It looks as if Stephanie got her hands on the Prince of Persia Visual Guide. We never had visual aids like this when I was in school! IHJ has just posted some scans from the book. Some very nice shots of Jake Gyllenhaal and his co-stars.
Here's Dastan with his brothers, father and friend:

And more with the lovely Tamina:

Finally, some great shots of the Prince himself, in action and in stillness:

All of this just in time for the first full public showing of PoP tomorrow at ShoWest. We'll post any news as soon as we get it.

(Many more photos at IHJ. And many thanks to Stephanie for being on the job!)
Ohhhh, I just love these new pics with his brothers, father and of course, Tamina. Thanks! :)
Hi Cathy. It's great to see these other characters, too, isn't. It? Definitely fun to look through them all.
Hi UV, yes, it's great. PoP is looking better and better!
What a absolutely stunning visual guide, and I especially love the visual with the initials JG! Great that we get to see some of the other cahrascters as well.
These are really stunning, takes my breath away.
Can't wait for the reviews for Pop after it's screened at Showfest!!
That should be characters, I got so excited!
WOAH, fantastic pics! I agree it is great to see Jake with the other characters....getting very excited!
Thanks for the warning, UV! :)
Okay, I cheated a little..... allowed myself a brief peek at each of the new PoP pics. I'm weak, I admit it. But..... I did not indulge my overwhelming urge to enlarge and stare lovingly for God knows how long.
Keeping my fingers crossed that PoP is a hit at ShoWest!
These pictures are fantastic! Jake and Gemma look incredible and I love that we finally get to see Dastan interacting with his father and brothers.
Fingers and toes crossed for the reviews at ShoWest!
Moving for a moment to Jake's other movie, LaOD..... it is on the LA Times Oscar Bait 2011 list.
I know these very early predictions don't guarantee anything. But after the disappointment of Brothers, I'm so thrilled to see him and his movie getting this kind of early buzz. It's about damn time!
Did they see this one video?
Jake speaks
Wow! The pretty just keeps on coming.
It feels like Christmas to me. :)
wow so much jake but are we complaining:) really rally cant wait to see this movie
just ordered the sticker book from amazon couldnt resist tomorrow i go go to disneyland let you knnow if i see anything pop related there
Paula, I understand the excitement-to-typo ratio!
Suvee, I wondered if you'd peek. It's too hard to resist completely. I tried to avoid reading the text, at least.
I'm happy to hear buzz for LaOD, too, but a lot of it just seems recycled from the same three or four sources. But as you said, compared to the Brothers vacuum, it's a nice change.
Hi get real, sheba baby and LG. It's like a photo holiday every week with this movie!
Leonor, I think we saw that video when Brothers was released here. There is a whole series of them here, plus the trailers and TV spots. Loved the interview - Jake looks and sounds great.
Mary, I forgot to say that IHJ has scans of the sticker pages, as well. Have fun at Disney. Hope you see some fun PoP stuff.
Hope no one bought their tickets to Ottawa, because the SC train station shoot there has been canceled.
The producers of a big-budget Hollywood movie have cancelled plans to film scenes at the Ottawa train station after failing to come to terms with VIA Rail on a fee. ...
Filming began March 1 in Montreal and is expected to continue until May. The production was coming to Ottawa in early April for six days of shooting at the train station, which was chosen because of its “modern futuristic” look.
But the stumbling block that caused the producers to back out appears to be the fee VIA Rail wanted for use of the Ottawa station. The amount is believed to be about $250,000, although neither VIA Rail nor a film company spokeswoman would confirm the amount.
“We will not be coming to Ottawa and we will not comment on the situation,” Manon Bougie, the film’s production manager said Wednesday.
She said a replacement location has been found in Montreal. ...
Very last minute and very strange. It's a shame, because that Ottawa station seemed so right for the movie. Wonder if the Ottawa folks tried to up the price? Because $250k seems reasonable for what they wanted.
After the non-existence of „Brothers“ promotion it is so great seeing all the excitement with PoP. The Visual Guide looks stunning. Nice to see some of the other characters too. Hopefully the reviews today will be good – we know it is a popcorn movie and not Oscar material but I would like the critics enjoy this also simply as good entertainment.
The Ottawa story is a bit strange - I always thought contracts about using special buildings etc. for filming are done long before the actual shooting starts. It is a pity - the station looks stunning. Hopefully they have found a good replacement.
Jordan Mechner has confirmed that he will be a the Wondercon April, 3 together with Jake, J. Bruckheimer and M. Newell. So this is the first time Jake will be part of such an event.
When it rains it pours! Love the visual guide, what beautiful images of Jake, Gemma and Co.
Glad to see Dastan's family!
That is odd about the Ottawa train station. I thought the arrangements for the shoot there was Ok'd. Shame, the station would have been perfect. Maybe Brothers spy can find out some info. on the new location for the train shoot.
ShoWest is today!! Can't wait. I wonder if Jake will make the trip?
Waiting for your report Mary!
Some tweets for peeps:
therealrussellp wrote, "Big scene for me today! @ ManMadeMoon I won't let you down!"
(about 1 hours ago via Ubertwitter)
ManMadeMoon replied, "@therealrussellp I know it, tough guy! You're all over it!"
(41 minutes ago via Tweetdeck)
I've already emailed my guy about the train station situation, it appears that they're just starting work in the past hour or so thus he hasn't responded, but when he does I will share what he tells me.
Well, Chica, I don't know. I doubt BS's contact knows much more than we all do especially since he gave BS this info on Tuesday morning (3/16):
They begin filming in Ottawa on April 12th for one week, which will be the first Monday after they complete the Chicago stuff.
The news out of Ottawa was yesterday, Wednesday (3/17). Of course, things can change on a dime, but I'd be very surprised if cast and crew found out about this change at the same time it made the local Ottawa papers.
It's a shame in any event. The interiors of the Ottawa railway station were a cinematographer's dream. Nor do I think the $250,000 VIA was asking was out of line. There's probably more to this story than we know.
In any event, there are some gorgeous Montreal Metro stations they can use.
I'm not sure how much information producers share with assistant cameramen about future shooting locations (as of Mar 16th he wasn't even sure if he was going to be working in Ottawa at all or staying behind to set up for the Source Code chamber stuff --- so I guess the premise of your assumption is faulty in that these people are NOT made aware of every single aspect of filming weeks, if not months, in advance), but I know for a fact that he works on this production since I know his name, age and the company he works for.
Thus the information he has given is much appreciated by me, even if he hasn't shared anything Earth shattering so far, especially since i'm sure his job is jeopardized by doing so. But you're free to believe anything you'd like, but typically I try not to insult people who are trying to do something nice for me. That's just the way I am.
I'm not sure what your problem is with me lately, but i'd have more respect for you if you said directly whatever it is you are insinuating.
You shouldn't worry though, even if you don't like me for whatever reason just know that I still like you in spite of it all.
The photos from the guide are gorgeous! Can't wait until the reviews start coming in from ShoWest, I'm a bit nervous!
My 2cents about any SC info:
I think the studio is a bit leery about getting too much out regarding filming.
Duncan said that he was going to do a report via tweets about the first week of filming last weekend, he didn't. I think he may have been asked not to reveal too much so not to spoil anything. So we get just general, non-specific updates. I assume thet asked the same with anyone associated with the production.
I don't think that FL realizes that cast and crew don't make decisions about where and when they film. I doubt any of them are asked their opinions about such matters or given any information in advance about such things.
That is the job of the producers, not a contract hire.
By the way, on top of his email address, I also have access to his facebook and myspace page. Thus, I know exactly what he looks like as well. If you saw either of these pages you'd realize that this guy is exactly who he says he is and does exactly what he says he does.
So, no worries FL, I totally accept your apology.
This article blames the Ottawa cancellation on "technical glitches," which is kind of like blaming "artistic differences" when someone gets fired, I think.
A new Mike Newell interview. About Jake:
FJI: How did you come to cast Jake Gyllenhaal as the titular prince and Gemma Arterton as his love interest, Tamina?
Newell: I know Jake's parents, so I've known him since he was a small child and I've watched him grow up to become a really wonderful, subtle, sensitive actor with terrific emotional range. That's what I wanted for this character, but at the same time I had to have an action hero. So I took a bet! Jake's a strong guy and he's immensely hard-working, so I knew that one of the things that would set him on his mettle was actually performing these stunts. A lot of the fighting in the movie is Jake and a fight routine has to be learned to the inch or people get hurt. What you have is this tremendously energetic and youthful man of action who also has a wonderful sensitive side under the surface.
Thanks for the news and great pics. I have not watched the video, because I want to stay away from all spoilers.
Bobbyana, you're in my heart.
I like knowing how things are going on the SC set but don't feel we need to know everything that's going on everyday.
Making a movie is not an easy thing to do with so much stuff going on and things popping up that are unexpected and you've got to take care of that.
Think Brother Spy does a good deed by getting in touch with people involved in Jake's movies and Duncan tweets some about what is going on, but all these people are busy people and just giving of their time a little bit is more than we should expect.
Showest today. Is the actor who plays the King an actual Persian. Lets talk about some of the Other people in the movie - lets be fair. It is silly tho isn't it. It's a Video game! It's Fantasy!
If the writer of the game thinks Jake looks like the character he created (along with the blue eyes)would think that would be enough to get those "he's not Persian" people to be quiet.
Thanks for the news and great pics. I have not watched the video, because I want to stay away from all spoilers.
Bobbyana, you're in my heart.
Lovely words from Mike Newell. That silly "he's not Persian" argument has taken off and running - until being PC has no meaning. Jake looks so much like the video game character, it would be hard to imagine anyone else.
Disappointing about the Ottawa train station because it was so striking and dramatic, but I hope as FL said that there will be other equally as striking places in Montreal to film.
On a more amusing note, PEOPLE magazine has a story about who Jennifer Love Hewitt should date next, with a poll included, and one of the choices is Jake Gyllenhaal.
Jake is winning the poll by a lot.
Jake answering one of the questions left on Facebook
Thanks anon.! Looking at the background of the video, it looks like it was part of the press junket that was tweeted about a few months back. I remember the tweet pic. I wish they would post all the questions at once though.
This visual guide is aimed at kids but I will be purchasing it, what beautiful photos!
Thanks for the link to the Newell interview UV, he says some wonderful things about Jake. I think I remember reading before that he was friends with Jake's parents.
Sorry to hear that SC will not be filming at that train station in Ottawa. Visually it is stunning and it would have been perfect.
I don't think I knew that Mike Newell was a friend of the Gs. I'd love to hear him talk about that a bit more.
Love the way Jake looks and sounds in the Facebook video. Much better than Jerry B's vids!
It does look like that junket backdrop. We'll be getting a steady stream of stuff from that, I guess.
firstshowing: What a day... Now waiting in line to get in to see Prince of Persia and a first look at Sorcerer's Apprentice. Hope it's good!
15 minutes ago via Echofon
Thanks UV!
And Brothers...
firstshowing: Prince of Persia was good, not great, pretty much exactly what I expected. It moved VERY quickly but was still long. Not enough parkour.
9 minutes ago via Echofon
firstshowing: I like the plot, but there's so much going on it was confusing at times, felt a little rushed and messy, but wasn't bad. Just good I guess.
7 minutes ago via Echofon
firstshowing: Also - I love Toby Kebbel! That guy needs to land some big lead roles, he's on his way to breaking out huge!
6 minutes ago via Echofon
The first reviews are trickling out. That one is mixed, thanks Monica!
maybe they should take a bit of tiime to diguest everything. As said - there's a lot going on. I think most people will be able to understand what is happening.
More Parkour - but if they did a lot of it people would be saying..but where's the plot..ha.
Hey, did like the plot - that's kind of important in this type of movie. (sometimes those are fairly thin).
A few more - definitely a mixed bag:
From slash film:
Feeling let down by Prince of Persia. The production design, cinematography, costume design all amazing. But the plot, characters and casting is kind of a mess.
Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad movie, just not the savior to video game movies we all hoped
That first tweet is an ouch; the second is better.
A couple of random tweeters:
bitmobshoe: Prince of Persia movie is a lot of mindless, summer blockbuster fun. The expected cliches were out in full force though.
mattign: Just saw Prince of Persia. Fun movie.
SvenRump: Prince of Persia: a rollicking good time. Swords & Sandals 2010 Bruckheimer Style.
More comments:
@slashfilm said: Feeling let down by Prince of Persia. The production design, cinematography, costume design all amazing. But the plot, characters and casting is kind of a mess.
slashfilm: Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad movie, just not the savior to video game movies we all hoped
10 minutes ago via Tweetie
@mattign: Just saw Prince of Persia. Fun movie.
bitmobshoe: Prince of Persia movie is a lot of mindless, summer blockbuster fun. The expected cliches were out in full force though.
half a minute ago via Echofon
bitmobshoe:Still, I enjoyed it. Had fun with the movie. So weird it's not due out til late May. Lead girl is hot. Not as hot as @theRaychul, though!
12 minutes ago via Echofon
bitmobshoe: @TigerClaw305 @wolvie75 I didn't say any of those things! :-D It was a fun popcorn flick. Lots of acrobatic fighting so that's faithful.
5 minutes ago via Echofon in reply to TigerClaw305
I was afraid, from the trailers and clips this was too similar to The Mummy, and those kinds of movies. I also thought that while the special effects were good, they were not state of the art for 2010. This might have been an amazing movie ten years ago. It doesn't bode well for Jake that none of the tweets even mention him. I will say I'm relieved at least no one is laughing at him. If Disney markets this to families, they will do well. Some gamers will see it, but it isn't a phenomenal break through movie. So much for the hype.
Are these all guys?
They showed it to a test audience who graded it, etc. and it had very high marks.
Now people are going to see it who have expectations of whatever kind.
im going to las vegas this week end didnt realize show west was in ve vegas any way over on wet dark and wild theres a picture taken of a hotel with the pop poster on the side of the building facing the freeway hope its still up so i can see it
These comments are not a surprise to me. I expected, mainly because it is a film produced by Jerry Bruckheimer.
It's amazing, but I don't like any movie of this man.
The comments are similar to this comment here:
The main problem lies with the script.
Yeah, these are the kinds of reviews I expected. Very relieved they aren't pans. But I was hoping there would be some raves in the bunch. And there's no mention of Jake's performance.
Still waiting for El Guapo/Latino Review to weigh in.
I had hoped for an oriental and mystical feeling, but it looks more like "The Mummy" as someone above wrote. I had also hoped that if Jake does a blockbuster movie again it would be a bit more "meatier" (in terms of script and acting) and not something so cliché.
Screencrave has summarized some of the reactions, some have already been posted here:
Prince of Persia
The comments are what most of us expected. The film will be a typical summer blockbuster - but nowhere near the "epic" movie Bruckheimer talked about.
Just found this: On 9 May - Film Premiere of 'Prince of Persia' at the Odeon Leicester Square.
Perhaps we will be getting a premiere also here in Germany.
At least the film means lot of pictures, interviews and Red Carpets...:-)
The reviews from Showest are a mixed bag and it b others me that Jake name is not being mentioned so far.
It will be a hit but not like POTC IMO.
It's a fun movie as most are saying so that's what people want to see in the summer.
It wasn't there to win Oscars (tho there might be some nominations for costume and technical) and it's not grown-breaking like "Avatar" (which we rem. was not included in the script categories).
I think that was meant to be"gound-breaking"..in the hey it's not "Avatar".
You know if they thought a little more tweeking could be done, there is still time to do it.
Also when people aren't prepared for something - as a test audience (comment kind of made earlier) then they have no preconceived expectations. Now a lot of the hype is out there and for some it's more an expectation thing of whatever i thought it was going to be it won't come up to what i think. (if that make sense).
Even tho there will be a lot of stuff out there on it probably a lot of people who go to the movies don't get that deep into what all is being said.
There have been bad reviews (tho these haven't been "bad") on a lot of movies (Wolverine for example) & that didn't stop people from going.
Brokeback stars lead early 2011 Oscar race.
If I were them I wouldn't even market it as anything profound. I would market it as dumb summer fun, that's the way to go. Big and epic, fine, but just fun entertainment.
People want escapism, this is it.
From reading these reviews, although not Dark Knight-like, it still seems like a cool film. I think it'll do well this summer. I also think the film will be huge outside the US.
OT/Nailed related: David Bergstein used funneled $$$ to pay off gambling debts. Why isn't this jackass in jail?
Whew! So much to catch up with. I am loving all the great clips and photos from PoP. Doesn't seem as if Jake was in LV for the Bruckheimer tribute.
I think PoP will be very well received, but it may appeal to a younger audience than I first imagined.
Jake's been pretty consistent in his comments about how fun it was to make, and it isn't a serious movie. Actually, while I wish there'd been raves for him, I'm glad no one singled him out for negative criticism. I'm sure he performed excellently. As usual.:)
I do think Bruckheimer realized with the ascendancy of Avatar, that developments in the technology and the FXs are moving pretty fast, and he's behind the curve for the kind of movies he likes to make.
When you look at Transformers I&2, Clash of the Titans, along with Avatar, and then throw in the 3D tidal wave,movies have a different feel and a different look. (Actually, 300 & Sin City were pretty unique as well.)
These movies are pure entertainment and definitely best suited for the big screen in a theater. PoP will do well, but if there's a sequel planned, it'll probably have a different look.
It'll be interesting to see if JB does something different with the FXs and technology for the next National Treasure and the next POTC.
((((((FL,UV, all GBers!))))))
sag actor, I read that story this morning (there's another one at the Hollywood Reporter) and I think a federal investigation is coming for our friend David Bergstein.
He won't survive this. Unfortunately, I think that this new motion (putting a hold on Bergstein's entire film library) means that NAILED will never come out.
P.S. I'm glad you're back bobbyanna. I'm sorry about your mother. My father died at the end of 2008 so I know how hard that can be, even for adult children.
P.P.S. A question for bobbyanna, what was the name of that Vanity Fair article about Ryan Kavanaugh? I remember you mentioning it, but I never got around to read it. I doubt the issue is still in newsstands, but maybe i'll find it online somewhere.
It's good to see you back Bobbyanna.
Thanks, guys. The Vanity Fair was the Hollywood Issue. It was called, "The Theory of Relativity"
Here's the link. I'm technologically challenged so it's not a proper link:)
I'm so glad to see you back ((((Bobbyanna)))).
I agree that maybe this movie will appeal to the younger crowd. Based on the initial reviews from the gamers that saw it, it's not the big video to movie breakthrough movie they were hoping for.
It will do very well here and overseas, a perfect summer popcorn/blockbuster movie.
Bergstein is scum. Hopefully he will get what's coming to him. Nailed is still unfinished and probably will remain so.
Thank you Bobbyanna.
They should highlight the young Dastan and the parkour when they hype this movie. Parkour makes it sort of unique.
Tho there are a number of Gamers out there they don't represent a majority so whether its The Gamer movie "finally" or not won't matter a whole lot to most people going to see the movie.
They just want to see something fun.
The reviews from ShoWest were pretty much what I expected. That said, this movie is going make $$$, and people love these types of movie.With Jake being in it of course, I will be there on opening day!
Good to see you Bobbyanna, I was thinking about you.
PoP will probably making much of its profit "overseas" - it will be released around the same time in most countries. And I am happy I will be among those who will see it at first...:-)
And hopefully Jake will become a more household name over here, he got very much credit for DD, BBM and ZODIAC but more with the movie buffs not with the general audience. I hope things will change with PoP.
It is good to see you, Bobbyanna. My father died some years ago and I know this is a hard time for you.
Bobbyanna, It's great to hear from you..... you have been in my thoughts.
Just my 2¢, but I think the presence of Toy Story 3 and Iron Man 2 take the heat off of PoP to be THE epic blockbuster of summer. Those 2 movies are going to be box office giants, no contest. PoP will do just fine I bet and should find it's own audience, here and abroad.
I do not expect PoP to be the greatest movie ever made. I'm just glad I get to see Jake in what looks like a fun, romantic, swashbuckling popcorn movie. And it sure doesn't hurt that he looks incredible in it! :)
UV, FL, I saw a post earlier today on the PoP reviews with comments, etc. Is it gone?
Well, I was glad to see the AICN, I think that is the review you posted, was okay and gave props to Jake and the actors.
As for the other PoP comments, I agree with UV, Chica et al who said they were somewhat expected.
(((Bobbyanna))) good to see you and know that you have been in my thoughts.
Also LOVE the Jake Facebook answer! Man, he looked HOT!!
Get Real, are you referring to the comments posted last night from various twitterers who attended the screening at ShoWest? Those comments are still here in this post - scroll up to Monica's post at 9:48pm (last night) and go from there.
This is from Mark Malkin from E!@ Online: "forgot to tell u....Jake Gyllenhaal in Prince of Persia...HOT!...he could big big big action guy...his arms are certainly big enuf."
about 1 hours ago via web
FL, I swear I saw a post with the whole write up from AICN on their PoP review. I don't know my mind may be playing tricks on me. :/
Get Real, the review from AICN was posted last year. I just did a comparison with the comments of AICN with the comments of people who watched the movie at ShoWest. Both said the main problem of the film is the story.
The link is above.
Good to see you back, Bobbyanna.
Get Real, go check out the link that Monica linked in her post at 12:48am. I think that's what you're referring to. She linked back to a blog post UV made last September that included that AICN review.
Ahhh, thank you Monica and FL! That is what I was looking at and thought it was part of the main blog. My bad! Glad I wasn't going crazy, lol. :/
welcome back bobbyanna saw april gq out tonite while i was a walmartno jake in it shia lebeouf is on the cover so hopefully jake will be in may issue i would think he will be on the cover with pop coming out in may that would make sense
Bobbyanna - good to see you :)
I did find this lengthier PoP review:
Ths week I attended the ShoWest Convention in Las Vegas for the screening of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. I admit I was a bit nervous at first, being that the movie was based on a video game I admired.
The film does a great job of capturing the look and feel of the video game series. There are a lot of little homages to actual game play that I think will have many fans smiling in the movie theaters. The script expands on the original story of the first game and adds new characters, but it doesn’t veer far from the source. Some parts run long and feel dragged out, but I was told this is not the finished version of the film.
Jake Gyllenhaal does a great job as The Prince, I was so glad he never broke his accent like Taylor Kitsch as Gambit in X-MEN ORIGINS Wolverine. Gemma Arterton is smokin hot as Princess Tamina, but it is Alfred Molina who really steals the show as the slave turned Ostrich race mogul. I felt Ben Kingsley was drastically underused, being that he’s such an incredible actor and an important character.
I think the film’s weakest point, other than being too long, are the obvious dumb character choices that drags the film further. I doubt there are any last minute changes that can make this film better, other than shortening some scenes. The film wasn’t horrible, but it wasn’t great either. I enjoyed it and was happy how the property was treated, it could have been worse, and it is no doubt in my mind that there will be sequels.
Nice to hear good words about Jake. He seems pretty positive then sort of lowers the grade towards the end there.
The new US Weekly has a story about Jake and Kristen's dinner in Montreal with their friends.
They seem to think that this was the only sighting of them together, and repeated the original twitters assertion that it didn't seem "romantic", but nevertheless US Weekly is suspicious that something more may be happening.
BTW, it also goes to show, what many here have long suspected, that US Weekly gets some of its stories from People Magazine since we know it was People who were investigating the story.
Thanks for the review, UV. So good to know that Jake is very good in the movie!
I never had an expectation that he would be a movie like Dark Night, for example.
I want POP is just a good movie. Great fun.
Thanks for that review UV, glad that they liked Jake's performance. The review says good night great like most of the tweets i've been reading. I know i'm looking forward to seing it, sounds like it's going to be a fun and entertaining ride!
Glad to see you Bobbyanna.
I think this tweet is in the past tense when he was in TX in Feb.?The place looks yummy!:
ButtersweetCake: One of our fave Buttersweet fans informed us that Jake Gyllenhaal has enjoyed a Lemon Dream cake...ok, maybe we're... http://bit.ly/d6pXE5 (expand)
32 minutes ago from Facebook
^^Swoon :)
Saw People Mag. today and they too had an article on Jake and Kirsten hanging out but said from their sources they were hanging out with a group of people and it didn't seem romantic so not that likely that they were getting back together. Who knows.
I don't think they're getting back together either. I just think they're spending a lot of time together, probably doing the buisness.
The tabloids are only aware of that one time they were hanging out together. They've actually been seen together several times that we know about. Do you realize that the restaurant they were at, The Sugar Shack, is really out of the way from where each is filming. It's not even in Montreal proper, more like the outskirts. They didn't want to be "seen" out together. They're taking serious precautions about being "seen" together. This would also explain why they weren't sitting with each other either.
If they were just friends, they wouldn't go to such trouble.
So much stuff to catch up on!
Jake sounds and looks so sexy in that video, I hope he answers my question:) :)
The pictures in this visual guide are stunning. Jake looks incredible and Gemma is gorgeous, and we finally see Dastan's family!
The Pop reviews from ShoWest are mixed, but the fact that they came mostly from fanboys I think that is actually positive for the film.
Looks like Disney is trying to aim this film to a broader audience and I think that it will do great at the BO.
I had no idea M.Newell was a friend of Jake's parents, I would love to read more about that!
That's too bad about the Ottawa shoot being canned. I hope minds can be changed because that train station is amazing.
I checked out the newsstands and Shia LeBouf is on the cover of the April GQ which means that he wil probably be on the May cover.
The pics that we have been seeing are not from that shoot but are publicity pics for Pop from Disney which mean the pics from GQ will be new.
Jake challenges winner of noble peace prize? how random.
Jake in Brooklyn this weekend?:
kchambrot: I'm 90 percent sure I just crossed paths with Jake Gyllenhaal. We made eye contact and smiled at each other!
19 minutes ago from TweetDeck
Wow somebody on twitter really has it in for Jake, and if anybody believes any of that crap read this
I'm not buying it.
That person is obviously mentally deranged. I'm guessing, given that he spent THREE HOURS writing the same message over and over, that maybe he was a little obsessive and Jake had him kicked out of whatever club they were at. Now he's mad. Or it could be that he's just one of Jake's crazed fans (we know he has many of those) who like to invent stories about him and this guy isn't in Montreal at all.
I doubt that someone that weird has a girlfriend at all.
I did find it funny that he wrote, before he went all mental, how all the girls went crazy when Jake entered the club though.
I read his account and I find it hard to believe. Why did his GF stay behind while he was escorted out? Why didn't she leave with him after he paid his bill and was told to leave? He says that he arrived with 2 "chubby' girls then his "crew" pulled him back when he "attacked" his GF, were the girls his crew or were there more people there?
If he did that then she should press charges but he says that she won't.
I think that he and his GF were drunk, Jake came in and he went over to his table and he made that remark and Jake and his crew complained and he was asked to leave.
I find it hard to believe that Jake would do something like that,sounds like the blogger is looking for attention.
Now on to the reviews for Pop.I find it interesting that Jake is barely mentioned, I don't know if that's good or bad but I think the mixed reviews are not surprising as others have mentioned. It will appeal to a wider audience,not just gamers. It will be a fun, rollercoaster ride and I can't wait!
Countdown to the vote on the health bill today....
This is what the blogger tweeted a couple of hours before he started his Jake rant.
iI bet I can make myself famous. I got a plan and it doesn't involve any serious crimes but it does involve a lot of humiliation... about 10 hours ago via TweetDeck
(I did link to it in my previous post)
So if anything did happen the person went out looking for trouble!.
If he did say that to Jake, no wonder Jake snapped. That said, I don't believe that blogger's version of what went down. I think he and his date were asked to leave after he went up to him and said that and he embellished the rest.
Sounds like a typical blogger/attention whore.
He's lying. Period.
I hope they run him off twitter.
I was hoping for a better bill, OONP, but this is a start.
I guess. How long before the provisions in the bill kick in?
I hope they don't have to go back to Congress for enabling legislation to fund parts of it.
I checked out The Drunken Stepfather site and find it misogynist and homophobic, and yes he is a liar and a attention whore.
I'm not 100% thrilled with this bill either Bobbyanna, but it's a start as you say and something has to be done.
Speaking of the Health Care Bill as i was just looking at the CBS morning show and a comment about how when women could finally vote did that end the fight for equality and when the civil rights bill was inacted did that make everything "o.k." immediately.
Nothing happens "right now" and it's something that will take a while and also things can be changed and strenghtened as time goes on.
People fought against Social Security and Medicare. Now it's "taken for granted".
Does this guy think his Twitter stuff is going to make the news because of Jake. Anyone can see he's probably mentally disturbed.
Anon 10:35, I find your post, repeating this filth, pretty offensive. I don't need this kind of "research" to conclude the guy is sick and not worth a millisecond of time or attention. Frankly, I think the horse is dead.
Thanks, bobbyanna!!
Absolutely NO reason to repeat that kind of crap here.
The House Democrats have the 216 votes needed to pass the bill.
I think the Drunken Stepfather would feel right at home with the Teabaggers:
Absolutely disgusting. Let's see if the GOP has anything to say about this. Yeah right.
Now-deleted anon 10:35, no one was giving that idiot blogger any credit, and we certainly don't need to read his bile here.
It's good to see you, Bobbyanna, but it's unfortunate that you had to encounter this idiocy.
I notice that the blog site that had been repeating the story has deleted all of his tweets and removed the story. Hopefully the original twitterer will be forced to do the same.
Let's hope this is the end of it.
No problem, UV. I was feeling "feisty." :) BTW: according to the rules of Twitter, there're a number of ways to register complaints. We can report people like the guy attempting to smear Jake.
With these weird Anons fixated on filth, deletion's very satisfying! :)
Thank you, just plain idiocy. Scary that there may actually be people like that walking around out there! Thanks for the deletion! :)
We don't need updates on the so-called blogger in question nor do we need personal insults.
Saw http://www.twitlonger.com/show/im2bo">this from someone who was at the PoP Showest screening:
Back from ShoWest. Viewed some very solid films... Toy Story 3.. Prince Of Persia... Kick Ass... Major Box Office potiental! And as for this weekend? Alice destroys the soft Bounty Hunter, but so does a Wimpy Kid! Disappointed!
Also saw this:
Saw "Prince of Persia" today its a great movie but the actor "Jake Gyllenhaal" wasn't the best pick for the role
Hooray! It looks like the screening at ShoWest was fairly well received. I didn't want to say much for fear of jinxing anything (silly, I know!), but I'm happy to see the responses to it. :)
Do you think Jake was the wrong choice because he wasn't "Persian"?..
That would most likely of been the next line if he'd typed it.
Not everyone is going to like everything But the people involved with the movie felt Jake (also the creator of the game)was the right choice, so i'll go with them.
But good to hear some positive.
Again - the hard-core Gamers may be the most critical but that's a small percentage of people who will be going to see the movie. No "game" movie would do big business if only Gamers went to them.
Do you think Jake was the wrong choice because he wasn't "Persian"?..
No, not at all. Something like this would mean more if the character were an actual historical figure, IMO. But he isn't; he's fictional. I think they wanted to find an actor who closely resembled the game character, and of course, Jake does very much. Also, Dastan's heritage isn't known, I don't think?
All I have to say about the insane blogger is....wtf?!?! Sorry but I call total bs. Even if something did happen that guy seems a total obnoxious, idiotic asshole who wants attention...ugh.
Anxiously awaiting the health care vote.
My comment was about the person saying he felt Jake wasn't right for the character - and if he had written another line it probably would of been - because he's not Persian.
From the beginning that's been the sillies comment made and since the creator of the Game thinks Jake resembles the character that's good enough for me.
And he's not esp. suppose to be Persian I think - being the Prince of - doesn't esp. mean he is...
And this "blogger" person definitely is obnoxious and doubt if there is anyone who would be on his side about anything.
But people like that seem to like it when people get upset by things they have said - makes them feel somehow "important" Or feel they have some power but the thing that they are lacking from everyone is any kind of respect. And that leaves them pretty much with nothing.
Not wishing to start a war or anything, but justjared has photos of Reese Witherspoon holding hands in Ojai, CA with new boyfriend Jim Toth.
I guess Reese and Jake's one-time retreat has become Reese and Jim's new retreat.
I'm pleased with the Pop reviews from Showest. None of the reviews have said that it was bad or they hated it. It's the perfect type of movie to kick of the summer, i csn't wait! Love the photos from the Pop guide.
Wtf is right Get real.What an asshole and no I don't believe it happened. It would have been all over the net if true.
Move along, nothing to see here.
Waiting for the vote on the health bill too. It's flawed but it's the beginning of realth health care reform IMO.
The most we can do is not give credit for that type of person. No matter what you will say, that will make him feel powerful.
Anon 4:39, I don't hate her. But I don't want to know what she does with her new boyfriend.
4:39: Iknow for a fact that Jake but his own $$$ into that farm to help upgrade and re-model it because it was their getaway place even though her name is on the lease.
He sold his place in the HH and took a smaller place in Venice, CA.
The $$ from the sale went to the farm in Ojai. I assume they settled things financially when they split but i don't know how something like that can be settled.
This is not BS, I know someone in Real estate that deals sometimes deals with celebs homes, this was done on the QT.
Jake got kicked in the guts with this break-up and yes she pulled the plug, panicked when he started to introduce her to his extended family in PA, etc. and wanted to make it legal or else end it, he chose to end it, I thinkhe would have still agreed to stay the status quo.
I asume this guy isn't looking to get married.
That should be she chose to end it. How many ways do you tell some one you don't want to get married just live together and the person wants to make it legal?
He will find someone that will want to get married and start a family, hopefully she will not be in the biz.
Does anyone think that in 3 years time Reese will still be with this guy.
Hope all the work that needed to be done at the Farm..that Jake most likely did some of it has been taken care of.
Hope she remembers the wonderful birthday party he gave for her.
Poor Atti, no privacy!
To the now-deleted anon: As already mentioned, we do not need updates on this person's blog. If people want to know what new idiocy he's spewing, they can find out themselves.
There's no point in taking any of it and trying to make sense or logic out of it.
Anon, I'll keep deleting your posts as long as you keep discussing this guy. Instead of apologizing, just stop doing it.
Why you believe anything he said is beyond me. And attempting to extrapolate something real from that nonsense is pointless.
UV just does not want to pay attention to this type of person.
I do not know what is happening, but I think you want to see Jake with a new love or want to know if he has a new love. Perhaps because of RW being with a new love.
Jake is not in a competition to show who is the first to move. He is living his life.
It is necessary to give a little privacy for him.
Wow i was gone for a few days and i guess something crazy happened glad i missed it
Here we want to speak about Jake!
(I am made happy that Jake can elect again).
Thank you for your patience UV!!!
"Jake is not in a competition to show who is the first to move. He is living his life.
It is necessary to give a little privacy for him."
It's a good thing you were away Mary, some nasty business. Jake is a grown man, he can do as he pleases as far as I'm concerned and yes he deserves his privacy, spot on Monica.
Still waiting on the vote for the health care bill. The teabaggers are a disgrace and and an embarrassment.
Thanks to all the Gbers who tried to keep the convo on track today - I appreciate it.
I made a new post so we could leave this unpleasantness behind :)
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