IHJ posted some photos of Jake Gyllenhaal at a restaurant with Bono and The Edge last year. The expressions are priceless.

You can Jake and Anne's arrival and some snippets from their press conference:
And here's an old interview with Jake and Anne from Today Australia. The first part seems familiar, but the "movie star" stuff seems new. But who can remember all of them at this point!
You can watch more of their arrival and a good chunk of the press conference here.
Further down memory lane, here's Jake on Conan, talking about Bono singing "Send in the Clowns:"
Jake U2 by GyllenBabble
1 – 200 of 237 Newer› Newest»Love the captions and the looks on Jake's face, ha, ha!!!
I adore Jake and Annie together, perfection. And congratulations are in order for her and her BF I hear along with Maggie and Peter expecting, Jake is going to be an Uncle again!!
Didn't get a chance to wish everyone a happy T-Day on the previous poast, I hope everyone enjoyed spending times with their loved ones.
jake and his expressions, he could do a silent film Haha
What was Jake promoting when he was on Conan?
I loved to see Jake and Anne together, they have wonderful onscreen chemistry. I hope they work together again sometime.
I loved Jake's expressions.
Two of my favorite people,Jake and Bono.
It's hard to remember all the LAOD promotion, but I specifically remember two things: It was fun and Jake looked hot as hell!
Paula C., I agree with every single thing you've said! : )
Two of UV's favorite people - or should I say three!
This post reminds me. He was Australia in early December of last year wrapping press junkets for LAOD, then Golden Globes & Oscars, then doing press for SC, which took him to Rome and Berlin,(hope I didn't miss a city) and left there to go directly to Iceland. All in less than five months. He comes home and begins prep for EOW in L.A.
Fine images. And Jake and Anne are great together.
I hope End of Watch get a distributor. And I hope it go to film festivals.
Love seeing Jake with my favorite band:)
sigh, sigh......words escape me, as I look at hot Jake with the other 3 hot men. * down* * thud*
nite nite,sweet dreams to all.
Jake does have a very expressive face, love him and U2!!
You have a great memory Bobbyanna, I can't believe that it's been a year.
Jake and Anne were the best thing about LAOD, hope they get a chance to work together again.
I'm a major Bono fan , what a great post!
It must be so cool to get to hang out with one of your favorite bands.
Looks like he had a great time with them in OZ, love seeing Jake and Anne together:)
Looks like Jake might be back in LA:
Bob got the Silver Lake hunk spotting of the week this AM! Jake Gyllenhaal AND Scott Speedman at the same place...my two faves. Jealous.
24 minutes ago
Belated happy Thanksgiving, Paula! Glad you liked the captions. As Daniela said, he could do a silent picture!
Lily, Jake was promoting Jarhead in that Conan appearance.
Paula C, I have those same recollections of the Love promotion. Funny that :)
Two of UV's favorite people - or should I say three!
You got it, Bobbyanna. Love all three, though Bono is the man. It's my favorite band, too, Mary. And sass, glad to know you're a U2 fan.
Chica, we'll have to do a Best Of for Jake's expressions post one of these days.
OONP, one of the things I do envy about celebrity life is the opportunity to meet your idols. Jake definitely takes advantage of that!
Monica, I hope EoW finds a distributor, too. And that it's good enough for the festival circuit.
Dani, Spielberg said that Jake looks like a silent movie actor because of the expressions he do. He can act with his eyes.
But unfortunately he's not in The Artist (I want so much to see this movie).
UV, It makes me worried, because the movie quality is important for it to find a distributor.
It would be great to see Anne and Jake working again, but would like to see him working with Michelle. I remember he said this at the time of laod.
His dream is to work with Michelle and Ryan Gosling.
I think it's in Silver Lake where is the studio of David Ayer.
UV,I thought it was strange that all the NYC sightings stopped a couple of days ago. The L.A. tweeters will really have to get on the ball to compete with the NYC tweeters! LOL! : )
I don't think EoW will have any problems finding a distributor. I'll be very interested to see if we get any feedback from the early screenings.
I didn't know that Speilberg saod that about Jake Monica, it's so true!
I'm a big fan of Bono/U2 and I'm jealous that Jake gets to hang out with them!
Speaking of Jake and his favorite bands, I think I heard that Mumford and Sons received a grammy nomination!
I adore Jake and Anne together, would love for him to work with Michelle again too.
So Jake is back in L.A! I remember a Jake and Scott Spedman sighting this summer, I think it was at some party with Busy.
David Ayer's production Co is in Silver Lake Monica, let's hope that it's a sign that EOW that they are working on getting a distributor.
Just saw Jake Gylenhaal in the coffee shop and... (Insert love song here) ♡
23 minutes ago
Monica, I love when filmmakers praise Jake, and much better if everyone were able to work with him
Tweety, this comment is on the DVD of Moonlight Mile. Spielberg saw the film and told this to director.
Dani, I agree with you.
Jake face would have been perfect for silent films Daniela, it's so expressive!
This was such a fun promo. Jake and Anne had so much fun promoting it and I was so happy when they both received GG nominations for it.
I hope SC is remembered, so far it hasn't been mentioned in any of the Awards so far.
There were plenty of moments in BBM where Jake said more with his very expressive eyes than most people say with words. I think he would have been great in the Artist.
I forgot about that Spielberg line, Monica. It would be nice to see Jake in a Spielberg film, even if I'm not always a fan.
From a tweeter in LA:
and he's even better-looking in person, if that's possible
9 minutes ago
tweet-worthy celeb spotting of the day: jake gyllenhaal in line in front of me for lunch! have i mentioned how much i love this city?
11 minutes ago
From twitter
taralovessyou Tara
I saw Jake Gyllenhaal at pinkberry tonight. Oh my gosh he is so beautiful!
Looks like Jake is right back in the LA CZ swing, fro yo and sushi:
Jake Gylenhaal is behind me in Nozawa
3 hours ago
I forgit that Jake was a fan of U2, love all the expressions on his face, so funny!!!
I want to see The Artist too Monica, it's been getting raves.
I hope that if Jake and Anne decide to do another film together they get a better script to work with because they have amazing chemistry.
Jake sure loves his CZ's, both on the East and West Coast!
what are CZs?
From twitter
Gregory Murphy
Just saw Jake gyllenhall on my way to work. full beard and fully hot in person. Good way to start my workday."
Love the pics with U2, Steph has some pics at IHJ of Jake out & about in BH on Saturday, The beard is in full force but unlike recent snaps he's smiling, which was lovely to see on a cold, rainy day in the UK.
anon cz stands for comfort zones
its cold and still a little windy in LA too.
This year is going by so fast, can't believe the holidays are here already!
I crack up at Jake's expressions, they can be funny, goofy and adorable sometimes all at once :)
And speaking of adorable, he and Anne are just that, loved their LAOD promotion more than the movie although their chemistry sire saved it for me.
I see that Jake found his way back home to L.A. and is hitting his usual CZ's, thanks UV and everyone here for all the updates!
Thanks, T. It is good to see him smile. Sadly, those pants made the trip with Jake!
From Facebook:
mere inches from Jake Gyllenhaal and Scott Speedman.
25 minutes ago
I agree UV, it's is good to see him smile. You mentioned pants, so I went to IHJ to check them out. He's so cute walking and smiling.:)
I went over to BOM to see the Top 100 movies.
I love lists....Source code is #59 in the top 100 movies of 2011. YAY!!
Don't mean to bring my babbler buds down but I feel really close to this group. I'm having a PET scan and a CT scan with Contrasts at 10AM in the morning. Fingers crossed!
Herman Cain left the campaign...Trump will moderate the next debate...Romney changes positions every 15 minutes...Newt is on top. Unbelievable.
going to Macy's if I can for a moment.
Good luck tomorrow sass fingers crossed please keep us updated you know we care about you
Yes please keep us posted if you can Sass, my thought and good vibes are with you.
Good luck, sass, I'll be thinking of you! (((sass)))
I've never seen anyone get so attached to a pair of pants like Jake, even Freud can't explain it!
I love that look of "I'm really enjoying my life right now" on Jake's face and that naughty smile.
Good luck Sass, i'll be sending you good vibes
Looks like Jakes on the go again Stephanie has posted pics of Jake taken today at bob hope airport in burbank wonder if hes headed back to NYC? guess if he is we will know soon and hes not very happy in these pics to see the paps
From Twitter:
"I swear I just saw Jake Gyllenhaal at Nopa"
San Francisco. He didn't seem to have much luggage. But he never seems to . : )
I saw the photos. He looks upset with the paparazzi.
I am with the DVD of Love and Other Drugs. The chemistry of Anne and Jake still amazing.
It was fun to see some extras. And the movie, of course.
I like this comedy, despite some errors, especially Josh Gad. It is fun. Jake and Anne make the film fun.
Unlike Bridsmaids. Boring movie, I did not give a smile.
Melissa McCarthy does nothing great in this movie. And she can still be nominated for an Oscar. Absurd.
I'm not a good day. My dog is sick.
Sass I hope everything goes okay. Monica I hope your doggie is okay.
It seems that Jake loves to go up to San Fran. I would love to visit the west coast I've never been there.
Before the Thanksgiving post I never really read the comments section *ducking*, now I see that was a major fault.
I missed all the information and updates!
Thanks for taking the time to post all of these little tidbits.
I heard that jake's new GIRLfriend is a danser/model and her name is Salina Rose.last name Is privet. she lives in San fransico and whas over the past two weeks in NYC for a fashion show. she hase long dark hair. how I know this? I saw them two making out at the airport in nyc when she whas driving him there. geuss he is going back to LA?? she is a pretty girl, look happy together he smilled allot when she whas huging him after saying goodby. this whas monday!!last week the 28th
Best of luck (((Sass))).
Hope your dog is feeling better Monica.
Are you Kendra from Jake Weird?
@Chica said...
No im not. What is that for a site? I work at the NYC airport i saw them while I whas at work.
on another site it said Jake had missed his flight so maybe that explains some why he wasnot in a good mood
I saw that mary! Poor guy looked frustrated.
Guess I'll just "wait & see" regarding "Kendra's" info. She certainly knows a lot about the girl. : ) Jake's been pretty private about who he dates.
Wanted to add that something must be wrong with my Google images search capability, bcz when I googled the name of this "model/dancer" I found nothing, which is odd, but then I spelled it with an "e" instead of an "i" and discovered someone with a career in "adult entertainment".
So I'm beginning to doubt "kendra", just a little. ; )
No..I dont know her personal and even dont know Jake personal. I checked them both in when they where catch there flight at jfk. Her Last name I cant say. Salina ( whit a A on the end) Rose is her middel name. You only can find her on the internet whit her last name. I cant tell it cause I can loose my job if I do. she whas a model on the victoria secret show. more I cant say cause i dont know her.
Do you have a link, kendra?
No, I'm NOT Robin, I know not a robin. I use a blackberry type, with such sites is just very difficult because my phone does not recognize all the characters. he is looking for a word and makes some of them own. I can not change that because I do not know how.
I'm not active on other sites, sometimes I check this out and that's it. There are lots of tweets about Jake and this lady, certainly one of the first three weeks back.
FYI: Jake was tweeted riding subways, also in the Union Square area, around 14th, and he was also tweeted @ Columbia University campusarea on Tuesday,
November 29th.
Since this is consistent with his usual activites, I doubt he was @ the airport leaving, Monday November 28th.
I hate to sound like a stickler for details, but there's so many lies and exaggerations printed on the internet, in magazines, on gossip blogs, etc. and confusing inaccurate stuff.
I'm always comfortable with what 's on GB, bcz all of us try very hard to get accurate information as much as possible.
So,"Kendra," I'll adopt a wait and see about this recent information about a Victoria's Secret Model, and that's about as much as I can graciously say. : )
As Chica and others have said, one day he'll find someone and settle down, but I hope he having a great time while he's "searching." : ) He was mentioned with several different girls in NYC, so he's obviously dating.
Hi, I just want 2 say. that it is true what they are saying about Jake dating the Victoria secret Model SALINA ROSE.( i tought she whas a model for the brand DIOR??) They where seen together Yesterday in San Francisco in a coffee cafe whit two other PPL.(Unknown how they are). but Jake and Salina were holding hands when they left the Coffee place. She whas wearing a black dress and he whas wearing brown shoes matching whit his brown pants and his grey sweather.
typical Monday morning. colored pencils, iPod, macchiato, bran muffin, and mr Donnie darko himself, Jake gyllenhaal seated across from me...
4 hours ago
Location: San Francisco
Kendra/Kimberly - what you say sounds plausible but along with Robine on another page you seem to have the same issues with your phones inserting "h" into was. I can understand "whit" "with". You sound like the same person! Are you confusing this person with Izabel Goulart?
I would like to see a link.
Yes, Izabel Goulart was someone who was mentioned with Jake on Page Six following th VS Show on 11/9th- 11/10? She lives in NYC.
Now you are sharing some "new" information? Please supply a link. It's not that I'm unwilling to believe Jake is in SF visiting with some beautiful girl, but even when we read the random tweets about basement music performances in Nashville we had some verification.
GB had it first and it was correct. Almost constant tweets about Jake in NYC, and at airports but they somehow missed this? I am sorry. I will need to verify it before I will believe it.
going to work, need to show the picture I take whit jake gyllenhaal yesterdAy!!!
6 min ago
Saw Jake Gyllenhaal walking hand in hand whit a brunette while leaving a Coffee store in San Francisco yesterday. he looked very happy!
LOLOL! This is ridiculous! I think maybe we have a troll. Or this person has a very private, magic twitter account. Maybe someone else will have better luck finding this "tweet."
This is not verification.
here is that tweet.
saw Jake Gyllenhaal walking hand in hand whit a brunette while leaving a Coffee store in San Francisco. he looked very happy!
added at 4 Dec at 19 pm
bobbyanna - if you want a laugh scroll through the following link : Kendra/Kimberly appears to be Chantel Lindsey. The spellings in the link are all the same as the posts on this page!
Great catch, anon! LOL!
there are more Chantal Lindsey's in the world. diont forget that not ennyone comes from america! I find it annoying when Jake Gets a date that there always are people who are jaloes to the fact that they have heard or could not find anything. everyone knows that jake would like keeps his relationship private not comes out that quickly with this kind of news. just give him the time and love. to accuse everyone at some point for a few spelling errors which I I do see in everyone. Perhaps kendra is just 1 person and that kimberly also another. just because they both make mistakes does not mean that they person are 1and the same. just sad, I see this evrytime it happen again in the other blogs that the one bright spot can not when it comes who first discovered something new., on other blogs they talk also about Jake and that Lady salina, even on facebook, myspace, twitter. give jake just time, he will be out with her at his side as he himself is ready for it. since now more I think the paparazzi is more on to jake now when this cames out in the open. so grown up. its about jake and not about who the person is who typ messages. Like me, im not from america so prob I have made some misstakes here and there. so what?
This facebook account is from this Chantal lindsey and the twitter account is linked to this facebook page. so first check your info, and not based on a name that allot of people use on the net. second the twitter account belongs to this woman Chantal Lindsey like I said. the message on twitter about that see see jake whit that friend. is from this woman. check your info for the next time. the blog is dated from 2008. it sounds to me its from a littel girl how is a fan of Chantal ore that guy.
Kendra/Kimberly/Ally/Chantel, etc all seem to have one thing in common with Robine on IHJ: English is not their first language.
Robine is on IHJ posting links to "Salina's" FB page.
There are no tweets, FB or MySpace sightings of her in NY or SF with Jake.
"Kendra" is a troll. Suprise, LOL!!!
I forgot the link sorry.
sorry the link dind work. this is from this girl chantal Lindsey. her faceb page.
twitter account is
I hope it works.
OMG! I'm scared of so many people so suddenly appear with information, Wow!
Yikes. You go out for the day and all hell breaks loose!
"Ally," I agree with you that it's irritating how people pounce on any news of Jake with a woman and immediately declare it false. I don't think that's what was happening here. Because it is also suspicious when someone pops up out of nowhere and posts news of this nature.
We'll know soon enough whether this is real info or just nonsense.
Let's all settle down and just wait to see what happens.
Thank you, Chica. Yesterday was a horrible day and this morning too. She was vomiting a lot. I took her to the vet, she was treated and did tests and we'll see ...
Oh, goodness,s Monica. I hope things improve.
And I forgot to join in the good wishes for Sass. Hope you got nothing but good news today.
I guess sooner or later we'll find out the truth.
Monica, improvements for your dog
next week a year ago I discovered "Jakelandia" by Paula C.rsrs
So fast, so much has happened
My health has improved to ,believe?
Monica, I wish your dog gets better, it's incredible how they bring joy to our life.
Dani, isn't Jakeland a magical place, and yes it improves your health!
Twitter’s Top “Hot Topics” for 2011
1. Charlie Sheen
2. Macaulay Culkin
3. Ryan Dunn
4. Ricky Gervais
5. Pete Postlethwaite
6. Tracy Morgan
7. Jake Gyllenhaal
8. Ashton Kutcher
9. Colin Firth
10. James Franco
Is anyone suprised about NO.1 ?? LOL
and Jake is no.7
The doctor suspects disease tick.
I don't think people are jealous of Jake, that would be ridiculous, I think people are skeptical about these posts and they came to post about it.
Remove the 2 from this twitter https://twitter.com/#!/ChantalLindsey2 and see what happens. hahahaha
ChantelLindsey's tweets are protected.
Is the "one" the brunette?
Jake Gyllenhaal just followed me into #wholefoods Noe Valley. All the ladies be swoonin even if he's accompanied by one.
3 hours ago
someone at IHJ forum said Salina posted photos of her and Jake on her FB page. But you have to be friended to see them.
MrsJakobGyllenhaal - the real fun can be in the comments :) Twitter can keep the place hopping :)
Viv, interesting info from twitter. Seems Jake is a favorite. AS if we didn't know!
From Facebook:
Jake Gyllenhaal came into nopa last night haha. I cooked a burger for him.
12 hours ago ·
thank god that dude is eatting something
12 hours ago · 1
no way!!!
11 hours ago
Did you get his digits? Kinda lame he got the burger, huh?
9 hours ago
Might be a bit biased but, I feel the nopa burger is a pretty solid menu choice. That, and anything that comes out of pantry:)
And from twitter:
Summer is yelling in my ear how she saw a bearded Jake Gyllenhaal in San Francisco on her way home from work. #starstruck
2 hours ago
My wife just saw Jake Gyllenhaal in Noe as well while she was comin' home.
Possible Jake Gyllenhaal spotting at Samovar???
4 hours ago
OMG, just made a sandwich for Jake Gyllenhaal. We talked about October Sky. We're the same height and both have girl butts #confidenceboost
6 hours ago
Monica, I hope the vet can treat your dog for that!
So get friended a look for them, anon.
Altho,thinking about it logically: How would a person even know enough to ask about them? You can't get access to what you don't even know exists.
And if you were the one who had them in a locked account,what would you do?
I don't believe any of this. Not for a minute. Way too many inconsistencies. It's a fantasy, IMO. I certainly believe he's dating, but that's all. I can wait and see.
(If I "model" some Victoria's Secret underwear, or something from Dior, or Tiffany, @a local fashion show @ the mall, does that make me a model for them? LOL!) Just sayin'.
Do a real internet search. Check out the VS models. Google images for names. It's really not that damned mysterious. Logic. Common sense.
GB/UV works hard to be consistent, and reliable, and respectful of Jake & of all of us. Getting a "scoop" on information is worthless if the information's a lie. Lies about Jake are a dime a dozen. it doesn't make the person doing it special or unique. Why start another rumor that's eventually proved wrong. It always comes out, and the person who started it looks ridiculous.
There's lots of garbage out here, internet, tabloids, blogs, etc. social network sites. GB/UV has always set a pretty high standard.
I don't know Jake. But if I take what I do know about him, his lifestyle, his sense of privacy, all the things he's interested in, committed to, etc. put it together with common sense, and it's pretty reliable.
Moreso than some stranger with several fake names. So I will wait and see.
Someone posted this on tumblr:
So this particular wonderfully attractive man, believe it or not, was standing in front of me around lunch time at a sushi place in Hollywood yesterday. I think my heart stopped for a second when he turned around to see who was standing behind him, because who really expects to see Jake Gyllenhaal when they’re out getting lunch for the rest of their office on an ordinary Friday afternoon, but I hope my smile covered up my shock. Still can’t believe I saw him. I really love this city.
Oh, and just in case you were wondering, he’s even more gorgeous in person.
From twitter
George David Medrano
Omg!! Got my job back as Jake Gyllenhaal's chef!!! :D #stokked
A tweet on a BLOG. its from Yesterday.
jake Gyllenhaal, comes just within our restaurant with a beautiful lady on his side,with long brown hair. He had reserved for a quiet spot and jake ordered equal a bottle Champangne to start the evening whit.. What romansche ended in a farewell kiss.
Someone obviously has too much time on their hands, not only here but in IHJ as well!!!
Fanfic using twitter and FB, what next!
Kendra/Tweet/Ally/Kimberly/Robine, the gig is up, it was funny for about 2 minutes.
Funny how the tweets are protected and the FB set to privacy and yet you are the only one who saw them!
The legit tweets/FB sightings places Jake in SF, solo. If you saw Jake and the brunette on 11/28, why did it take you a week to post it here?
There was one tweet of Jake and some brunette in Brooklyn that was posted , you saw that and decided to spin some very bad fanfic.
If you are indeed Robine from IHJ, then you attempted to do this before on IHJ when Jake ws with Taylor. If I recall you claimed that the pics of them from US weekly was partof a commercial they were shooting and you claimed that you saw the pics of the filming that you failed to produce.
In this case you will fail to produce pics of Jake and this girl at Maggies as you claim on IHJ because they don't exist.
Now run along now.
can we now just Talk about jake? starts to get bored. we'll see if jake has something with that woman.
also very annoying that there are so many people jealous of other findings that it's just sad. There are several tweets on twitter to read that jake is spotted with this lady last month, that they had a dinner, or just spotted while they walked together somewhere. well and?
Its her Right to put her Facebook on privet.not Only for her but also for Jake. There are more stalkers dan fans how will add her. can you blame her? we will then read more tweets as he is back. everyone but each other and compare do or anyone the same person is even worse, only because some here can't find the tweets or no request or accept are on her fb account. don't forget that this blog is there to talk about jake and not everyone that has just a little luck with finding that one spelt. I say add her try on FB but not behave as a possessed fan of jake because then you know already that she is not going to add you.
Of course she isn't going to add us Robine, LOL!! But she had no problem adding you after you saw her private tweets!!!
I suspect that you made up that FB or you had a friend did it, if not why not just post the pics since you saw them already.
This is getting ridiculous, the best way to handle this is just ignore and laugh about it!
About the Railroad Revival Tour DVD:
Many of you have also been asking about a DVD in reference to the Emmett Malloy helmed film project looking into the first tour. Hours and hours (and hours) of amazing footage has been cut together and submitted to very select film festivals.
I remember the story of the comercial. hahah it was funny. Like this story, that is sad and funny at the same time.
Please have more respect for members such as ONP. She is a longtime member and was always respectful to Jake.
Very wise words, Paula :)
Monica, thanks for the RRT info. I hope they get into sone festivals.
Also, the offending post was removed, as we always do for posts like that.
Either the PC ate my earlier comment or UV deleted it (hope not).
There's been enough said about Jake and that mysterious brunette. We'll have to wait and see, if it's true we'll know sooner or later.
I'm still wondering what Jakelandia is? Would somebody be able to tell me, please? Thanks.
Yea as Paula said this is getting a little ridulous who knows what true or whats not we wont know for sure till Jake says something or we get some reliable pics of them together if true im happy for Jake but in the meantime we will just have to wait and see
Hi MrsJG. I didn't delete your comment. Blogger sometimes does that. Not sure what Jakelandia is. Did someone mention that?
And yes, wherever Jake is, with whomever, hope he's having fun.
What a cute tumblr account, UV! I'm so cool,I'd probably just faint.
I'd love to see some kind of compilation video of Jake's adventures on the RRT.
There was snow on the ground this morning! less than an inch & melting,...but still. : )
Mrs Jakob, Jakeland ( Jakelandia in Portuguese) is a word I used to describe the wonderful world of jake to Daniela who joined Monica's forum a year ago and was not familiar with this amazing Man, since that she became a Jake doctorate and loves coming to Jakeland :)
From twitter
ke Gyllenhaal Just Hit Up Bi-Rite Market eater.cc/rsYqkL via @EaterSF
Whoa!!! if the picture @ the link is from the twitter, JAke has a haircut & a chave. he looks perfect! : )
Thanks, anon.
chave=shave.: )
@Paula - thanks so much for explaining. So Jakelandia is what Gyllenworld is to me!
That pic is very nice. Less beard. Could do with a bit more hear though.
Bobbyanna, unfortunately the pic you are referring to is from 18 of May when he was leaving urth cafe.
Just checked on IHJ - Paula is right, unless he ordered the same stuff in the same jacket with the same haircut/shave as in May.
Thank you, Paula. I was just hoping...: )
It's anxiety to see him shave with less
Paula C. who has a doctorate in jake is Monica, I'm still a student lol
Mrs. Jakob, I'd have to write Jakeworld, sorry:)
I thought he had shaved too :( thanks Paula C!
Love reading that tumblr account UV :) :)
I thought he had shaved too :( thanks Paula C!
Love reading that tumblr account UV :) :)
This tweet is from the Samovar Tea place in SF:
"Actor Jake Gyllenhaal had tea with us last night! Wonderful and delightful person!"
Saw somethng else that said he was also @ Shotwells bar today, I think.
Got this really nice account from tablehopper.com in SF:
"According to this tweet from Bi-Rite Market, ~Jake Gyllenhaal~ dashed into the market this morning: “Hold the phone, @jakegyllenhal just came in to the Market! Unfortunately, he only bought waters :-( Wonder what he’s in town for??”
"A follow-up tweet about the sighting that was sent to Eater’s twitter account mentions seeing Jakey at nopa on Sunday night. After confirming with the nopa crew, I learned he sat at the communal table! I know, this is one of those moments when you’d really loooove communal seating. He was reportedly very kind to the server, who said he was really cool and down to earth. (And don’t forget hot!) He had the fried Brussels spouts, avocado salad, and chicories salad (yeah, that’s a lot of salad), plus a glass of wine. He departed when the restaurant got really busy."
ChantelLindsey's tweets are protected.
I was not trying to say that, I was trying to say that someone created a fake profile using the name of lindsay, but add the number 2.
The actual profile does not come with the number 2.
Well, I posted some things on IHj. For anyone interested, go and read what I posted.
it's a shame when someone has nothing better to do than spread false rumors/lies/etc.
I wish that photo of him with less beard were from now. I miss seeing that gorgeous face under that facial hair.
Is it possible he is doing something with Alice Waters for Edible Schoolyard? She is based in SF.
I would love to have been at the communal table with him.
You know, it's funny, but all things considered, there really aren't that many truly dishonest people posting on twitter.
I've seen lots of jokey tweets about Jake in Minneapolis, or Kansas, but mostly, people use twitter the way twitter was intended. I try to verify as much as possible anything I find. I think most of us do.
Plus we're keen observers of the habits of Jake. : ) So finding him on a train going all over the Southwest with his favorite band, or in a basement in Nashville, or a basketball court at an Austin High School may seem odd just at first, but it's plausible...eventually : )
Monica, I read your post on IHJ, thanks a lot for that.
Bobbyanna, yes we do create a feeling for Jake and his habits and that kind of helps to keep lies and rumors from real news.
It was so nice while Jake was in NY to kind of follow him around on twitter. It was never intrusive like paparazzi pictures or had this fake feeling about it.
I hope that we'll be back to that soon.
This latest 'rumor' didn't start with twitter, it started here and IHJ.
Yeah but the person used a fake twitter account and started the S here and on IHJ on purpose, probably thought that everyone would fall for it and ost it elsewhere, LOL!!
Yesterday, December 6th, was the anniversary of Brokeback Mountain's opening.
It opened on December 6, 2005. Six years! So much has happened since then! I just wanted to acknowledge it.
Monica - I agree completely with what you said on IHJ. Had a look at the FB postings & comments/spellings on photos indicate it is Robine/Kendra/Chantal or whoever she is! Quite sad really - like Bobbyanna said earlier think there's a troll loose! ;0)
Wow, times sure flew bye quickly. A lot has happend since. And most of it was work related. So many good movies that Jake has made since. Each one a masterpiece.
Thanks for getting back to what's important.
Good Morning everyone, Thanks again for all the good wishes...waiting to hear the news is always the worse. However, this news makes me oh so happy! On the day after the premiere of BBM our President and Secretary of State ...see below...
I wonder if Jake realizes how important BBM was in changing the world's opinion. I know he is aware of the changes..as are we... but the magnitude of the changes since then is unbelievable.
U.S. to Aid Gay Rights Abroad, Obama and Clinton Say
Still can't link that well..:)trying..
U.S. to Use Foreign Aid to Promote Gay Rights Abroad
All will be well, sass! Thanks for the link! I'm really proud of our President and our Secretary of State! They make a wonderful team! ; )
Yeah, Mrs JG,Jake's work and the impact it has, is always good to focus on!
I wish there was something we could do, using Twitter & FB to "spread the word" about Source Code! I haven't seen it mentioned.
Maybe we should try to contact/lobby Summit Entertainment or the producers, Mark Gordon, etc.? (isn't that the studio?) and e-mail or call or something to contact them & remind them what a good movie it was.
I'm sure it'll make some critics' top ten lists, but I was hoping it would also get some love from BAFTA, GG, and AMPAS! It was an almost flawless movie. (I couldn't find any flaws, but there might have been a couple...: ))
All will be well, sass! Thanks for the link! I'm really proud of our President and our Secretary of State! They make a wonderful team! ; )
Yeah, Mrs JG,Jake's work and the impact it has, is always good to focus on!
I wish there was something we could do, using Twitter & FB to "spread the word" about Source Code! I haven't seen it mentioned.
Maybe we should try to contact/lobby Summit Entertainment or the producers, Mark Gordon, etc.? (isn't that the studio?) and e-mail or call or something to contact them & remind them what a good movie it was.
I'm sure it'll make some critics' top ten lists, but I was hoping it would also get some love from BAFTA, GG, and AMPAS! It was an almost flawless movie. (I couldn't find any flaws, but there might have been a couple...: ))
thanks Monica for what you posted over on ihj that took alot of hard work to dig all that information out Stephanie closed down that thread im glad she did
I saw Mary. Unfortunately did not have time to post another post with the prints I made of the facebook of those people. I was going to show that all were changed after my post. But steph did right.
Mrs. Jakob, that picture was marked by tags to make that one of those people was Salina Rose.
The person was creating multiple fake profiles to make it appear that this story is real. But she's so stupid that I could see that everything was being created by the same person.
Thanks to monica! I also sent a PM to Stephanie thanking her. She made a strong statementabout why she was closing it, that really summed up how a lot of us felt.
You'd think if Mark Gordon's developing a TV series around SC, they'd want to get some attention for the movie right about now. Wonder if there are legal implications?
Hi Sass,
I hope all goes well. Has it been 6 years since BBM ?? It is such a groundbreaking movie. The President and the SOS do make a great team, they are awesome!!
I hope that SC doesn't get lost i the awards hoopla, that would be a real shame. That is a good idea Bobbyanna although you would think that nobody should have to remond Summit on what a great film SC is.
It seems like "Kendra" wasted her time , hee, hee.
From FB:
"My son sold a bottle of pinot to Jake Gyllenhaal on Monday. At last, the tenuous link to someone of consequence! I am no longer just a simple, country epidemiologist. I know Jake Gyllenhaal! Just watch my social calendar fill up now!"
If people are going to make stuff up, they should learn to be smarter. Oh, wait - that's impossible!
Monica, thanks for doing the investigating. It's sad that being a Jake fan involves having to fact check so much.
Sass, that news about Obama is very important. It's great to see this kind of progress.
I saw SC on one Top 10 list. I hope it's on a lot, but I think this is going to be like Zodiac. Lots of praise but no awards. It's a shame.
Twitter has an item @ Dealine H'wood about Jake leaving his longtime manager, Evelyn O'Neill. They emphasized he wasn't leaving CAA(!) but it was bizarre, bcz Evelyn's comments were that the door is "Always open and I hope he comes back...it is what it is... an amicable parting" She said sometimes people want change in their lives. Don't think he's going to sign up with anyone else, but I hate Nikki Finke for her barely concelaled slam about Jake as one of the actors who can't draw an audience. Bitch. (I'm just quoting Donnie Darko.)
Well TY bobbyanna
It seems Jake is shaking up his management team. Wzup with this person, N.Finke, whose column I just read, intimating that Jake is one of the actors not putting the people in the seats. Day*M she has some nerve. I say Dump all of them and get someone else to rep you ...someone who doesn't doesn't retaliate your leaving by dropping poison pen remarks about you to whomever i.e., an ex-publicist and other people.
I'd leave all of them but then I am not an actor...it's good to know Jake is making career moves... and Oh NO...says Eileen he's not leaving CAA...oh really??
George C. just made a remark to some news outlet about his not working hard as an actor. He mentions that he picked tobacco or cotton...now that's hard work...is Jake still being talked about for saying D. Fincher was whatever???
link to IMDB article
Jake G leaves long time manager
Evelyn O'Neill...sorry management name above article...brain...ded :lol :)
Is management 360 part of CAA? I'm confused which is which. CAA represents a lot of actors.
Maybe with a fresh start Jake might get more of the projects he wants.
If any of you want to connect on Twitter, my nick is @Sasha4Jake.
I tweeted with Duncan Jones about Source Code before, and I'll happily join "Get SC awarded".
About Jake dropping his manager - seems to fit right in with the "new" Jake we've seen over the last couple of weeks. If hope this will be something positive for him.
Yes i hope this will be a fresh start for Jake
2 thumbs up for Jake dumping his manager, now I hope he will ditch his lame-ass PR team!
From twitter
brinfrost Brin Frost
Pancakes at Bubby's with Jake Gyllenhaal #default
Sounds like Jake may be back in NYC unless theres a bubbys in SF?
Maybe the quick trip back to LA wasto take care of business
If that is a recent tweet of Jake at Bubby's perhaps he went to L.A. to give Evelyn the old heave ho in person!!!
He sill is at CAA and still has his old PR team in tact,maybe he wasn't happy with the scripts thst were coming his way.
What is the difference between an agent and a manager?
My dog has the disease tick. She began taking medicine to combat this disease.
I'm kind of puzzled. CAA is separate from 360. CAA are the ones who send him scripts and get him involved in movie projects. I think his manager would deal with all the other stuff that goes with celebrity.They said he wasn't going to replace her. When I see all the hype some of these guys are getting, and the roles, and magazine covers, etc. and their box office numbers are not good, not nearly as good as Jake's, I get so steamed at Nikki Finke and her nasty digs.
Monica. Obrigada!
It's all good babblers. I am NED...
NO Evidence of Disease...no one says remission anymore...I pray this becomes less stressful...thanks for being here...I love you all THIS much:)
It's amazing, how so many of us who populate Jake-verse, are overjoyed that he's left his sad sack management people.
Good luck Jake...you're the best actor out there for me and you deserve a chance to act in the best films...
Oh, sass, that is wonderful news. A toast to you and NED!
Hello, Leonor. Haven't seen you for a while. I think this is the SC review link you tried to post.
Monica, I hope the medicine works for your dog. Good luck.
The difference between an agent and a manager is that a manager looks after all aspects of your career, while an agent gets you work. Managers are more general advisors.
I think Evelyn was probably the least of all the evils in Jake's team. His publicists are the worst, and his agents have totally failed him. But maybe he's closer to them personally.
Evelyn is also Reese Witherspoon's manager, so maybe Jake was uncomfortable with that after a while.
Let's hope this is good news for Jake's career! A fresh start can be a good thing.
Thats good news Sass
Thanks for the explanation,UV! Yes, I hope this is a new beginning with lots of good stuff to come. Hope he sweeps out alll the deadwood.
Yaaay, Sass!! NED is a keeper! LOL!
Thank you, UV. I also read that the manager is who will to say what type of work will be better for the career of actor.
Sass that is wonderful news :D
Monica I hope your doggie will be okay
From twitter
" @LandColtTrading
LandColt Trading
Mick Rock party at the W ROCKS. But where's Page Six?!? Jake Gyllenhal (sp?) is here. And, wow is he short!!"
Sass, wonderful news!
Monica, how is your dog doing? I hope she will be playing with you soon.
Maybe Jake concluded that he didn't need a manager, but definitely his agent is not doing a lot either
It's time for Jake to make changes. IMO it's okay for him to stay away from Social Networks as a private person. But what his PR people have done (or better not done) with his homepage is ridiculous. It's 2011 after all. Any fansite or blog for that matter is better publicity than his own page.
I hope he'll get to do more fine movies in the future, but I'd also understand if he took some time to himself.
Thanks UV...trips and works...
oh hey there jake gylenhaal standing outside my work to dodge the rain #howdoyoulookgoodevenwhenitsgrossout?
7 Dec via
new york twitter
I'm so glad Jake decided to part with Evelyn although my beef wasn't with her, it was his whole management team at CAA.
Finke is a pain in the tush and her rants about Jake are becoming tiresome.
That is great news Sass!!!
Hope that your dog is feling better Monica.
Hmmmm. Not sure what to think. There was an L.A sighting of Jake last night:
"Just saw Jake Gylenhall. Dang. Rockin' the hoodie."
9 hours ago via txt
But the "standing in the rain" tweet is from NYC, from someone who works @ a store.
Right now I'm just guessing, but I think the "where's Page Six" tweeter was joking. No way to tell. One things for sure, especially if he's back in NYC, we'll see more. : )
Don't forget the Bubby sighting in NY yesterday Bobbyanna, that would make 3 sighings in NY vs 1 in L.A.
I guess we will find out soon enough.
Great news (((Sass)))!!
((((((Monica))))) I hope your dog gets better soon!
Looks like it's NY:
Standing next to jake gyllenhal at la colombe in SoHo. He has a pretty impressive beard.
46 minutes ago
And this one is funny:
No embarrassing celebrity photo ops today, but if you're ever in a situation where you need Jake Gyllenhaal's iPhone password, I'm your guy.
56 minutes ago
Guesses as to what it is? Hee.
MrsJG, I agree that Jake's official site is an embarrassment. He should just not have one.
((((Sass)))) that is wonderful news.
Yaaay! Love it when he's in the same time zone as me!(NYers love to tweet! )
Forgot the Bubby's sighting!
Nikki Finke is anouncing Maggie has left CAA for WME (William Morris Endeavor) which is the big rival of CAA. It's run by the notorious Ari Emanuel. Jeremy Piven's character in Entourage is allegedly based on Ari. He's Rahm Emanuel's brother. Rahm is a former Congressman, Obama White House chief or staff, & MAyor of Chicago. Leo Di Caprio is also repped by WME. It's definitely top tier. Maggie is keeping her manager. Who is not Evelyn O'Neill.
Ooh, thanks for the update, bobbyanna. I wonder if Jake will jump ship, too, or if that would be too much family business at once. Timing is intriguing.
My favorite tweet about this:
I bet they want to meet her brother. “@NikkiFinke: WME Signs Maggie Gyllenhaal http://dlvr.it/zcB8V
Looks like Jake is back at the bike:
Just finished sweating it out with jake gyllenhall at soul cycle... So hot!!
1 hour ago
Sorry I haven't updated the post, but I am slammed at work and haven't been around enough to do it. Soon, though.
maridelreyesMaridel Reyes
Birthday dreams come true! Jake Gyllenhaal and @jamiebeckman in my SoulCycle class today.
4 hours ago
yay he's back in NY, I figured his trip to Calif was a short one. and he's cycling again :D We're not in the same state but at least we're both in the same time zone
UV, you're just saying that 'cause you love looking at Bono & Jake! LOLOL!
The Gyllenhaal clan is on the move! Maggie first...then Jake. I hope! I love that tweet about WME wanting to meet Jake! LOL!
I thought Maggie's career was going well, but i think the proposal of WME is better. I wish success for her.
My dog is improving gradually. Thank you all.
I tweeted with Duncan Jones about Source Code before, and I'll happily join "Get SC awarded".
For this, the studio needs to organize screenings and Q & A for the film. I saw Duncan on Twitter asking if anyone knew of screenings of Source Code for the season award and no one answered.
I also have not seen FYCs for the movie.
So, I think that Summit will do nothing for Source Code.
Let's write Summit!
I'll be back tomorrow to see what we can do to help!
love you all!
bobbyanna...link me please to WM wanting to meet Jake!
Sass, there's no link it was kind of a jokey response to a tweet about Maggie joining WME. UV posted it just a little bit ago.
I was referring to UV's post. Sorry, I should have referenced it better. : )
Lordy My skills...
Forgot to tell you how happy I am your dog is getting better Monica.
WMe I looked on IMDB and Maggie is now with them. Good for you Maggie...TY babblers...so much good fun and Jake/Maggie news.
Maggie changes agencies Gyllhenhaals on the movie.
TY bobbyanna...I'm so happy for them...must be why Jake was here so long...xoxoxo
LOL, Bobbyanna. You figured me out.
I think SC is dead in the awards water. It's a shame.
Some tweets:
i wish that jake gyllenhaal will finally notice me at @cafegrumpy #gagastars
6 hours ago
From the birthday girl who got to see Jake at Soul Cycle:
Dreamier in person. I shamelessly gawked. Thanks for the bday wishes :)
6 hours ago
And one more follow up:
Jake gyllenhaal spotted in my spinning class XOXO gossip girl #starstruck
8 hours ago via txt
STOP IT. In Ridgefield?! That must've been the best work out ever.
6 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply
in NYC. I was so distracted the whole time!
6 hours ago
Also, you can vote for Jake in PopSugar's shirtless poll.
It is a little late but why let this movie go without a nomination. LAOD got one??? serious question...surfing Jake sites...found this...have to go back and thank them but tired...
will vote of course :)
found item below...good nite
Jake no7 most tweeted about and he has no tweet site
I wish Jake and Maggie the best of luck with their decision to change manager and management.
I'm afraid that SC will be forgotten, maybe it has a chance at the Golden Globes.
I love how New yorkers get all excited over Jake, I love their tweets!
Great news Sass, I was thinking about you!
Glad that your dog is getting better Monica.
June 20, 2011
Peter Sarsgaard Writing and Directing an Adaptation of 'Born to Run'
This past week we saw him have fun as the villainous Dr. Hector Hammond in Green Lantern, but now the Garden State and An Education actor Peter Sargaard is looking to go behind the camera for his next film venture. Hitfix (via Bleeding Cool) has learned that the actor will make his directorial debut with an adaptation of Christopher McDougall's adventurous autobiographical book Born to Run. The nonfiction book follows the author as he finds a tribe of the world’s greatest distance runners learns their secrets, and in the process shows us that everything we thought we knew about running is just wrong. More below!
Here's a more detailed chronicle of what McDougall experiences in the book:
"Isolated by the most savage terrain in North America, the reclusive Tarahumara Indians of Mexico’s deadly Copper Canyons are custodians of a lost art. For centuries they have practiced techniques that allow them to run hundreds of miles without rest and chase down anything from a deer to an Olympic marathoner while enjoying every mile of it. Their superhuman talent is matched by uncanny health and serenity, leaving the Tarahumara immune to the diseases and strife that plague modern existence. With the help of Caballo Blanco, a mysterious loner who lives among the tribe, the author was able not only to uncover the secrets of the Tarahumara but also to find his own inner ultra-athlete, as he trained for the challenge of a lifetime: a fifty-mile race through the heart of Tarahumara country pitting the tribe against an odd band of Americans, including a star ultramarathoner, a beautiful young surfer, and a barefoot wonder."
Sarsgaard will also write the adaptation, and while he had initially wanted to star in the film as Caballo Blanco, his desire to direct the film seems to have made him comfortable taking both jobs. However, his brother-in-law Jake Gyllenhaal may end up taking a starring role in the film. The actor has apparently been spotted running around Hollywood Hills in the barefoot shoes which McDougall made famous and the author himself say Gyllenhaal is involved in some capacity. Of course, he could just be producing the film and likes to stay in shape in a crazy challenging way. Super producing team and couple Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall will produce the film and Sarsgaard is currently looking for financing. Sounds like an interesting assembly of talent for an adventurous story.
^^^ isn't that fairly old news? Why are you digging up a story from June?
chicks ran out of my office to see jake gyllenhaal down the street
36 minutes ago
Lots of Jake tweets:
Jakey G. is back - great start to the day, despite the awkward eye contact....
1 hour ago
Foursquare prevails! Jake G is at Bubbys Tribeca! (via @amarpatel)
54 minutes ago
breakfast with a view of Jake G. #nbd
2 hours ago
Jake g @ my coffee spot.. He has a beard ! So hot !!
2 hours ago
^^^ isn't that fairly old news? Why are you digging up a story from June?
Hi to everybody, because I have thought that Jake has left his agent and he is transferred to NY to work with Peter to this project
Anon, Jake didn't left his agent, just his manager, although I think it wouldn't hurt if he followed his sister. As for Peter film I have nothing against but I hope Jake is not involved with this one, not on a career level.
Congrats to Maggie for finding a new agent and to Jake for leaving his old manager. I think both siblings decided that it was time for a change. I have to wonder if they conferred with each other. And if Jake will decide to jump ship over to WME. Maybe he is waiting to see how Maggie likes them before he'd make a decision.
Congrats to Peter for taking the director helm. I remember there being speculation as to whether Jake would do this movie. I doubt it. There was a time I thought he'd do the Joe Namath movie, but now I'd rather he didn't. I would like to see him do another comedy and action is always a good thing. I loved Source Code. I plan to view it this weekend.
I hope it might get noticed during the awards season
Why Paula c? perhaps I'm wrong , but it seems to me really a beautiful project :)
Methinks that one of the reasons Jake parted with his manager is to avoid projects like Born to Run Anon.
It sounds like the Namath project and the Armstrong project that went nowhere.
Now if Jake decides to do some TV then this woulb be Ok because it has made for cable written all over it. Nothing wrong with that but I hope Peter is funding this project himself because I don't think HW is going to give him $$$ to make a movie about someone most people never heard of unless you are a running fanatic.
It sounds like a vanity project for Peter which is fine and if Jake wants to maybe act as a producer that may be even better, I think he should be looking to direct IMO.
PS: Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall are on board to produce according that article but Peter is still looking for financing, I would think that with their names attached that he would have found it but i could be wrong.
PSS:The script isn't about McDougall as I re-read the article, The script sounds like The Amazing race.
What do you intend with to do some TV? do you mean to produce for the tv or to act for tv? because (without offense for anybody) Jake is too much good for work in some TV show
Anon, maybe it has all the ingredients to be a wonderful project, my point is that i just think that it won't add anything to Jake's career and i rather see him involved in something else, but I love Peter and wish the best for his movie, maybe if it was a documentary and Jake voice it, maybe...
The Lance Armstrong project was never anything Jake was attached to, officially or unofficially. So it is not a project that failed or went off the rails or that he didn't get. He was never supposed to do it.
Born to Run could be a great movie. But I'd rather see Jake working with great directors on more interesting projects. But who knows. It could be worthwhile. It just doesn't seem promising.
Sometimes when you get "news alerts" for someone, you also get old, recycled information, like this.
We really don't know what the current status of this project is, or if Marshall or Kennedy is still interested. I don't think much is happening with it right now.
I know we had this exact same discussion when it was first brought up last year. Peter was also researching a story about some folk/country singer last year. I don't recall the name.
Peter is also supposed to work in Naomi's movie Very Good Girls, which is still an active project.
Jake was also once talked about for a movie about a cyclist who rode over the Great Wall of China! There's a lot of "stuff" out here. Not all of it will go anywhere.
I think that a film like that of Peter or also this on the bicyclist on the great wall, would be perfect for Jake, these kind of movie speak of solitary challenges of a man, and it need a great actor to show the whole range of emotions and feelings that a man who wants to complete an enterprise feels, the work the adversities the fear to fail, the joy to succeed, for me it would be a great proof for Jake:)
I agree with anon above, provided that Monica showed us this news about Peter wants to adapt for the screen, I found the main character so interesting, but I still want jake make a very good film before
You never know, what movie will go to be a great movie, as Hoover, for example, on the paper it seemed a masterpiece, instead it has been a big disappointment.
Yes, sometimes it can be otherwise, have seen the first movie that you can not give importance but is then surprised
Maybe The End of Watch will be a great movie and will win a lot of prizes. who knows ? I hope! :)
From twitter
Caity Keyes
Ryan McDermott
marshella jen
Bumped into Jake Gyllenhaal in SoHo this morning.. Tapped his back and he said hi.. Just letting you all know HAHA
Rebekah Pendell
To bad Jake Gyllenhaal was just driving next to me on the freeway and waved at me. My life is compete. Not #OnMyWishList anymore :DD
I am very confident about EOW when I first read about it, I'm not like any rumor about a movie, "Now you see me" I liked jake does not want to do it. .
Actor Peter Sarsgaard, in taiwan with @scottjurek for tonight's WR attempt http://talk.brooksrunning.com/2011/12/09/scott-jurek-attempting-to-break-world-record/
Jake does not always seem like the most chivalrous guy, so this made me smile:
Thank you Jake Gyllenhaal 4 not only running 2 catch my cab from an evil upstreamer but opening door & helping me in #thatBoyWasRaisedRight
3 minutes
Also looks like Jake went to Soul Cylce again today:
Great ride @soulcycle today. Jake Gyllenhaal there too. Ran into him in locker room; so distracted I left my boots on the floor & walked out
12 minutes ago
Great ride @soulcycle today. Jake Gyllenhaal there too. Ran into him in locker room; so distracted I left my boots on the floor & walked out
18 minutes ago
I don't think this one knows the meaning of "literally:"
was sitting down on the bike at spinning class, then all of the sudden jake gyllenhaal came and sat behind me... #dreamsdocometrue
2 hours ago
i literary died for 2 seconds and went to heaven
1 hour ago
LOL! Cute tweets, UV! especially chivalrous Jake& the cab!
FYI: David Denby@ The New Yorker, included Source Code in his top ten movies for 2011.
Jake is too much good for work in some TV show
I'm not sure about that. For quite some time now I have been of the opinion that he really needs to do SOMETHING to shake up his career as well as his creative juices.... he needs to get out of his CZ. Television is a medium that more easily offers opportunity for experimenting and "out of the box" creative challenges..... just by virtue of the vast variety of genres, formats and styles.
Televison is hardly the "vast wasteland" of 40 years ago. There are some very high quality series and movies that are every bit as good, and in some cases better, than some of Jake's recent movies.
I just think he needs to do something unexpected careerwise..... something that makes people go, "Wow! That's Jake Gyllenhaal?!?!". I'm talking guest shots (Mad Men) or an HBO movie.... not becoming a series regular on Two and a Half Men.
But I'm pretty sure mine is a minority opinion. :)
I just used Mad Men as an example of a very well written, directed and acted series. I didn't mean that, literally, Jake should appear on that particular series.
Do I get bonus points for the correct usage of "literally"? :)
Jake is back!!! I have to get out and about. My mom ran into JFK Jr. one day at a bus stop...everyone checked him out and left him alone...I love this town.
If I do see Jake, I would have to drop dead, right in front of him. And since I am close to his Mom's age, maybe he would look me over, feel bad for me and help me get up. Wow!
Now that is one crazy hot dream/wish.
I'm still listening to "Weather" by Me'Shell Ndegeocello, *swooon*
and planning my Jake walkby...lol.
love you all,
(((((Hugs to your dog Monica)))) and to you.
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