Lists. End of the year. End of the decade. Everybody's doing 'em. Between the year 2000 and 2009 there were 13 Jake Gyllenhaal movies released (or released straight to DVD in the case of
Highway). Since it's crazy to try and narrow it down to 10, here are my 13 favorite Jake performances of the decade:
13. Jordan -
Lovely & Amazing
12. Sam Hall -
The Day After Tomorrow
11. Holden Worther -
Good Girl
10. Pilot Kelson -
9. Joe Nast -
Moonlight Mile
8. Robert Graysmith -
7. Hal -
6. Donnie Darko -
Donnie Darko
5. Douglas Freeman -
4. Tommy Cahill -
3. Jimmy Livingston -
Bubble Boy
2. Jack Twist -
Brokeback Mountain
1. Tony Swofford -
I'd love to know
your favorite Jake performances of the decade.
Thanks for hanging around our little Jake-centric blog this past year and bringing many thoughtful, insightful, fun and pleasant comments with you. Hope you stick around in the new year, the new decade. I have a feeling there will lots to talk about.
From Italia and Sara:
Buon anno a tutti!!!
From Argentina and Leonor:
Muy buen año!
From America and me and UV:
Happy New Year!

Includes pics from IHJ.
Just to say with deep felt appreciation from me for the existence of this unusual blog. It has brightened some of the dark spots in 2009. UV, FL and all the Gyllenbabble family, I wish you all a very wonderful, courageous New Year in 2010. Great things to come for you and Jake xxxx
Sorry to spam but performance of the decade has to be Jack Twist.
Then Holden Worther and Joe Nast touched my heart.
Jimmy Livingston made my world Bright and Shiney.
I've enjoyed all Jake's films (apart from TDAT) and hope to enjoy many, many, many more wonderful performances.
Happy New Year to all babblers and thank you UV and FL for this blog, definitely my favorite for anything Jake.
I haven't seen some of his ealier films and Brothers is not out here until 22nd Jan, but here are my favorites up till now.
5, Holden Worther
4, Douglas Freeman
3, Tony Swofford
2, Jack Twist
It is so hard to chose between all of these but seeing as Zodiac is my favorite film,
1, Robert Graysmith
Oh yes, I'd have to say, at least for me, the performance of the decade was Jack Twist. Tommy Cahill touched my heart too - I wish there had been more of his story.
Cheers for the New Year to all, and I'm sure we're in for lots of exciting roles from Jake, this Source Code sounds really interesting.
^^Oh I loved Jake's Robert Graysmith and of course Douglas Freeman too.
Even tho we're talking films - the new People does have a little bit on why Reese Left Jake. She 'outgrew him". He didn't have the life experiences she had.
So once again he's this kind of "adolescent" type who just isn't grown-up enough to really be involved with a real relationship.
But you'll probably never hear any comments from Jake.
Some seems to be the children deal - but if there's one thing we can be sure of from anyone who has talked about him he is great with kids. And he certainly has been around them.
If she didn't want any more kids and he was wanting a family life then that would kind of put them at a stand-still.
But some of this other stuff is insulting to him.
What a great post!
My favorite Jake performances are:
1. Donnie Darko
2. Jack Twist
3. Tommy Cahill
4. Tony Swofford
5. Holden Worther
Have a fun and safe Happy New Year everyone!!!
I cannot believe I forgot Donnie Darko, make that joint 2nd with Jack Twist.
It's funny to think we've never talked about this subject before. I love to see what Jake roles have touched people. Yay!
But some of this other stuff is insulting to him.
This angers me so much. I hope this affair they had will be forgotten soon.
With the upcoming releases of Nailed and PoP, I hope peole will talk about his work again not his relationships with some starlets.
This tweet is from Long Island, Jake was tweeted there before, Mastic:
margie1210: DH just had Jake Gyllenhaal in his store!!! and he didn't know who he was!!! GASP! He's going to photocopy his signature for me, lol!!!
about 2 hours ago from web
Visiting this blog has been one of my highlights in 2009 and it will continue to be for 2010!!
Holden and Donnie Darko are 2 of my favs but Jake Twist will always hold a special place in my heart.
PS: Anon. do your self a favor and stay away from garbage like People, Us, In Touch, etc. They are all spinning different stories which means that they are all BS, they have no idea what really went on so they make-up shit IMO. No need to get upset over rubbish.
Happy New Year!
Reese is a bit more than a "starlet"...and a relationship that went on for close to 3 years..when something is over like that it still is going to be hurtful.
and remember Natalie's comment.."..he loves his girlfriend". And she certainly traveled..both of them..when they could with sometimes miles that took a day to get there, so they could be together. So i don't think it fdan be easy for either one of them.
I loved Jake's Jack Twist. I thought he was brilliant. exceptional, really. But I feel the same way about Swoff, and now, Tommy Cahill. Brilliant. Aside from giving me a heart attack with the 'sexy,' Douglas Freeman was a different way:)
I really enjoyed the off beat roles in Lovely & Amazing, and Holden Worther in GG,so much, and I remember how he said he played Donnie Darko as sane and he really did do a exceptional job on it, too. Another worthy classic.
Zodiac is a favorite of mine. Fincher really did an outstanding job of re-creating a place and a time that really stays with you long after the final credits fade. Jake's RG was spot on. I thought he calibrated that character's personality perfectly to play against RD,Jr.'s character.
Harold Dobbs? Really good job. Not my favorite, but mostly because Gwyneth's character grated on me. Her character lacked nuance and strained credulity on the "loveability" factor. Joe in MM? Another performance I really enjoyed, but not in my top four.
It's so hard to rank them. The point is, IMHO, even Jake in a so/so part or a so/so movie is exceptional. How else can I explain sitting thru TDAT more than once...I know. As I said in the last thread, he elevates everything he does. He's interesting and charismatic and compelling.
UV&FL, this has been a wonderful place to hang out, so thanks for that. I'm SO looking forward to the coming months. What a gift Jake is!
I'm glad he shares his art with the rest of the world, and I'm glad we can all share it with each other. ( opposed to the not sharing I would do with real Jake.)
His star is rising and hers is declining, in the long run this may have been the best thing for him.
Now let's go back to the movies.
Favourite performances (I'll list 3):
Homer Hickam (OS)
Donnie Darko
Jack Twist (BBM)
Favourite films of Jake:
Oktober Sky
Jake's many roles have changed many people's lives in small but significant ways. The diversity and charisma he exudes make many of his films watchable (even TDAT -LOL Bobbyanna). I cannot wait to see Brothers but I am also already in love with Howard Birdwell even though not a screen-shot has seen the light of day.
So many hot, hot movie roles coming our Jake's way, doing what he loves. We're anxious to receive his art.
I thought Homer Hickam was from the '90's?
My favorites:
1. Jack Twist -- Brokeback Mountain
2. Joe Nast -- Moonlight Mile
3. Robert Graysmith -- Zodiac
4. Donnie Darko -- Donnie Darko
5. Tony Swofford -- Jarhead
6. Holden Worther -- The Good Girl
Happy New Year, family Gyllenbabble!
I thought Homer Hickam was from the '90's?
1999 to be exact. So, almost! ;)
I've listed my favourite 3 of all.
From this decade, I'll stick with the aforementioned choices and add The Good Girl.
Modified list:
Donnie Darko
Jack Twist
Holden Worther
The Good Girl
Thanks for all the nice comments and thanks to you all for making this such a fun place. So much to look forward to in the New Year, for all of us and for Jake!
Pop Sugar has a poll about whom you'd want to kiss at midnight. Jake is in the lead currently :)
It's hard to put them in order, because inevitably one ends up at 13, and it makes it seem as if you didn't like that movie/performance! But a girl has to do what FL tells her to do, so:
13. Jimmy Livingston - only because I haven't actually seen Bubble boy all the way through yet. (I'm saving it for a special occasion!)
12. Sam Hall
11. Jordan
10. Harold Dobbs, Proof (but if we were ranking Jake's appearance per movie, this one would be much higher!)
9. Holden
8. Piiiilot, Highway
7. Robert Graysmith
6. Douglas Freeman
5. Donnie Darko
4. Tony Swofford
3. Joe Nast
2. Tommy Cahill
1. Jack Twist
Tommy and Jack were neck and neck.
Thanks for doing the holiday posts, FL, and for being such a great co-pilot.
It took several viewings of Darko for me to finally "get" it and Jake's performance, one of his best. Swofford is also one of my favorite roles, and his performance and the film are both underrated.
Bur my favorite roles are Jack Twist and Holden from GG, 2 roles that show his growth as an actor (from GG to BBM).
Spending NYE with my BF and a few friends. Chinse food, beer, champagne and the Twilight zone marathon on the SyFy channel, it doesn't get any better!!
Happy New Year to everyone here on Gyllenbabble and thanks to UV and FL for making this place so much fun!
I can't picture Jake celebrating the New Year at the Times square arts center, but what do I know?!:
georgegsmithjr: Jake Gyllenhall is here!!!
37 minutes ago from foursquare · Reply ·
I don't believe it.The guy has posted twitpics from there, but none of Jake?
thanks to uv and fl for this wonderful place to talk about jakeits my favorite place place to visit, regarding my favorite jake performances i say are jack twist,homer hickman,tomy cahill and robert graysmith happy new year nad a jake filled 2010
Happy New Year to everyone at Gyllenbabble!
Thanks to UV and FL for making this a loving place for all Jake fans!
Jack Twist will always have a special place in my heart. Love also Donnie, Swoff and Homer. Jimmy is a riot and Holden is heartbreaking. For me it is too difficult to put them in order.
Unfortunatley no Tommy Cahill so far for us in Germany.
Does anyone remember the negative comments J. Cameron made towards Jake and some other actors when casting the lead role in "Avatar"? Something about not "manly" enough? Nothing against J. Worthington, but after having watched some parts of the film I did not see anything special that could not have played by Jake (or one of the other actors mentioned).
I am looking forward to Jakes next films and my wish for 2010 would be also getting "Nailed" a distributor.
Happy New Year everyone!!
My favorite Jake performance has to be Tommy Cahill, it bumped Jack Twist to #2, I was that impressed with his performance.
3rd place is Holden from the Good Girl, 4th,Swofford from Jarhead, 5,D. Darko,and then Joe Nast from M. Mile.
Thank you FL e UV for this wonderful place!!!!
Happy New Year friends!!!!
Happy New Year to all the Gyllenbabble family! And a big thank you to UV and FL for all the work and love you put into this blog...... it is always greatly appreciated!
I hope 2010 is a year of love, happiness and success for everyone....... and for Jake, too.
And don't forget to eat your blackeyed peas today. :)
My top five Jake performances are:
10. Jimmy Livingston
9. Harold Dobbs
8. Doug Freeman
7. Joe Nast
6. Tommy Cahill
5. Robert Graysmith
4. Holden
3. Donnie Darko
2. Jack Twist
1. Swafford
I do remember Cameron's comments Carla and after watching Avatar, his comments were a head scratcher.
Happy New year to one and all!!!
Happy New Year, Babblers.
My three favorite Jake roles are Jack Twist, Tommy Cahill, and Donnie Darko.
I hope the New Year brings love and success for Jake, and continued good times here. :)
I knew there was a reason why I don't like James Cameron!
Jake won the "kiss at midnight" poll...
BTW:I searched,but I couldn't find the tweet on Jake being at the Times Square Art Center last night. Since there was only that one tweet,I wonder if it was a joke. No one else commented, and if he was seen at such a public place someone would have, dontcha think? Mainly,I wonder why it didn't show up in my tweet search!
suvee, I could certainly use some prosperity this year!:) I wonder if cannellini beans count?
(waves!) Happy New Year, LG!
(I hate having to rank Jake's roles! I keep changing my mind.)
Bobbyanna the tweet is here
I was thinking that myself while I watched Avatar - Jake would have been awesome in it, and he wouldn't have had to remember a new character name! You can't help but think of Jake G when the main character's name is Jake. I loved it when Neytiri says "my Jake". We know blue is Jake's color. :)
That tweet may have been someone that looked like Jake. I noticed that the person didn't update until way later , he was out partying plus there were no other tweets and you think there would be at such a place.
Thanks for the link. I'd found the actual tweet by typing in the name that tweety provided. My curiosity is that when I type "georgegsmithjr" I found the tweet, but when I did a search of "jake gyllenhall" it didn't come up. And I search with about four different spellings of "Gyllenhaal."
I'm off now, to visit my mother!
Happy new year GB!!
My top list
Jack Twist
Tommy Cahill
Donnie Darko
I wonder how soon Source Code begins filming. I see that Duncan Jones is leaving London momentarily to relocate to "Canadada" and filming.
ManMadeMoon: For those asking, I am moving to my temp digs where we are shooting Source Code... location... Canadadada 30 minutes ago
I thought that filming for Source Code begins in March? He may be talking about pre-production which starts in January which would include casting the rest of the movie.
I guess we will find out soon enough!
Let's see, Jake's decade on film, my top five are:
1. Jack Twist
2. Donnie Darko
3. Holden Worther
4. Tony Swofford
5. Tommy Cahill
Hope everyone had a fun and safe New Years Eve!
Zodiac is one of my favorite films of the decade, one of the best detective/crime films period. So Robert Graysmith is my favorite Jake performance, with Donnie Darko coming in second.
This is a great blog, keep up the great work in 2010 UV and FL and Happy New Year!
Repeats, I think this is the 3rd showing of Jake's appearence on Kimmel!:
Helenuh: ha Resse Witherspoon on Conan O'Brien and Jake Gyllenhaal on Jimmy Kimmel
about 6 hours ago from web
Yes. They did a re-run of Jake on Kimmel. Seems like that Jake and Reese have completely disappeared. Not necessarily together, which I doubt, but separately. Hard to believe no one has seen or recognized them anywhere lately. You just know they haven't been staying indoors hiding.
I'm not counting that NYE Jake sighting. I think it was a mistake or a joke. No one else noticed and as someone said, the "tweeter" didn't take a picture eventho they took other pictures.
I'm furious at the tabloids spinning everything in favor of Reese. I just do not see Jake as "dumped" and "desperate."
The demographics for those silly rags are women so they always spin their stories towards what they think women want to read .
Don't waste your time or energy reading crap like People, Us, In touch etc, it's all fiction, fiction that was Ok'd by reps but it isn't the truth. As long as their clients aren't portrayed as puppy killers, the reps will sign off on anything in exchange for their clients getting a cover story which would have never happened if the story would have been of them just breaking up w/o a reason.
There were a few tweets of Reese on Monday and Wednesday , I think in PC (Park city)which is in Utah with her kids.The tweets said that she was skiing and also looking to purchase a house there. Nothing about her since then so I don't know if she stayed through the week or went back to L.A. for NYE.
That tweet of Jake on NYE is suspect not only because the tweeter had pics of the event and none of Jake but I would think others would have seen him in such a public place.
He was seen-tweeted in Eastern L.I. at a store either Wednesday or Thursday, I can't remember. That is probably legit since he was tweeted there in early Dec. Mastic.
But other than that, they do seem to have "vanished", we were so used to getting more sightings, I guess thye both have learned to "dissappear".
Jake usually seemed to disappear around Christmas through the New Years and not until the place was on fire did we know he and his family went to this place in Northern California.
I think it was fairly mutual between Jake and Reese and we don't know - maybe he was the one who was ready to leave the relationship.
The "women" reading the magazines tho and if it is geared to them (and it does seem that way) who some may still not know much about Jake will probably now see him as a "little boy" who is immature and not ready for a real relationship.
Of course it's not easy to let go of a relationship that has lasted almost 3 years for either of them.
But as Downey said - "he's tough".
He'll get through his feelings and move on.
Not long before all this happened People mag. had comments from Natalie about him. Hope someone reading the recent People stuff remembers that.
And - yea - he's going to be starting a movie soon!
I don't know if The place that burned down was re-built but I don't think the family would return there since the divorce, too many memories and that would include MV, although that place may have been sold.
They have family and friends on L.I. and I think that maybe they p are now hanging out there, away from everything which is good.
I like the idea of Jake "vanishing" until he starts filming, I think between Dunst and Reese and everything else, he is sick snd tired of all of that crsp.
Didn't think that he and family would return to the place near San Francisco even if it had been rebuilt - was just using it as an example of how in pre-Reese years how we wouldn't see much or hear anything about him during the Holidays.
I remember seeing pictures of Robert Downey, Jr. and his wife visiting with them at Ojai over Christmas. At least I think it was Christmas.I don't like it being put about that Jake is needy and desperate. I think that's very far from the truth. I'm starting to not like Reese, and I had been hoping they would get back together.
I hope that you are 10 years old anon., because no adult would believe that crap.
Do you actually believe that J&R's friends would talk to those rags? Pure BS, just a reason to do a cover story because they haven't appeared on the cover of any rag in ages so they threw them a bone and left out the details.
No one will know the real reason, and that's how it should be.
Any complaints about the slanted fiction should be e-mailed to People, Us and other crap rags.
So stop "worrying" about the rags stories i'm sure Jake could care less, most people arent't paying attention anyway.'s all fiction, fiction that was Ok'd by reps but it isn't the truth. As long as their clients aren't portrayed as puppy killers, the reps will sign off on anything in exchange for their clients getting a cover story....
I admit it..... I know absolutely nothing about the inner workings of celebrity PR. But for the life of me, I don't know why Jake's "people" would want to encourage the public perception that he is the sad, desperate, immature dumpee. How does that help his career?
Can't help it, I do not like the slant this story has taken. And I agree with anon 11:44 that he will now be seen as an immature little boy by some people who up until now weren't familiar with him. It's entirely possible that he isn't at all bothered by that, but I resent it for his sake.
Okay, I'm done now. :)
My fav at this moment:
1)BBM ♥ /October Sky ♥ /Donnie Darko
2)The day after tomorrow/Brothers/The Good Girl
5)Moonlight Mile
It's probably not worth speculating about, but I don't like the slant this is taking either. "Life Experiences" just sounds like they are at different places in their lives - he may be ready to settle down and start a family, she's been there, done that. I don't like that it reads like a putdown of him, tho.
Suvee, I also dislike that slant and don't believe it's Jake's doing. But we have no idea where any of this is coming from.
There's been way too much dwelling on this, mostly from anons. Back to favorite Jake performances.
I'm at the PS airport and very sad to be leaving sunny, now warm southern California. But I had a great time with old friends. A wonderful way to ring out the old decade and see in the new. Hope you are all enjoying 2010 so far.
"I don't like it being put about that Jake is needy and desperate. I think that's very far from the truth"
"I don't know why Jake's "people" would want to encourage the public perception that he is the sad, desperate, immature dumpee. How does that help his career?
Can't help it, I do not like the slant this story has taken."
Anon 12:29 and suvee, I guess I agree. I don't ever read it, buy it or believe it. But these magazines wouldn't exist if most people felt the same way I do. So obviously someone is willing to read it, buy it, believe it. That's what I don't like.
I think it's all garbage. But I don't like it being out there in the "atmosphere." I feel like it's disrespectful of Jake.
I'd like it best of all, if not another word appears anywhere,and it all fades very quickly. Unfortunately, that won't happen until someone else's misfortune makes headlines. I hate that stuff gets put out there, and no one acts to set the record straight.
That's why I hate it when that kind of speculation and garbage gets brought into GB. What's the point?
The magazines don't have anything new to add. Nothing fact based. Any one of us knows just as much, and could write a credible article on the whole damned thing! I'm well and truly tired of it.
i agree enoght of this type of speculation lets just concentrate on jake and his movies glad you had a good time in ps uv and the weather warmed up
Bet you got that 'Back to Life, Back to Reality' song playing in your head right about now UV. Back to work next week but what a wonderful two weeks of Jakeing most of us has had. What a treat.
I have not the courage yet to watch BBM again as I tried to watch some on youtube (Kissing You) and ended up a blubbering mess. So, the whole movie? Not yet. But this has given me the anticipation of watching the fantastic charisma between Jake and Anne in LAOD. His Kimmel interview suggested a lot of fun on set.
His job is unlike any other in that his work is being immortalised therefore, the experiences gained during his acting sojourns can only elevate the finished product for him and for us. I hope he tries his hand at directing and produce something from Nine Stories Productions in the near future.
Roll on 2010 and hold on tight... it's going to be a helluvaride.
Suvee, Jake's reps have not served him well since the beginning of his career IMO. They have always let things snowball w/o comment. They seem to prefer to promote him through relationships, his relationship with Reese mirrors so much with his relationship with Kristen.
Let's just hope this cycle soon dies down, I do widh he would get a new PR team.
Glad you had a great time in Palm Springs UV, welcome home!!
I don't like the various stories out there about the split because it makes him look sorry and needy and now desperate to reunite. I just try to ignore them.
Hopefully 2010 will turn out to be a wonderful year for Jake professionally and personally, that's my hope for him and everyone here at GB!
It's hard choosing Jake's best performances but I think that his recent role of Tommy in Brothers ranks up there as one of his finest. After that: Jack Twist, Tony Swofford and Donnie Darko.
Awww, UV! I'm sorry you have to end your vacation just when it is warming up, but I'm also very glad you're back!
I'm really looking forward to LAOD, PoP, "Source Code",and even for "Nailed" to sneak in under the radar.I'm anxious to see who else they'll cast in Source Code.
Of course, the Untitled Moon Project, which I think is going by the name "Argonaut" and "Damned Yankees" and the Joe Namath biopic, and who knows what else'll get added to the list.
OT, but last night we watched the sweetest movie! Has anyone ever seen Mrs. Palfry at the Claremont? Joan Plowright and Rupert Friend?
Yes I have seen Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont Bobbyanna!
Joan Plowright gave a brilliant yet poignant performance. It was a sweet, intimate film about lonliness and how sometimes strangers that come into your life are more like family than you own flesh and blood.
Welcome back from vacation UV!!
I have nothing to add to the latest round of speculation, it's just too tedious.
Good news (IMDb)!!!
Brothers has the premiere in Argentina on February 18 !!!
Leonor, that's great, despite being away, you finally have a date to see Brothers.
After midnight of the new year, I got sick with stomach problems.
I went to the doctor and he told me that I'm with gastritis.
I was visiting family in Vermont, it was exhausting but I enjoyed ringing in the New year with them.
Back to work tomorrow, sigh.
The performance for the decade for me is Jack Twist, followed by Joe Nast, Donnie Darko, Tony Swafford and Holden from the Good Girl.
Duncan Jones:
ManMadeMoon:Good bye London! Off to airport now.... Hello Montreal!
about 10 hours ago from TweetDeck
I do not know if it will be the beginning of the footage or any preparation for filming. Perhaps one training.
I think it may be pre-production monica. I noticed that Jake is the only one cast on the IMDB page. I would think that Duncan would have to finish casting the movie along with scouting, etc. Unless Jake is involved in that as well, if so then he would e listed as a producer like he is with UMP.
Sheba mentioned Jake's production Co., Nine stories. I think that production co. was in name only but I have a feeling that he may have an actual poduction Co. Just speculation on the time he spends in Venice when he is in L.A., perhaps that'a where his Co. is?
Fell better monica!
I've been sort of queasy the past two days, too, monica. Not fun!
OT: My !*&!*!&# phone's not working (Comcast!) and today's my Birthday. Me & Mel Gibson...
So glad to know you're finally getting your Brothers premiere, Lenor!
Happy birthday bobbyanna!Buon compleanno!
Happy birthday bobbyanna!Buon compleanno!
Happy Birthday Bobbyanna!!!
Sorry to hesar that you are not feeling well, hope you feel better.
happy birthday bobbyanna hope yoe feel better soon i been sick all week with a bad cold coughing so ahrd my ribcage and back are sore any way have a good one
Aww! Grazie mille, verdeblusm!
Thanks, extra. I've had yogurt and oatmeal so far today,& things seem pretty good.I've had lots of very rich foods for the past two weeks, so I guess my body finally said, "No mas!":)
Woke up today, and it was really sunny, but 6 degrees outside!
"It's Complicated is on my 'to do' list today. Altho, my ex is the last person I'd ever want to have an affair with. The very last person!
Feel better, mary! a bad cough is really no fun at all! Have you seen the doc? That sounds pretty rough.
Wouldn't mind a little Jake news for my b'day. Wouldn't mind it at all...even if it's just one tweet?
no i havent seen one yet but im a nurse and i do work at a hosptalplus i have a appontment ont the 11 for my physical but if it doesnt get any better i might have to i have to report for juryjryduty tomorrow maybe if they hear me coghing their dismiss me ha!
Happy birthday Bobbyanna.
Happy Birthday, bobbyanna! Hope you are having a wonderful day.
If it's any consolation, I'm in the deep freeze, too.... it's 12 degrees here, no sun. :(
Saw Sherlock Holmes on Friday, and the concession stand kids were still wearing the PoP t-shirts. Hmm.... maybe I should ask if I could buy one.
Happy birthday Bobbyanna.
Happy Birthday Bobbyanna!!!
It's about 21 degrees here but the wind chill factor makes it 10 degrees, it's brutsl out there.
You got your birthday wish Bobbyanna, hope you enjoyed your day and that you are feeling better:
PokerDon: Just left the Steeler - Miami game had drinks with Jake Gyllenhaal while Brooke rooted for the Dolphins(Blah) Go Chiefs-Raiders-Bengals!!!!!
25 minutes ago from web
He really is a Steelers fan, glad that he is in a warm climate!
Ryan Phillippe and Abbie Cornish are splits...
Abbie has been attending premieres solo and Ryan is apparently back to his "randy" ways...
Could this be why our "sweet, sweet" Reese decided to torpedo her relationship with our boy Jake?
Stay tuned...
Abbie Cornish is a great actress. I wanted so much that she received an Oscar nomination. But one day she will receive, as well as Maggie.
I think she would be a good choice for the role of Christina in Source Code.
Happy Birthday, Bobbyanna! Hope you got to your movie. We saw Up in the Air in Palm Springs, and I really enjoyed it.
Mary and Monica, I hope you're feeling better. Not an auspicious start to the New Year!
I've seen a few other random tweets of Jake in Miami over the past few weeks. No idea if any of them is genuine. But it's cute that he went to a Steelers game, if it's true.
Happy b'day Bobbyanna, hope you were well enough to managed to see It's Complicated!
Feel better Monica and Mary.
Jake in Miami, I wish it was me!
Thanks for all the lovely the birthday wishes!
UV! Welcome back to the arctic weather. I wish we'd seen "Up in the Air" or "It's Complicated," We saw "Sherlock Holmes."I love Jude Law & RD,Jr. Rachel McAdams was very good, too.But it just seemed to drag. I think it was an almost great movie."Snatch" is still my favorite Guy Ritchie movie.
I haven't seen any of the other Jake tweets for Miami. I wonder why I keep missing these tweets!
I'm definitely skeptical about some of them. Especially when he is only spotted by one person at some huge public venue.
A few days ago some girl tweeted that she was going over to a friend's house to spend the evening with Jake Gyllenhaal. Got my attention!
Turns out she was a teenager headed to a sleepover in Missouri. They were going to watch a Jake movie marathon.:)I hope he's somewhere warm, enjoying the sun, and relaxing with friends.
January, February and March in Montreal is no joke! I was thinking he might be practicing his ping pong if he really intends to participate in that fundraiser for 826 on January 13th.
Didn't Kirsten say at one time she felt Jake was her soulmate.
Enough with the idiotic Reese-bashing and the discussion of Ryan and Reese. We have no more idea of what happened with them than we do of what happened between her and Jake. Discussing it is both pointless and boring.
LOL, Bobbyanna, that happens to me all the time. You click on the tweeter and realize it's just a movie or photo reference.
i don't think I'll be seeing Sherlock. I'll wait to see it on cable.
Jake and Reese will be getting back together, sooner than later mark my words. The "problems" were due to several family "crisis" and had nothing really to do with them.
Ryan and Abby are kaput, no surprise but Jake and Reese's situation has nothing to do with them at all.
HW couples use the words soulmates all the time and Kiki is no different. Maybe if she didn't become a junkie, she still would be with her "soulmate".
And now with the Kirsten-bashing. Enough already. Especially with the faux insider info.
And LOL, Bobbyanna, at the ping pong remark. Forgot to comment on that :)
I think the tweet is a joke. In one of the posts he talks said Hi to Johnny Depp!
I am better because of the use of some remedies and a diet. But sometimes I feel a burning sensation.
I agree with Monica that the Miami tweet was probably not true. I think the reference came as a result of Jake's appearance on the Jimmy Kimmel show where he talked about routing for the the Steelers and going to the game.
They repeated that episode on Friday.
You guys are so good at finding the tweets...whenever I try it I just seem to get references to people watching movies. So I've given up trying and just come here to catch any sightings since you guys are always up on the Jakedom.
But I have to share this one tweet I read, it made me laugh out loud!
"fourthirtyam: I'm annoyed that Prince of Persia is a Disney. I want it dark & art house & naked. By "it" I mean to say Jake Gyllenhaal."
I saw that Johnny Depp reference too, monica! I'm beginning to doubt Jake's in Miami.
I saw that PoP tweet! I have to smile at the effect Jake has on women as evidenced by all the tweets. I get mostly movie references, too.
I'm watching again Public Enemies. A great movie that deserved to be in the awards season.
Johnny Depp, Marion and Billy Crudup are fantastic.
"But I have to share this one tweet I read, it made me laugh out loud!
"fourthirtyam: I'm annoyed that Prince of Persia is a Disney. I want it dark & art house & naked. By "it" I mean to say Jake Gyllenhaal.""
Now that gave me a good laugh! Dark and naked Jake is much to be desired.:)
yea loved that tweet dont we wish:)
Happy New Year to my favorite Jake-place in the entire world! I went to see Avatar tonight...loved it a's a fantastic movie germinated purely from this man's genius brain since 1994. I don't remember him making disparaging comments about Jake, but I pay absolutely NO attention to anything I read anymore, though I do tire of reading covers about poor sad despondent Jake.
love you all and loved that last tweet:)
Pics of Jake arriving at LAX
The Gyllenhaal has landed, in L.A.!!
Yeah I think that Miami tweet was a joke.
Jake should hire a personal stylist!
He has a deer in headlights look, poor sweetie! Tired. I like the look of that airport security guard.
Yeah, anon! He is sleepy!
Happy New Year, sass!
Aww, Monica, I like Jake's style. Not so much the yellow back pack, though, lol. New post.
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