Today, the Washington Post ran a sad story about the hole over the Arctic. They showed the scene above, taken during a 2005 visit by Jake Gyllenhaal and Salma Hayek to the Arctic village of Iqaluit. The actors were there to bring attention to the problem of global warming. Despite warnings from scientists and environmentalists, disaster still looms. The sad state of the environment did lead to something positive however. I discovered these wonderful pictures of Jake on a website for a company involved in the project.

I also found a brief clip of Jake and Salma, from the movie Everything's Cool, a documentary about global warming:
I don't think the movie got very good reviews. Has anyone seen the whole thing?
Lots of Twitter sightings from today. I'm on my iPad and can't deal with copy/paste. One of Jake at a juice place called Organic Avenue. Someone else saw Jake on the train and believes they made eye contact :) A couple more with not much detail.
Also, before the trolls set in, I do realize the hole in the Arctic is a serious issue.
From the train girl's Twitter:
ughhhh is he as sexy as he is in the movies, in person?"
yes he is a cutie and he's pretty tall. He was scruffy tho, tryna be low I guess lol
Great post, UV. The news from the Arctic is pretty scarey these days.
The participants in the documentary were enthusiastic, so there's that. : )
That first picture with Jake and Salma is stunning. It could have been taken yesterday.
Here's more about Sting's 60th Birthday from the NYPost:
"Jake Gyllenhaal charmed Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson’s daughter, Dakota Johnson, at Sting’s 60th birthday bash, and spies said the up-and-coming actress looked enchanted by the “Source Code” star."
“She was trying to play it cool, but looked very smitten,” said a witness, adding that Griffith kept a watchful eye over her at Sting’s Beacon Theatre concert."
"On Sunday, following the show which raised $3.7 million for the Robin Hood Foundation, Styler threw Sting a brunch at the couple’s 15 Central Park West duplex."
"Guests including Springsteen, Gyllenhaal and Sting’s family from Newcastle came for cake and champagne at the apartment, which has terraces overlooking Central Park. "
I was going to say that these photos look current, thanks for the great find UV!
The news from the Artic is sad UV, I have heard about this documentary bit I have never seen it.
Sounds like Jake is still in NY enjoying himself!
You're welcome, Paula. It's always fun to find new Jake pics, even if they are old.
I also think the first one is stunning, Bobbyanna. I do think Jake looks really young. But at first glance, it could be current.
The participants in the documentary were enthusiastic, so there's that.
LOL. Points for trying!
Still hoping for a photo from the concert, but I guess Jake did a good job staying away from the cameras.
Oh, I wonder how SC did at the box office in Brazil this weekend. Nothing on Box Office Mojo. Maybe Monica has heard :)
Hy, everyone! This is my first post on GB, so let me introduce myself,my name is Paula and I'm Portuguese.
Everyday I came here to see new posts and read the comments and I'm a member of Monica's forum.
That first pic is just beautiful and i agree with bobbyanna, i thought it was a new pic , maybe because of the sort hair.
Welcome, Paula,
good find UV. I never saw these pics of Jake and Selma
Hi Paula C!
I love Monica and her comments/posts, hope you visit often.
I'm glad that you added a C to your name or there would be some confusion!
Wow, I thought these were new too because of his hair! So glad that he is involved withe this. The news about the Artic is grim:(
You are too kind Bobbyanna!
Welcome, Paula C! Or Bem Vinda :) Monica's forum seems like a fun place for Jake fans.
Lily, I think it was a lucky find on my part. I'd never seen them, either.
Welcome, Paula C.!!!!
Stuff I learned about Dakota Johnson: Today's her 22nd B'day. (Also, Happy B'day to Stephen Gyllenhaal!)
She worked with David Fincher on Social Network as Justin Timberlake's college student/one night stand. She's very pretty. Her looks reminded me of one of Meryl Streep's daughters.
Anyway, who wouldn't be smitten meeting Jake in person!
Thanks everyone! Obrigada.
UV, you're right,its fun and Monica is a special person, there is another girl called Dani that is very sad she can't post here because she doesn't speak or write English but we are encouraging her.
Bobbyanna,I'm married but I would be smitten too!
Finally watched Source Code. And yes, the movie is great.
The most incredible in the plot is as it explores a lot of complex things without being pretentious. And one of the greatest things of the script is to make the viewer has a connection with Colter Stevens. For along with him, we gradually discover what is happening, creating an emotional bond, especially when we see his motivation in trying to save Christina and talk to his father.
And it wouldn't be possible if we hadn't Jake Gyllenhaal. This is definitely his best work in a long time.
Impressive as he can show a variety of emotions during the film. Showing confusion when his not knowing what is happening, being funny (is it the right word?) to think that everything is a simulation (note the expression on his face) and then trying to show determination to fulfill his mission.
A friend said he felt a tribute to Johnny Got His Gun at the end of the film. There is really a strong connection between this movie and Source Code. It's a very old movie, but if you don't want to see, see the clip of the Metallica song One that contains scenes from the movie: One
I've never seen Johnny, Monica. You should tweet Duncan and ask him about it!
I'm so glad you enjoyed the movie. It really is Jake's performance that anchors everything. And for once, I think he got a fair deal from critics.
His screw-it-all attitude when he thought everything was simulated was pretty funny.
I love the first photo of Jake and Salma and it does look new! I remember when they went there, it seems so long ago.
I don't seem to remember the documentary.
Hi Paula C!
I'm glad you enjoyed SC Monica, Jake did some of his best acting in awhile in this.
It's amazing that some people don't take Global warming seriously or doubt that it is taking place at all.
Thanks so much for this reminder UV and finding yet another great gem.
Jake is still in NY? At one point I thought he had moved there , that was several years ago but he has family and friends there plus it's a great city!
So happy you finally got to see SC Monica! Jake's performance is outstanding and elevates the movie as more than your usual Sci-fi film
Only tweets I've seen for Jake today involve his bike:
I'm almost 95% certain I just saw Jaje Gyllenhal riding a bike down broadway. Omfg!
6 hours ago
There's a pretty good chance that the guy I just yelled at for going the wrong way in the #bikenyc lane was Jake Gyllenhaal
5 minutes ago
You're going to get a ticket, Jake!
monica, that's an incredible observation! Johnny Got His Gun was a popular film amongst the Anti-war protestors in the 70's.
I'd completely forgotten about it.
Hi UV and Babblers all, love this post...I've not seen those Jake pics at all...TY...
Sharing with you and thanks for brightening my day...taking time to look for Jake in papers today since I will not see him. It seems page 6 gets regular reports...on his whereabouts...course they do love him here, they try to keep it low key but it's love...I have to share as I said Page 6's sightings one was reported in legit paper so why not let you guys read that horrid paper all except for Jake posts!
Because I live here and am so far away I researched one of his almost visits, laughed a lot @ the video, and wished I could have a go at its services...hot room steam and more of the same...
Global warming is a dirty word in our country...we are only industrial nation--I've read--that doesn't have a plan to approach this issue.
Jake about town... one report already posted by bobbyanna...
Jake chronicled On Page6"
10th Street Baths youtube
Jake couldn't get into there...*poor baby*
I looked the baths up to make sure they hadn't changed since stinky nasty ole page 6 made a snark remark...I love that Jake knows nyc so well that he can have fun here with no paps...just as he and Heath did and all the rest of his friends do...love him.
Welcome Paula...This is a great group.
Glad you loved SC Monica.
I have seen it so many times...it truly is his best movie in a long time. I hope this means he will be back and maybe give us more really good movies again.
Hi , i'm Dani of forun da Monica ,i love yours and Jake
Hi , i'm Dani of forun da Monica ,i love yours and Jake
Thanks for posting the link to the Washington post article UV and posting these wonderful photos of Jake and Salma.
Global warming is a dirty word in this country Sass and it's a disgrace that there is not enough serious discussion about it here.
That is a great observation from your friend Monica, thanks for the link. I wonder if Duncan was aware of it?
I've seen Source Code several times and have found new things to love about the film. Jake gives one of his best performances, glad you liked it.
I like that the paps leave Jake alone when he is in NY, it must be a relief for him!
Chemo scrambled me brain. *oops*
http://www.nypost.com/t/Jake_Gyllenhaal UV...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUMA-EkAuFo love this one...
nite nite
Sorry for the repeated comment, UV can delete?
I usually talk a lot, a comment is not as simple as my normal lol
Oh, don't worry about that, Daniela! Please talk as much or as little as you like. I'm glad you decided to join in. Welcome to you :)
Sass, it's good to know Jake can relax and enjoy his NY time. Maybe he'll start to split his time between the coasts.
Source Code debut at No. 4 in Brazil.
Monica, is the DVD already available in Brazil?
(waves to Dani!)
Unfortunately, the Imagem Filmes didn't a good promotion of the film here.
Fourth place isn't too bad considering it's late debut and that it's not out on DVD in Brazil.
I hope it has a good word of mouth and a even better run.
Loved that Youtube link about the 10th St baths Sass, that place has been around forever!
I'm glad that Jake has some peace and quite when he visits here.
Welcome Paula C and Daniela!
welcome Paula C and Daniels
glad you liked SC jake was great in it definitely one of his best roles
From twitter¨:
DonnaDisko Donna Dragotta
Just realized I was running next to jake gyllenhaal (whatever) in prospect park #brooklyn
Yes, sass' link to the 10th Street Baths video was fun! They've been around forever. We have a place like that here. A schvitz. : )
Funny tweets today:
The phrase "source code" has been used a few HUNDRED times in this pitch meeting and yet Jake Gyllenhaal STILL has not shown up.
Skarsgard or Gyllenhaal? #sophiesmagazinechoice #waitingroomtweets
I just saw Jake Gyllenhaal at the coffee shop. So, of course, I touched his beard. Baby soft, you guys.
11 minutes ago
No idea on that last one!
Have we seen this clip in full before? I remember a lot of it, but not the part about riding horses on Martha's Vineyard. So cute!
Let me know if that video doesn't work. Daily Motion takes forever to process vids. But youtube keeps pulling videos for trademark violation, so...
Afternoon babblers, Great weather in NYC today.
I loved watching SC again last night after so much time. It holds up over time because of his great acting. I think it might get a GG nod...ihopeihope.
So happy to be here among Jake fans.
The tweets are sweet.
I had watched this scene, UV.
Tagline of Brokeback Mountain on the poster of Wuthering Heights:
Love Is A Force of Nature
it was beautiful here, too, sass! I wish there was a way to "save" days like this and take them out again in February. : )
Fascinating, monica! I wonder how many people will recognize it.
bobbyanna, I wish we could save days like today too!
UV, I just enjoyed the young Jake video. His self confidence was unbelievable for one so young.
He was born to be in show business.
Jake looks so serious in some of these pics as well he should. It's scary what's happening in the Artic.
I love NY tweets, not only are New Yorkers on the ball but funny as hell!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts/review on SC Monica. It's one of Jake's best roles.
I had no idea they made yet another remake of Wuthering Heights Monica!! I wonder of they needed to get an Ok to use that tagline or if anyone will notice.
Thanks for that video UV, I always love discovering new/old pics and videos of Jake.
OT: What sad news!
RIP Steve Jobs
Yes sad news about Steve Jobs but not a big surpise he looked terrible in the last pictures i saw of him RIP
I knew he didn't have much time left based on the last photos I saw of him.
Such sad news, RIP Steve.
Very sad to hear about Steve Jobs. True, OONP, he's been very ill for a while and he looked emaciated last time I saw a photo. But what a remarkable man! What a story. He will continue to inspire people for a very long time.
I hoped he'd do it again and defy the odds. Very sad news. Typing this from my iPad after spending my whole commute home reading and listening to music on my iPhone. He definitely changed my life for the better. RIP and thank you, Steve.
The man was a genius and a visionary and changed the lives of millions of people.
RIP Mr. Job
How lucky we all are to have lived in a time that produced a "once in a century" genius like Steve Jobs. Very few people have, or ever will, change so many peoples' lives so much.... all over the globe.
Although his passing was expected, it's no less sad.
How fitting that I'm typing this on my MacBook. And I learned of his death on my iPhone.
My son came in from church...we are both so sad...I hate Cancer. Somehow Steve found his way into our hearts, my son's heart and his friends' hearts. Maybe it was his illness, his never say die spirit, and I know how easy it is to say die some days.
He made computing fun and easy for so many people. He made me want to own every device he invented. And though I don't have a single idevice, I loved them all, and hope to purchase an ipad one day real soon.
Steve fought so hard, he fought that damned Cancer until the bitter end, yes, he put up a hella fight; and I loved his warrior spirit.
Peace be with you Steve and peace be unto you for all eternity.
God Blessings on you...We miss you so much already...
Sass, I hope you get that iPad. You'll love it.
Very interesting to see how emotional many young people are about this death. Steve Jobs was such a huge force in the world they live in.
From twitter:
" MelissaDPell Melissa Pelletier
hey twitter...I had a sexy celebrity sighting today..mr Jake Gyllenhaal!! By Canal and Broadway of all places! He has a beard. :)"
The most important thing I learned working with terminal patients every day, is that it doesn't matter how long you live but the impact you make on peoples lives while you live.
Steve Jobs legacy enrich our life and he will live through is family and work.
Hope this one is true:
A young student tweeted about an hour ago, that Jake Gyllenhaal was coming to her high school today, to talk about acting.
I think the school is La Guardia Arts which is an excellent school dedicated to the Arts.
Paula C., that was a beautiful post! Thank you!
Here's the actual post:
"Jake Gyllenhaal coming to my school to talk to drama majors today :D "
Cancer is a bitch and Steve Jobs fought it to the end. He was such a major force , dynamic and smart. Where would we be now if it wasn't for his brilliance?
The iphone,ipad,Macbook, etc. So important not only in business but in personal life as well.
I would love to hear what Jake says to those students at La Guardia.
So would I Paula C. I remember the tweets about Jake visiting students in PA when he was filming LAOD.
LaGuardia Arts school is near Lincoln Center and has a wonderful reputation. I bet we get tons of tweets from his visit.
Some tweets from last night:
Just walked by Jake Gyllenhal in Park Slope. Almost said "Hi" because I thought he was a friend I recognized. Nope, he's a movie star.
12 hours ago
This is a series:
I couldn't be more jealous right now. “@BrentKlein: Just saw jake gyllenhal! So hottt”
15 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone
BrentKlein BrentKlein
@Sasha_Addys hes in soho. Saw him on howard and mercer! Shaved head.. Book bag. Sweats and a long sleeve
14 hours ago
@BrentKlein #Swoon
And someone else spotted - or thinks he spotted - Jake on the subway. Can't find that tweet because Twitter is overloaded. If Jake is speaking to students, I hope we won't miss their tweets :)
I hope we don't miss their tweets either Uv, I think it's great that he is doing this!
Reading some of the tributes to Steve Jobs on twitter, he had such an impact on our lives. From the way we listen to music to movies, he was a co-founder of Pixar.
He fought a tough fight against cancer, may he rest in peace.
People are rightly comparing Steve Jobs with Thomas Edison, but with all the tributes coming in for him, the one that struck me most was from a friend who described him as a "lovely, kind man."
Just wanted to add that Al Pacino and Jennifer Aniston are among the distinguished alums from La Guardia. Hope we get some good reports/pictures if it happens. : )
First I'd like to say RIP Steve Jobs. He made such an impact on so many people.
UV I loved the vid of young Jake. I had no idea he'd done horseback riding before. When he did BBM he said he had little experience and he went through the horseback riding lessons they gave him (Heath was the one who was experiences. I wonder if he helped him any during filming)
And I love the Tweets, I wish I were in that class I wonder what words of wisdom Jake will impart to those lucky students.
AND I'd love to bottle up this weather and keep it around for a long time to come
From twitter
"SashaHalima Sasha H. Muradali
I just saw Jake Gyllenhaal at my coffee place... pretty eyes, nice hair, he's tall, good taste in coffee.... *le sigh* ah, he's beautiful :D"
Lily, isn't the video adorable. Loved hearing little Jake say "Martha's Vineyard."
Lots of Jake tweets this afternoon:
today in the city: being called "ching-ling," seeing Jake Gyllenhall (buff!), passing a man w/ a crazed look w/ bloody mouth and hands. NYC!
55 minutes ago
Jake Gyllenhaal spotting on the way back from lunch with @LCMilstein! And to top it off, we also saw this guy: http://www.government-money-club.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/victorymatt201.gif
1 hour
The fact that I'm sitting like 3 feet away from Jake Gyllenhaal right now is making it really difficult for me to eat my lunch
2 hours ago
Gyllenhall. Wedding is set for June 2012.
2 hours ago
Jake G so hot right now (@ La Colombe Torrefaction w/ 10 others) http://4sq.com/o5P2iH
3 hours ago
The wedding one cracked me up.
Thanks, UV. Haven't seen a single other tweet about that LaGuardia thing. Wonder if it happened or if it was wishful thinking?
These photos could have easily been taken now, he looks a bit younger but the haircut is the same.
I hate reading about what's happening to the Artic :( :(.
Love that video of young Jake, he was a charmer even then!
I remember reading at the time that he had a really bad experience riding a horse when he was young and his father had to rescue him.
Thanks for posting all these tweets, he sounds like he is having a blast in NY! I hope he got a chance to visit that school today.
I'm so happy that you finally got to see SC Monica, it's a great film.
Some of Jake's scenes are heartbreaking, something you don't normally see in a Sci-Fi film.
Steve Jobs impact on society will be discussed and debated for years. I don't know what we all would do w/o his contributions.
RIP Steve Jobs
I think this may e the first tweet from a student that met Jake today at LaGuardia Arts school!:
PassionPitiful Paulette
3 hours ago
Miss. Taylor Cast
I've seen Jake Gyllenhal every day some I've been back in NY. I get my coffee, see him & start my day. @amyjojohnson99"
Lucky woman to see Jake every day!
There was another tweet from the school, from someone who said Jake was there but didn't see him. So no details yet.
Hi! girls
Someone photographed the lecture ?
The wedding tweet was funny.
Daniela, I hope someone shoot and record the lecture, so we can all hear some words of wisdom
So far Paula C and Daniela we are just getting tweets that he was there, no reports or pics yet:
emxo24 Emma Buford
Jake Gyllenhaal came to lag to talk to the drama majors during a period I was free #imtight #vocalmajorproblems
From twitter:
nicole pezzolla
Oh yea, I met Jake Gyllenhaal today... He came into the shop and stuff, you know, no biggie."
Gail Andeza Quintos
so Jake Gyllenhaal visited my school and had a q&a with us. nbd"
A few reports on the LaGuardia appearance in a new post.
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