Jerry Bruckheimer screened the Prince of Persia trailer for game and movie sites this week. Today, we get the reaction: mostly positive, so far. Even better is the news that the trailer for the Jake Gyllenhaal movie will appear online November 3, making the wait only four Days after Tomorrow. (The trailer will premiere in theaters on Friday the 13th with the movie 2012.)
Update: IGN:
IGN will premiere the Prince of Persia: Sands of Time trailer on Monday, November 2 at 7:00 p.m. PST. Stay tuned.
IGN: "The trailer is definitely a winner"
...no detail has been spared to create a very realistic portrayal of ancient Persia, as seen in the sweeping shots of the expansive city, the beautifully costumed characters and the eye-popping special effects that surround the presentation. ...
We're big fans of the Prince of Persia videogames and were naturally skeptical of the franchise's translation to the silver screen, but based on what little we've seen of the movie in the trailer, we're excited. Gyllenhaal works as the Prince, despite our initial reservations. There's plenty of well-choreographed action sequences complemented by spectacular special effects. The chemistry between the characters is already apparent. And there's enough fan service in the trailer alone to satisfy most naysayers. We're left with the impression that the Prince of Persia series is getting the full Pirates of the Caribbean treatment -- and we suppose the trailer works because we're looking forward to sitting down in the theatre, popcorn in lap, and escaping.
Movie Web: A film that could easily spawn a blockbuster franchise
"The film really feels like a revamped version of an Indiana Jones film, only this is set centuries before and also has the benefit of the amazing special effects and cutting-edge technology. ...
...despite the numerous misgivings many had about the casting of Jake Gylennhaal - it truly does look like he pulls off this Dastan character in wonderful fashion, and they did a nice job in the trailer teasing the chemistry between Dastan and white-hot newcomer Gemma Arterton's Tamina."
Destructoid: "Does everything a good action movie trailer should"
... it features fantastic locations, impossible stunts, a brief overview of an interesting story, and a hint of romance. ...
As expected, the action is heavy on the CG, but as a result the free running in the trailer is as unbelievable as in the games, if not more so. Some specific moves shown off in the trailer will be familiar to fans of the games, while others are so fantastic that a game would be hard pressed to replicate them outside of a cut-scene or quick time event.
Joystiq: The good, the bad and the ugly
The Good: There is plenty of "platforming" in here, where The Prince leaps, jumps, chimneys down walls, and narrowly escapes nefarious traps. That's a nice nod to the game, which first appeared on home computers back in 1989. You'll also hear a couple of familiar sound effects, like the psssshwt! of an arrow as it narrowly misses The Prince. The trailer was filled with heroic action featuring a very ripped Jake Gyllenhaal, performing everything you'd expect from the franchise's protagonist: sword fighting; wooing Princess Tamina, sweeping back his emo hair and ... err, more jumping. Lots of jumping. There's also a some witty repartee between Dastan and Tamina, a la Indiana Jones and Marion Ravenwood. What better movie to emulate?
UGO: "Looks to be a loose rather than literal adaptation of [the] original story"
No stranger to making movies of the swashbucking variety, Mr. Jerry Bruckheimer produced, and what the trailer lacked in traditional 'splosions — 9th century technology, and all that — it made up for in massive sandstorms, collapsing temples, and an awful lot of fancy CGI. The camera jumped from dreamlike vistas of Arabian cityscapes, to the microscopic innards of an hourglass, to a close-up of a lunging serpent's tonsils. Those of you who are fans of the "less-is-more" approach to cinematography will probably experience FX-induced nausea upon viewing this trailer, but you oughtta know by now that Bruckheimer doesn’t make movies for weaklings like you.
Coming Soon: "The mythical land of Persia... looks stunning"
Although the footage we saw was brief, which made it difficult to see where the story is going, the rivalry and tension between the prince and princess was very clear. Their witty banter was entertaining and well-written.
"You really enjoy telling me what to do don't you?" Gyllenhaal's character sarcastically asks.
"Only because you're so good at following orders," the princess quickly snaps back.
"Don't press your luck. The Sands of Saint, they strike terror into the heart of all they cross," he replies.
"Such a noble prince - leaping to assist the fallen beauty," she says.
"Who said you were a beauty," he laughs.
"There must be some reason why you can't take your eyes off me," she says.
He then tries to say something but begins to stutter, not knowing how to respond to the princess' feisty comebacks.
Fandango: "Telltale signs of a 2010 blockbuster: big stars and a fun, fantasy-action storyline"
The scenes where Jake uses the dagger to release the Sands of Time look well-polished, although Bruckheimer says they're still working to perfect it. The first time Jake uses the dagger, the sand and an electric-like current course through him, and he sees himself being brought back in time to a moment where he and Gemma are lip locked. He's floating above himself and suddenly morphs back into his own body. "Only the holder of the dagger is aware of what's happening," says a man's ominous voice. I'm guessing that's Alfred Molina, the prince's mentor.
One clip has Jake showing off his physical strength by scaling up a wall, while arrows whiz by all around him. Jake and Gemma have a few comical, flirtatious moments, trying to one-up each other in zippy comebacks, and in the trailer's last few cuts, we see a scene of the two of them in a temple that's falling apart. The sand around them starts to sink in, more arrows whiz by and a destructive whirlwind finishes it off. While most movies adapted from video games don't translate to the screen too well, so far, Prince of Persia looks like a fun PG adventure.
Collider: "Two minutes of awesome"
... based on the trailer, it looks like they spent a small fortune making “Prince of Persia”. It’s easily the most expensive video game-based movie ever made and this could be the film that shows Hollywood what they need to do to make an adaptation that works.
As I watched, I felt like they’ve mixed a “Lord of the Rings” type quest with the fun atmosphere of a “Pirates of the Caribbean” movie.
ETA more trailer reviews:
As a bona fide tentpole movie, Prince of Persia possesses all of the same qualities that made Bruckheimer's previous fantasy franchise, The Pirates of the Caribbean, a success: breathtaking action, international intrigue, a roguish hero, and an attractive heroine.
GirlGamer: But I’ll be the first to admit that after seeing the trailer, I found myself eating a bit of the proverbial crow as Jake Gyllenhaal turns out to be quite engaging as the Prince.
The trailer itself is lush, loud, and beautiful.
Crave Online: Producer Jerry Bruckheimer has set his sights high for this one, and if the trailer's any indication, by the looks of things (as well as the price tag) Prince of Persia makes a strong case to break the mold.
A funny account of some fans waiting around for a look at Jake and Anne on the set of LaOD:

My wife tells me she and our two daughters are going to walk around the corner to Shannon's house because Shannon had called to say Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway were talking in the vacant lot outside her bathroom window.
They never got inside Shannon's. There was no need. While they were still on the stoop, Gyllenhaal ran right past them for the corner coffee shop, Hoi Polloi, evidently to use the bathroom. (Pennsylvania's film tax credit buys a lot of coffee.)
It was our daughter Clare, celebrating her 10th birthday that night, who provided the best reporting of the evening. When I asked what she thought of seeing a famous actor on her birthday, she said, "It looked like he really had to go because he ran into Hoi Polloi."
When you gotta go...
Even better is the news that the trailer for the Jake Gyllenhaal movie will appear online November 3, making the wait only four Days after Tomorrow.
Yay yay! November 3rd. Election Day (US), Culture Day (Japan), Melbourne Cup Day (Melbourne, AU). Marking my calendar now.
November 3rd, YES!!!Which means that I don't have to see 2012 to see the trailer!! Love the reviews, the comparison to Raiders is great news.
The picture of Jake and Elmo is adorable, love the set pics!
Hee - you can avoid the disaster of 2012, sheba baby!
Lots of sightings of Jake and Anne around Pittsburgh today, it seems.
This is a funny clip of a singer called Bobby Long - never heard of him, so I don'tk now what his music is like - detailing how he was mistaken for Jake. I can't really see why from the clip, but he's funny about it.
I have noticed that many, many people say that someone they know/bump into/see on the street looks like Jake. I have never seen anyone who does!
Oh he's adorable that Bobby Long. In a hipster sort of way I can see Jake in him.
OMG!! Love that witty banter. And the trailer is online soon...YEAH!
Y'all know I have to read these reviews over and over and over again...*thud*
*oops* We all know when you gotta go you gotta...gooooooo;)
I do love that Jake.
Wow, the trailer is getting great reviews, I can't wait to see it. I love the banter too Sass!!
Love the bit about Jake and his bathroom break, we are getting so much important information regarding this shoot,LOL!
As much as i like Elmo, I'm a Grover girl myself, Jake has to pose with Grover next!
I liked Bobby Long too - good news about PoP! :)
Added a new review, from Collider, for anyone who read the post earlier today. This was a rave.
Fingers crossed that the movie follows through on all this promise. Can't wait to see the trailer!
The trailer is getting raves, i'm so excited!! The special effects sound awesome and I love hearing about the banter between Jake and Gemma.
Can't wait until next week!
I have my fingers crossed too UV, based on these reviews of the trailer, POP sounds like it's going to be a blockbuster!
How cool is it that Jake stopped by an acting class today. I've played name tag game before!:
EricBerryman: Jake Gyllenhaal came to my acting class and played some games with us, he was chill...
40 minutes ago from Sidekick
mattigray: So, Jake Gyllenhaal came to my class today. Played name tag. And The Bear Game...
about 1 hour ago from web · Reply
How cool that Jake went to some acting classes. I'd love to hear more about that.
An interesting review of Brothers from someone who works at NPR/All Things Considered.
I'm assuming it's very spoilery - I just skimmed it. But this was the good part:
To start, let me point out that Macguire and Portman look out-of-place. Initially, I found it difficult to imagine ’Spiderman’ and ‘Queen Amidala’ in such a different context. Macguire does not look like the typified US Marine/father, and Portman looks as youthful as ever. However, this never detracts from their performances. The roles they fill are difficult, emotionally charged, and complex, but this is probably why they chose Portman and Macguire in the first place. Still, the best performance is clearly from Gyllenhaal, who seamlessly portrays the cautious yet fun-loving Uncle of Portman’s daughters.
The person did not like the movie much, but didn't hate it. A 6/10.
Still, the best performance is clearly from Gyllenhaal
Clearly. :-)
What's the Bear Game? I know various "beer" games, but not the Bear Game. And yes, I had to google what the name tag game was. Obviously I haven't spent much time playing games...other than beer games. o_O
I had to sneak a peek at the full review of Brothers; I usually don't like to spoil it for myself, but I couldn't resist. It sounds like where it's good, it's really good, and I'm glad this person liked all the performances, especially Jake's. :)
I'm so impressed by the positive PoP trailer reviews. Smart marketing by Disney,too.
I tried to read the entire Brothers review, but the reviewer irritated me. Plus it's really very "spoilerish." Altho,he's 100% right about Jake.
I love Jake visiting an acting class! Wonder if it was anything like SNL! :)
The reviewer was annoying, Bobbyanna. Except for the Jake praise, of course :)
Another Brothers tidbit, from a USA Weekend Holiday special
Brothers (Dec. 4) Stage actors adhere to a playwright's words. But movie actors, more committed to the action portrayed, often change dialogue. For a dinner scene in this ensemble about a family changed by the war in Afghanistan, director Jim Sheridan remembers actors Jake Gyllenhaal, Natalie Portman and Tobey Maguire talking about who would say what: "We were having a grand old time rewriting the script, when in walked Sam Shepard, who was playing the father but who, of course, is a great playwright. And Sam said, 'Isn't this a fantastic scene?' Immediately, we shut up and performed David Benioff's scene just as he wrote it."
It's good to see Brothers getting some mentions and some press.
On the GoldDerby Oscar chart, Brothers was picked by one critic for a Best Picture nom. It's only one and I don't think it will happen, but it's good to see it hasn't completely dropped off the radar.
Finally - I saw a tweet that Jake and Anne were spotted at Dish tonight. I think Jake has been there a few times.
I can't fit any more trailer reviews in the post, but a couple more have trickled in.
One is at Comic Book Resources. This one, fromGirlGamer is fun:
At first I was admittedly more than a little reluctant when I heard this game was transitioning to the big screen (AND that Jake Gyllenhaal was playing the titular character) until I saw who else was involved…which is filled with a cast and crew of Epic Win including PoP’s creator Jordan Mechner, who is Epic Win Infinity +1. The trailer itself is lush, loud, and beautiful. Jake Gyllenhaal is quite convincing as the Prince and the dagger’s special effects are true to the game. You’ll be able to recognize landscapes and game elements, for sho!
I thought it was so awesome that when asked if we wanted to see the trailer a second time, I excitingly replied 'YES!” (which made Jerry and Jordan laugh).
Thanks for gathering all the Pop trailer reviews. Based on them, it sounds like Disney has a hit on their hands!
Really good to see Jake appears to be winning over the sceptics - is it November 3rd yet?
Yes, November 3rd can't get here quick enough for me! I'm so thrilled that the trailer is getting such great reviews.
I'm off to read the entire Brothers review now, thanks!
Just saw this on IGN, from a link on imdb:
IGN will premiere the Prince of Persia: Sands of Time trailer on Monday, November 2 at 7:00 p.m. PST. Stay tuned.
So even earlier!
Getting support - for the most part - of the 'opinion makers' in the gamer community's a pretty remarkable achievement. I'm really looking forward to three days after tomorrow!:)
Great story about Sam Shepard.
Well I know what I'll be doing on Monday, thanks UV!!
That review was annoying and way too spoilerish as you pointed out UV and Bobbyanna,but I liked what he said about Jake. I still have my fingers crossed that if Brothers gets positve buzz, it may land on the now expanded list for Best Picture.
For the still nay-sayers on POP (and you see the comments and some still feel it's going to be terrible) then for them they don't go to the movie. How's that!
Some have been negative about it from the moment they heard it was going to be a movie and then who was in it, etc. I think some are a bit afraid they are going to be proven wrong and they don't want that.
Of course there are going to be people who may not like it but if it's an "honest" dislike..no problem.
But it's going to be a fun movie to watch and imagine the majority of people who go to see it are going for just that reason.
That Brothers review is very spoilerish. He didn't have to point out that he doesn't review movies for a living, you can tell from his review. I hope we will be hearing more about this film soon, it will be out in early December.
This extra is lucky, looking at his other tweets he worked on the Russell Crowe film too!:
dstylz7: On set with Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhall as a bartender at The Capital Grill downtown Pittsburgh
14 minutes ago from mobile web
monday my birthday what a nice birthday present
Well, happy B'day, mary:)
I just wanted to say, I sw Reese's commercial for Avon and her new perfume. It's very classy, very high end! Except, when they are showing her running toward a guy you can't really see,except for a split second in outline, I'm not thinking of perfume. LOL!
We all get to see the trailer on Monday, thanks for the heads up UV!!! I'm so glad that the trailer has gotten such postitive buzz/reviews so far.
Thanks for the link to the NPR review of Brothers, UV. Mixed review, he seemed more unhappy with the soundtrack than anything else! I can't wait until Jake, Tobey and Natalie start promoting it.
I've seen the Avon commercial too finally. It fits right in with the description of the perfume: romantic and sweet.
Happy Birthday Mary!
A big thanks to UV for doing all the "legwork" finding all the PoP trailer reviews.... it's appreciated! I'm so psyched about getting to see it again on Monday. Happy Birthday, Mary!
I saw the Goldderby Oscar poll, too. Even though it only got one vote, it was nice to see Brothers finally get some Oscar attention.
I only read the excerpt you posted from the NPR review. It's always nice to read praise of a Jake performance.
Really enjoyed the Sam Shephard story..... thanks for passing it on to us.
Anyone see that on Monday "Entertainment Tonight" will be having the POP trailer.
Just had gotten home and turned the tv on just as they had the last 15 seconds of the showing of it for their - things to be on next week.
Entertainment Tonight (ET) is on ABC, which is owned by Disney, so it makes sense they would have "first look" for the PoP trailer. Thanks for the heads up.
This post and all the good reviews for PoP and for Jake in Brothers are making me very happy!
We're going into a good time for Jake fans.
yes us jake fans are very patient but its worth the wait
More and more Jake news...Thanks for all the links you two...
This site really is pretty amazing the way you get all the most up to date current information on what's going on with Jake. He is one of my favorites!
This is the best Jake site, thnaks UV and FL!!
It looks like Jake may decide to stat in Pittsburgh this weekend for once:
lebuhdez :Almost positive I saw Jake Gyllenhaal in Shadyside, on Walnut, outside Pamela's, around 3:50pm today!!!!
about 1 hour ago from web
Hope everyone is having a happy and safe Halloween. Don't eat too much candy corn!
I edited the post to add links to the Cinematical, GamerGirl and Crave Online trailer reviews. Of course, in less than 48 hours, we'll be able to discuss the preview ourselves!
Hope this is a sign of some Brothers promo: Tobey Maguire in the LA Times.
This is a fun Rufus Wainwright quote in Seattle Gay News:
Rodriguez: Last year, you gave a special little performance for Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon. Are they as adorable in person as when we see them on screen?
Wainwright: They are frighteningly idyllic, and sweet and smart to boot. They're not pushovers, either, and I loved hanging out with them. Jake and I hope to work together on something. They're great.
Also, just so people won't be confused tomorrow night looking for the PoP trailer - Entertainment Tonight is not on ABC exclusively. It's a syndicated show, owned by Paramount. So you have to check your local listings for the channel.
Rem. I came in on just the last part of the POP info. on ET so I Hope they were talking about Monday. Then they had a little something on Sandra B's new movie and that was for Monday so I'm thinking it probably Is.
Like it when Rufus speaks of Jake and Reese as a couple.
And I like the - not pushovers.
Hope everyone survived Halloween.... got a lot of trick or treaters but I still have plenty of leftover candy that will be going to work with me tomorrow.
Thanks for the Tobey interview. I would have preferred a Jake Brothers interview, but I'm sure one will be coming soon. It's promotion for the movie, and that's what counts.
Loved the Rufus quotes about J & R! Sweet, smart and not pushovers..... what a great description of them.
Thanks for the goodies this morning, UV!
Can't wait for tomorrow's trailer, and I loved Rufus' comments too. :)
Pic of Jake at Pamela's in Pittsburgh. Don't know if this is from this morning or from yesterday afternoon when he was spotted there.
Thanks so much for the link to the Tobey interview UV, can't wait until Jake starts doing interviews for Brothers.
Tomorrow is the big day: The Pop trailer!!!
Love what Rufus had to say about Jake and Reese.
I know I posted a twicpic of Jake in Pittsburgh earlier, but I have no idea when the pic was taken. It says that it was posted this morning but he was spotted at the same place yesterday afternoon. If it was from yesterday than maybe he was in NY last night for Maggie's Halloween party, maybe with Reese? Can't tell since this person doesn't mention the party afterwards:
stpresses: About to head over to Maggie Gyllenhaal's place for a Halloween bash.
about 18 hours ago from web
The last time i saw a Reese tweet was when she was in NY last week, I think it was at some play on Thursday.
I know I need a life!!!
Afternoon babblers,
My life is so hard. I missed the Toby interview but I loved loved loved the Rufus interview, especially his Jake/Reese comments.
TY so much...I still have so much to read.
I thought the twitter about Jake was posted yesterday, but happened on Friday. Not positive.
Wonder if Maggie had a party that inclded kids?
I love this description of Jake. From her other tweets it sounds like she is an extra:
elleyanna: thinking Jake Gylenhaal is the sweetest most doe-eyed, kind-hearted actor I've ever met
about 1 hour ago from mobile web ·
Thanks so much for compiling all the reviews for the Prince of Persia, I can't wait until tomorrow for the trailer to debut!
Love the interview with Tobey, hopefully we will see Jake doing interviews for Brothers real soon.
It's fun trying to keep up with Jake via tweets while he is in Pittsburgh!
Love what Rufus said about Jake and Reese, I remember reading about that last year.
Glad you stopped by Sass, I was thinking about you.
Don't forget to catch the ET preview of the Pop trailer tonight!
I can't believe I actually ran out of candy on Halloween, that hasn't happened in a long time!
Thanks for that tidbit on J&R from Rufus, UV!!
Sass! Hugs to you. I hope this will make you feel better: New trailer, new post.
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