In OC saw an early release of a Jake G movie great stuff!

Just saw a free screening to "Love and Other Drugs". I loved it. Can't wait to see it when it comes out in theaters.

H&K movie screening adventures, volume #7,048: if you enjoy jake gyllenhaal's nekkid butt, go watch "love & other drugs" when it comes out.

Love & Other Drugs was great! Funny, sweet & lots of Anne Hathaway nudity.

From the IMdb LaOD MB:
It is a love story that is very funny and complex, but it remains, at its core, a love story.
And in another thread:
It was definitely too long and paced awkwardly, but some is bound to be cut before release. Anne is great and so is Jake, very good really but not Oscar worthy. Its a different style of filmaking a little bit and sticks in your head. There were many stand out moments in the film and lots of laugh out loud moments. But yes it is crammed full of information and subplots and layers but I found them all to be entertaining and believable.

From Facebook:
Just saw an advanced screening of Love and other Drugs with Anne Hathway and Jake Gyllenhal. Anne is unbelievably sexy and Jake can actually act. Holy shit it was really good.
dammmnnn... the movie screening just saw " Love and Other Drugs" was very good! kind like A walk to Remember but better?doesn't come out till Nov. 24th of this year.

Finally, a longer and more ambivalent review, from FanForum:
Of course, we love Jake, and it was great to see him in this movie. He's in almost every scene! (you get to see A LOT OF HIM, trust me.) But for me, the movie was a bit all over the place. The nudity was a little overboard. Sometimes it felt like a typical "guy movie" with crude jokes, which made me kinda uncomfortable, then it was suddenly a serious drama with heavy subject matter, and then there were very cute and tender moments, but not enough to balance out all the raunchy sexual jokes, which i didn't find that funny. But I loved the sweet moments, and of course they were my favorite scenes in the movie. So It was different. It was different to see Jake play a Womanizer type guy. Maybe the final cut of the movie will be better.
Sounds like some editing is needed, but they certainly have the time. And I'm certainly looking forward to the end result.

Reminder: If you want to win a free copy of the Brothers DVD, I Heart Jake could make this your lucky day:
To celebrate the release of 'Brothers' on DVD, Lionsgate Home Entertainment is giving away 2 copies of the 'Brothers' DVD to 2 lucky IHJ visitors! To enter, all you need to do is send an e-mail with your name and age to This contest is open to everyone but please keep in mind these dvd's will be shipped from the US. Therefore, all participants must be able to play Region 1 DVD's. 2 winners will be chosen at random this Friday (March 26th). Good luck!
(Photos courtesy of IHJ and flickr.)
Yay, nekkid Jake and in almost every scene of the movie? Cinematic heaven. Thank goodness we have PoP coming soon or else the wait to see LaOD would be painful.
My hope is that the reviewers understand the premise of the story and that sexual inuendo would be a given. Love the positive reviews though and especially the constructive criticisms. His work will speak for itself.
Sorry to spam but I also like that you don't censor the reviews and give a balanced view from those that don't and do like it.
Looking forward to LAOD and to see Anne and Jake on screen again. :)
Looking forward to seeing "A LOT" of Jake Gyllenhaal.:)
This is great to hear - :)
Jake nude in almost all the scenes, I'm so there! Glad that LAOD is getting such good early reviews. Sounds like it is in need of some editing.
The sexual element and nudity is a given due to the subject matter.
Love reading about Jake's work instead of that nonsense that has been going around all week.
Very happy to read good reviews about LAOD. Sounds like a great movie. A rare intelligent comedy.
Nudity never be a problem for me. If it is in favor of history, of course.
I hope they do a proper job of cleaning this up and editing it, so that all the hard work by Jake and Annie will be showcased. When I say "cleaning it up" I mean making sure the pacing, and the plot, and the scenes work the way they need to. I certainly don't mean they need to do anything to the love scenes, or worry about nudity. I think where Jake is concerned, nudity is a good thing! LOL!
Thanks for the pics and the posts about the LAOD screening, UV! I'm looking forward to this even more that PoP! I love it when directors fully appreciate Jake!:)
Morning, sheba, JF, Cathy, Josie, Monica, Bobbyanna, et al. :)
Sheba, this is an interesting process. I don't remember such early reviews/info about one of Jake's films. I'm curious how close the final product will be to the test version.
As for censoring - luckily there wasn't a full-on pan, so my mettle wasn't really tested :)
But seriously, you have to take the good with the bad.
I'm fine with them cutting some of the frat boy humor if it's unnecessary, but please don't edit naked Jake!
Bobbyanna, it will be interesting to hear Edward Zwick's comments on working with Jake, as this is a very different role, it seems.
Oh, I added one more FB review to the post:
dammmnnn... the movie screening just saw " Love and Other Drugs" was very good! kind like A walk to Remember but better?doesn't come out till Nov. 24th of this year.
UV, I think they may be testing it like this, and allowing word to get out (typically test audiences have to sign some sort of contract don't they?) because they may be worried about the nudity and/or feel the story can go either one of two ways (from the sounds of the descriptions): either a raunchy Judd Apatow style comedy, or a more serious dramady type of film.
Maybe the producers/director is just trying to figure out which one works best. I don't think, from the sounds of it, that they're anywhere near done editing.
Anyway, just my opinion.
thanks UV glad for all the mostly positive reviews so far really looking forward to this movie
The early chatter on this film is great, not used to any of Jake's films geting so much early attention.
The studio must have high hopes for this film, otherwise they wouldn't be testing it so early.
Some of it sounds a bit raunchy and they may decide to edit some of that out.
Sounds like a meaty role for both Anne and Jake, can't wait for it to be released in November.
UV said...
I'm fine with them cutting some of the frat boy humor if it's unnecessary, but please don't edit naked Jake!
brothers spy said...
because they may be worried about the nudity and/or feel the story can go either one of two ways (from the sounds of the descriptions): either a raunchy Judd Apatow style comedy, or a more serious dramady type of film.
Oh for the love of Jason Segel can't they keep BOTH aspects in the film? Please? I love fratboy humor being the unabashed new Apatow Factory fan here, and I love naked Jake. I want NO scissors to come near this film. Let it run at whatever length it is now. Or, you know, let me get to a screening before they HACK IT ALL TO HELL!!!
(blows kisses to FL!)
"...I love naked Jake. I want NO scissors to come near this film. Let it run at whatever length it is now. Or, you know, let me get to a screening before they HACK IT ALL TO HELL!!!"
This is..."beyond contestation!" :)
So great to hear the LAOD reviews! I am so glad they are getting it out there and hopefully the buzz will continue to grow. :)
Great pics too.
I keep forgetting to mention this, probably because it's apropos of nothing we've been discussing. But it's an interesting tidbit.
We don't know where UMP is on the list of Jake or Doug Liman's future projects. But the movie Liman is working on, Attica, is being written by Geoffrey Fletcher, who just won the Oscar for Precious - presented to him by Jake!
I love Hollywood six-degrees fun.
Jake answers the fans video #2
i cant get the video to work if somebody can tell me what the question was and jakes answer i appreicate it thanks
Mary, Jake was asked what was different about shooting PoP. He answered that it was bigger - with different crews shooting in different places, and as the lead actor, he'd go from one to the other all in one day.
Another new quick review of LaOD on FB:
love and other drugs...great movie.. highly recomend it
I saw this last night, and it was hilarious:
When Jonah Hill gets to Craig Ferguson’s show, he’s honored. However, he’s not so honored when he realizes Scarlett Johansson’s name is on the door. No big deal. Craig explains that all the rooms are named after celebrities he desires. In fact, Craig’s own dressing room is named “Jake Gyllenhaal.”
This blooger talks about how she tried to be a model, which included being an extra on LaOD:
That led to a wardrobe fitting and a 14 hour day of filming – well, only about 3 hours of it was actual filming – where I got to stand behind Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway. I couldn’t talk about it at the time and even though it’s been over 4 months now, that’s all I’m going to say. And that Jake is very good looking in person, p.s.
thanks UV got my brothers dvd today cant wait to watch it
No censoring of Jake on screen, ever!!LOL
Wow, it's great to read about the early positive buzz about LAOD.
Thanks for video#2 UV, can't wait until Pop promo really gears up!
So G. Fletcher is writing the screenplay for Attica, directed by Liman. Great find UV, love playing six degrees!!
... the premise of the story and that sexual inuendo would be a given.
I think so too, Sheba - frat boy humor in and of itself, no; but if it's part of what the story is going to be about, then I don't mind, nor nudity, and it sounds like an intense romance too. I wish I knew how to be in one of these test screenings! :)
Whe Geoffrey Fletcher won his Oscar, I thought Jake seemed especially happy for him, and they seemed friendly. I particularly noticed it as they left the stage together. So maybe the Liman project was secured before the Oscar nom?
No one's mentioned music at these screenings. (Like you'd notice music with a naked Jake running around!) So I wonder if the soundtrack's been put in yet. That would give some indication of how far along they are, I guess.
I wish I knew how to be in one of these test screenings! :)
Now that would be my dream job (or a projectionist or senior editor of all Jake Gyllenhaal films). I'd give my real job up in a heartbeat :DD
I too love the links of Hollywood. Geoffrey deserves all the success he's having in getting and adapting /creating great screenplays. I wondered what happened to Lyman's UMP, another great project to look forward to.
We are culturally Gyllenrich this year.
I think I heard that Geoffrey Fletcher was attached to the Attica movie before he won the AA for best A. screenplay. Makes sense IMO, Jake seemed very happy that he won and Jake is listed as a producers for Liman's UMP.
Thanks for all the Pop/LAOD updates!
if you enjoy jake gyllenhaal's nekkid butt, go watch "love & other drugs"....
Okay, I'm sold! :)
Seriously, I'm hoping this turns out to be the smart, romantic dramedy I long to see Jake in. Thanks, UV for passing on the LaOD screener reviews. I've got my fingers crossed that the final cut lives up to its potential...... with nekkid Jake.
perdon, pero Jake no se desnuda en ningun momento?,por curiosidad pregunto jeje
Hi Everyone! WOW, I didnt know my review of LAOD would be important enough to be mentioned on the blog. Thanks so much! :)
-Reviewer w/ Ambivalent feelings
Thanks for writing such an in-depth review, Ambivalent. And welcome :) It's fun to get some advance word on the film, even if it's not all positive. And maybe when the movie comes out, you'll like the final version more :)
Anon 11:42, I think Jake does appear at least partially naked.
Suvee, my fingers are crossed, too.
Sheba, I love the idea of being a projectionist, but only for Jake movies!
So maybe the Liman project was secured before the Oscar nom?
I think it was, Bobbyanna. There's a picture of Liman and Fletcher on his blog from when they went to visit Attica in January, I think.
No one's mentioned music at these screenings. (Like you'd notice music with a naked Jake running around!) So I wonder if the soundtrack's been put in yet. That would give some indication of how far along they are, I guess.
Ha - music - what music? I remember one of the film studio execs marveling at how close to completion the movie is, given how far away the release date is.
It would be good to know if those finishing touches are in there.
Thanks. Love everyone here. I can answer any questions if anyone is curious about anything from the movie. (but i hope i don't get in trouble. lol
Thanks, Ambivalent Anon :)
Did you have to sign something saying you wouldn't reveal details? We'll keep your secret!
I'm curious if Jake is naked or nearly naked as much as Anne. She seems to have gotten the majority of the naked press.
Could you tell the reaction of the crowd around you to the raunchier scenes or to the movie overall?
You said this was a different role for Jake. Was it more comedic or dramatic? Did you like his chemistry with Anne? How about with his other co-stars?
Please feel free to tell us anything you want, though we're trying to avoid spoilers. Well, I am. Other people don't mind! Just give us fair warning.
It's so nice of you to offer to answer questions. We'll try not to overwhelm you!
I put up a new post, but please feel free to join us there with more of your LaOD impressions, Ambivalent.
New post, people :)
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