That's how Brothers producer Ryan Kavanaugh described Jake Gyllenhaal to People magazine. After all the inane gossip of the past weeks, it was nice to hear someone who knows Jake describe him the way I think of him.
And it was fun to hear Kavanaugh's view of Reese and Jake :)
Since Jake didn't rescue us from The Post That Wouldn't End, I figured I'd just start a new one, despite the lack of news from the Nailed set. No new pics, either, so here's a late addition to the Malibu Park photos from a couple of weeks ago.
I won't be mad if I wake up to find new Jake pictures, sightings and happy news. Until then, post away with your thoughts on Jake's artistry and/or humanity.
Rumors about possible filming locations for Jake Gyllenhaal's Nailed now include the Grand Motel, out on Two Notch Road. Not much is known about the Grand other than it has great neon signage.
Oh and there was a murder there a couple of years ago.
Since I'm of very limited cinematic vision, the only thing I can imagine happening in the Grand Motel is hot, sweaty...horseplay and stuff between Jake and Jessica's characters. While Jake is wearing eyeglasses. And in left profile throughout. Or not. Or maybe something along these lines.
The Palmetto Scoop today is reporting on a chance meeting he had with Paul Reubens on set. He has some great pics to go along with the article. He also posts a pic of Paul and Jessica out at a restaurant in Columbia the other night. I had earlier seen mention of the two of them out together in this blog.
And lastly, the Deputy Treasurer of the State of South Carolina has graciously agreed to give up his office during filming so that it may be converted into a "congressman's office". I wonder which faux-congressman will be displacing the poor Deputy Treasurer. Here are a couple of screengrabs from the WISTV news segment.
I've uploaded the actual news segment from WISTV, however, the audio is terribly out of sync with the video - not that I think it matters all that much.
As opposed to Jake AT Columbia. Because you know that train has left the station.
Well news is starting to trickle out about filming locales in Columbia this week, as well as several Jake Gyllenhaal sightings.
This news item appeared the other day on the WLTX newsite:
Columbia police say they have closed a street in the Downtown area while shooting on the Jessica Biel and Jake Gyllenhaal movie, "Nailed," is being filmed this week.
Officials with the City of Columbia Police Department say that Sumter Street between Gervais and Pendleton Streets will be closed until Sunday, April 20, at 11 p.m.
The street closed early Monday morning.
For those cartography-minded people like me, you'll see that Sumter Street is to the east of the Capitol Building in Columbia.
And as we have been reading, the Capitol Building in Columbia is going to act as a stand in for the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.
Eh, whatever. I can think of better capitol buildings they could have used.
Another view
Nothing a little photoshopping in the editing room couldn't solve.
Already there have been a couple of sightings of Jake working out at the Strom Thurmond Wellness and Fitness Center on the University of South Carolina campus. What a fabulous looking facility. Makes perfect sense Jake would spend his off-camera time working out here.
More sightings, film locale info as it becomes available. Stay tuned.
I wanted to put together a special post for your birthday; some of these you've seen before, some will be new to you.
So here's my mish-mash birthday present to you. Hope you enjoy.
Jake Gyllenhaal / U2 / Staples Center / November 1, 2005
(I cut the setlist at the important part. The rest of the setlist, if you're so inclined, can be found here.)
When Jake showed up on Conan on November 3, 2005 and talked about the U2 gig from a couple of nights before, I wondered if somewhere, someplace, out there on the interwebs I might be able to find snippets of this particular concert. Over a year later - enter YouTube and actual footage from that very show.
Hee. Miracle Drug. Aww how was he to know or remember it was The Electric Co. that segued into Send In The Clowns - that song and that album, Boy, came out the year he was born. Oh don't we feel old now. O_o
Jake / Gnarls Barkley / Stubb's / September 13, 2006
I have fond memories of Jake and the ACL Fest in September of 2006. There were so many tidbits coming from bloggers that weekend, we could hardly keep up. Good times.
Now by this time YouTube had become a part of my daily fabric so I knew I'd be able to find Cee-Lo singing Crazy at that Stubb's gig in Austin. Matter of fact, I found several. Thank you people of Austin, Texas for making this almost too easy for me.
And then Jake visited Conan again. And talked about being out of work for six months. And how he could only liken it to. . . Well, take a look.
Jake / Ray LaMontagne / Zilker Park / September 16, 2006
A couple of days later during that same ACL Fest week/weekend Jake and Co. were stage left during Ray LaMontagne's performance of How Come. A couple of fans right up front did the proper thing - turned their video cameras AWAY from Ray LaMontagne so they could capture the hypnotic White Boy Dance on the side of the stage.
Full version - whole song. Couple of things - if you remember watching this video at the time you'll remember that the sound is terrible (camera's mic too sensitive for the stage monitors) so proceed with caution. Also, some men make better chefs than dancers. And that's all I'll say on that. ;-)
Hanging with the sweaty, beer-soaked masses backstage at the Ray LaMontagne gig at the ACL Fest.
Oh, hey, UV, guess who's in town tomorrow night for the first game of a weekend series? Do you remember the LAST time they were in town for the first game of a weekend series? Ohh I think you do.
I still think the L&O franchise dropped the ball on this one; kid shows some real promise!
If you always wanted to know how to pronounce Happy Birthday in Gaelic, take a listen.
(Note: If you're having trouble watching any of these videos, please be sure you have the latest Adobe Flash Player or Apple Quicktime installed.)
Paps spotted Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon on their way to the gym yesterday. Jake either didnt want to be photographed or he was actually going somewhere different from Reese. Not sure there will ever be better pics than these:
The good news: Jake is no longer on crutches! And as you can see in this video, there's not much of a limp, either. But he is, once again, not happy to see the paps. Randomosity:
Did we know that Jake's character's name in Nailed is Howard Ryder? I'm guessing there's a not-so-subtle word play going on there.
And here's the updated summary:
A small town waitress gets a nail accidentally lodged in her head causing unpredictable behavior that leads her to Washington, DC, where sparks fly when she meets a clueless young senator who takes up her cause - but what happens when love interferes with what you stand for?
An original romantic comedy about a naïve small town waitress who accidentally gets a nail buried in her head, causing erratic and outrageous behavior that leads her to Washington DC. There she falls for a dashing, but clueless, Congressman who searches for the courage to save her.
Dashing is good. Clueless? Not so much.
Even randomer, here's an old Jake interview with some familiar answers and some I don't remember. Like this:
Q: Did you decide to drop out of college?
JG: Yeah. I don't know. I might go back. I went to Columbia. I learned really core modern western thought in two years and what shaped that, and I feel myself very well educated because of it, so whether I graduate and I get the degree - I'm just hoping for one of those honorary degrees.
Hee. Think big, Jake! Not sure everyone saw that Stephanie posted a few straggle rpics form Cabo the other day. This one is my favorite. And I figured the post needed a pic in which you can see Jake's face.
Thanks to Stephanie/IHJ for the untagged faceless photos :)