Some new photos of Jake Gyllenhaal on the set of Love and Other Drugs in Pittsburgh today. You can see more shots of Jake and Anne Hathaway at the source:

There's also word that Prince of Persia will have a PG13 rating, "for intense sequences of violence and action." Bring it on, baby!
You've probably heard that the PoP trailer will premiere 15 Days After Tomorrow, with the movie 2012. Here's another fan-made trailer, while we wait for the real thing:
(Photos courtesy of WPXI.)
Evening babblers,
Jake is gorgeous...TY for SO much great Jake info. I immediately became a Facebook fan of POP.
love ya:)
Jake's dad is a hottie; he's tall lean and good looking.
The quote below expresses my sentiment exactly x 24309762076
[quote from 1025 poster]jillkgreenwood: The Jake Gyllenhaal/Anne Hathaway movie is still filming outside my house. My sweet Lord that is one fine boy.[quote]
Reese's perfume commercials debuted on TV. Thank God something is in competition with Bloomberg's ads...they are driving me BA-NAN-NAS...
Hey, sass!!
Nice set pics, thanks for these.
BTW:justjared has the cutest picture of Jake and Elmo, promoting the new season of Sesame Street. He's adorable.(Elmo's OK,too.)
Hi Sass!!
Thanks for posting the set pics, looks,like he is having an intense conversation with the director.
I'm so glad to hear that Pop will be getting a PG-13 rating, I was afraid that Disney was going to tone it down to appeal to a much younger audience.
I saw that pic on Jared, isn't that the cutest pic ever?? I love Elmo!
the PoP trailer will premiere 15 Days After Tomorrow
Thanks, UV. I needed a good laugh. :)
And how cute does Jake look in the Sesame Street promo photo? Although, it does kinda look like he's strangling poor Elmo. I can't wait to see his appearance on the show..... I just love that Jake is doing it.
Hi, sass! Yes, that sentiment pretty much sums up Jake's appeal. I have a feeling that from now on, every time I hear the opening notes of the George Harrison song..... all I'm going to picture is Jake.
Sass!!!! Good to see you. And yes, I adored that tweet. That's someone who knows how to make use of 140 characters!
Thanks for the Elmo heads/neck and shoulders-up, Bobbyanna. I added that wonderful photo to the post.
Ditto on the PG13 thoughts, OONP. And how about some R-rated extras? :)
Suvee, I'm glad you got a kick of out my Day after Tomorrow pun. I couldn't resist.
Hopefully, Jake and Elmo got along and he wasn't actually trying to strangle the poor muppet.. Hee.
Oh my God, is he cute!
Thanks for all the info. :)
Oh man that picture of Jake and Elmo is too cute, and yes I still have my rock and roll Elmo!
15 Days after tomorrow, LOL!!! Good news about the Pop rating, I was worried.
Yay! More pics from the set of LAOD, thanks!
I look at him, and I just want to have his babies. Nobody looks like that.
I just looked at the seeandbeseen slide show and there are pictures of Jake doing a scene and getting out of "his car" and then driving away in "his car"
and it's the sexiest black Porsche convertible I have ever seen! He looks pretty good, too.:)
OT: Just wanted to take a minute to acknowledge that today, President Obama signed the hate crimes legislation into law. It's the Matthew Shephard & James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act. It has taken 11 years to make it to a President's desk.
Thank you for both of those posts, bobbyanna. I added the car pics - yum - to the post.
And best thoughts and congrats to the family and friends of Matthew Shepard for fighting tirelessly for this bill. What a shame they had to. What a shame we still need it.
Found this in Star:
Reese and Jake's Home Improvements
Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal are taking their sweet time getting to the altar, but they've been happily playing house for ages. And they were joined at the hip on October 11, while shopping for home furnishings at the ultramodern store Matter in lower Manhattan. Jake, 28, and Reese, 33, held hands as they walked around with a salesgirl, looking at high-end lamps and other home accessories, an observer tells Star. One of their fave picks? "Reese saw a brown couch near the front window she liked and lounged on it with Jake," says the observer. "They were all smiles the entire time they were there."
{{{{{{Morning babblers:)}}}}
Loving Elmo and Jake cuteness tonight and Jake all alone hotness too:)
Insomnia reigns supreme here for a week, so I went channel surfing and found a special on Ovation Channel about Heath's life. The name of the special is, Heath Ledger: A Tribute unauthorized. It is narrated by a British actor/announcer, I think.
I had to come on and tell you that it's coming on a few more times until 11/1/09. the times below are Eastern daylight and on November 1 EST.
Friday.....10/30 at 9PM
Saturday...10/31 at 12:00AM
Saturday...10/31 at 5:00PM
Saturday...10/31 at 11:00 PM
Sunday.....11/1 at 12:00 PM
Sunday.....11/1 at 7:00PM
Gary Oldman was interviewed as were many actors I.e. William Macy...I only saw the last 15 minutes.
Two of my favorite people--Heath and Michael Jackson--in the whole world gone because they couldn't sleep. I do understand that because I've had Fibromyalgia for a while and it does screw up your sleep cycle mad cwazy and u do need meds or acupuncture or massage...which Heath had standing orders for... oh well
It does look like Jake is strangling poor Elmo, they are both adorable! Cant't wait until this airs in November. PG-rated Prince of Persia makes sense. Looking forward to seeing the trailer even though it's going to be attached to 2012.
Love the newest set pics, I went to the site and saw pics of Anne too, Love the pic of him and the Porsche!
It took long enough for the Hate Crime prevention act bill to be signed. Can't believe that there was opposition to it.
Thanks for the heads up and schedule of airing of the Heath bio on Ovation Sass!
Loving the Jake and Elmo pic. So glad to hear about the passage of the Matthew Shephard & James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act.
I may have seen Heath's bio, but would want to see it again. Thanks for the info.
Sass, nice to see you and hope you are feeling well. :)
I can't wait until this beautiful man has babies of his own! Talk about adorable!
Is the Ovation special on Heath British? I've never heard of it, and would like to see the programme.
They will be adorable - he'll be a great Dad too, I'm sure. :)
Thanks for the program info, Sass.
New post so quickly! The PoP trailer reviews are trickling in.
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