Behind the scenes: End Of Watch has a distributor:
Open Road Films has acquired U.S. distribution rights to Exclusive Media's "End of Watch," the latest directorial effort from David Ayer. ...
The announcement was made Thursday by Tom Ortenberg, CEO of Open Road Films CEO and Exclusive Media’s Co-Chairmen Nigel Sinclair and Guy East.
“Our entire team was blown away by the movie,” Ortenberg said. “David Ayer is truly an auteur and his innovative approach to this mesmerizing story is certain to wow critics and audiences alike.”
The film uses handheld high-def cameras to tell the tale of police officers, gang members and citizens caught in the line of fire in L.A.'s South Central district. ...
“Open Road is fantastically well-equipped to distribute 'End Of Watch'" said Ayer. "They are as passionate about the film as I am and share my vision for the film’s release.”
Open Road is planning a 2012 release.
According to Deadline, "They’ve committed to a 2000 screen run, with a minimum guarantee just north of $2 million and a $20 million P&A commitment. It is not quite as sizable commitment as Open Road made when it acquired The Grey for $8 million with a $25 million P&A commitment, but it is substantial, and evidence that when Tom Ortenberg sees a film he can market, he goes after it hard. The Grey has so far grossed $49 million domestic. ...
They had several distribution options, but were wowed by Open Road’s aggressiveness and its distribution plans. “We wanted distributors to see it with an audience and it was standing room only,” he said. “The film is gripping but there is also a lot of humor. It is better than a screening in an empty room with four executives; I’ve been through those. It’s a different experience watching with real moviegoers and buyers responded.”
They also list Jake as an executive producer.
Famous friends: A preview for the Railroad Revival tour documentary, titled Big Easy Express:
According to a post on tumblr:
SXSW will debut the world premiere of Big Easy Express, directed by Emmett Malloy, as part of the closing night lineup on March 17th. The vintage railcar journey from Oakland to New Orleans is chronicled via the, “bands’ vibrant railway adventures; the high canyons, joyous crowds, blasted skies, late-night laughter, [and] endless music…”

I think that's a picture of Jake from Bon Appetit magazine. I heard that he was in this month's edition and assume it was about his work with Edible Schoolyard, but I haven't seen any evidence until this. Someone posted this on twitter and referred to BA mag. Will keep an eye out for the article.
I'm not crazy about the name of the RRT documentary. I am excited to see Jake listed as an executive producer. Maybe he's out there drumming up a new film, too!
Open Road did a good job with The Gray. Let's hope they do an even better one with EoW.
Fingers crossed that the great reaction and buzz don't die down.
Jake looks delish as always in a tux, The NY Times picked the perfect man!
Thanks so much for scanning and posting UV!!
I had a feeling that Jake was a Producer for EOW, what fantastic news! Looking forward to seeing it on the big screen.
I forgot about that RTT documentary, not crazy about the title either, Big Easy Express??
"Jake looks delish as always in a tux, The NY Times picked the perfect man!"
UV, I'm SO glad you posted that! When I saw it yesterday I have to agree with OONP, no one wears a tux like Jake! As one tweeter said, the secret to wearing the perfect tux is to start with Jake Gyllenhaal. : )
Glad Jake is finally getting a Producer credit for EOW! I hope the movie does extremely well. I liked what I read about how Ayers handled the bidding, having distributors see it with a live audience. I'm also really glad to learn they want a 2012 open.
(Bet we see more "Producer" credits for Jake, too! :) )
Jake looks great in a tux
Nice to hear he is one of the producers on EOW
So Happy EOW has a distributor. I can't wait for a release date. I am not surprised Jake was an exec producer. He had a lot of say about who was the director of SC (during an interview he said he helped choose Duncan) so he is starting to wear other hats on film making good for him!
what is P&A mean?
Last night jake gyllenhaal told me I was beautiful.. My life is complete
Lucky Lauren!
P&A stands for "prints and advertising." It's what they are going to spend to market and print the actual movie.
I added a photo of Jake from this month's Bon Appetit magazine. Looking for the actual article, if anyone is a subscriber :)
I hope we hear more about both movies, especially EoW but the RRT doc, too.
That picture of Jake from the Bon Appetit mag looks kinda funny his head looks too big for his body:)
Nate Hennagin @nhennagin Ny
Oh hey Jake Gyllenhaal walking in front of me on Spring street in nolita @olv
Lizz Spano
@grilledcheese_e lunch with charlotte and jake gyllenhaal at the table next to us! (@ Pulino's) http://4sq.com/w6Dx1w
From another story about EoW:
Executive producers are Guy East and Exclusive Media’s Tobin Armbrust, Jake Gyllenhaal, Adam Kassan, Chrisann Verges, Randall Emmett and George Furla of Emmett/Furla Films, Stepan Martirosyan and Remington Chase. ...
“Our entire team was blown away by the movie,” stated Ortenberg. “David Ayer is truly an auteur and his innovative approach to this mesmerizing story is certain to wow critics and audiences alike.”
“From the moment we read the script and met with David and John Lesher we knew we had to make this movie,’ said Sinclair. “When we then saw David’s first cut of the picture we knew we had a spectacular and original filmmaking experience on our hands. Jake and Michael are simply riveting.”
I like the sound of that, even if it is promotion!
Thanks UV for the explanation about the P&A.
Is Charlotte in NY?
Be interesting if Jake goes to Calif for the Oscars or sticks around in NY and watches it at home (I'm watching it cause of Billy Crystal)
Charlotte was the name of the tweeter's luncheon companion. They were seated next to the table where Jake was seated.
ah thanks anon
i saw this movie! omg. i was at the mall in pasadena and got asked to watch a screening of it and then fill out a questionnaire afterwards. IT WAS AMAZING. i have never seen anything like it. it feels very raw and gritty. and JAke Gyllenhall was so incredibly raw and had a great performance. and i think michael pena is really gonna make a name for himself. mark my words — these two will both be nominated for tons of awards. they said it wasn’t fully edited at the screening, so i CAN’T WAIT to see it again.
I'm hoping that everything you said, Deadline, happen, Jake deserves!
Wow, all this positive feedback to EOW is so,so good to hear! I agree Dani! Jake sure deserves it. I'm glad he and Michael Pena had great chemistry and their characters worked well together. Thanks, "Deadline" : )
FOund this article about Jake & Alice Waters in Bon Apetit. No picture, but it may offer a bit more information?
I love the NY Times article on Jake , thanks! I'm afraid that maybe the closest we will see Jake all dressed up this weekend since it looks like he will be in NY instead of L.A. this Oscar weekend.
He still has time though, are you listening Jake??
EOW is getting great buzz, I hope it continues, and I'm not surprised that Jake has been listed as a Producer, he seemed like he was involved in the project in getting it greenlighted from day one.
The title of the RTT documentary sounds corny but I bet it's going to be a fun ride!
#thatawkwardmoment when Jake Gyllenhal tells your friend she's fucking creepy then proceeds to hug her
Brett Gleason @BrettGleason
#Spotted Jake Gyllenhall looking rather sexy and disheveled at La Colombe in Tribeca, #NYC.
1m ago
Looks like Jake is going to be spending Oscar night in NY watching Billy Crystal host like the rest of us (I'd like to think he'll be watching cause that is the #1 reason I'm watching)
We know Jake spent time with Bear in Iceland last year. They became friends and Jake had dinner with him when he was in London recently, but according to an article in the NY times Mag they also braved the 'wild's of Santa Monica Bay together
I wonder what jake thinks about those fans who are searching to know where he is, what he's doing
Not much I gather since all of Jake's blogs/sites post his comings and goings, can't keep track of all the blogs, LOL!!
PR firms to increase name recognition & brand awareness of celebs thru social networking sites. It's directly tied to their employability and earning power.
If an ordinary person posts real, as opposed to canned news about Jake on a social networking site, we discover La Colombe coffee and Soul Cycle. He shops @ Whole Foods and Farmers' markets and juices.
we see he attends plays, film festivals, spends time with family & friends,goes to museums,& art openings, & lots of cool restaurants.
We discover him in a Nashville basement with his favorite band, or riding a vintage railcar around the Southwest.
IMO it's a lot better than being followed & shouted at by photographers. If you think the PR firms don't know about fans, you'd be wrong. They follow twitter, too.
90% of fans respect his privacy in terms of who he's with,etc.
But honestly, if the gossip blogs didn't lie, twist, and distort so much, the urge to find raw news from our own sources wouldn't be as great.
So IMO, 11:22, if Jake thinks about it at all, which I doubt, he probably realizes it's the lesser of all evils in terms of the costs of the life he's chosen.
Jake knows about camera phones and texting, and his friends use twitter, and a lot of celebrities have their own FB page so he knows what's going on.
Sadie Jones @merSADIEs_JONES
Saw Jake Gyllenhaal at Soul Cycle today! We didnt make eye contact soo I'm not yet sure whether or not he will fall in love with me.
90% of fans respect his privacy
Nicole Quenqua @nquenqua
Sat next to a lovely homeless couple tweaking on the way to Soul Cycle.i Saw Jake Gyllenhaal once I got there. Oh New York City.
FYI : If anyone's interested, the Independent Spirit Awards happen today. Red carpet live
streams @ 2 PM
and the awards show is broadcast on IFC @
10 PM tonight EST.
Naomi Geller @naomikara
just ran into jake gyllenhaal outside of paragon sports near union square. #yummm
Thanks for the heads up Bobbyanna on the ISA show, I forgot they were on tonight!!!
Jake's involvement with SC , it makes sense that he woild want to beinvolved behind the scenes even more.
Congratulations to Jake on his Producer credentials on EOW.
I was hoping Jake would at least attend some Oscar parties but it looks like he is hanging in NY this Oscar weekend.
No one IMO wears a tux like Jake, prefection!
Love all the good news on EOW!
From twitter and it has to be a rumour considering all the NY tweets:
enjoying a drink in the Jameson tent at the #spiritawards... Rumour has it Jake Gyllenhaal is here!! #jamesonfilm
LOL! Tweety, I once read of a famous person who'd send his easily recognized vintage car to circle a location so people would think he was there.Later on, he'd have someone say, "Oh, he just left!"
Im glad Jake is not at the oscars as I have to work so would miss seeing him
With @FactorTheory at Locande Verde. Jake Gylenhall sitting right next to us with an interesting looking date!
11:53 PM - 25 Feb 12
with an interesting looking date!
Here are the winners of the Independent Spirit Awards,congratulations to Michelle and Jean! :
Best Feature: The Artist
Best Director: Michel Hazanavicius - The Artist
Best Screenplay: Alexander Payne, Nat Faxon, Jim Rash - The Descendants
Best First Feature: Margin Call
Best First Screenplay: Will Reiser - 50/50
Best Female Lead: Michelle Williams - My Week with Marilyn
Best Male Lead: Jean Dujardin - The Artist
Best Supporting Female: Shailene Woodley - The Descendants
Best Supporting Male: Christopher Plummer - Beginners
Best Cinematography: Guillaume Schiffman - The Artist
I hope Jean Dujardin will win the oscar, he is amazing!
"Interesting looking date?" Punked out girl with lots of tattoos?
congrats to Michelle! I hope she wins the Oscar
Thanks, SAG Actor. I always enjoy watching the IS awards. Michelle seemed more relaxed, gave a nice acceptance speech. I'm not nearly as enthusiastic about the Oscars, tonight.
Neither am I Bobbyanna. Oscar night was a big deal for me growing up and until recently. No Oscar party nor was there an Oscar pool at work:(
I have seen The Help, The Artist, Hugo, Midnight in Paris and the Descendents, all fine films but nothing really to get excited about.
I'm glad Michelle won at the Spirit awards last night. She was the front runner in the beginning for the Oscar but I think that Viola Davis wil win tonight.
Thanks UV for the NY Times story on Jake and how to wear a tux properly. Of course I would have preferred to see Jake tonight in L.A. in his tux, but this will have to do since he decided to stay in NY this weekend.
The Oscars seem very low-key this year. I've seen a few of the nominated films like Moneyball and Hugo.
I'll tune in to see Kermit and Miss Piggy as presenters, I'm more excited to see them than Crystal hosting. Let's hope he doesn'tpull out his tired schtick tonight.
What a contrast from that yummy pic of Jake in a tux to the one from Bon Appetit magazine, his head looks really weird, LOL!!
Too bad Jake isn't in L.A. even though he really doesn't do the Red Carpet bit but I was hoping for some after party pics..
Great news on the EOW screenings and i'm looking forward to the RRT documentary,Jake had such I good time traveling with them.
3 hours of Red Carpet coverage with tool # 1 and 2, Ryan Seacrest and Ben Lyons on E? No thanks and I woll skip ABC's coverage as well.
Rooting for Viola and Jean to win tonight.
Ferret Jester@ZeroXOmega
Totally just rode alongside Jake Gyllenhaal on a southbound R train. He got off at Canal St. Or is he at the Oscars?
3:38 PM - 26 Feb
Just put up a quickie, rip off of other posts post.
Feel free to chime in. I'm one for two so far in my picks.
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