Elton John dedicated "Tiny Dancer" to Reese Witherspoon, who was sitting front and center, during his set Saturday night at Citizens Bank Park, part of his "Face 2 Face" concert series with Billy Joel.
When the in-stadium camera crew showed her face and that of her son on the big screen, Witherspoon quickly flashed a sheepish look that indicated she'd been busted. Her son was wearing headphones to protect his hearing.
Witherspoon, in Philly through October shooting the James L. Brooks comedy that also features Jack Nicholson, Paul Rudd and Owen Wilson, was at the show with her son and daughter and beau Jake Gyllenhaal. ...
Witherhaal (or Gyllenspoon) left during John's set in an SUV. Gyllenhaal was at the wheel.
Witherspoon made friends on the set Friday by having Rita's water ice sent in for 150 people.
In other local Philly news, the Rodin Museum has moved their most famous sculpture, The Thinker, indoors to prepare for renovation of the museum. Naturally, this got me thinking about the contemplative poses of a more modern Penseur:

(Photos courtesy of Just Jared, Delaware Online and IHJ.)
Thanks, UV. I love these B&W pics. The very first one is one of my favorites. I get an "Old Hollywood" vibe and he reminds me of Tyrone Power. But there is an Al Pacino thing going on, too.
I love b&w photos too, and Jake looks gorgeous, thanks UV!!!
What a sweet picture of J&R at the Elton John/Billy Joel concert. Looks like hey and the kids had a good time.
Good morning, babblers!
Great post, UV!
All images of the show are beautiful. Thanks, UV and tweety!
Tiny Dancer is a beautiful song. Has anyone seen Almost Famous? This song is in one of the best scenes of the movie!
I saw Public Enemies. It's a great movie with great performances. Marion is amazing!
Good morning, babblers!
Great post, UV!
All images of the show are beautiful. Thanks, UV and tweety!
Tiny Dancer is a beautiful song. Has anyone seen Almost Famous? This song is in one of the best scenes of the movie!
I saw Public Enemies. It's a great movie with great performances. Marion is amazing!
That Elton/Billy concert looks great...... must have been a fun outing for J&R and the kids! Thanks, tweety and UV.
True story...... yesterday as I was driving to an early evening outdoor wedding of a good friend's daughter, "Tiny Dancer" came on the radio, and I sang along loudly in my car.
Love the contemplative b/w photos. The first pic is a personal favorite, but I'm kind of fond of the second one..... I like that added element of seduction. :)
Lovely. :)
The 3rd picture of Jake is one of my favorites just beautiful, thanks for posting these UV!
How awesome that John dedicated Tiny dancer to Reese! Hope they had a great time last night at the concert with the kids, the pic of J&R posted is so sweet.
That picture is Jake and Ava.
No, that is Reese, this is Ava:
standing next to Jake with a ponytail, Reese is standing next to her on the right. I know that Reese and Ava are clones but that is her in the photo.
And speaking of photos, love the selection of photos of Jake you posted UV!! And I agree with bobbyanna that there is an old HW feel to them.
Sorry, but it's Ava. She took out her pony tail, or hadn't yet put it in a ponytail. Mine does that all the time, too. You can tell because of the height.
That is so cool that Elton dedicated a song, love Tiny Dancer, and that J/R and kids were at the Billy/Elton show. Great to see them enjoying in the crowd. :)
I saw Billy Joel and Elton John perform together a few years ago, luckily got floor seats, front row and they on an amazing concert. One of the best concert experiences of my life.
And SWOON at the beautiful Jake pics...sigh...
Reese is in all pictures!
This is the last picture of Ava with Ryan:
Ava and Ryan
Make a comparison between the two photos!
also reeses hair is more blonde than avas hair and that hair is definitely very blonde
Sorry, but it's Ava. She took out her pony tail, or hadn't yet put it in a ponytail.
Anon, you might be able to tell the difference in this pic . That's certainly not Ava. Reese appears to be wearing white pants, light blue shirt (same as Ava, though it looks like Ava had on dark/black jeans).
Just Jared has a pic of them at the concert, looks like a fan pic and Jake looks funny.
Reese looks really pretty in that JJ pic. An honor to have a song dedicated to you by Sir Elton John! :)
LOL oh that's so funny. I stand corrected. That very small person some of us thought was Ava next to Jake turned out to be Reese after all.
Jake really does strike me as the thinking type, sort of like he has many thoughts in his head. Mind you, Reese strikes me the same.
I love that first picture, mostly for how sweet Reese and Ava look. And how ridiculously pretty is Ava?!
One of the comments always made about Jake is how smart he is. He's a reader, he's interested in what is going on in the world.
Reese seems to be along the same lines.
One of the things that brought the together I'm sure.
A friend who saw "Rendition" felt there was a Pacino vibe about Jake. Not that he's not completely Jake, but she was using it as a compliment.
Anon 12:22 here. Apologies all round. Now that I've seen the picture I am sorry for insisting that was Ava. From the new picture, it is clearly Reese in the blue shirt and white pants. You're correct FL. I love the way Deacon is just so unconcerned about mauling Jake. LOL!!! They are pretty adorable togetehr.
Deacon is a lovely child!
Jake is so funny in this picture!
Hi Monica! FL mentioned the same Almost Famous scene you referred to. I've never seen the movie, though I want to!
A cute account of Jake and Reese at the concert, with a small photo:
The concert started at 7:00, we got there at about 7:15. The usher brings us to our seats, which are about 3 feet from the stage in front of Elton John and Billy Joel’s pianos. (they do a sort of “dueling pianos” thing for about an hour before their solos sets.). I take my seat and start pounding my Bud Light. Mark turns to me and says verrrrrry slowwwwly, “ummmmm, look who’s behind us….” So I turn around, and sitting in the seats behind us were Jake Gyllenhaal, Reese Witherspoon and her 2 kids. It was so surreal.
(One quick note on celebrity, it must suck sometimes. Every single person in a 30 feet radius was taking photos and staring . At first I just naturally assumed they were all readers of my blog, so I just kept waving and waving. Not. Reese Witherspoon’s kids were so crazy cute. And those two seem like really great parents to those kids. Particularly Jake Gyllenhaal who spent most of the concert with Reese’s son on his shoulders.)
Anon 12:22, it's cool of you to come back and admit you were wrong. Pick a name and stick around :)
This must be just after Elton's dedication of Tiny Dancer and Reese's reaction.
Oh man, how cool is it that to have that song dedicated to you! Way to go Reese, love her reaction thanks for the video link FL!
I love all the pictures of them, they are adorabble and the kids are beautiful. They looked like they had a blast.
What a stunning collection of photos you posted of Jake UV,thanks!!
Thanks, FL and UV!
AshKamp: Just saw Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal at Whole Foods. Cant believe it. They're so normal, and I love that about them.
about 2 hours ago from web
This is SO cool!!! FL thanks for the video, and also to UV for finding that blog. I agree about Deacon and Jake, Anon! :)
I was a little confused by the pictures, too, but it looks to me like it's Reese who comes up to Jake's shoulder.
Ava is growing, but she still only comes up to Reese's shoulder. :)
Very nice post.
And those two seem like really great parents to those kids. Particularly Jake Gyllenhaal who spent most of the concert with Reese’s son on his shoulders.
I never tire of these eyewitness observations. That was a wonderful find...... thanks UV! I especially like the photo in his blog.... so sweet.
Loved the YouTube video, FL. Thanks!
The twitters, the blog sightings, the pictures of all of them at the concert, the drop-dead b&w photos of Jake combine to a perfect post!!!
I love that blog description of them at the concert, thanks so much UV. And thanks for the video link FL, Reese's reaction to the dedication was priceless!
Reese is really tiny isn't she? Her kids are adorable, I love seeing them all together and happy!
They were at the Elton/Billy concert last night in Philly, i'm so jealous!!! I love both of them what legends and what an honor to have Tiny Dancer deicated to you, thanks so much for finding that video FL!!! Ava looks so much like her Mom she is such a pretty girl.
LOL at Jake's expression, Deacon is such a doll! Love that blog sighting UV and the picture of J&R in between the blogger and friend!!
I always thought that Jake had and old Hollywood look about him and these pictures reflect that, what a beautiful man.
(One quick note on celebrity, it must suck sometimes. Every single person in a 30 feet radius was taking photos and staring...
And this is why I don't blame them a bit for seeking backstage VIP status at concerts whenever possible.
Awwww Reese looked pleasantly surprised, and Deacon too! Elton did a beautiful job singing Tiny Dancer; his voice has mellowed, even more beautiful. I'd forgotten what a beautiful song that is. :)
Loved how easily Jake hoisted Deacon onto his shoulders. Wow.
Deacon got a haircut and Ava looks like a mini-Reese!!What sweet, fun pictures, they all look like they had a great time.
Thanks for finding that video FL, love Reese's reaction. The description of them at the concert on that blog is squee worthy!
Hard to pick out my favorite photo of Jake you posted UV, he loks yumy in all of them!
OT: Just caught a clip of Jessica Beil on justjared, singing live, onstage, for "Guys and Dolls" in Hollywood. All I could think about is Lola in Damn Yankees.
Jake and Maggie will be appearing on Sesame Streets 40 year abnniversary! Their Mom was invoved with developing the show and Electric co. as well:
Celebrities such as Cameron Diaz, Kobe Bryant, Jason Mraz, Jimmy Fallon and siblings Jake and Maggie Gyllenhaal
I remember a twitter of him about a week ago on the Jim Henson lot!
Oh, can't wait to see the Sesame Street appearance. There were a few tidbits about that - we'll have to keep our eyes out.
Nothing new, but a nice tidbit from Sabrina's:
WHICH Philadelphia resident and frequent fancy visitor to Asbury Park spotted Reese Witherspoon (with her two children) and Jake Gyllenhaal [right] waiting for a table at Philly restaurant Sabrina Sunday morning for brunch? “Reese and Jake plus two” succeeded so well in being incognito they waited for a table with the bourgeoisies. “Reese was teeny, like really tiny and Jake was slim and lean and hot,” said my source. Reese is in Philadelphia filming the romantic comedy “How Do You Know” with Paul Rudd, Owen Wilson and Jack Nicholson until October. (07.30.09)
Another Tiny Dancer clip. No Jake but you can hear the crowd's big cheer - and someone explaining who it was that was shown on the screen.
I always thought that Jake resembled Al Pacino in his earlier photos.
Ava looks just like her Mom!!
Loving all these sightings.
UV, I noticed the blogger showed one of my favorite pictures of Jake...playing baseball.:)
Fortieth anniversary! Wow. time flies. My kids and I loved Sesame Street and The Electric Company. One of the many reasons why I love Naomi. (aside for giving the world Jake and Maggie.) I look forward to seeing this.
“Reese and Jake plus two” succeeded so well in being incognito they waited for a table with the bourgeoisies.
I love it! :)
I also love that blue shirt Reese is wearing, it's very becoming on her with her coloring. And Jake has some nice shoulders there. ;)
Awwwww - that clip was so sweet, Reese and Ava swaying to the rhythym. Reese looks glowing. Elton's voice sounds so rich - I'd forgotten how pretty that song is. Nice response from the crowd too. :)
According to TMZ, Jack Nicholson's in France, and about a week ago I saw pictures of Owen Wilson on vacation in St. Tropez. No news about Paul Rudd, tho. So I'm curious as to who is in PA working with Reese right now. Unless they are all on a break. Doesn't seem like there was much actual working by the principals going on recently. The movie itself might be scheduled in PA until October, but maybe Reese isn't.
New concert pic of Jake here. I also added it to the post.
I wondered if we'd see any more photos from the Citizen paps.
There is a break in filming for now, Reese will be in PA until October according to sources. A restauraunt in PA has been booked mid-week in Sept. for a shoot involving Reese and Paul Rudd.
For some reason the movie is being filmed in a rather slow pace. According to sources, she rented the mansion in Ardmore until the end of October.
Oh boy. Anyway, I love all the sightings too Narcissa and thanks for posting the new pic UV and love the dedication videos, Reese looks both surprised and a bit embarrassed!
I love how Deacon grabs Jake's cap, too cute!
Thanks, UV!
Clip directed by Heath Ledger
Modest Mouse "King Rat"
Regarding Reese's filming schedule; apparently filming has been delayed after one of the cast gave birth prematurely.
According to a few twitters, Reese and Owen are in Philly now filming.
Love the citizen pap photo UV!!
Thanks for the link monica, Heath was such a talent.
Hi Lemon!
I think that story was disputed. They said that the actress will come back in September to finish filming. There was filming after her giving birth and as I pointed out, Reese and Owen are filming today.
Cheers tweety! I stand (or sit) corrected. I was a little sceptical, hence the "apparently".
In other news, Anne Hathaway has another potential role, a musical with Hugh Jackman. She's building up quite the schedule
Thanks for the link to the video, Monica. Not crazy about the song but the animation was pretty cool. I'm curious to know how it all worked - did Heath make any of the spec drawings, etc.
Such a shame we won't get to see all the things he might have done.
Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal just shopped the Bethayres Market (650 Welsh) in Huntingdon Valley where they were gracious to fans who approached them, and signed a few autographs while shopping. The couple also dined at Morimoto (723 Chestnut) last night.
Thanks for the link to the video monica, what a talented man and such a loss.
Anne sure has her plate full Lemon, good for her! She also is attached to the Judy Garland bio as well.
Thanks for that link anon, I love reading things like that about them.
Looking forward to seeing Jake and Maggie on Sesame Street, I grew up with that show!
There sems to be some kind of marathon in Philly and Paul Rudd, Jake and Reese has joined according to this twitter:
And now Paul Rudd is at marathon with us...
about 1 hour ago
michaelhighland: Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhal just joined him. I'm star struck.
3 minutes ago
I think it's Marathon Grill, tweety. You probably missed the original tweet due to the pretty spelling of Jake's name:
I'm sittin next 2 Paul Rudd, Jake Glenanhall, & Reese Witherspoon...the actors....me & MB @ Marathon Grill.
catchupmustard: O shit I'm sittin next 2 Paul Rudd, Jake Glenanhall, & Reese Witherspoon...the actors....me & MB @ Marathon Grill..
about 1 hour ago from UberTwitter
Marathon Grill is a restaurant!!
Posted at the same time, UV!
Glenanhall ???
Thanks UV!! I have seen some pretty odd spelling of Jake's name on twitter but that spelling takes the cake!!
Hee. Earlier today, we had "Gylendahl." It's a never-ending parade!
Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gylendahl (sic) at Bethayres Market. My brother said they were incredibly nice. He was pumped. Wow, Phillywood!
Now i'm screwing up my own name:twitter=tweety, LOL!!
I missed that speliing UV, too funny!!
Hee - it's contagious!
This is funny: Jake's the other man!
McFarlane said that everything he’s seen from the movie so far leads him to believe “Prince of Persia” will be a blockbuster. “The movie is being produced by [Jerry] Bruckheimer. He’s moved from the ‘Pirates’ movies, he’s looking for something he can do multiple movies with. This is a big time movie, big time budget, big time effects,” McFarlane said. “Jake Gyllenhaal, for all you people who saw ‘300?’ He is in fantastic shape for this movie, for all the crazy stuff he has to perform in this movie. There’s super-heroics going on. My wife always liked him. She saw him [now,] he went from handsome to stud. I believe the divorce papers are being filed.”
The story is about the PoP graphic novel. The people involved didn't want to be limited by the movie, but I don't agree with not making the Prince always look like Jake :)
One last recap:
Reese Witherspoon, Jake Gyllenhaal and Paul Rudd -- here with the James L. Brooks comedy that needs a title already -- showed up Tuesday night at Panda Bar, the club attached to the Marathon Grill at 40th and Walnut Streets.
Meanwhile, across town at Rittenhouse Square, Owen Wilson slipped into something more comfortable. Showed up at Parc seeking a beer, wearing a pair of white slippers from his hotel.
At least they were white.
Monday night's travels found Witherhaal at Morimoto on Chestnut Street. Gyllenhaal kept his hat on through a two-hour meal that started with a beer flight for him and a glass of wine for Witherspoon. Then they went maki-wild, sharing spicy tuna Maki, California maki, Spicy salmon maki and yellowtail maki before segueing into sake sashimi, hotate sashimi, and saba sashimi. And a side of rice.
"Witherhaal" ??? Ewww! It's Gyllenspoon.
Reese is looking so good these day. Love Jake hoisting Deacon onto his shoulders and Deacon's lovely smile. Ava is a complete mini me of Reese and Deacon really takes after his Dad, two beautiful children.
O/T but I had a celeb sighting at 8.05am this morning on my way to work, walking down the road, chatting away to some bloke, looking heathly, sober and clean was none other than.........Amy Winehouse!
Wow, a_k, a musician up and walking about at 8.05 IN THE MORNING? Do you think she was just finishing a night out?
Tiny pic of Jake, Rese and Paul at Marathon last night:
Wow, Agent K!!!! I read that her father said she'd cleaned herself up, but I didn't believe it.
FL, I'm thinkin' the same thing!:) At that hour, most musicians are just getting home. But maybe not.
Love the tinypic.
Wow, Agent K. Are you sure YOU weren't inebriated? :)
Looks like Reese knows someone's taking her picture in that photo!
And the whote cap - more of it in this video of Jake videoing Manny at the Dodgers game.
LOL, Reese is aware of the citizen pap! Awesome that Jake got that moment on video, Dodgers are doing a lot better than my Mets.. The whole team is a walking MASH unit!
Awwww, I love that Jake took video of Manny! I miss Manny; but I was devastated when Nomar Garciaparra went to Oakland. It was thrilling, the Standing O the Boston fans gave Nomar the on one of the last times Oakland was at Fenway. Come baaaaack, Nomar! :)
Thanks to all for the latest J&R Philly sightings, and to UV for the Dodgers video and the funny PoP - I believe the divorce papers are being filed. - description.
There is a big feature article in USAToday gushing about 500 Days of Summer...... and how Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zoey Deschanel are so wonderful in this really smart, modern romantic comedy. I know it's silly and a waste of time, but I found myself thinking how much I want Jake to do this kind of project. I really do not begrudge Joseph G-L the critical acclaim he is getting for this movie, because I think he is a very talented and engaging actor, but..... a part of me wishes it was Jake. I know..... I need to stop comparing Jake to his peers. I'll work on that. :)
Same here Suvee, 500 Days of Summer has been getting rave reviews. I love Joseph Gordon-Levitt and I too wish Jake would do a film like this. I at times compare Jake to other actors his age like Joseph and Ryan Goslng.
I am excited abot Brothers and Pop, but I can see Jake in the lead for 500 days. His upcoming film Love and Drugs has a Nailed feel to it, we will see.
Thanks for that video clip of Jake at the Dodgers game uv and all the sightings!
Joseph looks like Heath Ledger!
jedsinger: Just walked past reese witherspoon jake gyllenhal paul rudd and owen wilson on a bike. No big deal. I love drexel.
4 minutes ago from txt
I saw 500 Days of Summer. I love Zooey and JGL. It's a sweet movie, but I don't think it's the sleeper hit of summer as one critic described it. I think it's a lovely film, but maybe I wasn't in the right frame of mind to fully enjoy it. It seemed long.
I do that too. Always picturing Jake in other movies. The last time, I was watching "Definitely Maybe." Picturing Jake instead of Ryan Reynolds. Especially in the scenes with Abigail.
JGL reminds me of Heath, too. I guess it's bcz they did "Ten Things" together, but there's a physical resemblance too. JGL isn't nearly as good looking...IMO, but he has a charming way about him and he could definitely be Heath's brother.
I always thought that Joseph resembled Heath too. 500 Days of Summer received great reviews.
From twitter:
shadows128: Just found out that reese witherspoon and jake gyllenhaal were practically down 5 minutes away from my house grocery shopping!
about 11 hours ago from web ·
Loved the "no big deal" about seeing J&R, Paul, Owen. If it meant nothing didn't even have to mention it other than to let people know it wasn't important, and of course they were "above it all".
Anon, I don't think he meant it like that at all. He was obviously thrilled to have seen all four of them, ergo twittering about it. I think the "no big deal" was said with tongue planted firmly in cheek ;-)
I agree, FL.
Here's a nice account of Jake and Reese at the Elton John/Billy Joel concert:
So my dh was hanging out with Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal last night...
at the Billy Joel/Elton John concert last night. He was working security back stage and they had their own dressing room. They ended inviting him to eat sushi from Morimoto's with them.
He said Reese is a sweetheart and as short as me, 5'1". Jake was a super cool guy. And Reese's children are gorgeous.
I love Reese, so I was really glad to hear she is as sweet as she appears.
Thanks for finding that link UV, what a great account!!! I would have loved to have been at that concert, love seeing Jake together with Reese and the kids.
Sounds like the kids will be in Philly for the summer while Reese is fiming. Thanks for all the links and updates everyone!
It wasn't really a "dressing room." It was converted to a VIP room. It's provided for special guests and visitors. I wonder if they discovered Morimoto's at the concert in the VIP room?
I love that account UV, I enjoy reading accounts like that even mmore than the photos.
OT: Sotomayor has been confirmed, YES!!!!!!:
Jake spotting at Bacchus market:
new pics of jake visiting reese on set up at ihj looks like deacon is there too probably ava too but not pictured
I am so bummed out, John Hughes has died. The Breakfast club, Ferris Bueller, Pretty in Pink, etc. My teenage years in a nutshell, RIP.:
Jake and Deacon is so cute together!
Save Ferris!
Yes, Jake and Deacon are adorable together!!
RIP John Hughes.
The last time someone twittd that Jake was on MV he was in L.A.! We will see if we get anymore twitters. August is the time he usually goes to MV. :
JduPont: Living vicariously through my sis, who just sold coffee to Jake Gyllenhaal on Martha's Vineyard. Jealousness.
13 minutes ago from TweetDeck
I think he is in MV, Reese and Paul Rudd dined at Alma de Cuba last night:
Didn't UV recently vacationed on MV?? MV keep your eyes out!!
It would make sense. It's closer than going home to L.A. Maybe the kids are with Ryan now, it being Friday.
We don't track the kids whereabouts, anon, so please no speculating.
Sadly, I won't be in Martha's Vineyard this weekend, tweety. I wonder if Jake's there to run the Chilmark Road Race again.
Do you think he'll run in the beanie? :)
We will find out soon enough UV, the timing is perfect so I wouldn't be surprised:
Maybe Jake will spend time with his friend Chris on MV (there are people who really worry about the status of his friendship with Chris. Not me. I know they're BFFs :))
Nice time of the year to be there.
Just finished watching The Good Girl on the We channel. I remember now why I never watch that movie. God it's depressing.
It's a great movie, FL. Jen should do more films like this.
Dr.Parnassus trailer
My cousins and I saw "Julie and Julia" tonight. The three of us love to cook, but that is definitely not a requirement to enjoy the movie. It was just a pure delight! Tomorrow I go to the book store! I suddenly "need" to have Julia Child in my house! LOL!
Good Girl is one of my favorite Jake movies. It had some great lines and Zooey was seriously funny. So was Jake. Most of the time.
I'm so proud of myself! Today, I "retired" my 'vintage' monitor, and installed a brand new 22" so I can see much better. Jake looks gorgeous with all these extra inches...:)
justjared has somebeautiful pictures of Matilda Ledger eating ice cream...with her grandfather Kim. I was SO happy to see the two of them together in Brooklyn.
I've been thinking a lot about Heath lately and his work that had so much impact on my life. Even nearly two years on I still fill up when I think about him. So I'm happy to hear grandad is still a large part of Matilda's life.
As for Jake, I just can't stand the waiting anymore. 3 movies filmed and none released yet. I'd even take a 3 minute appearance on any talk show just to see his eyes twinkle and hear his beautuful voice. I can't stand it. Its a conspiracy I tells ya.
Aaaaaargh. There. I feel much better now. Off to see my therapist :o)
Just wanted to say. People need to do a better job of trailer placement. "Brothers" trailer would have been perfect with the movie I saw last night.
Instead, the audience, middle aged, mostly female, who filled the theatre saw an incredible trailer of Roland Emmerich's 2012. And the special effects make his TDAT look like I might have produced it on Youtube.
It was terrifying. No joke. This is the ultimate disaster movie. Everything is on the table. The special efrfects are just mind boggling.
It's been raining alllll day here. Heavy steady rain, so I've been cooking and watching A Knight's Tale (on YouTube.)Love that scene near the end when Heath looks Rufus in the eye and says, "Let's dance. You and me."
Break in filming:
siminak: Saw Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhall today on MV. No big deal.
about 2 hours ago from TwitterFon
Thanks for the JJ link anon., Matilda looks so much like Heath.
No tweeting about the race so far:
Is in Billerica wil Jake and Reese :]
about 17 hours ago
Tweety, I don't think that last tweet is our Jake and Reese. Not unless they stopped by the bedroom community of Billerica, MA on the way to Vineyard. A little out of their way. ;)
New post.
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