The interview appears to have been done at the same time Jake answered the Facebook questions. I think we probably have a lot of material from that day to look forward to.
And look, here's Jake in his youthful gaming days!

If you want to listen to the PoP Alanis Morissette song, go here:
The movie, which stars Jake Gyllenhaal, Ben Kingsley and Gemma Arterton, was a natural vehicle for Morissette, who penned the song about Arterton's princess character. "It's an honor to write from the voice of an empowered princess about a love that empowers them both to new heights, healing and consciousness," Morissette said in a statement. "The song wrote itself and this story was the ultimate muse."
'I Remain' -- co-written with Mike Elizondo, who worked with Morissette on 'Wunderkind,' her track from 'The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian' -- brings a Middle Eastern flavor and a soft backbeat to a dark and enigmatic flavor. Though written directly for the film, the song is vintage Morissette.
(Photo courtesy of IHJ.)
Thanks UV. I think he does just fine with his accent.
Here is the schedule for Wondercon this weekend. The Disney panel is from 12:00 - 1:45. Pop will share the stage with Toy Story 3 and Sorecerer's Apprentice:
Thanks, UV. Great interview!
Rating Likely Candidates for Cannes
David O. Russell’s Flirting With Disaster did play Cannes in 2007 in Un Certain Regard, so the fest could smile on Paramount’s The Fighter** (Christian Bale, Mark Wahlberg, Amy Adams). Nailed* (Jake Gyllenhaal-Jessica Biel), which lacks a distributor, could be tied up in bankruptcy court.
Hollywood Reporter:
Judge appoints trustee in Bergstein case
From a Brit - two thumbs up for the accent which is quite authentic and surprisingly regional.
I'm so sad that we may never get to see Nailed. The combination of cast and director was irresistable.
Although immersing youself into a role can be dangerous, it can also bring about interesting results. Jake's movies show that process. Cannot wait for PoP (*"patience Sheba, patience.."*)
Pop will share the stage with Toy Story 3 and Sorecerer's Apprentice:
Oh that's interesting. So Jake will be sharing the stage with Nicolas Cage, Jay Baruchel, et al. I wonder if they'll all be on stage at the same time or if the talent will rotate as Bruckheimer introduces the next film. Taking into account they'll show extended trailers, 105 minutes doesn't seem like enough time for Q&As for 3 films, does it?
Hollywood Reporter:
Judge appoints trustee in Bergstein case
This is a fascinating case. Wish I was sitting in on it. The opening paragraph of that story really sets the tone here: In a rare legal action, a U.S. bankruptcy court judge Tuesday appointed an interim trustee to seize control of David Bergstein's Capitol, ThinkFilm and related entities after an attorney for the creditors repeatedly referenced the way the producer operated his global web of businesses as "the Enron of the entertainment world."
It's never a good thing to be compared to Enron. O_O
But I see the problem here: Bergstein and his show business partner, billionaire construction executive Ron Tutor,. Because building houses and making moves are exactly the same.
The more I read about this the more I wonder how much Jake was stiffed.
Fingers crossed that the accent police will be kind to Jake. He seems to do fine, as sheba attests. But I've noticed that many people don't like to give Jake the benefit of the doubt on things.
Thanks, Monica. Your second link is the same as her first. Here's the story on Bergstein. That is one messy situation. I hope someday, someone figures out a way for Nailed to be seen.
Thanks for the WonderCon info, SA. I didn't realize PoP would be sharing the panel with both TS3 and Sorcerer. Hopefully, Jake will get some good time in.
Slow day - has anyone else had trouble leaving a comment? Safari kept giving me an error message.
Anyway, to liven up the day, a funny Karl Lagerfeld encounter:
Beyond the candid humour, what is most refreshing about Lagerfeld is the fact he does not shun Hollywood like many of his designer contemporaries. He doesn't buy into the whole notion of "celebrity fatigue" (which makes sense if you consider his own star status) and points out that "people [have always] needed faces they can identify with." Lagerfeld also claims that the next step in Hollywood's evolution are actors such as Anne Hathaway and Emma Watson ("Geniuses," he mumbles when asked about them); and he relishes in finishing our interview by telling me a story of a recent star sighting that pleased him.
"I went to the [Martin] Margiela shop and Jake Gyllenhaal was there. I tiffany shopping he's very handsome - very strange and bizarre, but very interesting. I told him to change his last name because nobody can remember that name. It was very funny because, although we were together, someone asked me for my autograph, and I said, 'You better ask [Jake] for his.' I'm not the Hollywood star."
And with that, Lagerfeld takes a sip of his pop-filled goblet and bids me adieu, leaving me with a hard to believe (and completely cinematic) humble ending:
"I'm the opposite of the song of Billie Holiday 'Easy to Remember, Hard to Forget.' For me, it's 'easy to forget, hard to remember.'"
I was having a bit of a problem earlier, seems fine now.
What a wonderful interview! He comes across as confident and sexy. I think the accent is perfect , and Sheba is a Brit and she gives it a thumbs up!
That sounds like a crowded stage at Wondercon, I hope Jake, Jerry, etc get a chance to really do a proper Q&A there.
Love the Lagerfeld encounter with Jake, thanks!
De nada, Chica. I'd love to hear Jake's side of the encounter. I wonder what you have to do to be described as bizarre by Lagerfeld!
I spoke too soon - still having issues. But for those who can't wait to hear the new Alanis PoP tune, here you go.
Triple posting, but if you don't want to download it, go here.
Certainly not a catchy song, but identifiably Alanis, as usual with her tunes. Here's some Alanibabble:
The movie, which stars Jake Gyllenhaal, Ben Kingsley and Gemma Arterton, was a natural vehicle for Morissette, who penned the song about Arterton's princess character. "It's an honor to write from the voice of an empowered princess about a love that empowers them both to new heights, healing and consciousness," Morissette said in a statement. "The song wrote itself and this story was the ultimate muse."
'I Remain' -- co-written with Mike Elizondo, who worked with Morissette on 'Wunderkind,' her track from 'The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian' -- brings a Middle Eastern flavor and a soft backbeat to a dark and enigmatic flavor. Though written directly for the film, the song is vintage Morissette. Check out the premiere of 'I Remain' below.
Hooray! I can't wait. :)
It's an honor to write from the voice of an empowered princess about a love that empowers them both to new heights, healing and consciousness," Morissette said in a statement.
I love, love, love it - it's outstanding! They lyrics are perfect - just what I would imagine the Princess to say, and it makes the Prince sound very enigmatic. Wow. It does sound like vintage Alanis. Magical.
^^JMHO of course - love the Karl Lagerfeld encounter too. :)
It reminds me of closing a letter - "I remain" (faithfully yours, or something like that. I like that it's not a sweet-sweet song and has a bit of an edge to it, kinda sexy too, but yet appropriate for everyone. And she longs to know him, (in the Biblical sense, I hope ;)) Sorry. :)
Very true, it does sound like unfinished busines doesn't it. Thank you UV, I've been looking for that song most of today. I love it, Alanas has done it well, the longing, trepidation and feistyness is all there in the song. One can envisage the scenes when eyes are closed listening to this song.
Also loved the Karl Lagerfeld encounter and Jake must have got a kick out of them not bothering him and asking for an autograph. So Karl also found Jake strange, bizzare, handsome and interesting. Welcome to our world Mr Lagerfeld :DD
I find it an almost unlistenable, made-up-as-you-go-along tune. The high point of the song, the refrain of ~ I remain ~ appears far too late in the song to be redeemable. Shame.
I'm sorry,
For me, it sounded contrived.
When I close my eyes, I see the closing credits rolling. At least, I hope they don't play this during the actual movie.
I think it's perfect - light enough, but with some depth to it, mystical, and romantic. But I do get a closing credits feel from it as well, from the finish. They may have the theme throughout the movie or it may have some notes from the score or something? It's fun to speculate about it.
I love the instrumentals: lush, romantic and it gives you the feel of the movie. The lyrics are, meh.
It's just ok IMO.
Jake was really concerened about his accent, LOL! I think he did a good job with it, no worries Jake!!
What a funny encounter from Karl, bizarre, eh??
Have to listen to it some more, but I don't love it. It does get better towards the end. Glad Cathy and Sheba and some of the anons like it. Maybe it will grow on me :)
Nothing really happening - Jake has been lying low this week. Tweety hasn't even spotted him :)
Not that there was any doubt, but this story says that the Alanis song will run over the credits:
Regal lyrics on missions, 10-cent words and lots of old-world symbolism dominate this mid-tempo, Middle Easter-influenced love song, epic on sound and length, appropriately. Morissette writes from the perspective of a princess -- not just any old princess, but from the one portrayed in the film by the stunning Gemma Arterton.
"It's an honor to write from the voice of an empowered princess about a love that empowers them both to new heights, healing and consciousness. The song wrote itself and this story was the ultimate muse," said Morissette in a statement.
It's a little easy-listening-radio, with no rock, but still has the ginormity going on that made Leona Lewis' "I See You" from Avatar so memorable.
I didn't see Avatar, but I have heard some negative things about that closing song.
I like it, I had to listen to it a few times before I got there! It's not what I expected for a film like Pop, but it works here, it's from the viewpoint of Tamina.
The song from Avatar is awful UV, no comparison!
Love the interview with Jake, thanks! He looks really calm, relaxed and oh so sexy.
The Karl encounter is a hoot, I wonder what he meant by bizarre??
Thanks for the update on Bergstein and Nailed Monica. What a creep and what a shame that we will probably never get to see Nailed on the big screen.
Jake has been keeping a low profile since that Garde "incident" IMO. Shame if true simce he seemed like that place. There will be plenty of tweets this weekend at Wondercon!
I'm not too crazy about the song. I like Alanis, but the lyrics are a bit lame, Not surprised that it will play over the closing credits.
I have a bit of a fetish for Jake's fingers and they are on display quite nicely in this video!
Hi Tweety! Tweets have been in short supply, but you're right - this weekend should be hopping.
I think you'll find many others share the appreciation for Jake's digits :) They are on nice display here.
I should give the song another try...
It's a good song and is well connected to the film. We must remember that it is for all types of audiences.
Duncan Jones:
ManMadeMoon@gyllenhaaljake Jake is fantastic! Ridiculously in shape as well... I want to go on the Prince of Persia fitness regime after this film!
about 3 hours ago via TweetDeck in reply to gyllenhaaljake
Jake answers question #3: Have you ever played any of the Pop games?
The first Wondercon tweet!
btr_fan: I found out from my sister that Nicholas Cage and Jake Gyllenhaal are in San Francisco and staying at the hotel my sister works at.
about 1 hour ago from Echofon
Jake interviews/question response are great! Looking great too. :)
What a wild comment from Karl L. Considering he is one of the most bizarre people out there, lol. :p
Bobbyanna, I totally agree that what I think of when I hear the Alanis song is the closing credits.
Thanks for all the info, tweets, filming updates, etc. I love hearing Duncan say Jake is fantastic!
I found out from my sister that Nicholas Cage and Jake Gyllenhaal are in San Francisco and staying at the hotel my sister works at.
Thanks for that, Tweety. Jake, no doubt, being given a crash course in Conventionology 101 by Jordan Mechner. God bless ya, Jake. I hope you know what you got yourself into. ;-p
The tweet didn't say that Jake is actually at the hotel already. His arrival might not be expected until sometime tomorrow.
The tweet didn't say that Jake is actually at the hotel already.
No, it doesn't actually say that. It actually says he's actually in San Fran.
Hey guys, POPSUGAR is doing its annual Celebrity 100 tournament where readers vote on the top 100 celebrities who are matched off against each other round after round until there is a winner after several weeks.
Jake is listed in the Sexy Stars section. Please show some support and go and vote for him.
Also, Reese Witherspoon is listed in the A-List section. Please do as I did and vote AGAINST her. She's up against Leighton Meester.
^^ Hehehehe
From Jordan Metzner's blog on March 16th:
"Just found out I’ll be at WonderCon 2010 in San Francisco on Saturday, April 3, for a Disney Prince of Persia panel with Jerry Bruckheimer, Mike Newell, and Jake Gyllenhaal, moderated by Geoff Boucher.
Our panel is at noon in the Esplanade Ballroom. Looking forward to it!"
He seems very excited!
Seems Jake is still in Montreal,.
@shmorgesborg Garde Manger biatch and Jake gyllenhal's hereee woo I'm a fuckin CELEB bitch 35 minutes ago via Echofon in reply to shmorgesborg
@shmorgesborg here bitch just went into bathroom waiting an guess who walks out? KIRSTEN DUNST
Oh me, oh my. More Jake and Kirsten goodness.
Hmm - there was a Facebook sighting of Jake in Berkeley last night, as well. Too bad the twitterer didn't get a Jake pic!
New (birth)day, new post :)
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