Over at Zap 2 It, there are some new, small pictures from Brothers - hope we'll get these in HQ soon:

Ack - look at Jake/Tommy in that first one. This movie is going to be wrenching. I can't wait!
And an onset photo:

If you don't want to wait, here are the clips from the last post. And don't forget this one, at Apple.
If you can't view the clip, you can download it here. Thanks to Stephanie :)
The folks at I Am Rogue have the clip of Tommy and Sam at the skating rink:

(Photos courtesy of IHJ. Clips from Moviefone and I Am Rogue.)
Good words about Brothers from the Boston Herald:
I’ve just seen “Brothers” which also opens Dec. 4th and features a trio of well-known actors: Tobey Maguire, Jake Gyllenhaal and Natalie Portman. For some reason I had only modest expectations for this drama. First, it’s an American adaptation of Suzanne Bier’s extraordinary 2004 Danish original, also called “Brothers” – and remakes can be depressing affairs if you are even slightly familiar with the original. And then these three haven’t exactly been overwhelming us lately. Yet “Brothers” I found to be extraordinarily involving with an astonishing level of performance that began with Maguire’s Oscar-worthy work and continued right down to smaller roles from Sam Shepard as the boys’ troubled, semi-alcoholic military father, Mare Winningham as his maternal second wife, Carey Mulligan (again) in a devastating single scene as a war widow, Patrick Flueger as an unmoored captured soldier and two entrancing children as Maguire and Portman’s daughters: nine year old Bailee Madison and eight year old Taylor Geare.
There's something missing from that Boston Herald review.
I wonder the reason for making Mare Winningham's character a "second wife"?
THUD!! They are killing us. That tough, smoldering look on Jake/Dastan, damn, he looks so good.
Loving all the Brothers trailers and clips, I can't wait until 12/4!
Missing: No mention of Jake or Natalie, what the hell?? He obviously liked the film and the other performances, what gives?
Thank you UV!!
He did mention they were in the movie...otherwise seeing Jake's performance in the clips we have..it certainly doesn't look "less than" Tobey's.
Maybe he was trying to name so many names in it - he just forgot to mention theirs ??
Link for kiss scene
I should correct myself: He does mention that Jake and Natalie are in the movie, but he doesn't comment on their performances which is odd and FRUSTRATING!
It's good to see Mare and Sam in this as well, I always enjoyed their work.
Sheba, I was happy to see that pic of Jake and Mare W, because I haven't heard much about her in this.
I think the Herald reviewer was just trying to get in all the obscure names. I assume he thought all the performances were good.
Wells hasn't weighed in yet, though he has a long post about Ryan Kavanaugh, one of the producers of Brothers. Youtube has an interview with Ryan, where he talks about Bono wanting to write a song for the movie.
Less about the producer and more about the movie, please!
Love this, from the NY Post PopWrap. They love Jake:
Disney has readjusted their noggins and realized that if the poster for "Prince of Persia" wasn't going to be a sweaty, shirtless, sandy Jake Gyllenhaal [although there is still lots of time, Mouse House!], focusing on his genetically blessed face is the next best option.
Hee. Lots of Jake sighting tweets today. These were my favorite:
My headline tweet today was going to be that I saw a woman at a gas station who looked just like my sister...
...but then my daughter met Jake Gyllenhaal in the Pittsburgh REI store. Way to ruin my story, kid.
just got snubbed by Jake Gyllenhall
The girl was not snubbed by Jake Gyllenhall.
about 3 hours ago from txt
was not snubbed by Jake. She just spoke too quietly. Jake is nice and OMG so pretty.
genetically blessed face
I saw that earlier, too, and thought was a beautiful thing to write. <3
The picture of Prince is to die for! I hardly can write a proper thank you for it and for the new caps from Brothers :)
Grateful Roby!
Hello, Roby! Isn't the picture amazing. Disney is spoiling us :)
Just updated the post with the link for the Kiss clip, for those who can't view it. Also posted an onset pic. Thanks to Stephanie.
I adore the new Jake photo (along with that wonderful quote) on GB's opening page. Bless you, UV! You've made me a very happy girl.
I couldn't resist buying People magazine tonight. The pic of Jake is not the one they used in their online feature. It's a photo I've never seen before. Interestingly enough, it almost looks like it came from the same photo shoot as the In Style picture..... same hair length and style, same black sweater, same degree of beard growth, no glasses. And there's a few more tidbits included in Natalie's quote:
Jake is the kind of guy who can do a spot-on impression of someone you work with that will make you giggle. He knows home remedies for distressed hair. He can build a cabinet from scratch. He plays guitar and has a great voice. Kids and dogs love him. He loves his mom and sister and girlfriend. He's perfect. Too bad he's ugly.
I can't even comment on that new Dastan photo..... he is so insanely handsome, it almost hurts. But in a good way.
And thanks for passing on the good review of Brothers from the Boston Herald...... it's encouraging to know it overcame one person's "modest expectations".
This new teaser poster from Disney is simply stunning, I love it! You csn really see the details of his scar, I find that so sexy.
He does have a geneticslly blessed face, no doubt about it!
Thanks for the extra tidbits from Natalie in People Suvee, interesting that there is a photo that is similar to the In Style photo. I wonder if People also publishes In Style, although I though it was Us.
Brothers looks like it's going to be a gut-wretching, emotional rollercoaster ride.
I love the addition to this blog: The In Style picture of Jake and Natalie's comments about Jake from People!
Thanks for all of the updates and links!
Wow. Thanks for all of this!
That PoP picture is incredibly sexy, one of the best I've ever seen of him ( and I've seen a lot of them. :))
Just two weeks until Brothers.
Wow, more amazing videos, stunning photos, news, etc, etc...love it all!! Thanks everyone! :D
Btw, saw the People Magazine, with Johnny Depp sexiest man alive cover, on the stand today and was thumbing through it and the Jake picture they used is a new one and beyond gorgeous! It is a similar one as the new eyeglasses one but without glasses. It must have been done on the same photo shoot. His eyes are a stunning blue and that gaze and the hair...omg, you MUST get it.
Suvee, I posted before I read your post about the People Magazine, lol. :)
Love the Specs sidebar photo and Natalie quote...swoon!
"...he is so insanely handsome, it almost hurts. But in a good way."
That about sums it up for me, too!
I'm running out of things to say.
I'm really happy to know they used a current sexy photo of him for People Magazine.
BrettRatner: Just saw Brothers last night. Great movie! Jim Sheridan did a brilliant job. all the actors were great but Toby Maguire should be nominated.
about 20 hours ago from web
I know Tobey's a very good actor. I know he's got some powerful, emotional scenes, but I just hate it when they say stuff like that because I feel like they are overlooking Jake, and he is so good! "...but Tobey should be nominated." He just dismisses Jake, just like that! I hate when people do that.
Sometimes on second viewings people begin to realize what Jake brings to a movie. I am sure there will be some critics who will point out Jake's great performance.
I fear this will be another example of the showier role getting more of the plaudits, even if Jake hits it out of the park. We'll see!
New post.
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