I discovered this behind the scenes shot of Jake from his photoshoot for the May, 2001, edition of Vanity Fair:

There was no other information - no anecdotes - but I decided to roll with the Polaroid theme. A couple of Jake Polaroids from the 2005 Toronto Film Festival:

Finally, the Polaroid shots from Love & Other Drugs. I wish they had included these in the DVDs, either as cards of some sort or on the cover art/DVD art. And I wish we got to see more of them. You know they shot dozens.

Jake at Frank's Chop Shop in NYC today:

Cool UV, I've never seen that photo shoot before. Looks like a smart car before they even became popular.
I guess Jake got his hair cut at Frank's. (and he's wearing his fave white t shirt, I wonder can the Khaki pants be far behind :D)
I love the caption on that Vanity Fair photo! Uta Hagen! She's quite a reference point. LOL!
(UV, in my experience,utility companies don't much care about customer service. It's not like I can switch to a competitor. : ( )
I remember this photoshoot and his comment about Uta, LOL!!
The LAOD pics are so cute!
I thought he looked freaky but this was circa DD.
Looks like he got a trim, unless this is a before pic.
Fantastic, Frank, I love your black tee. I turned on my TV and saw Jake--an unrecognizable Jake. I thought DD was on. Jake looks so young! Remember how DQ said he was so serious about this movie (The Day After The Tomorrow) that he had to tell him to relax.
Jake Never relax!
I just spent the best part of me day, here!
I can't stop laughing. Emmerich, NO MORE!
Great find, UV. Pictures of Love and Other Drugs are so much fun.
Never get tired of looking at the pictures of Jake and Anne together. Yesterday I was reviewing some video interviews of them together. So adorable!
You might have seen some other photos from the shoot, Linda. There's one of Jake in front of the ocean. Not sire what edgy look the photographer was going for, but it didn't work for me. It isn't my favorite Jake shoot. Surprisingly, the photographer took other great black and white photos of Jake for a different shoot.
The Uta Hagen line is funny. Wonder what the 'rents thought about it.
Is Jake out and about tonight?
Lots of tweets about TDAT. People love that movie. I missed it this time. But I did catch a little L&OD last night. I really do like them together. I love seeing their old interviews, too. Hope they do another movie together.
But srsly is Jake Gyllenhall here? #feist
Maybe Jake was out tonight, UV! Feist concert @ BAM. Very possible. Got a hair cut this afternoon. Hmmmmmm.; )
I confess. I watched the last hour of TDAT.
Oops, I meant to add that to my post, bobbyanna. Just the one tweet of him so far. I was trying to remember if Jake was spotted at another Feist concert. Hope he had fun, if he went. Sounded like a wild show.
From twitter:
Irene Rogers
God rewarded me attending a @physique57 class with a Jake Gyllenhaal sighting on the way to the studio. #workoutperks
Great post UV love pics from LAOD, Steph has pics of Jake out & about last night.
As always he looks thrilled to be having his pic taken ;) but he does look lush and has his glasses with him - Thud
This is from one of my least favorite Jake photoshoots but I love his line about his family and Uta Hagen! Did Jake study with her?
Love the post card pics of Jake and Anne from LOAD, they have such great chemistry.
Great finds UV, thanks!
Jake was at the NY Premiere of "Take Shelter" I am wondering was he attached to the movie? I don't know who the guy is standing next to him.
That's Michael Shannon who starred in "Take Shelter." He gave an shattering, Oscar nominated performance in "Revolutionary Road," as a mentally disturbed man, and there is Oscar buzz again this year. He was in "World Trade Center" with Maggie. He's done a lot of stage work, too.
that is Michael Shannon next to him, the star of the movie. (I looked it up on IMDB.
I was just wondering if Jake were somehow attached to the film.
Thanks Bobbyanna. I looked him up on IMDB. I just was curious why the photoshoot with Jake?
The only other shots Jake has taken at premieres (aside from his own) was the one with Michelle recently.
Lily, it wasn't a "photoshoot," it was just Michael taking pictures with guests. Maybe they're friends. Maybe Jake's being there will generate some attention for the movie. Maybe Jake is there because he's a voting member of AAMPAS. Maybe Jake is going to work with him...soon(!) or Jake is there because of the director, etc., etc. There could be dozens of reasons. Or maybe he just felt like seeing the movie. I'm just glad he's out doing things, and networking, and we get to see pictures. : )
I think Take Shelter screened at SXSW earlier this year and Jake was there for Source Code. Maybe he saw it there and liked it, the film had positive buzz.
The chemistry between Jake and Anne were the best thing in LAOD.
I think Jake was there to support the film in one of the pics hes giving Michael a big hug.
Guess that visit to the chop shop was just for a haircut and trim oh well at least hes keeping his beard trimmed i hate the bushy look.
I read that Take Shelter it seems Donnie Darko. The main character is schizophrenic and has visions of the world will end. Something like that.
I know that the movie is getting good reviews.
I hope that Jake enjoyed the film.
I would love more LAOD postcard photos please please.
Hey, I just experienced a plus of living in gentrifying Harlem. I was walking past Red Rooster
@ 125Th St & Lenox Avenue, when I nearly ran into a very tall Carmelo Anthony!
Babblers all, Let's hope when I am well enough again to go downtown...I'm on my knees pleading with my son, I'll run into Jacob Gyllenhaal. *big grin*
I didn't know his name(Michael Shannon) nor did I look him up
(bad girl)--TY bobbyanna and everyone--but his RR performance lingers with me still. It was such a heart wrenching personal journey into the mind of a mentally ill person, and it spoke the truth.
FYI: Just read that Susan Sarandon and Kevin Bacon were among the sponsors of this special screening of "Take Shelter."
I think the photographer was going with edgy/goth UV but I never got the car, that bit was just weird!
These polaroids are fantastic and Jake and Anne are adorable, thanks so much for posting them.
Looks like Jake got a trim, Shannon was the best this in RR. I thought that Leo was miscast and I didn't care what happened to Kate's character at all.
Ah Bobbyanna, Susan and Jake know each other (I hope he might go to her Spin ping pong place. He was supposed to do an event there but had to back out)
I think this is certainly good publicity for him. I just wish we knew what was on his plate next
Yes, Susan and Jake know each other, but I think it's a pretty safe bet we have no idea who Jake's friends are, Lily. He knows a lot of people, including Michael Shannon.
The fact that this was a special screening, and it was sponsored by other AAMPAS members, indicates they might be boosting it for awards season attention. Maybe.
I got so excited to see "Jake" and "new project" in the same tweet/article, but it wasn't about a new project for Jake. Boo. Jake's answer to what he's up to is nice for him but depressing for me!
I just saw the trailer for Safe House. It looks like a bag of cliches!
Take shelter sounds a lot like DD!
I hope we hear about a new project from Jake as well, though I like the fact that he is spending time with his family in NY.
Found this pic on e-online, not sure which day it was from
Moonlight Mile - Jake -Susan Sarandon - cute interview they did quite a while back for, I think, "Interview" magazine.
Yes, Anon! That's the one where they went into the ladies' room for some privacy! : )
Good to hear, Monica. Though I bet it will be successful. And I want Jake to be in a big hit.
Thanks for the link, T. Jake needs to ditch those pants ASAP. Hope he's not wearing them tonight:
"At buvette waiting for a table...with jake gyllenhaal"
Jake Gyllenhall sat down at the next table at Buvette. Just as adorable in person as on the big screen.
Just jared has some pics of Jake taken this morning in the west village after having breakfast
Though I bet it will be successful. And I want Jake to be in a big hit.
But will be a forgettable sucess, if it is as bad as it seems. I don't want it for Jake.
Hi UV and babblers all,
I forgot to tell you how much I enjoyed that behind the scenes shot... TY so so much:)
Listening to Paradise by Coldplay...The arrangements are luscious.
Jake's huge somber eyes make me want to give him a HUGE squeezyyyy hug...here's hoping he's AOK, not sad and being loved...cause we all love him to pieces. he does have more than one color pants in his wardrobe...and he's adorable...
Edgy and a bit freaky is what I think the photographer was going for with that VF shoot, not my fav shoot of Jae but interesting.
I adore the photos of Jake and Anne, such a natural chemistry, I just wish that LAOD was a better film.
I did note sadness in Jake's eyes Sass, or maybe he was just serious?
I notice the mention of Naomi's movie in that link UV. I wonder if Jake is not only networking for himself at some of these events along with trying to help his Mom. She is having problems getting funding for her film.
nymag.interviewed Shannon, and I also read on another film site that these "special screenings" hosted by film industry friends, are definitely connected to early AAMPAS/awards season buzz.
According to Forbes Magazine, Denzel is one of the top five actors who aren't "worth it" Forbes says even tho movies like Unstoppable made $167M, Denzel's huge salary, (nearly $20M per film,) doesn't give much return on the $$. So, I agree, Safe House might make money, but it will disappear quickly.
The Forbes article was interesting.
Looks like Buvette is a tiny restaurant.
OT,I just saw a clip from "My Week With Marilyn" on just jared. I was very skeptical about the movie, at first, but I'm just amazed by Michelle's "Heat Wave " clip. Check it out if you get a chance.
I think this is definitely Michelle's year.
She was incredible.
spotted Jake Gyllenhaal outside Pecan TriBeCa . Headin to get my expresso.
55 minutes ago
Bobbyanna, I saw it too, she is amazing,didn't know she could sing. I hope she gets the oscar.
Jake looks a bit sad in the pics of Take Shelter screening, I think he must miss me a lot :)
LOL, Paula. Who can blame him? Maybe you need to make a visit to NY to cheer him up.
I think Michelle looks great, and the photos impressed me. But the Heat Wave clip was a little off for me. But she's gotten great reviews, and it's a bold choice for her to even try. So kudos.
Seems like Jake is back today or these are delayed tweets. From a NYTimes columnist:
#COURTESYSMILEMELTINGMYHEART. Also, so funny how i never get starstruck on the job, but in my local cafe I'm like a tween seeing Beiber.
2 hours ago
another reason to @ilovebuvette. Jake Gyllenhall just walked in. AND SMILED AT ME. SO WHAT IF IT WAS A COURTESY SMILE
Very cute.
I was impressed with that clip, I didn't think Michele could pull ot off but she did based on that.
I can understand the Oscar buzz.
UV, I have everything planned, I'm going to NY, drink coffee every chance I get, take every spin cycle class i can find,go on trains all day and then meet Jake and ask my husband to take the picture:)
Paula, I was with you, there, until you mentioned your husband! LOL!
UV, I know it's wrong headed, but I still see a lot of
Alma Beers Del Mar, in Michelle, so the fact she got all glammed up and did a song & dance routine knocked me out.
Interestingly, Naomi Watts is also making a Marilyn Monroe biopic.
Isn't it amazing how a camera angle can make her look tall and leggy?
Paula C. I'm going with you
but without a husband lol
These are fantastic finds UV, I wish we now who the "peep" was that wrote that on that pic.
That car always weirded me out, more than Jake's look!
I want that barber's t-shirt, hee, hee!!
Jake and Anne are perfection together, if HW was smart which we know they aren't for the most part, they w should pair them up again.
I didn't know that Michele knew how to sing, she looks and sounds fantastic!
Evening all,
I went to see Tower Heist earlier. It made me laugh which is not an easy task. I'm grateful I did have a positive response to it, unlike when I went to see George Clooney's movie TIOM, which put me to sleep during the trailer and almost put me out during the movie.
About Forbes...too bad some actors don't have Foreign BO like the best actor in the world to me, Jake, to help them with the numbers.
There aren't many actors i.e. Matt Damon, Angelina, or Johnny Depp who can fill a seat anymore; thank goodness actors can get animation work.
What I really want to know, is how Ryan Reynolds gets so many big dollar movies--the trailer played today--though my son told me when I was whining to him--poor boy-- that Jake didn't get this movie, "Mom, Jake wouldn't take that movie." Thank goodness for him.
I do get a bit perturbed when RR gets big $ movies, though with his BO, he's certainly due them.
I hate thinking of actors like a business, which I suppose is why I recoiled inwardly when I read that Forbes article.
Honestly, I don't want Jake to make big dollar movies if they are crap. I would hate to read about him in a dried up article in a business magazine.
Isn't it enough that our actors, have to read about themselves in every magazine all over the world, the Internet and newspapers. Now Forbes can't wait to have at them too. BAH HUMBUG.
I've always known Michelle could act, but not how wide ranging her talent would be. WOW!
Thank God she won't end up in Romantic Comedy-land tossed out the door like a used condom.
Women aren'treated well in Hollywood.
Before I shut up, babblers please pray for me, that my MRI will come out AOK if it's God's will...
What I really want to know, is how Ryan Reynolds gets so many big dollar movies-
Sass, this is occurring because of Green Lantern. The studio of Safe House, for example, chose Ryan Reynolds in the hope that he would become a big star this summer.
The other movie he's filming also came before the debut of Green Lantern.
Honestly, I don't want Jake to make big dollar movies if they are crap.
Me too. I want good and great movies. Good performances. Watching him grow as an actor.
Michelle surprised me singing. I do not see the sensuality of Marilyn, but she looked good in the clip.
I'm anxious to see what she did.
Sass, you're in my thoughts and in my prayers.
Sass I hope things go well for you. Please let us know.
Sass, keep positive and you will see everything is going to be OK.
A big,warm hug!
It is frustrating following Jake's career sometimes but I don't want him to attach himself to crappy projects, Reynolds career is a mystery to me.
All I can say about that clip of Michele as Marilyn is wow!! It looks like she has the essence of Marilyn rather than an impression of her.
Sending you positive thoughts and hugs your way((( Sass))).
Take care sass our prayers andthoughts are with you keep us informed please.
You are in my thoughts and prayers, sass!
I agree, about Jake's career. He's done work he can be very proud of, and I believe he'll continue that way. I'd just love to see him develop a collaborative, on-going relationship with a really good director, someone like Duncan Jones, or Mendes, or Fincher. I also want him to not always be serious, but to do some fun movies.
You are in my thoughts Sass, take care.
I would love for Jake to develop a relationship with a director like Leo has with Martin S for instance but I Fincher wouldn't be on that list, he's a pain in the ass.
I would love to see Jake in a Eastwood movie, but i'm pretty sure Jake knows exactly where he wants to be in his career.
Sending good vibes your way Sass.
From Twitter:
ade_622 Adrienne Brennan
Jake Gyllenhaal eating breakfast behind me #ThatsWhatsUp
3 hours ago
Sending all good thoughts your way, Sass.
Paula C, I'm sure Jake does know where he wants to be in his career. Sadly, I don't think he's there.
I'm not an Eastwood fan, but he does make a lot of movies.
Trying to have faith that Jake has something in the works we don't know about.
From twitter
" KyndiRudzena kyndi rudzena
brunch @bubbys with Jake Gyllenhaal #nobigdeal #fb"
I would love to see Jake work with Christopher Nolan!
I agree, Monica. I think he'd do very well with Chris Nolan.
Oh, yes, Nolan would be amazing, and I'm going to add Spielberg and Scorsese to the request list, that´s not much to ask :)
Just remembered another director who I love Alejandro González Iñárritu, he always gets amazing performances from his actors.
Another vote for Scorsese, I would also love for kale to work with Duncan Jones again.
"... I would also love for kale to work with Duncan Jones again."
Scorcese, Nolan, Inarritu, Jones, etc. are amazing. I also like the idea of younger directors with fresh ideas. I pray he works with Duncan again.
While Fincher is most definitely a pain in the ass, I don't think Jake would turn away from another opportunity to work with him. Mendes, too.
There are directors I don't think he'd work with again, like Mike Newell or Ed Zwick. At least I hope not. : )
It seems like I have Jake's favorite veggie in my mind this morning Bobbyanna, LOL!!
I don't think Jake would turn down another chance to work with Fincher again either Bobbyanna, Brad Pitt has worked with him 3 times.
I would like Jake to work with Ben Affleck(as a drictor of course XD). I will be happy if Jake is in "The Stand".
TY babblers all...your good wishes mean so much to me. If only I could magically eat NEAR where Jake is having dinner this evening:)
Since that's an impossibility, I am watching Source Code...again.
back soon
New shirt alert! Not sure if this was taken yesterday or today.
Spotted: Jake Gyllenhaal at Bubby's. Ne guzel adamsin.
That's Turkish for "what a nice guy," apparently.
I was hoping Jake would make it into an Affleck film, too, Viv. Maybe Jake and Duncan can work together, again, if Duncan can get out of the sic fi space.
And LOL at "kale." I've made that appropriate typing mistake mammy times for Jake.
LOL! I thought it was somebody's name.
Can you post the picture UV i can get it to come up?
It's unimaginable to me that "J Edgar," such a rich subject from every angle, isn't Fresh, but has dropped from 57% to 50% on the Rotten Tomatoes site. I may wait to see it unless I venture out to a before Noon showing.
And "The Chin's" just released DVD is hanging at 14. Why when her movie opened on April 22, along with another superlative movie, (SC), which opened April 1, did her career managers not release the movie during July or August?
I am nothing if not loyal. All those Sources of "The Chin's" talking about Jake being immature, trying to besmirch his reputation, in the weeks leading up to her wedding was so totally wrong on her part.
You don't have to DO that to "break up" a relationship. Or maybe you do, or rather maybe She does...who knows in Hollywood. I know she lost many fans--me for one-- with that fiasco. UV I may have pushed the boundaries...I do cluck over Jake like a mother hen--hell, I'm his Mom's age--so please accept my apologies.
Anyway, hugs to everyone,
And LOL at "mammy" for "many" in my post.
J Edgar doesn't look that good, sass. It has gotten some very good reviews but I'd go for the early show.
Reese doesn't have many fans here, I'd venture, sass. Though I personally think it's silly to call her names.
Mary, I'll try to post it later when I'm on my own computer. It's not a great picture, so you're not missing much!
I think J. Edgar is going to bomb.
The trailer and the make up looks just awful.
Sass, you're right. J. Edgar Hoover is very rich subject matter. Too bad.
I would LOVE to see Jake work with Ben Affleck too. Plz!
UV, I'm thinking the picture is from yesterday. There were like,
50,000 people and their fans running around BK & Lower Manhattan today for the marathon. My daughter said it was nuts.
She usually goes out for brunch after her morning martial arts class in Lower Manhattan, sometimes @ Bubby's. And she called me this morning to say she cancelled all that.
This pic came through but I don't know how to make it clickable...HELP!
I will try once. I think I got it...enjoy:)
Jake eats with his Mom
Thanks UV/Sass! I think that pic is from yesterday, it's chaos today in Manhattan and the rest of the boroughs because of the marathon.
Bubby's used to be good but now it's a tourist trap now IMO and the food quality has gone down. I haven't had brunch there but the rest the menu is meh.
This store is in Brooklyn:
From twitter
Anna Carli
Walked past jake gyllenhaal and his mom(?)-my jaw dropped and he put on a beanie. Looks like he's really participating in no shave november
Alexandra Weksler
Jake gyllenhaal just walked into the store my sister works at and he's with his mom!! So cute
UV I couldn't see the first photo, it would not come up. BUT I did see Jake and his mom at a restaurant (where was it?)
too bad Jake had his eyes closed
I can see the pic UV. It's too intrusive for me. Funny that I don't feel that way when I see his subway pics. Maybe because his Mom is in it.
I've sen the trailer for the Hoover Bio pic with Leo and i'm not surprised to see that it's not being embraced by all the critics.
The audience was giggling at some of the parts and so was I, seemed a bit over the top.
I've sen the trailer for the Hoover Bio pic with Leo and i'm not surprised to see that it's not being embraced by all the critics.
In my opinion, DiCaprio has this nomination in the bag. He's getting rave reviews.
I forgot to say that I would like to see Jake working with Terrence Malick.
Peter is really working on the adaptation of Born To Run.
I know A-list stars like Leo ,Prad Pittor Clooney love to work with big name directors, and dierctors love them, too.Maybe Jake won't be those directors' first choice.....
So I prefer good, young and potentail directors like Duncan Jons, Ben Affeck or Matthew Vaughn . Ang Lee was not a really big name director bafore BBM, either.
Of course if Jake has any chance to work with big directors, I still be happy so much.
sorry,Pitt I spell your name wrong.XD
I just saw Safe House trailer.I think it's not too bad.
But this will be Dezel Washington's one man show. Anyone(even tho he is the future 10 times Oscar winner Ryan Gosling XD) will totally overshadowed by Dezel's performance. The role played by RR seems really flat and boring.Maybe it's script's fault.....
Monica, if you already know that Peter will adapt Born to run, so maybe that is the next movie from Jake? because there is no news about a new project with him. Maybe Jake is back in NY to also better able to discuss with Peter about the film
Dani, I don't know. I was speaking about de video of Peter with the author of Born To Run. And I hope that Jake will not work in this film. I think it will take a long time for this movie start, because Peter has two movies to act.
I agree Monica, plus he will need to raise funds for this project as well unless he already has the $$$ for this.
From the NY Post:
Jake Gyllenhaal disappointed the ladies of SoulCycle Union Square when he didn’t show up for his usual Friday afternoon class. The spin enthusiast, who usually works out with “Ugly Betty” star America Ferrera’s husband, Ryan Piers Williams, was a no-show for his usual session. “He’s always there,” a source said. “And he gets a lot of female attention.” Gyllenhaal was last spotted sporting a bushy beard at a premiere for the flick, “Take Shelter,” on Wednesday.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/pagesix/sorely_missed_eoY7u4nRo2EkLHUoIqxLFL#ixzz1d2ONj3zt
Monica, Extra, I agree. I hope Jake "runs the other way! " : )
I'm wondering if Jake is helping behind the scenes with his mother's project and/or Peter's.
I'd love to see Jake as an "executive producer" guy. And one day as a director, too.
Awww. I hope Jake just missed a day at Soul Cycle and he'll be back. Maybe the place was getting way too popular once word got out that he takes off his shirt while he works out? : )
Ok! Monica, I forgot that you had that this movie would not be for now, but I do not know why so much resistance to this movie?
Jake disappointing all those women (and I'm sure a few men too) reminded me of an old diet coke commercial where the women in an office took a diet coke break at 11:30AM to see a guy take his shirt off
so Friday's is shirtless Jake day at Soul Cycle. I'm marking my calendar and will hope for the best this Fri
Linda, btw, there was only one twitter photo of Jake from the other day. It was Jake and his mother at Bubby's. Thanks, sass, for uploading it so everyone could see.
I hope, hope, hope that Jake is working on something else and not the running movie.
Here's a brief article about Jake and Bear Grylls. Nothing new, really, but it's a fun read.
Jake was spotted a few times today in NYC:
We saw Jake Gyllenhaal on the street after & my cousin asked me if that was exciting & I was like "No, ABC Carpets was."
1 hour ago
Just ran into Jake Gyllenhaal.
4 hours ago
Just saw Jake Gyllenhaal on the street. #wetat12:40pm
Oops - forgot one:
SO jealous! I love him. RT @BrittanyDankner: Just saw Jake Gyllenhaal on the street. #bestdayever
2 hours ago
At an amazing event w the most beautiful Jennifer Carpenter and Jake Gylenhall, celebrating Jill Iscol's new Book
1 hour ago
Good for Jake! Glad he was at this event to support Jill Iscol.
More from the party tweeter:
Jake Gyl is smokin.
1 hour ago
And back to the CZ:
Ummm Jake Gyllenhaal at ABC Kitchen to my left. WTF! #nyc
46 seconds ago
I'm glad that Jae attended the Jill Iscol's book party too!
Born to Run doesn't sound interesting at all, hopefully Jake's involvement in the movie is behind the scenes, like a producer.
I can't see HW shelling out dough fo something that sounds like it should be on cable, sorta like that Armstrong movie.
Here's Jake revealing a role for someone else. Ugh.
Some news about your own career please, Jake!
No idea how these folks can tell that Jake's shoes are a particular brand, lol.
UV, I'm almost scared to hope for pictures from the book launch event, bcz I'm wondering what he wore! : ) I think the event itself was at ABC. OK. I do want to see pictures. Very much.
FINALLY! I found this in Variety:
"When Nat Faxon and Jim Rash's hot screenplay "The Way, Way Back" came due a year ago, [Kevin] Walsh pounced. The coming-of-age dramedy, which was set up at Mandate Pictures with Principato-Young and Shawn Levy's 21 Laps producing, attracted a number of big-name actors and directors including Levy, Tom Bezucha and Alexander Payne. Walsh persuaded Groundlings alums Faxon and Rash, who also penned Payne's "The Descendants," to direct. The producer is now in talks with Jake Gyllenhaal to star."
So Jake is reading scripts and "in talks" on projects as we suspected.
OK. When you consider how complicated it is to get a movie made, and how long it takes, I'm not surprised he took a break and he's likely reviewing stuff.
Yes! I'm a big fan of Payne. I hope that this is just not another tease or rumor, I'll keep my finger crossed!
Thanks for finding and posting photos UV, what a wonderful find. I was always curious waht the photographer was going with the VF photoshoot.
Sheba, this one came from Variety, which is the Film Industry bible. But I agree, sometimes the rumor mill puts stuff out there just to generate interest.
From past experience Jake never, or very rarely talks about the ones that got away, and he never publically chases after parts.
A 'coming of age dramedy' sounds a little too familiar...but still : )
Well that's good news for the morning. I hope this doesn't go the way of the magician flick.
The writer, Jim Rash, not only wrote the screenplay for The Descendants (which has gotten raves) but also plays the dean on Community. Talented guy!
This was on the Black List a couple of years ago. Here's Scriptshadow's take on it.
Thanks, Bobby and Anon. So, from the link of the script Shadow, Jake must be in negotiations to play Owen.
Yup, looks like he'd be Owen. Sounds like a great character, even if it's not the lead.
From the same tweeter:
I just saw Jake Gyllenhaal and then look what my Italian phrase is today! Weird! http://pic.twitter.com/K99MprUw
Oh hey Jake Gyllenhal walking down Astor place. What up?
21 minutes ago
The Italian phrase is "You look like a movie star."
Longer synopsis of script for (orig. titled) The Way Back. Spoilers I guess.
That's great news, I hope Jake goes forward with this one. Owen seems the type of character meant for Jake to play.Another finger crossed!
"In talks with" could mean anything. I'm just glad his name came up.
The filmmaking business is really stressful. LOL!
The only thing that bothers me about the Variety news is that it wans't in a news story; it was a profile of the producer. So we have no idea of a timeframe for this flick.
More from twitter:
TMZ-esque lunchhour continues. Ran into Jake Gyllenhaal on Thompson today. I considered screaming, I WISH I KNEW HOW TO QUIT YOU.
18 minutes ago
Seeing Jake Gylenhall before class is the best way to start off the day!
2 hours ago
Here's Jake last night with Edward Norton, someone whose career track I hope Jake does not follow.
I was looking on google, Thompson and Astor are not far. I was trying to figure out if that might be where Jake is either staying (with a friend) or has a place of his own. of course getting into the city from Maggie's place wouldn't be a problem. But it seems we hear him being spotted in Manhattan more than in Brooklyn. I guess time will tell if he's moved to NY. (not that I mind, now he's on the same timezone as me.)
Thanks for all the tweets. I hope we find out what Jake's next project is soon
Thanks UV the pic kinda blurry but the place looks pretty dark for a good pic wonder if its from the bokk signing?
Fingers crossed too regarding the script.
I wish that pic of Jake and Edward Norton was clearer. I wonder where they were?
My brother, Jake and I...
Well, bless! Priceless, they are priceless. The hat! I love the expression on Sophie's face. She still has that same smile. Jake looks like he was practicing for the "Blame It" video! LOL!
I'm SO glad Jake's hanging out with Sophie...(sigh.)
Cant get the picture to come up do you need to be on twitter to see it i get the message but not the pic can some one post it:)
Edward Norton is one of my favorite actors. I know his career is not in a good run, but he gave great performances and deserved the Oscar on both occasions he was nominated. I hope he returns to the big roles.
UV, in the audio comments of Fight Club, Edward Norton recognizes the talent of Fincher, he has much respect for him, but complains of several takes he had to do during the filming.
I can't see the photo either. I don't belong to Twitter
UV, thanks for finding at least one picture from last night. I'm assuming it was @ the book party.
Edward Norton is working on Bourne Legacy with Renner...
I'm an Edward Norton fan, too, but he seems to not work a lot. : (
Priceless, that's too cute for words, it made me smile:)
Lily, Mary, click on VenaCava and go to the recent pics, I don't have twitter and I can see it.
That pic is adorable priceless, thanks!
The Way way Back sounds intriguing and yes the character of Owen is supporting.
I'm a big Norton fan and I love that pic of them at the book party.
That photo is priceless! I love it.
Here's another blurry photo of Jake at lunch. No details:
Had lunch next to Spiderman!!! Best shot I could get of Jake G. Without being obnoxious
Poor Jake/Tobey, lol.
Ed Norton is a great actor. But his career hasn't exactly soared. And he's kind of an ass. So not a model for Jake, at least not for my purposes.
Interesting that Norton also had Fincher issues. I think all of the actors do, but they won't say, because they have to suck up to him. I', disappointed Jake had to backtrack a little.
Thanks Paula for the tip i was able to see it
Looks like Jake is at the Watch the Throne concert tonight:
Jake Gyllenhaal, Chris Rock and @nelsongeorge in the house
37 minutes ago
Thanks, Paula.
I got to see the pics. I wonder how old Jake was back then. he's CUTE
I just wish the photos people were taking of Jake were clearer but I know they are taking them on the down low
This is a funny tweet:
My wife, @klweiss924, is sitting next to Jake Gillenhall. I don't like these odds. #Kanye/JayZatMSG
Great post. Thanks!
Watch the throne! I'm so jealoue, hope Jake had a great time!
Great! Everything I've read about the concert is that it was pretty awesome!
UV, you sure have to be creative with Jake's last name to do a twitter search! : )
It is an adventure, Bobbyanna! Oh how much easier it would be if he had a simpler name :)
From twitter:
Got juice at liquiteria and bumped into Jake Gyllenhaal
16 minutes ago
No photos from last night - pity. Maybe some will emerge.
Hello Jake Gyllenhal on the corner of 2nd and 3rd. I love you?
3 hours ago
Forgot to wave hello to LG :)
New post.
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