... Jake is a kind of very - I kind of say Jake is a 360-degree actor. You know, he's watching what's going on 360 degrees, and it's like almost as if his family background, with his mother as a writer and dad as a director, has allowed him to live in the world of movies like a normal person, and he's great, and he's - like anybody who's really talented, they're kind of very odd, you know? I don't mean odd in the bad way. They just - they're alive, and they're not easily malleable, but an easily malleable actor is really a boring actor, you know?

New York Magazine reviewer David Edelstein, gives Sheridan kudos for the job he did with Jake and all the actors.
Empathy must come as naturally as breathing to the Irishman Jim Sheridan, director of My Left Foot, In America, and now the overpoweringly intimate Brothers. Working with screenwriter David Benioff (25th Hour), he skips among three protagonists and emotional states without losing the story’s pulse: Every narrative beat is also a heartbeat. ... Sheridan gets inside his characters’ heads without ever viewing them in isolation: Even separated by continents, no one can move without hitting someone else.
Who could have guessed that the stars who made their names as nerd heroes Peter Parker and Donnie Darko could be so credibly messed-up and volatile? Maguire isn’t big, but his tautness radiates strength. ...
As to the other two leads, Sheridan has gotten the best performances of their young lives. As much as I like Gyllenhaal, I’ve often found him fuzzy, as if he’s wary of losing control. Is that why he’s so affecting here? The dissolute Tommy turns out to be as tightly wound as his older brother, only too scared to focus. He looks pitifully vulnerable as he the supposedly dead Sam’s family and becomes protective. Portman has the kind of role that turns actresses into dullards: the wife who stands and looks stricken at her man (or men) in paroxysms of rage and grief. But she’s so grounded that as the others carry on, your eyes keep drifting to her. Yes, she’s almost unbearably pretty, but it’s her immediacy that keeps you glued to her face.
... Sheridan’s actors work with their intellects fully engaged—and they engage us on levels we barely knew we had.

As we know, the gossip game came full circle yesterday. Let's hope we return to Brothers news today. Please post if you see any noteworthy reviews or interviews.
(Photos courtesy of IHJ.)
This has been talked to death but I just wanna say that there have been countless celebrities who's reps have denied stories about them. When Madonna and guy ritchie split her pr lady said it wasn't true a month later they had annouced they were filling for divorce. Same can be said with tom cruise and penelope cruz, jessica simpson and tony romo, the list go on and on.
The fact that this originated from people magazine a "legit" publication and not from us weekly or some trashy blog site (ala perez hilton) makes things a little suspect. People is the magazine you want to turn to when you want to dispel rumors.
I adore theses two but in the end if this is proven to be true its not surprising.
Ciao to all GyllenBabbles from verdeblusm!As Suvee previously said this ia a real roller coaster of emotions...its not good for my old romantic heart.People origins of rumors actually made me very very sad...then J & R comforting reps ...Now Anon 3:28 and his/hermake me assumptions make me again a bit sad and apprehensive. I was looking forward to a marriage announcement not a split...Maybe I'm just a dreamer...
People hasn't been "legit" for a while and is often out scooped by rags like InStyle, OK. Us Weekly isn't considered trashy as far as rags go. They IMO jumped on false info w/o checking because they are constantly being scooped and they wanted to be first.
The question to is if false who would feed them that info? At first they claim it was a source close to Reese then when they posted the denial, it was a source close to the couple. Back in 2007 when Jake and Reese took a break and People reported on the break-up, it didn't come from a rep but sources from them, with quotes, and an actual reason for the split.
This time around it was "sources" but no reason for the split which should have made them suspicious. Why they didn't confirm like the other news outlets can only be explained that they were desperate for a scoop.
Now on to Brothers: what a terrific review from NY magazine,love hearing how critics have been impressed by Jake's performance.
People prints what they are told to print by reps. They printed there was a break-up because they were told to. Maybe somebody's rep got the story wrong, who knows? People did not just make this up. People and celeb reps have been in bed for years.
"People prints what they are told to print by reps. They printed there was a break-up because they were told to."
While I won't disagree with this statement,I'll just say People prints what they hear from ANY CREDIBLE SOURCE. Their standards might be higher than some of the others. In some cases.
What's important is that their reps went on the record with both a denial and an affirmation of their relationship. Done very quickly. So hopefully, it's over.
Except for some in the media trying to milk it for a couple of days.
I am very suspicious of the timing.
Neither Jake or Reese would do something like this two days before the premiere of a major movie project. They're much too professional.
"People" printed that Tiger Woods was in serious condition..he wasn't. I'm sure there are other examples.
Jake has been making a movie - he has family in New York - if he made it to Tennessee then it would of been just for one day.
He has to be in L.A. this week and Reese is to go to London - and even if he didn't have the schedule he did he probably wouldn't go with her because when one has something like that to do - her with Avon and he with some of the charity things he has done - they don't go with the other.
The thing is - there had been no things being printed for the last so many months that there were problems..etc..as there had been with the others.
Wow. Sheridan's pretty analytical about Jake. I like that. He's "charismatic," and the center of attention, he's a "360 degree" kind of guy on set,which I take to mean he is fluid and adaptable, and he is "not malleable". I found those observations intriguing.
When you consider both the directors he's work with and the actors,people like Robert Downey, Jr., Peter, Sarsgaard, and Heath in particular, and Fincher, Ang Lee, and now, Sheridan.
I'm really impressed with the way he challenges himself. I think it's pretty safe to say, he hasn't even begun to stretch and show what he can do. Jake's interesting, because he is very youthful and very wise in his outlook.
I'm also impressed that Sheridan acknowledged his particular fluency with working in film. (I'd love to see Sheridan work with Maggie. Bet he'd have a lot to say about her!)
I think he is going to be a classic, an outstanding leading man, who's also a character actor.
Most actors "become" character actors as they age, but Jake has already demonstrated he can do anything.
My one wish is that he would really explore a smart comedy...if such a thing exists, because I think he would be outstanding.
(I feel like I have a hangover!:) Fitful night.)
What great praise for Jake from one of the best directors out there, Jim Sheridan. To me Jake is a method actor, I don't know if that term is used anymore. He picks interesting and challenging projects and shines in them.
Edelstein is a tough cookie so a thumbs up from him is great!
Looking forward to the reviews this week that tshould be trickling in.
From the Edelstein review:
As much as I like Gyllenhaal, I’ve often found him fuzzy, as if he’s wary of losing control.
I'm so confused about that statement. Has Edelstein never seen Jake in Jarhead? Or even Bubble Boy? Jake is an actor NOT afraid to lose control.
Regarding the break-up/maybe break-up. Whether People ran with a story too soon, whether it was someone trying to get a big scoop built on nothing, or whatever it was, I guess time will tell. But I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.
Playlist review:
However, Jake Gyllenhaal arguably has the toughest role of the bunch having to believably shift from a good-for-nothing ex-con to a reliable family man. But not only does Gyllenhaal do it, but he knocks it out of the park. In the early stasges of the film, his charming asshole routine is largely lived through his dancing eyes and a perma-smirk etched onto his stubbled face. But when Sam is declared dead, the eyes and smirk are still there but become softer and his attitude, though still somewhat immature, is slowly shaded by the weight of responsibility. It's a great performace.
That comment was puzzling to me, too FL. I wish Edelstein would have cited an example. You can add Rendition, "Explain the phone calls!" to your list of examples of loss of control. The other Rendition example where control was in evidence was the scene with Douglas and his loverhe caries her to the bed and abruptly stops. (I hate when that happens!)
I said I felt hung over, & had a fitful night, bcz, I guess I'm just slower to "process." I was on a high,looking forward to Brothers,the TV stuff, enjoying the clips and trailers,& happy about the marriage rumor that wasn't denied, and then People magazine peed in my cornflakes! LOL!!!Today,I have a much more mature attitude. Plus I am going to the mall.:)
Hi Verde - good to see you, even if it's in disheartening circumstances. As FL put it, we don't know if it was a premature announcement or just completely false. But it's probably best not to dwell, especially since there's so much good stuff to focus on this week.
Like that Playlist review - thanks, Monica. Loved it.
I think Edelstein and many other people missed the point of Jake's character in Rendition and thus missed the impact when he did finally snap. Not sure what he means about other roles, though - Jarhead, especially.
Good luck at the mall, bobbyanna!
When I read that comment about Jake wary of losing control and scratched my head. He has reviewed Jarhead and Rendition but obviously from his remark he wasn't inpressed with his performance.
Thanks for the link monica, another good review. If I run across any, I will certainly post them here!
One last bit from me regarding the rumors: It had to be bad info IMO that wasn't checked which is weird for People. It's not like they couldn't have gotten a hold of their reps yesterday. Rushing to get the scoop??
I don't think the timing was off, they knew , if true it would be a distraction this week. They would have released the news along with an actual reason for the break up and qoutes from their reps next week, 2 things thst were missing from yesterdays announcement.
Oh. I just had a pop-up reminder remind me that today is the day Insidemovies.moviefone publishes their Unscripted feature with Jake, Tobey and Natalie.
I guess it will be worth checking back on this page during the day to see if it's been put up.
Coming Soon has a video interview with Jim Sheridan.
And Natalie Portman apparently dropped by the Today Show briefly this morning, just chatting outside with Meredith and Matt.
Still holding out hope Jake will show up somewhere other than Jimmy Kimmel. Small hope, but it's there.
And another nice review, from the Orlando Sentinel, via the Victoria Advocate:
"Brothers" is a movie built on that jarring disconnect between combat zone and "back home."
Part POW thriller, part romance, with a big helping of melodrama, Jim Sheridan's film is about a brother who went off to war, was declared dead, but returns a changed man. And it's about the brother left behind, a man changed by his soldier sibling's sacrifice, and by stepping into his brother's role with the missing man's family.
A mature, lean Tobey Maguire is Capt. Sam Cahill, the son who followed Dad (Sam Shepard) into the Marine Corps and is about to go back to Afghanistan. Jake Gyllenhaal is perfectly cast as Tommy, the prodigal son we meet as Sam picks him up from prison. Tommy always drank too much and got into trouble. Sam is the alpha male the old man is proud of. ...
But as predicable and cloying as "Brothers" sometimes is, the cast is fascinating — young actors now possessing the dramatic heft to pull something like this off. Maguire, as Sam, comes unhinged in subtle, realistic ways and Gyllenhaal and Portman react to him with a convincing blend of fear and pity. Putting them all at a table with Shepard and veteran character actress Mare Winningham makes for intimate, beautifully-played drama, even if we have a feeling that we've seen all this before.
Three stars.
No comment on the current gossip.
I was a bit puzzled about Edelstein's comment, what roles were he referring to? Like you pointed out Jarhead and Rendition are two examples of him losing control. Otherwise a positve review and glowing praise for all involved. Loved the playlist review as well, thanks monica.
The moviefone questions get answered today!
So Natalie stopped by the Today show? That wasn't announced, maybe Jake will surprise us as well, it doesn't look like he is doing much press at the moment. He has finished filming LAOD I think.
Off to watch the Sheridan video, thanks UV!
It looks like the break-up happened around Thanksgiving day per People's mag new article...
I am sad...
Here is the link to People's mag article:
People needs a fact checker. That story lists both of their ages as 33.
It's hard to trust a story that gets more than one major fact (Jake's age, where they last saw each other, where they met) wrong.
There's a lot of smoke in the air - it could be true that they've broken up and they want to delay the story. Or it could be true that People is trying to cover their un-fact-checked exposed ass.
If they can't afford to hire reporters, they might want to try Google. It works wonders.
Sorry but I can't help it. I read Ted C article in Eonline about J and R. It's disgusting and depressing at the same time...
Reese was not in L.A. over the weekend, she has been in Nashville since Thanksgiving. The spotting of her on Sunday in Nashville was based on several tweets of her out to dinner with her Dad on Sunday. How can she have been seen driving around L.A. on the weekend and Nashville on a Sunday, isn't Sunday part of the weekend? Around Thanksgiving day? Or on Thanksgiving day? Again I refuse to believe thst any friend would run to a tabloid.
So she told a "friend" over the holidays that they split and they ran and told People magazine?? Usually it's their reps thst contact People and other rags to announce a split. Reps are doing a disservice to their clients by putting something like this out there the same week a movie of their's is coming out. So those who think this is a PR stunt for Brothers, I say bullshit.
I don't know who the "source" was and why People is recycling old break-up stories about them : remember 2007? And adding tweets to bolster their claims but if I were Jake and Reese I would be pissed.
I don't want this crap to overshadow Brothers.
PS: I think the lack of pap pics has a lot tp do with it. People even mentions thst the last time they were seen together was in Philly snd Pitt., all based on tweets I gather.
Anon, this is a Ted C-free zone - no need to go into his B.S. here.
I will be pissed if this overshadows Brothers, especially for Jake. I'm annoyed, because I was really looking forward to this week and you can't do a twitter or google search without getting a thousand split/no plit! stories.
In any case, I'm sure most people have seen this story, about the ex-con that got a small part in Brothers. I love the headlines: "Gyllenhaal gets drug smuggler movie role!"
Journalism is really taking a beating this week.
Thanks Ultraviolet for letting me know...
Sorry, I did not know, will keep it on mind next time...
No prob, anon. We just like to keep things as pleasant as possible around here :)
"Anon, this is a Ted C-free zone - no need to go into his B.S. here.
I will be pissed if this overshadows Brothers, especially for Jake. I'm annoyed, because I was really looking forward to this week..."
Me too. That People article was clearly a "cover your ass" article with a lot of errors and recycled bullshit. If they are going thru a rough patch, I feel really bad for both of them, and I will keep my fingers crossed and pray it can be worked out.
The mall wasn't fun.
Tweets had Anne Hathaway arriving back in Pittsburgh last night, but nothing on Jake. I wonder if he is already back in LA, because of the Premiere tomorrow, or if they are both still working to hurry and finish LAOD?
This is a bummer...I hope they can work it our. I just saw an old picture of Jake with Deacon and it made me sad seeing these pictures:)
Coming back today from some holidays I thought this is "Brothers" week, happy with the good reviews and now I see this bulls***...:-((
Whatever might happen I wish Jake and Reese all the best.
I am with you, UV and hope this will not overshadow "Brothers" premiere. It is so good seeing Jake making the headlines with his work - especially knowing there are some other great projects ahead.
Damn, these fucking rumors. :( The People "article" seems like total BS.
I wanted this week to be about Brother's and the great reviews he is getting. I really hope that this won't overshadow that. Grrrrr.
On topic, the reviews are great and I am so glad Jake is being acknowledged for his work and I can't wait to see the movie on Friday.
The People "article" seems like total BS.
A patchwork quilt.
That People "article" is utter crap. Nothing but recycled shit from 2 years ago. If they are going through some problems like all couples especially around the holidays, then I wish them the best. I'm sick of all the google/tweets about this, they should be about Brothers. Apparently a denial from their reps is not enough.
Couldn't they pull this shit next week?
Thrilled with Edelstein's review, just a bit confused about his comment about Jake being "wary".
Thanks for the links to the other reviews, looking for to Friday.
Have the Reps. put out another statement saying they aren't together?
Seems like People, as said, are trying to cover up their news item.
I think People have printed things over the years that are "first news" and not coming from any rep.
Eva Longoria and her husband and the woman who said she had an affair with him after they were married - it went on and on on all the internet sites - until the woman finally said she made it up.
Problem is that tho everyone knows Jake and Reese are a couple they have not spoken about it much. Reese has made comments but they have been little more than surface..most interviews he is not mentioned - and even in print ones - a bit but again, not much.
Now they are faced with this and with both of them going to places where there will be interviews.
Of course they can tell the people before hand there will be no comment.
I know there are certain folks that you should just ignore. But there are a number of people who live on negative and could care less if it was true or not. And happy to pass it along to make others believe it.
This means anything - in everyday life or the celebrity or whatever. Have never liked it.l
Did some of these critics forget Jake was in BBM?
I would say his anger at Ennis was "letting go"..and talk about "letting go"..the gun scene in Jarhead. I think these people should watch those movies again and be reminded that Jake has always been able to do that when the scene called for it.
Rendition - he wasn't suppose to show emotion - Vanitry Fair put him in the 6 best performances of the year a couple years ago Because he was able to play the role as closed in as it was. Praised him for being able to do that and understand it for his young age.
I have to agree with everyone that said they don't get the NY Mag's comment that Jake has been "fuzzy" and whatever. Did the guy not see Jarhead, BBM, Rendition?!?
Douglas Freeman was interesting. He's in an explosion and his colleague bleeds to death in his lap. He sits in shock at the hospital, witnesses torturing of a suspect, and all the time I'm getting the impression of a powderkeg. Someone who is very controlled, but you know he's gonna blow. He's calcualted when he does, and it seems both visceral and yet focussed. Does that make sense?
I love Rendition.
The benefit of never commenting on your personal life even when things are good, is that you don't have to comment when they are not good either.
Just saw on Extra that they briefly mentioned the rumors and then said that the reps denied it and that they were very glad they are still together. It was the best way to handle the "story" because it was short and no snarkiness. Also, it didn't distract from Brothers. I was very glad to see that.
Douglas Freeman was interesting. He's in an explosion and his colleague bleeds to death in his lap. He sits in shock at the hospital, witnesses torturing of a suspect, and all the time I'm getting the impression of a powderkeg. Someone who is very controlled, but you know he's gonna blow. He's calcualted when he does, and it seems both visceral and yet focussed. Does that make sense?
I love Rendition.
EXCELLENT example, Bobbyanna! And I love it, too. As you know. ;-)
The benefit of never commenting on your personal life even when things are good, is that you don't have to comment when they are not good either.
Great post all around, m'dear!
Does this mean you will treat me to an all expenses paid trip to Cannes, in May, 2010, to see the premiere screening of Prince of Persia? Yes?
The reps' denials are doing what they hoped. The item is being covered, but barely, with the denials, not the break-ip, as the main focus.
This is so similar to the rumors and denials back in 2007&2008. The media made things up,and when they saw them together, oops, they've reconciled. It was nonsense then, and I hope it's nonsense now.
Tobey Maguire will do Conan tomorrow and Ellen on Dec.3rd. Jake will do Jimmy Kimmel on
Dec.3rd. Those are the only Brothers promotional appearances for late night.
Does this mean you will treat me to an all expenses paid trip to Cannes, in May, 2010, to see the premiere screening of Prince of Persia? Yes?
Are you sure it's not premiering at the Sheboygan film festival first? Sheboygan I could afford. ;-)
OT: I am impressed with the amount of things that the studios send to a voting member of the GG.
I want the alligator of Princess and the Frog!!hehe
My worry is that somebody from Precious' camp leaked this because Precious and Brothers are both strong contenders as indies, though Precious has more push behind it. Unfortunately. I have not seen Brothers yet, but Precious was downright painful to watch, heartbreaking, unrelenting, take no prisoners, but beautiful in its own way. I hope Brothers turns out to be the same.
I believe that this will not influence in the desire to watch that movie. The audience will watch indie movie has no interest in gossip.
Where is Jake? Is he still working in Pittsburgh? There are not even any twitters of people seeing him.
When is the actual premiere? I know there is a show about it on TV Guide Channel Thursday, but when does it happen?
I read the article about the ex-con that got a role on Brothers, what a great story, thanks UV.
That's what I want to read and hear , not some recycled People story (current) about the breakup they reported on over 2 years ago being used to cover their asses for their story from yesterday.
It doesn't look like Moviefone posted the questions yet on their site.
I wish Jake was dong more than Kimmel, he is getting such good reviews so far. Maybe he will do some print interviews hopefully.
i have given up on moviefone...they haven't posted it yet
Reese is not a stupid woman.She'd never find anyone like Jake again.
Jake is a genuinely good man. Loving,affectionae, generous, stong, smart, and honorable. He's kind. And no, Natalie. He's not ugly.:)
Natalie was kidding.
i agree monica this wont hurt brothers people who want to see it will see it i certainly cant wait to see iti just hope jake doesnt get asked about the rumors if he goes to the priemre or on the jimmy kimmel show
No, this isn't going to hurt Brothers, it just takes away from it somehow. But I guess that's only if we let it, so we'll just have to keep focusing on the movie.
As for the veracity of the People report, the last time they said Jake and Reese broke up they didn't have any official word, either. It was also according to an inside source, who said there was no chance they'd get back together.
I never bought that story. Who knows what happened then or is happening now. But I don't think People knows.
Bobbyanna, loved the Rendition powder keg description.
I did see Precious, btw. I think it's worth watching. It is difficult to sit through some parts and it's not great writing, but the acting is amazing. I went with a friend who didn't know anything about the movie, and he was blown away,
Finally, Monica- are you a voting member for the GGs or is it the critic you know? And how did she like Brothers?
I don't think anyone has pointed out that Brothers is going into 2,000 cinemas, so it's not a minor release.
I didn't know Brothers was going into 2,000 theaters! That is wonderful news. I was worried I wouldn't be able to see it if it was in limited release!
That silly People areticle was filled with holes. They said Reese's kids weren't ready for marriage to Jake and that is simply a lie! I think they are very fond of him and enjoy being with him.
R&J have been married/engaged/broken up on numerous occassions, the mags don't really know anything in sotries like these, it's bait - they put a story out there and hope to provoke some sort of response from the subject of the article - give it a couple of weeks and they'll be talking about them planning a wedding.
Cannot believe I still have nearly 2 months to wait to see Brothers *grumpy face* - however I do have some hope PoP may premier over here - the cast and crew were Brit heavy and a lot of the production took place here - prepare for a fangirl report from Leciester Square :D
This time I do think they've had a falling out. But I don't think it's anything permanent. They've had brutal work schedules, and lots of airplane shuttling back and forth. Juggling work with two little kids is very stressful all by itself.
I think the last sighting of them together was at some restaurant in Pittsburgh a few weeks ago. Might have been another in New York, not sure.
I just think it's been a rough two or three weeks. I don't trust People magazine. They are surprisingly sloppy and inaccurate. And they're supposed to be the best of the lot.
I read a story that said Jake and Reese met in Morocco working on a movie where they played husband and wife in a film called "Redemption."
Reese arriving in london yesteday for the Avon Press Conference:
I forgot to add: She will appear on GMTV tomorrow and J. Ross on Friday, the Avon press conference is Tuesday.
There's speculation she might pre-tape a segment for Ross. My guess is that if she is asked she'll just say that "Well, you know that's how those magazines are." We shouldn't expect much from this couple in terms of big reveals. And that's good. She is a pro at prattling on about anything to use up all the time.
Finally, Monica- are you a voting member for the GGs or is it the critic you know? And how did she like Brothers?
It's a brazilian critic. She posted some photos on her website showing the gifts she receives from the studios.
She loved the performance of Bailee Madison.
As Reese is there mainly for AVON there should be any "questions"..
Also - Jake and Reese have been living together for quite a while now - it's not like they're "just dating" and the kids don't want them married. The kids love him.
Jonathan Ross normally records on Wednesday I think - he generally puts it on his twitter so I'll keep an eye - hopefully it'll be as much fun as Jake's last one with him was.
'Jonathan, I don't fly, I swim'
How do know the kids LOVE him? Maybe there is an issue with the amount of time they spend with their father and Jake feels that he'll never have the impact that he wants in their lives. Maybe they are resentful of him being too involved and trying to father them. Blended families can be minefields and Jake seems very emotionally involved in every aspect of his life so I would imagine this would be a big factor in his happiness.
Okay, enough. We don't discuss Reese's kids here. Which is wise, because none of us has any idea what they think or feel - as it should be.
Agent K, I hope Brothers does well enough here that they'll send Jake across the pond to do some press. It would be fun to see him on Jonathan Ross again.
Another positive Brothers review:
David Benioff's adapted screenplay and its exploration of emotional devastation makes for an intense and involving viewing experience, with the emotional stakes in ascent throughout, especially when Sam's suspicions and feelings of betrayal come bursting to the surface.
Maguire is very impressive as the tortured soldier, a risky role that invites overacting -- which Maguire never indulges in. Gyllenhaal may have a bit too much charm and not quite enough edge for his character as written and portrayed early on in his crucial supporting role, but he acquits himself skillfully as his Tommy evolves. ...
This is a riveting remake about family conflict, loving loyalty, and the collateral damage to wartime families. Brothers is a keeper.
I did notice that Film Experience gave Brothers only a C+. There's no link to the review yet, though.
Thanks for all the links to the reviews everyone! We should be getting the reviews from the NY Tims, LA Times, etc soon.
I wish he was doing more press, Natalie and Sheridan was at the Gotham Awards last night. Does anyone know if he is still working and is there any info on the premiere tonight in L.A.?
I checked the moviefone site and they still haven't posted the questions yet.
I was hoping the noise would die down after their reps issued their denials, but it looks like it's still being milked, I rather focus on Brothers.
Ever been curious to see the interiors of "The Tree House"? The house Ellen Degeneres sold to Heath and Michelle?
It's up for sale again.
What a beautiful home! But looking at it, I can't help but think of Matilda. Not very child friendly furnishings. Of course did she even live in it? She was just months old.
I'd rather focus on Brothers, too, but Jake seems to have disappeared.
I know he could only participate in the news conference for Brothers,but missed the New York premiere because he was still working on LAOD. But Jake isn't doing hardly any PR for Brothers,except Kimmel.
I'm assuming he'll be in LA for the premiere. But he probably won't walk the red carpet or do any interviews. Maybe some group photos. I hope he brings a lot of friends out to his premiere.I'm really loooking forward to it.
I'd like to strangle the "friend of Reese."
Anon, on Sunday, a twitter said it would still have two more days of filming in Pittsburgh. She said she hoped to have a chance with Jake during those days.
Today is the last day of shooting.
Maybe he can attend the premiere in Los Angeles.
Thanks for that link, FL. What a gorgeous little house. Maybe not so little. Interesting architecture. I think what I like about it is that it seems cozy even tho it's a modern design. A lot of the modern designs I've seen on real estalker are too "institutional" looking, very cold and not "homey" while this one looks like a person could actually live in it quite comfortably.
I hope we do see Jake tonight. He should be celebrating his achievement along with the rest of the actors, his director, and his friends.
Not again!
shireman: waaah waaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaah RT @beth910: This just in: Love and Other Drugs ran out of money and has pulled the plug.
about 3 hours ago from TweetDeck
If true, I doubt Jake will be at the premiere tonight.
I think we will see him at the premiere. The money problems didn't "just" happen. He probably knew about it, by TG break. He tends to be aware of those things. Maybe he hung around New York to see if it would get resolved, but probably cleared this date for his premiere. Anne was tweeted returning to Pittsburgh Sunday night, but not him. Could be he wasn't needed on set for the last two days. I keep searching Twitter for signs of Jake at LAX.
I refuse to believe this is happening to another Jake movie, so I'm considering that tweet a private joke we're not in on :)
Are we even sure there IS an LA premiere tonight? I know Wells mentioned it and his other screening info was correct. But is there any other indication that it's happening?
Oh, and I loved seeing the Tree House photos. Thanks for the link, FL!
I thought it was December 3rd. I just don't know.
I agree. We don't know if it is a true tweet or a jokey one. If they "pulled the plug." maybe it was to wrap up the filming.
I too, like the tree house pictures.
This is really unbelievable - I thought filming was finished?
There was no sign of Jake during the last days - I hope he will be at the premiere tonight. The premiere is not mentioned on the Lionsgate site or have I missed something?
I am starting to fear for "Source Code" - again an independent project.....
After thinking again it really could be an inside joke. Filming should be finished now and we probably would have heard something if there are financial problems.
I checked again but could not find anything concerning the premiere.
The TV Guide Channel has it listed for December 3rd. There is a program that comes on at 8 PM, I think called "Big Movie" and they do the premiere, the red carpet, & behind the scenes interviews with the actors,etc. I don't know if that means the actual premiere is that night, or if it is pre-taped.
Ah, interesting, Bobbyanna. Thanks for the info.
Carla, it is all a bit confusing, isn't it?
Hasn't it always been mentioned that filming for "Love.." should be finished by the end of Nov.
The "Source" movie seems to have the money. I think it was mentioned the people who wanted to do it had put the money up for it so that shouldn't be any problem.
He should then be dong things to prepare for that movie if it is to start filming in early 2010.
Finally, unscripted is up :) New post.
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