The sex scene between Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway has made this site's list of Top 50 Car Sex Scenes, coming in at #42.
Note: The site and the pictures can be NSFW; the commentary is not safe for thinking. And Jake is not the primary attraction for them. But he is for us!
Anne and Jake also enjoyed some auto erotica in a deleted scene from Love & Other Drugs:

Wish that one had gone on a little longer :)
Jake and Jennifer Aniston spent some front and backseat time in The Good Girl, though it wasn't R-rated:
Jake's also had some sexy photo shoots in cars:

(Some photos courtesy of IHJ.)
Thanks UV yea that lasr post was starting to get a little long:) that last pic of Jake slouched down int he car remains one of my favorite jake pics.
My, my my. UV, you've really out done yourself.: )
I love the BBM car scene, and Holden & Justine, but I have to agree with Mary. That photo of Jake all by himself,slumped in the car, is one of my most favorites. I've seen the deleted LAOD scene and I'm glad they deleted it. It just didn't work for me.
I meant to try to find a clip of the BBM scene. Will do that later.
That last photo is a classic :)
From twitter:
I just saw Jake Gyllenhaal at Rosa Mexicano.. My life is complete. Where is @corieberling when I need her
5 minutes ago
Today I joked around with Jake Gyllenhaal. I am getting too close to one degree of separation with Kevin Bacon for my own good.
1 hour ago
What does the acronym NSFW?
Oh, sorry, Daniela. It means "not safe for work." It's shorthand for saying that the pictures or content are racy, showing nudity or other things you might not want your boss to see :)
I like this scene, UV. But I don't know how it would work in the film.
Daniela, nsfw: Not safe for work.
I was talking about the scene of Love & Other Drugs.
UV,I was just ready to go to sleep after a warm bath and a relaxing time, now after seeing this post somehow that is going to be impossible, I may need some medication to help me calm down:)
LOL, Paula I hope you found something to soothe yourself :)
I liked the scene, too, Monica. I'm not sure where it could have fit, but even in a montage, we could have seen some of it.
Bobbyanna, to me, the scene shows them in a more adventurous setting. We heard all about that in the press, then the sex was all pretty routine.
Another vote for the last shot, he is uber sexy there!!
Jake and Anne were steaming in that car scene in BBM.
The deleted LAOD didn't work for me either, I'm glad they didn't use it.
just saw mr. jake gyllenhaal on 18th & 5th...i'll admit he's one handsome dude
2 hours ago via
Replies to dearlions
3 mins
mmmhmmm we totes made eye contact #yealous? RT @dearlions just saw mr. jake gyllenhaal on 18th & 5th...i'll admit he's one handsome dude
the fact that Jake Gyllenhaal was at Soul Cycle tonight and Michael went and I didn't and Michael saw him nakes and I didn't ruins my day.
I just watched The Good Girl video you posted. I didn't realize there was so much kissing! : )
Lordy have mercy, that is one fine looking, hunka hunka burning love in those pics...TY girl! Love me some Jake!!!
*Whew* OK, back to normal, for a while.
TY for all the kiss kiss scenes, UV. I especially liked the BBM scene; the dialog between Ann and Jake in the back seat of that car was absolutely wonderful.
Sometimes, I wish Jennifer could take the very good acting she showed me in "The Good Girl," go to acting school and expand her abilities.
The President is going to sign an executive order to help the upside down mortgages get right side up.
I'm inclined to think the plan the Congressional Republicans formulated to give Obama nothing he wants, to tank the economy regardless and ignore how badly the Middle/working class are doing will fail, because we can feel Obama's genuine concern for the middle class/working class man's pain. People can tell he cares! Had to let my babblers know that I am feeling better 'n better.
Love you all,
Jake reminded me of Al Pacino circa the Godfather in those b&w NY Times photos, it's one of my favorite photoshoots :)
Jen did some of her best acting in The Good Girl and I'm not just saying that because i'm a Jake fan.
I'm glad that you are feeling better Sass and I agree with you regarding the President!
Recent Tweets
Adrian_Laino Adrian Laino
I shouldve just stayed chillin with jake gyllenhaal at that breakfast place. Fuck this nyc traffic.
1 hour ago
Adrian_Laino Adrian Laino
So dope I talked to one of my favorite actors today. My day is complete.
3 hours ago
Adrian_Laino Adrian Laino
7 billion people in this world and for 15 seconds Jake Gyllenhaal acknowledges me. #awesome
The Jake/NY tweets are the best!!
I love the 2nd pic of Jake from BBM, he shows a lot of tongue action:):)
I'm glad that scenes made the list.
I like the deleted LAOD because I think it's hot/funny but I don't know if it would have been a good fit
Oh no, Jake got on a stinky train!:
ChoeBELLA ChoeOlivia.
Jake Gyllenhaal Randomly Gets On The Q Train .
3 hours ago
ChoeBELLA ChoeOlivia.
This Train Car STINKS :(
4 hours ago
OT,: I found this fun discussion about Donnie Darko and maybe it's new to others as well:
"@spagheddieoh: Maybe I got all gay and thanked Jake Gyllenhaal for his performance in Brokeback tonight at a cocktail party. Maybe I didn't.
Coopermaee: Umm I just brushed past jake gyllenhaal in union square. what just happened
Coopermaee: @JillMWar @taylderp I feel like I just made a terrible decision by not pouncing on him. My god what have I done?!"
I didn't know that there were so many car sex scenes and the BBM scene definately belongs there!
I also think that Jennifer gave her best performance in GG, all her other roles haven't come close IMO. Loved her scene in the car with Jake/Holden.
DD is always on my mine this close to Halloween, time to check it out again. Jake's performance o is a incredible performance.
I now have Tears for Fears on my mind too!
malinandgoetz Malin+Goetz
We just helped out Jake Gyllenhaal at our Chelsea Flagship Store!
5 hours ago
Tomorrow Source Code is released in Japan, I hope the movie is a success in Box office despite the late release.
Just saw Jake Gyllenhall waiting to cross the street next to me looking through his I pod. Such a yummy looking man.
4 hours ago
Paula C, I think the box office in Japan will be greater than in Brazil
I loved Jake and Anne in LAOD, too bad they didn't have much of a script to work with IMO. They had really good chemistry as well as in BBM. He had it with Jennifer too The Good Girl.
Wow, SC is just now opening in Japan?? I hope it does well there.
DD has become such a cut classic, i'm surprised that there aren't midnight screenings of it especially around this time of year.
Anon, thanks for the links, it's nice to see Jake is so involved with the Edible Schoolyard project and he seems so at ease at this benefit dinner, he even wear is favorite uniform.
The girl that was with him at NYFF, Sophie was there too.
I would love to make pizza with the prince of Persia too.
Not sure if this has already been posted - apologies if it has!
Thanks for the links & pics! A little nugget I discovered: Fernanda Niven, who's pictured at the Edible School Yard event, is an investor in Organic Avenue, and runs their Southampton location.
(She's also granddaughter of the late David Niven, a famous British Actor)
The house where the event was held looks massive! Somehow, I can't see that lady's husband moving a table. : )
i see sophie was there with jake, re: edible schoolyard event.
"The girl that was with him at NYFF, Sophie was there too."
"I would love to make pizza with the prince of Persia too."
This made me smile! : )
Thanks for the link anon. Love the Prince of Persia comment from Jake!
Noticed Sophie there too and his favorite outfit as well:)
It's nice that Jake is giving back and has taken the efforts of Edible Schoolyard to heart. I just wish he'd shave that beard, he has a beautiful face buried under all that fur.
Thanks for the article about Jake's cousin. She should try to hang out with Jake more
A bit OT, but there's a pic of Natalie Portman in the Feb. '11 InStyle mag, wearing something from vena cava, Sophie's clothing line.
Thanks, Seeds. I just posted with all that, so I deleted your post.
Busy week from hell, so I did a quick post with photos and the article.
LOL at Jake on the stinky train, Tweety!
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