Jordan Mechner recounts his attempt to draw the Prince of Persia's Dagger of Time, his own creation but in Jake Gyllenhaal's hands. Or hand:

Jake offered to hold the Dagger of Time so I could sketch it. The one drawing you’d figure I could do in my sleep. Naturally, under pressure (we were between takes), I rushed it, and messed up the proportions.
I asked him to hand me the dagger for a moment, thinking I might just turn back time and try that sketch again. Alas, it was empty. He must have used up the sand doing stunt work with 2nd unit.

It felt good to hold it, though. Much more solid and weighty than a PS2 controller.

It's funny that Mechner says he got the dimensions wrong because Jake moved his hand. Who's controlling whom, Mr. Creator?
There's more Oscar talk for Brothers, including a lame explanation of why it took Lionsgate/Relativity so long to get the ball rolling.

But the DGA screening has apparently set in motion a string of events that will culminate in next week’s launch of a full-fledged best-picture campaign for the film, and a best-actor push for star Tobey Maguire, who plays a soldier presumed missing in Afghanistan until he returns home to his wife (Natalie Portman) and younger brother (Jake Gyllenhaal).
To hear producer Ryan Kavanaugh tell it, the filmmakers proceeded cautiously because of uncertainty about the new landscape for Oscar campaigning. “With the change in Academy policy, we really wanted to let the film speak for itself before we made the decision whether or not to campaign,” he says. “If it got the momentum it needed once we showed it, we would do everything we could to support it as much as we can. And it certainly seemed to get that momentum.”
Others at the Sunday screening say that the film was followed by a standing ovation, a rarity for the DGA, and an enthusiastically-received 45-minute Q&A session in which a common theme was questioners wondering why the film didn’t have a higher profile in the awards race.

Between the raves from the DGA (as a group, a fairly accurate Oscar precursor) and positive comments from a few critics who’d seen the film, Sheridan’s camp reportedly decided a full campaign was in order. Lionsgate was in the thick of its campaign for Oscar frontrunner “Precious,” and was said to be surprised that the “Brothers” filmmakers suddenly wanted to shift into Oscar mode as well – but the company quickly agreed to do so.
A full slate of screenings begins next week, with Academy-geared television spots to follow. Lionsgate’s awards website now promotes the film in a wide range of categories including best picture, best director, best actor, supporting actor and actress, screenplay, and song for U2’s “Winter.” The song certainly sounds apt (“The broken and the bruised/The young and the used/The sure and confused/All here”) -- and while Kris Tapley speculates that the track may run afoul of the music branch’s strict rules because it was recorded during the band's "No Line on the Horizon" sessions, Kavanaugh says that it was "without question" written specifically for the film.
This is just a series of bad decision, beginning with the lack of festival exposure and screenings. Or even further back, the delay in releasing the movie. I hope the late sprint works, and the film and its stars get some recognition.

What? That photo isn't from Brothers?
(Photos courtesy of IHJ.)
I missed this - from the Telegraph, the list of movies that defined the Noughts/this past decade. Brokeback Mountain comes in at #2:
Director Ang Lee insists on calling this simply “a love story” but it broke new ground as a gay cowboy movie. Achingly moving, with career-high performances from Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal as the strong, silent, repressed lead characters. A stunning achievement, brilliantly executed, with an acute sense of time and location.
We'll be seeing a lot of these end-of-the-decade reviews, I imagine. Ad the usual protests from people who say the decade ends next year :)
Love Mechner's sketches of the dagger , how cool it must have been for him to hold it. I admire people who can draw and sketch, I can't get beyond stick people!
Why would Lionsgate be surprised that the filmakers wanted to shift into Oscar mode? That makes no sense. With Sheridan directing and that cast and theme, why the hell wouldn't the movie be considered worthy of Oscar consideration?
You are so right UV, bad decisions all around including holding back on releasing it last year IMO. It's a chance that it may get a nomination for best picture if it's well received since the Academy expanded the best picture list to 10, but I can't see Jake, Tobey or Natalie getting in since their catagories are so crowded. I hope I'm wrong because it would be a shame if they missed out because of Lionsgates stupidity.
If they were waiting for the film to lead the way, then they should have shown it earlier! Of course you have to wait to see the response before you start the Oscar talk. Otherwise, you end up with Amelia!
It sounds like they weren't going to do anything if Pete Hammond didn't write that article! Of course, many people assume they paid him to write it, so that's all a circle of bad logic.
It's frustrating, especially after the Zodiac debacle that someone mentioned in the previous post.
And it doesn't help that Everybody's Fine, Lovely Bones, Invictus , Avatar and Nine all come out right after Brothers. All of these films (with the exception of Everybody's Fine, DeNiro may get a nom., that's it)are getting major Oscar buzz.
I'm afraid that Brothers may get swallowed up. I have a feeling they had no intention of pushing this film until like you said Hammond didn't make those comments.
The total absence of the film at the festivals speaks volumns.
A great article about original Brothers:
It is a good article about the original, but also implied - the American version won't be anywhere near as good.
Tho the majority of people going to the movie would not of seen the original..so maybe they'll see that first and then the original and think the American version is better.
It works that way sometimes.
Wow! Another update. Love the dagger story. Very Freudian...:)
If I were a director, it would be extremely frustrating to deal with jerks like the ones at Lionsgate. They just dropped the ball, Period. Rotten marketing strategy.
It shouldn't be an either or situation, as between "Precious" and "Brothers." That's how
small- time people think. They have the dollar resources to promote both.
I wasn't impressed with that "review". I saw the original Brothers. Very well done. Good movie. But I was nearly as impressed as the reviewer was.
IMO, his review reminds me of the people who insisted no one could do the Joker better that Jack Nicholson. Impossible to top. We know how that turned out. :)
I think the Jim Sheridan version will be affecting, powerful, and very timely.
Jim Sheridans movies are very powerful and (not talking about the 50 Cent movie...)strongly acted. "Brothers" won´t be an exception.
I don´t understand what Lionsgates intention is - their PR strategy (if even existing) is beyond me especially because they are usually exactly knowing what to do - see "Crash" or "Precious".
I have also checked the talk shows guest listings - so far Natalie Portman will be on "The View" Nov. 25. Lets hope there will be a bit more when the list is updated next week.
Love reading all the tidbits about the behind scenes making of Pop, very Freudian indeed Bobbyanna!
I don't get Lionsgate's strategy either, very poorly concieved.
If they are starting screenings next week I will have to keep a eye on my e-mails. I signed up with the NY Observer for free screening of movies. The last screening a went to was A Serious Man.
Oops. In my 11:02 post, I meant I was "NOT" nearly as impressed as this reviewer.
As Anon. pointed out @ 7:11, most people have not seen the original version of Brothers. The comparisons will come from the critics. I'm not happy with the way Lionsgate is handling this film, it's a bit baffling.
I know everyone has seen the Pop trailer but today is the day we can see it on the big screen, it will debut with 2012 today.
I got such a kick out of reading about Mechner and his attempts to draw the dagger!
Yesterday was Anne Hathaway's birthday. She turned 27. There don't seem to be any sightings of them in Pittsburgh. Wonder when they wrap.
They wrap at the end of the month. The reason why there are no sightings is because they are filming at a abandoned hospital, only the main cast is filming, no extras at the moment tweeting every minute. That will start up again once the extras start filming in the final week.
I saw the original Danish version of Brothers. It was one of the best films I saw that year. Sheridan's version (from the trailers) looks a very powerful and emotional.
Updated the post with a new Brothers TV spot from IGN. It might be the same one as on the TV Guide site, I can't remember.
I haven't seen the original of Brothers, because I don't want to be spoiled. I hope critics can appreciate this version on its own merits, which I also hope will be strong.
I almost forgot that the trailer for Pop will be getting it's big screen debut today, can't wait to hear the reaction to it.
I have no intention of seeing 2012.
Thanks for the link to the IGN trailer UV, I haven't seen the TV guide version yet.
I have seen lots of posters around the city for Brothers today!
Win Double Passes to an Advanced Screening of ‘BROTHERS’:
Looks like Dave Poland has seen Brothers and liked it. He's touting Tobey for an Oscar nod (though he has him in supporting). He also lists Brothers with an outside shot at a Best Picture nod.
And Natalie seems to be hosting a DGA Brothers screening:
Just confirmed, tomorrow morning I will be hanging out with actress Natalie Portman at the Director's Guild of America
I'm getting that sinking feeling they won't be using Jake to promote this thing. I hope I'm wrong.
i hope he will be promoting it to...hes one of the three main stars but he is filming a movie now.
I hope you're wrong too UV about Jake not promoting Brothers, that would be disappointing.
I like Dave Poland and i think Brothers is a dark horse in the B. Picture race. There sre 2 other war-themed movies that are getting major buzz: The Hurt Locker and The Messenger.
He has Tobey listed as supporting but of course Lionsgate has him in lead and Jake and Natalie as supporting.
I agree 100% with the Telegraph and BBM, a truly groundbreaking and heartbreaking film.
Never tire of reading about or looking at pics of Jake as Dastan!
He had a break from filming Rendition in Morocco to promote Zodiac, I think he can take a few days off from filming LAOD in Pittsburgh to promote Brothers.
Fingers crossed.
I'm getting that sinking feeling they won't be using Jake to promote this thing.
Oh, I have that very same feeling, UV.
I was re-reading that Steve Pond article about the (late) Oscar push for Brothers, and it dawned on me...... there's a very good chance that Tobey is going to be the cast member doing most of the promo appearances/print interviews, Natalie probably to a lesser degree. And yes, I really hope we're wrong.
And to make matters worse..... I still have not seen the trailer on tv yet!
Is this some sort of unprecedented thing to have this many trailers for one film? It seems like it is to me. It's crazy!
It would be a shame if they throw Tobey out on the PR circuit for this film; I don't think he's too comfortable in that arena since he's never really done a lot of promo for any of his films. Jake, of course, is a natural.
Remember in the early, early comments about "Brothers" with the unfinished film showing it seemed the parts of the movie liked best were the Jake and Natalie scenes.
Jake is in the December issue of In Style Magazine!! He has an adorable and sexy new pic and is talking about needing to wear glasses. It is a section about actors and their charities. He has a pair of glasses on lifted up on his forehead, not actually wearing them though. I can scan it Monday unless one of you lovely folks can get to a scanner this weekend. :)
As far as Brothers promotion we have to hope that Jake does some of the promotion. At least I hope to see Jake on a few talk shows. Realistically Tobey will probably do a lot of the promotion too, especially if they are talking about him for Oscar contention. :/ It would be nice, imo, to see the three of them together.
Maybe they'll divide it up with Jake taking the East Coast, and Tobey the West Coast, with Natalie doing all the early morning stuff LOL! It would very convenient for Jake to get from Pittsburgh to NYC.
Maybe they are touting Tobey for awards, but Jake was definitely mentioned as well. A person is BA or BSA based on their screen time, I think. I have read mixed reactions to Tobey from people who saw the movie, but I haven't heard a single negative thing about Jake. He is very impressive.
Jake is in the December issue of In Style Magazine!! He has an adorable and sexy new pic and is talking about needing to wear glasses. It is a section about actors and their charities. He has a pair of glasses on lifted up on his forehead, not actually wearing them though.
Oh be still my beating heart! I feel a new monitor wallpaper coming on.
Would love to see the picture of Jake from In Style Get Real! Glasses even if they are on top of his head, yes!!! I remember him doing a PSA for that charity last year.
I hope we get to see Jake do some promo for Brothers, so far it's been Natalie and that one interview Tobey did for the LA Times.
Tobey has some emotional,"berserk" moments in the movie. People always think "Oscar" when somebody goes nuts and gets all emotiona on screen. Tobey was really good in Seabiscuit. He can act. No doubt. But I think Jake's role is more demanding. He has to do a range of stuff and he's subtle. I might be the odd one, but I'm looking forward to seeing Jake's scenes with Sam Shephard. (I want to see all the scenes, too!)
The BSA list is getting crowded, with Stanley Tucci competing against himself: Julie&Julia and Lovely Bones, Jake's brother- in -law Peter and of course Jake!
Awards daily has a poll listing all the actors taht are eing buzzed about sor supporting:
FL, it says the glasses in the pic are Jake's own and they are the nerdy ones kind of like Michael Stype's! :D
Yes please on the scan of Jake from In Style Get real!
FL, it says the glasses in the pic are Jake's own and they are the nerdy ones kind of like Michael Stype's! :D
Ohhh you're killing me, Get Real. :-p
Why oh why does that boy never wear his specs out in public????? Once, just once.
LOL, I know FL, he NEEDS to wear the specs out in public!
Btw, meant to spell Stipe, not Stype.
From Mark Malkin/Eonline. I assume this sighting was from last weekend:
PENN PALS: Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal, walking hand-in-hand along Pittsburgh's Walnut Street—yes, Pittsburgh!
The thought of Jake wearing glasses makes me week in the knees, I wish he would wear them in public too!
All the Oscar chatter about Brothers is encouraging, I hope we get to se Jake making the rounds on the talk shows, I miss him doing interviews.
Why oh why does that boy never wear his specs out in public????? Once, just once.
I couldn't agree more, FL! My secret Jake fantasy is a candid pap photo of him, at the Ojai farmer's market (or wherever) wearing his RL glasses. The Michael Stipe photo is okay, but I need to see the real deal. :)
Thanks so much, get real! Cannot wait to see the In Style photo.
I can't wait to see the InStyle photos - I would love to see Jake being himself, wearing specs - it reminds me that he's been called the "Thinking Woman's Hunk". Men being real makes me weak in the knees too. :)
I'll be honest - I thought that Brothers must have something wrong with it, given the lack of .... anything.... from Lionsgate. I would expect a film by Jim Sheridan, with a high calibre cast, to be shown at the film festivals and generally "talked up". We know how these things go.
But now it looks like it's just bad strategy from Lionsgate after all. Which is a relief and at the same time annoying. Stupid people!
Jake and his CZ: Whole foods!
niiiya: just saw jake gyllenhaal walking out of whole foods in pittsburgh.
24 minutes ago from web jeffwongdesign: Just saw Jake Gyllenhaal in person at whole foods.
As I recall, Jake wore glasses in the movie Proof. Or rather, Harold Dobbs wore glasses. He was an extremely sexy math geek.:)
When I hear about Jake going to Whole Foods, I think of him staying indoors, cooking something special wirh Reese.
I'm dying to see the scan from the magazine. I was out a lot the past few days, and looked for the most recent edition, but it isn't out anywhere. All I've seen is the cover with Reese.
Reese was in L.A. Friday because she was on the Conan O'Brien show. Mainly there because of the Perfume. Talk was about the kids and the farm.
I can still think of Jake cooking something special for her.:)
No doubt they will be back together soon.
Also his filming should be over shortly.
Rem. in the interview with Reese on one of the morning t.v. shows she mentioned when she was a girl she wore glasses.."coke-bottle glasses"..the same thing Jake said he wore. See - written in the stars.
i dont think decembers issue of in style is out yet novembers issue didnt come out till about the 22nd of october so it should be out next week i hope anxious to see it too
Bailee Madison performance:
Not surprised by the reaction to Bailee's performance.
She did gush about Jake in her interview about how much she learned from him.
am now waiting for a review where someone praises Jake in 'Brothers'.
Lionsgate has Bailee listed for supporting along with Natalie and Mare. I was very impressed with her interview that was posted here and what she said about Jake, very grown-up and bright young lady.
I haven't come across anything from the Q&A with Natalie from the screening last night. It's been really frustrating and puzzling trying to figure out the marketing that Lionsgate is doing for Brothers.
Thanks for the links Monica.
Can't wait to sse the pic of Jake from In Style!
There were a couple of tweets, Sheba, one mentioning that Jake was gorgeous. That's not new, people!
There was also a very bad twit pic, which showed only that there were many people there who could have been tweeting.blogging!
The Urth Caffe t-shirt is the most interesting thing about the picture.
Really looking forward to the InStyle scan, get real. Thanks for the offer!
Not to say that Bailee Madison isn't good - Pete Hammond singled her out. But she attracts some creepy fans and comments.
FYI, Natalie Portman is scheduled to be on the View and Letterman in the last week of November. I figured they'd have her do Letterman because he loves her. But that bums me out, if it means Jake won't be doing any of the promotion.
Also, in case people are curious - two tweets about the screening:
saw screening of "Brothers". not bad but I wanted it to be better. could tell everyone worked really hard. just not quite there :/ (war sux)
Natalie Portman was awesome in BROTHERS. And Jake Jyllenhaal was goregeous as always!
Still not a lot of Jake mentions. I'm grateful for that (now deleted) NPR staffer who blogged about seeing Brothers and praised Jake.
There were people who understood Jake's performance in "Rendition".
They knew he was not suppose to outwardly react to what was going on - it was internal.
He does in some movies have the most difficult of the roles. That's why in BBM when Jack does get angry it really makes you feel it.
Al Pacino did that in the Godfather movies. He was low-key often, but at times the anger came through & was even more dramatic.
I'm sure, besides that one so far, there will be others who will say how good Jake is in "Brothers".
And not just "gorgeous"..there are actors who trade on their looks and that's about it. It's kind of an insult to Jake as an actor to make that comment as if that was all he was in the movie.
" But that bums me out, if it means Jake won't be doing any of the promotion."
For "ZODIAC" Jake was the only one doing the promotion although it was an ensemble film. I am starting to believe that thÃs time it might be Natalie.
Why don´t we get any imformation on the screenings - not with Jim Sheridan and not with Natalie -only some twitters?
To me it looks like Lionsgate wanted to promote "Brothers" properly but then the unexpected huge success of "Precious" made them put most of their resources on this film and doing only the bare necessities for "Brothers".
BTW - also no magazine interviews or front pages so far, only the InStyle article.
Something positive - according to the guys on Box Office Mojo the "PoP" trailer got very good reactions from the audience while showing with "2012".
i m pretty sure some info will emerge from natalie's screening. we must be patient.
Just thinking - maybe because
"Brothers" was held back and because Lionsgate seemed to forget it was one of their movies that getting information out for articles in current monthly magazines just wasn't there.
We've still got 3 weeks..even that week where maybe Jake might be able to do some interviews on t.v.
Apparently Jake is at the Steelets game, as is Russell Crowe. Don't know if they are together. Hopefully fox will show Jake
Afternoon babblers,
Is Lionsgate bankrupt or heading there? Their decision about Brothers makes no sense to me. I can't believe we're experiencing another year of non-promotion of a superb Jake movie. Obviously Hollywood doesn't know when they have an excellent movie to distribute. Zodiac received critical acclaim from more than 75% of all print critics and it didn't get the nominations it deserved for top awards.
This is probably what old Hollywood was afraid of when the suits took over from original studio moguls. arrgh
I've seen the Brothers trailer on TV at least 6 times. It looks like it'll be good; I can't wait to see it come December. I've had a hard time choosing good movies recently. I'd love to see Precious; it's getting great press and Oscar buzz, but I'm not sure my emotional self can take watching the abuse. I have to wait a while before I go see it...
xoxo to everyone
back soon
Loving all the information:)
It does look like Natalie is doing most of the press for Brothers so far. As you pointed out Carla, Jake was the only one doing press and promo for Zodiac, another movie that Jake did that was poorly handled.
Hopefully we will be getting more reaction from the Q&A that Natalie did last night.
I'm a little hesitant about seeing Precious too Sass. The reviews have been incredible but the subject matter is delaying me seeing it at this point.
Apparently Lionsgate doesn't know how to promote two movies at the same time.
I see he os a a Steelers game again!
Just got home - looks like it was the early game and it's already over. At least I don't have to listen to Joe Buck, that's a saving grace! And the Steelers lost, always a plus.
We'll see if we get any photos.
Sass! God to see you. I can't decide on Precious, either. I just don't know if I want to go through all those emotions at the movie theater.
Lionsgate are morons if they don't have Jake do any of the promotion. It's clear they dropped the ball on any kind of print press. Let's hope they get it together.
Shoe89, I'd love to share your optimism. But we never really got much from the Jim Sheridan screening, except for that Pete Hammond article. Unless he shills for Brothers again, I don't know if we'll hear much.
Another person who doesn't like Joe Buck, can't stand that guy.
Hopefully we will get pics of him at the game, maybe he was sitting with Crowe!
Some more thinking - gotta stop that. Anyway, the weekend is usually considered a slow-news-time. Some of the entertainment sites don't update much. Not that People would have anything, but there is very little change in their news Sat. & Sunday.
So it might not be until Monday or Tuesday we hear more about the screening. But as said - just wondering.
An appropriate place for the Prince of Persia to eating at. He must have stopped there after the Steelers game:
lynz0r: jake gyllenhaal is at aladdin's eatery off forbes & shady
18 minutes
Unless there is last minute scheduling for Jake (and Tobey) to make the rounds on the talk shows, it does look like it's Natalie doing all the work. If true than that's dissapointing.
Hi Sass!! I was going to see Precious yesterday, but something came up so I will probably see it next weekend.
Even though I'm resigned to not seeing much from Jake promotion wise, I haven't totally given up hope. Surely he will do The Daily Show? He and Jon S. seem to be buds...... and they have great interaction.
I'm just plain disgusted with Lionsgate's amateurish handling of the marketing of this movie. I think it's inexcusable. They had one of the finest casts, and a great director, a terrific (proven) storyline and they flub it. I'm glad Natalie's doing press, but I hope Jake and Tobey will do a little, too.
I've made my decision. I won't be seeing "Precious." Not because I'm upset about "Brothers", either.
I just don't want to see something that graphic, depressing, and violent. All I have to do is pick up a local newspaper to read horrible things about abusive parents, etc.
Ah, to bump into Jake at night:
@PharmV And he was gorgeous! Those eyes. It was so random!
36 minutes ago from web
PharmV :I was just leaving a restaurant in Squirrel Hill and a guy in a hoodie bumped into me, smiled, & said sorry. IT WAS JAKE GYLLENHAAL!!!!!!!
about 1 hour ago from web
"Zodiac" was on a lot of Best 10 of the year and yet not one Oscar nomination - and I know there were a few who had it Best Movie.
And as we have said - look at the "help" it got - some but not what should of been.
Tho Jake did most of the work for it I do rem. RDJ on the Regis & Kelly show talking about it and on Craig Ferguson's late night show Mark Ruffalo was on.
'Brothers" might have one of those it came out of nowhere things where it gets attention and publicity from that.
Thanks for the news on the Pop trailer Carla from Boxoffice mojo. Great news that it's getting such positive feedback!
Zodiac got some of the best reviews of any film in 2007 and ended up on the top ten best lists for a lot of critics and yet it was ignored at the Academy awards.
Even if Brothers doesn't get any nominations i just hope that it gets good reviews and that people will see it, I know I am.
Comment on Film Experience:
Nat, Brothers (Coming Home from Afghanistan) isn't terrible, but Portman will not enter the Best Actress race with this. She is good, but not Oscar good. If you like Jake (and I do), you will love him in this, and Tobey gives a strong, disturbing performance. The whole cast is great, actually, and well directed--one of the little girls in it is amazing.
BTW, Portman's hair and makeup are all wrong--the character is supposed to be a hottie, but she looks too flawlessly gorgeous (the opposite of de-glam) throughout, unlike Carey Mulligan, who just looks like a pretty smalltown girl in this.
Jim Sheridan to attend the Irish Preview screening of Brothers on 19th Nov. I doubt any of the actors will be there.
Thanks for the Film Experience link Monica.
Today is Maggie's birthday.
@EthanSuplee Saw and loved the awesome film "Brothers" this morning at the DGA; everyone was perfect and it was great seeing you therein.
12:49 AM Nov 15th from web in reply to EthanSuplee
Happy Birthday, Maggie Gyllenhaal!
I'd love to see Precious; it's getting great press and Oscar buzz, but I'm not sure my emotional self can take watching the abuse. I have to wait a while before I go see it...
This is how I feel too - I was all set to see it, and then I saw an extremely visceral clip, and I don't know if I could stand to see a child being treated like that. :(
I haven't seen the Brothers trailer on TV yet, I don't think - but I did see Maggie on a Sesame Street promo last night! I am looking forward to seeing Brothers, and I like the description someone gave of Tobey's performance, and of Jake's.
Thanks UV for the link to the twicpic from the Q&A with Nat! I wish the twitter would have commented on the film.
Thanks Monica for the review from Film experience, the review is positive which is great. And thanks Ginny on the news on Sheridan attending a screening on the 19th , I don't think that any of the actors will be there either.
Happy Birthday Maggie!
It's not surprising me Ballie seems to be getting a buzz, in the short clips I've seen she looks extremely good, and extremely natural - it's a shame Brothers seems to have been lost in the Precious buzz. Not sure I'll see that, sure it's excellent, but it just sounds too depressing - and in the UK we've had enought real life cases lately, I really don't want to go to the cinema to see it
I think Natalie's going to be doing the promo as well, which is a real shame for us lot, however, just think, in a few short months time just how much promo work Jake will be doing for PoP - my shallow little heart rejoyces!
I was hoping for this - still don't know if it's true. Jake on SNL 12/5:
V Update: Episode #666 of NBC's "SNL" will have Jake Gyllenhaal as host, 50 Cent as musical guest and @Entertainment2u in audience! - 12/5
Wonder if he'll do Candy Shop for Jake - and Peter? :)
Bad news for this is that Jake probably won't be in L.A. if there really is a premiere on 12/1. He could do both, of course. We'll see if he does either.
"...my shallow little heart rejoyces!"
LOL! As does mine, Agent K!
Check your email UV and FL...there is a certain picture for you! :D
UV, don't the guest hosts usually spend the week leading up to their SNL appearance, working out skits with the regulars? Maybe there will be a NYC premiere?
I'm wondering. If he is going to be in NYC, maybe he'll do Jon Stewart's show.
Get real, you can send the picture to my email too? I want to post on my blog gyllenhaalics!
SNL, Yay!!!!! And 50 cents is the musical guest!
I think you are right Bobbyanna. When he did SNL for Zodiac he did the NY talk show rounds that week leading up to SNL.
Filming for LAOD ends at the end of this month. I don't know if he can do the L.A. premiere, but if there is a NY one maybe he can attend that.
And don't forget the Sheridan connection to 50 cents. He directed him in the film Get Rich or Die Trying:
It's OK Jim, I forgave you already for that!
Can't wait to see the pic, thanks Get real!
Ooh, I forgot that Sheridan connection, chica! Hee. I added that to the new post. Thanks to get real for the scan.
And yes, Bobbyanna, the host is usually there for the week before. Jake could still do the premiere and fly back, but it's probably not practical. Let's hope for an NYC premiere.
New post :)
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