Having interviewed you several times over the years, you seem more at ease with yourself nowadays?

Yes, I do feel that. I think that’s part of growing up. A lot of things happened in my life while I was making this movie, and it made me think that we never know what’s going to happen in the future. All we have is right now, so what do you have to lose but to go for it?

You spent your first day of shooting in a jail?
Yes. People are most open and most vulnerable when they feel it is safe, and it is hard to feel that way in a jail, that’s for sure. It was weird to start the first day of a movie in a jail.

That must have been tough?
It was. I went to LA County Jail and then I went to a couple of juvenile halls which was life changing.

How so?
I think we tend to generalise and to just look at anybody who is in jail a certain way. We don’t look at the story of each person who is in there which is what I think is frustrating. It’s the same as people saying, ‘Is this movie a war story? Is this a story about war?’ I feel you tend to generalise each individual story, what the story is. If someone is a soldier and they are at war, does that mean they are just a soldier at war? Or do they have their own story? And has that story become a war story because they are a soldier? People are coloured by things and that type of prejudice because it’s not what the story about. But in this movie, as in every movie, I found myself learning a different lesson and the biggest lesson I learnt from this movie was from my experience with these boys in juvenile hall.
Working in the same field as your sister (Maggie) do you feel pressure to compete with her?
No, I think we have a lot of other complications, but I don’t think that’s one of them.

Like what?
The idea of competition, particularly in a creative atmosphere, is always present and if you don’t acknowledge that then you are doing yourself and the process a disservice. What made it so much fun working with Tobey for example, is that he’s my contemporary, and what’s great is the acknowledgement of admiration, the acknowledgement of competition, the acknowledgement of the complications. As regards my sister, if you are really with someone from the beginning of your life, like I have been with Maggie, she had a couple of years on the earth before me but I’ve been with her since the beginning of my life. This would take so long to explain. Sorry, I’ve gone off on a tangent. Can you ask me the next time you interview me
OK, I’ll hold you to that. In this movie Tobey again will be seen as a great actor. A lot of people just remember him as Spiderman – do you think people will be surprised?

Yes. It’s like when I worked with Heath Ledger. When we started working together I think people were blown away by his performance in the movie (Brokeback Mountain). I don’t think people expected that from him. At least that’s what I heard that from the journalists and people who saw that movie. It is wonderful to see someone who everybody talks about. It is wonderful to hear. It is wonderful to have either fooled the people as he has done or to have been honest in the way that he has been that they go, wow!.
Are you spiritual – for instance do you meditate?
Yeah, of course, I do lots of things. Yeah, I do.

What does meditation give to you? What does it give me?
Sometimes it gives me gas, sometimes it creates a sense of ... God. We’re getting really serious now. Sometimes I think that. ... one can’t separate the world from one’s self, and it kind of brings you back to, this is me and that’s what’s happening in the world, and what’s the difference? Is it me that’s doing it, or is it just what’s happening? It just gives perspective.
Actors always say they love each other when they’re talking about a film they’re promoting, but the three of you actually do seem to like each other.

I was honoured that Tobey wanted to do the movie, because I know he’s very picky. And he’s had so many opportunities to choose to do movies and he picked this one. So, from the beginning I felt kind of honoured that he wanted to do it. I don’t believe and I could be wrong, that there are filmmakers who are so extraordinary, that they can make something charismatic, or they can make something moving, when two people don’t like each other at all, or have no connection. I do think that’s possible, and there are those famous stories about all those things that people love, but in this case there was real camaraderie between us. Tobey and I would work out together, we played basketball together, I tore both ligaments in my leg and my ankle because of it ... and I don’t think either of us ever pretended like there wasn’t great admiration and great competition. And I think that made for the experience.
You seem to have a natural style about the way you work – what kind of role do you think you wouldn’t be able to pull off?

Well, I definitely couldn’t play Denzel Washington’s part in Glory. That would probably not work out so well. But it would be interesting in some strange way.
No, Jake, I don't think you could pull that one off!
Thanks to an anonymous poster for pointing out these IMDb user review raves for Love and Other Drugs. A sampling:
It was much much better than I expected going it. I was expecting something good from Ed Zwick and Anne Hathaway but Jake Gyllenhal really tore it up. ...
This is absolutely, hands down the best role Jake Gyllenhal has ever played. ... he is so comfortable as the smooth talking, answer for everything, sex seeking Jamie it really shocked me. I actually have faith he will be good in Prince of Persia after seeing his range in this. He is the cocky part of Thank You For Smoking, with better and more prolific dialogue, but the heartwarming lead of 500 Days of Summer, but with even more redeeming qualities. ...

The film, which is like 'Up in the Air' with more humour or '(500) Days of Summer' with less quirk, is fantastically acted by the leads and supporting ensemble of familiar faces. The writing is phenomenal with some of the freshest dialogue and wittiest banter I've seen since Howard Hawks's 'His Girl Friday.' The story is also very topical, especially in the days of the fight for healthcare reform. Director Edward Zwick (Glory, Blood Diamond) puts forth one of the best films of his career alongside a list of solid past work, creating some of the most heart-wrenchingly sad and gut-wrenchingly funny cinematic moments in years. The film is also full of some of the hottest and funniest sex scenes I've seen in a long time, so the movie's humour isn't all guys will want in this romantic-comedy. Overall, 'Love and Other Drugs' is a great variation to the 2010 romantic comedies thus far, giving something worthwhile outside of the typical 'The Bounty Hounter'-type rom-coms.
Normally, I'd be suspicious of such glowing reviews, but all of the reviewers have at least one other review, and one has many other reviews. So let's hope this isn't studio hype but genuine enthusiasm.
(Screen caps courtesy of IHJ.)
great new interview with jake thanks UV for the find
I love this interview.
Q. what does meditation give you?
A. sometimes it gives me gas...
LMAO, he's adoreable and the picture of drunken Tommy is priceless.
Really warm feelings I'm feeling right now. Thank you. Studying and finding out about Jake has allowed me to open my heart and allow people back in and try new things.
Thank you.
That was my original title for the post! Hee. But it felt off with the tone of the first question, so I changed it.
I think Jake would be really proud to hear someone say that following him has opened her heart. That's a great compliment.
It's really true UV. I can't articulate it fully so I won't try - but you guys know ;D
BTW Brothers DVD doesn't hit the shelves over here in the UK until June. Only those lucy enought to have DVD dual regional players can buy region 1 DVDs :o(
Oops, thanks for the correction, Sheba. How annoying!
I meant to say also that I didn't intend to post the whole article. I don't like doing that usually. But it was too hard to edit the GyllenBabble!
Also, no idea if this is a genuine sighting or not, but from twitter and Facebook:
SUPER fun brunch at De Niro's new restaurant. My stomach hurts from laughing. Jake Gyllenhaal was two tables away.
The spotter is Chely Wright, who is apparently a country music singer.
You're welcome, Mary. I was happy to see it - just popped up out of the blue. These non-US interviewers often get a different side of Jake.
What a wonderful find, UV!! Lovely interview. I sometimes have the impression,Jake seems more conversational and thoughtful with foreign press. This was lovely. And I agree Sheba. That's a beautiful thing to say about him. He's really a beautiful person.
Passover starts tomorrow, so it wouldn't surprise me to know Jake might be in NYC to visit family.
Wow, another great Jake interview with the non-U.S. press. He must feel safer with them.... he sure seems to open up and let his guard down more, doesn't he?
And I'm sure that Heath's death and the demise of his parents marriage must have been profound lessons for him about not knowing what the future holds. Thanks, UV! This is a wonderful interview.
Okay, these IMDb reviews of LaOD have me pretty psyched. The comparisons to Up in the Air, (500) Days of Summer and His Girl Friday (if accurate) make me so happy! I think I'm more excited about LaOD than I am PoP. Or, maybe not. :)
Thanks to the Anon poster and UV for passing on these reviews. Appreciate it so much!
This is such a great interview, he does seem more relaxed and more trusting of the foreign press. So much was going on while he was filming Brothers: Heath passing away, his parents breaking up. It must have been really difficult for him and yet he turned in another incredible performance.
Yes, Passover is tomorrow! I hope he is spending time with his family.
The reviews for LOAD have been fantastic! I have to admit that when I first heard about it, i wasn't too impressed, it reminded me too much of Nailed which he just did.
I'm more than happy to be proven wrong!
I also want to add that it's wonderful that Jake makes you feel that way Sheba. He is a beautiful person inside and out.
He is incredible!
A wonderful interview. My favorite in many years.
I was paralyzed with the first answer. He was so young (and still is), and then all those bad things. But it's good to see that all this made him mature.
I remember when people were surprised by the performance of Heath in BBM. And it's great to know that Jake loved seeing all those praise for Ledger.
These comments about Laod are fantastic. I am very anxious to see this movie.thanks!
If i rem. correctly Jake had only about a week more of filming when he got the news about Heath - so almost all of his scenes in the movie were already filmed.
Tho am sure he knew his parents were having problems at that time.
Yes, anon, but that still counts as something that happened while he was making the movie.
I also think that he's probably referring to his relationship with Reese, which seemed to take a big step forward at that time. So it's not all bad things, necessarily.
I wonder if Jake is more comfortable with foreign press and/or they ask better questions or have a different way of asking them.
There was another Jake Facebook brunch sighting, so perhaps it is true. Oh, and btw, the sighting was at Locanda Verde.
I think I'm more excited about LaOD than I am PoP. Or, maybe not. :)
Hee, suvee, I hear you. When I was reading the reviews, I was thinking, "Is it November yet?" Then I remembered May and PoP!
I have to admit that when I first heard about it, i wasn't too impressed, it reminded me too much of Nailed which he just did.
I'm more than happy to be proven wrong!
Shondra, that's how I felt about PoP and I think I will be proven wrong. So fingers crossed for you, too!
And it's great to know that Jake loved seeing all those praise for Ledger.
ITA, Monica. He's far more generous than I am. It really irritates me that Jake is slighted in favor of Heath and now Tobey by so many. Though I think for Brothers, many people did favor Jake's performance. Not that Lionsgate/Relativity noticed.
Yes am sure Jake considers it as being when Heath died - but it wasn't something that he dealt with when making most of the movie.
I rem. Jake being back in LA after that and the picture of he and Reese and the kids.
Filming Brothers was before filming POP (or Nailed..lost track of that one)..and they were still going strong during those times.
After POP he was home for his Birthday and their Christmas with RDJ.
He was not speaking about most part of the filming. He said about various things that happened to him during filming. The death of Heath is just one of them, because no one thought he would die so young.
Anon, I don't really get your point. Jake didn't say that what he learned occurred during the entire time he was making the movie, simply that some things happened WHILE he was making the movie. And Heath's death was certainly one of them.
As for Reese, my point was that not only bad things happened during the making of Brothers. Lots of life-changing things happened.
Great interview - I'm so happy he feels more comfortable discussing things, maybe it's the foreign press as you all say. He's a lovely and generous person. He was also amazing in BBM, as was Heath, and I'm so glad he feels ok talking about that, and can give so much praise to Heath, and Tobey.
I am sooooo looking forward to LaOD, sexy/funny in a good way, and really romantic, an intelligent sounding romantic comedy. Of course, can't wait for Pop, interesting about the soundtrack. :)
Ditto to your post, Cathy!
The soundtrack news was interesting. I wonder when we'll first get to hear the song.
I think a film like LAOD's totally needs a killer soundtrack.
Hi everyone here at Gyllenbabble! I loved Brothers. I really loved Jakes character. a bit lost, a bit tough, a bit immature, but overall a great, (and sexy) guy.
I wanted to follow up on a few questions Ultraviolet had a few posts ago.
My opinion on LAOD reminds the same, but heres a little more if you wish to read.
xoxoxox- Ambivalent
Did you have to sign something saying you wouldn't reveal details? We'll keep your secret!
Yes, we had to sign a form with rules and regulations, etc. They also had us take our phones back to our car because they had cameras on them! Everyone in the audience filled out a survey at the end of the movie as well. My bff got the invite and of course brought me along. I completely flipped out, since I wasn’t expecting to see this film until the end of year or next.
I'm curious if Jake is naked or nearly naked as much as Anne. She seems to have gotten the majority of the naked press.
Yes, Anne has more naked scenes than Jake, but not by much! “Jake’s merkin” was obviously used and skillfully placed in some scenes. But, I felt most of it was awkward and not tastefully done. Most of nudity felt unnecessary. But, I definitely see the press talking about these scenes a tons later in the year.
Could you tell the reaction of the crowd around you to the raunchier scenes or to the movie overall?
The audience reacted well to the raunchy jokes, (I found it immature, and not that funny, but its not really my type of humor) As the movie overall, I think it is a mix bag. Women may not be into to all the sexual jokes and guy humor, and Men may not be into the emotional gushy and typical romantic comedy elements of the movie.
I was looking forward to finally see and swoon over Jake with all his awkward adorableness in a romantic comedy, but it was too little, too late. It just isn’t here. I wish it was more 500 days of Summer, or even more Up in the air, but its just not that type of movie.
You said this was a different role for Jake. Was it more comedic or dramatic? Did you like his chemistry with Anne? How about with his other co-stars?
Definitely more comedic this time. I haven’t seen Jake really do slapstick comedy since Bubble Boy. So it was different after seeing him in very serious roles these last few years. Jake had good chemistry with Anne. Nothing extraordinary, but I did like them together. Jake was great and played off well with the dynamics of each star. However, my problem with the movie is that it has so many themes going on that im not sure it knows what it is, Comedy? Drama? Romance? A pharmaceutical drama? A pharmaceutical comedy? It was confusing at times.
…So that’s my 2cents, they’re too many parts in the film I didn’t like, but the few scenes that I did actually like, I really, really liked. But it wasn’t enough.
Grade C+ (based on the unedited, pre- screening version) :)
What a great interview, loved reading it.
I think he is more comfortable with the foriegn press plus they ask more intelligent questions.
So much was going on in Jake's life while filming Brothers, Heath passing away, his parents breaking up. Life changing expierences.
He is very generous with his praise for his fellow actors and I loved hearing him talk about Heath.
Thanks so much for your very detailed review of LAOD Ambivalent! Sounds like some editing needs to be done based on your review, but it still sounds loke a great role for Jake and my kind of movie.
If Jake is still in NY, I hope he keeps dry, it's raining cats and dogs here!
I can't even describe how excited I am to see LAOD!!! Glad for all the comments praising Jake's performance, too!
The Times of London has a very interesting article on 3D as it relates to Clash of the Titans, but also a much broader discussion of the technique. I didn't know it was so inexpensive to convert a movie to 3D! They're crediting 3D for Alice in Wonderland's box office, more than $350 million and counting. It's worth checking out:
Count me in as excited to see LAOD, love all the positive comments on Jake and Anne's performances. This is the type of "Oscar bait" movies that come out in November and if the studio handles it right, they will have a winner on their hands.
Love this interview. Jake sounds so mature here, even with the bit of the gyllenbabble. Lot's of things happened to him while filming, it had to effect him.
Glad to read that he still meditates, as long as it doesn't give him gas, LOL!!
Thanks so much forthe 3D article Bobbyanna. I still can't believe they made a remake of Clash of the Titans!
Oh, Ambivalent, thanks so much for the in-depth answers. I'll come back later to dissect but I really wanted to say thank you.
We need a better name for you, because Ambivalent doesn't sound as nice as you are :) Also, I think you're not really ambivalent about the movie; that was my rather generous assessment of your feelings :)
We'll see if they can edit the movie and bring your C- up to at last a C+!
I am glad to hear that there is at least almost naked parity between Jake and Anne! And glad to hear they have good chemistry.
Did your bf mind that you were so excited to see the movie? ;)
They're crediting 3D for Alice in Wonderland's box office, more than $350 million and counting.
Right. 3D = Depp, Depp, Depp.
My comment earlier was the fact that Heath didn't die during the main part of Jake making the movie - it was right at the end of it so the effect of that didn't cover the whole experience of making the movie.
Tho of course he would, after it, associate the movie with that.
Anon, 10:34, unless you had the shooting schedule how could anyone know what Jake had left to shoot. The wrap party, which Jake attended, took place the
23rd or 24th of February. They didn't finish on January 30th.
Sheridan gave Jake time off for about a week after Heath's death. They shot around Jake,then he came back and worked for at least three weeks to finish.
Anon, no one, including Jake, said that these issues covered the ENTIRE making of the movie. They happened DURING the making of the movie and are now, as you apparently can comprehend, associated with the movie.
Jake's answer has been explained over and over. Please stop bringing it up.
What the hell is that anon. poster obsession with Jake's shooting schedule for Brothers and the timing of Heath's death? I don't care if it was the last day of shooting, he will always remember that he was filming Brothers when he got the news. He also mentions visiting prisons for his role and how that effected him, plus other things that were going on at the time as it has already been pointed out.
I hope you are not implying that his death didn't impact Jake much on the set because it was towards the end of filming?
I'm sorry 10:34, but the whole obsession is creepy and I sense that you really could give a rats ass about Jake and his frame of mind at the time.
Oh, oops, Ambivalent. I just reread your post and you already gave the movie a C+. I thought it was a C-. So maybe they can get a B from you when the final version is out!
OONP, I think you got it in one :)
Jake chosen by Men's Fitness as one of the MF25, the 25 Fittest Men:
Jake Gyllenhaal, 29, USA (Actor) For his lead role in the upcoming blockbuster, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, Jake Gyllenhaal had to undergo a dramatic physical transformation. The actor packed on the muscle by doing a combination of outdoor cardio interval workouts and power circuits in the gym.
I really enjoy reading Jake's interviews by the press overseas. He definately is more open to them and makes for a more interesting read. Love what he had to say about Heath and BBM.
I don't get thet comments about what Jake was referring to in the beginning of the interview, it's obvious to me that he is talking about Heath.
Love the stills from Brothers, I hope it gets more fans via DVD, Jake give a wonderful performance.
Love all the reviews coming in about LAOD, thanks so much Ambivialent! Hmm, raunchy and lots of nudity? The studio may want to fix that because movies like that usually are not taken seriously by the Academy.
I didn't mean to cause so much trouble. I think i did say that Jake would always view Brothers as the movie when he heard the news about Heath.
Never have i ever thought or said to anyone that the death of Heath didn't have anything other than a profound impact on Jake. And when there were no comments from him about it at the time i thought that is what someone who was a true friend would do. This was a private matter to him and not to be shared with the press.
The studio may want to fix that because movies like that usually are not taken seriously by the Academy."
I agree with you. So far, the film is faring well with men and not so well with women. But HEY, men rule the world and are so much important than women because they never buy tickets to movies.
The photo you saw of him is new?
Thanks everyone for all your kind words. I dont want to be ambivalent to Gyllenbabble in any way.
I'm Henry. 24, From Orange County, CA. I am male and Jake is my celebrity boyfriend. haha, I fell for him in Bubble Boy and none of my friends understood why. Now look at them now!
My favorite Jake movie is Proof! "...jojoba??!!!" lol. I need a Hal to put up with my antics. Sometimes i feel like an egg too. lol
I can't offer any exclusive news like you guys here, but I appreciate all the hard work, and i come back often.
Love everyone one here, Lets not fight. xoxoxoxo
No Monica it was the photo of Jake walking Atticus when Atticus was doing his business.
Jake is looking over at the cameraman and is frowning. This is the photo that People used (literally) with the caption: "Meanwhile...Jake's solo, filming in Montreal."
welcome henry this is a happy place to visit but we do disagree at times but most of the time we have a good time talking about jake
Hi, Henry. I have many friends who love Bubble Boy.
Innocent, Jake will probably laugh about it.
I think that's one of the best interviews by Jake that I have read, thanks.
I love all the LAOD reviews, thanks Henry and welcome!
I don't think Jake could care less about some silly pic in People, don't get why anyone would be bothered by such nonsense. just ignore it.
This guy will get to interview Jake and the crew at wondercon this weekend:
seanoneill: Going to be interviewing Jerry Bruckheimer, Jake Gyllenhaal, Jordan Mechner and Mike Newell for Prince of Persia this week. @ me questions
Henry, welcome and thanks for telling us your name. Proof is a rarity for favorite Jake films, I think. But I enjoyed it a lot, too. Jake looks beautiful in it.
And he even wears glasses in one scene, which I know pleased many folks!
Anon, 2:25, thanks for that. Let's just move on from the misunderstanding.
IHJ has photos of Jake from a Zodiac photoshoot, he looks so young! Zodiac is my favorite Jake film:
He really does seem to be more open for the foreign press/reporters. I got a bit choked up reading the first part. Great interview and insights.
Thanks for the Mens Fitness magazine link UV, Jake has always been in great shape!
Welcome Henry and thanks so much for your review. Now i'm really looking forward to LOAD:):) I caught Proof last night on the IFC!
He looks yummy in those Zodiac pics thanks ihj!
Happy Passover to all that celebrate!
Great interview, thanks for sharing it.
I love the babble, but he makes some very serious points, too.
Sending good thoughts to all the East Coasters. Appears you're getting pounded with rain!
Boy are we ever Bobbyanna! It's pouring here and plus it's cold damp and windy as well!
Good day to stay home, but unfortunately i'm at work!
Just wondering. If Jake is on a brief hiatus for Passover/Easter, then goes to San Francisco for Wondercon, he probably will go to Chicago to hook up with the SC crew.
They'll shoot in Chicago for three days, I think. But it probably involves a lot of setting up, etc. It was on IMDB so I don't know how reliable it is. I originally thought it was only second unit stuff, but maybe not.
bobbyanna remember that they cancelled the train station stuff in Ottawa, so it's possible that they're doing it in Chicago now.
Great news to that Alanis Morissette is singing the PoP theme song. She is a very talented singer!
And wow what a great interview with Jake and fantastic reviews for LAOD! Awesome new pics too of Jake at the White House! Really wish we could get pics of him with Pres. Obama.
Have not been able to post much because of Passover, wishing everyone who observes a nice holiday, but have been reading! :) Stay dry everyone on the East coast. It is a mess out there.
Isn't it a great interview get real? One of the best even with some gyllenbabble!
The LAOD reviews from the screening are fantastic, I can't wait till November.
It's quite possible they will film the train scenes in Ottawa Brothers spy, we will find out soon enough.
Happy Passover to all here that celebrate.
I got an update from my guy and even though FL doesn't think he's legit, he is (he even has an imdb page)...
According to him they wrapped all the interior "train scenes" yesterday.
Vera Famingha started shooting her parts today.
Chicago is still only second unit and it begins next week. They're only filming the wideshots of the train riding on its tracks, and the Chicago skyline from the POV of the train (he said they shot the interiors of the train surrounded by a green screen, the stuff they film in Chicago will fill in that green screen). No Jake in Chicago.
The new train station --- which he called "fake Ottawa station" LOL --- is actually located somewhere in Montreal but he doesn't know where. So no Chicago as I suspected. Filming will take place at the Montreal station next week as well just as originally planned.
They've moved production to a different studio to shoot the "POD" scenes (the actual Source Code chamber). Smaller sets, smaller crew.
Today was day 22 of the 41 day shoot.
He says everyone is still getting along real well and still no drama to speak of. Atticus is always on set with Jake. Atticus is official mascot of The Source Code.
Atticus is official mascot of The Source Code.
So cute!
thanks, BS!
Cheap shot, BS. Watch it.
thanks brothers spy for the update love the idea of atticus as their mascot
New PoP interview with Jake on Comingsoon.net I haven't been able to watch it all as I am at work but I think it was done at the same time as the Disney questions one.
Thanks for this wonderful interview with Jake!
Also great news for LAOD.
Atticus is a cutie - no surprise he is the "official mascot", thanks for the info, BS.
I have to catch up with everything when I am at home!
Catching up with all the Jake goodies, love this Brothers interview. He is more open and is asked more intelligent questions as it has already been pointed out (((Heath))).
Love reading all the positive buzz on LAOD, thanks so much for your review and thoughts Henry!
Great report and update on the SC filming Brothers spy, thanks so much.
And thanks anon. for the link to the Pop interview, he is looking good!
sound track for POP will be released on may 25
I can't believe it's not raining today! I was afraid that mildew was going to start to form on me, LOL!!!
Thanks BS, it looks like SC is half way done filming.
Love the newest Pop interview video. He does look good and very flirty as well!!
Thanks, anon, for the link.
And Carla, are you still on holiday! Hope you're having fun.
I posted the new video in a new post.
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