Photos of Jake Gyllenhaal in London filming a music video for The Shoes. The video is apparently for a song called Time To Dance.
Look, mom - no khakis! Good to see Jake stepped slightly out of the CZ wardrobe for the shoot.

There have been lots of twitter reports of Jake attending parties and filming through the snow in London. Hope he's having fun!

Photo of Jake with a fan/video participant?

(Photos courtesy of JustJared.)
Jake Gyllenhaal eats lunch today in NYC.
five days ago
What I actually mean is I met him, I was in a scene with him & lots of other people & then he walked away but for a second I was Gretchen...
2 hours ago
Working like a dog. Didn't pass up Jake gyllenhall though. Definite chemistry I'm sure.
2 hours ago
hi, I wanted wish to Sass, the whole good of this world, and to excuse me if I have interpreted badly the irony of her message, I send her a big hug and my excuses:)
Those glasses look funny on him, very 80's, but love the clothes and that smile is everything.
UV, the images of Rome from the previous post are amazing, I've been seeing them on TV and couldn't believe.
I hope the weather gets better by the time Jake gets to Germany, because i heard on the news that Heathrow airport is canceling some flights to Europe due to the snow.
Those previous pictures of Jake and Paul are stunning and humbling. Thank you. So Jake is not so far away from me and yet I have no desire to go seek him out(sorry mate too cold). The snow is so pretty right now for us it is a novelty. I was out in it yesterday and I swear I saw someone that looked just like Jake. My friend started laughing at me as to why he would be in a cinema in Birmingham watching The Artist. He should be ok to fly in a few days as its stopped snowing last night it should all be gone by Tuesday. I wish I was free to go to Berlin but family must come first ah well those of you that go have a fabulouse time and tell him I said "soon baby, soon" :D
You know I meant fabulous :D
I missed that smile Jake and YAY!!! No khakis!!
I prefer his black rim glasses, these look a bit odd on him.
Waiting patiently for the music video!
I love the photo of him with glasses. He is so sexy!
I wish he would wear glasses all the time, I really love the way he looks in them.
Go Giants!! Sorry UV , LOL!
Jake's smile just makes my day! When the Giants win, my day will be complete. *smile*
love that smile. haven't see it for a long time
Hmm why is Jake Gyllenhaal at the end of my street feeding swans. That's put a perplexing slant on my morning constitutional.
2 hours ago
Apparently Jake Gyllenhaal is filming at Clapton Pond right now...
29 minutes ago
My, my, my! I love his look with those glasses! They look very "period." Reminds me of s student revolutionary!
Zhivago-ish. : )
There is something very Revolutionary Russia looking about Jake with thoose glasses Bobbyanna, I find the look very sexy:)
I am very curious about ths music video he is filming across the pond. He shouls be off to Berlin for the FF after this, they are having brutal weather there, hope he keeps warm!
Thanks so much or all the updates, especially the EOW info!
You're right, Bobbyanna. He looks very reminiscent of
Tom Courtenay (Pasha) in Dr. Zhivago.
Good look for Jake. :)
Yes! Pasha! LOL!
thanks, suvee!
(Altho, he'd make a seriously sexy
Yuri Zhivago, too.)
I hope we hear some casting news soon. They put so much effort into some of these actor-guys and all Jake has to do is show up and breath. : )
Thanks UV love the smile cant wait for the video
Hope Jake is able to get out of Londont to go to Berlin wonder when he suppossed to leave the festival starts the ninth I believe
I was just going to post that Suvee!
He does remind me of Pasha from Dr. Zhivago, I love that movie.
I think there was a discussion hee about remakes and I wanted Jake to play Yuri if HW ever decided to do a remake:)
According to IHJ he was in Dalston England (Just Jared also says they were in Dalston England) (not being familiar with the geography in England I googled it, it is way north of London)
With the glasses he looks kinda like Harry Potter. I bet he'll be leaving in a day or so for Berlin. I hope he stays warm. It's warmer here on the east coast of the US then in Europe right now
Sass we can BOTH celebrate WHEN the Giants win (GO GIANTS)
big hugs to you!
There's an article on RW in the USA Today Weekend magazine that comes with Sunday papers and there is mention after her divorce from Ryan P. "she spent 4 years as a single mother".
Then of course she met Jim T.
UV, Joe Namath picks The Patriots to win, and Tom Brady is a Wolverine alum... I 'm not a big football fan except I think Mark Sanchez is cute bcz he rminds me of a young Joe Namath. I don't want my bias for Mark to cloud my judgement. So I'll just look forward to the game itself...except for Madonna.
I. just. can't.
( PerezH reports that Jack Nicholson says he'd rather drink bleach than watch the Superbowl.)
There's an article on RW in the USA Today Weekend magazine that comes with Sunday papers and there is mention after her divorce from Ryan P. "she spent 4 years as a single mother".
Then of course she met Jim T.
Where can I find this interview?
There's a little thing called Google. You should try it.
I have tried, but I don't succeed in finding nothing. can you give me a link perfavore?
ps I find the cover but not the article
Interesting. According to Twitter, Heathrow's cancelled flights, etc. But Gatwick is open and functioning normally. Jake doesn't have to be in Berlin for a few more days yet,so hopefully things will settle down.
found! you excuse I am a nerd in these things, however Reese doesn't tell it, the journalist suggests it, and maybe she means not gotten married
Glad you found it, anon. But we don't need to analyze Reese's interviews. And there will be a lot of them to promote that preposterous movie. I'm sure there are lots of Reese sites out there for folks who want to discuss her.
Anon we dont pretend nothing happened but RW is in Jakes past and we just arent interested in anything she has to say
Anon, we have in the past discussed Reese and her decision not to mention Jake in interviews. Until Jake mentions the relationship in an interview, there is nothing more to say on the matter.
It's especially irritating when anonymous posters feel the need to comment on it/her one way or the other. Enough.
Mary, this strikes me as just a troll looking for an argument. So now she chastises us?
We don't "cover eyes and ears", "ANON" we've moved on. She needs to take UV's advice and find another fansite. Or go grab a guitar and write a song. Just do it elsewhere.
When some people promote movies or record albums, they love to talk about their personal lives. This isn't news, and it has no meaning here.
Oops. didn't realize you'd posted, UV.
LOL about the guitar, Bobbyanna.
On to more important things:
Soooo although it feels like a really weird dream.....at 3am last night I DID dance around in an east london flat at a mock house party.....
25 minutes ago
.......WITH JAKE GYLLENHAAL in a fencing outfit. Filmed for a music video. What the ACTUAL fuck, gotta love london life.....
25 minutes ago
There was another tweet about Jake and a sword, but I can't find it.
Jake in a fencing outfit? A sword???Swoon time!!
The more I hear about this video the more excithed I am about it, especially if he is doing this as part as some kind of networking thing for some other projects.
I love the scholarly look Jake is sporting with those glasses:):)
And enough with Reese already, I don't get the fascination with her stupid interviews here, this is a Jake blog, they broke up almost 3 years ago.
Added a photo of Jake with someone who seems to have been involved in the shoot.
Off to a Super Bowl party. Go, Pats!
Another >a href="https://twitter.com/#!/sallyc70">tweeter involved in the production.
He's so cute in these photos of glasses
I'm getting more curious to see this clip
Thanks, UV. What a cute girl! And very happy. :)
Thanks for finding and posting the photo UV!!
I'm having a Superbowl party at my BF's house along with some friends, GO GIANTS!!!
TY all!!
Pasha in Dr Zhivago...I kept trying to remember who Jake reminded me of wearing the specs...and I kept thinking of Russia...now I now why.
sass bows to babblers all
GO Giants!
Actually the whole point is that he has been such a gentleman about his relationships. That's one of the things we admire about him.
The Giants are about to give me a heart attack, The Brady Bunch leads 17-15!
Brady's amazing Chica! I have to give him his due.
Holy shit! Touchdown!
Yessss!!!! The Giants won!!!
Yes!! Giants!!!!
I am not a football fan, but that was just an amazing game. Very exciting! Congrats to Eli Manning & the Giants!
I have to say, Tom Brady is truly awesome. Brilliant, really.
Congratulations Giants, what an exciting game!
YAY the Giants WON! :D
I can't wait to see this video, Jake looks so cute with the glasses
What a game!! I called my brother; he told me he almost got a headache:)
My son is with his church bible study group, having fun; he sounded oh so happy.
I watched the game at home this year; I had to turn it off once or twice because I get so nervous.
Hopefully, I will be able to watch the SB with family and friends next year...when I hang with them I can't turn the TV off. I have to tough it out.
*big grin*
love all,
Monica, why am I not surprised you're a Giants fan? LOL. We're always on opposite sides.
Congratulations to the Giants and all their fans, especially the GBers. If it makes Sass feel a little better, I guess I can live with it :)
Thanks to the Patriots for an exciting year and game. They probably never should have been there at all, and they almost pulled it off.
Here's the other fencing tweet I mentioned earlier:
Waiting for Jake Gyllenhall to come fuck up our flat again with a fencing sword #princeofpersiaandeastendlondon
4 Feb
Funny tweets from tonight - non Giants-related:
Still think a half-time show of Jake Gyllenhaal just standing shirtless on the stage would have been more entertaining
2 hours ago
Holy flip....The Gyllenhaal with a beard, and SPECTACLES in Londinium http://gyllenbabble.blogspot.com/ (Yes. I visit a site called 'Gyllenbabble')
7 hours ago
Well, here's a shout out to Sarah, aka MagasinxStitch!
Yes it was an exciting game went over to my brothers to watch the game i didnt really care who won the game but was hoping near the end that the patriots would pull it off they also did my mother is a patriot fan so is my daughters boyfriend
nNice to see gyllenbabble get aplug:)
Forgot to say nice pic of Jake with the girl but he does look a little tired
Aww, glad you rooted for the Patriots, Mary. There were a lot of boos when they were introduced. I forget how much people in other cities hate them.
But they made a valiant effort with a much weaker team. So hats off to them and to the Giants.
New post.
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