We might actually see all of End of Watch before it's released in theaters. More set pictures from Jake Gyllenhaal's new police drama, as Taylor approaches a suspect:

And then inexplicably does the chicken dance:

I guess perhaps we will have to see the actual movie!
I like the framing of these two shots with the graffiti:

Should be interesting to see if the movie shots are framed as well!
(Photos courtesy of IHJ.)
The last one has a little bit of a Where's Waldo effect. It was hard to pick Jake and Michael Pena out of the shot when I first saw the thumbnail.
From Tablehopper:
What's a Hotter Dish Than Zuni's Roasted Chicken?
Yeah, that would be ~Jake Gyllenhaal~, who was spotted dining at Zuni Café on Friday night with an unidentified female. Thanks to editor Brock Keeling of SFist, who sent me the sighting (the tip was sent to him by two friends dining at Zuni, and confirmed by the waitstaff. Sadly, neither friend would ask the waitstaff what Jake was eating.).
She tweeted the story, then responded to someone who "sighed:"
trust me, when I got the text, I seriously started considering my stalker/paparazzi potential!
wow I've never seen so many shots from a movie that was in the middle of filming.
he looks great, the chicken dance is funny looking
I'm enjoying these set shots but i hope they don't turn off some people when it hits the theaters because they feel like they may have seen the movie!
Ha, ha he does look like he was doing the funky chicken!!
Various magazines will have a picture here and there from it but the general public who don't go to individual web sites for actors will only see those.
These pictures we see are not seen by millions and millions of people.
Yeah, I think we know that, anon. But thanks for the tip.
True only Gyllenhaalics will probably seek out these photos, don't mind them one bit!
Still not digging the bald look but once filming is done his full , gorgeous head of hair will be back!
Love that sighting from tablehopper:)
OT: I went to the doctor know the results of endoscopy. I have a mild gastritis and H. pylori was negative. I need to just take a medicine for 28 days and keep the diet.
thats good news monica
Does any one know what the braclet Jake is wearing on his right wristis noticed Michael isnt wearing one?
I like these photos. I like to see Jake working.
Mary, I think it's from his character. There's a picture in IHj, where Jake is with a bag with objects and this bracelet is there.
Pretty good news, Monica. I hope the medicine helps!
Paula, the Tablehopper definitely likes Jake. I wondered if they'd get a report, and they did.
Monica, I didn't know you weren't feeling well... I'm so happy you've seen the doctor and gotten treatment. I visit more often and can keep up you with my dear babbler friends:)
I hadn't thought that only Gyllenhallics would see most of the set pictures, so I guess it's OK. I can take it until movie premiere time.
Jake looks hot hot hot in uniform and I'm loving all the Jake news...TY again.
I think I read in indiewire, there is a great chance that this film will debut in the end next year.
But as it's an independent film, depending on the end of filming, I wonder if it goes to Sundance, Cannes, Toronto ...
These photos are not spoilerish. I don't know what is happening.
For those who don't know, Hpylori is a bacterium that causes serious damage to the stomach like ulcer or something worse. I was afraid to have this bacteria, but thankfully I don't.
Michael Pena says that he and Jake did "about 20" ride-alongs to prep for EoW.
SF Eater says that Alice Waters lists Jake among her favorites on Bon Appetit's "Back of the napkin" feature, but you can't really read the page, sadly.
The BA website just shows the napkin.
I don't mind seeing the set photos either, and I love Jake's look for this film, and as you said Monica they aren't spoilerish at all.
That is good news Monica!!
That's good news, monica!!!
The Tablehopper item was cute, UV!
I don't mind the pics from EOW so far, as long as they aren't giving much away, altho I'm curious about the fact neither Jake nor Michael are wearing their uniform hats.
(After my first visit, I can say that I felt like bread dough and the chiropractor was the baker! LOL!
Now I'm icing my back.)
Ah, that sounds so familiar Bobbyanna!
Going to a chiropractor has helped me so much.
'Source Code' Hits No. 1 on DVD, Blu-ray Charts
good news monica i finally got a new dvd player and my son going to hook it up for me this weekend then i can watch my SC dvd
OMG! SC @ #1 !!!!
That's wonderful news!!! Thanks monica!!!
Bien Mónica!
Frango en Brasil es muy rico!
Frango grilhado y xuxu me gusta mucho y es muy suave!
new pics up at ihj of jake on set from today
Old/new photo of Jake and Taylor.
Great news about SC's DVD performance.
Very good news, Monica :D
and great news about SC DVD sales!
Good Morning, I had to share this good news. I'll try to get my Source Cose copy today! Hope this news isn't a repeat, but if is a repeat please remove it.
*Happy Happy Me*
Good on ya Jake and Duncan,
'Source Code' Hits No. 1 on DVD, Blu-ray Charts.
back later:)
That is fantastic news about SC! I finally rec'd my copy and plan on watching it this weekend.
I hope you get your copy today Sass!
As far as the set photos are concerned , keep them coming! It's not like they are giving away the plot.
Cute pic of Jake and Taylor but her cousin says that they flew into MO earlier this year, I thought they broke up around January? Maybe she was talking about the time he was spotted in Nashville a bit later.
I think this photo is from last year when they went to Nashville. But her cousin is trying to make this nightmare lasted longer than 10 minutes.
Gracias, Leonor.
Frango grilhado y xuxu es delicioso.
Oy, Monica.
I think it's just a misstatement from the cousin. That's Jake's "uniform" from the L&OD promo days, so I think that's around the time the photo was taken.
More on IHJ! I love the layout that IHJ has now.
Yeah, the cousin was wrong, I thought the "uniform" looked familiar. According to this tweet it was taken around last Thanksgiving when Taylor and Jake was in MO to see some of her family:
wiftPerfection Taylor Swift fan ♔
Taylor & Jake. It was taken after they both flew from NYC to St Louis to see Taylor's family during Thankgiving. yfrog.com/h2uxvn5j
4 hours ago
LOL Monica!
SC is the # 1 DVD, Yes!!!
oy, Taylor BLAH! He deserves someone a lot better and I'm glad they both moved on.
I am hoping he might date someone outside the industry, like the mystery woman who was dining with him in SF.
I feel most celeb relationships work better when one partner is not in the industry. Just look at Anne, her boyfriend had been an actor but I don't think he is still doing that. He is low key and you don't see a lot of pap shots of them. They don't hound them. I feel a situation like that has a better chance to work IMHO
Zodiac is on IFC tonight. Started zt 8:05. I haven't watched in a wild. I love this Jake performance.
As for Anne, her previous relationship is proof that dating someone outside the business is no guarantee, either. I'm also pretty sure her boyfriend is still an actor. He just doesn't get parts. We'll see how it works out.
Speaking in Zodiac ...
Mark Ruffalo is in talks to Now You See Me. Amanda Seyfried (that's how spell it?) Is also in talks.
Thanks for the heads up on Zodiac!
James Franco is in town shooting the Wizard of Oz prequel along with Rachel Weisz. I wonder when Mila Kunis and Michelle Williams will come in.
Chica, I have to say. I'm not a fan of chirapractors. Maybe it's just the "Day after" thing.
The blurb about Ruffalo in talks for the role Jake was attached to in Now You see Me popped up in my e-mail alerts via Variety.
Too bad Jake decided to take a pass on this but maybe he didn't like the script.
I enjoyed catching Zodiac last night too, what a fantastic film!
Yeah, the day after the first visit to the chiropractor was no day at the picnic for me either Bobbyanna, but it will be worth it down the line, my chiropractor has helped me so much!
I forgot to add Bobbyanna, I'm so jealous!! Even though it's a prequel to the Wizard of OZ, the original is one of my favorite films, how cool it is to have it filmed near you and with that cast!
This was from last night on FB:
"Jake Gyllenhall just said " whats up guys" to me.. AHhhhhh!!!!"
Lucky girl got an autograph, too. Sounded like Jake was shooting in some residential area.
Chica I don't know if I can handle anymore chiropractic "wonderfulness." :)
I'm pretty sure from reports, that the filming of "Oz" is indoors, inside some studios in Pontiac, MI. That's about 12 miles from me, but a lot of movie people stay in my area while they are in town for work. We have lots of vacant houses. : /...I have yet to see anyone.
Our stupid Republican governor cut the incentives on film production so in future, fewer projects and smaller projects will come in.
The first pic reminds me of that old cop show Adam 12 for some reason!
Going to finally get a chance to watch my SC DVD this weekend, Zodiac is a gem and one of my favorite Jake movies with a great ensemble cast.
Happy to see the DVD sale #'s for SC!
Speaking of Zodiac, what a coincidence that Mark is up for the part in Now you see Me!
Love reading all the tweets and FB sightings and yes that pic of Jake and Taylor is form last year.
I hope you get a chance to see the cast from the new OZ film Bobbyanna, stinks that your Gov. has done that:(
Speaking of Franco, my Husband and sons want to see the new Planet of the Apes movie with him, I have zero interest in seeing it so they will be seeing it w/o me!
Saw this on FB from yesterday:
"For the last two days End of Watch starting; Jake Gyllenhaal, Michael Pena and America Ferrera is being filmed outside my casa!! Drive by scene is coming up...lol."
10 hours ago · ·
" Be an extra huh...the director is a white dude that grew up in south central of all places...lol"
9 hours ago via Facebook Mobile..
It's a gorgeous day today! Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.
thanks for the FB report Bobbyanna. I wish he were shooting outside my place. Maybe he'll do a movie here in the DC/VA area someday.
It's a sunny day so far but we're due for some storms later today
I love that FB report Bobbyanna, it must be a blast to have a movie filmed right outside your house!
It looks like we may be getting photos from the filming on a regular basis so far, it's fine with me because so far they look just like your usual stock scenes from cop films.
I'm enjoying my weekend here Bobbyanna, just a little muggy, thanks!
Off to watch my SC DVD!!!
Morning babblers...I finally purchased my copy of SC and watched it most of the night...and it's on now. :lol
I love this movie. It's one of Jake's best performances. The proof is in the DVD sales folks. If Hollyweird make more worthwhile movies--like SC--more people would buy again...maybe. The novelty is long gone but I love to have my favorite movies around to watch again and again. Just watched Godfather 2 and loved it as much as when I first saw it in the theater.
I like another movie The Lincoln Lawyer but didn't root for it 1/10000000 as much as I did for SC. I did check LL stats last night and I'm glad Our boy has an overseas audience. SC's foreign totals have gone way up these last two months.
back to SC and love to ya:)
WE as women have to be very careful this election season...in all my senior years I have never seen such a war on our reproductive rights...union rights and voter suppression...very frightening to me...I can take it but it scares me....again
love you all...love those numbers...GO SC!
Rotten Tomatoes Rating: 91% - Fresh Theatrical Performance
Total US Gross $54,712,227
International Gross $68,297,270
Worldwide Gross $123,009,497
ging to be very hot out my way this weekend going to the orange county fair today and then taking my mother to the mission inn for brunch tomorrow for her birthday
love all the FB sighting too thanks every one
David Harbour
Is that David Harbour (Randall Malone from BBM)? Sure looks like him.
When I saw that picture I thought: Randall??
I think that's him.
just jared has pics of jake leaving a medical center yesterday guess he wasnt fiming yesterday
It's nice to see Jake in shorts for a change! They might have filmed later or earlier, Mary. Definitely saw some tweets that they were scheduled to film. Of course Jake might not have been there.
Someone on Twitter thanked Duncan for getting him to enjoy Jake, whom je said he hadn't liked since Donnie Darko. I liked Duncan's reply:
ManMadeMoon @geekCouch he's very underrated. A great actor, and a great guy.
2 days ago in reply to geekCouch
Shondra, I'm with you on the Apes. Though it seems to be a big hit.
Sass, glad you're enjoying SC. Jake definitely has international appeal, which is why someone should be giving him a good role!
Happy Birthday to your mother, Mary.
I can't tell if that's David Harbour but it does look like him.
I don't see David Harbour's name among the cast list on IMDB. The guy in the pic kind of looks like him. It says on IMDB that he is 6'1 but he looks taller than that imo
I was glad to see Jake in shorts, too. Gotta say. I like his own sunglasses a whole lot better than the ones he's wearing in EOW.
Sure does look like David Harbour. LOL! Good ol' Randall became a lot more 'famous' in fan fiction than he ever was in the actual story.
I think that is David Harbour, good eye Monica!
I prefer Jake in shorts than those tan pants he seems to have become attached to that's for sure!
Those are fantastic #'s for SC Sass, glad you are enjoying the DVD.
Godfather 1 & 2 are classics that I enjoy watching over and over, part 3 was pretty bad though.
Who would think that in this day and age that women's productive rights would be under attack but sadly it's true.
Sass/OONP,it seems they want to turn back the clock to the last centruy! No only about women's reproductive rights, but funding for women's health issues etc.
Seems like the Godfather I, & II have been on for a month! I think I watched it a few weeks ago.
Jake does love those pants, doesn't he! : )
Tonight The Four Feathers was on, and I watched every second. Heath really looked beautiful in that movie. I remembered how he and Wes Bentley became friends, and when Wes wasn't able to do Monsters Ball, he helped Heath get the part.
Bobbyanna Four Feathers is one of my fave Heath movies. It is a shame it didn't get the attention I feel it deserved.
I like how Jake looks all relaxed. I like the shorts
ManMadeMoon @geekCouch he's very underrated. A great actor, and a great guy.
2 days ago in reply to geekCouch
Awww~~~I love Duncan Jones.XD
I want Duncan and Jake work together again.:)
I'm always curious when I read or hear that Jake is shorter in person. He is listed as 6 feet on IMDB and elsewhere and appears to be around that height onscreen but I never met him in person, yet!:
haikoblikian Haiko
Walked by Jake Gyllenhaal on Sunset blvd!!! Shaved head. Shorter in person :)
16 hours ago
I would love for Jake and Duncan to work together again!
I saw SC last night, I love it just as much as the first two times I saw it
Just saw this on Jake's imdb message board. No idea if the person is legit; s/he doesn't have too many posts:
He's a very down to earth and cool guy. I'm working camera on End of Watch with him. He's a real trooper- always down to help out even though its not his responsibility to as an actor.
Pretty cool, if true.
New post.
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