Apparently, there is a Prince of Persia movie Facebook group. And they are apparently accepting questions for Jerry Bruckheimer and Jordan Mechner. Jake is apparently not answering questions - maybe next time! I can think of a few questions for the other two Js:
Question from Ultra_impatient:
When is the *&$%ing trailer coming out?
Fanmade trailers are nice and all, but we want the real deal.
Question from FL_TAR_FAN:
In your opinion (JB), would the cast of PoP make good racers in The Amazing Race?

All that parkour and swordplay and horse riding would be good experience, right?
Or, do you think Jake Gyllenhaal would be a good contestant on TAR? And could he team up with former racer Mike White for the next go-round?

I think they might have to work on their signals!
If you have a real question for J+J, you have until tomorrow to submit it. Or tell us what you'd really like to ask.
Also, IGN posted a video preview of PoP - nothing new really, but they did have praise for the footage they've seen so far:
(Photos courtesy of IHJ and flickr/Vincent Kessels.)
When is the *&$%ing trailer coming out?
LOL - couldn't have said it better. Actually, that fan-made trailer is not bad, not bad at all. :)
Jake looks good out with hid Dad.
^^his Dad, sorry.
This woman worked with Jake on the set of LaOD. I hope she posts a few more details. Sounds like she had fun:
This was just sort of a spur-of-the-moment, what the heck, why not decisions. The name of the film is Love and Other Drugs, directed by Edward Zwick. It stars Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal. Its due to come out sometime in 2010.
The three scenes I was cast for only have Jake in them.
It was such a fun and exciting experience! I am a huge movie person. So to actually be behind the scenes watching the directors, crew, actors, etc. at work was so exciting for me. Jake Gyllenhaal is even better looking in person than I thought (haha!) I've seen most of his movies and he has always been one of my favorite actors to watch. So to see him, and work with him (even if for only a few minutes of film time) was a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Jake and his dad are looking really fantastic!! It was a gorgeous day in NYC today so it is so nice to see them out and about. I will now be on the lookout! :D
Have been out of the loop as of late and am catching up on posts. Thanks for all the great info. :)
Hi get real - let us know if you have a G sighting :)
And Cathy E, I agree - Jake and Stephen look good in these fics. And I also like the fanmade trailer - they did a good job.
Great to hear that set report, UV!
Lucky lady, what a wonderful experience - what a nice website too. LaOD sounds really really good. :)
Thanks, thanks, thanks, UV!
So good to have people like you to see these pictures.
You did a great favor for me!
Glad to see Jake with his father.
I liked this trailer, but I need to see an official trailer.
Jake and his dad do look good! I live in Queens but work in Manhattan. If he is still around during the week I'll keep an eye out for him!
Love reading Nikki's on set experience with Jake on LAOD, thanks for the link UV.
Fan made trailers are fine but I wan't to see the official Pop trailer!
Chica, you and get real can scout Manhattan for us!
Glad to do you the favor, Monica :) Stephanie has the pics now, so you can peruse without fear. I added a few more to the post.
And that lucky woman who was an LaOD extra - having all your scenes with Jake is pretty cool, I'd say. And what a surprise that she says he's better looking in person! You never hear that :)
So nice to see Jake and Stephen.... it's been a while. Both are looking good, of course!
Nikki really is one very lucky lady. Three scenes with Jake might do me in..... I'm not sure I would be able to write a coherent account of it.
On the subject of Jake movies, I saw Where the Wild Things Are today. Imagine my delight at seeing not one, but two Brothers posters (it's a rather large theater). Finally, some promotion!
Ooh, suvee - two posters! I haven't seen even one yet. That is good news.
I'm wondering if any of these pics was taken during the encounter where the tweeter "saved" jake from a pap. Jake seems to be almost taunting or calling out the pap in the pics where he's holding the water bottle and his espresso/methadone cup.
"...he's holding the water bottle and his espresso/methadone cup."
Great pictures. I loved the extra's description! Wish she'd give us some details.
I long to see a poster for Brothers, I long for a trailer. Something.
Oh yay! My Jerry Bruckheimer question made the cut!!! Whoo hoo!!
So is anyone wondering which shoes/boots Jake bought (and changed into) from Billy Reid? I think they might be these Delta Lace-Up Work Boots.
Whatever they are, I'm just glad he changed from those sneakers!
For any U2 fans out there, they are streaming a concert live tonight, allegedly starting at 8:30PST. Except it's past that, and the show hasn't started yet. It's on youtube. Or U2be.
NPR, of all places, has some wire photos of Jake and Stephen that I don't think Stephanie had yet. I posed one. I'm sure Stephanie will have them - IHJ Media was down for me.
You can also see them at Getty, but with watermarks.
U2 is playing my theme song... :)
I was wondering if this is when the incident happened with the paps also UV, he does a look a bit agitated. That said he looks great and i love the boots he bought, great detective work FL!!
Love that story by the extra, thanks.
Looks like the GB/NY peeps won't be able to see Jake in NY at least not today, this tweet sounds like Jake and Anne had a very early call on set this morning, I assume they were filming!:
seapeanut: Angry with Jake Gyllenhall for making a racket outside my house at 5:30 am
2 minutes ago from txt ·
And Ann Hathaway too. But mostly Jake G.
18 minutes ago from txt
Shouldn't the person be annoyed with them actally being at that place to film. I doubt if Jake would be there all by himself or with Anne if they weren't making a movie...ha.
Well they were filming and this person doesn't seem to mind!:
kalimcco: jake gyllenhaal is filming a moving outside my apartment building! now i just have to find him...
about 1 hour ago from web
I find it really odd that NPR posts paparazzi pictures. When did they start doing this, and why?
NPR posts paparazzi pics? Since when?? How odd.
Jake's dad is hot and his son ain't too bad either! From the tweets it sounds like it was a very short trip to NY, he's back on set and real early too!
I still have time to post a question on the Pop facebook, thanks!
From the tweets it sounds like it was a very short trip to NY
Footwear waits for no man. ;-)
Isn't it the oddest thing? Who knew NPR had a tabloid side?
thanks, tweety.
UV, I sent a message for you!
Maybe the answers from Jerry B. in early November might mean we will be seeing a trailer (of some sort) at theaters in..November.
People have mentioned it might be during "Christmas Carol" which opens in Nov. since it is a Disney movie.
Imagine then it will be all over the internet very quickly.
The NPR thing is really weird, I can't imagine any reason why they would post paparazzi photos.
Jake looks so good here and young, you can see the resemblance to his father here who is looking good as well! Glad he changed into his new boots, those sneaks are fug!
I can't believe I haven't signed up for facebook yet! Those are great questions though and I also heard that the trailer may debut with Disney's Christmas carol.
Love reading that account by that extra on the set of LAOD, what a lucky woman!
i was at the u2 concert last night at the rose bowl it was great
Video of NY trip via the showbiz girls
Brothers poster on the cineplex odeon:
Mary, the show was good?
Thanks, sheba!
That link didn't work for me, Sheba. Let's try it again.
Who's My Hot Son?
Very fun post, Ultra_Impatient. :)
Jake looks great!
I've been away and busy, no time to check out my favorite Jake site, I have a lot of catching up to do!
Jake and Papa G are the yummiest father/son duo ever, I adore these photos. Thanks for posting them UV and thanks for the video of them Sheba. Sounds like he is back on set and busy.
Yes the OFFICIAL Pop trailer, please??? I have not seen the Brothers poster at my theater yet, which is annoying since it will be out in Dec.
Thanks again everyone for all the updstes1!!
Oh, mary, you lucky thing! This is the first tour in years that I haven't attended, so I was glad to be able to see the show, even on the internets.
Hi Paula - glad you got to stop in. And sheba, thanks for the Sky News link. I love it that those girls love Jake.
Monica, thanks for the Brothers poster link. It's good to see in in the theater. I can't wait to see the actual movie!
LawGoddess and any other RealLucky/General Hospital fans, here's a clip of JJ's first scene back. It airs tomorrow.
Oh, and bobbyanna, thank you for getting my methadone joke :)
Hi, UV!
Thanks for the GH clip. I thought James Franco was doing a guest appearance this week?
I'm so sorry I missed submitting a question about pop on facebook yesterday, damn!
When is the trailer coming out would hsve been my question too.
Love seeing him and out and about with his Dad, he sure loves his footwear!!
Bobbyanna, I think Franco makes his appearence on GH in Nov.
Oops. You're right, josie. James Franco's character comes on board, Nove. 20th, according to People mag.
I couldn't think of a good question for PoP that was up to "Disney" standards...:)
Hey! It sounds like the Pop trailer will debut on 11/13 with 2012 not A Christmas Carol as some thought!:
2012 is another diaster flick directed by R. Emmerich who also directed TDAT. I have no interest in seeing 2012 but I may have to hold my nose for the trailer!
Love the Gyllenhaal Jr. and Sr. photos, they really do favor one another.Metahdone/expresso, hee!
Can't wait to read the responses to the questions on facebook.
Yes he is fine!:
jillkgreenwood: The Jake Gyllenhaal/Anne Hathaway movie is still filming outside my house. My sweet Lord that is one fine boy.
44 minutes ago from web ·
Heads up: Reese will be on GMA tomorrow, probably Avo related, maybe they will get in a jake question or 2!:
7 a.m. Good Morning America: Actor Patrick Dempsey; actress Reese Witherspoon;
Finally news on the Pop trailer!!! But 2012?? Ugh. Oh well, what things we do for being a Jake fan!!
"My sweet Lord that is one fine boy"
That sort of says it all. LOL!
I've seen the trailer for 2012, but I just will not see that movie. It's just...no. I can't. Tho, I guess it's a similar demographic to PoP.
I've mentioned before that they screened 2012's trailer when I went to see Julie and Julia! Which was NOT smart placement. IMO.
I'm sure with ace marketing experts, & a huge budget, we'll probably be seeing PoP trailers,clips,photos, etc. steadily from November on.
Poor Jake! I hope he treasures walking down the street with his loved ones while he can. I suspect life's going to change for him with PoP.
Avatar would be a great choice to see the trailer of POP.
My sweet Lord that is one fine boy.
Great. Thanks, tweety!
I get such a kick out of other people "discovering" Jake's magic.
It really makes me smile.
Another lucky extra!!:
axblair: Jake gyllenhaal is FUNNY between takes! His haircut is so dickhead for this movie.
about 1 hour ago from txt
His hair looked fine on Sunday, I hope they aren't doing anything weird with it for the movie.
PS: I love all these stories about Jake on set!
Ang Lee recalls Heath Ledger kissing scene
Director Ang Lee has spoken out about his favourite memory of Heath Ledger - a kissing scene between him and Jake Gyllenhaal while new girlfriend Michelle Williams was watching.
Lee was directing the trio Brokeback Mountain, which won Heath a best actor Oscar nomination for his role as a gay cowboy.
"I was directing Heath kissing [Jake Gyllenhaal] and I told him that you would never kiss a woman that hard," he told Metro exclusively.
"He needed to do it in a heroic Western way, more passionately."
"I remember seeing Michelle watching while we filmed - at that point they were already 'friends' - and she had a look of concentration on her face because she also thought he should be stronger with Jake."
Thanks Monica. I remember Lee telling this story and also Michelle wanted Jake and Heath to do the scene over again to get it right!
Thanks for the GH clip, UV. I no longer watch the show now but I am curious to see how the return of the real Lucky plays out and I may even take a peep in November to catch James Franco.
Thanks for all the tweet updates!I think Reese will be in NY for an Avon event tomorrow so that's why she is probably doing Good Morning America tomorrow.
I can't believe that the Pop trailer is attached to some Emmerich crapfest!! But as you said Bobbyanna, the same demographics.
This person's location is Pittsburgh. It sounds like she is on her way to NY for GMA? I don't think she was filming yesterday and definately not today if she was in Pittsburgh:
BernieLuvsEllen: @GMA I am super excited about Reese Witherspoon. Amazing Talent. And she was sitting behind me on my first plane ride, by myself.
8 minutes ago from
Wonder if they will both go back to LA for Halloween with the kids?
rachrisen: Best bday surprise having reese witherspoon and maggie gyllenhaal at the table nex to u :) about 1 hour ago from txt
Isn't the awards gala tonight actually? In the press release it says the 27th.
I thought his hair looked nice and in keeping with the era of the film.
I can't see it being changed much in the middle of filming.
Maybe the person doesn't know the movie is to be taking place in the 1990's.
My sweet Lord that is one fine boy.
Well that made me smile! Like bobbyanna, I get a kick out of these RL testimonials to His Hotness. I still love "much loved sexpot"...... can't remember where I read that description of Jake, but it's burned in my brain. :)
extra, thanks for the heads up about the PoP trailer.... I had no desire to see 2012, but I may reconsider. If nothing else, I really want to see if it's the same trailer Disney showed us at work.
I loved that tweet about the Reese & Maggie sighting. Thanks, FL.
Reese, Patrick Dempsey, his wife, Lauren Conrad and Courtney Cox at the Avon event. I'm pretty sure thats Fergie on the other side of Patrick:
That tweet with Reese and Maggie got me wondering if Jake will show up? Probably not since he was filming today. They all look fab and Patrick is also involved in Avon charity.
Easy quiz: Name the movie that Reese and Patrick starred in.
Thanks for the twitpic. Reese is the hottest one in that group picture. She looks amazing!
Sweet Home Alabama!!
You are correct Monica!!! And she does look amazing, love her shoes!
Getty Images
Reese looks good! Not sure what's happening with the skirt there, but that doesn't really matter.
Great news on the trailer. And I won't see 2012 - I'll just sneak into another movie :)
Saw pics of Anne filming today, but not of Jake. Boo.
So Jake is definitely back in Pittsburgh?
Presuming the trailer for PoP goes with 2012 my side of the pond well, Jake darling, there's a lot I'll do for you, but one seeing Emmerich film in my life time is more then enough, even if TDaT is unintentionally hilarious and we nearly got chucked out of the cinema for laughing a bit loudly at supposidly intense/scarey bits.
Jake has been back in Pittsburgh filming since early Monday morning filming according to reports/tweets. His trip to NY was brief.
Reese looks great, the dress is a bit "off" but love everything else.
I'll think I'll wait until the Pop trailer is leaked on the net!!
PS: Love the Reese and Maggie sighting too!
Wow, I think Reese looks hot - the dress is edgy/sexy but not overdone or too over the top, and I love her hair loose like that. Go Reese! :)
Happy Birthday, Matilda Ledger!
Awwww, is it Matilda's birthday? Happy birthday, Matilda! :)
Yeah, Reese's dress works for me, too. But then I like a lot of Narciso Rodriguez's designs.
Here it is on the runway . I sort of think it looks better on Reese.
Thanks, FL. You can see the detail on top from the runway picture. I think they said it was woven patent leather.Yes, it's edgey, but it works for Reese. I liked it on her. She looks very hot.
((((((Matilda Rose))))))
I love that dress on her, she looks great! I bit daring but it works IMO.
Happy Birthday Matilda!
They're always together. It's like they're married. I wouldn't be surprised.
Ok, I just got back from Times square in NY. I had to run some errands on my lunch and I was dreading it because it's raining cats and dogs out and there was an announced Yankee crap/pep rally from at 12:30 (Met fan here, hate the Skanks as i call them). Anyway they were setting up the rally across from where they tape GMA. In front of the studio there was a bunch of people standing in line, the line was around the corner. I thought to myself, why are the skankee fans lined up in front of GMA? Then I saw signs with Reese's picture on it (The Bloom ad) and then I realized that they were there to see Reese! I knew she was on the show earlier but apparently there was some event at 12:30. They were raffling off some autographed bottles of Bloom. She was also due make an appearence but I couldn't stay because I had to be back at my office by 1:00.
I didn't bother looking for Jake because I know he is filming this week in Pittsburgh.
Tried a sample of Bloom, it smells nice, a soft flowery smell if you like that sort of thing. The commerials for it are kind of cheesey, but I like the perfume!
PS: When I first arrived there were more fans waiting for Reese than Skankee fans, Ha!! But soon they started to fill in the pit area for their crap rally. It was bit surreal though , there were Skank fans standing on line to see Reese as well, they had reverse signs, with Reese pics on one side and let's go Yanks on the other, sigh.
Looking forward to a good World Series with two good teams.
Let's go Phillies! Have to go with the National League team even though they are in the Mets division. I would rather chew glass than root for the Skanks.
PS: Mayor Bloomberg got some boos when he was introduced at the rally, my lungs got a nice work out!
Hey Anon, she wasn't shilling it on the street, she was inside!!
It all depends on what you call cheap, I don't consider Avon cheap a lot of people don't. Some people think revlon is a bit cheesey for an Oscar winner to shill but Halle Berry is their spokewoman.
Lots of Oscar winners sell perfume colonge, true it's on a higher scale than Avon like Kidman, etc. and Reese did help develope Bloom, it's her perfume, Kidman,etc. but so what? I think it's a bit elitist to think it's ok for a stars to shill Gucci but turn their noses down on Avon , Jennifer Hudson another oscar winner is involved in Avon and one of their perfumes.
What's the big deal? I think it's great, but that's just me.
BTW, Skankee SS Derek Jeter shills men's cologne for Avon!!
PS: Of course Jake missed it, why the hell would he be there anyway? He's filming a movie remember?
LOL, oh Chica, your hate for the Skankees warms my cold little heart. <3
I would rather chew glass than root for the Skanks.
Me too! I'm curious about Reese's new perfume, I like flowers and lots of 'em. I use all types of cosmetics; there's nothing wrong with Avon, they've got a lot of things going for them, good product, don't test on animals as far as I know (that's the most important thing as to whether I buy or not), involved in good causes. Another line I like is Clarins. As in all things, I go with what I like, not what other people think is cool or not, or how much it costs. I'd like to try a sample! I love her dress, she's got the right figure for it. :)
When I was much younger, I always loved Avon's pretty bottles. The one thing that impresses about Avon, is the way they got so many women involved in being entrepeneurs.
Every place I've ever worked, there's always someone selling Avon. Or two or three someones. The fact that their foundation makes grants to programs that support breast cancer awareness, and domestic violence is very praiseworthy.
I'm glad Reese is associated with them, not just to promote their products, but also to promote the work of the foundation. On GMA today, they said Reese hosted last night's event. So that's kind of impressive to me.
I've always had a soft spot for Avon. Even tho I personally can't wear floral scents, I like them!
Perfume changes its scent for each person who wears it, and florals and I do not get along.:) (I do sandalwood, spices and citrus.)
Wow, chica! Tell us how you really feel about the Yankees! LOL!
Reese was really rocking that dress last night, she looked amazing.
Caught her on GMA this morning, she talked about Avon, nothing Jake related! Looks like she lost a bit of weight.
The dreaded Yankees-Skankees!! That is so funny, not a baseball fan but I'm sick of hearing about them.
Slide show of Jake on the set of LAOD:
I assume they were taken today and not the same day as the pics of Anne, can't tell. He looks great and there is nothing wrong with his hair! (Regarding a tweet from an extra commenting on his hair).
Thanks for the slideshow. It looks like Jake is having a pretty intense discussion with that big guy, who ever he is. Director? Maybe they were talking about the Yankees. LOL!
Maybe there should be a seperate section for the people who hate the Yankees. They're not my favorite team but never a thought to be so vendictive toward them.
But there are people who are very hateful toward Jake and Reese because it seems they have personally offended them for being together.
So i guess if you're a big baseball fan - emotions run high.
You're obviously not a Red Sox fan, anon. The Yankees - and their fans - can take it.
New post.
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