Mesmerized by his cardboard alter ego:

Love the look he's giving:

And here's an E! video of the PoP LA premiere:
A brief clip of Jake at the New Eyes for the Needy event held in March:
New Eyes has that great picture of Jake lifting his glasses on their main page now. Smart people!

(PoP interview courtesy of TV Spielfilm; New Eyes video from Lori Schmon.)
Forgot to post this yesterdsy. From tumblr:
Wife and I went to a film screening for Ron Howard and Bryce Dallas Howard last night at the Natural History Museum, the film inspired by Grey’s latest campaign for Canon.
The movie was moving, Bryce is the most remarkably beautiful pregnant woman I’ve ever seen, Ron is my father’s doppleganger in looks and spirit, but the moment that really blew us away was when Bryce said, “and I want to thank my friend, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, for joining us tonight.”
Wife and I immediately grabbed each other’s arms, trying to stifle fangirl giggles. Must get closer. We smile, we bat our eyelashes, we look like total idiots, he’s amazing, we leave. In the subway on the way home, we’re weaving a ridiculous tale about what might’ve happened and what we could technically tell our friends happened. Add a little embellishment, you know? Give the people what they want.
Wife deboards, and I continue on to West 4th to switch trains. I’m in a dreamscape, giggling to myself and fuddling with my headphones, thinking about how awesome it was to see JGL in person, when I run right into the person in front of me. I reached out my hand and touched his arm to apologize and it’s JAKE GYLLENHAAL.
I’m stupefied. Part of my brain is like, “this isn’t real. Sorry. You don’t run into Jake and JGL in the same night.” Oh, but it’s real. He smiles and says, “it’s cool.” IT’S SO COOL! My train comes and I board in a haze.
Two stops later, I get off and immediately get out my phone to call Wife. I fumble up the stairs and can’t get my phone to operate when I’m finally on the sidewalk and then immediately bump into someone. I look up and apologize and YOU’VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME, it’s Justin Long.
At this point I just started laughing which I’m sure was astoundingly attractive. After that, I basically jogged back to my apartment. I needed to be indoors somewhere with a cup of tea to break the fit of hiccup like giggles that had consumed me.
I’m glad I dressed up for that, but holy smokeshow, could I have acted more like a 13-year-old girl? No. And ya know what? I think that’s ok.
I had seen the first video, but had lost the link. Thank you.
I liked the promotional interviews for Prince of Persia.
I loved Pop for what it was , a fun popcorn movie and I love the promotion too. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!
OT: With Jake out and about in downtown/lower Manhattan and subways, he had to run into the OWS demostrations. They are in Foley Sq right now.
Some violence and arrests but nothing like Oaland so far.
Hi everyone!!
Is it just me or was the film that POP had greater disclosure? and he was recording SC? the visual ...
I loved the videos. I bet interviewing in a hallway was not the oddest place Jake has done an interview. And I love how he's involved with charities that you don't hear enough about. I'd never heard of Eyes for the Needy or Edible Schoolyard before Jake introduced them
And That guy must have a celeb magnet, seeing several in one day. WOW
Chica, just saw a picture of Anne Hathaway with the protesters. She was there to support the students.
Dani, the promotion of POP was big. Jake's interviews were great! . And he had just finished shooting Source Code.
Great post. I love Jake's look when he promoted PoP and for SC.
Good for Anne! I have a feeling Jake's been down there at some point. He's never been one to call attention to himself.
I can't help but believe that there are some who would like to discredit the protesters by deliberately provoking violence. ; )
Jake's involvement with New Eyes has made me aware of all the eyeglasses we have laying around. I'll be sending in a batch to them.
I love your Pop posts UV, I really fun movie and the promotion for thr movie was the best!
I enjoyed the video, he had so much fun promoting this movie, especially in Russia.
I was thinking about Jake today regarding the protests, good for Annie for supporting. I thought the same thing Bobbyanna about some people provoking violence to discredit the movement:(
I have learned so much about Eyes for the Needy and Edible Food Schoolyard through Jake. I love his passion and commitment to these organnizations.
A hallway isn't that weird, but there's also a video of him interviewing Tobey in a public space. Everyone has to have a signature, I guess!
I would love for Jake to support OWS. He did have lunch with Anne the other day, so maybe they talked about it.
BTW, no one mentioned it, but I just loved those few candid seconds of Jake on the Railroad Revival train. It's fun to get those little glimpses.
Not too many tweets today. I did see these two:
of course when I'm sweaty and drenched from the rain jake gyllenhaal is at work..
5 hours ago
And then I just saw jake gyllenhall
I don't if I mentioned it at the time but the promotion tour for Pop was Jake at his best! He looked good and Gemma was stunning.
I don't think I ever saw this interview, thanks!
I went back and caught and watched that R&R video UV, and you are so right, that was a fun moment.
I wonder what Jake thinks of OWS, especially since he has been in NY since it started.
Thumbs up to Annie for attending!
At first I thought that Jake attended that film screening for Ron and Bryce's film since he is friends with her , what a funny story!
The eyes for Needy should have long ago posted that pic of Jake on their site :)
You don’t run into Jake and JGL in the same night.
Wow. Now there's something that only would happen once in a blue moon.
I really enjoyed PoP. The costumes and sets were beautiful. I don't know why it gets such a bad rap.
Hey OONP, I hear Rick Perry has challenged Nancy Pelosi to a debate. I hope she chews him up and spits him out. ;)
I know some people don't like Bradley Cooper, but this is just ridiculous.....
Are you kiding me?????? Is this THAT serious?????
BTW, I love tha last video, Jake is hot as hell.XD
Now I am glad Jake isn't named the sexiest man alive this year. XD
i have read that too Viv like people is going to change their mind and your right im glad Jake didnt get it this year too.
I'm glad Jake didn't get named this year three! The RG fans ARE NOT HAPPY.:
BC got a fantastic writeup:8 pages, 3 full page photographs, other pages with 1/4 and 1/2 photos and the cover. WOW!
I read how they choose these covers; it sounds like fun for staff, but not so fun for fans of the actor not chosen.
I searched high and low for Jake, found a tiny pic of him in a 2 page section "Sexy At Every Age." Wha?
Seems Jessica Biel is very upset about the delay and possible even longer delay of Nailed. I feel her pain...I really do, but David O,. Russell is not going to release that movie...last I read he could care less. Oh well.
The Daily News is starting to slant its protest coverage. Yesterday and today it blamed the protesters for police violence, interviewed disgruntled people who live or work near the park who happily aired their feelings about the ruffians.
Completely wrong approach.
I saw that Jessica Biel quote, sass. I think we'll all be heartbroken if we never get to see it.
The media coverage is often driven by the media conglomerates who, conveniently, are part of the problem. So I'm not surprised at that turn, sass. But it's a shame.
Sheba Baby, I'd love to find out that Jake went to OWS to show support.
Viv, the Gosling thing is over the top. I didn't see the video - I hope they were playing it for fun and not taking it seriously!
From twitter:
I. Just. Stuttered. To. Jake. Gyllenhaal.
1 hour ago
Damn, Jake Gyllenhal stopped in today, and i didn't realize it was him until he left, cause the wait was too long -.- #ippudo #jakegyllenhal
2 hours ago
Sheba, Jake was so happy to promote POP. The interviews were very entertaining.
No comments about some fans of Ryan.
From twitter
LizC783 Liz Carmona
Annnd we just saw Jake Gyllenhaal on the street!!! Holy hell. All in a new york minute.
spotted: j. gyllenhaal on our way to meg ryan's 50th bday. xo.
2 hours ago
Hey Cathie E!
My boss would mop the floor with that clown Perry!
We are getting very selective reporting on OWS Sass from the MSM, I'm not surprised but it's still disappointing and frustrating.
There's something very troubling about the misguided hostility directed towards the OWS/99%, especially when you couple it with excessive police brutality and the lack of coverage, or the biased coverage in the MSM. Their message is getting lost.
OONP, yes she could wipe the floor with Rick...but why would she even bother! : )
WDW has a pic of the back of Jake exiting a station
That was posted here already :)
Just saw jake gyllenhaal and cried... Emotionally unstable during celebrity sightings
42 minutes ago via
First Ryan gosling is outside my apt bldg and I miss it and today jake gyllenhaal is there and I miss it again. WTF.
18 minutes ago via
Spent 15 mins on phone with Stephen debating if he just walked by Jake Gyllenhaal on the LES. Big, Burly, Beard, Hiking Clothes. It's him.
2 hours ago
Jake Gyllenhaal sighting. I'm done. #yesiknowhesnotgosling
Too bad Pop wasn't more successful here, I was hoping for a sequel :(
Love the interview, I never saw it before. Nothing beats Jake in a tux and on the Red carpet, he looks so good here especially with Gemma.
New Yorkers are so luck, not only do they randomly run into Jake but Joseph Gordon Levitt and Ryan Gosling!
I'm disgusted with a lot of the coverage of the Occupy movement, I expect that from Fox news but other news outlets have been just as biased.
Rode the F train with Jake Gyllenhaal. Also, that is not a euphemism.
3 hours ago
LOL, Tweety. That was a good one.
I just added another PoP video. I don't remember seeing this one, but it coincidentally also has a "riding Jake" joke!
Here's more - Jake's in the CZ again:
Getting Mexican for dinner. Not only is Jake Gyllenhaal here, but I unlocked the 'Hot Tamale' on 4sq. #win
1 hour ago
You're having dinner with my boyfriend? Hmm.
1 hour ago
in reply to ↑
He said it was cool. I'm sure he told you, you probs just forgot.
1 hour ago via Twitter for iPhone
*sigh* I wish I could quit him.
Oops, and this, too:
Jake Gyllenhall is at Freemans, awesome
53 minutes ago
kellybensimon Kelly K. Bensimon
Jason's class @soulcyclenyc was awesome, and my kids loved seeing jake gyllenhall with a scruff.
1 hour ago
Freemans is an interesting place. Just read up on it in Definitely not vegan. : )It's located in an alley way on the LES, not far from Broome Street.
I can't wait for my next trip to NYC so I can go exploring.
Forgot to say, the E! clip was fun.
Hadn't seen it before.
I definitely don't remember it. It was fun. I wish we could get into all those video vaults out there!
And yeah, Freemans is definitely not vegan. Quite the carnivore's delight.
More from twitter:
Just walked past Jake Gyllenhaal. Weekend = success.
1 hour ago
@soulcycle Jake Gyllenhall was in @JennyGaither 4pm at union square today! HOT!! HOT!! HOT!!
2 hours ago
#41. They're on #20. But Jake Gyllenhaal gets to walk right in? (@ Russ & Daughters w/ 3 others)
36 minutes ago
standing next to jake gyllenhaal at russ and daughters
54 minutes ago
I looked at Freeman's menu and there are some vegetarian items, Like Lentil burger.
Russ and Daughters looks like my kind of place Jewish Deli YUM
I could hurt myself at Russ & Daughters! O.M.G. : )
One of the best Kosher deli on the LES, yum!!!
And right on cue, Fiddler on the Roof is on TCM right now!!
The food at Russ and Daughters is of the charts, delish!!
Hi girls
a curiosity, how do you think these twitters?
Hi Daniela! not sure what you mean. Do we think what about the tweets?
Jake Gyllenhaal certainly makes spinning more entertaining...
28 minutes ago
Stopped counting the rounds of BM's, but Jake Gyllenhaal made it to the table right next to us. Ha!
1 hour ago
Totes just saw Jake Gyllenhall (?) in Chinatown spookin' some girl. Cool!!
2 hours ago
Holy shit jake gyllenhall just got to my gym :| or however the hell you spell his last name
4 hours ago
I certainly hope the BM refers to Bloody Marys :) She was at Fat Radish, btw.
No wonder Jake went to the gym, after Russ and Daughters and Fat Radish.
How do you think twitter to talk about Jake, have you followed them before?
Holy shit jake gyllenhall just got to my gym :| or however the hell you spell his last name
Not Jake. In another tweet she say
just his look alike!
Did he move his spin class to another day? :D
I love the tweets. I have never been to Russ and Daughters but like you said, UV, after a deli size sandwich (piled a mile high) you need to hit the gym.
Daniela, I'm not sure of your question, but I can tell you what I do. I just type Jake's name (in each of it's various spellings) in the search function of Twitter, then scroll thru the results.
Yes that is exactly what I wanted to know
Thank you:)
I wanted to add that when I find a good sighting tweet about Jake, I will sometimes click on the tweeter's name to see if I can find out more information.
For example, if someone tweets that they're sitting near him @ a restaurant, if I click on their name to see the rest of their tweets, they will somnetimes say the name of the restaurant, like Prune.
Sometimes my twitter function lags behind and I don't always get the tweets as fast as some of us do. Don't know why that is.
Dani, think significa pensar em inglês.
I'm terribly happy to have a very healthy brain girls. YAY!!!
Next week we check the results of BC tests, which I would never think about except, they are important for my survival. DOCS ...arr
Now to go to the LES and find the delicious Gillynhoolie; he will be my reward for being a good person...ihopeihope.
Just got my Jake alerts from Google; they mention him starring in Kevin Walsh's new
film, "The Way, Way Back" as U already told us last week! TY UV!
Will it be a movie or a play? HELP!!
bobbyanna, whenever you visit NY,NY, I'd love to check out one of Jake's eateries with you. one with 2 $$ to keep in line with my retirement wallet though some menu items are more than tempting.
Chuck and others of us from Cullen's board ate at "The Spotted Pig"--one of Jake's favorite eatery, way back then--when it received a Michelin Star.
The food is very good and I still fondly remember the flourless Chocolate pie/cake...can't remember which it was. :(
Just heard on my telly that the Race to the Oscars has begun...commercial on the telly about the Descendants....and yes it has begun.
60 minutes had a Taylor Smith segment...good. She's a heavy hitter already @ 21. Young girls love her...great she has fans...great for her fans and for her.
UV, I signed onto Tumblr since I see you get great tweets from there but I can't log on....HELP!!!
Back later Babblers!
Whew! I'm way overdue for a NYC visit, sass! Jake seems to be discovering new places every week!
Adam Levine won an AMA award and he looked really good. Really good.
From NY Daily News:
"JAKE GYLLENHAAL is a sucker for a certain type. An eagle-eyed source tells us the hirsute hunk had a low-key dinner at Prune on Tuesday night with a “fashionable, tall, platinum” blond in her 20s who called to mind Gyllenhaal’s ex Taylor Swift. They arrived around 7 p.m. and dined in the front corner of the intimate eatery. According to our source, the two were “very giggly” and “touchy” and ordered Champagne. Swift, 21, and Gyllenhaal, 31, were linked for approximately four months until he reportedly dumped her by phone in January 2011."
Sass, that´s great news, but everybody here already knew your brain was in great shape :)
The Way, Way Back is a movie, not sure if Jake already signed for the movie or still in talks.
Anon, the eagle-eye source must have been so jealous that he was having a good time with a beautiful girl.
That is wonderful news Sass!
Russ and Daughters is fantastic Bobbyanna, next time you visit NY you should check it out and I would be more than happy to play tour guide!
Remember that I told you about fear?
Chica, being a Jake fan's been a real education for me! LOL! Russ & Daughters' website explains that they're an "appetizer" place, as opposed to a Deli. (Katz's is just around the corner.)
According to some Jewish dietary customs, meats, fish, and dairy are served in separate locations. These places are mostly a NYC phenom. There are very few left,now. Russ & Daughters is almost 100 yrs old! NYC's cultural history is fascinating.
Babblers, thanks so much for your happy, good, we knew your brain was OK wishes.
I hope Jake enjoys his time here-- wed have not near as many paps--and will opt to live here permanently.
His family is here and I can't imagine him not wanting to be close to his Mom when he's not filming. Family is most important to so many of us, and I know that is so for Jake.
Fingers crossed for Iraq War Veteran, J R Martinez, to win DWTS. I don't watch it often, but I don't have to living here, since it's plugged every other hour on Cable.
Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends: Keep babbling:)
back later...
I hope JR wins DWTS too Sass. I think Jake has always been bi-coastal. Living in Calif and coming to NY (not sure yet if he has his own place. But he's spending a lot more time in Manhattan than in Brooklyn where Maggie is so I suspect he might have gotten himself a place) When he was going to school at Columbia he had to be living in NYC, whether with his parents or in his own place.
many celebs have more than one home. So why shouldn't Jake?
Great news, sass. Ditto to Paula C's comment :)
Daniela, I hope you don't mean you are afraid to post here. Your English is fine.
Sounds like there's going to be a GB get together at Russ's!
Maybe Jake has decided to cook something for himself instead of eating out every meal :)
Just saw Jake Gyllenhaal at Williams Sanoma!!!!! He totally smiled at me! Lol
2 hours ago
Oh, and I hope JR Martinez wins, too. I don't watch DWTS, but I did watch him on All My Children. He has a great story.
This is UV
I think the English more difficult, because they change the word order and some verbs have two meanings
Example: "think" means thinking as Monica said, but I put it in order to find, look.
but I will keep because it is helping me a lot
So Jake really likes blondes, fortunately, I have not forgotten the face, the facial expression of the woman dressed to kill in the Edible Schoolyard
Dani, the one with the red dress and the look at me pose, hahaha.
I think you're right, UV! Twitter sort of exploded about Jake being at Whole Foods in the past hour. Williams Sonoma then Whole Foods? Definitely sounds like he's gearing up.
Don't know what to think about the gossip item. "Fashionable, tall platinum blonde?" & Drinking champagne? Sorry. It sounds fishy to me. Especially since the hook in the item is the fact that she "resembles" someone else he dated briefly who happens to be making news right now.
Jake was widely reported @ the Victoria's Secret fashion show. We read that from multiple sources.
Jake's been seen all over the place since then. Often with a girl. No one else has mentioned this particular girl, and since the VS party, someone certainly would have noticed.
I believe Jake was out with a date @ Prune. But whether it was a "Tall, fashionable, platinum blonde", I'm definitely on the fence about that part.
Olivia Wilde and Jake Gyllenhaal seemed to be “very cozy” over dinner at Chinatown Brasserie. The stars, both single, were seated next to each other at a table of eight at the Lafayette Street eatery Saturday night. A spy said, “They were in a group but were very cozy with their chairs pulled in closely together.” They were also spotted one night in June at LA’s Chateau Marmont, but at the time her rep said they were “just friends.” Their reps didn’t get back to us last night.
Thanks for the Pop video vault, my husband, sons and I loved that movie!
Russ and Daughters sounds like heaven...
The tweets are great, and being such a foodies like Jake it's really fascinating! He really seems to be at home there, I asume he finally has his own place there.
Olivia Wilde rumors again? They are friends and i guess anytime they are spotted together even in a group setting will get thet rags yakking.
So glad you are doing better Sass!
LOL! Good ol' Olivia! She was shooting a movie with Jason Bateman, Saturday, and later tweeted from backstage @ SNL where she participated in the digital short,hanging with Andy Samberg and Jason Segel. We know Jake was sighted @ Freemans Saturday evening, so maybe later, it was a group that included Segel and Sandberg. I mean, my speculation is just as valid as Page Six. : )
I mean, my speculation is just as valid as Page Six. : )
That was so funny, Bobbyanna!
I wonder if Jake is spending Thanksgiving at Maggie's place. maybe he's shopping for the holiday and plans to make some dishes. I would love to see Jake put together a cookbook. I bet he has plenty of recipes.
Spotted: C and jake gyllenhaal getting coffee in the same cafe! Is C the new t-swift?? Stay tuned to find out... ;)
6 minutes ago
just walked passed jake gylenhaal. people, did you hear me? jake. gylenhaal. JAKEGYLENHAAALLLLL LIFECOMPLETE
2 hours ago
who is C?
I think C is just a friend of the tweeter - it seemed like a joking tweet.
Funny post about people who sleep on the subway next to Jake.
From twitter:
just spoke w/ people mag about when Jake Gyllenhaal & Olivia Wilde came into the restaurant. it was pretty cool. their fate was in my hands
31 minutes ago
She tweeted about work with someone else who works at the Chinatown Brasserie, so I'm guessing that's where she works.
Yet more tweets:
I just walked by Jake Gyllenhaal.. #dying
saw jake gyllenhaal 2x, once amongst a crowd of ppl making sure an elderly man made into an ambulance. i swear we are not stalking him.
37 minutes ago
Nice about Jake making sure the elderly man got into an ambulance (or was part of a crowd that did)
I wouldn't be sleeping if Jake were on a subway/train with me :D
I wouldnt be sleeping either how could you be able to sleep:)
The subway sleepers was a cute item! No way would I be sleeping on a subway with or without Jake! LOL!
Love the subway blurb on Jake, quite the contrast to the excited tweets that we see of Jake!
Getting ready for Thanksgiving? : )
From Twitter:
Great to see old friends, Naomi and Jake Gyllenhaal in Whole Foods at the Bowery in NYC!
1hour ago
Oh hey Jake Gyllenhaal. What r u doing standing next to me in whole foods as I peruse the produce?!!
1 hour ago
Annnnd one more:
"Eeeeeeeeeekkkkkk!!!!!!! I am so not one to get excited about these things but OMFG I walked past Jake Gyllenhall at the supermarket!!!!"
1 hour ago.
Yeah it sounds like he is getting ready for Turkey day!
oh my goodness. I never saw Jake in the markets I've been in :( (is it okay to whine?)
Happy Thanksgiving everyone
Thanksgiving must be a fun day in the Gyllenhaal family, I can picture Jake cooking with his Mom! Here in Portugal we don't celebrate thanksgiving, but for me the 24 of November is the most important day of my life because it's the day my son was born.
Aww, Paula C. Hope your son has a very happy birthday!
Donnie Darko is trending on twitter :)
New post :)
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