The folks at I Am Rogue have the clip of Tommy and Sam at the skating rink:
Thanks to Stephanie/IHJ for this full-color, fully-gorgeous scan of Jake Gyllenhaal's InStyle photo, where he discusses New Eyes for the Needy.

Apple has an exclusive clip from Brothers, featuring all three leads: Jake Gyllenhaal, Tobey Maguie and Natalie Portman. It's the trailer's climactic scene, with Sam Cahill brandishing a gun and taunting the cops to shoot him. In the clip, we see Tommy Cahill pleading with the cops to back off and let him talk to his brother.

Very intense scene.
I love Lionsgate for giving us these clips - I think I'll be watching this new one a few more times...
I rarely prefer color photo portraits to b&w ones, but holy moly..... what a stunning pic! This is the Jake photo that People magazine should have used for the sexy men issue.
Yay for the great new Brothers clip. The more of these little snippets I see, the more I believe the role of Tommy is a very nice fit for Jake. Thanks!
Did I mention I needed the smelling salts?
Even more so after watching that Brothers clip.
Is it December 4th yet?
Thanks, UV!
Wow! Without words!
The first video is not valid for my region!
Oh no, Monica - let's see if we can take care of that. I'll try to upload it somewhere.
I thought the b&w photo was gorgeous, but this one is breathtaking, wow! Yes Suvee, THIS is the photo People should have used, though since it's owned by In Style magazine that would have been impossible!
That clip of Jake and Natalie is hot and sexy and the clip with Jake confronting the police is scary/intense.
I can't wait until the official reviews start coming out.
Okay, so now that we've seen this clip, can I talk about a change from the original script (which surprisingly I just read this afternoon even though I've had it for the past two years)?
In the original script the song playing in the background is Springsteen's The River. Same dialogue. Only Tommy says to Grace that he pegged her for a Go-Go's fan. Which, if you think about it - same timeframe ('80-'81/'82).
But in this version, Bad by U2 and 'NSYNC were a decade apart. It should have been NKOTB to be historically accurate.
/music snob
Okay, UV.
Thanks for the screencaps! All wonderful!
omg wow they really go at it in the kiss...goddamn. natalie like rammed her tongue down his throt. the scene with jake, tobey and natalie is very intense and powerful.
I think for their ages, NSYNC is probably the correct reference. What doesn't make sense is that they'd both be listening to that song, because it's not like it was out when they were in high school.
Regardless, I love it! So many things to love about the clip. I love the way Jake says "Really?" when Natalie/Grace says she used to listen to the song, too.
I love the inhaling. I love the sound of the lighter.
Yes, I'm a wee bit smitten.
What doesn't make sense is that they'd both be listening to that song, because it's not like it was out when they were in high school.
Agree. But when you have Jim ("I heart U2") Sheridan directing and you have a U2 song written for the film chances are you are going to have some U2 IN the film. To that end, 'NSync's burst on the scene in 1998, and U2 had released Pop the year before. Not really a lot of recognizable-by-the-masses songs on that one.
It still should have been NKOTB if they have Bad playing.
Still love the scene, though.
I'll just be over here in the corner by myself grumbling about the lack of musical continuity. ;-)
I'm speechless. (FL needs smelling salts, I need a paper bag for like, hyperventillating!)
I'm totally smitten,too, loving the new clip of Jake and Nat. December 4th cannot come soon enough for me!
The other scene with Tobey, Nat and Jake is SO intense. They couldn't have done a better job of casting this movie. These three are perfect together.
I could just sit and stare at the picture from InStyle for hours. His eyes are so expressive, and his mouth, has the hint of a smile. The color/shading is perfect. (sigh.)
That photo is a knockout, he is absolutely beautiful!
That kiss is hot, more explict in this clip. They have serious chemistry, smokin!!!
The scene with police is powerful. I love how Lionsgate is releasing these clips and trailers. It's the only part of their promotion for this movie that I like so far.
I would have never pickd up on the music time frame FL, I usually don't pay attention to things like that, thanks!
Thanks so much for posting the trailer, the color photo of Jake and the screencaps UV, I'll go to bed with a big smile on my face tonight.
I was a fan of NKOTB!hahahaha
But Grace is too young to have been a NKOTB fan - that wouldn't make any sense. I think the problem is with the U2 song chosen, not the NSYNC reference.
As much as I love U2, and you know I do, I'm surprised it's not more of a hard song/band. Though The River/Springsteen isn't much tougher. But given that Tommy is supposed to be a tough guy, U2 isn't exactly the first band that pops into your head.
Much happier to hear them than Metallica, though.
Wow - a very realistic scene between Tommy and Grace - I can relate. Except in my case, we were both from the same side of the tracks. ;)
Absolutely gorgeous pic - the InStyle pic in color! :)
And the clips keep coming - updated the post with a Jake/Tobey scene from the skating rink.
It's feast or famine with Lionsgate!
Monica, I haven't been able to upload the clip anywhere, sorry. I'll keep trying.
I think the problem is with the U2 song chosen, not the NSYNC reference.
Yes exactly. I was trying to get to that point in my last post, but I musta got lost. My train of thought suffers after 5pm.
Or maybe it's all this gorgeous Jake doing my brain in.
I think this movie is going to start a whole new phase of Jake's acting career. Once people see him in this movie, everything is going to change. I am not a huge Natalie Portman fan, but seeing them together I have to admit, the chemistry between them is unbelievable!
(For me, PoP is a huge commercial movie that will make him a famous "movie star." But I think Brothers will cement the respect he will get for his acting abilities.)
Very yummy kiss.
I am so looking forward to this movie!
Thanks for all your updates on the Jake front.
Can't wait to see him on TV publicizing Brothers.
thanks for the clip uv i saw a bill board ad today for brothers cant wait for dec 4 unfortunely i have to work that that day so ill have to wait till the 5th to see it
Interesting story on creative decisions forced on directors due to budget issues:
Take Jim Sheridan, for example.
The director of the Oscar-nominated pic "My Left Foot" was tapped by Relativity Media and Lionsgate to helm December's "Brothers," about a missing Marine (Tobey Maguire) and his younger brother (Jake Gyllenhaal), both in love with the same woman (Natalie Portman).
Despite his pedigree, Sheridan was asked to make sacrifices. That meant shooting Afghanistan-set scenes in New Mexico, which offers tax incentives, and forgoing shots aboard a helicopter because the cost of insuring actors would have been too onerous. Instead, Sheridan used a green screen.
It also meant Sheridan had to convince Maguire to skip holiday meals over Christmas because he needed his star to drop 20 pounds and the director didn't have the money to extend production.
"In the old days, studios were cash-rich," Sheridan says. "If you had a problem, you could go talk to executives. Nowadays, if you go over your budget, you better find the money yourself."
Getting Maguire to forgo mashed potatoes was nothing, however, compared to the emergency that erupted one week into the "Brothers" shoot. Axium International, a payroll agency that serviced many productions including "Brothers," shut its doors and declared bankruptcy. In the midst of shooting, the film was out more than $1 million, and the only way to keep things moving was for producers to sacrifice their contingency fees. They did.
The Writers Guild of America East is having a screening on 11/23, but no Jake. Q&A afterward with Tobey, Natalie and Jim Sheridan.
I see that you added the stunning photo of Jake from In Style and Natalie's quotes about Jake from People to the blog.I love what she says about him and love the photo, it perfect!
I like the U2 song, but I don't think it "fits" either. Had no idea that Brothers had a such restrictions on filming, poor Tobey!
More goodies from Lionsgate, i'm loving it. From the sexy kiss between Jake and Natalie to the intense scenes with the police, you are seeing such a range of emotions from Jake just from these clips.
Since the 11/23 screening and Q&A is on a Monday, I assume Jake will have to be back on set for filming. To bad the screening at the Director's guild East wasn't on Sunday, the day when everyone would be available.
Thanks so much UV for keeping everyone updated on all the Jake goodies.
Thank you so much UV for the video clips and the color pic, love it that you have added it to the blog.
From Twitter:
HoeyMe On my way to work f/ the chiropractor watching jake and reese film on the corner of a street in pittsburgh. It's surreal. about 1 hour ago from txt
Honestly, I'm not sulking because Lionsgate hates me and won't let me watch the kiss clip because I'm in the wrong reason, not sulking at all *sob*
No words can describe this. THUD!.
AgentKrycek & Monica, here's alink to download that clip:
I think Stehpanie put it up.
Yes, FL added that great pic to the blog - I think it looks great. It's so distracting, though - hard to look away and get anything else done!
Thanks for the tweet, Nicole - wonder if Reese is really there or if it was an optical illusion.
Thanks for the links, anon - new post with the PoP photos and some new ones from Brothers.
Thank you, anon 10:58!
I love this song!
Jake and Natalie have an amazing chemistry!
They do, Monica :)
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