The plays focus on the movie's humor. As always, Jake delivers:
How did you convince Jerry Bruckheimer you could do it?
I broke into his office and I threatened him... with a sword.

Jake on Gemma Arterton:
"She could give as good as she got. She stands up for herself, she fights for herself, she's funny and sexy, she can be herself with or without the leading man.

Turns out the director championed Jake for the part:
But there's no getting around it, dropping a $200M franchise on the shoulders of a sleepy-eyed 27 year old who has barely thrown a punch in his career was another massive gamble "
"Yeah it is, But I have known Jake since he was little and I'd seen this quality on screen. He's not John Wayne, who's a massive block of wood. Jake - you can see into him. He has a very soft and gentle side. He's an action hero made in heaven."

i have a feeling the next few months are going to be fun!
(Scans courtesy of ewris.)
Hey there is a "watercooler poll" over at the US Weekly web site asking who you would rather spend Valentine's day with.
The choices are Jake Gyllenhaal and Gerard Butler. Currently Jake is winning 55% to 45%.
Thanks, anon. As it should be, though not that close :) The poll's on the front page, btw.
Thank you, Ginny and UV.
I need some time to read.
He love Avatar. Avatar is a good movie, just that.
I think the reason that vote is "close" at all is because of Jennifer Aniston fans. Jen seems to win those votes by landslides, regardless of the question. Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie seem to lose those questions by similar landslides, again regardless of the question.
Given that Butler is Jennifer's newest boyfriend/plaything I think Aniston fans are voting for him.
I think it goes to show, however, how highly thought of Jake is that he still wins by 10% (with more than 4000 votes) despite what I wrote above.
An action hero made in heaven. Wonderful description. Sits up there with 'movie star looks that seem like he was made at Pixar Studios'. Those ethereal descriptions of Jake validate his 'IT' quality. Roll on May 2010
The scans are great; thanks for posting them.
I'm so "up" for this movie.
Anyone know if Jake made it to the Peter event last night?
What a cool interview in Total Film!! :D
So glad to hear Jake, Mike and Jerry be so excited about the movie. nn of course Jake is so funny. Great stuff!
Squeee! Thanks for the scan! This is a great article. Mike Newell's comments and observations about Jake are really sweet. I'm looking forward to the movie. I have a lot of confidence in Jake. He brings his "A Game" to everything he does.
Glad the movie has a sense of hmor along the lines of the Indiana Jones series.
Love the scan and the interview! I'm really pumped for this movie, I love that Jake is a fan of Indiana Jones, love that character and the movies (except the last installment!).
Love seeing every new article and media mention of PoP, but damned if it doesn't ratchet up my nervousness. This article hits it right on the head; this movie is going to be a defining point for Jake's career. I really hope Newell demanded the very best performance that Jake is capable of giving. His softness has bugged me in the past, making his performances easy to dismiss by the casual viewer. One of the reasons I hold Jarhead to be his best movie to date--above BBM-- is that Swoff was a proactive, aggressively masculine (read: he-man)character. Even Jake's voice had a hard quality to it that has consistently lacked in his other roles. Audiences--especially male audiences--respond to that. I guess what I'm saying, with some irony, is that I hope Jake cowboy-ed up this time. He needs to show the world something new in this movie.
Even if the movie is not that great, Jake will be awesome.
LG, I don't think there are any photos of Jake from the event. And there were a few sightings of Jake at dinner in L.A. last night, so it looks like he didn't go.
I'm loving this Total Film story. JoeAnn, I know what you mean about wanting Jake to be "hard," but I think there will always be an element of people who dismiss him as too soft. We'll have to wait to see if he gets the mix just right. So far, it looks pretty good.
This is a huge deal for him, and I'm trying to be optimistic. I also don't think it will ruin his career if it tanks, but it will be an albatross. And I don't want to see that.
Oh, I forgot to say that I saw the Haiti Red Cross ad on TV finally. It aired during the opening ceremonies, after that awful We Are The World video.
I agree, UV, it won't ruin his career, just put it on a different track, one that might push future roles out of his grasp not to mention drop him down a rung on the Hollywood ladder. The bits we've been seeing do look terrific.
I am happy that Jake won´t play a "superhero". As a fan of Indiana Jones (especially the first one) it is good to see them going with the spirit and humour of these films.
Jake has some other projects finished/filming/preparing and so a "bombing" won´t kill his career, but some people want this film to fail and I would love to see them being disappointed (I know I am shallow...:-))
From what I have seen so far the gamers seem to like the trailer and Jakes look, also most user on SHH. I also believe that women who are not interested in "Sex and the City" (like me) would like to enjoy..ehm I mean see an adventure with a sexy looking Prince in ancient Persia....
What a great interview/article, the description of him as an action hero made in heaven is perfect.
I was a bit nervous in the beginning regarding Jake and the Prince of Persia. One of the fears was that if it's a flop then it would be a setback for him. From what I have seen so far, my fears are disappearing!
Jake is still winning that Us poll!
That we are the World video was awful wasn't it UV?
Thanks so much for posting this scan of the TF article!
Had no idea that Newell was pushing for Jake for this role. Jake sounds really excited, Indiana Jones is a great comparison. I really hope that Pop can duplicate that franchise's sucsess.
Sounds like Jake did another cameo for a video, this time with the indie band Vampore Wekend alng with Joe Jonas:
badromantic: "Vampire Weekend: Video Exclusive: ...Giving Up The Gun, which features cameos from Jake Gyllenhaal(!!!) and Joe Jonas." JOE JONAS. WAT
about 3 hours ago from Twitterrific ·
I guess what I'm saying, with some irony, is that I hope Jake cowboy-ed up this time. He needs to show the world something new in this movie.
I pretty much agree with your observations, Joe Ann. I was hoping Brothers would be the movie that showcased a "tougher" Jake, but, alas, no (IMO).
Whether it's with PoP or not, at some point I think Jake needs to show that he has a "harder" side. He has the sensitive-sweet-good guy-outcast thing perfected. I too worry that potential movie role options will be reduced if he continues to be perceived as "soft".
I really enjoyed reading the Total Film article. Thanks, UV!
Time to go watch Apolo Ohno..... I'm such an Olympics junkie! :)
I've been nervous about PoP too,& I also like to see the edgy side I saw in Jarhead, come out once in a while. Jake's character in Source Code doesn't sound soft. Don't know what LAOD character's like.I'm just real glad he'll have two other movies coming out after PoP.
No matter how PoP's received, I feel more sure lately, that Jake'll be fine.I think of the really bad movies Clooney made before becoming GEORGE CLOONEY, or Johnny Depp, Leo Di Caprio, Matt Damon,etc.,even Robert De Niro's made bad films.
Jake seems in good spirits. He has a good outlook about it. I also try to remember: he isn't alone. He has Sir Ben, Alfred Molina, Gemma, and a solid supporting cast to carry the movie.
I got queasy when they talked about four guys trying to write the script. I also wondered,in the article, if Bruckheimer was a bit defensive about his FX. Avatar, like it or not,has raised the bar for special FX and animation,3D, etc. to a new level.
To some people it may be as if there's this invisible, "before Avatar" and "after Avatar" look to films.
I think JB likes to be cutting edge.
Cloony was in his 40's when he really got the roles. Depp has always been around, always doing different roles, etc. But he was never popular the way he is now and that happened in his 40's.
In their 20's neither one had a movie like "Brokeback".
Avatar may of set the standard and I don't think most people expect any movie for a while to compete with the type of special effects, etc.
But POP has "real people" and they have "real eyes" and there's going to be an audience for it. It will do well. People want entertainment and that is what it will be.
He is still young and has many years and many different roles to
get to do.
thanks uv finally got to read the article jake as great as always with interviews and well be seeing alot more in the future cant wait
I loved reading that, thanks! Lot's of expectatons for this movie and from what I have seen so far, it will live up to them (I hope!)
True that he showed his harder side in Jarhead but i think he did in Rendition as well.
I loved reading that, thanks! Lot's of expectatons for this movie and from what I have seen so far, it will live up to them (I hope!)
True that he showed his harder side in Jarhead but i think he did in Rendition as well.
OT: CBS this morning will have a feature with Jeff Bridges/Crazy Hearts. For anyone who hasn't seen it yet, please do. Jeff is amazing and Maggie gives one of her best performances.
I agree JoAnn, this movie will be the defining point in his career, one of the main reasons: Box office which is the HW criteria for success. Jake is a fine actor, but he needs to show that he can play all types.
Pop sounds like we will be getting romantic/funny/kickass.
I'm a big fan of the Winter Olympics too Suvee!
Perfect video IMO for Valentine's day, Sade and Soldier of Love:
PS: Maggie is being featured in the CBS morning profile on Jeff as well as T Bone Burnett
Just had a thought about "action" movies... or "Game" movies. Maybe they have been "looked down upon" because its thought it's not a serious form of movie or acting.
Maybe that's why a kind of trepedation about Jake doing this.
One of the reasons they wanted Jake for this role was because "he's a good actor". They didn't want someone who just walked around, looking good and "saying lines" to get to the next action moment.
But once again he Is doing something different for him.
He will have a romantic comedy out later this year, but with a serious undertone.
All actors have a "persona" whether playing a good or bad character.
It's the varied type of movies & roles they're willing to do because you see some actors, as good as they are, always playing the same person movie after movie.
It's a great article about POP. This is the first of many magazines and interviews about this movie. thanks, UV!
My only interest in POP is just because of Jake.
I want the movie to be good and to make a huge success. Jake deserves to be successful, because I think he is a great professional, great actor and a great person. People like him always do deserve success.
I'm afraid that this movie is not a success. Because I know if that happens, it will be not good for his career. And I don't want that to happen.
Given that Butler is Jennifer's newest boyfriend/plaything I think Aniston fans are voting for him.
Her fans should see it here: It's Carnival
Every actor - great ones and not so great ones have had movies that were not successful.
Does anyone think Denzil Washington is not a great, working actor. I rem. a time when he had two or three movies in a row that didn't get in the top 5 movies of that week.
Julia Roberts has had a number of flops.
They're still there - people don't think less of them.
Johnny Depp has had a career of making movies that hardly ever go near to being even faintly box office.
People probably wondered why he was going to make that Pirates movie.
I think I rem. Jerry B. saying the testing - even without a finished film - ranked as high, and in some places higher than "Pirates".
There are people who will go because of Jake - there are some because they want to see the latest movie out there - some who love this type of film - Gamers to see how it is compared to the Game.
People just curious to see it because they've read so much about it.
It will not be a flop.
Love reading this article . I wasn't too sure that Newell was the right director for Pop, but I like what he said in this interview.
Looking forward for Jake making the rounds for this, I love his interviews!
I don't think this film will flop, it has something for everyone I think and it's being released at a good time.
Uncle Jake and Ramona!:
SuperTallCraig: At the Getty Center with my folks. Jake Gyllenhaal is here with his kid. #fb
23 minutes ago from Twitterrific
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone here at gylenbabble!
maybe hes baby sitting for valentines day:)
I have to admit that I had to look up Oz Perkins: he's the son of Anthony Perkins and 2 of his film credits include Secretary and Legally Blonde!:
carriejensen_: Farmer's market was lovely with mom, @hcjensen, & the nephews. Also, Casey Affleck, Jake Gyllenhaal, & Oz Perkins were there...star studded!
15 minutes ago from Echofon
Peter at the Santa Barbara Film Festival:
The Group
Thanks a bunch UV for posting this, what a great read! I too have concerns about the public reception for this movie. He has a lot on his shoulders with this but I think that he, the cast, director and Disney can pull it off.
Thanks Monica! I was hoping to get something from the SB festival.
Tweets are the best thing ever, we can track Jake 24/7, sometimes!
Hope everyone is enjoying their Valentine's Day!
Actually from just the little bit we've seen it sure looks like Jake pulls off the role in POP about as good as anyone could. Does he look like he doesn't belong there? or doesn't look like he can fight? or do the humor? Don't see the worry about him. The guy who invented the game thinks he's great.
You don't know how the whole movie may be perceived by the critics but can't imagine them saying Jake wasn't good in the role.
If this isn't the type of movie someone would be interested in I guess there is the feeling that it may not do well.
But over the years if you see this type of movie (whatever that means) you see it does very well at the box-office and some of them not anywhere near as good as POP will be.
I'm actually not at all worried about the box office for Prince of Persia. It's got a premium spot with respect to when it'll be released --- long weekend, only competition being Sex and the City (not exactly going for the same audience). Also, there isn't too much competition in the tentpole department (no where near as many as last summer), so people may go and see it just out of curiosity.
I also believe this film will do EXTREMELY WELL outside the United States. These types of stories tend to. It has a major studio behind it (Disney) and will obviously get a major push.
Even people who are predicting that the film won't succeed are predicting it'll do at least $400 million or so at the box office. I predict it'll do more, at least $600 million (and maybe higher than that depending how successful it is abroad).
The only thing I worry about is that it may get bad reviews. I liked the script and i've liked everything else i've seen but, especially in a post-Avatar world, I fear that critics may go after POP and maybe even Jake personally.
But I honestly am not worried in the slightest that the film may not succeed at the box office.
Hope everyone's had a nice Valentine's Day! My mom's not feeling good, so I was with her today, but now I'm watching Casablanca...for the zillionth time!:) Thanks for the link to Peter at the film festival, monica! Almost didn't recognize him with his new hair!
Hey i'm watching Casablanca too Bobbyanna for the zillionth time with my bf!
Sorry to hear your Mom isn't feeling well, get well wishes to her. I ordered flowers to be delivered to my Mom but they never arrived!
Peter looks so weird bald, thanks for the link Monica.
You make a lot of great points Brothers spy
Bobbyana, sorry for your mother. I'm sure she will be good soon.
Brazil doesn't celebrate Valentine's Day.
I'm watching the parades of the Schools Samba of Rio on TV.
Another Jake sigting at the Getty :
likewasabi: The girlies and I saw Jake Gyllenhaal at the Getty today! So dreamy...
34 minutes ago from Echofon · Reply ·
Ahhhh, monica! Samba Schools parade! Reminds me:YouTube had scenes and music from an old classic movie I've always loved called "Black Orpheus." Don't know if they're still tehre, but the soundtrack was gorgeous.
Bobbyana, are 14 schools of Group A. Seven today and seven tomorrow.
Watch this videos:
School of Samba 1 and School of Samba 2
Orpheus is a classic!
I thought critics were usually pretty positive about Jake.
He's considered one of the best young actors out there, if not The Best.
He's just the right age for this role..he's in great shape and he can act.
Unless there is someone who just isn't a fan of his I don't see why he won't get good reviews.
Anon, I think Jake will have a good performance in the film, but it will not be enough to make people attend the cinema.
Hope everyone enjoyed their Valentine's day!
I'm off today and I just finished reading the scanned Total Film article, loved it!
I'm not worried about Jake and Pop. I think that it will do great, a fun popcorn type movie, nothing serious just fun.
Star Wars main "stars" were barely known at the time. Harrison Ford was not a star to open the movie at the time.
I rem. going to Matrix and someone sitting behind me saying - Oh, that's Keanu Reeves. She was just at a movie she wasn't even sure who was in it.
After John Travlota's come-back the next movie (after a very successful one for him) went nowhere.
Lots of people go to movies regardless of the stars in it. Naturally some will go (hello) because who is in it.
There are no big stars in "Avatar".
People went for the movie and I think there will be a big audience for POP to just see the movie. And Then become fans of Jake.
Tho Jake is a name, etc. For some people he is still "Donnie Darko" and they have seen very few of his other movies. Some he's just that guy from "Brokeback" and they didn't see it.
In other words - people will go see the movie because it's a big fun spring-summer type movie.
I don't think Disney has anything to worry about, this movie is going to make $$$$.
Now as far as the reviews and if they are negative, how will they affect his career? IMO, I don't think he has anything to worry about, lot's of actors are in movies that don't get great reviews but make $$$ and their careers haven't suffered.
Jake is a solid actor with a very impressive resume for someone his age.
I know that i'm looking forward to Prince of Persia.
That made me think about the time I saw bad reviews of Lawrence Oliver in some movie - considered the greatest actor. That didn't seem to harm his career..ha.
I just don't think we have anything to worry about with Jake and his career.
He has the talent, the love of acting to be in it as long as he wants to be. There's never been a feeling with him - from the earliest films that he was an actor who would have a few good movies and then fade from view.
In his 20's has made some of the best movies of the last 10 years. There is a high quality in the movies he has done (Highway was not a favorite - but he was super in that - esp. the last scenes - what a screen presence & Bubble Boy is a truely great comic performance in a very heartfelt film). Look at actors with long careers from the 40's-50's. They would do westerns and swashbuckling type movies and then do a contemporary story...a comedy..It was expected they could do it all.
Jake really goes back to that type of Movie Star who also is a fantastic actor.
Totally OT and political: Evan Bayh, Senator from Indiana has decided not to run for re-election. Another one bites the dust. It is not looking good at all, sigh.
Nancy Pelosi,
This is what happens when liberal Democrats refuse to compromise with conservative Democrats and conservative Democrats refuse to compromise with liberal Democrats.
Thus nothing gets done and Democrats look like complete incompetents, completely unable to govern.
Neither side of the Democratic coalition has an outright majority within the party, much less the nation, making compromise necessary. Read their respective comments about this though and you'll see that they STILL HAVEN'T LEARNED A THING. Each continues to carry on this neverending war they've been fighting against each other FOR FORTY YEARS! They blame the other for everything. Liberals think they can govern like Republicans and ram everything through (nevermind that there are nearly twice as many conservatives in America as there are liberals and even then this strategy destroyed the Republican coalition); and conservatives are so afraid of their own shadows that they are afraid to do anything that might get them labelled a "liberal" (see: Blanche Lincoln). The latter group allow the Republicans to define EVERY ISSUE. They are like Charlie Brown to the Republican Party's Lucy. God these people are pathetic. They're hopeless.
Just look at Health Care...
The Liberals in the House can pass Health Care tomorrow, expanding health care coverage to THIRTY-TWO to THIRTY-EIGHT MILLION people and eliminating the worst kind of abuses by insurance companies, and giving themselves a major legislative victory if they wanted to and send it the presidents desk by the end of the week. But they're mad that the Senate watered down their bill -- because as everyone knows Senators are MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE right? Am I right? So now the House won't pass the Senate bill unless the Senate agrees to some conditions. The Senate won't agree (or can't do so given the lack of balls from one Harry Reid) and guess what? No health care. Yep, those liberals really showed them Senate Dems didn't they?
Ego, ego, ego! It's all about egos.
Screw the Democrats, they deserve to lose.
I just want to point out one more thing: what's happening in this country is not that everyone is becoming more conservative or missing the "good old days" when the Republicand were in charge. It's that the Democrats are seen as such INCOMPETITENTS, that no one believes that they're going to do anything at all.
Oscar nominees share lunch in Beverly Hills:
Gyllenhaal, a supporting-actress nominee for "Crazy Heart," said she got some valuable advice from brother Jake Gyllenhaal, a past nominee for "Brokeback Mountain," about not letting the Oscars go to her head.
"He said, 'There isn't actually anything at the end of the rainbow,"' Gyllenhaal said. "He said, 'It's a lot of fun and enjoy it in that spirit. If you make it mean too much more than that, you'll probably go astray."
Pics: Oscar Luncheon
OONP, what I find discouraging is all the posturing! Too many members of Congress have feet of clay, and run from a Fight. I'm really not thinking too highly of Evan right now,OONP. he cut and ran. What he did was bad enough, HOW he did it stinks!Shabby.Wow. Something's broke so he walks away.
I'm wondering. Now really.
Why make this announcement when he has a 20 point lead over his likeliest opponent,& $13 million in the bank? Most important,why wait to make such an announcement, when the filing deadline for a replacement is THIS FRIDAY? Call me a cynic, but "Cui bono?" The Republicans!Something about this just smells to high heaven.
Brothers spy, I'm going to have to disagree with you. I think there are some people all too willing to compromise. But that discussion is for another place and time.
Thanks, monica! Maggie benefits from Jake's wisdom. Enjoy the moment.
Yes something does stink Bobbyanna. Harry Reid found out about his decision after it hit the media, what the hell was up with that? Cut and run he did and with a 20 pt lead.
I have a feeling the real reason he made the decision will come to light soon enough.
You make some good points Brothers spy but i have to disagree with you regarding compromising with factions within the Democratic party. There was on the Health care bill and look what a mess that turned out to be.
Thanks so much for that link Monica, what great photos.
Very sound and mature advice from Jake to Maggie.
I love the way Maggie always refers to Jake. And I love his advice. Enjoy the moment. And if there's a pot/statue of gold at the end, all the better.
I saw Crazy Heart this afternoon, and I really don't think Maggie should expect that trophy. I hope not, anyway. I don't think she even deserved a nomination, let alone a win. Since she did deserve one for Sherrybaby, I guess it's okay.
I actually liked the movie more than I thought I would. Of course, I expected to hate it, not being much of a country music fan. Jeff Bridges is really good, as is Colin Farrell. But I didn't buy the relationship between JB and MG's characters at all.
Some beautiful scenery, though. And a couple of not bad songs, even!
Peter was with her:Peter & Maggie
ITA about Maggie, UV. Her nomination for Crazy Heart isn't really justified IMO.... but since she was robbed for Sherrybaby, I can't get too upset over this one. The scales have been balanced, so to speak.
There isn't actually anything at the end of the rainbow
Absolutely love that quote from Jake. Thanks, monica
That's a beautiful picture of Maggie and Peter. Since I already dissed her performance, I'm going to be quiet about the dress :)
Hmm - wonder where this was?
just got to meet Jeff Bridges, Maggie and Jake Gyllenhaal, Robert Duvall, T-Bone Burnett, and... wait for it.... Elton John!!!!!! (who played 5 feet from me!!!) I can't believe I'm awake. This was better than in my dreams!
Pretty cool!
I'm guessing it was some Oscar party. They had the luncheon today so maybe it was something related to that.
I saw Crazy Hearts as well, loved Jeff and Maggie but agree that she was better in Sherry baby and she was robbed of a nomination for that. I hated that dress she wore yesterday for the Oscar Luncheon, ugh!
Sounds like a great concert last night, I love Elton!!
Thanks for the article, can't wait until PR really gets into gear.
Crazy Heart pre-Oscar event:
"Elton John just played some country piano w/ Bridges, Bingham, and Burnett... despite not having a last name that starts with B."
about 8 hours ago from Echofon
Reply Retweet "T Bone Burnett, Ryan Bingham and Jeff Bridges are about to perform in a tiny jazz club. I'm sure everyone else here is an Academy"
"Others tonight were more thrilled by Jon Hamm, Jake Gyllenhaal."
about 5 hours ago from TweetDeck
^^Wow. :)
I would love to have been there at that Jazz club last night! T Bone Burnett and Elton John??!! Wow!
Me, too, extra!!!
Jon Hamm and Jake Gyllenhaal in the same room!!!!...
Oh. Elton and T Bone, too.:)
For me, Maggie's character in CH was kind of like a cork bobbing on the water... directionless, trying to stay afloat, get her life together, going off on tangents. I think she made Bad feel "clean" and hopeful. I didn't think they were supposed to "work" as a couple.I saw it as more like a random encounter. Both wanted to make more of it than it was.
I loved her in Sherrybaby.
What can you say about that dress, UV! LOL! Maggie's hair and make up were beautiful.
nice post. thanks.
Jon and Jake in the same room?? Geez, if I was there they would have had to call EMS!
Burnett has worked on Cold Mountain and Walk the Line as well.
I would assume Maggie was there too, how cool.
I liked the performances in CH more than I liked the film, sort of like S. Bullock in the Blind side, great performance so-so film.
Loved Jeff in CH and I liked Maggie too but I agree with everyone, this nomination is like a make-up for the Sherrybaby snub.
Pics of jake from last night with friend:
Apparently Maggie's dress was vintage. And she might go that route for the Oscars. Still biting tongue...
That dress was vintage? I hate to sound catty but it looked like a summer dress you could get off the rack at Dress barn, MEOW!!!!
I liked her hair....
I love Maggie but her style is hit and miss, mostly miss IMO. I loved her GG dress this year, and the year she was a presenter at the Oscars, I think it was 2007, she wore a beautiful gown. I think it was royal blue.
Looks like those pics may have been from after the concert at the Jazz club last night. The guy at a quick glance looks like that actor that used to be on The Kids in the Hall and Newradio(Name escapes me) but than at second glance, no.
I love Maggie's hair, and I love the color of the dress. It brings out her coloring, eyes and hair. Anything vintage and I'm a goner, so I haven't seen a full length view of the dress yet, but I have to say I'm looking forward to it. :)
"Apparently Maggie's dress was vintage. And she might go that route for the Oscars. Still biting tongue..."
That made me smile - as much as I love Maggie and her courage in playing difficult roles - but to her dressing style one needs getting used to.
I have not seen "Crazy Heart" yet, so I cannot comment on her role. But as we all have learned some years ago, not always the best/deserving film/actor wins....!
If he was not driving I would say Jake looks a bit tipsy on those pictures - he seems to have fun. Is that the same guy who was with him and Chris at the Lakers game?
I was going to say he looks a bit tipsy there too Carla. I hope not since he was driving. Just hope he had a good time at that Burnett/John concert last night if that's where they were at!
I have not seen Maggie's dress but I have seen Crazy Heart. Bridges is wonderful in it and deserves all the praise he is getting, Maggie is good in it but like others have already said, Sherrybaby is her best role to date IMO.
OT: Here is an article from Salon.com that pretty much sums up my feelings on Bayh:
YESSSS!, OONP! Thanks for the link!
Vintage, hmmmmm.
Reminds me of a scene in a movie:
"Miss Scarlett! What you doin' with Miss Ellen"s portiers?!"
IDK. Jake seems not so much tipsy, as tired, and the glare in his face from the damned photographers' lights doesn't help.
New post :)
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