing program. That is really great but don't you think this story cycle should have been pushed when Brothers first came out?
I now we can't blame Lionsgate for this but still. It may be for his upcoming charity event and his Mom who is a screenwriter must be happy, but still.
Happy New Year to you to mary and everyone here at Gyllenbabble, looking forward to vivsiting my favorite Jake site in 2010!
It's my favorite place for all things Jake, thank you so much UV & FL for this blog!
Happy New Year to everyone at Gyllenbabble!!!!!
Happy New Year Jake wherever you are...
Buon anno a tutti!!!
I forgot to say:why People dont mention J&R split in "?The Year's Biggest Breakups"...?,,20319348_20321643,00.html
Happy New Year, to you, Sara!!! and to everyone here at GB!!!My sincerest wishes for everyone, that 2010, brings good things, and excellent coping skills for when things get a little "rocky." :)
(I'm glad J&R weren't mentioned. There really was no story: no scandals! LOL! Sometimes no publicity is great!)
Tonight is family time around here, my bro and his gang of four and a few cousins. We'll watch movies, play games, and eat bad things. My younger daughter is trying...once move out of her flat. And once again it's snowing in Jersey! She's already called once, all upset, but hey! The movers said they were coming as soon as they resolved a car accident they just had. Oy!
As for Jake's movie roles, ever since I saw him in October Sky, I've been constantly impressed with how amazing he is!
He just keeps growing and shows so much depth and talent with every single succeeding role. It's no wonder some of his characters, like Donnie Darko, Jack Twist, and Jarhead Swoff are iconic.
He elevates every project he gets involved with. I have several personal favorites. I always look forward to seeing him in new films, and he never disappoints.
I am so looking forward to Source code, the script is fantastic :
@ManMadeMoon I am looking forward to your next film 'Source Code'&('Mute' too)! I want to interview you for Japanese media by mail.It is OK?
26 minutes ago from web
@RintaroWatanabe I wish I could! ..but no. I will be working on my next film with Jake Gyllenhaal! :) 42 minutes ago from TweetDeck
Happy New Year to everyone here at GB!!!
Just want to say that I can't stop looking at these pictures you have posted of Jake wearing a black shirt. I cannot get over how sexy he looks! I could look at him all day. I love the video too. That smile!
Happy New Year, everyone! I really enjoy this blog.
Totally in agreement with Paula: "It's my favorite place for all things Jake, thank you so much UV & FL for this blog!" and Anonymous Tweety: " He just keeps growing and shows so much depth and talent with every single succeeding role. It's no wonder some of his characters, like Donnie Darko, Jack Twist, and Jarhead Swoff are iconic. He elevates every project he gets involved with. I have several personal favorites. I always look forward to seeing him in new films, and he never disappoints."
Muchísimas gracias! Muy buen año!
Scrolling thru the "tweets" I keep seeing comments from people who see guys they claim really "look like" or "remind them of" Jake! I wish they'd say where these look-a-likes can be found! LOL!
The closing of Orso is a reminder that Tavern on the Green in NY is closing today, one of the premiere restaurants in NY with such a rich and fascinatiing history.
I know, Bobbyanna, I never run into anyone here that looks remotely like Jake! I had a rather interesting and hectic day in NY with family that were visiting. The wanted to see the tree at Rockerfeller Center among other things, and so did everyone else!
Have a Happy and safe New Year everyone!!!
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