Timely, topical and totally unverified information about Jake Gyllenhaal
Monday, July 14, 2008
Vive la France!
After dinner at Allard, a famous Paris bistro that opened in 1931, Jake Gyllenhaal, Reese Witherspoon and Reese's daughter celebrated the French National holiday, Bastille Day, by joining les masses for fireworks near the Eiffel Tower.
Happy Bastille Day, everyone :)
ETA: Video from X17, chronicling Jake and Reese's Paris vacation. Nothing of the kids, happily.
Yeah, I love the all-smiles one, too, mtoan! What a wonderful experience for all of them. Except poor little Deacon, who was probably too tuckered out to go.
A kazillion thanks, UV!!! I'm sorry my poor little sweetie with his orange pants missed the show! Bet he was just worn out. It's hard being four. That one picture you all are talking about, Reese and Jake smiling and Ava just awestruck, is priceless.
I still say there will be more fireworks after the fireworks for Jake and Reese! ;)
I'lln go to sleep smiling, too...dreaming of fireworks.
OMG, am I glad I stopped over one more time:) TY so much. I never expected this. They all look so happy. This embarrassment of riches is fantastic..I wish it could go on forever because they have made me/us so happy. Living vicariously rocks. TY again:) xoxoxo s
Just an FYI: Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber attended TDK premiere with Heath's parents and his sister. I thought that was very classy of Liev. Now, I really am going to sleep.
Very, very sweet pics, I must say. The entire Paris trip, but especially these. It took some getting used to, but I have finally started to see him as a "Dad" now, imagine that! :)
How utterly lovely - and that photo is just beautiful, Jake and Reese smiling, Ava looking completely captivated by the fireworks - and yes, little Deacon was probably too tired.
Ava's going to be such a beauty, Reese looks gorgeous and Jake, well, he's just looking fine, relaxed and happy - so lovely, thanks posting
Just watched the video. There must be some restriction on harrassing the kids? Anyway, I'm glad the kids were left alone. I loved the paps "Welcome to Paris, Jake!"
All the nonsense from the magazines about Jake escorting Maggie to TDK premiere were total rubbish, as we suspected! Maggie was escorted by Peter, as she should be. These pictures are really very lovely.
A bit tired this morning - was up late reading all the "mea culpas" and apologies and retractions form all those Jake fans who derided, denigrated and disowned him because of his "lack of proper grief."
Oh, wait, no, I haven't seen a single one of those. I was up late voting Scruffy! Sadly, the conservative early-to-risers have regained control.
"... was up late reading all the "mea culpas" and apologies and retractions form all those Jake fans who derided, denigrated and disowned him because of his "lack of proper grief."
You, too? I actually roamed around cyber-space, to see what I could find along similar lines. Deafening silence.
Wait. There was one person, who apologized out there somewhere, got "caught up" blamed it on her love for Heath.
What I did notice: There are zillions who "never ever doubted for a minute...blah, blah, blah."
One even twisted themselves into a pretzel saying how they were "really only concerned about Jake..." Go figure!
I think "the fans who derided, denigrated and disowned" are a figment of our collective imaginations. There are absolute legions of fans who "never doubted it for a moment." So very sad.
BTW: I went to the website of the Bristol in Paris, which is very famous, and OY! It is really posh. Especially the suites! And you know they had suites with adjoining rooms. I cannot see them all scrunched in a 300 SF one bathroom closet thing!;)
You read all those, too, Bobbyanna? Fascinating, page-turning stuff. Oh, make that stomach-turning.
One even twisted themselves into a pretzel saying how they were "really only concerned about Jake..." Go figure!
Ha! That's a new one. Jesus. Just own up to it. Admit you were an asshole and admit you were wrong.
Not you, Bobbyanna! Hee. You know what I mean.
I though they were staying at the Bristol, as well, Bobbyanna, from the pics the other day. But the video made it seem as if they are staying at the Plaza Athenee, which makes more sense. Both very posh, but the Plaza Athenee is famous as a celeb/luxury haunt.
Now. Just what the hell is "bespoke grooming for the well-being of your shoes" and what the hell is a "cosmetic mini-bar?"
They do say the hotel is kid friendly. But I think they meant the kids from back in the days of "Fanny and Alexander"!!!
They did show two rather shiney,red, electric convertible cars...for children to play with.
No doubt the Plaza is extremely extremely posh and it is in an absolutely perfect location. But I just cannot see my "orange pants sweetheart" roaming around there and feeling OK with it.
If it is shown to be as Oscar Actor in a Supporting Role, as Batman is the main character. If Jake is indicated by Brothers, will also be as Actor in a Supporting Role.
I have always believed in Jake with respect to Heath.
You know I'm loving Paris Jake, LGB! This has been so much fun for me. Of course, I'm happy he'll be working, since I can't wait to see PoP, but I hope he gets back to Paris often!
Also, IHJ seems to have a bunch more pictures, not new ones, burt from yesterday's sets. So no new ones yet, today, LGB, but we can hope.
They do say the hotel is kid friendly. But I think they meant the kids from back in the days of "Fanny and Alexander"!!!
Ha! That cracked me up, Bobbyanna. What a life these kids are getting to lead. Offset by things like the paps hounding them. But still, they are having some wonderful experiences.
Great pics UV, they are absolutely lovely. I laughed at the video, Jake did look pissed a couple of times, but they seemed to be messing the paps about.
This was the caption on the last set of picture posted on IHJ:
"After a dinner at the restaurant "Allard", Jake Gyllenhaal with Reese Witherspoon and his daughter Elizabeth, attended the fireworks of July 14th in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. For their last evening in Paris, France. 7.14.08"
Now I know in the last few days, bloggers have been referring to them as a family, but here they sayb his daughter and use Ava's middle name. Odd.
Anyway i'm loving all these pictures and I wish they would all stay in Paris for a bit longer but he has to get back to work!
Reese and Jake deserve lots of credit for the way they handle the paparazzi when the kids are with them.
I wonder if Jake and Ava with cameras the other day, was some sort of "exercise" in helping her overcome her fears of this sort of thing, in addition to just wanting to take pictures on vacation.
Their experience at LAX, coming back from Mexico, was terrifying for small children. Luckily, they avoided it this time and hopefully, in future, too.
But even tho Jake and Reese were obviously not thrilled to have their pictures taken walking to the fireworks, they do a very good job of not transmitting that to Ava.
They seem to try very hard not to let the unpleasantness of the paparazzi define, or rob them of a wonderful experience.
While he was warily looking around a bit, Jake, with Ava up high, and Reese, were able to enjoy their special evening. These are absolutely just priceless pictures!
I'm going to miss the Paris adventure, I know it's coming to an end, but we have some beautiful photos!! They really look so happy.
I loved reading the LJ account of the lunch with Jake on the set of Nailed. I laso remember when a blogger mentioned J&R at the memorial and what hell she caught, she had to delete the entry.
Some thought she made it up or didn't approve of her description, good to know that he attended, not that I thought otherwise but this was a confirmation.
The paparazzis of Paris have seen it all, I'm thinking!!! Reese, then Jake, leaving separately, smiling, can they really think they are evading the paparazzi? I think they are simply ruining the shots. Not being seen together. Which makes the fireworks pictures worth a bit of money, I'm thinking!
Please fellow babbler UV, a link to me in my LJ instant messages box...I am sassym as you know...please. I would love to read all the comments: I was just worried about Jake, never doubted him etc. to make up for my pain and suffering these last few months. xoxoxo sass
Reese and Jake are definitely staying apart in order for the paps not to get the shot they want. This isn't anything new for them.
And sass, I was being sarcastic about the LJ comments. As far as I can see, not a single person has stood up and admitted that s/he was wrong to judge Jake. There's a lot of "I knew it all along" BS from some quarters.
I don't expect any of the haters to own up to their hypocrisy. Though there's always a first time, I guess :)
Just realized why I find the pics of the 3 of them holding hands so captivating. It's really the first time Jake and Reese have expressed affection in front of the kids right? (well one of them, Ava). I mean, up till now we've seen them together on outings and stuff, and there have been pics of them with the kids, but these are the first pics that openly say "we are a couple" while the kids (Ava) is there with them. kwim?
Well, it's the first time there's been a photograph of the affection, mtoan. I'm sure it's not the first time it's occurred. But I know what you mean - that does set the photo apart.
yeah UV, that's what I meant...first time WE'VE seen photos of it, not the first time they've expressed affection in front of the kids. I imagine that was probably some time ago.
ps. I guess mtoan is it and I stop trying to come up with something! lol!
I appreciated Ted and Lisa sharing their adventure with other fans, and with "fans". How reassuring it must be for these people ("fans") to know that "we can say the old Jake that many people feel is now gone, is still alive and kicking".
... rolls eyes.....
Jake looks hotter every day! How does he do it? Love the long hair, but still saying.... extensions.
Ok, we know that she is still in Paris, I assume that Jake is back to work in Morocco, but I thoght Reese would be heading home. She looks fab, aphoto shoot by a familar photographer!
Actress Reese Witherspoon, 32, slipped into a beautiful red gown for a Nina Ricci photo shoot under the direction of renowned photographer Mario Testino in Paris, France on Tuesday. (Reese wears Nina Ricci on the red carpet a lot–like at the the 2007 Golden Globes and the 2007 Oscars.)
She looks gorgeous! I hope Jake was around to see. And maybe so Mario could take some more beautiful candids.
was up late reading all the "mea culpas" and apologies and retractions form all those Jake fans who derided, denigrated and disowned him because of his "lack of proper grief." Oh, wait, no, I haven't seen a single one of those.
Yeah, I was underwhelmed! I don't want to fuel the fire, but I really need to throw my 2¢ in. I made a point of reading all the comments on the LJ account of their Jake meeting........ I was struck by how many people seemed to be saying that their "faith" in Jake was now properly restored, thanks to Ted and Lisa. Really...... that's what it took for them to "forgive" Jake? Sorry, but that does not impress me.
One more quibble...... I don't know Ted from a hole in the ground, but I assume he's a perfectly fine human being. I was however, struck by his assurance (in his comment here at GB) that the LJ story would "let people see the real Jake"...... implying that they were going to lift the veil from our eyes. He might be surprised to know that there are many of us that never lost our affection for, understanding of and faith in Jake.
Sorry for the long comment. If you don't want to continue on this topic UV, please feel free to delete my post. Just writing it out was cathartic! :)
Suvee, words cannot express ...I could just hug you!!! All I know is what people say about themselves on the DC Forum. I will only say I applaud your good judgement, your discerning eye, and your instincts.
I wonder if Jake will forgive these people who decided to judge him so harshly (about something they obviously didn't know anything about) during such a difficult period in his life.
Just because you liked one of his movies doesn't mean that he owes you anything. After all, it was his friend who died. Maybe people should have been more respectful of him.
I'm often offended by people within the BBM fandom who act like Jake owes them something. This attitude doesn't seem to exist among any of Jake's other fans. It also strikes me as odd the way BBM fans act like they knew/know Heath and Jake personally, but usually base their feelings on assumptions that are not rooted in fact.
I sometimes wonder if people are even interested in the real Jake and Heath, or just the one they invented in their minds.
there are many of us that never lost our affection for, understanding of and faith in Jake.
This actually made me tear up a bit when I read it, suvee. Thank you.
And anon @9:18, I think you hit the nail on the head. I've long thought this as well:
I'm often offended by people within the BBM fandom who act like Jake owes them something. This attitude doesn't seem to exist among any of Jake's other fans. It also strikes me as odd the way BBM fans act like they knew/know Heath and Jake personally, but usually base their feelings on assumptions that are not rooted in fact.
I've moved on from the BBM part of Jake's fandom due in large part to what you posted above.
Suvee, we would never delete your comment. I agree wholeheartedly and I thank you for writing it.
It sounds arrogant, maybe, or dismissive to say some of us didn't need to have our faith restored, some of us have always known the "real" Jake. But it's true.
Yes, it's great to hear details about Jake's graciousness and his charm and his sincerity. But we've had years of examples, both public and private. There's nothing revealing in that regard.
We didn't turn against Jake because he didn't speak after Heath died. We understood.
And of course, we didn't turn against him because he fell in love with Reese.
I was one of the people hoping Ted and Lisa's account would change people's minds, so that people could move on, could feel better about Jake.
But after reading the responses, as you have, I changed my mind. Who cares if these people feel better about Jake? Especially since none of them seems capable of admitting they judged him harshly and unfairly.
If you needed to read this account to have your faith in Jake restored, no doubt something else you read or hear will shake that faith. Because your "faith" is based on something you need Jake to be, not on who he is.
And since he'll never be what so many of these folks want him to be (Jack Twist. Gay. Dead.), he will always be found wanting.
just a got a verrrry interesting tip from an FOB (friend of Blabber), who tells me that there are wedding plans in motion for Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon -- on Martha's Vineyard!
Gyllenspoon are fans of the island, and took a trip there last summer for some R&R with the family. Also, Jake's parents, director Stephen Gyllenhaal and screenwriter Naomi Foner, own a home there and Jakey and his sis Maggie Gyllenhaal have been spending their summers there since they were kids (Jake was even a lifeguard there when he was a teen). So, it makes total sense that the lovebirds would be planning to say "I do" on the soil of my pal Suzy's favorite place in the world.
Come to think of it, Suzy is in MV right now! Get me some more details, girl!
As much as I'd love this to be true, it's hard to imagine a wedding happening anytime soon. But I really, really want it to be on the Vineyard and not in that horsey Ojai house. Ranch, whatever.
The seaside beats the countryside! Like scruffy should beat cleancut!
If you needed to read this account to have your faith in Jake restored, no doubt something else you read or hear will shake that faith. Because your "faith" is based on something you need Jake to be, not on who he is.
So eloquently stated, UV...... and so true IMO. Thank you!
And a big thank you to bette, monica, vicky, bobbyanna, paula, anon 9:18 and FL for your kind comments regarding my post. It really means a lot to me to know that I am not alone in my perceptions.
My cousin got married on Martha's Vineyard in the fall. It was a small, but very elegant wedding.
There's a very nice country inn where she got married (that used to be a famous person's house from the guilded age), I forget it's name. But I remember hearing that it rented for $50,000 a day specifically for weddings.
I was anon 9:18, BTW. I just wasn't sure if my comments were appropriate and I was afraid to offend.
Don't hate me for saying this, but I think the MV wedding might be Maggie's!
I'm holding out for that horsey old ranch in Ojai. I think the paps will figure out how to get pictures better in Ojai. (Did I just say that outloud?)
Besides. Does anyone really think Laura Jean Reese Witherspoon will let some random people plan her wedding while she is in Paris or Morocco, and Jake is leaping off tall buildings faster then a speeding bullet...(oops! wrong superhero!)
Of course, maybe Missy had fittings while in Paris. They sure were very coupled up in both London and Paris, and they didn't try very hard to disabuse people that this was a "family" vacation. Looked very domestical. IMHO.;)
Can I just say. I just want to just hug everybody.(((((everybody))))
(I'd go for MV if we can get good pictures. But I am thinking it's Maggie. Just a feeling.)
IDK. I remember reading some article very very recently, where Maggie is talking about how much she wants a wedding with all the trimmings. And she has a killer engagement ring on. And Peter is consistently referred to as her fiance'. Ramona is walking, so there's the flower girl. I think Maggie would want it private and special, not a "hotel wedding." MV seems to fit.
OK. Reese was in Paris to secretly buy her gown and the rumors of a wedding on MV in September are true. The tents have been ordered, the rooms reserved, and the fake names are Ben Jacobs and Laura Jean Phillips.
Actually, I think that's rather good for a fake, totally made up rumor thing at midnight! ;)
Why, thank you, FL! I intend to wear it to bed and then all day tomorrow aswell. I haven't got one of these in quite some time!
BTW: SIR Ben Kingsley was photo'd in London, July 15th. (Did I say an entire episode of Edible Island will be devoted to "Preparing a Special Meal for a Large Gathering?"
I enjoyed all the pictures of them during their Paris vacation. It looks like Jake wanted do give us something to drool over for the next weeks when he disappears somewhere in Morocco...
Reese looks wonderful in that red Nina Ricci dress. Perhaps we will get a story in one of those womens magazines when she starts her "Four christmases" promotion?
I enjoyed reading Lisas/Teds report of their Jake adventure - especially the part where they talked about Heath - but I agree with Suvee and everyone else - my feelings towards Jake have never changed from the day I learned to "know" him until today.
Maggie looks so great in her dress at the TDK premiere. It seems she has lost some pounds. I felt a bit uncomfortable seeing the "black" carpet..... It was surely a very emotional experience for everyone involved.
Great post and lovely pics! Thanks for your thoughts, which are spot on. I´m always amazed and honestly often enough disgusted by some "fans" of Jake, claiming to be open minded, tolerant, yadda, yadda, yadda, who only seem happy when demeaning Reese and calling him a liar, when he does not "behave" according to their wishes. Open minded huh? Tolerant, my eye.
Blogs can be a great thing, as is seen here, and TY again for that, but often enough I cannot help but feel appalled by some blogs, where they reduce themselves to cater to the nasties, post the most compromising pics and feed the envious, who cannot abide the fact that someone might actually be rich, famous and happy.
Feel free to erase this post, but I needed to vent a bit after reading the comments on JJ, who still tries to keep a relaxed attitude about things.
Love all the pictures from Paris and Reese looks amazing in the photo shoot. Accorping to peopl.com, she did that shoot earlier in the day, Monday Bastille day. I thought she did it on Tuesday.
Mario Tesstino is also an admirer of the Gyllentorso! He shot those very provocative pictures of Jake a few years back, B/W, shirtless, of Jake admiring himself ;)
Maybe one day, he will shoot Jake and Reese together...and they'll be all dressed up, and there'll be and little kids scattering rose petals...;) ;)
Morning UV, FL, and babblers, WOW! I have much to catch up on.
Yes, most of us never questioned Jake's actions after Heath's death nor did we think he had changed from the considerate, kind, thoughtful, loving, generous person he's always been.
Jake is obviously still deeply grieving his best friend. I can't imagine his pain. I'm a baby boomer and my best friends are still alive *knock wood* scattered from coast to coast. I pray always for Jake and Heath's peace everyday.
Maggie and Aaron just left The Today Show talking about the movie and how much they miss Heath. Can't wait til Saturday. Matt Lauer loves the movie. * back soon
Jake and Reese will be on the next cover of Us magazine. The vacation in Paris. They used a picture from July 11th I think of them in the park, a picture I didn't see posted of them looking at a picture on Jake's cell phone, cute!
Thanks, anon. So Jake takes cell phone pictures just like everybody else! ;)
I think it's kind of unusual there haven't been sightings by civilians with cell phones, either in London or Paris.
Hardly any blogging either. And I just know they were recognized. I was hoping bloggers would fill in the gaps for us. Altho, I think our own creative speculation has been just fine! ;)
I guess I am dreading the feast/famine cycle, bcz we're probably heading for "famine." Last time Jake went to Morocco, he disappeared. Can anyone tell me plz, where in Morocco they will be?
bobbyanna, I'm with you. I Hate the coming drought; Jake really does lift my spirits. Sometimes when I'm busy, I can feel my face smile when I think of him smiling and happy...weird but true. I am not speaking to one of my Internet friends who decided to tell me how she and some of her work buddies decided that Ryan is way better looking than Jake. I may not speak to her ever again and I told her to never tell me that again...seriously...weird behavior but true:) I don't need that distraction in my life right now...later maybe.
I will of course scan all copies of US Magazine for my peeps. I'm in for the lumpectomy next week so I hope I can get my hands on copies of all things Jake related for scanning, pleasure and pain control:lol I hope you all send up some prayers... you are adopted as part of my family, plus of course my son and my friends scattered here and there. I miss my mom v.v.v. much but I have to be a big big girl now and carry on.
I see that Jessica Alba is on the cover of OK magazine with her new beautiful daughter. And of course the Brangelina's are donating millions to charity from their twins cover. But, as yet no paid cover pics of babies yet from Halle or ever I think Reese or Maggie or Gwyneth...oh well...level of comfort probably dictates these baby cover decisions. ..... TY brothers spy.
Just watched the clip from the Today Show. Maggie and Aaron. Aaron is very gracious. He talked about visiting with Heath's mother after the premiere and about how Heath's ipod lives on. It was sweet. Maggie has difficulty talking about Heath.
I noticed that too bobbyanna...her eyes showed so much emotions.
bobbyanna and fellow peeps...this pic is for all romantics...all babblers... US!
Jake is passing the front Harry Winston Jewelers in Paris. But Did he go inside? Or knowing him and his privacy concerns is he going to text Reese and have a private diamond engagement ring showing. Be still my heart:)
Accorping to people.com, she did that shoot earlier in the day, Monday Bastille day. I thought she did it on Tuesday.
I think it was yesterday, sheba. They have the photo in Star Tracks saying it was Tuesday. Her Monday Vogue stop was just an office visit, I guess. Here's the full People blurb on Bastille Day, J&R style:
• Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon, celebrating Bastille Day in Paris with a bang. The couple took in the traditional fireworks display, with Gyllenhaal hoisting Witherspoon's daughter Ava, 8, on his shoulders to give her a better view. Earlier, the couple had lunched at L'Avenue, a restaurant on Avenue Montaigne, before setting off separately. (Witherspoon headed to the Vogue offices, while her beau went shopping in the trendy Marais district.) But they met up again for tea at Mariage Frères before the light show.
I wonder if the 8th is the Paris Comfort Zone? Hee.
Oh, I see that Jake wandered over to the Marais, so he left the CZ! Bless. As I might have mentioned, that's my favorite part of Paris. I wonder if he went to the Picasso Museum...
And Bobbyanna, I wish we'd gotten more blog sightings, too. Those can be so much more fun than the magazine reports. If people elaborate. I hate the reports that just say "I saw Jake and Reese today."
Hello?! Details, please. Someone on ONTD said she stood near them during the fireworks. And that's all she said!
Oh, and {{{Sass}}}! Sending all good thoughts your way today and for next week.
And Erin, Sass said she'd try to get the scans ASAP.
Hey Sass, that picture is from the x17video. The one were he is walking way behind the Nanny and the kids, spots the paps, makes a face and then turns his back and walks away, privacy??Hmmmmm.
Thanks for the Splash link, UV. That dress is really red!! She looks beautiful, but the red I loved best was that dress she wore for the Rome Film Festival Rendition premiere. I loved the lines of it, killer neckline, and that raspberry red tone.
I guess they serve different purposes. This lipstick bright red is so dramatic it probably will look amazing in the magazine as it does here for the photo shoot. The other dress was more functional, something she could wear all evening long, and it was also very sexy.
I like the way they've done her hair. They've got a sort of Grace Kelly thing going on.
Reese is working for a Vogue shoot? Maybe she will give an interview in the magazine and give us a little bit detail about le' boyfriend ;) just dreaming..
Thanks for the Splash link, UV. I kind of like the one where she has her back to the photographer, and her head slightly turned. Such glamour! Oy! You have to just ignore the giant safety pins ;)
This is a small silly thing, but what the hell. I am so sick and tired of these Googles alerts (about a zillion at last count) about Reese laying down rules if Jake wants to live with her!
Complete total rubbish. They couldn't even make up some interesting rules! It was "Don't swear in front of the kids, and take out the trash when it's 3/4 full, etc." Arrrrgh! I guess if they have to fabricate, they could definitely do worse. I sure hope he doesn't get any bruises or nicks from working out. Next thing they'll say she beats him! ;) ;)
BTW: I was looking at the photo shoot pictures closely. Because I just know that one day, Jake is going to leave his mark. ;)
(Sometimes i just feel like being reckless with my predictions!)
Kind of cool that Reese is doing a photo shoot with Mario T.! She looks beautiful.... especially in the black/cream corset dress. I love the dramatic make up in those pics.
Thanks for the Matt Lauer interview link, UV. I cannot imagine how weird it must be for these actors to be caught in such a bittersweet situation...... you know they must be thrilled that their movie is (apparently) an artistic and critical success, but their enjoyment is probably tempered by a profound sadness too.
Sass, hope everything goes well with your surgery..... I'm sending positive thoughts your way!
Evening, TY UV, I never ever think of going to Splash News. Reese is stunning in Primary colors...red yellow etc. I saved a snap of her in Rome; I loved that dress so so much...the color, neckline, and length, all done so well...totally discreet and hot. Lucky Jake:)
bobbyanna, I know exactly what you mean about the alerts. I nearly stopped my Jake, Jake/Reese alerts today; usually Gyllenbabble or my other Jake blogger site has most or nearly all of the Jake or Jake/Reese news first anyway, but I couldn't pull the plug yet.:)
Avon is going to sell a hella lot of Ungaro, especially since Reese is so popular with most folks.
Wow, that is a gorgeous ad, enigma. And how appropriate for this week :)
Bobbyanna, I am so tired of seeing that idiotic story everywhere, too. Even my sister mentioned it to me, out of the blue. She couldn't believe it was on MSNBC!
And suvee, I'm looking forward to the Testino pictures, too. And I don't know how all TDK folks are getting through this. It's a tough time in what should be a time of triumph.
OMG! What wonderful pics! I especially love this one:
smiles and awe
Jake and Reese are both smiling and Ava has an expression of awe on her face. Such a beautiful shot...thanks so much for posting those.
Yeah, I love the all-smiles one, too, mtoan! What a wonderful experience for all of them. Except poor little Deacon, who was probably too tuckered out to go.
Also, in a possible upset, scruffy is winning!
Oh, what a wonderful evening they must have had....... I hope they all will carry many happy memories of Paris '08.
That is a beautiful photo, mtoan. And the pic of the 3 of them walking hand in hand is lovely too.
Thanks UV! I'm off to bed now with these in my mind. :)
They are so adorable! I love these pics. They are melting my heart.
I love the picture of them holding hands and walking together.
And that's another outfit of Reese's that I love.
A kazillion thanks, UV!!! I'm sorry my poor little sweetie with his orange pants missed the show! Bet he was just worn out. It's hard being four. That one picture you all are talking about, Reese and Jake smiling and Ava just awestruck, is priceless.
I still say there will be more fireworks after the fireworks for
Jake and Reese! ;)
I'lln go to sleep smiling, too...dreaming of fireworks.
Sorry to spam, but I just popped over to the Bauer Griffin site and their caption started out:" On their last night in Paris, Jake and Reese, etc."
Now how would they know that!
I'm thinking that it probably is getting close to time for them to leave Paris, but still...
I wondered that, as well, Bobbyanna. Spies at the hotel, perhaps? Of course, I was also shouting "No!" Stay in Paris." LOL.
And yes, I'm sure it was a nigh of fireworks all around :)
OMG, am I glad I stopped over one more time:) TY so much.
I never expected this. They all look so happy. This embarrassment of riches is fantastic..I wish it could go on forever because they have made me/us so happy. Living vicariously rocks. TY again:)
Just an FYI: Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber attended TDK premiere with Heath's parents and his sister. I thought that was very classy of Liev. Now, I really am going to sleep.
I love how in the video Reese scoots over to be closer to Jake.
Yes, and by the time they get back to the hotel, his sweater has come off :)
Very, very sweet pics, I must say. The entire Paris trip, but especially these. It took some getting used to, but I have finally started to see him as a "Dad" now, imagine that! :)
How utterly lovely - and that photo is just beautiful, Jake and Reese smiling, Ava looking completely captivated by the fireworks - and yes, little Deacon was probably too tired.
Ava's going to be such a beauty, Reese looks gorgeous and Jake, well, he's just looking fine, relaxed and happy - so lovely, thanks posting
What a beautiful sight to wake up to, thank you! They look so happy,what a wonderful experience for them.
Yeah, this may be it for them in Paris, he probably is on his way to Morocco, we have been so spoiled!!
Good morning everyone.
"In a possible upset, scruffy is winning!" That was too funny.
Now that Bastille Day celebrations are over, I think Jake will head to Morocco and stop playing hookey from work. ;)
Just watched the video. There must be some restriction on harrassing the kids? Anyway, I'm glad the kids were left alone. I loved the paps "Welcome to Paris, Jake!"
ETA: Guess we can expect a magazine spread on the vacation, on London,etc. Wonder what the "hook" will be this time.
Yes I noticed that too on the video bobbyanna. Jake looked really pissed in the beggining, even looked like he turned his back on them.
Loving all the Paris pictures, thanks for posting them, especially love the shot of them all holding hands!!!
I saw all the pics from the TDK premiere last night, Maggie looked lovely. The loss of Heath is really is sinking in.
Sorry, that was me at 8:15AM!
All the nonsense from the magazines about Jake escorting Maggie to TDK premiere were total rubbish, as we suspected! Maggie was escorted by Peter, as she should be. These pictures are really very lovely.
I love the pap in the video shouting at the guy on the scooter to move.
What cute pictures. They look like they're having a blast. Ava is adorable, especially in that jacket which is too big for her.
If that really was the last night, then we will get pictures, for sure, of them leaving today.
A bit tired this morning - was up late reading all the "mea culpas" and apologies and retractions form all those Jake fans who derided, denigrated and disowned him because of his "lack of proper grief."
Oh, wait, no, I haven't seen a single one of those. I was up late voting Scruffy! Sadly, the conservative early-to-risers have regained control.
"... was up late reading all the "mea culpas" and apologies and retractions form all those Jake fans who derided, denigrated and disowned him because of his "lack of proper grief."
You, too? I actually roamed around cyber-space, to see what I could find along similar lines. Deafening silence.
Wait. There was one person, who apologized out there somewhere, got "caught up" blamed it on her love for Heath.
What I did notice: There are zillions who "never ever doubted for a minute...blah, blah, blah."
One even twisted themselves into a pretzel saying how they were "really only concerned about Jake..." Go figure!
I think "the fans who derided, denigrated and disowned" are a figment of our collective imaginations. There are absolute legions of fans who "never doubted it for a moment." So very sad.
BTW: I went to the website of the Bristol in Paris, which is very famous, and OY! It is really posh. Especially the suites! And you know they had suites with adjoining rooms. I cannot see them all scrunched in a 300 SF one bathroom closet thing!;)
ETA: I want to go there!
My ovaries just exploded over these pictures, LOL!!!
They look so happy, it looks like they had a great time.
I voted scruffy, although I din't really like the picture they chose!
You read all those, too, Bobbyanna? Fascinating, page-turning stuff. Oh, make that stomach-turning.
One even twisted themselves into a pretzel saying how they were "really only concerned about Jake..." Go figure!
Ha! That's a new one. Jesus. Just own up to it. Admit you were an asshole and admit you were wrong.
Not you, Bobbyanna! Hee. You know what I mean.
I though they were staying at the Bristol, as well, Bobbyanna, from the pics the other day. But the video made it seem as if they are staying at the Plaza Athenee, which makes more sense. Both very posh, but the Plaza Athenee is famous as a celeb/luxury haunt.
Also, I did see the kids at the beginning of the video, so they didn't escape completely.
About to update the post with the IHJ HQ pics - with one new one.
Oh, hey, FL! I guess I just assumed they were eating the Le Bristol, especially since they showed the restaurant sign on the video.
Wow, lovely UV. Your choice of Paris pictures is perfect.
You must be loving Paris Jake, as I do.:)
I think Ava likes mom's new guy. How could she not?
Maybe more pictures today. I'm crossing my fingers. These are great days for us.
I'm at to the Plaza Athenee site.
Now. Just what the hell is "bespoke grooming for the well-being of your shoes" and what the hell is a "cosmetic mini-bar?"
They do say the hotel is kid friendly. But I think they meant the kids from back in the days of "Fanny and Alexander"!!!
They did show two rather shiney,red, electric convertible cars...for children to play with.
No doubt the Plaza is extremely extremely posh and it is in an absolutely perfect location. But I just cannot see my "orange pants sweetheart" roaming around there and feeling OK with it.
Hello, Babblers!
These photos put a smile on my face!
The Ava is a lovely girl!
My favorite photo:
Yesterday was the premiere of BTDK as strange look at the photos and not see the Heath.
He deserves all the praise it has received.
Video premiere BTDK
If it is shown to be as Oscar Actor in a Supporting Role, as Batman is the main character.
If Jake is indicated by Brothers, will also be as Actor in a Supporting Role.
I have always believed in Jake with respect to Heath.
You know I'm loving Paris Jake, LGB! This has been so much fun for me. Of course, I'm happy he'll be working, since I can't wait to see PoP, but I hope he gets back to Paris often!
Also, IHJ seems to have a bunch more pictures, not new ones, burt from yesterday's sets. So no new ones yet, today, LGB, but we can hope.
They do say the hotel is kid friendly. But I think they meant the kids from back in the days of "Fanny and Alexander"!!!
Ha! That cracked me up, Bobbyanna. What a life these kids are getting to lead. Offset by things like the paps hounding them. But still, they are having some wonderful experiences.
I'm wondering if either Reese or Jake speaks conversational French. Even a tiny bit. I would LOVE to hear Jake speak French...softly...never mind.
Great pics UV, they are absolutely lovely.
I laughed at the video, Jake did look pissed a couple of times, but they seemed to be messing the paps about.
Seriously these pics just keep getting better and better. It really is so great to see them all enjoying Paris..sigh....:D
Thanks for the video too. Lovely to see them in action.
This was the caption on the last set of picture posted on IHJ:
"After a dinner at the restaurant "Allard", Jake Gyllenhaal with Reese Witherspoon and his daughter Elizabeth, attended the fireworks of July 14th in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. For their last evening in Paris, France. 7.14.08"
Now I know in the last few days, bloggers have been referring to them as a family, but here they sayb his daughter and use Ava's middle name. Odd.
Anyway i'm loving all these pictures and I wish they would all stay in Paris for a bit longer but he has to get back to work!
Reese and Jake deserve lots of credit for the way they handle the paparazzi when the kids are with them.
I wonder if Jake and Ava with cameras the other day, was some sort of "exercise" in helping her overcome her fears of this sort of thing, in addition to just wanting to take pictures on vacation.
Their experience at LAX, coming back from Mexico, was terrifying for small children. Luckily, they avoided it this time and hopefully, in future, too.
But even tho Jake and Reese were obviously not thrilled to have their pictures taken walking to the fireworks, they do a very good job of not transmitting that to Ava.
They seem to try very hard not to let the unpleasantness of the paparazzi define, or rob them of a wonderful experience.
While he was warily looking around a bit, Jake, with Ava up high, and Reese, were able to enjoy their special evening. These are absolutely just priceless pictures!
I'm going to miss the Paris adventure, I know it's coming to an end, but we have some beautiful photos!! They really look so happy.
I loved reading the LJ account of the lunch with Jake on the set of Nailed. I laso remember when a blogger mentioned J&R at the memorial and what hell she caught, she had to delete the entry.
Some thought she made it up or didn't approve of her description, good to know that he attended, not that I thought otherwise but this was a confirmation.
I think these are on IHJ, but it's fun to see Jake smirking/smiling in the background of that first pic.
The paparazzis of Paris have seen it all, I'm thinking!!! Reese, then Jake, leaving separately, smiling, can they really think they are evading the paparazzi? I think they are simply ruining the shots. Not being seen together. Which makes the fireworks pictures worth a bit of money, I'm thinking!
Please fellow babbler UV, a link to me in my LJ instant messages box...I am sassym as you know...please.
I would love to read all the comments: I was just worried about Jake, never doubted him etc. to make up for my pain and suffering these last few months.
Reese and Jake are definitely staying apart in order for the paps not to get the shot they want. This isn't anything new for them.
And sass, I was being sarcastic about the LJ comments. As far as I can see, not a single person has stood up and admitted that s/he was wrong to judge Jake. There's a lot of "I knew it all along" BS from some quarters.
I don't expect any of the haters to own up to their hypocrisy. Though there's always a first time, I guess :)
Just realized why I find the pics of the 3 of them holding hands so captivating. It's really the first time Jake and Reese have expressed affection in front of the kids right? (well one of them, Ava). I mean, up till now we've seen them together on outings and stuff, and there have been pics of them with the kids, but these are the first pics that openly say "we are a couple" while the kids (Ava) is there with them. kwim?
Well, it's the first time there's been a photograph of the affection, mtoan. I'm sure it's not the first time it's occurred. But I know what you mean - that does set the photo apart.
And {{{sass}}}. I forgot to ask how you're doing!
yeah UV, that's what I meant...first time WE'VE seen photos of it, not the first time they've expressed affection in front of the kids. I imagine that was probably some time ago.
ps. I guess mtoan is it and I stop trying to come up with something! lol!
I appreciated Ted and Lisa sharing their adventure with other fans, and with "fans". How reassuring it must be for these people ("fans") to know that "we can say the old Jake that many people feel is now gone, is still alive and kicking".
... rolls eyes.....
Jake looks hotter every day! How does he do it? Love the long hair, but still saying.... extensions.
Thats one of the quibbles I had Narcissa. Still some people seem to need "reassurance".
Reese: WOW!!!
Ok, we know that she is still in Paris, I assume that Jake is back to work in Morocco, but I thoght Reese would be heading home. She looks fab, aphoto shoot by a familar photographer!
Looks like Reese is on a working vacation:
Actress Reese Witherspoon, 32, slipped into a beautiful red gown for a Nina Ricci photo shoot under the direction of renowned photographer Mario Testino in Paris, France on Tuesday. (Reese wears Nina Ricci on the red carpet a lot–like at the the 2007 Golden Globes and the 2007 Oscars.)
She looks gorgeous! I hope Jake was around to see. And maybe so Mario could take some more beautiful candids.
Jinx, extra!
This means she can write off part of her vacation! Sorry. I do it for a living ;)
was up late reading all the "mea culpas" and apologies and retractions form all those Jake fans who derided, denigrated and disowned him because of his "lack of proper grief."
Oh, wait, no, I haven't seen a single one of those.
Yeah, I was underwhelmed! I don't want to fuel the fire, but I really need to throw my 2¢ in. I made a point of reading all the comments on the LJ account of their Jake meeting........ I was struck by how many people seemed to be saying that their "faith" in Jake was now properly restored, thanks to Ted and Lisa. Really...... that's what it took for them to "forgive" Jake? Sorry, but that does not impress me.
One more quibble...... I don't know Ted from a hole in the ground, but I assume he's a perfectly fine human being. I was however, struck by his assurance (in his comment here at GB) that the LJ story would "let people see the real Jake"...... implying that they were going to lift the veil from our eyes. He might be surprised to know that there are many of us that never lost our affection for, understanding of and faith in Jake.
Sorry for the long comment. If you don't want to continue on this topic UV, please feel free to delete my post. Just writing it out was cathartic! :)
Suvee I agree with your comment completely.
Suvee I agree with your comment completely.[2]
Suvee and me.
Suvee, words cannot express ...I could just hug you!!! All I know is what people say about themselves on the DC Forum. I will only say I applaud your good judgement, your discerning eye, and your instincts.
I agree with you as well suvee. Thank you for expressing what I have been feeling but didn't feel really comfortable posting.
I wonder if Jake will forgive these people who decided to judge him so harshly (about something they obviously didn't know anything about) during such a difficult period in his life.
Just because you liked one of his movies doesn't mean that he owes you anything. After all, it was his friend who died. Maybe people should have been more respectful of him.
I'm often offended by people within the BBM fandom who act like Jake owes them something. This attitude doesn't seem to exist among any of Jake's other fans. It also strikes me as odd the way BBM fans act like they knew/know Heath and Jake personally, but usually base their feelings on assumptions that are not rooted in fact.
I sometimes wonder if people are even interested in the real Jake and Heath, or just the one they invented in their minds.
Suvee thank you for your comments.
there are many of us that never lost our affection for, understanding of and faith in Jake.
This actually made me tear up a bit when I read it, suvee. Thank you.
And anon @9:18, I think you hit the nail on the head. I've long thought this as well:
I'm often offended by people within the BBM fandom who act like Jake owes them something. This attitude doesn't seem to exist among any of Jake's other fans. It also strikes me as odd the way BBM fans act like they knew/know Heath and Jake personally, but usually base their feelings on assumptions that are not rooted in fact.
I've moved on from the BBM part of Jake's fandom due in large part to what you posted above.
Suvee, we would never delete your comment. I agree wholeheartedly and I thank you for writing it.
It sounds arrogant, maybe, or dismissive to say some of us didn't need to have our faith restored, some of us have always known the "real" Jake. But it's true.
Yes, it's great to hear details about Jake's graciousness and his charm and his sincerity. But we've had years of examples, both public and private. There's nothing revealing in that regard.
We didn't turn against Jake because he didn't speak after Heath died. We understood.
And of course, we didn't turn against him because he fell in love with Reese.
I was one of the people hoping Ted and Lisa's account would change people's minds, so that people could move on, could feel better about Jake.
But after reading the responses, as you have, I changed my mind. Who cares if these people feel better about Jake? Especially since none of them seems capable of admitting they judged him harshly and unfairly.
If you needed to read this account to have your faith in Jake restored, no doubt something else you read or hear will shake that faith. Because your "faith" is based on something you need Jake to be, not on who he is.
And since he'll never be what so many of these folks want him to be (Jack Twist. Gay. Dead.), he will always be found wanting.
just a got a verrrry interesting tip from an FOB (friend of Blabber), who tells me that there are wedding plans in motion for Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon -- on Martha's Vineyard!
Gyllenspoon are fans of the island, and took a trip there last summer for some R&R with the family. Also, Jake's parents, director Stephen Gyllenhaal and screenwriter Naomi Foner, own a home there and Jakey and his sis Maggie Gyllenhaal have been spending their summers there since they were kids (Jake was even a lifeguard there when he was a teen). So, it makes total sense that the lovebirds would be planning to say "I do" on the soil of my pal Suzy's favorite place in the world.
Come to think of it, Suzy is in MV right now! Get me some more details, girl!
Hyperlinks are your friend, anon. As is indicating this is not something you are writing, but that it's from a source.
As much as I'd love this to be true, it's hard to imagine a wedding happening anytime soon. But I really, really want it to be on the Vineyard and not in that horsey Ojai house. Ranch, whatever.
The seaside beats the countryside! Like scruffy should beat cleancut!
If you needed to read this account to have your faith in Jake restored, no doubt something else you read or hear will shake that faith. Because your "faith" is based on something you need Jake to be, not on who he is.
So eloquently stated, UV...... and so true IMO. Thank you!
And a big thank you to bette, monica, vicky, bobbyanna, paula, anon 9:18 and FL for your kind comments regarding my post. It really means a lot to me to know that I am not alone in my perceptions.
No, thanks to you for having the guts to post, suvee.
And now I'll stop before this turns into an absurd lovefest!
Speaking of lovefests, that Ojai house was built for horses, FL! You know I'm not a country person. Hee.
I'd also love to see them get married in Paris. Or Venice.
But Ojai? Meh.
Okay, okay, wherever it is, it will be beautiful.
Okay, now I'm worried...... what exactly did I say that took guts?
I've said it before, I'll say it again..... wedding on MV..... perhaps in autumn? :)
Works for me, suvee!
And I do love that shot, FL. Love all the colors. And the broad shoulders.
Oh, I guess technically, that's not part of the hair...
My cousin got married on Martha's Vineyard in the fall. It was a small, but very elegant wedding.
There's a very nice country inn where she got married (that used to be a famous person's house from the guilded age), I forget it's name. But I remember hearing that it rented for $50,000 a day specifically for weddings.
I was anon 9:18, BTW. I just wasn't sure if my comments were appropriate and I was afraid to offend.
Don't hate me for saying this, but I think the MV wedding might be Maggie's!
I'm holding out for that horsey old ranch in Ojai. I think the paps will figure out how to get pictures better in Ojai. (Did I just say that outloud?)
Besides. Does anyone really think Laura Jean Reese Witherspoon will let some random people plan her wedding while she is in Paris or Morocco, and Jake is leaping off tall buildings faster then a speeding bullet...(oops! wrong superhero!)
Of course, maybe Missy had fittings while in Paris. They sure were very coupled up in both London and Paris, and they didn't try very hard to disabuse people that this was a "family" vacation. Looked very domestical. IMHO.;)
Can I just say. I just want to just hug everybody.(((((everybody))))
(I'd go for MV if we can get good pictures. But I am thinking it's Maggie. Just a feeling.)
bobbyanna has a point about it being Maggie's wedding. Maggie makes sense.
Now that I think of it, my gut says Maggie as well.
Domestical, lol.
word around the internet was Reese is doing something like a fashion shoot for vogue magazine while in Paris
This was just being passed around, who knows if it is the truth
IDK. I remember reading some article very very recently, where Maggie is talking about how much she wants a wedding with all the trimmings. And she has a killer engagement ring on. And Peter is consistently referred to as her fiance'. Ramona is walking, so there's the flower girl. I think Maggie would want it private and special, not a "hotel wedding." MV seems to fit.
Buzzkill, Bobbyanna. :)
Awwww! I'm sorry, UV.
OK. Reese was in Paris to secretly buy her gown and the rumors of a wedding on MV in September are true. The tents have been ordered, the rooms reserved, and the fake names are Ben Jacobs and Laura Jean Phillips.
Actually, I think that's rather good for a fake, totally made up rumor thing at midnight! ;)
LOL, oh that really made me laugh, bobbyanna.
This is for you!
Why, thank you, FL! I intend to wear it to bed and then all day tomorrow aswell. I haven't got one of these in quite some time!
BTW: SIR Ben Kingsley was photo'd in London, July 15th.
(Did I say an entire episode of Edible Island will be devoted to "Preparing a Special Meal for a Large Gathering?"
So many things happened during the last days.
I enjoyed all the pictures of them during their Paris vacation. It looks like Jake wanted do give us something to drool over for the next weeks when he disappears somewhere in Morocco...
Reese looks wonderful in that red Nina Ricci dress. Perhaps we will get a story in one of those womens magazines when she starts her "Four christmases" promotion?
I enjoyed reading Lisas/Teds report of their Jake adventure - especially the part where they talked about Heath - but I agree with Suvee and everyone else - my feelings towards Jake have never changed from the day I learned to "know" him until today.
Maggie looks so great in her dress at the TDK premiere. It seems she has lost some pounds.
I felt a bit uncomfortable seeing the "black" carpet.....
It was surely a very emotional experience for everyone involved.
Great post and lovely pics!
Thanks for your thoughts, which are spot on.
I´m always amazed and honestly often enough disgusted by some "fans" of Jake, claiming to be open minded, tolerant, yadda, yadda, yadda, who only seem happy when demeaning Reese and calling him a liar, when he does not "behave" according to their wishes.
Open minded huh? Tolerant, my eye.
Blogs can be a great thing, as is seen here, and TY again for that, but often enough I cannot help but feel appalled by some blogs, where they reduce themselves to cater to the nasties, post the most compromising pics and feed the envious, who cannot abide the fact that someone might actually be rich, famous and happy.
Feel free to erase this post, but I needed to vent a bit after reading the comments on JJ, who still tries to keep a relaxed attitude about things.
I agree with you Smile.
Love all the pictures from Paris and Reese looks amazing in the photo shoot. Accorping to peopl.com, she did that shoot earlier in the day, Monday Bastille day. I thought she did it on Tuesday.
Mario Tesstino is also an admirer of the Gyllentorso! He shot those very provocative pictures of Jake a few years back, B/W, shirtless, of Jake admiring himself ;)
Maybe one day, he will shoot Jake and Reese together...and they'll be all dressed up, and there'll be and little kids scattering rose petals...;) ;)
I can dream!
I forgot to add that any wedding chatter coming out of MV is probably about Maggie and Peter!
I forgot to add that any wedding chatter coming out of MV is probably about Maggie and Peter!
Bobbyanna, your eternal optimism about there wedding is infectious!
Morning UV, FL, and babblers,
WOW! I have much to catch up on.
Yes, most of us never questioned Jake's actions after Heath's death nor did we think he had changed from the considerate, kind, thoughtful, loving, generous person he's always been.
Jake is obviously still deeply grieving his best friend. I can't imagine his pain. I'm a baby boomer and my best friends are still alive *knock wood* scattered from coast to coast. I pray always for Jake and Heath's peace everyday.
Maggie and Aaron just left The Today Show talking about the movie and how much they miss Heath. Can't wait til Saturday. Matt Lauer loves the movie. *
back soon
Jake and Reese will be on the next cover of Us magazine. The vacation in Paris. They used a picture from July 11th I think of them in the park, a picture I didn't see posted of them looking at a picture on Jake's cell phone, cute!
Thanks, anon. So Jake takes cell phone pictures just like everybody else! ;)
I think it's kind of unusual there haven't been sightings by civilians with cell phones, either in London or Paris.
Hardly any blogging either. And I just know they were recognized. I was hoping bloggers would fill in the gaps for us. Altho, I think our own creative speculation has been just fine! ;)
I guess I am dreading the feast/famine cycle, bcz we're probably heading for "famine." Last time Jake went to Morocco, he disappeared. Can anyone tell me plz, where in Morocco they will be?
They are currently rehearsing in Marrakech, Morocco, which is a major city of over 1,000,000 people. I think they are "basing" there.
They will be actually filming at Atlas Studios in Ouarzazate. A smaller city about 100 miles away.
bobbyanna, I'm with you.
I Hate the coming drought; Jake really does lift my spirits. Sometimes when I'm busy, I can feel my face smile when I think of him smiling and happy...weird but true. I am not speaking to one of my Internet friends who decided to tell me how she and some of her work buddies decided that Ryan is way better looking than Jake. I may not speak to her ever again and I told her to never tell me that again...seriously...weird behavior but true:) I don't need that distraction in my life right now...later maybe.
I will of course scan all copies of US Magazine for my peeps. I'm in for the lumpectomy next week so I hope I can get my hands on copies of all things Jake related for scanning, pleasure and pain control:lol
I hope you all send up some prayers... you are adopted as part of my family, plus of course my son and my friends scattered here and there. I miss my mom v.v.v. much but I have to be a big big girl now and carry on.
I see that Jessica Alba is on the cover of OK magazine with her new beautiful daughter. And of course the Brangelina's are donating millions to charity from their twins cover. But, as yet no paid cover pics of babies yet from Halle or ever I think Reese or Maggie or Gwyneth...oh well...level of comfort probably dictates these baby cover decisions.
TY brothers spy.
Thanks for the information, brothers spy.
Just watched the clip from the Today Show. Maggie and Aaron. Aaron is very gracious. He talked about visiting with Heath's mother after the premiere and about how Heath's ipod lives on. It was sweet. Maggie has difficulty talking about Heath.
I'm at work so I missed Maggie and Aaron on the Today show, I think Maggie will be on Letterman tonight.
My thoughts are with you Sass and a big hug, hope all goes well.
I will be seeing TDK this weekend with mixed emotions.
Don't think we will be seeing much of Jake for a while, and depending on Reese's plans her as well.
I noticed that too bobbyanna...her eyes showed so much emotions.
bobbyanna and fellow
peeps...this pic is for all romantics...all babblers... US!
Jake is passing the front Harry Winston Jewelers in Paris. But Did he go inside? Or knowing him and his privacy concerns is he going to text Reese and have a private diamond engagement ring showing. Be still my heart:)
Jake passing in front of Harry Winston's Jewelers
back later
Accorping to people.com, she did that shoot earlier in the day, Monday Bastille day. I thought she did it on Tuesday.
I think it was yesterday, sheba. They have the photo in Star Tracks saying it was Tuesday. Her Monday Vogue stop was just an office visit, I guess. Here's the full People blurb on Bastille Day, J&R style:
• Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon, celebrating Bastille Day in Paris with a bang. The couple took in the traditional fireworks display, with Gyllenhaal hoisting Witherspoon's daughter Ava, 8, on his shoulders to give her a better view. Earlier, the couple had lunched at L'Avenue, a restaurant on Avenue Montaigne, before setting off separately. (Witherspoon headed to the Vogue offices, while her beau went shopping in the trendy Marais district.) But they met up again for tea at Mariage Frères before the light show.
I wonder if the 8th is the Paris Comfort Zone? Hee.
Hi everyone ;)
I wish I could get the Us Weekly magazine/Reese Jake cover, or maybe someone here can get us the scans
Oh, I see that Jake wandered over to the Marais, so he left the CZ! Bless. As I might have mentioned, that's my favorite part of Paris. I wonder if he went to the Picasso Museum...
And Bobbyanna, I wish we'd gotten more blog sightings, too. Those can be so much more fun than the magazine reports. If people elaborate. I hate the reports that just say "I saw Jake and Reese today."
Hello?! Details, please. Someone on ONTD said she stood near them during the fireworks. And that's all she said!
Oh, and {{{Sass}}}! Sending all good thoughts your way today and for next week.
And Erin, Sass said she'd try to get the scans ASAP.
Can one spam one's own blog? If so, sorry, FL :)
More Reese shots from yesterday.
Hey Sass, that picture is from the x17video. The one were he is walking way behind the Nanny and the kids, spots the paps, makes a face and then turns his back and walks away, privacy??Hmmmmm.
Thanks for doing the scans!!
Jake maybe in Harry Winston
made my week :P
always feel a little joy hearing these Jake stories, I get butterflies
Thanks for the Splash link, UV.
That dress is really red!! She looks beautiful, but the red I loved best was that dress she wore for the Rome Film Festival Rendition premiere. I loved the lines of it, killer neckline, and that raspberry red tone.
I guess they serve different purposes. This lipstick bright red is so dramatic it probably will look amazing in the magazine as it does here for the photo shoot. The other dress was more functional, something she could wear all evening long, and it was also very sexy.
I like the way they've done her hair. They've got a sort of Grace Kelly thing going on.
anon 9:45, here's a direct link the US cover of Jake and Reese, the one with them looking at the cellphone together...yeah, it's pretty cute!
US mag cover
Reese is definately channeling Grace Kelly in that photo shoot, she looks stunning.
The US magazince cover is cute!
More from Reese's photo shoot.
And look at Jake's arm on that Us cover!
And more Reese here.
Bobbyanna, I forgot to say that I also loved Reese's Rome dress. One of the dresses in the JJ pics has a similar vibe.
Reese is working for a Vogue shoot? Maybe she will give an interview in the magazine and give us a little bit detail about le' boyfriend ;)
just dreaming..
I guess Jake is in Morocco now??
anywho.. she looks stunning in those gowns
Thanks for the Splash link, UV. I kind of like the one where she has her back to the photographer, and her head slightly turned. Such glamour! Oy! You have to just ignore the giant safety pins ;)
Beauty is pain!
I think Sass mentioned Maggie and Aaron Eckhart on the Today Show. There's a link here.
This is a small silly thing, but what the hell. I am so sick and tired of these Googles alerts (about a zillion at last count) about Reese laying down rules if Jake wants to live with her!
Complete total rubbish. They couldn't even make up some interesting rules! It was "Don't swear in front of the kids, and take out the trash when it's 3/4 full, etc." Arrrrgh! I guess if they have to fabricate, they could definitely do worse. I sure hope he doesn't get any bruises or nicks from working out. Next thing they'll say she beats him! ;) ;)
BTW: I was looking at the photo shoot pictures closely. Because I just know that one day, Jake is going to leave his mark. ;)
(Sometimes i just feel like being reckless with my predictions!)
Yeah those stories are rubbish. It's sad they make stuff up about people.
Reese looks stunning in that photoshoot.
I will go tomorrow and see if I can get a US weekly magazine
Is the magazine on stands yet?
Reese's perfume ad.
Kind of cool that Reese is doing a photo shoot with Mario T.! She looks beautiful.... especially in the black/cream corset dress. I love the dramatic make up in those pics.
Thanks for the Matt Lauer interview link, UV. I cannot imagine how weird it must be for these actors to be caught in such a bittersweet situation...... you know they must be thrilled that their movie is (apparently) an artistic and critical success, but their enjoyment is probably tempered by a profound sadness too.
Sass, hope everything goes well with your surgery..... I'm sending positive thoughts your way!
I never ever think of going to Splash News. Reese is stunning in Primary colors...red yellow etc. I saved a snap of her in Rome; I loved that dress so so much...the color, neckline, and length, all done so well...totally discreet and hot. Lucky Jake:)
Reese very pretty in Rome...red dress
bobbyanna, I know exactly what you mean about the alerts. I nearly stopped my Jake, Jake/Reese alerts today; usually Gyllenbabble or my other Jake blogger site has most or nearly all of the Jake or Jake/Reese news first anyway, but I couldn't pull the plug yet.:)
Avon is going to sell a hella lot of Ungaro, especially since Reese is so popular with most folks.
Wow, that is a gorgeous ad, enigma. And how appropriate for this week :)
Bobbyanna, I am so tired of seeing that idiotic story everywhere, too. Even my sister mentioned it to me, out of the blue. She couldn't believe it was on MSNBC!
And suvee, I'm looking forward to the Testino pictures, too. And I don't know how all TDK folks are getting through this. It's a tough time in what should be a time of triumph.
No new pics, but we did put up a new post.
Sass, didn't see your post - I just put up a new one, so feel free to repost if you want. Reese in Rome red was gorgeous.
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