We've gotten to see a lot of set photos from Jake Gyllenhaal's movie, End of Watch. Now we get to see a few seconds of the actors in video form (minor spoiler alert and gore warning):

A different man in blue, courtesy of We Heart It:

I think the caption on tumblr was "the kind of blue that hurts."
Photos from IHJ. Video from Splash News
I am on my crappy old computer and that video won't really play, so I have no idea if it's even worth it! I did see a few brief seconds of Jake.
Viv, from the last post, I hear you on Jude Law. An object lesson, to make a pun.
Please feel free to continue the discussion here. Even you, suvee ;)
It has a spoiler in this video. Poor Randall.
Jake and I can share experiences on shooting! On Sunday there was an assault on a neighbor's house and, in the moment, I was walking with my dog right next to the place, I realized that something was wrong and decided to go back to my house. Then I heard shots. I started running like crazy, screaming, dropped the key. Very scared.
No one was injured.
So what if I can't sleep...I wake up, come to Gyllenbabble and see a new Jake filming EOW new movie video. It IS worth it!
Back later to watch it again.
I really like that first pic of Jake, very brooding and serious!
Love the Jack and Ennis pics:(
If the video has a spoiler in it, I'll skip it, thanks Monica. I'm so glad that you are all right Monica, I can imagine how scared you were, please be careful.
To pick up on the discussion on Jake's career so far from the previous post, IMO Jake needs to challenge himself.
I do think that he was picky after Proof/Jarhead/BBM came out and because of that his status as the "it" boy of the moment passed.
I think he got some cred back with SC but he has so much competition from other actors his age and I don't think he is being offered the types of roles that he really wants.
From twitter:
"In the Philly train station, sitting across from Jake Gyllenhaal"
Oops, that sure does look painful for David H's character!
Monica, how scary. I'm glad no one was injured, especially you!
OONP, I think you're right that Jake needs to challenge/stretch himself more. I think he has already shown range, but there are a lot of people who think he just plays the same thing over and over. I disagree, but a really dramatic shift would be good to prove the naysayers wrong.
That said, it still irks that someone like Ryan Reynolds would get Safe House over Jake (if Jake even wanted it or looked at it), since he has displayed very little range, IMO. And I like RR.
But a really dark turn for Jake would be interesting and fun and might change some people's minds.
I think that the only roles Jake played a flawed character was in Jarhead and maybe Rendition. Can't count DD or The Good girl, those were more teen angst type roles.
There isn't much character info on the role he is filming now, Taylor in EOW but I hope that Taylor has some edge to him.
Really? Jack Twist was a very flawed man, as was Robert Graysmith. Colter Stevens has many flaws, so does Jamie Reidy. I can't think of a character Jake has played that isn't flawed, including DD and TGG.
All people have flaws, so maybe this is a semantic point. But I think Jake has played flawed people and shown their flaws.
But I do hope Taylor has an edge. Definitely.
You are right UV and flawed was the wrong description. I just felt in those 2 roles there was an element where i felt like he could go over the edge, I didn't feel that way with Jack Twist or Jaime Reidy for instance.
I would love for Jake to play edgy, dangerous and and out right villain.
I have been in Florida on vacation visiting my brother and his family. Spent time away from the computer for the most part (On purpose!) Spent time at the beach and at the movies.
I have to say that i'm surprised with the amount of daily pics for the EOW filming but with the exception of that bit int the video link (ouch), none are revealing or spoilerish.
BTW, Jake looks really hot as a cop!
One of the films I saw was Planet of the Apes/Rise of the Apes and I liked it more than I thought!
Andy Serkis is brilliant, he stole the movie.
Jake has repeatedly shown he has the range to play any kind of role but he should really do something he hasn't done before: play a badass/villianous character, and that can be lead or supporting.
I always thought that his sister Maggie had limited range because she seem to play the same sexually charged character most if the time but she has now shown that she has the range to play different types of characters.
Hi Josie! Florida sounds hot, but time at the beach and movies sounds wonderful. I'm still not sold on the Apes, but I don't think I'll ever be, lol.
Good point about Maggie. Both she and Jake started out playing similar characters (not to each other's, lol). IMO, both have shown they can play different roles. But I think we all agree Jake could use an edgy, dark turn.
SAG, I think I used the word flawed after suvee did. Let's blame her! I think Jamie should have been a character with more of an edge.Jack Twist at the end of the movie was someone close to the edge :(
But come on, Hollywood. Give Jake a meaty, dark role!
I think I used the word flawed after suvee did. Let's blame her!
Now I know why you like some bad pennies..... we make great scapegoats! :)
Seriously, I really should have defined how I was using the term "flawed". Examples of performances that I consider flawed characters are: Jesse E. in The Social Network, Jason B. in Juno, Ryan R. in Adventureland..... characters that have some fundamental character flaw that makes them hard to like. I just think that Jake almost always plays likeable, a good guy at heart. Maybe that's his actor CZ........
That is one serious look he has on his face here, LOL!!
I watched the video, that does look painful!
Jake does play likeable characters, flaws and all, he needs to push himself more and choose more challenging roles IMO.
Those are really good examples Suvee.
Of course that is easier said than done if he isn't being offered these roles.
That is so scary Monica, please be careful!
I just disagree that Jake hasn't challenged himself. He's done a wide variety of roles and they have nt been, IMO, the same characterization. Sadly, the movies have not performed as well as we/he hoped.
I keep forgetting to put a spoiler alert before that video.
well i cant see the video any way its just a black spot three so i guess i dont have to worry about spoilers:)
Not watching that video. I don't mind the photos from the set so much, but I hate that it's such an open set we're seeing spoilers.
I think there's a vulnerable quality to his characters that Jake's not afraid to show. Even if he were to play an edgy, bad guy, I think we'd end up seeing the character differently. Not one dimensional.
His acting impresses me SO much. I think of Brothers and SC, for example. This has been a great discussion! I wanted to also throw something else into the mix. The stories.
I watched the Pelican Brief tonight. Great story.
I'd love to see Jake in a really well plotted, good story again. One of the reasons I enjoyed SC so much was the storyline. That's why I loved Rendition.
Jake's done some great work and I like 99% of what he's done, but I am always attracted to good stories.
Jake is not going to do certain movies...thank goodness. I will not mention names:)I went with my son to see Planet. It was not good except, Andy Serkis's portrayal...his eyes, his sensitivity, his intensity, and yet, I have to ask, why make POTA again? Charlton H. did it well and that should be it.
Jake does have power in Hollywood; he was in possession of the SC script and I think he chose the director, Duncan Jones, who may be his preferred Director, as is Ang Lee, whom he mentioned in the same breath as Duncan. Maybe he and Duncan will become the new Scorsese and DeCaprio, or better...
I am glad he isn't in the movie with Clooney and Ryan G., and I like Ryan...both Ryans:)
I saw the Clooney movie trailer today when I went to see The Help, (which has fantastic acting from Viola D and cast) and it reminded me of other movies I've seen of that genre...but who knows.
Often if I'm in pain...no biggie for me...I have to have another go at the movie for it to register...
Not a good movie like SC of course, but a mediocre movie oh yeah. I can't focus and sometimes will tune it out. Well, I almost tuned out the Clooney movie trailer today...I feel for Ryan.
I may be wrong...I hope so for his benefit.
I like Clooney, but he is not going to star in a movie with a younger, more handsome leading man, with nearly his coloring with gorgeous blue eyes...just my opinion, not meaning to upset my fellow babblers. Michael Clayton is one of my fav movies and it's the only other DVD I bought this year, other than SC, and I got it off the $5.00 table. Jake's incredible talent will out.
(((((Monica)))))) ((((((Bobbyanna))))))
love you babblers all,
Sorry you can't see ten vid, Mary. But you do get to avoid the minor spoiler.
Sass, you won't upset people by not liking Clooney. I am a fan but I don't see all his movies. I do remember how fondly GC looked at Jake when Jake won the BAFTA. I would love to see them work together someday.
Forgot to say you found me out, suvee :)
I mow what you mean about Jake playing fundamentally likable characters. I would love to see Jake play a character like the ones you mentioned. I'm hoping he surprises you one of these days.
UV, you mentioned in previous post that Ryan Reynolds is getting too many roles. I think this is occurring because many people thought he would be a success after Green Lantern.
Remember when Terry Gilliam says he got $$$ for Dr. Parnassus saying that Heath would be great Batman after TDK?
In fact, I don't want to see Jake in another blockbuster soon. I'm liking the idea of him returning to the indie films. Despite the fact that I'm not very happy with EOW.
And of all the actors mentioned, in my opinion, Ryan Gosling has the better career. The films he's doing is low-budget or promising, unlike the others. They are also more challenging.
And he said no to Jerry Bruckheimer and Johnny Depp. Smart guy.
Someone talked about making the roles Jake of Ryan Gosling. I think he would have been great in Lars And The Real Girl.
If you have not seen it, see. It's a very very good movie.
hope you're okay Monica
I'm fine, Lilly and thank you all.
I saw Horrible Bosses and liked it . Funny movie!
I agree, suvee's examples are excellent! Jesse in Social Network, in particular. SO emotionally flawwed! As if there was a part of his personality missing.
When I consider Tommy Cahill, Douglas Freeman, Jamie, Swoff, they have flaws, but they're layered, too. He brings out their humanity, as if he's saying no one's completely bad.
Right now, I'm just in love with Jake's SC character. Those scenes in the pod were so powerful, and so understated. Duncan's a fine director, but that movie would never have been a success without Jake.
I'd love to see Jake/Clooney work together, UV. Loved Michael Clayton, too sass. Brilliant writing.
monica, I think you're right about RR getting roles because they expected GH to be huge. Hadn't considered that before you pointed it out.
Ryan Gosling screened test Green Lantern before,but the director didn't like him.Not Ryan truned down the role.He should feel lucky now he he didn't get the role.LOL
One big reason People is harsh on Jake is becuase of BBM IMO.
BBM made Jake famous but also hurt him.
I saw so many comments about cruel gay jokes of Jake.They can't take Jake seriosly after he playing a gay cowboy.They think everything Jake ahs done is so gay.Some people even refuse to see his movie coz he IS a gay cowboy.It is sad but true.and this really piss me off:/
BTW, I would love to see Jake and Clooney work totether, but I am sick of political films. That's why I don't like Rendition, Syriana or Green Zone etc......XD
I think Jake may be becoming more proactive regarding the roles that he ends up playing. We all have heard how he became attached to SC and how he pushed for Duncan to produce. Well that turned out to be a perfect match, SC was a hit and Colter is one of his best roles since Jack Twist.
I didn't know that Gosling turned down GL, a good thing he did. I can't believe there is talk about a sequel, that movie bombed, Pop was more successful.
I have the feeling looking at these EOW photos from the set that Jake maybe be more involved than ever, possibly as a producer?
There's a delightful interview at broadway.com with Beth Grant from DD, and this excert is about Jake:
"You starred in the world premiere of Horton Foote’s The Day Emily Married in California. What are your memories of him?"
"Oh, I adored him. I used to say to my husband, “[Foote] is so underappreciated,” and he said, “He’s got two Oscars and a Pulitzer Prize. What do you want them to do?” [Laughs.]
"This is a fun story: I’ve known Jake Gyllenhaal since he was three years old because he was best friends with my nieces. We were doing Donnie Darko in 2000, the summer I did the play, and the casting director asked if I could get Horton and Jake together because Horton wanted Jake to do a movie of one of his plays. So I put together a dinner party in 24 hours with Horton and [daughter] Hallie Foote, Jake Gyllenhaal and Maggie Gyllenhaal. When I opened my door and Horton Foote was standing on my front porch, I thought I had died and gone to heaven!"
(Horton Foote wrote the screenplay for To Kill A mockingbird. Also a highly acclaimed playwright.)
From twitter:
"End Of Watch" is back filming in South-Central on Thursday, interiors/exteriors at a private residence.
Sorry, this twitter was posted earlier this week. Yesterday, they filmed at a residence.
I saw that Monica. I hadn't ever seen their tweets before.
Bobbyanna, I loved that anecdote from Beth Grant. I wish they'd asked her how the dinner party went. I wonder if Jake asked him about TKAM.
Viv, I hear you on BBM. It's dispiriting to see so many people who cannot get past it and feel no qualms about saying so, sometimes in the most disgusting terms.
Extra, I love the idea of Jake being more involved in getting a movie made. I just wish he'd be more prolific :)
And sigh... another bit of casting news that makes me wonder what if.
I saw that UV. The Spiderman trailer looks good. I have a feeling it will be huge next year.
Viv, UV, I agree the people who express antipathy for BBM, and for Jake's participation are pretty disgusting.
I've also noticed there's less and less of it since SC. It definitely seems to be fading.
The stuff I see on twitter and FB about Jake is about 85-90% positive. I have to laugh at the "jealous boyfriend" comments.
Jake's going to do more wonderful, amazing work. He's got an incredible future out here. There will always be other stories and other projects that are "hot." I want to send him positive karma! ; )
(Wonder what play Horton Foote was thinking of adapting to film?)
Mike Nichols and Jake almost worked together in Farragut North or am I wrong?
No you are right Monica, Mike Nichols was attached to it as well.
What could have been, sigh.
That is a wonderful story about Foote Bobbyanna, I would love to know which play he had in mind too!
I don't have any insightful thoughts about what roles Jake should play, but I hope he has a long and successful career ahead of him. I've always thought he was underappreciated.
I thought Source Code was a great movie; I have no idea why it didn't do better.
Jake looks good!
Viv, UV, I agree the people who express antipathy for BBM, and for Jake's participation are pretty disgusting.
I think this occurs because BBM is still the most successful film of Jake, who made him famous and he hasn't overcome it.
He had good performances, but the roles have not changed the public mind in relation to Brokeback and Jack Twist.
I disagree, Monica. That might be part of it for some, but many of these comments are from people who won't see any of his later movies or who see them only through the prism of BBM. So blaming Jake for not doing a better performance (something I disagree with, btw) isn't fair.
Yes, the Mike Nichols connection kills me. And isn't Andrew Garfield too young to play Biff? Even Jake is a little young.
I loved Andrew Garfield in The Social Network. He was better even than Jesse Eisenberg, IMO. But it still stings.
LG, Source Code did pretty well, especially overseas. But yeah, it could have been a bigger hit, considering critical acclaim and viewer reviews. It wasn't released at the best time, but it would have gotten buried in the summer. Would have been nice to see a fall release.
I'm curious which play Horton Foote wanted Jake to film, also. Like I've always been curious about that Robert Altman movie he had wanted to make with Jake.
but many of these comments are from people who won't see any of his later movies or who see them only through the prism of BBM.
yeah, you're right about these stupid people.
I like Andrew Garfield, or liked, but that speech at Comic Con, it was ridiculous ...
UV, when I said:and he hasn't overcome it I was talking about popularity, not performance.
His performances were very good, but were not very popular.
Monica, it's true that he hasn't had another box office phenomenon. It would be nice to have that again. But it doesn't have to be on that level - just a big hit will do.
I'm going to try to stop whining about it, though. After I say this: I'm currently watching The Tourist, which is a terrible movie with beautiful scenery. Depp is awful in it; Jolie fares better. I'd love to see Jake make a thriller in this vein, but with a better script.
About Comic Con, I thought it was kind of cute that AG dressed up like Spiderman, but I didn't see it. Was it embarrassing?
The speech he read was ridiculous. It wasn't natural.
The tourist is a terrible movie. Shame on Johnny Depp.
It was a really bad movie. Depp was awful throughout; he came a live a little bit at the end. Jolie was better, but her performance got worse as the movie went along.
Pretty scenery, though!
New post.
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