The full screen version was a little fuzzy, but I made some caps, small and large.

Go, watch the action and the excitement - and the accent :)
Can't wait to see it on the big screen - my TV, tonight. And then in an actual theater!
Lionsgate finally seems to be getting into gear for Brothers. There's a Facebook group, and according to their twitter page:
Here’s the @lionsgatemovies Twitter schedule: BROTHERS Insider Info Tuesday; Film Chat Wednesday; and Trivia Friday #BrothersFilm
What a surprise!!!
This trailer kicks ass! Love the accent and the banter between Jake and Gemma. The scenes of him jumping are awesome, incredible CG effects. He looks incredible: dashing, heroic, romantic and handsome and Gemma is stunning.
I think I need to watch it again, thanks for brighting up my morning!
It was a nice surprise, wasn't it? Monday mornings usually bring bad surprises!
Just watched it again, without trying to cap it. I do love it when he gets all flustered.
I think the full screen caps are fuzzy because it's so much CGI or maybe it's just a bad quality version of the trailer. We'll see what magic Stephanie can work.
I enjoyed Gemma, too. Not much Sir Ben in the trailer and nothing of the prince's brothers or best friend, that I could see. I'll have to watch again, I guess :)
That looks really good, his accent is pretty spot on as well, only noticed one word where the pronunciation was noticably more American rather then English - major excitement, thanks for posting :D
Even if this trailer is a bit fuzzy it's still look incredible! I made fun of his hair but it fits right in here, love the flustered bit too and I can see the chemistry with him and Gemma.
This is going to be huge!!
Yup, the chemistry is right there with Gemma, hopefully the trailer will still be there by the time I get home from work so I can have a proper look. Love the opening shot of him above the city.
I do like Gemma, she kicks ass considerably better then Keira
It is good chemistry, Extra. And Agent K, I was so nervous about the accent. Glad it got the thumbs up!
Squeeee! Thank you for this!!!Oy!
Jake plays Dastan as a badass!! I LOVE it! I love his accent, and what he does with his voice.
I laughed at the opening voice-over:"Have you ever wondered how you could have found such a treasure..." And they show Jake. Yes! Life as he knows it is about to change drastically, I think.
Jake makes this work. You can just tell.:) (sigh.)
OK. I'm calm.
99% sounded spot on to me, just one word jarred very slightly - and I'm really nit picking there.
This film is going to gigantic - if it looks that good on a tiny screen I can't imagine what it'll look like on a full screen :D
Oh my! What a surprise. Caps and trailer...what a great Monday this is so far. :-)
The accent sounds good but like Agent_K I did note one word that sounded decidedly more American than British when he spoke it. But no matter, it's all good.
Hopefully by later tonight or tomorrow someone will have a trailer that doesn't go all pixelated when viewing in full screen.
I've been in the camp from the beginning that the long hair works on him, regardless of what he's filming. ;-) happy to see this trailer and to see that the film looks pretty spectacular! Yayyayay!
I'm sure there will be lapses in the movie - there always are. I saw An Education last week and wasn't crazy about Peter's accent. But I got into the movie and forgot about it, for the most part. (Though I didn't love the movie - but that's another issue.)
Did we talk about the kiss yet? It looks like a good one.
Oh, and I added some more bigger caps, if you haven't looked at the post in a while, lol/
I'm all fangirlish over the trailer, Jake nails it!! I love his accent, I was a bit worried but it sounds fine, glad it got your approval AK! He looks sexy and badass and he looks great with Gemma.
If it looks this good on the small screen, imagine how it's going to look on the the big screen!!
I think some of us had some reservations about this project, but seeing this trailer, Jake looks absolutely amazing, he sounds wonderful, too, and the movie looks very, very well done. So many things could have not worked. His look,(hair, period costumes,etc.) his accent, the special effects, the storyline, the pacing, but I feel much more optimistic now.
This movie is going to be a huge success, and I think he will have to work really, really hard in the sequel(s). I need to get a grip! Talk about being all fangirlish! LOL!
I'm looking forward to seeing the trailer on ET tonight.I'm sure by tomorrow we will get full screen versions all over the place.
I need to sit down now.
Hee - go have a sit down, Bobbyanna.
I do wonder what it's like for Jake - he's immersed in LaOD and now all this PoP hoopla begins. And he has Brothers to promote soon.
It's Gyllenhavoc!
I really can't wait to see PoP on the big screen. I just love his voice, and (of course...) his looks. Jake and Gemma seem to have a great chemistry.
i cant see the the trailer and when i put in the request for search it said not available am i doing somthing wrong?
I think Jake would have "chemistry" with a post!
But yes. Definitely. Jake and Gemma have wonderful chemistry.
It's not there anymore for me either Mary - Boooo, I was looking forward to a proper look tonight when I get home
maybe they werent supposed to post it yet well ill just watch it on entertainment tonight
Damn it was pulled!!! At least I can look at the incredible screen caps, thanks UV! I'll have to make sure I catch it on ET tonight.
Thanks for description of the trailer everyone, sounds like we have a winner here!!
Not to fear, it's been uploaded to YouTube.
Thanks FL!!! Off to watch it now...
God bless youtube :D Loved it even more this time round :D
'Tis going to be epic
I'm going to use 2 words that will be used to describe this trailer that will be used over and over again: Epic and amazing!! Just wow, it really looks like the blockbuster that was hinted at with all the drips and drabs that we have been getting.
His accent and voice are swoon-worthy . It has an Arabian Nights feel to it, sweeping, romantic and dangerous! He and Gemma really look good together.
I am so looking forward to this!
PS: When the video went bye-bye, somoen on boxofficemojo suggested that everyone check out Gyllenbabble for the screen caps until youtube uploads it:
Forgot to add: scroll down to the poster Pedram "dark rush" on that mojo thread, and thanks for the info/link on the Brothers Facebook!
Do you know, I'm that excited I may even turn up at Leicester Square for the premier and go completely fangirl!
It's bloody epic!
Is it wrong of me to hope this goes IMAX? I just want to be enveloped in that world ~ with Jake looking like that, talking like that, acting like that ~ for a couple of hours.
I'm getting all fangirly too, this was worth the wait! The opening scenes are my favorite so far, and the kiss my second! He voice is perfect and he look incredible. Thnak God for Youtube!
Like everyoneelse has said already, this is going to be HUGE!!!
From Twitter: This lucky woman got a pic of Jake at dozenbakeshop in Pittsburgh:
That's a great photo, tweety! Hee - this is turning out to be a fun Monday.
I think we're all a little fangirly, Agent K. I love the idea of your going on a mission to Leicester Square for the premiere.
Thanks for the Box Office Mojo link, Sheba. They seem to like the trailer there, which is great news.
And hello/welcome to Nicole, Mary, Debbie and anyone else I forgot. It's a fun day!
i watched the video on you tube but for some reason i didnt have any sound so didnt get to hear jakes acent dont know if its my computer or you tube it was working before oh well at least i got to see jake in action hopefully et will have the video and i can hear him then cant wait to see this movie looks fantastic
Restart your computer, Mary. Then you'll have sound again.
thanks fl i tried but still no sound
The trailer is everything that I was hoping for, it looks spectacular!
It will be interesting to see if sites try to post the trailer before 7:00. I'll be on my way home from work, so keep an eye out!
Looking forward also to see if ET has anything extra.
OMG!!!! Damn does he sounds GOOD!! I am no expert on English accents but to me he sounds excellent and so freaking SEXY with the accent! And how cool is the trailer...must watch again and again!!! SQUEE.
Btw, saw the posters for BOTH Brothers and PoP at the movie theatre this weekend. Both in full display!
Thanks to everyone for all the great news in Gyllenland!! :D
Just looked at comments at Ain't It Cool can imagine.(They always try to out negative each other. Once and a while someone will say something positive, but you have to hunt).
The intro. person saying how it was odd seeing Jake in this role (as in...he's not Persian..)..but it's a Hollywood Movie and they would cast an American.
I guess he didn't notice the British accent..or for that part how most of the cast Is English.
Am waiting for them to wonder why Sir Ben or anyone else was picked for their roles.
I wouldn't worry about the AICNers, anon. As you noted, they are notoriously bitter and negative.
I've seen lots of positive comments on the trailer elsewhere.
Updated the post with the HQ trailer from IGN.
This is wonderful! A great day for Jake fans.
Thanks for all the info and the caps and just for being here!
ET was SO disappointing. Two seconds! Barely a mention. Now I remember why I never watch it. They mostly cover garbage.
Thanks for the trailer update, UV.
Confession time...... although I was looking forward to the "premiere" of the PoP trailer tonight, I wasn't beside myself excited. I mean, I had already seen what I thought was something very close to the finished trailer at work. I just assumed that seeing the official one would be a less intense experience since I had already seen a PoP trailer/teaser.
Wrong!!! This is not what Disney showed us..... it's even better! I'm so excited about this movie, and not just because Jake looks incredible.
Now I need to go watch it again. :)
Ditto on ET Bobbyanna, what a waste. Good thing the trailer was leaked earlier, it looks amazing!
Jake's accent is so sexy, he can speak in that accent all the time IMO. The special effects look great, it has the feel of the video game which should make the gamers happy campers.
Thanks so much for posting the HQ trailer and the caps UV!
I had my own reservations about this, but now seeing the trailer. I have none! It looks fantastic.
yea i watched et and thought i missed it it was so short i thought at first it was lwad on to the full preview how disappointingi still cant get any sound on any of the videos dont know whats wrong but at least i got to see some action like watching a silent movie:)
Now the "Entertainment Weekly" comments have their say.
No one seems to point out that the game-Prince has blue eyes.
And didn't hear him speak much so that probably meant not good with the accent.
If he had spoken in his usual way of talking then he would of clashed with everyone else in the cast.
But then, it was just to give a taste of what it will be like. Would think by March we'll be seeing a trailer with many different scenes.
If they can admit it i think by the time the movie is out some of these people will be eating their words.
Love the trailer!!It reminds me so much of the game, especially the jumping and leaping. Jake's accent is perfect, I was afraid that he wouldn't be able to pull it off, glad I was wrong!
The CGI effects are awesome. I wouldn't worry about the comments from ET and the like, most of the feedback has been positive so far.
Great job with the screencaps UV!
And didn't hear him speak much so that probably meant not good with the accent.
Well, that just proves how, for the main, spot on he's got the accent - he says loads, apart from Alfred Molina's and Ben Kingsley's single lines, I don't think anyone else is heard to speak apart from Jake and Gemma.
Like the new shorter trailer too.
The explaining of it is good.
As said there are just a bunch of people who will nit-pick and put down everything in sight.
It's a fantasy movie. Enjoy it for that.
Brothers - Persia - Love and Other Drugs. Three very different types of movies. That's what a real actor does!
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