A little happier - with the family:

If those photos hadn't been released, we would have had to make do with this pic of Jake from the Boffo party last week.

It's the world's most awkward photo bomb. It also looks photoshopped, but it's real. Jake has clearly found his NYC CZ clothing style.
Jake was also spotted jogging:

Busy day for Jake:
Full house at BAM tonite--Frances McDormand & Jake Gyllenhaal both in the house to see Wilson's Threepenny Opera. #wilsonneverdisappoints
2 hours ago
I saw Ides of March today. It was... okay. Three of us went and "meh" was the general reaction. I think I liked it more than my two friends. We all like Clooney and Gosling, but both of them were underwhelming.
It took me a while to stop thinking about how good Jake would have been in the role/how wonderful it would have been if he'd gotten the part. Because it's Gosling's movie. He's in almost every scene and he is lovingly shot.
But he just never seems as smart as the character he's playing is supposed to be. It would have been great to see Jake take this role on. A real shame he didn't get it.
Giamatti (who bugs sometimes) and Hoffman were both great, as was Evan Rachel Wood. Clooney never seemed like he was playing anything other than a politics version of himself.
He looks like a hot nerd with the glasses.I'm just glad he keeps working on that body!It's wonderful to have free time to do whatever you want.Thanks UV.
I'm a little late with this, but Anna Kendrick talked a little more about EoW when she was promoting 50/50:
AVC: You’ve talked about how any actor wants to play interesting roles, and how that’s steered you away from playing wives and girlfriends, which is why you’ve come so late to the romantic angle.
AK: That’s definitely a common thing. It’s hard, because you don’t know when you’re going to have a real opportunity to create a character and when you won’t. I won’t name names, but I was talking to someone recently who said when they read Brokeback Mountain, they didn’t really see what you could do with the Michelle Williams role until Michelle Williams turned it into this incredible character. I’m sure we’ve all done that, and vice-versa. You think, “Oh, I have a real opportunity to do something here,” and then when you make it, you think, “Oh no, you just want me to be the proverbial girlfriend.” It’s tough, because women are often relegated to that. But I hope when I’m in that situation, I try to do something interesting with it.
In End Of Watch, I play a wife who doesn’t have her own storyline outside of being married to Jake Gyllenhaal. That freaked me out a little bit, because I thought, “Oh, this might be really bad,” but I feel like the wives in that movie, even though they don’t have their own storyline, they ground the entire thing, because if these men are putting their lives on the line in a vacuum, it feels like a videogame. It doesn’t matter. If you see their lives outside of that, it means something. There’s a reason for those kinds of roles, in a lot of cases.
AVC: Given that David Ayer’s past projects include Harsh Times and the Training Day script, can we assume that End Of Watch is a laugh-a-minute comedy?
AK: It’s pretty tough. The script is really startling, but then surprisingly, you find moments of levity in places where you wouldn’t, necessarily. I was thinking about that, like, “Oh God, this is my first movie where there’s no comic angle, no infusion of comedy.” But then you get on set and you think, “Oh no, real life, when it feels honest, is really funny and really light, as much as it can be really dramatic.” I was surprised at that. It’s a startlingly brutal script, but I think there are moments of levity.
And one more tumblr report from LaGuardia:
So he came to my school (LaGuardia Arts High School) and did a Q&A session with the juniors (me) and seniors of the drama department that lasted about an hour and half. He was one of the most down to earth actors that I have ever met. Talking to him was so enlightening and I actually learned a lot. His responses were so real and he told me one thing that I will never forget. This is so valuable that i’m not gonna share it online ;) But anyway .. he’s even more beautiful in person … just sayin. I love him <3 that’s all. bye !
Hi Paula! I think he'd take "hot nerd." Hee.
It must be nice for Jake to be in NYC, hanging out with friends and family. It was a beautiful day in Boston; seems like it was in NYC, as well.
Also, suvee, if you're out there: thanks for stopping by. I saw your post about Steve Jobs. I learned about his death on my iPad, as well. I read Monica's post about it.
Wow now we always knew Jake was hot but Jake in glasses in a white shirt "Thud" thats geek chic right there. Doesnt look to happy to be caught going to church with the family but for the most part he is defo photgraphed less in NY than LA.
If he is running in central park does this mean he isnt staying with Maggie im not sure on the logistics from Brooklyn but seems a trek to run in a Park, unless he is staying in the city maybe with mom?.
Thanks for some great pics to start a raining sunday in the UK, Love this place..
He doesn't look too happy and I don't blame him but he sure looks hot with his glasses!
I know how it is to wear contacts all the time and getting a chance to give them a rest and wear glasses.
Thanks for posting another report from Jake's visit to the school, I'm so happy to hear that he made such an impression on these students.
Anna Kendricks comments on her role in EOW and Michele in BBM are interesting, Michele did take the role of Alma nad made it into something more then the run of the mill gf/wife role. Looking forward to EOW and what Anna dies with her role.
UV, I saw Ides of March and I was underwhelmed. It was just Ok IMO. Clooney really didn't bring anything special to the role and I agree that he seemed like he was playing his "political" self. I didn't have a problem with Ryan but I felt like anyone could have played the part.
Three Penny Opera? I'm impressed Jake!
He does pull off the hot nerd look doesn't he??
Just Jared says that they were attending Yom Kippur services, I'm not Jewish but I think they look a bit casual to be attending services. maybe they passed by a Synagogue and the paps thought they were attending services.
LOL@ Jake in the background pic from last week, and he is wearing the same outfit!
Loving all the reports from Jake's Q&A from the students. I'm sure he gave very valuable advice to them regarding going onto acting, and I love that he is always described as down to earth.
Anna is so right about Michele and BBM, she did so much with that role. You felt her anger, love and heartbreak as Alma. I can't wait to see her as Monroe!
I have not seen Ides of March yet but I read plenty of the reviews and they are mixed. That said I'm sure it will get pushed for Oscar consideration.
Speaking of actors and politics, Mark Ruffalo attended one of the Occupy Wall Street demos, he and the protests will be featured this morning on Sunday Morning on CBS.
Huffington Post has a review of the show Jake saw @ BAM.
"Paula C. said...
He looks like a hot nerd with the glasses."
LOL! He sure does! Extremely hot nerd!
Central Park is far from Brooklyn. I wonder if the person who reported this got it wrong and meant to say Prospect Park. Prospect is a lovely park in BK where Jake was spotted running a few days ago. Altho, the probability of paps is much higher in CP.
Will see Ides later in the week. Parts of it were shot here.
Chica, this is pure speculation, I have no firm idea of where they were, but there's a very progressive synagogue on 8th at
10th. If they were coming up
10th that looks like where the picture was taken.
The synagogue is Kolot Chayeinu, they have a female rabbi, and from reading about it, it sounds like the kind of place Naomi and Maggie would feel at home in. : )
The atmosphere from the photos of the synagogue, is very casual and community oriented. It seems like a fantastic place. If they weren't going there, I hope they get a chance to check it out someday! : )
Sorry to spam, but I'm always intrigued when I discover yet another aspect of life in BK, whether it's the food co-op, or the neighborhood restaurants, shops, flea markets,etc.
Congregation Beth Elohim is also on 8th Avenue and it's more traditional, but also very progressive. Both temples stress a casual, inclusive atmosphere. Both have great programs/classes for kids. So they have a few choices.
You're right Bobbyanna, I forgot about that Synagogue! From what we know of Maggie, Naomi and the family they would feel quite comfortable there:)
It was such a beautiful day out yesterday and today too. Thanks for the H. Post link and the Three Penny Opera review. I love BAM, they have a incredible film program there. I saw a really mint print of the silent film Pandora's Box with Louise Brooks there last year.
he looks wonderful in glasses and they could have been going to temple dressed like that
That picture with Jake walking by is hilarious and yes i noticed too that he is wearing the same clothes he wore to Yom Kippur sevices:)
I am digging Jake in glasses, he should wear them more often!
Jake has been rocking those tan pants since the Mumford tour, they have replaced those jeans with the bleach stain he used to wear:)
What wonderful reports about Jake from the students from Laguardia Arts school. He is such a open and giving person and I think that it's so cool that he takes time away from his down time to share his knowledge with aspiring actors.
I have not seen Clooney's latest yet but I do wonder how Jake would have fared in Ryan's role too.
Can not sign in, maybe too
Looking @ Jake in glasses has
Turned my fingers and
my brain to mush!
LOL Sass! I think that Jake has turned us all into mush, Mr. G please leave on your glasses, they make you even hotter if that's possible!
I'm still feel a bit guilty about enjoying these photos because he looks upset in some, the paps have finally caught up with him in NY.
I hope he and Maggie, Peter, etc had a peaceful Yom Kippur despite the intrusion.
It's fun reading all about Jake's visit with the drama students, thanks so much for finding their reports and posting them UV.
I'm still disappointed that Jake didn't get a chance to do Ides of March, mixed reviews aside it will get attention come Awards time. Hopefully Jake will get a GG nomination for SC.
I have not seen Ides of March, but I saw Drive and I was extremely disappointed with both the movie and Ryan´s performance and like Office of Nancy said I felt like anyone could have played the part.
I think Jake knows exactly what his doing by taking a break from is image,Ryan is taking a big risk by putting himself in so many movies at the same time.
From twitter:)
Emily Dunlap
my uncle ran into jake gyllenhaal in new york. literally. they locked eyes and jake apologized. holy shit, i would have DIED.
Also, suvee, if you're out there: thanks for stopping by.
Thanks for keeping the door open, UV! :)
I did see TIOM yesterday with 2 friends, and we all liked it. Good script, good acting, good direction... I give it B+.
I wasn't blown away by RG's performance though. I completely agree with EW's (Owen Gleiberman) review, Gosling gives a solid and sympathetic performance, even though I couldn't shake the feeling that he's a bit miscast. He doesn't have the brainiac Ivy League glibness of a young political hustler. Perhaps GC directed RG to focus on Stephen's idealism and naivete, but I just couldn't buy him as a 10 year political campaign veteran.
Honestly, IMO, Jake didn't miss any golden opportunity by not being cast as Stephen. It was just another serious, earnest young man role. And I would be very surprised if this movie gets any Oscar love. But I've been wrong before! :)
Oh, and can I just mention how yummy Peter looks in these latest photos? He's aging well!
Jake Gyllenhaal and Michelle Williams at the premiere of My Week With Marilyn:
Was just coming to post that, Monica. Aww.
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