We learn a little about the life of the young boy and how he comes to the attention of the king.

The video shows Foster running and jumping and being thrilled to work with David Belle, the originator of Parkour. There's also a brief shot of Foster joking around with Jake.

You can also see in the video more of the hundreds of extras and the elaborate sets that were involved in this production.
And in case you missed the update to the last post, a new still of grown-up Dastan, thanks to IHJ:

William Foster is adorable! How cool it must have been for him to work on this film. We get a little bit of Dastan's early life in this featurette.
Thanks for posting the video, can't wait for the reaction when Pop is shown at Showest this weekend!
Hahaha! It's Fozzy! He has his own featurette! How sweet for him.
UV and I first came upon young Mr. Foster quite some time ago. Here's his showreel. Kid is phenomenal at parkour.
Fozzi in action
POP screened tommorrow! I'm nervous!
Is that Reese in the sunglasses in that shot of Jake with William Foster?
Wow, Fozzi is amazing - I think he's going to be one of Prince of Persia's secret weapons. Jake looks like a dream in these latest pics too.
Is that Reese in the sunglasses in that shot of Jake with William Foster?
I don't think so. Looks much too tall for Reese.
Jake at Olive + Gourmando just a few minutes ago.
Jake looks slightly annoyed at having his photo taken. Anyway, he seems to dine there a lot.
That kid is amazing, love his video! Thanks FL and UV for the Fozzy video!
I'm a bit anxious about the Pop preview at Showest this weekend too.
I think Olive & Gormando has become Jake's temp. CZ while in Momtreal!
It's so funny - I saw a post on "Fozzi"'s board where someone said that only now, seeing this footage, does he actually believe the kid is in PoP. Hee.
I'm nervous about the PoP screening, too. Fingers crossed for positive reaction.
Adorable child! I liked the brief bits of him with Jake.
I so hope that this film will be a big success for Jake.
There have been movies released in May and June and July the "big movie months" that have been very successful and some of them have not what have been called "especially good" - so i don't see why POP which does look like it's an actual good movie would't be successful.
Suvee, look away from the new post! Stephanie posted scans from a PoP Visual Guide.
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