Finally, the third featurette for Prince of Persia is online. This spot was featured on E!'s coverage of the Oscars. The video showcases the relationship between Dastan (Jake Gyllenhaal) and Tamina (Gemma Arterton). Includes some new scenes.

A new red carpet shot of Jake and a couple of cute shots of Jake and Rachel McAdams backstage.

(Photo shoot pics and Oscar photos courtesy of IHJ and flickr/karmagrrl.)
POPSUGAR poll update...
Almost 24 hours later, with 2,581 votes cast (a good tally considering people are allowed to vote only once):
81% (2086) of people want them together.
19% (495) Do not.
They look even hotter together in these new photos.
We really don't need a running tally of this silly poll. It's clear they are popular. Anyone who wants to check back can go to PopSugar.
Looking good, love the banter and chemistry between Dastan and Taminia!
I still can't get over how great Jake looked on Sunday, sigh. He can wear a tux all the time and it would be fine with me.
Jake and Rachel looked cute but the updating of the poll is boring.
Very cool trailer.
And cute pictures of Jake and Rachel.
Thanks, as always.
Me, too, OOONP. I really like this feature. And as much as I'm anticipating all the Jake beauty, they really look like they have some gorgeous shots of the desert and landscape.
I appreciate Bruckheimer, et al., taking pains to make everything look so good. Since this isn't my kind of story, really, and I was worried about how I'd react. I still don't know, obviously, but you can't accuse them of stinting on the production values!
De rien, LG :)
Who needs landscape... as long as there is Jakescape?
It feels like there's a whole other movie in this we're not seeing in these featurettes.
I understand, I think, what they're trying to do by playing up the love story angle...what with Jake being, you know, Jake. But I really and truly wish they would give us a featurette with Dastan interacting with the male characters in the film such as his brothers and his faithful friend and guide, something to bring the male viewers to the theatre. Because at this rate they won't come. They need to man it up a bit.
Oh, be still my beating heart. I am going to enjoy this featurette. :)
Wow. :) I love when they smile at each other, among many things.
Hope you do enjoy, anon :)
So you prefer manscape to desertscape, Donna? Hee. We'll get the smelling salts.
FL, I know what you mean! I love all this stuff but we need to see the other side. Toby Kebbell and all the brothers. And the best friend, who I managed to catch in a screen cap somehow.
We know the gamers will go at least once to see it, but they should be trying to draw some non-PoP male fans in. Or female fans who don't care about the love story.
I guess we have time for more featurettes. But will there be a third trailer?
I thought it was great - I love when Dastan presents the dagger to Tamina. I think we'll see more, different aspects of the story too - there'll be more to come with the other guys in the story, I think. :)
Jake and Gemma have zero chemistry. Sorry. Just my opinion.
We need Lemon for an exact translation. (Where is she, btw. And Agent K - I'm worried about her!)
Anyway, from twitter, en francais:
Info futile du jour: Jake Gyllenhaal et Kirsten Dunst mangent presque tous les matins chez Olive + Gourmando dans le Vieux-MTL.
I think it means "Useless information for the day: Jake and Kirsten eat almost every morning at Olive + Gourmando."
It would be more useful if they said whether it is together or apart :) Together would reallyg et the internets buzzing!
Apparently, PoP will be released internationally on IMAX.
I hope internationally includes the US!
Kirsten and Jake - very romantic if true and they are seeing each other again in Old Montreal. :)
It makes sense that they would release the Prince of Persia on IMAX internationally, if not in America. I think Disney is relying on the international grosses to make Prince of Persia profitable. I have a strong feeling the film will do very well in foreign markets.
Like you, UV, I hope they release it on IMAX in the US as well. POP really benefits this summer from not having too many other tentpoles to compete against. The only other ones I can think of are: Iron Man 2, Robin Hood and Inception. I may be missing another but I think that's it. Iron Man comes out on May 1st I believe, Robin Hood on May 14th and then Prince of Persia on May 28th with no other tentpoles coming out until Inception in late July.
POP is very well positioned domestically, and as I wrote above, I think it'll do very strong numbers abroad. I have a definite good feeling about it. I'm glad that it's going to get a major IMAX push.
I lover this featurette but I agree FL, they need to sell the other aspects of this movie if they want the gamers, male and female to turn out.
I can't imagine them not doing IMAX in the US, especially given the Alice In Wonderland numbers.
Speaking of guys and promoting PoP, updated the post with more promo shots from Jake's photoshoot.
So many new goodies today, I need the distraction! Love the new feature and it really shows the chemistry between them (sorry anon!) The new Pop PR stills are gorgeous, I love the first one.
I think all the aspects are seen in the previews. They see the action - they see them as a couple - they see the bad guys.
There shouldn't be any confusion as to what the movie is.
It rem. seeing "Men In Black" and seeing people of all ages there.
When I've gone to see certain blockbuster type movies they haven't been so heavily males you'd think that was all who went to see them. Pretty mixed crowd.
If there isn't an interest in that type of movie I guess it would feel that it won't do well, but it will.
Cute story by blogger who saw Jake on the plane from Montreal to LA:
I was waiting for Alex to get back to our seat when, say WHAT!!??? Jake Gyllenhal?? Alex comes up to me and says, "geez, sorry, this guy was walking really slow." I was like...um...that's Jake! (yes, we're on a first name bases). And so...Jake boards our plane! And not only did he board the plane, but we sat two rows away from him! Ohhh ladies, let me tell you...he's smaller than I thought he would be (not really small or anything, just smaller than I thought) but man, is he ever SMOKIN! Ladiesss...let me tell you!!! And Air Canada...props to you for making our meeting occur..
Moving on! Flight from Montreal to L.A. was a mix between the bathroom (it's a 6 hour flight), some mildly amusing comedy, a movie or two, and, well, endless stares at Jake....*sigh...I even caught Alex looking once or twice...he's THAT enticing!
Forgot to say, Anon 12:52, not everyone has to like everything. You don't see any chemistry, that's how you see it.
And hi, chica. I think we posted at the same time.
From the NY Times Oscar style review for the men:
The other classic Hollywood black tie look, the single-breasted peak lapel tuxedo, proved to be the popular choice for the evening. The very varied bunch of Colin Firth, Matthew Broderick, Matt Damon, Lenny Kravitz, Gerard Butler, Eli Roth and the Best Actor winner Jeff Bridges all sported this always appropriate evening look with bow ties. Jake Gyllenhaal in his Burberry notched lapel jacket and bow tie was an especially elegant example for the evening, as was George Clooney, always a style setter, who sported a velvet notched lapel jacket.
Final Poster for Disney's Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
First Showing
YES, that is the featurette they showed during the Oscar pre-show!!! :D :D :D
I do hope that they show other commercials that are more action based. However, I think this commercial was perfect for the pre-Oscar show it aired on. It was a good promo for that audience who are into the Oscars, fashion, romance, etc.
Very cute shots of Jake and Rachel.
THUD those new photo shoot pics are so gorgeous!!
LOL at Gabby's photo bomb but no one photo bombs like Jake. :p
Love that most of the reviews, like Esquire and NY Times, thought Jake was best dressed at the Oscars.
I saw this weeks People and US Weekly on the store shelves tonight on my way home and they had Jake as best dressed, etc.
The Jake sightings, like on the plane, are great.
Great, great stuff!
Jake in IMAX, YES! I'm sure it will be in IMAX in the US too UV.
I saw this featurette during the pre-oscsr stuff, they focus on the Dastan/Taminia relationship in it. I love it and I love the final poster as well.
The Pop promotional shots are stunning, they look like out takes from a GQ shoot. I'm kind of curious to know how Disney plans on tying this to Pop promos, not that i'm complaining!
I saw that NY Times article on the best dressed at the Oscars, not surprised that Jake was mentioned, he looked perfect!
Love the Montreal to L.A. sighting. I'm stuck how many people say that he isn't as tall as they thought, but they always say that he looks even more handsome in person!
I think that Montrsl sighting of Jake and Kristen were seperate sightings.
Love the Jake and Rachael pics, did she dye her hair for an upcoming role?
As much as it kills me, I decided a few weeks ago that I wouldn't watch any more PoP trailers, promo clips, whatever. I really, really want to enjoy each and every moment of this movie..... and I know I won't be able to if I feel like I've already seen 25% of it. I need it to be new and unknown. Talk about a true test of will power! :)
FL, I agree with your observation about manning up the PoP promotion. I'll admit I was a little concerned when I read Mike Newell's use of the word "delicacy" in describing Jake. IMO, that's not a quality most people (thinking women or gameboys) want in a swashbuckling action hero. I realize he didn't mean that Jake is literally physically or emotionally delicate, but still..... wish he had worded it a bit differently.
I can't believe we're still getting more PoP promo photos. That last one makes my knees buckle. Thanks, UV!
maybe people think Jake should be
6'4" or something. Isn't he somewhere close to 6' and the funny thing is i rem. reading someone meeting Jake for the first time and they had been around actors a lot and she was surprised he was as tall as he was - he's taller than a lot of them.
Shorter/taller - that varies. But "even b etter looking in person" is consistent :)
Hi Josie! This looks like your typical GQ shoot, so I don't think they'll be tying it to PoP, per se. But I guess we'll see.
Suvee, I was also irritated by that part of Newell's description. Let's hope he drops it before the big press push comes/that he didn't use it if he's already done other press!
Thanks for the poster, Monica!
A red carpet report, with a picture.
And a red carpet/bleacher view video. It's a cavalcade of stars. Jake is at about the 40-second mark. You can see him behind Faith Hill and Tim McGraw at first. Maggie and Peter are on it, too, before Jake.
Anyone here watched Valentine's Day?
I read a review from Brazil saying that Jake Gyllenhaal, Sam Worthington and Orlando Bloom turned down the character Holden.
As much as I fangirled over the latest Pop feature, I do hope they man it up as you say FL. And I do feel like I have seen so much of the movie already, but I can't help myself!
Love the latest promo pics!
I would have loved to see A. Molina in the poster as well but I think that it would look too crowded!
This sighting has to be a look a like since Jake is in Montreal and I'm sure he was Tuesday. There was a tweet of him in NY around this time and I suspect this is were this "sighting came" from:
Jake Gyllenhaal strolling solo on Bleecker St. on Tuesday.
Source Code returned to pre-production on imdb.
I do remember that both Jake and Reese were attached to Valentine's day at one point so the story is probably true Monica.
SC has returned to pre-production on IMDB? How odd, thanks for the info. Monica.
As much as I love all the trailers, stills and features from Pop, I do hope they are holding back on some promo stuff. I would think Disney doesn't want to saturate the public with too much.
The Pop promo shots are beautiful, it's been so long since Jake did any photo shoots. It's great that we are getting a peep and have the GQ photo shoot to look forward to as well.
And yes, Jake was the best dressed man at the Oscars!
There was another twitter sighting of Jake in West Hollywood, too!
Not sure why IMDb changed it, but Duncan has been tweeting about filming, so production is well underway.
Suvee, I forgot to say I admire your will power! I wish I had done the same with Brothers. I'm hoping that Jake will be in so much of PoP that they can't spoil it all.
I forgot about the rumor that Jake and Reese would be in a Garry Marshall movie called Valentine's Day, Extra! Good memory. How awkward would that have been?
Yesterday was shown a preview of 15 minutes of POP to the press in Paris. The site fantasy said the film is in line with Pirates of the Caribbean.
My friend did the translation for me.
Interesting. Thanks, Monica. I'm trying not to read into the bland description. Basically, it's like PoTC but who knows if Jake will be like Johnny Depp.
I wonder if they'd loved it if they would have said something more overtly positive or if they are simply obeying the rules!
Just a week until ShoWest and we should get some concrete word then.
Sometimes in trying to describe a movie there will be a comparison. I rem. when "Speed" was compared to "Die Hard" - and that was used all the time early on.
I think it's "easy" for some to just use something like - it's like "Pirates" when actually it's not. They both have action and humor and stuff, but I can't quite see a comparison between Jake's character and Johnny in this.
Looks like Jake will be attending this year's WonderCon!:
joits: so far the biggest names to commit to wondercon are nic cage and jake gyllenhaal. amy acker will be there too...
whats wondercon?
Comic-Con, Mary!
thanks twitter!
It seems like a mini-Comic Con:
An amazing roster of special guests from the worlds of comics and science fiction/fantasy will be a major highlight for fans at WonderCon 2010.
Oops, forgot to say that if you live in Ottawa, you can be a Source Code extra:
American Film called ''Source Code'' is presently seeking in the Ottawa /Gatineau region:
Male / Female,
Ages 18 to 65 to work on the film,
Positions: Passengers/ Commuters on a train
Paid work at $10.75 per hour. MUST BE AVAILABLE from April 7th to April 18th.
snacks , beverages and catering provided.
No idea if this is legit. Hope so!
thanks monica now i rember
I hope any luck GB poster in the SF area on April 3rd will be luck enough to attend:
12:15-2:00 Walt Disney Pictures and Disney•Pixar: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, and Toy Story 3— Walt Disney Pictures and Disney•Pixar bring exclusive footage from their exciting 2010 lineup:
Prince Of Persia: The Sands of Time—Join Jerry Bruckheimer (producer), Mike Newell (director), Jake Gyllenhaal (actor, "Prince Dastan"), and Jordan Mechner (screen story, game creator), as they take the WonderCon stage to show an exclusive sneak peak from Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time before its May 28 release. Set in the mystical lands of Persia, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is an epic action-adventure about a rogue prince (Jake Gyllenhaal) and a mysterious princess (Gemma Arterton) who race against dark forces to safeguard an ancient dagger capable of releasing the Sands of Time—a gift from the gods that can reverse time and allow its possessor to rule the world.
Thanks for the new updates and stills. I really love those promo pictures.
From what I understand the french journalists were asked not to discuss or talk about the scenes they have seen.
There will be some of the bloggers at ShoWest - perhaps we will get the first impressions whether the "Net world" will like the film.
Personally I had hoped they would go with an "oriental" feeling -I don´t know how to describe it - but more like "Arabian Nights".
I had also hoped the love story would be less "conventional".
So this is Jakes first appearance at a "comic con"? He surely will win over the gamers with his humour and charme.
Hey Gyllenbabblers, i'd forgotten how much fun this place could be. I had not visited before Reese and Jake broke up for more than a year. Now i'd like to contribute more. Well, I remembered what my original contribution was to the group, to provide hard-to-get screenplays for upcoming Jake movies and provide behind-the-scenes information of his film shoots. Given that Jake is currently filming "The Source Code" in Montreal I decided to try to find some new sources and provide information on what's going on.
After less than twenty-four hours I got lucky and got a really good source. He works in the crew and seems willing to answer any and all questions I, and you, may have. His English isn't the greatest, as he is French Canadian, but I can understand him well enough. He seems like a nice guy who really loves his job and believes in what he is doing.
He hasn't told me much yet, but this is what he has said.
The Shooting for the film is apparently going really well with everyone being in good spirits and generally liking each other. There is absolutely no behind-the-scenes drama and such. Jake and Michelle Monahan have seemed to develop a particular fondness for each other and everyone in the crew is remarking about how strong their chemistry is together.
Just as I suspected they are beginning with the train sequence, I was wrong about the dates for filming though. My source told me that they are filming the train sequence throughout the entire month and moving the production to Ottawa early next month to film the scenes at the Ottawa Train Station before returning to Montreal to film the Source Code chamber stuff, which should only be shooting for two weeks or so thereafter. This corresponds with the little nugget that UV uncovered asking for extras in the Ottawa area from April 7th to 18th.
I'm not sure why imdb changed the filming status, but they are definitely filming. Today was Day 9 of what will be, at least for the time being, a 47 day shoot in total. My source was quick to add that this latter point may change and shooting may be extended due to some SFX shots, etc. Duncan Jones, he said, is a pretty "low profile" director but seems really happy with how things have developed so far.
That's all I have for now.
If anyone has any particular questions you want me to ask feel free to do so.
thanks brothers spy please keep us posted
Yes, thanks for the info, BS.
I have to interrupt for some sad news - Bobbyanna's mother passed away. She wanted us to let you all know how much your sympathy and good thoughts have meant to her.
Our deepest condolences, Bobbyanna. Take care of yourself and we hope to see you soon.
take care bobbyanna our prayers are with you come back when you are ready we miss you
I'm so sorry to hear about Bobbyanna's mom. My thoughts and prayers are with her and her family.
Thanks so much for report B.Spy, looking forward to hear more.
What sad new.My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Bobbyanna.
stephanie has posted new pics of jake on the set of source code
maggie was on ellen today but no mention of jake she looked nice
My deepest condolences to you and your family Bobbyanna.
Thanks Brother spy.
Atticus is in the pics from the SC set.
For some reason, bobbyanna kept popping up in my mind today..... I couldn't help but be concerned that we hadn't heard from her in days.
Bobyanna, I am truly sorry for your loss. My deepest sympathy is with you and your family at this difficult time. Please take care of yourself and come back when the time is right. Until then, you will be missed here at GB.
Bobbyana, I'm sorry. I know what you are going and I know the pain you are feeling will only reduce, but will never pass.
My thoughts and my prayers are with you and your entire family.
Thanks, BS.
So nice to see Atticus again.
The 'Up's (and downs) of Oscar night
I'm going with Rachel McAdams for best gown and Jake Gyllenhaal for best tux
sorry for the spelling error..... I've had a chaotic day and I'm running on empty at this point.
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss Bobbyanna. Please take care, you are in out thoughts and prayers.
Thanks for all the news and updates and thanks Brothers spy.
Another big endorsement for Anne's performance in LAOD. Jake does get a complimentary mention, too.
Believing all comments about Anne. Of course, too, they are all from men and these people are all quite taken by her. (no problem there).
If the relationship tho is so deep and believable - if Jake wasn't giving an excellent performance it wouldn't appear to be that real.
Hopefully when the movie does come out he will get more attention.
Also, once again, he will be in a movie that is considered high quality. He continues to be in that type of film. An extremely good record for any actor.
I bet he's going to really enjoy doing the "Wonder-Con". He likes that kind of thing as it is.
Also imagine there will be quite a crowd there for that appearance.
I think the attention is going to Anne because of her character suffering Parkinson. It's something that attracts attention to the prizes. But that does not mean that Jake is not good.
FOX is a studio that makes a good campaign for their movies during the Oscars. They did this for Crazy Heart.
If the movie is really good as they are saying, I think FOX will do a great job for it and for everyone involved.
I am very sorry to hear about your loss, Bobbyanna. My deepest condolences for you and your family.
The pics from Montreal are adorable - so cute and Jake isn´t bad either....:-) Good to see you Atticus!
Thanks for the information, BS. It would be nice getting some tidbits and updates from the set from time to time.
Great to see LAOD getting such positive buzz so early.
I´m sorry Bobbyanna.
Deepest condolences Bobbyanna.
Love and Other Drugs getting good reviews already is fantastic. Jake always works and feeds off the person he is in scenes with. He brings the presence and the honesty to his performances which makes for a good scene. He's done it so many times. If then, you have an actor at the other end who can bring it like he does then magic happens. I can't wait.
Deepest condolences for your loss Bobbyanna at this time. There really are no words.
My deepest condolences at this difficult time Bobbyanna, you are in my thoughts.
Would love to hear more from the SC set, Brothers spy. Thanks for your very detailed first report.
The pics on ihj of Jake and Atticus are adorable. It's good to read all the positive buzz on LAOD, glad that Jake got a positive mention.
Jake does not have the "flashy" (tho not quite the way to put it but couldn't think of anything else) again but he is consistently good and sometimes that is taken for granted.
I assume this interview is from his press conference back in December. Brothers is opening in Austraila:
This interview is so sweet:
Maggie and Peter
My deepest condolences on your loss Bobbyanna.
Kusmi Tea:
TheGyllenhaalic: RT @KusmiCanada: Even the stars are drinking Kusmi tea! Seen in the boutique this week: Patricia Richardson and Jake Gyllenhaal!
44 minutes ago from web
Aww, wonderful pics of Jake and Atti! Both look great and Jake seems to be relaxed and which is fantastic to see and makes him even sexier, if that is possible. :D
Great interview with Peter and Maggie.
Bobbyanna,my deepest condolences for you and your family.
Thanks for all the links and tweets, folks. And I'm sure Bobbyanna appreciates the condolences.
I know everyone has seen them, but I put the new set pics in a new post.
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