From the post before this - maybe Joon-Ho just wanted to meet Jake because he was such a fan of "Zodiac" and there was no future movie involved. And more and more pictures! Don't remember the "Show West" date but it is this month and comments will abound i'm sure.
Posted another photo of Jake from Saturday. Also found one FB review of LaOD:
OMG I saw Love And Other Drugs Last Night. Ever One Whos A Fan Of Anne Should Go See It Its a Really Good Moive For Couples. Every 1 Will Be Plesently Suprized ( =
Bobbyanna, I hope they do run a new ad or a version of the trailer. Did you see that RDJ will be on Kimmel live, debuting the IronMan2 trailer. Kind of wish Disney had done that.
Maybe Robert will drag Jake with him to the show!
ShooWest is 3/18. Mary, you remembered correctly.
The Bong Joon-Ho link from the last post, in case anyone missed it. Thanks, Monica.
I was wondering if you saw "Zodiac," which is the closest thing we have in the U.S. to "Memories of Murder," at least recently.
I did watch the film, I did enjoy it and I had a lot of fun with it. In fact, I have two versions of the DVD. I had a chance to meet with Jake Gyllenhaal about two years ago and I really enjoyed having lunch with him. It was a short meeting but I really enjoyed Jake. And when I was staying in San Francisco for about a month or so I really wanted to go to the locations in the film and that's how much I really enjoyed it. It was one of the best films I saw that year.
More info from the IMDber who saw LaOD on Wednesday. Slight spoilers ahead:
gabriel macht looked beautiful and plays another drug salesman competing with jake. he is a bully and his character never moves beyond that.
no oscar for anne, this movie probably wont even be remotely considered as it is a big mess and is due to be released in the spring/early summer, making it totally forgettable by oscar time.
yes, lots and lots and lots of sex. they have sex all the time. they are naked all the time. i wish it had helped the film. they are both beautiful to look at. but like i said, i wish we had seen a lot less of her boobs. it was seriously unnecessary for her to be topless 25% of the movie.
After reading some of her older comments regarding other films I would say it is not worth our time.......:-)
And the film should be out on November, 24 - where did she get the opening date spring/summer?
Her comments towards Anne are absolutly contrary to what everyone else is saying.
I like all the PoP stills- it looks like an adventure film with humour and hopefully a decent story. Lets hope it will be successful for Jake and keep the Nay-sayers quiet.
The third picture looks like a painting. But the first is my favorite.
Latino Review is going to showest to see Prince of Persia: I'll be watching the movie in its entirety at this year's ShoWest. With both eyes open and my mouth agape.
I was going to say that these Pop stills look like paintings too Monica.They are beautiful, almost as beautiful as Jake in this photshoot, almost! He can even make a simple shirt, tie and jacket look sexy.
There is a lot of talk about nudity in the reviews of LAOD, if it's too excessive than I would imagine some of it will be edited (just not Jake please!).
And the film is due to be released in Nov., so I don't know where that reviewer is getting the spring/summer date from.
Had a thought about earlier talk about how some may think because Jake is from a "show-business family" he has to prove himself to people. First of all sometimes you see 2nd generation show-biz kids who may get into movies but they lack the talent to continue or to be taken seriously - Jake Is an actual talented actor. (and his parents were not actors - tho creative - but they didn't have "acting genes" because of their parents) and when I say they, of course Maggie and that was my "thought". Do you hear the same type of talk about Maggie - she must always prove herself - that it was easy for her to get in the business so some people feel they have to be tough on her. I haven't heard that type of talk about her. Why? Maybe because the majority of critics are men. I may be wrong, but wonder why there is a double standard.
I can't tell you how jealous I am of all the people who get to see the screeners of LAOD and how sad I'll be when they edit out most of the sex in order to get whatever rating they're aiming for and/or time constraints. IT'S NOT FAIR DAMMIT!
OT: I do not know if anyone knows, but a brazilian has been nominated for best actress. It was in 1999, when the actress Fernanda Montenegro was nominated for best actress for the film Central Station.
I remember, Monica. I also remember "Central Station." I saw "Memories of Murder" a while ago, too. I can see why the director would be interested in Fincher's "Zodiac." (I'm embarrassed by the amount of trivia I recall from seeing so many movies! And when I'm not watching, I'm reading!:))
The shot of Jake and the horse definately looks like a painting. I love the colors and details in these photos, they all are so beautiful.
Hopefully not too many of the sex scenes in LOAD will be edited out. Considering the theme of the movie, i don't think it was done to shock the audience, we will see.
I have not seen "Central Station" or "Memories of Murder", i'll have to check them out.
A bit OT: to all the gyllenbabble peeps in the NY area: The AMPAS will be having a meet the Oscars promo. Anyone can stop by at the shops at 10 Columbus Circle at the Time Warner Center, Level 2 and get your picture taken with an Oscar! It's free today - Saturday from 10am - 9pm and Sunday from 7am - 7pm. Guess where i'll be after work today!!
Oh, it would be fun to have your picture taken with an Oscar! My siblings got their photo taken with the baseball trophy when the Red Sox won the World Series in 2007.
I'd like to see the Stanley Cup in person someday.
The PoP stills are like paintings. And they showed slightly different scenes, too, which was nice.
Carly, I'll have to check out the posts on that IMDBer. I did see that she has a posting history, unlike the first reviewer, who was a hit-and-runner.
manmademoon: Coming to the end of shooting week one. Will prepare a 140 character tweet report for you over the weekend. ;) about 2 hours ago via TweetDeck
I can't wait for his tweet report! I guess Jake is on his way to L.A.
Thanks, Tweety - I look forward to Duncan's summary, too!
So Montreal in the AM, Los Angeles in the PM? From Facebook:
Saw Jake Gyllenhaal this morning. Was out for breakfast in Montreal with my very coolest friend Deva. Went to our spot, this tiny little bistro/cafe in Old Montreal called Olive and Gourmando and he was just in there hangin out getting a coffee.
well its CELEB fest at the W ran into tara reid, morgan freeman, jake gyllenhaal, bam margera!
And another mini-LaOD review on IMDB:
I was at the same screening. and I LOVED the movie.
Anne did a great job portraying a real patient of Parkinsons and brings a real intensity to the part.
Jake was as adorable as ever.
And MY GOD did this movie turned me on.
Another first-time poster, but she's been registered there for a while.
You said it best UV, what a great time to be a Jake fan!!
Thanks so much for keeping up with all the fast breaking news and updates. The pics for the photoshoot are gorgeous, it's been so long since he did one. He looks so mature and sexy.
I love the 1st Pop still and as others have already said they do look like paintings.
I usually enjoy the ISA but i was a bit bored with them this year. Maggie's dres was pretty but it was a bit too low cut IMO. I thought one of her girls was going to pop out!
Congrats to Jeff, Gabby and the cst of precous for thei wins last night
Sounds like Jake will be doing the red carpet tomorrow, unfortunately it's going to be with Seacrest:
ryanseacrest: 2morrrow on oscar carpet: carrell, miley, SJP, winslet, Cruz, Tina Fey, Downey, J Lopez, R Reynolds, Charlize, Z efron, J gyllenhall about 1 hours ago via UberTwitter
The new stills are beautiful, what a treat for the eyes!
Had no idea Peter's birthday is tomorrow, how fantastic ! It's going to be a big day in the Sarsgaard-Gyllenhaal household tomorrow.
As much as I want Jake to do the Red carpet tomorrow, if Seecrest is involved, I hope he skips it.
Congratulation to all the ISA winners. I would have liked Maggie's dress more if there was more materisl to cover her up, she also appeared to be a bit tipsy!
I thought Maggie's dress was a perfect dress for her. Loved it. She has a lightness of sprit about her and someone comfortable in her own skin whether it is completely covered up or not.
I saw the ISA last night and they were okay. It was nice to see Maggie and Peter and I always like the relaxed and fun way the awards are done. However as much as I like Eddie Izzard he wasn't a great host. His standup is much better.
Can't wait for tomorrow! I agree it would be nice if Jake walked the red carpet and with his mom. We will see.
I do hope that we get some info/pictures of Jake/Maggie and Peter at some pre-Oscar events tonight. :)
Wow, how nice that it will be Peter's birthday. :D
Seacrest is always the red carpet guy....ugh...roles eyes at his annoying-ness and that he got Jake's last name spelled wrong.
Burlington Free Press: One just-announced presenter is Jake Gyllenhaal, a natural to introduce his sister, Maggie Gyllenhaal of "Crazy Heart," in the supporting-actress category. That one would be easy.
"And some will be extremely obvious," adds Shankman, pointing at Mechanic. "But he likes the 'Where's Waldo' of it all."
Thanks for the thanks, Josie. It has been busy, but that means more fun!
I think Ryan Seacrest was just tweeting the list of people attending. He has no idea who'll speak to him. Even if Jake has to talk to RS, I want him to do the red carpet. It's been too long since we've seen him do that.
I hope Maggie has a much nicer dress picked out for tomorrow. And ifJake does make them breakfast/brunch, I hope he has a return to chef form :)
Seems like Maggie, at least, was probably at that Night Before party tonight. A tweet of her at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Hope her brother attends, too.
According to the twitterer, no paps are there.
Jake did go to Oscar rehearsal today. No pics of him, though.
From one of the folks who saw Jake in NYC last Saturday:
The next day we went for a nice walk in Central Park (I took a great photo of what it looked like with all the snow) and then headed to the Lower East Side to wander around. While we were at Katz's deli enjoying a fantastic sandwich, Jake Gyllenhaal was there with a photographic crew who were taking photos of him wearing some really snappy clothes. He laughed a lot, and was very kind to everyone in the restaurant. My RRHB said, "How come he didn't recognize me?" When he first noticed he was there. Funny. On the way out, one of Blair's cronies from Gossip Girl was hanging outside Katz's with her friends, her name is ridiculous, and so I am not going to type it. Judge me if you will. Then, coming back up Broadway we walked right by Chloe Sevigny.
Looks like Jake did go to the Night Before party. From FB:
had the best night ever! I got to meet Maggie Gyllenhaal (and talk to her about her surprise Oscar nomination), Peter Sarsgaard, Quinn Fabray from GLEE and Jake Gyllenhaal (finally!!!!). :-) ...
I was working the night before Oscar party at the Beverly Hills hotel. Everyone was soooooooo nice!
So he did go to the Night before party, thanks UV! Sounds like he had a great time there and at the Weinstein party.
Love reading that description of Jake last week in NY for thr GQ photoshoot.
For all the NY peeps who have Cablevision, I hope you have an antenna or a digital converter box because ABC/Disney has pulled the plug! There is a $$$ dispute and ABC/Disney pulled the plug at midnight.
I have Time Warner, but I know that a lot of people including my Mom and several siblings that will have to either watch the Oscars online or get an antenna or a digital convertor box!
I have my pic with "my" oscar! It was a blast on Friday.
Usually the Supporting Actor & Actress awards are given out fairly early in the show. Last year when they had people to announce the nominees they had 5 who had won before out at the same time & each made their comments. Wonder if that is how they will do it this year with people connected to the nominees.
Hi, all! Did a lot of running around yesterday, so I'm glad for a chance to catch up with all the Jake news! I am just SO happy he's getting out and enjoying himself, hanging out with friends and family! (Wish someone would get pictures! Does no one have a camera phone!)
Chica has her Oscar! LOL! We were just talking about the Cablevision mess with ABC. Greed! Oldest daughter doesn't have cable of any kind, thinks most TV is crap,watches all her shows online. Youngest daughter is in Atlanta right now.
According to the goldderby forums, this is a partial lsit of who will present tonight. As you se some have a connection to a nominee and some don't.
Tom Ford and SJP for Costume Design * Julianne Moore introducing Colin Firth * Stanley Tucci for Meryl Streep * Peter Sarsgaard introducing Carey Mulligan * Carey Mulligan and Zoe Saldana - Live Action Short * Chris Pine - "District 9" clip * Keanu Reeves - "The Hurt Locker" clip * Jeff Bridges - "A Serious Man" clip
Thanks for all the Jake updates, UV! Glad to hear he was at the pre-parties and rehearsal.
Chica, I have RCN but my Mom has Cablevision. She will probably have to watch it online tonight and she isn't happy about it. Cablevision really crapped on their customers imo.
Not a report on the filming yet, but I thought that these tweets were fun!:
ManMadeMoonSending all my best wishes and crossed fingers out to Vera Farmiga & Maggie Gyllenhaal tonight at the Oscars! Battle to the death, ladies 10 minutes ago via TweetDeck
16 minutes ago via TweetDeck in reply to michelleelord @samin140 that would be the terrific Jake Gyllenhall & the fantastic Michelle Monaghan.
So! 1st week on Source Code: built a train, and it's a beauty, but a bugger to shoot on. JG & MM are such a good laugh! Love em to bits. about 1 hours ago via TweetDeck
KirstenLoveLeabut Jake did not say anything and walked away. It was blatant that Jake was not happy with Leo... so what happened there!??
2 minutes ago via web Leo DiCaprio was there with Bar... Jake Gyllenhaal came over and Leo said hi and signaled for him to come over... 2 minutes ago via web
Chica, that just sucks for all those NY viewers. What idiocy. Glad you will be able to see, though. Especially now that you know Oscar personally!
Thanks for the DJ tweets, Tweety. He hadn't mentioned Jake in a while, so it's nice to hear he's still a fan!
Get real, I forgot to say that I found Izzard a disappointment, too, at the ISAs. And I was also thrilled that Gabourey Sidibe won. I love her.
And Bobbyanna, yes! All these Jake sightings are nice but a discreet cell phone pic would have been even more fun.
Carla - that was a bad end four years ago. And a bad memory.
I read somewhere that they are doing the five presenters only for the leading categories, so I don't know if Jake will do that for Maggie. We'll find out soon, I guess!
The girl was mistaken. Period. And not too bright,for posting something like that, especially since she obviously lacked context, & didn't know what was going on. That's how baseless rumors get started. Someone thinking they see or hear something and just plain get it wrong.
Jake just wouldn't deliberately snub Leo or be hostile toward him in a social setting.
I'm looking forward to the Red Carpet, so I can talk about the outfits, and look for my favorites!
OMG, E! is previewing a new PoP commercial now and we hear more of Jake's accent and it is GOOD...SWOON!!!! I hope they show it again throughout tonight.
Guh! I just saw that sneak too. There are some new scenes there and damn, but Jake just kicks ass in this role. Like an idiot, I forgot to hit the record button on my DVR.
"This won't be the last time we'll be together." (To Tamina, as he caresses her face.)
"We can sit here and chat or you can get on the horse."
"I won't let you go!" (He's struggling to hold on to Tamina.)
We get to see them jump and fall into that pool/fountain. And there are a few just gorgeous shots of Jake, one where he does the look-down/look-up thing.
Just saw a brief shot of Maggie and Peter on the red carpet as E! went to commercial! Couldn't really see her dress but hopefully they will be interviewed coming up. :)
Maggie and Peter are on the red carpet with that jack-ass Seacrest. The dress is pretty, blue/yellow/white and it's looked like a wrap dress. Very conservative for her.
Jake sure seems to have overcome his fear of horses! :)
Wouldn't it be great if they run the new, improved PoP trailer during the Oscar broadcast! ABC is Disney-owned, isn't it?
From the post before this - maybe Joon-Ho just wanted to meet Jake because he was such a fan of "Zodiac" and there was no future movie involved.
And more and more pictures!
Don't remember the "Show West" date but it is this month and comments will abound i'm sure.
i believe the sho west is march 18 if i remeber right
Posted another photo of Jake from Saturday. Also found one FB review of LaOD:
OMG I saw Love And Other Drugs Last Night. Ever One Whos A Fan Of Anne Should Go See It Its a Really Good Moive For Couples. Every 1 Will Be Plesently Suprized ( =
Spelling not corrected!
Bobbyanna, I hope they do run a new ad or a version of the trailer. Did you see that RDJ will be on Kimmel live, debuting the IronMan2 trailer. Kind of wish Disney had done that.
Maybe Robert will drag Jake with him to the show!
ShooWest is 3/18. Mary, you remembered correctly.
The Bong Joon-Ho link from the last post, in case anyone missed it. Thanks, Monica.
I was wondering if you saw "Zodiac," which is the closest thing we have in the U.S. to "Memories of Murder," at least recently.
I did watch the film, I did enjoy it and I had a lot of fun with it. In fact, I have two versions of the DVD. I had a chance to meet with Jake Gyllenhaal about two years ago and I really enjoyed having lunch with him. It was a short meeting but I really enjoyed Jake. And when I was staying in San Francisco for about a month or so I really wanted to go to the locations in the film and that's how much I really enjoyed it. It was one of the best films I saw that year.
More info from the IMDber who saw LaOD on Wednesday. Slight spoilers ahead:
gabriel macht looked beautiful and plays another drug salesman competing with jake. he is a bully and his character never moves beyond that.
no oscar for anne, this movie probably wont even be remotely considered as it is a big mess and is due to be released in the spring/early summer, making it totally forgettable by oscar time.
yes, lots and lots and lots of sex. they have sex all the time. they are naked all the time. i wish it had helped the film. they are both beautiful to look at. but like i said, i wish we had seen a lot less of her boobs. it was seriously unnecessary for her to be topless 25% of the movie.
For what it's worth :)
I'm loving all of the publicity photos for Pop. They are a combination of cool and sexy! He has really matured, older but oh so very sexy.
I think that it's a very good chance that the new Pop trailer will be shown during the Oscars, yes!
Love the new pop stills, especially the one with him and his horse.
"For what it's worth :)"
After reading some of her older comments regarding other films I would say it is not worth our time.......:-)
And the film should be out on November, 24 - where did she get the opening date spring/summer?
Her comments towards Anne are absolutly contrary to what everyone else is saying.
I like all the PoP stills- it looks like an adventure film with humour and hopefully a decent story. Lets hope it will be successful for Jake and keep the Nay-sayers quiet.
The third picture looks like a painting. But the first is my favorite.
Latino Review is going to showest to see Prince of Persia:
I'll be watching the movie in its entirety at this year's ShoWest. With both eyes open and my mouth agape.
I don't think all nudity, or 25%, will be in the movie. Probably they will be cut.
I was going to say that these Pop stills look like paintings too Monica.They are beautiful, almost as beautiful as Jake in this photshoot, almost! He can even make a simple shirt, tie and jacket look sexy.
There is a lot of talk about nudity in the reviews of LAOD, if it's too excessive than I would imagine some of it will be edited (just not Jake please!).
And the film is due to be released in Nov., so I don't know where that reviewer is getting the spring/summer date from.
Can't wait for the Oscars this Sunday!
I agree, I'm sure there will be editing and tweaking still to come for LaOD.
These latest PoP pics are really beautiful. :)
Had a thought about earlier talk about how some may think because Jake is from a "show-business family" he has to prove himself to people. First of all sometimes you see 2nd generation show-biz kids who may get into movies but they lack the talent to continue or to be taken seriously - Jake Is an actual talented actor. (and his parents were not actors - tho creative - but they didn't have "acting genes" because of their parents) and when I say they, of course Maggie and that was my "thought". Do you hear the same type of talk about Maggie - she must always prove herself - that it was easy for her to get in the business so some people feel they have to be tough on her. I haven't heard that type of talk about her. Why? Maybe because the majority of critics are men. I may be wrong, but wonder why there is a double standard.
I can't tell you how jealous I am of all the people who get to see the screeners of LAOD and how sad I'll be when they edit out most of the sex in order to get whatever rating they're aiming for and/or time constraints. IT'S NOT FAIR DAMMIT!
OT: I do not know if anyone knows, but a brazilian has been nominated for best actress. It was in 1999, when the actress Fernanda Montenegro was nominated for best actress for the film Central Station.
I remember, Monica. I also remember "Central Station." I saw "Memories of Murder" a while ago, too. I can see why the director would be interested in Fincher's "Zodiac." (I'm embarrassed by the amount of trivia I recall from seeing so many movies! And when I'm not watching, I'm reading!:))
Fun book rec:"The Big Show" by Steve Pond.
The shot of Jake and the horse definately looks like a painting. I love the colors and details in these photos, they all are so beautiful.
Hopefully not too many of the sex scenes in LOAD will be edited out. Considering the theme of the movie, i don't think it was done to shock the audience, we will see.
I have not seen "Central Station" or "Memories of Murder", i'll have to check them out.
A bit OT: to all the gyllenbabble peeps in the NY area: The AMPAS will be having a meet the Oscars promo. Anyone can stop by at the shops at 10 Columbus Circle at the Time Warner Center, Level 2 and get your picture taken with an Oscar! It's free today - Saturday from 10am - 9pm and Sunday from 7am - 7pm. Guess where i'll be after work today!!
Oh, it would be fun to have your picture taken with an Oscar! My siblings got their photo taken with the baseball trophy when the Red Sox won the World Series in 2007.
I'd like to see the Stanley Cup in person someday.
The PoP stills are like paintings. And they showed slightly different scenes, too, which was nice.
Carly, I'll have to check out the posts on that IMDBer. I did see that she has a posting history, unlike the first reviewer, who was a hit-and-runner.
IGN does a some trailer analysis. The resident PoP fanboy seems enthusiastic about the movie :)
Latest tweet from Duncan:
Coming to the end of shooting week one. Will prepare a 140 character tweet report for you over the weekend. ;)
about 2 hours ago via TweetDeck
I can't wait for his tweet report! I guess Jake is on his way to L.A.
Thanks, Tweety - I look forward to Duncan's summary, too!
So Montreal in the AM, Los Angeles in the PM? From Facebook:
Saw Jake Gyllenhaal this morning. Was out for breakfast in Montreal with my very coolest friend Deva. Went to our spot, this tiny little bistro/cafe in Old Montreal called Olive and Gourmando and he was just in there hangin out getting a coffee.
well its CELEB fest at the W ran into tara reid, morgan freeman, jake gyllenhaal, bam margera!
And another mini-LaOD review on IMDB:
I was at the same screening. and I LOVED the movie.
Anne did a great job portraying a real patient of Parkinsons and brings a real intensity to the part.
Jake was as adorable as ever.
And MY GOD did this movie turned me on.
Another first-time poster, but she's been registered there for a while.
Today was the debut of Brothers in Brazil, but unfortunately is not in any theater in my town. Only a few blockbusters and Oscar movies.
I don't understand why people love so much coffee.
I think Laod will be a great movie.
thanks for all informations.
Oh, can you get to any of the theaters, Monica, or are they too far?
I think LaOD will be good, too, Monica.
Two awards in and I'm already bored with the ISAs.
Too far, UV.
Congratulations to Jeff and Gabby Sidibe. I would love to see her win the Oscar tomorrow, but I think it is difficult.
Maggie's dress was beautiful compared to what she always wears, but the hair ...
I'm curious to know which dress she will be using tomorrow.
You said it best UV, what a great time to be a Jake fan!!
Thanks so much for keeping up with all the fast breaking news and updates. The pics for the photoshoot are gorgeous, it's been so long since he did one. He looks so mature and sexy.
I love the 1st Pop still and as others have already said they do look like paintings.
I usually enjoy the ISA but i was a bit bored with them this year. Maggie's dres was pretty but it was a bit too low cut IMO. I thought one of her girls was going to pop out!
Congrats to Jeff, Gabby and the cst of precous for thei wins last night
Great Site. Was added to mybookmarks. Greetings From USA.
Sounds like Jake will be doing the red carpet tomorrow, unfortunately it's going to be with Seacrest:
2morrrow on oscar carpet: carrell, miley, SJP, winslet, Cruz, Tina Fey, Downey, J Lopez, R Reynolds, Charlize, Z efron, J gyllenhall
about 1 hours ago via UberTwitter
Geez, he can't even spell his last name right!
Ugh! Seacrest has no class! He'll be sure to ask inaapropriate questions.
Seacrest? Argh...
He reminds me of how much I love Angelina Jolie!
They put their list together, but that doesn't mean it'll happen. People "get stuck in traffic."
Just read that tomorrow is Peter's birthday. What a big day for Maggie and Peter!
Wonder if Jake is planning on making a birthday/Oscar brunch for them all? Perhaps something other than pancakes. :)
The new stills are beautiful, what a treat for the eyes!
Had no idea Peter's birthday is tomorrow, how fantastic ! It's going to be a big day in the Sarsgaard-Gyllenhaal household tomorrow.
As much as I want Jake to do the Red carpet tomorrow, if Seecrest is involved, I hope he skips it.
Congratulation to all the ISA winners. I would have liked Maggie's dress more if there was more materisl to cover her up, she also appeared to be a bit tipsy!
I thought Maggie's dress was a perfect dress for her. Loved it.
She has a lightness of sprit about her and someone comfortable in her own skin whether it is completely covered up or not.
I saw the ISA last night and they were okay. It was nice to see Maggie and Peter and I always like the relaxed and fun way the awards are done. However as much as I like Eddie Izzard he wasn't a great host. His standup is much better.
Can't wait for tomorrow! I agree it would be nice if Jake walked the red carpet and with his mom. We will see.
I do hope that we get some info/pictures of Jake/Maggie and Peter at some pre-Oscar events tonight. :)
Wow, how nice that it will be Peter's birthday. :D
Seacrest is always the red carpet guy....ugh...roles eyes at his annoying-ness and that he got Jake's last name spelled wrong.
Burlington Free Press:
One just-announced presenter is Jake Gyllenhaal, a natural to introduce his sister, Maggie Gyllenhaal of "Crazy Heart," in the supporting-actress category.
That one would be easy.
"And some will be extremely obvious," adds Shankman, pointing at Mechanic. "But he likes the 'Where's Waldo' of it all."
Maggie and Peter on the blue carpet last night at the ISA:
Thanks for the thanks, Josie. It has been busy, but that means more fun!
I think Ryan Seacrest was just tweeting the list of people attending. He has no idea who'll speak to him. Even if Jake has to talk to RS, I want him to do the red carpet. It's been too long since we've seen him do that.
I hope Maggie has a much nicer dress picked out for tomorrow. And ifJake does make them breakfast/brunch, I hope he has a return to chef form :)
Seems like Maggie, at least, was probably at that Night Before party tonight. A tweet of her at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Hope her brother attends, too.
According to the twitterer, no paps are there.
Jake did go to Oscar rehearsal today. No pics of him, though.
From one of the folks who saw Jake in NYC last Saturday:
The next day we went for a nice walk in Central Park (I took a great photo of what it looked like with all the snow) and then headed to the Lower East Side to wander around. While we were at Katz's deli enjoying a fantastic sandwich, Jake Gyllenhaal was there with a photographic crew who were taking photos of him wearing some really snappy clothes. He laughed a lot, and was very kind to everyone in the restaurant. My RRHB said, "How come he didn't recognize me?" When he first noticed he was there. Funny. On the way out, one of Blair's cronies from Gossip Girl was hanging outside Katz's with her friends, her name is ridiculous, and so I am not going to type it. Judge me if you will. Then, coming back up Broadway we walked right by Chloe Sevigny.
Looks like Jake did go to the Night Before party. From FB:
had the best night ever! I got to meet Maggie Gyllenhaal (and talk to her about her surprise Oscar nomination), Peter Sarsgaard, Quinn Fabray from GLEE and Jake Gyllenhaal (finally!!!!). :-)
I was working the night before Oscar party at the Beverly Hills hotel. Everyone was soooooooo nice!
And then Jake went to Harvey Weinstein's party. From JustJared's twitter:
Alexander Skarsgard is here! Kate Bosworth was here... Jake G chatting up Emile Hirsch and his BFF Jamis Foxx. Rhona Mitra also w Jamie
So he did go to the Night before party, thanks UV! Sounds like he had a great time there and at the Weinstein party.
Love reading that description of Jake last week in NY for thr GQ photoshoot.
For all the NY peeps who have Cablevision, I hope you have an antenna or a digital converter box because ABC/Disney has pulled the plug! There is a $$$ dispute and ABC/Disney pulled the plug at midnight.
I have Time Warner, but I know that a lot of people including my Mom and several siblings that will have to either watch the Oscars online or get an antenna or a digital convertor box!
I have my pic with "my" oscar! It was a blast on Friday.
Happy Birthday Peter!
Usually the Supporting Actor & Actress awards are given out fairly early in the show.
Last year when they had people to announce the nominees they had 5 who had won before out at the same time & each made their comments. Wonder if that is how they will do it this year with people connected to the nominees.
Hi, all! Did a lot of running around yesterday, so I'm glad for a chance to catch up with all the Jake news! I am just SO happy he's getting out and enjoying himself, hanging out with friends and family! (Wish someone would get pictures! Does no one have a camera phone!)
Chica has her Oscar! LOL! We were just talking about the Cablevision mess with ABC. Greed! Oldest daughter doesn't have cable of any kind, thinks most TV is crap,watches all her shows online. Youngest daughter is in Atlanta right now.
According to the goldderby forums, this is a partial lsit of who will present tonight. As you se some have a connection to a nominee and some don't.
Tom Ford and SJP for Costume Design
* Julianne Moore introducing Colin Firth
* Stanley Tucci for Meryl Streep
* Peter Sarsgaard introducing Carey Mulligan
* Carey Mulligan and Zoe Saldana - Live Action Short
* Chris Pine - "District 9" clip
* Keanu Reeves - "The Hurt Locker" clip
* Jeff Bridges - "A Serious Man" clip
Thanks for all the Jake updates, UV! Glad to hear he was at the pre-parties and rehearsal.
Chica, I have RCN but my Mom has Cablevision. She will probably have to watch it online tonight and she isn't happy about it. Cablevision really crapped on their customers imo.
I am so excited for tonight!
Happy Birthday Peter!!
Not a report on the filming yet, but I thought that these tweets were fun!:
ManMadeMoonSending all my best wishes and crossed fingers out to Vera Farmiga & Maggie Gyllenhaal tonight at the Oscars! Battle to the death, ladies
10 minutes ago via TweetDeck
16 minutes ago via TweetDeck in reply to michelleelord @samin140 that would be the terrific Jake Gyllenhall & the fantastic Michelle Monaghan.
So! 1st week on Source Code: built a train, and it's a beauty, but a bugger to shoot on. JG & MM are such a good laugh! Love em to bits.
about 1 hours ago via TweetDeck
KirstenLoveLeabut Jake did not say anything and walked away. It was blatant that Jake was not happy with Leo... so what happened there!??
2 minutes ago via web Leo DiCaprio was there with Bar... Jake Gyllenhaal came over and Leo said hi and signaled for him to come over...
2 minutes ago via web
Thanks to everyone for all the updates. Good to see Jake is having fun and good luck to Maggie!!
Although I have to admit that after what happened with BBM I am not so excited anymore as I was used to for the Oscars.
But I am happy to see Jake presenting and Maggie being recognized for her work. Hopefully a fund evening for everyone!
Love Duncan and his twitters - he is always so refreshing and his enthusiasm is adorable - I am sure they will be having fun during the shootings.
Chica, that just sucks for all those NY viewers. What idiocy. Glad you will be able to see, though. Especially now that you know Oscar personally!
Thanks for the DJ tweets, Tweety. He hadn't mentioned Jake in a while, so it's nice to hear he's still a fan!
Get real, I forgot to say that I found Izzard a disappointment, too, at the ISAs. And I was also thrilled that Gabourey Sidibe won. I love her.
And Bobbyanna, yes! All these Jake sightings are nice but a discreet cell phone pic would have been even more fun.
Carla - that was a bad end four years ago. And a bad memory.
I read somewhere that they are doing the five presenters only for the leading categories, so I don't know if Jake will do that for Maggie. We'll find out soon, I guess!
Getting ready to watch the Oscar pre-show stuff!
Not sure what to make of the Jake/Leo Tweets?
The girl was mistaken. Period. And not too bright,for posting something like that, especially since she obviously lacked context, & didn't know what was going on. That's how baseless rumors get started. Someone thinking they see or hear something and just plain get it wrong.
Jake just wouldn't deliberately snub Leo or be hostile toward him in a social setting.
I'm looking forward to the Red Carpet, so I can talk about the outfits, and look for my favorites!
OMG, E! is previewing a new PoP commercial now and we hear more of Jake's accent and it is GOOD...SWOON!!!! I hope they show it again throughout tonight.
Ouch! That was me!^
I wouldn't worry about it, get real. Maybe Jake just didn't hear Leo or something. I think it's much ado about nothing.
I really hope some GBers were just watching E! They did an exclusive look at PoP, with scenes I've never seen before.
I hope Stephanie was taping!
I totally agree Bobbyanna, re the Jake/Leo Tweet. That is so annoying because that is the kind of bs that is spread as rumor.
Anyway, OMG still can't get over the PoP commercial it is so amazing!!
Guh! I just saw that sneak too. There are some new scenes there and damn, but Jake just kicks ass in this role. Like an idiot, I forgot to hit the record button on my DVR.
UV I saw the commercial! :D :D
Hee, I saw, get real. And JoeAnn, I'm glad you saw it, too.
I did press record but I have no idea how to get it from my DVR to the outside world!
There are a couple of total swoon-worthy scenes. Gah!
A few of the new Dastan lines:
"We make our own destiny, princess."
"This won't be the last time we'll be together." (To Tamina, as he caresses her face.)
"We can sit here and chat or you can get on the horse."
"I won't let you go!" (He's struggling to hold on to Tamina.)
We get to see them jump and fall into that pool/fountain. And there are a few just gorgeous shots of Jake, one where he does the look-down/look-up thing.
I don't seen the commercial, I'm watching Marley and Me.
I saw it too, Squeee!!! I wasn't expecting that. Loved it, and we can all expect to see it during the awards as well.
Watching Seacrest right now annoying Sam Worthington.
It wasn't really a commercial, more like one of those behind-the-scenes featurettes. I do hope they repeat it tonight at some point!
Just saw a brief shot of Maggie and Peter on the red carpet as E! went to commercial! Couldn't really see her dress but hopefully they will be interviewed coming up. :)
Guh, those lines do sound *swoonworthy*. I hope I get to see!
Maggie and Peter are on the red carpet with that jack-ass Seacrest. The dress is pretty, blue/yellow/white and it's looked like a wrap dress. Very conservative for her.
I like the dress.
Peter e Maggie are beautiful!
I like the dress a lot, very pretty on Maggie. And they mentioned Peter's birthday. :)
Started a new post for our Oscar thoughts.
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