A brief video of Jake and Maggie together on the red carpet (after Jon Landau):

And then, ever the gentleman:

Maggie and Naomi at the Governor's Ball:

Some more video highlights, if you missed them:
Jake on E!
Jake on ABC:
Jake on The Insider (he's towards the end):
A few quick videos of Jake on the red carpet - you can't always hear Jake on these, but you can see him :)
Jake promises photographers he'll come back to them:
Jake and Source Code co-star Vera Farmiga interviewed side by side:
Jake poses:
If you want to hear Jake talk about Avatar and bust the MTV reporters chops for not asking him about a movie he's actually in, go here.
Some tidbits, first from the AP:
Bromance in aisle three! Bradley Cooper, Jake Gyllenhaal, Jason Bateman and Gerard Butler held their own awards show just before the real one got started. They laughed and patted each other on the back until a female voice came over the loudspeakers, interrupting the revelry to warn that the first commercial break wouldn't be until 25 minutes into the show. Some of the audience members gasped as they rushed to take their seats.
From twitter:
quartzcity Demi Moore apparently hanging out in the alley behind the Kodak and getting smashed with Clooney and Jake G.
LaineyGossip Jakey G and Maggie posing in front of us now. very sweet. He's joking around with Sarsgaard now
From Facebook:
Jamie Reidy Loved Jake announcing nominees for Best Adapted Screenplay...perhaps a good omen for LOVE AND OTHER DRUGS at the 2011 Oscars????
From Variety:
On the other hand, Jake Gyllenhaal said, "After watching my sister get ready. It's a privilege to wear a tuxedo."
From the L.A. Times:
4:30: "We love Jake! We love Jake! We love Jake!" the fans chanted as Jake Gyllenhaal stopped for photographers.
And finally, The Review. From Esquire. Ignore the fact that they used Jake's 2006 Oscar photo!
The Best Dressed Award: Jake Gyllenhaal
It takes a lot of work to make hundreds of millions of people think the clothes you’re wearing don't really matter. But this is the Oscars, and they do, and matched his Burberry tuxedo — a real piece of work itself — with a smart bowtie, simple pocket square, and one helluva haircut. The man looked... comfortable. Which is the hardest — and most important — part about wearing formalwear when you're a man, and which is why Gyllenhaal nailed it.
An odd pic of Jake - sorry for the marks. The caption says it's Jake entering the Casa Del Mar hotel in Santa Monica on Sunday, in preparation for the Oscars.

Stay tuned throughout the day - we'll update the post as we find more stuff or start a new one!
(Photos courtesy of IHJ.)
As always, please feel free to post any tidbits. This is just a silly blog comment, but it cracked me up:
Jake Gyllenhaal apparently couldn't be bothered to shave. He does look classic Cary Grant. Seacrest asks him where the cool party is like some high school geek. Like all the cool kids, Gylenhaal fobs him off.
Jamie Reidy Loved Jake announcing nominees for Best Adapted Screenplay...perhaps a good omen for LOVE AND OTHER DRUGS at the 2011 Oscars????
Perhaps. :)
Jake looked good at the Oscars. He and Rachel would make a good looking couple. She's he's type, a petite blonde. ;)
Maggie looked good too.
More than a little self-interest on Jamie's part there! But let's hope it does happen.
I added a photo of Maggie and Naomi at the Governor's Ball. I wish Jake had been in it, too!
Officially I am at work but I am too excited to write the meeting report from last week now....:-)
From all the reports and twitters Jake was mentioned as most "cute", "handsome" and "sexiest" man of the evening/night.
He is also the leading hunk now....
Jake the Hunk
I am feeling like a 17 year old girlie again....hehe!
Thnaks for the updates UV, love the pic of maggie and Naomi!
Here is a another shot of Jake and Rachel on stage:
Thanks UV for all these vidoes and pics, I haven't watched them all yet as I am work, I think I know what I will be doing this evening!.
Don't have time to leave a proper comment now..... but just wanted to give UV a huge thank you for the very best Jake/Oscar coverage. You are awesome!
Jake is absolutely adorable! UV you've outdone yourself! Thanks for all this wonderful stuff. You know you're spoiling us! :)
My mom's had a medical emergency, so I'm pretty distracted since yesterday evening. Take care.
UV you are a total rock star for putting this post together!!! Thank you!!
Am at work so I will have to revist some of the videos but woohooo! :D
I wish Jake was at the after parties too. Hopefully he got to at least one.
If you can get the video somehow, Jake was shown on the E! after party coverage waiting at the limo area and walking around and looking amazing and they talked about how great he looked, etc.
(((Bobbyanna))) my thoughts are with you and your mom. I hope everything will be okay.
thanks UV FOR THE E video glad i got to see it much better than the abc one and longer
(((Bobbyanna))) I hope your Mom is Ok.
Thanks so much for doing this UV, I had over people last night and they weren't into the Oscars as much as I thought, they kept distracting me!
Love all the videos, especially the first one when he graciously steps aside and lets Maggie be interviewed solo, what a class act!
He looked amazing and I agree with most everyone else that he was the best dressed man last night!
All the pictures are great, love Mom and Maggie!
Congratulations to all the winners last night and especially to Katherine Bigelow!
Jake, Rachel and winner Geoffrey Fletcher:
Thanks for all this! People have a video of Jake among others
Oh, Bobbyanna, I hope your mother is doing better. We'll be thinking of you both. I wondered if something was wrong when we didn't see you here last night.
Carla, a meeting report definitely pales in comparison to a Jake Oscar report!
Shondra, I used to have an Oscar party every year and it's hard to watch and focus, especially on Jake, when other people foolishly don't have the same interest!
Thanks for all the thanks, guys. It was fun to find some of this stuff - I was especially happy to find video of Jake and Maggie together.
This is Jake Heaven. 1st 21st century brother and sister to be nominated for an oscar. What an acolade. Didn't that idiotic reporter mean siblings not spouses? Jake looked hot and cool at the same time.
I'm sure that Ryan Seacrest had either shoe lifts or was standing on a raised platform, he seemed taller this time.
Thanks UV and Gyllenbabble family for all the Jake oscar stuff.
Thanks for the recap UV! What a night. Baldwin and Martin were fine but I didn't like the show overall.
But Jake looked fantastic as did Maggie. So glad THL and Bigelow won!
I hope everthing is Ok with your Mom Bobbyanna.
Is the new Prince of Persia featurette that was shown during the Oscars yesterday around anywhere? *hopes* :)
bobbyanna forgot to say hope things are okay with your mother
According to HollywoodLife Jake definitely had a date with him at the Weinstein party on Saturday night.
According to eyewitnesses, she was blonde and short (like Reese) but otherwise had no other resemblence.
Demi Moore apparently hanging out in the alley behind the Kodak and getting smashed with Clooney and Jake G.
Call me a cynic, but I'm taking that particular sighting with a huge grain of salt. Not saying it didn't happen, but it's a little hard for me to picture.
I especially loved the Esquire shout out to Jake. He did look unbelievable last night. I cannot think of another male actor that can look equally comfortable (and hot) in everything from a grandpa sweater and jeans to a tux.
bobbyanna, I am so sorry to hear about your mom's medical emergency. I hope and pray that she is improving. You know you are both in my thoughts.
The Demi comment sounds silly actually. Jake was going to be getting on a plane soon to go back to Canada. When he was waiting for the Limo did he look like he was "smashed".
Jake "couldn't be bothered to shave" is also...as said..silly since the person doesn't seem to know he's making a movie & that is "his look" in it.
I'm sure they weren't getting trashed, if it even happened. But George C was flashing his flask all over the red carpet :)
No sign of the PoP featurette online yet, unfortunately.
I cannot think of another male actor that can look equally comfortable (and hot) in everything from a grandpa sweater and jeans to a tux.
Nicely put, suvee! And ITA.
It's been fun seeing so many mentions of how effortlessly handsome Jake looked.
This is a link to the Oprah.com interview with Jake and Rachel McAdams backstage.
There is some fun stuff about Rachel's dress and Jake holding her purse. But the interview takes a startling turn when Nate asks Jake if he felt Heath was "present" at the Kodak.
Jake is genuinely taken aback and sort of fumbles for an answer. Nate apologizes, and Jake does a nice job of tying Heath's nomination to Maggie's,
A very uncomfortable moment. I felt bad for Jake. I don't think Nate was trying to blindside Jake but he did.
On a much shallower note, I adore the way Rachel looks adoringly at Jake :)
O.K. the little interview with Nate (yes, should not of asked about Heath) and Rachel and Jake.
Do you think Rachel & Jake have each others phone numbers because they should be keeping in touch.
Loved her dress.
Think Jeff Bridges was having trouble stepping on various dresses...
Lovely picture of Maggie and Jeff.
LOL - maybe they each snuck the number into the wallet/purse.
From the Washington Post Oscar review:
Men: Jake Gyllenhall: Jake Gyllenhall looked great! I never really noticed him before but he definitely stood out last night - maybe because of good the good facial grooming.
Holly Thomas: True, and it doesn't hurt that his interviews were impossibly charming...
A line addition to this story I didn't see before - wonder if it's true :)
For a few moments, the Gyllenhaal family had a reunion. Supporting-actress nominee Maggie of “Crazy Heart” and her actor-husband Peter Sarsgaard met up with her brother, Jake, in the crush of celebrities at the Kodak Theatre.
“You just witnessed a Gyllenhaal sandwich,” Jake said, smiling.
Thank you UV and Monica. And has reason UV they were Havoc's images, thanks!
What good to see family Gyllehaal!!!
and...Some smile of Jake!!!
Oh! Thanks!
Oprah.com interview
It's obvious it was difficult for him to talk about Heath.
As for Jake and Rachel, they are cute together. I read they were canoodeling backstage. ;)
It was a busy weekend for Jake and Jake fans, great job in keeping up and updating UV!!
I love how everyone is saying Jake was the best dressed, he really looked great, cool, sexy and classy. No one wears a tux ike he does.
I have to laugh at some of these stories coming out after, I don't buy that George, Demi and Jake story.
The Jake/Rachel stories seem to take on a life of their own, they did look adorable i have to admit!
I felt bad for Jake in that Oprah clip, you can tell that he wasn't expecting the question about Heath. I think Nate thought it was ok to ask Jake the question, it's has to be difficult for Jake even after 2 years.
Bobbyanna, my thoughts are with you and your Mom. I hope she is doing well.
Video of Oprah is not working for me. I want to see!
didnt work for me either monica
I'm sorry for your mother, Bobbyana. My thoughts and prayers are for you and your mother.
Thought Rachel watching Jake after the Heath question showed she understood it was an inappropriate question.
New pics: 82nd Annual Academy Awards - Backstage
My friend Jake found the video Mary:
It's working, but right now I can not see because I'm too busy.
Not sure why it doesn't work for you guys - it works for me. Hopefully the Facebook link will work!
Love the new backstage pics, Monica. Thanks.
Lainey Gossip, I know it's Lainey but it made me laugh.
If Jake and Rachel end up dating, the Gosling & McAdams fans will not be pleased. ;)
I can view the video on facebook, I don't know why I couldn't view it at that link UV.
I felt for Jake, it's obvious that he doesn't want to share his feeling in public regarding Heath. He handled it well IMO. Nate is not a journalist and his question wasn't rude or insensitive IMO. If Heath was alive he would be presenting the BS actress award, the catagory Maggie was in so it was on his mind.
Love the recap, what a great weekend it must have been for Maggie, Peter, Jake and Naomi!
Jake and Rachel do look adorable.
I hope all is ok with your Mother Bobbyanna.
Though the McGoslings don't seem to mind a possible R. Gosling & M. Willimas hook up. If they all end up dating, that'll be hilarious.
It was an inappropriate question to Jake. I froze in time when he asked about Heath.
They were having fun and suddenly he changes to a question serious and sad. You see and feel the sadness in the eyes and voice of Jake.
I felt for Jake.
Something that was lost in all the Katherine Bigelow is the first woman to win a best director Oscar, but Geoffrey Fletcher is the first african-american to win an Oscar for best screenplay adaptation.
Congratulations to Bigelow, Fletcher, Jeff, Sandra, etc!!! The Oscar telecast was uneven, but I enjoyed Baldwin and Martin.
Thanks for the recap UV.
Jake definately didn't see that coming. Nate did apoligize for bringing him down, but I thought Jake recovered and handled himself well.
I really do think it was a sincere gesture from Nate Berkus, and he realized right away it was the wrong thing to have asked.
Glad you got to see it finally, Monica.
Good point about Fletcher, SAG Actor. That really has been underplayed. And I didn't realize that he and Matt Damon were in the same freshman dorm. And now they both have writing Oscars!
New post.
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