Closing ceremonies for the 62nd Berlinale. The jury awarded the Golden Bear to Italian docudrama Ceasar Must Die, a surprise winner. The movie, from directors Paolo and Vittorio Taviani, "explore(s) the porous boundaries between art and life.
The film looks at a staging and performance of William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar at Rome’s maximum security prison Rebibbia, with the inmates playing all the roles."
Jake Gyllenhaal presented the Best Actress Award to Rachel Mwanza for her role as a child soldier in the "harrowing" film War Witch. (Full list of winners.)

Just wanted to put this up. Will update with better pics soon.
Poll: Who was the coolest Berlinale-Star?
Hmm - I wonder what this is about. From twitter:
If anyone knows why the awards host and Jake Gyllenhaal seem to have major beef at #Berlinale, I'd love to hear. Very strange.
I love Jake but he is really moody. I think he makes too big of deal of the paps pic getting his haircut. Germany has been very kind to him, he needs to leave the Hollywood attitude at home. I hope the beef with the awards host is not another Gyllenhaal hissy fit.
Thanks UV that is a curious tweet wonder if theres any truth to it?
I voted looks like Jake is winning by a landslide:)
Post just to complain about him and assume that he's in the wrong. Ignore all the other posters who say how nice and happy Jake has been going around Berlin.
Hissy fit, eh. Pot meet kettle.
UV, I think that tweeter left his sense of humor at home, or he's obtuse. IMO, Jake and the hostess had a running gag. She seemed to have an attitude of " You're not all that, and I'm not going to succumb to your charms." I took it as a running gag, not a "beef."
"Love Jake," I disagree. I can understand his discomfort being followed inside the salon for a haircut. It was a very intrusive thing to do to him. Jake is the most unlikely actor to ever have or display a "Hollywood attitude."...whatever that is. A fan would know that.
That's right 3:16. That moody actor with the "Hollywood attitude" who stood outside in the freezing cold meeting fans, and signing autographs, and taking photos? The one who was often seen walking around in his green parka, and was happy to meet/talk to people? That guy? ; )
Jake looks tired I bet he is ready to go home. I'm sure he had a great time, I don't see any attitude.
I think at this point he is tired of the paps, which is why he is sticking around NY
Im curious where he will fly home to LA or NY?
Some interesting winners, I lve the pic of Jake and the Best Actress.
Thanks so much UV, you did a great job following the awards!
The paps in the salon were very intrusive and I don't blame him one bit for being pissed.
I never heard Jake being described as having a "HW attitude", maybe the tweeter didn't get the ongoing schtick he was having with her.
Well, we got to the end of the Festival, was so good to see him there, and must have made him well
Wow. I'm not one that posts very often, but I feel a little compelled to reply to the above poster. That rant was pretty unnecessary. This is a Jake fan site. If you are not a fan, you should probably spew venom somewhere else.
Please don't insult my friends here ...I am not sure where your vitriolic came from but you do now that Jake is voted the coolest actor @ Berlinale and for me the world. I take time off to be calm and not so excited about every little thing read or said to me about Jake, Austin, Jae and Austin who was @ Berlinale, my posting habits, Jake's personhood, his everything, but I must make a post to say Jake is in no way the person you post about, or somehow in the last 11 years I have been a fan it would have come out...it always does.
Those who wish bad luck and speak ill of others must not know the consequences of such behavior or they would stop...life is too dam*ed short.
WOW tell us how you really feel about Jake. I'm not sure where this hostility is coming from. Jake is a human being, albeit handsome, gorgeous even, but he isn't perfect. If he isn't what you expect him to be that is your problem. I happen to be a fan and if you have a problem with us then I suggest you go somewhere else to unload your crock of bull
Well said sass and Lily and vanessa just another troll posting to stir up some trouble just best to igorne them when they do
Not that Fond of Jake because of this bitchy
You need a valium.
How crazy
Bravo Sass and Lily, I couldn't have said it better myself. I'm seek of people dropping by and dumping their shit here, this is a Jake blog. If youaren't a fan then don't post here.
I never heard anything about Jake copping a Hollywood attitude before.
Jake is winning the contest!
Thanks so much for the photos UV, he loks might finr and congrats to all the winners at The Berlin FF!
Where is Monica with all of her updatings and news?:)
Jake has a specific type of sense of humor - it's a kidding humor. In a way it's kind of like George Clooney's. If people don't see it or understand it they just are getting it wrong.
I saw a tweet from a news outlet that has video footage of Jake leaving Berlin, but the video is only available to news organizations, so I couldn't access it. They don't say when he left. They posted it about an hour ago or more.
So there is not a lot of controversy about Jake and the presenter. I'm sure "Love Jake" is sad to hear that :)
Prominent Jake-fan tweeters seemed to be unhappy, but other reports suggested that the banter was all staged. I haven't watched the video yet. Not sure if it will be clearer from that.
Critics seem to feel the jury made a safe/boring though not necessarily unworthy choice.
From a recap by German Vogue, giving their own awards:
The most heard phrase: "Have you seen Jake Gyllenhaal?" No, unfortunately not. I hope he comes back next year.
Shockingly, they awarded Best Eyelashes to Antonio Banderas! Also:
Most of perseverance, honorable mention: Dieter Kosslick. He has presented 400 films, shaken thousands of hands and danced with Shah Rukh Khan. And at the end was still as good-humored and funny at the beginning. Hats off.
Thanks, everyone for the responses to the idiot troll. I was out last night so did not see the post until much later.
W. @InWinoVeritas Close
Overheard a conversation on the train. Apparently Jake Gyllenhal is in town. Must resist urge to h(a)unt him. Oh well.
1:12 AM - 20 Feb 12 via web · Details
3h Hikaru Machida @HikaruPikalinma
@InWinoVeritas He is famous? Who is he?,singer?
2h W. @InWinoVeritas
@HikaruPikalinma Yep, very famous- Hollywood actor, who acted in "Brokeback Mountain", "Source Code", "Donnie Darko" and so on.
Jake was still in Berlin when the poster tweeted about Tokyo.
When Jake has departed?
It was after 9 PM in Berlin when the awards ceremony ended. If a jet plane was landed on the red carpet to pick up Jake, he still could not arrive in Tokyo to ride a subway by 1:12 AM. This isn't the first time a wishful thinker claims he's in Japan.
we know if we wait long enough the tweeters will let us know Jake's whereabouts eventually. I don't know if he left right after the closing ceremonies or waited until sometime today to leave. (if it were me I'd rest up after such a busy schedule and leave the next day but then I'm not Jake :D)
I've heard a lot about Ceasar Must Die, would love to see it.
It was difficult to keep up with the goings on at the Festival due mostly to trying to translate stuff in German but you did a stellar job UV, bravo!!
I'll not comment about the ass that fo some reason sees a need to post about Jake's "attitude" in Germany despite stories saying the opposite.
Some tumblr posts:
These chicks were so cool… They were waiting 2 nights in a row, in the freeeezing cold for Jake Gyllenhaal; in front of the Ritz Carlton Berlin. Jake is a judge for the Berlinale and has been in Berlin for the week. He walks around without security, seems to be a good guy. The following day that I took this photo, I saw these same girls. Ironically while talking to them, Jake appeared. They were happy and so was he! After talking for a bit he got in the back of a BMW, hid under his black base ball hat and started texting away: ”like ohh my god!!!, you would not believe who I just met… Katherine York!… yeah.. she is so cool in person… aghhhh, no dude, I didn’t get her number"
So, I was at the Berlinale...
And who might my own ungrateful eyes happen to chance upon, but a lovely, lithe Charlotte Gainsbourg and a dapper Jake Gyllenhaal. I swear, I was sitting a row above them, and my, I never thought I would be all giddy from seeing the back of anyone’s head.
IHJ has photos of Jake at the Berlin airport today.
The following day that I took this photo, I saw these same girls. Ironically while talking to them,
Which photo?
I want to see the winner, too, OONP.
Thanks for all the thanks :) New post.
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