Jake Gyllenhaal was spotted at Watch the Throne last night. No reports of him joining Jay Z and Kanye on stage. Apparently, they didn't need an extra accordion player. Or trombonist.
Here's Jake, back in the spring, taking a much needed break from the rigors of the Railroad Revival Tour:

Here's a brief cameo of Jake on the train - at about seven seconds:
And a photo I hadn't seen before:

Jake at a dinner for the Edible Schoolyard, courtesy of Amy Sussman Photography:

(Train photo courtesy og ::leefenvisual::; hammock and accordion photos courtesy of AndytheT.)
A couple of tweets from today:
Just stood next to Jake Gyllenhal in SoHo
1 hour ago
Just passed Jake Gyllenhal on my street #nobigdeal #ludlowstreetforthewin
Yeah new post thanks UV for the new/old pics and tweete.
I loved the pictures, everything that happened in this "musical adventure" was so good, we saw joy on the faces of Jake
Awww! Thanks, UV! The RR Tour is certainly worth re-visiting!
Evening UV! TY you so much. I loved the pics and glimpse of his deliciousness.
Jake looks so relaxed and beautiful without that beard (I wish he'd shave it, Okay I know I'm repeating myself)
I'd love to join him in the hammock :D
thanks UV
I don't understand people obsessing over the beard. This is Jake. He likes full facial hair. It won't last forever.
From Twitter:
Jake Gyllenhaal is here at afterparty to support @adamlevine @AnneV. He just plugged his ears and mouthed "so effin loud" and left ha
I was delighted when I found these photos. It is fun to relive that time. Lots of joy, Daniela :)
I wonder when the RRT documentary will be released.
Ugh dream come true!! Meeting Jake Gyllenhaal!! Nicest guy!!!
44 minutes ago via Echofon
Beautiful two new shots UV. I love the one on the hammock, he sure was having a good time and it's so good to see him so relaxed.
All these reported sightings in New York make me wish to expatriate :-)
I can't wait to see the RR video, too!
Have a great day!
I had never seen these pics,UV.
Daniela, joy is the perfect word to describe it. I remenber smiling everytime I saw Jake on the RR tour with the ripped khaki pants that he wore the entire tour, dancing and playing on stage and looking like he couldn't care less because he was having a fantastic time.
I love revisiting Jake's R&R musical tour, he looked like he had so much fun!!
The pic of him in the hammock is classic, thanks for finding these UV:)
What a perfect name for this post, I loved following Jake and his favorite band!!
He plays the accordion too???!!
Not just the RR documentary UV but they also filmed a segment for ASL as well.
obviously Jake is a man of many talents, playing the accordian. I can't wait to see the documentary about this trip either. I love traveling by train (even better if Jake were on it with me. Last time I took Amtrak, well last year, I saw a guy sitting diagnolly from me and from the back he looked like Jake. He didn't look bad from the front either but of course it wasn't Jake :(
I can stop kvetching about the beard now (but I'll still like to see that beautiful face underneath all that facial hair :D)
great find, UV. Looks like it was great fun for everyone.
I agree with you about facial hair. It is not the first time we see him like that.
Jules, you're welcome here anytime! And by that, I mean the States or the blog :)
No Jake on a train, but he was seen at the coffee shop today. Must have needed some after a couple of big nights out:
And in other news, it was just me, JAKE GYLLENHAAL, and the barista at my local coffee shop. Yeah.
44 minutes ago
1 hour ago
victoria secret fashion show after party was amazing, saw gorgeous face jake gyllenhaal #love
1 hour ago
ha stop it! I'd be HAPPY for you if you sat in front of Gyllenhaal, Chris Rock and Olsen twins. Ps fri @ Cab = all JayZ in juke!
39 minutes ago
And then Jake G showed up. #VSFashionShow after-party
12 hours ago
And then Leonardo showed up to party with Kanye. #so #VSFashionShow
12 hours ago
ha stop it! I'd be HAPPY for you if you sat in front of Gyllenhaal, Chris Rock and Olsen twins. Ps fri @ Cab = all JayZ in juke!
unreal! They spent 3 months in pre-production to make it perfect. I had 5th row floor seats. Dope!
The pics are a great find UV, more great detective work, I love this blog!
You could tell he had a blast by just looking at the expression on his face.
I don't mind the chia pet on Jake's face, guess i'm used to it:) :)
Victoia's Secret party? I hope he behaved himself!
Thanks, Extra. I did get a kick out of finding these photos!
In case you were wondering where Jake got his coffee this AM:
ummm I'll be needing the name of your local coffee shop....
2 hours ago
in reply to ↑
Grumpy's in LES of NYC. From his conversation it sounded like he goes there often. Obvi Im not going at the right hour
2 hours ago via web
Obviously! I think I know where my new fav coffee spot is ;)
Sure is nice when people take pictures. : )
Maybe it's raining in NYC, like it is here!
I hope Tweety hasn't been put off by all the annoying auto-tweets reappearing. At least it's not as bad as it was last week.
Some legit tweets:
Just saw Jake Gyllenhaal on the street- all he's got on me are 4" in height, millions more dollars, and the ability to grow a full beard.
13 minutes ago
Oh no big just walked by Jake Gyllenhaal on the street with @belin_c and @scenesfromahat- Thank you Universe!
13 minutes ago
And this series:
team mush for brains
1 hour ago
so mush I didn't realize I was next to Jake Gyllenhaal as I was paying for a gift lol
5 minutes ago
oh my god shut up! that's cray.
47 seconds ago
in reply to ↑
haha I only realized it when I saw the cashier flipping out
Cute. From tumblr:
please, god. let me die while i’m happy!
#nyu #celebrity
Sometimes I read the letters tumblr that look like they were written by me lol, I'm amazed how people who do not know can see or feel the same way we do, my heart is so tight, I do not know why.
I saw those tweets UV, you beat me to it UV!! I'm not put off more like annoyed :(
He is having so much fun in NY.
This is such a fun post, this was a highlight for me as a Jake fan following the tour through Jake.
Found this cute exchange on Twitter, but you have to start reading from the bottom : )
".. and then I would have been fired and arrested lmao!!!"
1 hour ago
Omg I'm in tears lmao RT oh okay. take a bat to the back of her head, leave her there & proceed with plan A"
1 hour ago
"I was staring at him though and then he looked up and noticed I was staring so he smiled at me lmfao. I'm a creep!"
1 hour ago
"...of course lol! He came in to buy a magazine with a girl but celebs here get treated like everyone else lol"
1 hour ago
"...we're not allowed to do that at work, unfortunately"
1 hour ago
"I can't we're not allowed to take pics of celebrities at work lol"
1 hour ago
"...haha! He looks exactly the same as he does in movies! He's short though!"
2 hours ago
"...LOL! He's with a chick -_- RT @SRC_ChangeAgent: @RayBanLoverr quick! chloroform (sp?) him and FedEx him to me at once!"
2 hours ago
At Barnes & Noble RT @YessyXoXo: Where You Work.?
2 hours ago
"Standing in front of Jake Gyllenhaal as I tweet. Yeah I love this job 😍"
2 hours ago
Dang. Didn't mean for it to "sprawl." UV, can yu collapse/edit my post? Plz : )
Thanks for all the tweet reports. It's almost like a game show "Where in NY is Jake G?" I know what places I want to visit when in NYC. All over lower Manhattan waiting to run into Jake
If you scroll down there's a pic of Jake
If you scroll down there's a pic of Jake
So much for New Yorkers acting cool when they see celebs, these tweets are so much fun to read, LOL!!!
And as much as I love the tweets, I find the pic posted by anon. of Jake waiting for a train too creepy :(
I love the second photo of Jake in the hammock, I can't wait to see the documentary of this tour.
Thanks for the pic, anon. The pic is a little close, Paula, but the story of the starry-eyed encounterer was sweet.
Sometimes I read the letters tumblr that look like they were written by me lol, I'm amazed how people who do not know can see or feel the same way we do, my heart is so tight, I do not know why.
Aww, Daniela. It's always nice to know there are other people out there like you. It's good to know that others know how special
Jake is.
Loved that series of tweets, Bobbyanna. Thank goodness there was no violence!
Tweety, seems like it's died down again today. Hopefully the auto-tweeters will go away permanently!
I ripped my favorite sweater because of stupid Jake Gyllenhaal #celebrityspottingfail
1 hour ago
Spotted! Jake Gyllenhaal in Chinatown... 11/11/11 is a magical day, indeed
1 hour ago
RT @NoraProujansky JAKE GYLLENHAAL ON UNIVERSITY PL. @StarleeKine Also @ everyone in the whole world.
4 hours ago
And from the NY Post:
Also sizing up the models was Jake Gyllenhaal, dressed down and almost incognito in a wool hat and sweat shirt, who “chatted up [Brazilian model] Izabel Goulart for 30 minutes,” the spy said.
“Security wouldn’t let anyone take pictures of them together. He had his hand on the small of her back and she leaned into his ear to talk.”
I think this is from today from twitter
breakfast with jake gyllenhall at bubbys. okay, he was across the room but we were both eating breakfast
53 minutes agovia web
Then he worked it off:
Great workout with @meganbirmingham AND we were sitting two bikes away from Jake Gyllenhaal #soulcycle
17 minutes ago
Yay it's soul cycle Friday again :D
Yup - all those regulars weren't disappointed this week :)
This is funny - at Whole Foods:
My wife and I literally walked into Jake Gyllenhaal! I tripped over his shopping basket. He's really handsome. http://4sq.com/uWPz6D
15 minutes ago
Yes, UV is very good:)
Even better is knowing that the box office in Japan of SC was better than I anticipated, I just wanted it to be higher than in Brazil and exceeded $ 3767481: D
That is great news about the BO in Japan for SC, Daniela! It's on my top ten list this year.
TY UV and babblers all,
Jake twitter sightings are the best thing ever. I loved the So YEAH...So NY post!
Jake does get around; I hope he stays here for a long time.
I went to see the early morning J Edgar movie in Times Sq. I love the comfy seats there.
Leo's performance is exceptional, the movie, meh.
Eastwood sanitized Hoover's life, his love affair with his second in command, Tolson, and made the film a bland melodramatic ponderous story which left me longing to know more.
Thank God for Ang Lee.
It's awesome seeing our soldiers all over town wearing their uniforms and their caps, from Viet Nam to Iraq/Afghanistan.
Dani, the box office in Brazil would have been better if it had come at the same time the U.S. release.
I've heard the same thing about the Hoover movie too Sass. At least Leo is getting good reviews, he should get a BA nomintion for this.
So glad to hear that Source code did so well in Japan, thanks for the good news Daniela!
NY has the largest Veteran's Day parade in the country and it was wonderful to see the turnout and the love and support for our Veterans.
From twitter:
Second Spiderman sighting of the day. Jake Gyllenhaal at Fat Radish. Amy is crazy excited but I'm all like whatevvvs #ilovejake
1 hour ago
She saw Andrew Garfield earlier.
Or too busy staring at Jake Gyllenhall apparently. (Eeekkkk!)
20 minutes ago
En route to Fat Radish. Will be too busy burger-eating to Tweet during the meal.
38 minutes ago
Hey, Sass. Thanks for the J Edgar review. I'll wait until it hits cable. I like Leo, but I am not a fan of most of his movies.
Glad to hear SC is doing well in Japan.
I wonder if Box Office Mojo will ever update its foreign gross. That site is a mess these days. Not sure if anyone else here went to their old forums (an old poster here clued me in to them), but they just shut them down a few weeks ago. No warning, no option for people to save posts or threads or to communicate with fellow posters.
I sometimes have that nightmare that Stephanie and Ally will do that with the IHJ gallery!
Also, belated Happy Veteran's Day. The NY parade must be a sight to see.
An absurd what happened to the forum of BOM, UV.
Some members went to the forum MOJO Refugees. It was in the air for two weeks until they create a new forum:
Box Office Theory
It was absurd, Monica. And I'm glad the refugees began a new place. I followed their progress and it looks pretty good. But it's a shame it had to come to that.
More from twitter:
Sitting next to Jake Gyllenhaal at Colonie on Atlantic Ave.
58 minutes ago
JAKE GYLLENHALL'S RECEIPT FROM WORK http://yfrog.com/nvhv9fvj
The guy works at Barnes & Noble.
UV, he shouldn't post it. It's Jake's account, and now everyone knows how much he spent and... latest numbers of his card are there .. shouldn't do that.
And sorry, but I think you shouldn't have posted it here.
Well, I agree that the guy shouldn't have posted it, mostly because he'll probably get fired. But there's nothing on there that anyone can use to rip Jake off.
And yes, we know now he spent $39 at Barnes & Noble. A violation of privacy, true. Perhaps I shouldn't have posted it. But it's out there.
The Playlist is talking a little more about The Way, Way Back
UV, that guy was wrong to post it & I hope there are consequences for him. He used poor judgement.
Colonie is a nice restaurant in BK.
One of the benefits of following Jake on twitter is discovering new things about NYC. : )
I hope we get news of a signing and a start date for the movie.
Not sure what the timeline is tonight - if the Colonie tweet was delayed, but this is from the Fat Radish tweeter:
NEWSFLASH: Jake is dancing.
1 hour ago
I'm a little suspicious of the "Jake is dancing" post. Of course, it doesn't mean she's still @ Fat Radish. Don't think there's dancing @ Fat Radish. I thinking he was there earlier today.
I'm thinkng the timing of the real estate guy was accurate about Colonie to night. It just felt like he'd be in BK on a Friday night, etc.
In spite of all the tweets I don't think he has a double : ) I see so many tweets from pple who saw someone who looked "just like..."
That Barnes and Noble guy is careless and stupid, he deserves to get canned even though there is no info on that receipt that anyone can use, it's an invasion of privacy.
I heard that the Mojo forums were owned by IMDB and Amazon. It's a shame they didn't give the posters a heads up about the change, it doesn't make any sense. I'm glad that a new forum separate from the IMDB boards was set-up, IMDB is a cesspool IMO.
Way way back sound interesting. I hope he's signed onboard. Also I think that employee should be fired. If he's posting Jake's receipt what else is he up to.
I do have to say I'm curious as to what he bought.
Yeah that person will probably be fired if his/her bosses find out which they probably will which they eserve to be that was a violation of a person privacy and Im curious too Lily to know what Jake bought:)
Just added a nice photo of Jake from the Edible Schoolyard dinner a few weeks back.
The IMDb forums are awful, Extra. Its great that these folks took matters into their own hands.
Morning all,
I had no idea why BOM was not giving me BO totals or allowing me to log on. The site was a mess , so I went to Numbers--thanks to y'all--and BOP.
Whew, its scary sometimes, what I know and what I don't know:)
Hopefully the B&N person shared his Jake find with friends who gave him some advice about privacy...Hopefully he will not lose his job...What a MAROON.
What a nice photo of Jake at the Edible Schoolyard
That guy is an asshole and deserves to get fired.
That is a very nice pic of Jake :)
From twitter:
AliFedotowsky Ali Fedotowsky
Just sat down to eat at a "daycare-like" cafe w/ a bunch of kiddos running around and Jake Gyllenhaal walked in. Very random day. Lol
4 hours ago
Today is the birthday of Anne Hathaway.
Remembering a year ago, was so fun to see all those interviews of Jake and Anne together.
I hope she has a great day.
Jake at Buvette again?
Yo why is at every time I'm at Buvette the homie Jake Gyllenhaal has to ruin my dinner? Get out of here bubble boy!
1 hour ago
Transfer at w4 w jake gyllenhall. He did not help me with stroller.
1 hour ago
1 hour ago
That was a fun time, Monica. I really hope they can do a movie again together.
Sass, the whole site was down for a while, but you can still get those numbers at BOM. The forums are gone.
Thanks for the B-Day reminder for Anne Monica! I hope she had a great day. Has it been a year already since she and Jake were doing promo for LAOD? Sigh.
I hope Jake signs on for Way, Way Back especially if he is playing Owen like we speculated.
With the exception of that idiot that posted Jake's receipt, I'm really enjoying Jake's NY updates via tweets!
Sounds like the J Edgar movie was a missed opportunity to really explore Hoover and his influence on this country and who is also one of the most controversial figures in US history.
Leo has been getting good reviews.
Jus did a double take Jake gyllenhaal at w4 i think my eyes bugged out..weird bc I'm not really a fan..wanted2 say go suckafuck #donniedarko
26 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone
Jake Gyllenhaal spotted at nearby subway stop who the fuck let him out of my room
11 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone
Photos of Jake and Naomi with Ramona.
Moomah must have been the place mentioned in that tweet about lunch at a daycare-like place.
From Facebook:
Omg I'm the happiest woman Jake gyllenhaal stoped by my job to visit me!!! :)
Like · Share · Yesterday at 3:10pm via mobile ·
3 people like this.
he's friends with hector's wife wendylee....theyve known eachother for years
Yesterday at 3:18pm · Like · 1
wtf!? liar! :o
Yesterday at 3:20pm · Like
W T F ?!?!?!?
Yesterday at 3:21pm · Like
really? Wendylee is friends? ??? ughh she never mention it to me. :( But he was super nice. I couldnt believe it until i saw his bright blue eyes. ^ ^ lOl
Marc no need for me to lie we got it on the camera of the store. -__-'
Marissa i know. finally something awesome about my job. LOL
The FBer works at Flavaboom, a frozen yogurt place.
What sweet pictures of Jake, Ramona and Mom, thanks for the link UV!
Happy belated birthday Anne! And speaking of Anne, the 59th St. bridge in Queens was blocked yesterday and will be today for filming of the new Batman movie. Traffic is backed up for miles and people are not amused!
what adorable pics of Uncle Jake and Ramona and mom. Moomah (funny name) looks like a nice place to eat. I should start making a list so I'll know where to eat in Lower Manhattan (thanks Jake :D)
It figures, UV. The yogurt place is organic, gluten free, etc. etc. etc. : )
Great pics!Ramona is a lucky girl to have such a sweet uncle!
chica, that really messes up traffic to and from LaGuardia!
Happy belated birthday to Anne Hathaway, who is getting ready to produce a movie.
Thanks for the pics of Jake and Ramona nice to see them out together along with Naomi too.
Jake and Naomi leaving brunch. Looks like they were at a place called Bluebird Cafe.
Chica, I couldn't have said it better...it is a sweet photo of Jake with his Niece and Mom.
TY UV, I'm so fickle. I'll venture over to BOM later today, and check BO results. Sometimes, I think I'll be a producer in my next life, I love to check BO totals way to much.
I may go to see "Take Shelter" this afternoon...if I can.
I find the Remicade treatments are wearing me out...went to YOUtube...found people who were on it and relaxed.
Phil Mickelson is so upbeat about his Rx humira. arr. Next week will be better...this is not nearly as bad as chemo but it ain't fun.
TY UV for all Jake pics info and love. I'm getting maudlin but I clung to this blog prior to chemo in 2008, so many people were posting hate stuff about him and I just couldn't believe it nor could I handle it.
Therefore, I allowed myself to release that stress and relax.
Jake has a magnificent beard admired by me and my son, who has some hair sprouting from his chin, but not nearly as much...*smile*
Squeee! : ) I tweeted Duncan and he answered me! He had tweeted that SC was part of a double feature with Moon in LA later this week, and he'd be there.
So I said,:
@ManMadeMoon Hope Source Code gets recognition during awards season. Outstanding work by you, Jake & Vera. Great script, too.
Nov 13, 3:16 PM via web
ManMadeMoon Duncan Jones
"Thank you... I'd like that too. ;)"
Nov 13, 3:19 PM via web
I know. It's a small thing, but it is so sweet that he responded.
I don't think I'll be seeing J. Edgar. I'll wait. I love Leo, but no.
what wonderful news, Bobbyanna. Duncan sure likes his fans. I hope that Jake and Source Code gets recognized. He didn't get a nod from the People's Choice Awards.
I agree, Chica. These images are very sweet.
Chica, tomorrow they will be filming near 52nd-54th & 11th/12th. And I think Anne has done all her scenes.
Hugs to you, sass. I'm sorry you have to go through all this! Relax with us here. Some tweets of Jake out and about to cheer you up:
Jake Gyllenhaal on the subway looking better than ever. I heart NYC.
25 minutes ago
Hit pedestrian with my car who wanted to fight me; breakfast next to Jake Gyllenhall; wondrous Central Park colors = great trip to NYC!
25 minutes ago
Pretty sure I saw Jake Gyllenhaal in Chinatown today. Or a hot Gyllenhaal clone. Either way, dude, why were you near the smelly fish booth?
7 minutes ago
Pretty sure I just passed by Jake Gyllenhal walking around Chinatown by himself.
3 hours ago
Just saw Jake Gyllenhaal. DYING. I would have followed him if it weren't for my ridiculous duffle bag. Eye contact made. I can die happy
3 hours ago
Saw Jake Gyllenhaal. That was kinda strange and no one else saw him so no one else believes me. But the explosion of other tweets confirms.
2 hours ago
YAY!!! So many Jake tweets...TY :)
Now to get down there before he blows town.:)
You made good decision about J Edgar girl; it's a movie better left to DVD.
It seems like most people agree with us--see BO numbers--kids movies are all the rage this year.
Spamming to share again babblers. I watched "The Good Girl" again last night and loved it.
It's too bad Jennifer left the Indie movie world to make big budget Romantic Comedies.
Of course she is filthy rich now, and that's all right too, but her acting is meh...sorry Jennifer...but I miss the actress in the GG.
Meant to say having Duncan tweet back to you is awesome Bobbyanna...
and its all good!
Go, Patriots!
Forgot to say good going, Bobbyanna. I'd be shocked if SC gets any awards recognition, which is a shame.
I will wait for cable for J Edgar, but I do want to see The Descendants this week. Wanted to even before the Jake-screenplay connection.
Some Sunday night tweets:
Tonight had dinner in Brooklyn; Jake Gyllenhaal literally sat next to me. #forreal
33 minutes ago
Jake Gyllenhall flirted with me at work. I told him he crossed the line. Cause I'm a professional. *commence crying*
2 hours ago
I'm a little disappointed that Raiin Wilson tweeted that line about Maggie Gyllenhaal playing Jill in that Adam Sandler movie. Ha, ha - it's really Adam Sandler in drag.
The joke had been all over twitter even before he made it. So it was mean and unoriginal.
I saw the joke. haha
I also read that Maggie signed to play the wife of a murderer in The Iceman.
How cool that Duncan tweeted you Bobbyanna!! I hope that he and Jake get some GG love for SC.
Based on the reviews,I think that I will wait for J. Edgar Hoover to show up on DVD.
I had to LOL at that Jake in Chinatown/fish tweet!
Looks like Jake is at Bubby's again:
I've heard of Gyllenhaal, but 'spill it all?'
3 minutes ago
Big twitter update! Jake G. just spilled his drink! I've heard of Gyllenhaal, but Schadenfreude?
10 minutes ago
Bacon and eggs for a real HAM
29 minutes ago
J. Gyllenhaal is at Bubby's. 3 pancakes for a 5 star actor??
54 minutes ago
And from tumblr:
I saw Jake Gyllenhaal while I was in the city yesterday. He was in the same subway station as me. His eyes are so blue. *swoon*
This last picture you put dinner edible schoolyard is the most beautiful of all, it seemed that he was uncomfortable in the other
Loving all the new/old pics and updates!
Another meh from me regarding the Hoover bio flick. Leo was actually good but the script was lacking.
I'm getting a real kick out of the tweets and how the tough New yorkers swoon when they run into Jake!
Hop we get confirmation on when or if Jake will be doing way back.
Love the name of one of the places Jake hangs out at, Bubby's!!!
Loving all the new/old pics and updates!
Another meh from me regarding the Hoover bio flick. Leo was actually good but the script was lacking.
I'm getting a real kick out of the tweets and how the tough New yorkers swoon when they run into Jake!
Hop we get confirmation on when or if Jake will be doing way back.
Love the name of one of the places Jake hangs out at, Bubby's!!!
I agree, Daniela. The last photo from that dinner is definitely the best. You can see how blue his eyes are :)
Shondra, I want confirmation, too. I don't want this to be another situation like the heist movie.
This made me smile:
Jake Gyllenhal and Anne Hathaway having lunch just behind me at ABC Kitchen. Trying not too be too obvious turning round to gawp
JaredEng: Jake Gyllenhaal just passed me by while walking down Hudson and Barrow! Grown out beard, earphones, talking on the phone, wearing backpack
I love the reactions of folks in my city, when its occupants catch a glimpse of Jake, even JJared acts just like I would if I saw Jake....love him...*thud*
Bloomberg and other leaders...I guess there are other leaders in this town helping him...are hard at work trying to think up reasons to get rid of our protesters. They still don't want to be the "Next Oakland."
I knew a revolution was coming; any student of history could lay claim to that knowledge, especially living in the perfect storm, created by politicians,lobbyist and the obscenely privileged rich in this country; I just did not anticipate it starting here in
Police reactions to the OWS protesters are out of line. I hoe Bloomberg et al., tread carefully.
Sadly, it appears Channing Tatum is going to get the Man From U.N.C.L.E. I hope that means it's a dud. Yet another franchise not going Jake's way.
Yet another franchise not going Jake's way.
I don't see him starring a new franchise. He had his chance with POP.
It's a pity. He shouldn't try fro another hero type, but a good spy franchise, a la Bourne, would be gold.
More from Twitter:
"@aronnorman: Just walked by a bearded Jake Gylenhaal on Hudson. He stopped midstride to sign an autograph for someone #whatamensch
in his dingy outfit and scruff, he looked like a construction worker from Brooklyn
Walking on the street right next to Jake Gylenhaal #awkward
Sharing a sidewalk with Jake Gyllenhal right now. Yep! He's just as hot in person!
UV, I'd just like to see Jake work with Soderbergh! I think Man From U.N.C.L.E. will be "OK" in Soderbergh's hands, but I don't think this has "legs." IMO. : )Between Bourne and Danile Craig's Bond, the genre is already well represented.
There is nothing about it that excites me. Right now I'm looking forward to Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.
No way to tell how good it will be. The fact that so many big names have dropped out is a bad sign. But it's discouraging to see role after role not go to Jake.
Not sure if this means she saw Jake at dinner:
Last dinner at NYC I found Jake Gyllenhaal Greed! (@ Dos Caminos Third Avenue w/ 8 others) http://t.co/MO430vIW
Channing Tatum is an awful awful actor and has no charisma. He is even worse than Ryan Renolds(at least RR is funny sometimes).I don't know why he gets so many roles. But I am not pissed Jake didn't get any role in the man from U.N.C.L.E. at all.
I just want to know Jake's any new project. (hope "the way back" can be done)
Sass, Bloomberg said that the protesters can return sans tents and sleeping bags. I saw this coming, I'm just glad that there wasn't violence like what happened in Oakland.
I assume they will return and just stay for a few hours to protest, they need a space to stay especially with winter coming.
This movement will continue.
Channing is a horrible actor, he can have the man from U.N.C.L.E
I actually thought that SC had a chance to be a franchise, but that's dead now because of the TV deal.
More Jake on a train:
Just seen Jake Gyllenhaal again for the 2nd time this week except this time I took the train with him http://yfrog.com/ocvnxfhj
Quiet out there today. More from twitter:
Just saw Jake Gyllenhaal at Columbus Circle. Still prefer his brother in law.
1 hour ago
Just saw Jake Gyllenhaal on the subway. I don't think he recognized me.
1 hour ago
I just saw Jake Gyllenhaal getting off the 1 train on my way to work!!! So beautiful!
1 hour ago
51 minutes ago
DawnSpinnerD: @laneycrowell & I just had a Jake Gyllenhaal run-in at CVS. All I kept thinking was "why couldn't this have happened on a good hair day?"
SierraTishgart: Soul Cycle when you're not sitting next to Jake Gyllenhaal is all the pain without the pleasure.
3 hours ago
Annabel_xD: Omg ! So I just found out Jake gyllenhall went to book a facial at my school fuck my life I graduated too early ! I cuda gave him one !
People's sexiest man alive is Bradley cooper! That's a joke ,right? He's handsome but no way the sexiest.
I'm surprised Gosling didn't get the title and Jake didn't even make the list and Alec baldwin and Liam hemsworth are in, Liam brother Chris is much sexier.
Hi! Paula C. missed you
To say who is sexy or not will think much of the perception of each one, as you said it is beautiful but not sexy to me that Bradley is not pretty.
I love as a fan, there is no man more handsome and sexy Jake
Bradley Cooper?? Ewwww!
I saw that tweet about Jake getting a facial, I assume that means he shaved?
Hi, Daniela, you're a sweetheart.
Tweety, I wouldn't get my hopes to high, maybe is just a trim. The day Jake shaves is bear is the day we know he signed on to a movie.
As far as I'm concerned Jake's in a class by himself. All these other guys are 'mere mortals' : )
I'm not holding my breath until People Magazine gets it right. They lose credibility by ignoring Jake.
I loved it the night Dave Letterman had Jake on, and held up the cover of EW with Jake & Anne. It was right around the time of the People Mag RR cover. I'll always love Letterman for that.
Don't know what to make of the facial tweet. I have noticed that Jake's been keeping his hair and his beard very neatly trimmed. He didn't seem to bother much last year.
LOL! Paula C., beard "monitoring" is like reading tea leaves. We're on the look out for 'signs.' ; )
Morning babblers,
Starting my post with Bradley Cooper, WHA?! He's finally arrived, with Hangover? Oh well.
I'm very upset with what's gone on here...the movement...TPTB make me nauseous.
The sleight of hand action carried out by The Mayor and police was a cowardly way to confront a non violent movement...looks like Egypt here on cable with all those cops in combat gear.
It was a HUGE mistake; they will realize that as time goes on. I just wonder why Bloomberg couldn't see that?
Loving these tweets...I wonder if Jake ever wanted to be sexiest man of the year? I'll never know:(
To me, he's sexiest hot man of the year ...and to many other folks living in the Apple.
Well people got it wrong again
Seems like the news is being greeted with kind of a yawn. BC wasn't even a trending topic on twitter for most of the morning.
My favorite tweet, which has been used with other people, is, Bradley Cooper Sexiest Man Alive: @PeopleMag: You spelled Jake Gyllenhaal wrong
I say this multiple times a year, but People got it wrong by not choosing him in 2005 or 2006. That was Jake's It Boy Moment. Hopefully, he'll get another chance, but it's sort of pointless now.
From twitter:
Hmmm, the one day that @SPassick isn't at Flavaboom, Jake Gyllenhaal shows up.
1 minute ago via web
CELEBS LOVE FLAVABOOM! Jake Gyllenhaal spotted at Flavaboom getting fro-yo on Friday and came back for seconds on Monday.
23 minutes ago
Today Maggie Gyllenhaal turns 34, so Happy Birthday! I wonder if she is still in Italy or back to NY to celebrate with the rest of the family, although Italy is a wonderful place to spend your birthday.
Happy Birthday to Maggie
First the good news: Happy Birthday Maggie
Bad news: People Mag you are BLIND! Bradley Cooper....seriously? He's not even on my radar. You screwed up....AGAIN. Is there any reason to hope you'll get it right next year?
From twitter
aradia18 Cat
Spotted Jake Gyllenhaal on the adjacent car of the 6 as he got out at Bleecker. Moment of recognition when he looked directly at me.
Happy Birthday Magggie!
No comment on People magazines pick....
From a tweeter at Prune:
"Who is the girl having dinner with Jake Gyllenhaal?" "The luckiest girl in the world!
And a couple of others:
Um am I really sitting next to Jake gyllenhaal? Oh #nyc
pretty sure i saw jake gyllenhaal coming out of the 2nd ave F station tonight around 7:30pm. full beard. foxy as hell. #hubbahubba
Happy birthday, Maggie Gyllenhaal.
I hope she's having a great birthday.
I love that tweet too UV!!
I think we have A DUTY to remind People Magazine that Jake IS the SEXIEST MAN ALIVE BEFORE next year. He musat be accorded that title...He probably doesn't care nor does his PR people, but WE/I DO. Love you all,
My favorite tweet, which has been used with other people, is,
"Bradley Cooper Sexiest Man Alive: @PeopleMag: You spelled Jake Gyllenhaal wrong"
From twitter
Karandeep Ajmani
jake gyllenhaal in a new york subway courtesy @jasmeetsajmani http://pic.twitter.com/kfQvVcQY
I think I twisted my neck trying to see that pic , but it's worth :)
It looks like he's holding a tablet, Jake must love his gadgets.
The above comment is mine, I just did the night shift so my mind is a little blurry and I forgot to put my name :)
I had to bend my neck too but it was worth it. There was a photo of Jake with an IPad a while ago
I think he likes his gadgets too
No news but a new post :)
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