Jake Gyllenhaal's first day on the job as a member of the jury for the Berlin Film Festival began with a walk to the venue and then a press conference with his fellow jury members.

Jake seems in good spirits, but he was apparently asked an annoying question right off the bat at the press conference. Will report on that when we have more details. Hope things improved after the rough start. Here's a video of the question and Jake's reaction, as well as Mike Leigh's answer:
Mike Leigh on Jake Gyllenhaal Being a Berlinale... by GyllenBabble
Suddenly, I'm a much bigger Mike Leigh fan.
Reposting this report that tweety posted in the last post:
Thanks for the link to the pic from Gyllencrazy!
I've been following her tweets from the festival. A US journalist made Jake feel very uncomfortable when he asked if he felt like the odd man out because BBM was his only prestigage film. Hello, what aboout Zodiac and DD??
@Sasha4Jake I swear I thought he would up and leave, he had that face. That journalist mentioned Brokeback and then said "odd man out".Damn.
@Sasha4Jake first question was for him...and they asked him if he felt like the "odd man out"? WTF? He wasn't pleased at all.
@Sasha4Jake Oh yes he does! they're presenting him now!
@Sasha4Jake He's definitely hot. He was wearing a grey cardigan over a button down shirt. The press conference is starting.
Thanks for re-posting tweety.
I'm glad Jake recovered and continued to answer questions and smile thru it. It would be tempting to make a big deal out of it, but that would only place the reporter on the defensive, and make it bigger than it deserves to be. You put it so well, UV.
It's unfortunate that the reporter's own familiarity of Jake begins and ends with one movie that is from six years ago. Why is he even covering a "news" conference.
awwww Jake is a fan of Mike Leigh!
Mike Leigh is a genius! I love his movies!
UV, I sent a message to you!
More pictures:
Aww Charlotte!
That "journalist" was an ass, sounds like he hasn't seen Jake's other movies. Hopefully Jake recovered from that , sounds like he did.
He looks good, thanks for covering the festival for us UV and thanks Monica for that link!
It seems that Jake was very sad about what the journalist did:
Press conference
more informations and photos: Berlin
Thanks monica. As I read more and think about it, I'm certain the sniping, at least partly, has a little something to do with Jake being the only American on the jury, as well as this being typical behavior by some foreign journalists.
I remember other antagonistic questions at other news conferences from foreign journalists in the past.
This is not new. It just comes at a bad time for Jake personally. So some of us will read more into it than it deserves. it was ugly by design. It's a ploy.
This journalist is setting up his next story, really questioning the judgement of the Berlinale officials, and the festival jury process.
He's creating false controversy for when the jury announces it's final awards. He starts by casting doubts early. Inventing "issues."
That guy was just looking for a headline.
Mike Leigh defended Jake:
Press conference
Thanks, Monica. And thanks for the IHJ tip :)\
I posted some photos from yesterday at the end of the previous post. And I'll update today's post as I can. Busy day, so I appreciate Monica and everyone else posting info when they get it.
Here's the translation of the last link from Monica:
Mike Leigh has now been put in protective Jake Gyllenhaal, when a reporter asked him if he is in the prestigious Berlinale jury did not feel out of place. The director of this year's jury president of the Berlinale, and stood with his colleagues at the first press conference of this year's film festival in the German capital to questions of journalists. As an American reporter asked Gyllenhaal if he vorkomme in this jury not a bit like an outsider, Leigh replied to the Hollywood star and said: "He does not feel like an outsider because he is not!" Gyllenhaal himself just added: "I agree with what the previous speaker." In addition to the director Leigh and the actors Charlotte Gainsbourg and Jake Gyllenhaal are Anton Corbijn, Asghar Farhadi, François Ozon, Boualem Sansal and Barbara Sukowa represented on the jury.
We need Carla to come back. Carla, where are you? :)
Maybe the stupid journalist will now see that Jake is a very valued member in the international film community.
It's sad that the reporter had to be so negative. Hopefully Jake's colleagues do not feel that way. And I hope it won't mar the experience for him.
I expected that from a European journalist, because they generally do not like Hollywood stars. But an American?
Probably one of those who do not like Jake.
What a crappy way to start the film festival :( The reporter was trying to plant the seeds of doubt regarding Jake's credentials, bravo for Mike Leigh to stick up for him!
I hope it doesn't put a damper on his participation too UV.
Actually the fact it was an American tells me it was definitely to stir up false controversy, especially by dragging BBM into the discussion.
Most American journalists who cover the film industry don't command a lot of respect from the international film community. Many of them aren't knowledgeable, and they have a very, extremely limited perspective.
Interesting, that with the political perspective of this festival, the reporter couldn't see Jake's work beyond BBM. So an American Journalist snipes at the only American on the jury. How provincial of him! LOL!
I can't imagine there's a journalist who's met Jake and doesn't like Jake. Reaching back six years tells me the guy was stupid. He knows nothing about Jake's work.
Hi I'm Sani from Berlin/Germany. I'm a little shy to write in english but i love this blog.
here is a link from the press conference:
Welcome, Sani! Thanks so much for the link. Maybe you'll bump into Jake this week :)
Agreed that the reporter was just trying to create controversy. I can't play the video as I'm in a meeting. Can't wait to see it.
At least it is not a big deal on twitter. I hope twitter doesn't start talking about it. It is better to keep the focus on the positive not on one stupid person to dominated the news.
why does there have to be a troublemaker in the crowd? Jake belongs at this FF just like the other jurists. He's earned it. I don't understand why the BBM comment. Why put a negative spin on BBM and Jake's other movies (like they were not successful) It's BS.
I hope that Jake let it run off his back like water off a duck's
It's not worth dwelling on. Jake Fans are protective, but all the discussion isn't helpful. It was one reporter showing his own ignorance.
The discussion is on a Jake fan blog. Of course we are going to talk about it.
What isn't helpful is popping in to tell us to move on. It happened this morning and we are just finding out about it.
People show their ignorance in many ways.
I do have to say that I love the choice of the gray cardigan. He looks very nice
BTW, I am just posting pics as I get them, and I own't necessarily comment. So keep refreshing the post :)
Also, they are in no logical order.
That ambush question was totally unprofessional. Kudos to Jake for handling it in a classy way, no surprise.
Loving all the photos from the festival, thanks UV for keeping up with all the news and pics from Berlin!
Oh i don't think so, cause I'm pregnant and my man cares a lot. He means that's too much hype and so many people. I think you know what I mean. But We've seen him last year at the source code premiere. And I must say he was very friendly and small..;) I thought he would bigger. He's a great actor with personality. And I hope there coming more films with Jake...;)
Bye Sani
If, like me, you haven't been able to watch the full press conference, here's a video of the offending question.
Sad that this was singled out. Watching it made me both more and less annoyed at the reporter. He seems more clueless than antagonistic. But maybe I'll change my mind upon future viewings.
It made me more upset because it was hard to see Jake genuinely upset. Good on Mike Leigh for stepping in.
loving all the pics from Berlin looks like Jake is having a good time except for that episode with that jerk of a reporter
I think people might dwell on this incident too long, I hope not, let's move on and get to other things at the festival
Thanks UV for all the photos and other stuff (and all my fellow Jake fans for their contributions too)
UV, I had a similar reaction. I felt the journalist was clueless. It seemed he acknowledged BBM as an example of Jake's credibility, but felt Jake still represented "Hollywood," thus was artistically compromised. It became clearer to me that this was part of what would be a larger discussion, "Hollywood" the villain in the room.
Later,the "Hollywood" meme was referenced to contrast German films as no longer being so imitative of "Hollywood"but having a more "German" perspective.
Lastly,an L.A.born,CBS reporter @ the 37:23 mark, gave Mike Leigh an opening to discuss "Hollywood" vs. World cinema. Mike said the influence of(commercial) "Hollywood" was eroding, diminishing, and the U.S. independent film movement was getting stronger.
He also said that international filmmakers, of necessity,things in competitive terms. Mike had to reassure the press the jury would be looking at things with a very open mind.
You could see that Jake was upset, but further discussions showed the Q&A wasn't personal towards him, IMO, as much what some dumbasses felt he represented.
I thought they were wrong no mattter how they meant it. There was implicit in it, a questioning of the integrity of the jury.
Mike Leigh seemed to be uncomfortable with the total line of questioning as well.
Honestly, I think they're wrong to impose the burden for mediocre films, solely on Hollywood as some evil force imposing it's will on these poor artists.
the reporter who asked that question was from the boston herald i read an another blog
BBM didn't represent "Hollywood." It wasn't some big budget movie, And Jake isn't there representing "Hollywood" either. I just bristle when someone who is ignorant takes the stage, so to speak. I hope Jake puts this behind him and enjoys the rest of the festival and Berlin
I loved the smile on Jake's face when Mike Leigh started answering the question, he was thinking: " what a stupid question".
On more positive things, damn he looks so good!
Yes, PaulaC. most important. He looked amazing! : )
Here's a link to a nice, positive article from the press conference from a film industry paper, ironically, the HOLLYWOOD Reporter. :)
An article about the party Jake attended last night:
SCHOOL’S OUT: For many of the invited 500, Interview Germany’s launch party at the former Jewish Girls’ School Wednesday night was also a first look at the freshly renovated landmark building on Auguststrasse. Architect Alexander Beer’s five-story edifice from 1927 has been transformed into a multi-gallery and gastronomical center that is set to officially open its doors on Friday.
Veuve Clicquot in hand, the German fashion crowd wandered up, down and through the premises, taking in Robert Polidori’s large-scale photos in Camera Work’s sprawling new gallery space on the second floor. Or they posed for photos themselves in a photo booth or mock studio on the third. The soaring school hall, where gallery owner and the building’s white knight investor Michael Fuchs will open his new exhibition area Friday, was the setting for a midnight concert by Charlotte Gainsbourg.
Previously ensconced at a dinner in Pauly Saal — the Grill Royal team’s stunning new restaurant on the ground floor — was Interview’s international editor at large Naomi Campbell. She was joined by the likes of Julian Schnabel, Jake Gyllenhaal, Neil Barrett, Berlin’s mayor Klaus Wowereit, plus a cast of German actors and actresses including Heike Makatsch, Alexander Sheer, August Diehl, Hannelore Elsner, Iris Berben, Natalia Wörner, Franz Dinda, and Clemens Schick.
Too bad Jake didn't have his photo taken, though I guess we can't really complain about a lack of pictures.
I saw a tweet that said Jake had a nice exchange with the female MC for tonight's opening movie/ceremony. And another article commented that Jake's impression of the "jolly" festival director made everyone laugh at the press conference.
Oops, Sani, I missed your comment. Congrats on your pregnancy! Probably best to avoid all that hoopla. But we are getting a lot of great Jake news from Berlin, so thanks to your home city.
And yes, we all hope to hear some good movie news soon!
the reporter who asked that question was from the boston herald
Suddenly, it's all clear :)
Thanks for the THR link, Bobbyanna. Will check that out later.
Another short video with two nice answers. from the press conference.
Translation of a tweet:
Idea for Cannes 2012, presents a comic the opening ceremony at the Berlinale #. Comical exchange with Gyllenhaal, etc.. Good start!
Aside from the Herald idiot, it's so much fun to feel the affection for Jake.
Steph has pics up of tonights movie premiere - Jake looks fab & very relaxed away from reporters asking stupid questions.
Thanks for keeping on top of it all, i think we're getting spoilt after months of not much
I think that bad start the festival is behind Jake now, they really love him over there!
He looks incredible, quite the difference from his tan pants/khaki combo, LOL!!
Hi T - just uploaded a bunch of those photos. That red carpet shows off Jake's blue eyes nicely. And we are getting spoiled. Is it going to be 10 days of this?!
LOL, Extra. It is a nice change!
He looks so good! And yes, they really do love him don't they!
Thanks, UV.
A couple of videos from tonight: Yillenhoolahay and some red carpet Jake .
Too much to keep up with!
UV and other friends, thanks for posting all the beautiful pics...I haven't seen Jake look this beautiful happy and relaxed in a long time.
Yes bobbyanna, they do love him over there and well they should. I believe Charlotte Gainsborough is an actress and a musician. What a ridiculous question to put to Jake. Who put that silly journalist up to this? Obviously he's not an entertainment news person.
Thanks goodness the director took good care of Jake and that person's question.
UV, I see Jake handled Ms Yillenhoolahay. Good on ya Jake!
TY UV! :)
You are doing a great job updating this post UV, thanks so much!!
He looks really happy and he is in his element on the Red carpet.
I saw when he arrived. He was great!
The video is very funny! Thanks!
Hi, today is the first day of the festival and are already so many pictures I'm loving it, except an ignorant fool, who only wanted to show up, he wanted to erase the brightness of Jake but is born to someone who consigua.
He is wonderful! ! :)
Consigua no, can
Thanks so much, for keeping us updated.
germany loves jake and i hope he´ll enjoy his stay.
this fucking idiot from boston herald; what the hell was he thinking? whats about all the other movies jake did after bbm?
they should´ve send a journalist which is onto the stuff he´s talking about!!!
so good night to everyone. it will be a hard, but exciting week for all of us.
Many of you are not familiar with the Boston Herald, its the Fox news network of newspapers. Jake and his family are very liberal, the guy was just taking a potshot at hollywood and what he feels as the bain of soceity. Noticed he didn't ask Charlotte if she was out of place. Apparently Germany the people seem to enjoy Jake and notice his films especially the Prince of Persia. So that American journalist just prove what Europe already thinks of Americans, that we are rude and pretentious. Sorry Germany on behalf of all Americans if I may.
Hello and welcome, solis. I think Jake is enjoying his visit - that nonsense today was soon forgotten, I think.
New post with more photos from this evening.
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