Jake Gyllenhaal made a speech at the Berlinale, where actress Meryl Streep was awarded a Golden Bear for lifetime achievement . Gyllenhaal has known Streep since he was a child. He described knowing her growing up and then professionally.

INTERVIEW Deutschland Launch-Party from Interview.de on Vimeo.
A video from the Interview launch party last week. There's a glimpse of Jake just after the minute mark.
From twitter:
Jake Gylenhaal homage to Meryl Streep- so real
From the last post: I think Jake is going out and enjoying Berlin. I think I, like the people writing, were hoping to see him out and about more. But I also love the idea that he's taking his jury duty seriously.
He was probably also working on his speech!
His hair is gorgeous, I just want to run my fingers through it. Don't you ever go bald again Jake.
Thank tou for posting this so quickly UV!! He looks gorgeous.
Can't wait for the video, I had no idea that she has known him since he was a child.
From some of the comments I just read from people @ Berlinale on FB,the weather reports aren't real encouraging, UV! LOL!
I hope Jake presenting Meryl with her award is shown on CNN, ABC and all the major "real" news outlets! I'm really excited to see the video!!
Thanks UV Jake looks great didnt realize he had known Meryl Streep either since he was a kid hoq sweet hope we get a video of it too
I knew that she was getting an achievement award bu I had no idea that Jake would be presenting her with it, how cool!!
I like the way he looks here, and I can't wait to see and hear the speech.
Let's keep our fingers crossed Bobbyanna that the US media covers this!
I'm glad it was Jake that presented Meryl her award. I'm sure he took the responsibility seriously.
During Rendition filming or promotion I remember Meryl mentioning that her son (Henry, I believe) and Jake played together as kids.
Hi Suvee!
I must have missed that, I had no idea!
Some tweets said that he was a bit nervous, but from the clips here he looks cool and calm.
I think in a Rendition interview, she talked about Jake playing in the pool with her daughters.
It's creepy that the google translations put "eulogy" for "tribute" or "speech," but this is another nice one:
What was great too: the very personal speech of Jake Gyllenhaal for Meryl Streep.
Meryl Streep's acceptance Speech - Berlin Honor Awards 2012
I love this post UV, my favorite actor and one of my favorite actress'
Thanks Anon., off to watch it!
Waves to Suvee!!!
Thanks, anon. Just posted in the post. You don't hear all of Jake's speech, but a lot of it. It was wonderful, even if I could have done without the s-word. :)
Loved Meryl's words, too. Loved what she said about Jake and about her life.
This was just lovely. I adore Meryl, and what she said about Jake was just beautiful.
for some reason the sound not working for me what did she say about Jake
Mary, she teased him about being a bad influence on her son Henry, talking about how they played bartenders @ age 12 for his sister's birthday party...serving Cokes & lemonade..."so they said..."
She talked about his "supremely gifted mother, screenwriter Naomi Foner," and his father, Director Stephen Gyllenhaal, and said that Jake had inherited their Grace. She was very affectionate to him. Silly me, I got teary-eyed.
I watched it again and Deiter is really funny trying to present his Golden Bear! He also is affectionate to Jake.
thanks Bobbyanna
"He also is affectionate to Jake."
How could you not be affectionate toward that face and smile.
I didn't know Jake knew Meryl since he was a kid. I'd love to see them work together.
Thanks for the video, so beautiful what Meryl said, what a classy lady.I just loved the look Jake gave to her when she said he inherited his parents grace, he was truly moved.
Aw. Loved the video. Thanks anon and UV. What a lovely Valentine's gift. Loved it. I love how she touches his face. She's a very affectionate, gracious woman but also has that girlyness about her.
And Jake looks so damn fine! Jeez, its a good job its freezing in Berlin otherwise those folks might spontaneously combust.
Good morning!
From the pictures I saw I thought Meryl so affectionate with Jake, who incidentally is not affectionate with him ? lol
Berlinale reception at the us Embassy.
I loved the video and I loved what she said about Jake when he was growing up with her kids!
They are both class acts and Meryl is a fantastic actress, her award was much deserved.
Thanks so much for the video!
Wonderful, funny and classy, what a treat.
Meryl is a legend and Jake was the perfect person to give her this award.
I wonder if he is still friends with Henry, love the bartending story, LOL!!!
Hi people!
No news today from Berlin?:)
It's nice to see the fashion tweets about Jake. According to Esquire's blog, he's hitting it out of the park, first on opening night, in a custom made Ferragamo charcoal wool, topped by a black cashmere coat,also Ferragamo. Then last night with Meryl, in a dark navy custom made Ferragamo suit.
(If Ferragamo loves him so much, maybe they should know that people wouldn't mind looking at a fashion photo spread of Jake in Ferragamo : ))
Ferragamo rules!:)
Jake Gyllenhaal Presents Meryl Streep With Berlinale's Honorary Golden Bear
How awesome that Jake got to present Meryl with the Honorary Golden Bear award. With the history between them and their families it made the evening quite special.
He does looks spectacular in Ferragamo as always, love all the tweets about hime looking so fine!
My dad just casually mentioned that Jake Gyllenhall looked at one of his apartments and might be renting it.. No big deal. Freaking out.
^^ New York
Well Hank's Mom gave a wonderful speech and Jake the bartender was a fantastic toastmaster!
Thanks so much for posting the video UV. Meryl has such class, grace and so much affection for Jake. What lovely things they said about each other. I wasn't aware of their history, that was fun to listen to a bit of the stories growing up with her son.
Andthanks for the Berlin coverage!
I thought that Jake already had a place in NY??
Zawe Ashton @ZaweAshton
" @JoelHorwood I'm in Berlin,you should be here."
" Oh!And then Jake Gyllenhall sat down next to me.I don't feel ashamed that I touched the seat after he left to collect some A-list DNA"
I need a new job. Haven't had time to read all the stories or watch the whole video.
You can watch the whole video here. I assume they show the beginning of Jake's speech.
Thanks, everyone, for posting all the tweets and links. What a wonderful night for Jake. And Meryl, of course. She gives good speeches, though she can go off the rails sometimes.
LOL! I don't mind when she goes off the rails, UV. It's sort of like Amanda Priestly belching...: )
Meant to add the beginning if the speech sort of sets things up. Jake talks about his "gangsta" period. LOL!
Lucky girl!
Lea Seydoux has another film screening @ the festival called "Sister." I think it screened Monday, not sure. Michael Fassbender, Antonio Banderas, and Stephen Soderbergh for Haywire, and Patton Oswalt and Jason Reitman were there today, I think, for Young Adult, too.
Hey Anon.@7:02. I ran that link though google German to English and nothing, also Swedish and Danish, what language is that?
But if it's from a blurb from last week about Jake and Lea thenot's old news!
Try Hungarian.
Lea's film premiered in competition on Monday, 2/13.
Goodmorning news from Berlin?:)
I couldn't make any sense of that even when I translated from Hungarian! Jake is screening a movie with Lea is about all I got.
They danced, then left together at 1 A.M.
Oh, ok if you say so, the translation didn't say that but it was all garbled.
Did he dance with Lea or the blogger Anon. And could you post a accurate translation?
Anon, I found this in a German newspaper article, but it is on a different night. Not Hungarian. Extra, The Hungarian article sounds like they're referring to that Dance hall. I think this is from last Thursday,and the Hungarian is from Saturday night.
"Léa Seydoux..., it is here and now made available to the court. "
Speaking to us at the bar cheering Jake Gyllenhaal
look-flashes in her direction. He has office hours, please do not film any questions. "About the movie, I can not say anything. I am on the jury, the man is usually used against me!" Seydoux and Mademoiselle? He winks. "Beautiful Lady. I must now continue to dance with her." At half past one and Jake Lea disappear into the night."
I think Jake simply put his hand on their shoulder, and wished the Hungarian a happy birthday. My translation said they were "trembling with excitement" from meeting Jake who refused to take pictures. I laughed because they said they didn't care about Jake at first, since theywere a Twi hard Pattinson fan. LOL!
Thank you Bobbyanna, that makes more sense!
An she is a very lucky lady :)
This is arguably one of the worst translations I've seen! LOL! The Hungarian from Saturday:
"The evening also part of Jake, he wore inexplicably crappy farmering bámulásával and lame paparazzi (There's a very blurry photo too) shots of the rich, and the fact that I watched, whether we succeed in her összekaparnia Léa Seydoux is ( the sexy assassin girl in Mission: Impossible 4 out), who humming in his ear all night.
When we left, they were still there, although Jake Léa clinging to his arm, and prostrate on the table "sleeping", so to continue the romance remains a mystery to us."
"The woman is really sensational," says the U.S. Beau and acclaimed "Brokeback Mountain"
I think this is a photo of
12 -13 yr.old "badass" Jake... I have to laugh at how anyone could think this kid "gangsta." It was taken, I think from the movie "A Dangerous Woman."
That's from Josh and S.A.M.
Thanks, Anon. Josh & Sam was released in Nov. 1993, and A Dangerous Woman was released in December, 1993.
LOL at badass Jake, Bobbyanna. And the Hungarian translation.
New post.
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