After 10 days in snowy Berlin, the Berlinale came to a close with the closing ceremonies and a gala dinner in a mirror tent in the Martin-Gropius-Bau:
I wanted to attend, especially because of the actor Jake Gyllenhaal. To find out a bit about his 10 days in Berlin, spent with the judge and watching movies. In the smoking section, we started talking, though the man from Hollywood does not smoke. First question: "Was it hard?" Good humored and relaxed, the young man (31, best known from the movie "Donnie Darko" and "Brokeback Mountain") stated, "We discussed an awful lot! But not because the Berlinale film festival is political," he says, "but because our jury president, Mike Leigh, is British. And Brits love to debate, "even to the extreme."
"Once we sat around a table and argued for twelve fucking hours." What he actually said there or chose or another criticized, Mr. Gyllenhaal reveals nothing. "But it definitely was always clear and interesting to see how different actors and directors analyze." And: "We eight jurors were always very fast and quite sure about what movies were good or remarkable. We argued only that it was good enough to be worthy. "

The author also asked Jake how he could persuade a straight friend to watch Brokeback Mountain, a film that the author deems the gay Titanic. Jake's reply: "Tell him it's a universal but special love story. A great film makes a love story unique."
A few images from snowy Berlin and the festival:

Members of the jury.

Monica has posted clips of Jake from the red carpet and on stage on youtube. Links to all of them are here. I haven't watched the videos yet, but you can here the reaction when Jake gets out of his car at the end of this clip.
Thanks to Stephanie and Monica for keeping up with all the news from the festival.
I dont think i gave my thanks for all this UV but thankk for all you do gonna be sad to this come to an end but Jake looks and sounds like he had a good time and this was a good expereince for him now we just have to see where he shows up but I have a feeling it will be NY
Thanks to everyone who made me feel like I was on this wonderful journey with Jake. I saw he has left Berlin (quite a difference from when he came, no fan fair he was wearing the same LA baseball cap but he kept his head down to avoid the paps taking a photo of his face. I'm sure he is glad it's over (not that he didn't enjoy himself but it sounded like it had some crueling moments)
^ Jake and Charlotte, have become indeed friends. Or were they already known?'
UV, you've outdone yourself with these posts! You overcame both the language barriers, and the difficulty finding stuff, to keep us in the loop at Berlinale.
(Google translator stinks.)
It was great to see /hear the eruption from fans when Jake got out of the car! in monica's video clips, too. and I don't say it nearly often enough, but Stephanie/IHJ is amazing.
One more thing: I love Charlotte Gainsbourg's sense of style! Her shoes! I loved them! I could never wear them, but I loved them! One minute I see pictures of her walking in Berlin, with her
7 month old baby bundled up, the next she's decked out in Balenciaga.
Go, Charlotte!
FYI, Charlotte co-starred with Heath in that film, "I'm Not There," about Bob Dylan.
Let me echo what Mary and Bobbyanna has said UV, you did an outstanding job keeping up with Jake in Berlin, and it asn't always easy especially with translating everything.
Kudos to Monica and IHJ too!
I was digging Charlotte's style too, very cool and sexy and she has some really long legs!
Jake looks happy at the dinner and a job well done in choosing the winners.
Jake gyllenhaal bying stuff next to me at the pharmacy next home!!!
We will find out one way or another if that was Jake in Paris or a look a like!
Thanks so much for all the updates and links and gorgeous pics of Jake at the Berlin FF.
Hopefully we will here about a new Jake project soon, i'm afraid that we all have been spoiled these last few weeks!
C'est vrai, it would appear. From FB:
à déjeuné avec jake Gyllenhaal...tranquille^^
at lunch with jake Gyllenhaal... quiet ^ ^. (Translated by Bing)
2 hours ago ·
Jean-Christophe Torres Non mais sérieux ???????
See Translation
2 hours ago
Cienzo Lino mais grave et même qu'il y avait Léa Seydoux...ohoh !
but serious and even that there were Léa Seydoux... ohoh! (Translated by Bing)
2 hours ago
I think it was yesterday. We'll see if we get any other tweets or sightings.
Tweety, ditto on the news about a project. Fingers crossed for something soon!
Sébastien Couix
@deefuz Paris, France
Dej' quelques tables à coté de Jake Gyllenhaal de Brothers (@ Nanashi) http://4sq.com/zxV6kh
Translation : having lunch a few tables away from Jake Gyllenhaal
I'm so angry, I know exactly where he's having lunch because I'm ALWAYS in this area of Paris... but, of course, he had to come here when I'm in the South of France... FML
He had lunch with Léa Seydoux yesterday? I wonder if they were with other people or alone.
another one
cdrccldfbnvnstCedric Coldefy
OMG jake gyllenhall a 3 meters de moi #pipiculotte (@ Nanashi) http://4sq.com/xfmBj8
24 minutes ago
the #pipiculotte expresion made me laugh. :) I don't know if there is a translation in English for this but it basically means "panty pissing". That's an expression that girls use when they are very excited about something
PKTennis @pk_tennis
Dej chez Nanashi avec Jake Gyllenhaal http://twitter.com/pk_tennis/status/171957269158830080/photo
Thanks, anon, I just found the twitpic of Jake, too! : ) What a nice surprise! I hope he and Lea have a lovely visit.
Just wanted to add, Thank goodness the French usse twitter! : )
Fabien Constant
@FabConstant Paris
Jake having lunch 20 mn ago at nanashi restaurant in Paris with Clemence Poesy. http://pic.twitter.com/I5eriVL3
20 minutes ago
Uh, I thought she was @ fashion week in London? Not sure.
Coralie, that is a drag! My sympathy is lessened due to the fact that you're in the south of France :) But how annoying to have Jake so near to where you are so often!
the #pipiculotte expresion made me laugh. :)
It makes me laugh now, too!
The French are more with the Twitter, how you say, Bobbyanna! At least, they are aujord'hui.
Clémence Poesy est à Londres en ce moment je crois
I never heard of Léa Seydoux, looks like Jake is hanging out with models (though I see she is also an actress) He was seen in NY with the Brazilian model before he left for Berlin
I wonder if Jake will be going to the Oscar parties?
Clémence Poesy Look like LèA S
Nice photos of Jake in France. Maybe he didn't want to take the trip back to the states yet. He had such an intense time in Berlin, busy with the FF that he wanted to take time and relax a bit in Paris (one city I'd love to visit.)
Well it looks like the party may not be over based on some of the tweets, thanks for the translstion!
Love the twic pic and it's good to know that the French are as good as tweeters as the New Yorkers!
Thie was a very special experience for Jake being a juror for ths film festival I also hope he did some major networking there as well :)
Sure would love to run across more first person accounts of behind the scenes at Berlinale. I really enjoyed reading the interview Jake did,describing the 12 hour jury session.
OONP, I hope he did some networking too. : )
BTW: Happy Fat Tuesday to Everyone who celebrates!!!
I imagine monica has been enjoying Carnaval the past few days!
can some one post that twit pic of Jake i cant get it to come up? thanks
From twitter
Christina Banana
Spotted Jake Gyllenhaal et Léa Seydoux dans le Xème #potin
ChristinaBanana @solanacee
Spotted Jake Gyllenhaal et Léa Seydoux dans le Xème #potin
So he really is in Paris, love that twicpic of him. LOL, he always seems to be on his ipad/ipod even when he is at a Restauraunt.
I would love to hear more about Berline too, the behind the scenes process of screening and chosing the winners.
Hopefully Jake will talk more about it in the coming months.
What is it #potin? I have found, a hotel a cafe restaurant and a theater.
Xeme is nothing, a small neighborhood cafe.
Anon 7:35
"potin" means "gossip"
and le Xème is the 10th arrondissment/district of Paris :)
He's lucky, the weather is great in France now, it has been awful over the past 2 weeks
I think Xeme refers to the 10th arrondissement, so it is a neighborhood/section of Paris. I think Nanashi is in the 10th.
Extra, you can take Jake out of the city, but you can't take his phone!
Hi again, Coralie. I wondered about the weather when we saw Jake in the t-shirt yesterday. I hope the weather in the south is good, too!
It must be a nice break for Jake after Berlin's cold.
Oh and thanks for the translation.
Thanks everybody for the kind answers :)
thanks UV hope Jake has NICE TIME IN Paris
Well it's supposed to hit 50 degrees today in Paris, and sunny, too, so that's a welcome change from Berlin. : )
Jake seems to be enjoying a lovely, very low key visit.
Well it's supposed to hit 50 degrees today in Paris, and sunny, too, so that's a welcome change from Berlin. : )
Jake seems to be enjoying a lovely, very low key visit.
*winks at UV*
OK. I've watched "Midnight in Paris" a few times now. Lovely movie. I wish twitter would at least tell us if Jake's been to any good restaurants besides the vegetarian Japanese.
Hi people! I have some good news!
The 2011 Nebula Awards Nominees have been announced and Source Code has been nominated for the Ray Bradbury Award for Outstanding Dramatic Presentation,Bobbyanna "Midnight in Paris"
has been nominated too!
The categories for the Nebulas seem messed up, it's great news for Source Code! The movie and Jake deserved so much more recognition.
Until finally SC was named for some prize, looking the other nominees we see that race is hard, but for those who thought that SC had been forgotten, I, that's good too! lol
I am so excited that Source Code is finally getting recognition. I wonder if Jake will be there cause the awards are held right here in VIRGINIA! in May
Just want to thank UV and Monica for all the berlinale info. I just hope we receive more great news soon about a project. Meanwhile Jake seems to be having a great time in Paris with or without Lea, Paris is always lovely.
Finally SC is getting it's props, great news! Hope Jake is enjoying Paris :)
Last night I watch the "special features" on the SC DVD. Made me realize how much Jake loves his work, and how much the other actors and his director admire and respect him. They have a lot of affection for him, and it's pretty obvious.
Roni Tessler @rtessler Jake Gyllenhaal sighting. I can die easy
Zitta @ScottZitta
Just saw Jake Gyllenhaal in Duane Reade
I spotted this photo of Jake on the subway and have to wonder if it's recent (I know he seems to put people to sleep :D I'd be wide away)
Well it sounds like Jake is back in NY if those few tweets are true sightings but we should know for sure soon as we all know how good twitters the NYers are:)
Poster on IMDB saw EOW yesterday.
it was a GREAT movie, it reminds me of the tv show Southland but on steroids. It had its funny, sad, happy, and oh crap moments. What the film is about is the life of two cops who decide to film/document their experiences while on the job, they encounter some pretty rough stuff while working in South Central. The movie had me on the edge of my seat literally from beginning to end. The ending was unexpected, i can hear alot of people around me gasping like "whoa" and "wtf". All in all, it was the best movie i have seen in months.
I also liked that the director of the movie David Ayer opened up the movie by saying the film isnt a finished product, he mentioned that a few minor deatil were gonna be cleaned up and that there would be more blood invloved, in my opinion the movie was perfect as is. i definitly recommend this movie to anyone wanting to watch an action movie that has its fair share of laughs and sad moments.
Thanks for the EOW report. I've watched Southland and it's very well done.
Genesis @Genesis_Oliver
Oh, hey Jake Gyllenhaal. You ride the N train too. Yeah...NYC
I have not understood if this is a sighting, I don't succeed in translating giving it a sense
thanks anon that is a sighting Jake rides the subway all the time when hes in New York
The subway photo is not recent. It was last year. There is an article floating around the past few days about celebrities riding the subway. They had a picture of Rihanna too.
Hi, again UltraViolet! :D I love your site, I've been reading it for a while but was too shy to post a comment!
You are right Nanashi is in the 10th arrondissement, very nice restaurant by the way!
"I hope the weather in the south is good, too!" The weather is great here (sunny and blue sky!! *sigh*) which is a nice change from Paris LOL
Looks like Jake is back home. It's great, I love the NYC tweets, they're always funny.
Strangely enough, I'm glad we didnt get paparazzi pictures in Paris.
The post on IMBD is really interesting. I'm really excited about EOW, can't wait to see it!
This is so exciting. Yay for news about a Jake movie! From Variety:
Open Road Films is in final talks to acquire David Ayer's police pic "End of Watch," starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Pena.
Emmett/Furla co-financed the film with Exclusive.
Also add Open Road declined to comment.
More to come...
From twitter:
XCLU: Open Road picks up END OF WATCH; Jake Gyllenhaal/Michael Pena buddy-cop movie played huge @ buyers' screening last nite.
Forgot to say thanks, anon, for the imdb review.
Hi to Daniela and Paula C and Coralie and all the GBers in foreign lands. And the US :)
Coralie, I'm glad you delurked for a bit. It's good to know there's a French branch!
Jake's back in NY so the tweets have commenced, lol.
Good news about EOW now all we need is a release date
Good news all 'round today for EOW!
benkia @sbenkia
Finally, a celeb who's just as hot in person. Thank you jake gyllenhaal for walking down 4th ave. #yourewelcome
(waves to coralie!)
This is such wonderful news.Hope Jake's useless PR team will coordinate promoting him, along with the movie. In the past, it's been obvious Jake relied on the film's distributors/marketing people to promote the movie wich really didn't highlight him enough.
good news about EOW. Now a release date?
I'm very happy with the news of EOW
and report this person is exactly what I think should be the movie :)
Hey I went to that screening too...film was great I loved it. The relationship between the cops was grreat really felt natural. And the slang words where spot on. Plus I live in south central and they passed by my house so it was fun seein familiar places. Got to speak to david ayers, michael pena who was a nice guy btw and anna kendrick......fun night hopefully I get to see the finished product in theaters....oh and.btw sum of the pov shots were awesome
The comparison EOW to Southland is a great sign, it's oner o f the best shows on TV IMO. Gritty and real, I can't wait to hear the news of a release date!
Thanks anon. for posting the review.
Look like Jake is in NY after a Paris :)
Congrats to SC Nebula Awards for the their nomination, so glad that ot wasn't forgotten. Maybe it woll pick up a Saturn nomination as well.
That is a very promising and enthusiastic review of EOW and I like the comparison to Southland too.
I didn't know Jake was a producer on EOW.
Watched jake gyllenhal buy listerine, floss, and condoms at duane reade tonight. WHAT DID YOU DO?
12:56 AM - 24 Feb 12 via UberSocial
Creepin to see what he gets
No lie I just watched him buy condoms
omg stfu that's so hot. Doesn't he look kinda bad though? I saw him like a month ago and he looked terrible.
haha he looked pretty good actually
Exciting news today. I hope the good advance word on EoW stands up.
LOL, Bobbyanna. Maybe Jake will make it a clean sweep and replace his publidiot team.
New post.
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