The stars come out at night for the actual movies at the Berlin Film Festival. The party kicked off with the premiere of Farewell, My Queen (Les adieux a la reine). Here's a short clip of Jake at the opening ceremony:
More photos from the red carpet and of the jury on stage:

From earlier in the day, a few moments at the press conference, including Jake and Charlotte and the water bottle:
More from the press conference, but there's also a few seconds of Jake, Anton and the rest walking yesterday:
He is so beautiful.
I love the pictures of Jake and Charlotte Gainsbourgh together. She is a great actress and has a wonderful voice.
^ ^ ^
What she said! : )
Aww, the German announcer was adorable.
The pictures from Berlin are fantastic, I feel like I'm at the festival!
Jake is so Yummy!
Glad I came back and discovered that you've posted more w beautiful wonderful pics of Jake. TY UV!!
I just watched a Joe Namath documentary on
HBO, and still can't believe, how much he looks like Jake, especially his eyes.
I thought the video was adorable of the woman mispronouncing his name. I love his smile, he looks gorgeous
Gabriele Niola da badtasteit
Jake Gyllenhaal poco prima del film senegalese delle 9 del mattino. È stato bravo. Più di me. Non ha dormito #berlinale http://twitter.com/gniola/status/167909723545415680/photo/1
Charlotte is very beautiful and tall! Jake looks suave and sexy. Looking forward to the continuing coverage here!
I saw that documentary on Namath too Sass, and I wondered if the bio Jake was attached to has been shelved since we never heard anything more about it.
@ ultraViolet thanks for welcome me so nice. I´m going to berlin tomorrow and I hardly hope to see jake and maybe get an autograph on top. So... wish me luck. Still searching for good infos where jake will make his appearances. so if anyone here might help me....
P.S. I love your comments!
Good luck in Berlin solis hope you get to see Jake and get an autograph.
Jake is looking so gorgeous love this look
Looks like Jake got off to an early start today, thanks anon.
Good luck to you, solis!: )
I'm enjoying these photos and video clips SO much. I hope he enjoys every second of his time in Berlin! He looks amazing.
can some one translate what anon posted? thanks
Jake Gyllenhaal at 9 O'Clock this morning just before the Senegalese film. He was good, better than me. He did not sleep.
thanks anon
So, Jake Gyllenhaal and Charlotte Gainsbourg were sat right behind me in first screening of the day #ingoodcompany #berlinale jury
Portrait: Jake
Solis, good luck! Let us know if you have any luck. We'll have our fingers crossed for you.
I'm glad Jake didn't fall asleep at the movie! LOL at the tweeter who did.
I forgot to say to Daniela yesterday that I liked your description that even the fool couldn't dim Jake's star :)
I was waiting for that picture, Monica. I looked at the past portraits yesterday. He looks good.
A few seconds of background Jake here at about 1:34.
Did someone post a link to the red carpet/opening ceremonies video? I can't remember. I think it's at the official site, but I'm losing track!
Again, I can't remember if this whole video was posted or not - some shots of Jake signing autographs on the red carpet last night.
I'm here watching various videos of the festival, I was afraid to just take those pictures from yesterday lol
What would we do without this gyllenhaalics festival!!
Isn't Charlotte Gainsbourg supposed to be performing tonight?
I think I'll be getting a D- in
"research" for Berlinale! Twitter is not my friend.
I re-watched the red carpet from last night's opening, and Jake is in it intermittently from about the :49 minute mark when he arrives and the crowd kind of goes crazy for him, until the 1 hour mark when Diane Kruger et al, arrive. Around the 1:18 mark, the cameras pan the gallery of photos and his portrait is very prominent. He seems to be having a good time with his fellow jurors.
he looks so classy in that black wool coat yummy
UV, I sent you a message.
He does doesn't he Lily? I love this look on him:)
And i'm thrilled with the response he is getting there.
Finally got to watch the video and love his portrait, thanks!!
Good luck Solis!
Stuff I found: Juror Anton Corbijn is Dutch, and known almost more for the music videos he's directed, as for his movies.
He's worked with U2 a lot, and recently collaborated with Coldplay on a video project. The one feature length movie I'm familiar with, is "The American" with George Clooney.
The one feature length movie I'm familiar with, is "The American" with George Clooney.
He also directed Control, about the life of Ian Curtis, lead singer of Joy Division who committed suicide at the age of 23.
I wonder if Jake will be tomorrow at the premiere of Angelina Jolie movie.
From Twitter!:
"so Jake Gyllenhaal was definitely at Das Hotel bar tonight. best day of my life."
1 hr. ago
Here's a link to a description. They have a blog, and dancing there too.
Just saw that, too, Bobbyanna. Twitter hasn't been too hopping. I wonder if Twitter is not big in Berlin.
Anton Corbijn took the famous Joshua Tree photos of U2, among many. And he directed the video for One, where they all appear in drag. He was also a photographer of Depeche Mode.
You can watch both the red carpet and the opening ceremonies on the Berlinale site.
I edited the opening ceremony:
Video 1
Video 2
Jake is so adorable in the second video.
Bless you, Monica. I was just gearing up to try to do that, but I don't know if I have the program on this computer. Now I don't have to worry!
It was the first time that I edited a video!
I used windows video maker. It's easy and fast!
I edited the photocall:
Video 3
Red carpet:
Video 4
Video 5
Video 6
New post.
Thanks, Monica, for all the videos. I really appreciate that.
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