Jake's a Baskin Robbins man, FYI.

JAKE GYLLENHAAL: I thought I would start off our interview with a little section that I’d like to call The Icebreaker. Are you sitting down?

GYLLENHAAL: So let’s begin. Mount Rushmore honors four U.S. presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt. If you could add any person to Mount Rushmore, who would it be and why?

Neither Natalie nor Jake can figure out who should get that honor, so the subject moves to childhood toys.
PORTMAN: Oh, that’s really good. I was like a total clichéd ’80s child. I had Barbies, obviously, as well as My Little Ponies and Cabbage Patch Kids, but I used to destroy them. I used to draw all over their faces and cut off their hair.
GYLLENHAAL: Do you remember Garbage Pail Kids?
PORTMAN: Oh, yeah. The cards.
GYLLENHAAL: They had names like Raked Jake and stuff like that.
GYLLENHAAL: Yeah. He was like a Cabbage Patch Kid who’d been raked over.

That is a very scary image!
Natalie mentiones the Smurfs and Jake doesn't invoke Donnie Darko by name but the evil Gargamel is discussed.
That, naturally, leads to time travel.
GYLLENHAAL: So, then, let me ask you this: If you could get into a time machine, to what place and period would you travel?
PORTMAN: Well, right now, I’m very fascinated with 1920s Berlin. I mean, probably the more interesting thing would be to go to the beginning of civilization or precivilization—like polytheistic times. It would be interesting to see what came before modern religion and culture—what circumstances created the environment or the need for it. I actually felt like I was in a time machine last week when I went with Jay-Z to the Laserium in Los Angeles.

They discuss Natalie's love of dirty rap. I'm sure we all remember Natalie's SNL rap performance:
What I'd like to see or hear is a tape of this exchange:
PORTMAN: Really, really obscene hip-hop. I love it so much. It makes me laugh and then it makes me want to dance. Those are like my two favorite things, so combined . . . I’ve been listening a lot lately to “Wait (The Whisper Song)” by the Ying Yang Twins, where the lyrics are like, “Wait ’til you see my dick”—which is just amazing because it’s whispered. [whispers] “Wait ’til you see my dick . . . ” [laughs] Crazy. So I just listen to it like I’m a five-year-old, like, “Oh my god! I can’t believe he just said that!”
GYLLENHAAL: It’s interesting that you think the lyric “Wait ’til you see my dick” describes your current state. I think people are learning more about you right now then they ever have in an interview. I’m proud of that.
After some quick career counseling for Natalie, the interview ends with Jake asking for jetlag-curing tips. Jake is apparently wary of Ambien, after a bad trip:
GYLLENHAAL: My favorite situation that I was ever in was when I was on a plane with a group of people and all of them took Ambien except for me, and two of them had adverse reactions. They were awake and aggressive . . . Apparently aggression is one of the side effects of Ambien.
PORTMAN: And they were completely unaware, right—like they didn’t remember it after?
GYLLENHAAL: No, I think they remember it. Everyone else was dead asleep, and these two people were like, bashing their heads against the side of the plane, trying to jump out. So I was like, If taking this pill means that there’s even a 30 percent chance of me getting aggressive like that, then I would just rather stay at peace.
PORTMAN: You’re a very peaceful man, Jake.

It's a wonderful interview - definitely check out the rest of the excerpts. There are some dramatic photos of Natalie, as well.
(Photos courtesy of IHJ. Garbage Pail photo courtesy of GPKWorld.)
What a fun interview. I smiled all the way through it. Mostly at how Jake's mind works. Thanks for this. What I don't get is why there aren't accompanying Jake pics in the Interview piece. I mean, he's in the film, too!!!
That was fun to read! He did this interview with Natalie around the same time he was visiting Reese in DC from the Smithsonian comment. Nat looks amazing !
Baskin Robbins, a man after my own heart, LOL!!! It would have been great if they included a few pics of him as well, sigh. Hopefully we will get to see him on the cover over magazines soon, it's been ages!
What a great interview, thanks UV. Can't wait to read the full one.
Total Quality. What a delightful interview. Jake's interview technique was relaxed and fun. I've got to get a copy of Interview mag and adapt some of those questions and use them for my job. Excellent icebreakers.
I think that interview revealed a little more about Jake too. Loved the Obama question and I wished he'd answer it too. Natalie is a beauty, but delightful and creative (loved her in Leon) (don't like the way she cries though). *Makes mental note to listen out for the 'dick' song* :DD
Very good, quality post with 'peaceful Jake' pictures to keep us company. Je t'adore.
Bonsoir à tous! Merci bien for the previous photos of shirtless Jake (totally a panty creamer).
I love the interview and thought the same about how Jake's mind works FL. No doubt, he'd be fun to hang out with and make interesting conversation.
Just to add, the current issue of Glamour UK has a sexiest men list, as voted for by readers (apparently). No surprises that the sparkly vampire is number one (I thought Glamour girls had good taste). Jake clocks in at a pathetic 23 with the photo of him in the boat. He's also quoted as saying "I don't think of myself as good-looking. Not at all".
Well, I guess we'll do that thinking for him.
I love the questions he asked, very funny and comfortable with his pal Nat, I adore her.
Garbage pail kids, boy do I feel old now! Can't wait to read the whole thing, thanks!!
Lovely! I can't stop smiling.
Thanks, UV. She seemed so relaxed.
The Ying Yang Twins? Hmmm.
Smurfs, Garbage pail kids, Lincoln, rap music did I miss anythng??? This is so cool, makes me love him even more if that's possible. Natalie is really funny, I rememer her rap bit on SNL, roo funny!
I love the way he thinks too FLwhat a great post UV!
Beautiful work. Thank you!
IMDb announces 11 26 09 Brothers in Argentine!
What an unexpected treat! It's almost more fun to see Jake as the interviewer instead of the interviewee. His questions are entertaining, witty, interesting and just off-the-wall enough to make this interview a delight.
Yeah, just when I think there's nothing that could make me like him more, something like this comes along.
Thanks, UV!
Great interview!
thanks, UV!
I laughed out reading this interview, his questions and her answers are priceless!!
I can't wait until this movie comes out!
Well someone has to do it. ;-)
GYLLENHAAL: So let’s begin. Mount Rushmore honors four U.S. presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt. If you could add any person to Mount Rushmore, who would it be and why?
FluorescentLamp: Kennedy. He had a finely chiseled face that would fit with Mount Rushmore.
GYLLENHAAL: So, then, let me ask you this: If you could get into a time machine, to what place and period would you travel?
FL: Los Angeles, at the turn of the 20th Century, just to see if could find my way around. Or my own city in the mid 1800s when all the beautiful Victorian homes were just being built.
GYLLENHAAL: Okay. What’s your favorite food?
FL: Italian. Mexican. Seafood. Dessert!
GYLLENHAAL: Who would you rather have dinner with, Barack Obama or Nicolas Sarkozy?
FL: Obama. I can't converse in French.
GYLLENHAAL: What song best describes your current state?
FL: Ventura Highway by America.
GYLLENHAAL: If you were out on the job market and had to put your skills down on a résumé, what would you write?
FL: Plays well with others.
GYLLENHAAL: I’m interested in this because you’re a traveler: What are your cures for jet lag?
FL: Sleeping. Sleeping is good.
Thanks, Jake. That was fun.
Okay, who's next?
OK. I'm game :)
1. Mount Rushmore: Any person?
Eleanor Roosevelt. I love her.
2.Time travel: Belle Epoque Paris or 16th Century Florence.
3. Favorite food: Italian/Mediterranean
4. Dinner with: Obama. I don't find Sarkozy very interesting. Plus I can't speak French. No third choice? I'd like to have dinner with Hilary Clinton. I think it would be fun, and really interesting.
5. I was listening to Lorena McKennitt's "Book of Secrets," the "Marco Polo" track makes me think I'm listening to the PoP soundtrack!:)
6.Resume: I'm a good problem solver.
7. Jet lag? I would LOVE to have jet lag !
I'll play
GYLLENHAAL: So let’s begin. Mount Rushmore honors four U.S. presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt. If you could add any person to Mount Rushmore, who would it be and why?
AK - At the moment, Harry Redknapp or Luka Modric (sorry, very happy Spurs fan)
GYLLENHAAL: So, then, let me ask you this: If you could get into a time machine, to what place and period would you travel?
AK - Woodstock
GYLLENHAAL: Okay. What’s your favorite food?
AK - Mexican, Italian or Thai
GYLLENHAAL: Who would you rather have dinner with, Barack Obama or Nicolas Sarkozy?
AK - Obama, my French doesn't extent beyound counting to 5
GYLLENHAAL: What song best describes your current state?
AK - Something by Napalm Death - I'm in a very bad mood
GYLLENHAAL: If you were out on the job market and had to put your skills down on a résumé, what would you write?
Ak - Good tea making skills
GYLLENHAAL: I’m interested in this because you’re a traveler: What are your cures for jet lag?
AK - Sleeeeep, sleeping's always good
Thanks, Jake. That was fun.
Raked Jake - that picture is highly disturbing :0
Ok, I'm next...
1. Who would i like to see on Mt Rushmore? FDR.
2. Time I would like to travel to: 1920's/30's Harlem NY renaissance The period was such a vibrant and creative time.
3. Favorite food: Mexican and Indian
4. Dinner wirh Obama or Sarkozy: Obama, Sarkozy comes across a bit skeezy to me plus I haven't tried to speak a word of french since HS.
5. Song that describes my current state: Margaritaville
6. Skills on my resume: Quick learner and get along with others
7; Cure for jetlag: Sleep, sleep and more sleep!
I'll play.....
1. Mount Rushmore: Martin Luther King, Jr.
2. Time travel: The early 1960's, so I could see my father again.
3. Favorite food: Italian, Cajun, Mexican
4. Dinner with: Obama. He just seems like the better dinner companion.
5. Song that describes my current state: Running on Empty, Jackson Browne. I'm home sick today, and am feeling pretty puny.
6. Resume skills: Has a great eye for color.... knows the difference between aqua and turquoise.
7. Cure for jetlag: Sleep is what works for me.
May I play?
1) Mount Rushmore: JFK or Amelia Earhart.
2)Time travel: England from XVIII to XIX century.
3)Favorite food:italian,french,mex,brasilian,japanese...(I love to try All kinds of recipes!!!!)
4)Dinner with:Obama.
Definitively I find Carlà more interesting than Sarkò...
5. Song that describes my current state: Have I Told You Lately Van Morrison and Fix you Coldplay.
6)Skills on my resume:empathize with people.
7.Cure for jetlag: It's been too long since I've suffered of jetlag...
Love Natalie's description of Jake as a very peaceful man and what fun questions he asked her!
My turn:
1. Mt. Rushmore: MLK definately.
2. Time travel: Victorian England, mostly because of the books I read of that time.
3. Fav, food: Chinese
4. Dinner: Obama and Michelle
5. Song that describes me at the moment: Freebird, for reasons to comlicated to explain here!
6. Resume: Good listener, and a eager to learn
7. Cure for jet lag: Zzzzzzzz!!
What a fantastic interview! I adore them together and Jake asked some really great questions! I agree, FL, I smiled my way through it too. :D
I am a Carvel cake person myself. :p
And definitely dinner with Obama. :)
That interview is a riot, it must be so fun just to hang around Jake and shoot the breeze. I hated the Smurfs and not for the same reasons Natalie pointed out, just thought that it was a lame-ass cartoon. Big fan of the Garbage pail kids and Wacky paks!
I like some "safe" rap but no thanks to dirty rap!
Let's see,
Mount Rushmore: I woulld like to see JFK there.
A different time/place that I would like to travel: Ancient Egypt!
Favorite food: Italian/Grrek
Dinner with Obama or Sarkozy: Obama, I would have plenty to talk about with Obama.
What song that would describe my current state? Vacation by the Go-Go'S because I'm about to go on vacation!
Skills on my resume: Jill of all trades!
Cure for jet lag: Rum and coke!
((((Monca)))) Thinking about you.
Terrible fires in California. Hope they aren't too close to the ranch in Ojai.
Not even close to Ojai. But if you'd like I can link the active fire map if you're interested in keeping an eye on LA County fires.
Thanks to those who took part in the Jake Q&A. That was as much fun to read as Jake and Natalie's Q&A. :-)
Thanks for reassuring news about fires. I worry something could happen to the pigs and goats and chickens, etc. (smile.)
I wonder if there is an evacuation plan for such an occurence. I am mindful also of such terrible fires in Greece.
I want to play too!!!
Mt. Rushmore: JFK
Travel back in time:The early 50's when my grandparents on my fathers side were still alive. They died before I was born, my parents told so many wonderful stories about them.
Food: Itali and and Mexican
Dinner with Obama!
Song that describes my current state: Take this job and shove it
Resume: Updating daily: Works well with others, team player, quick learner.
Cure for jet leg: Lots of sleep and drink a lot of water.
I want to be interviewed by Jake, too.:)
1. Mount Rushmore: Margaret Sanger, American birth control pioneer.
2.Time travel: London, 1920's and 30's. PG Wodehouse world.
3. Favorite food: Thai
4. Dinner with: Obama. And I'd ask him to bring Michelle.
5. I Wanna Be Sedated by The Ramones.
6.Resume: Decisive, conscientious,good interpersonal skills.
7. Jet lag? They say to eat and sleep on the schedule of the country you arrive in, but it doesn't work that well for me.
Fun post, Jake and Natalie are charmers.
Mount Rushmore: Noone else - enough is enough! It's arrogant to me to deface the beauty of nature like that, in order to make monuments to humanity.
Time Travel: Chicago, 1920's-30's or my own little corner of America before the arrival of the Europeans (long before)
Favorite Food: Indian or Seafood
Dinner With: President Obama, but President Sarkozy is very attractive ;)
Song for Current State: Musician Please Take Heed by God Help The Girl
Resume: Good communications skills, good listener, good planning and organizing skills, creative
Jet Lag: Cancel all plans or don't schedule anything for the first day of arrival, just quiet time and rest to acclimate myself and adjust, or arrive the night before and have a cup of tea. Or, if I am feeling up to it, take a walk in the area, not very far, to get the feel of the place or reaquaint myself, listen to the sounds. Possibly try out Jake's natural remedy also. I'm very sensitive to my surroundings and I hate jet lag!
iPhillyChitChat: Jake will b back fr venice next week. Look for him and reese witherspoon on early date nites nxt Mon - Thurs. + possibly Ryan P bck in town
about 6 hours ago from TwitterBerry · Reply · View Tweet
President Sarkozy is very attractive ;)
He's rather short, which is saying something coming from me as I'm about Reese's height.
1. Mount Rushmore: I'm with Cathy on this one, just leave be.
2.Time travel: Why does no-one want to travel to the future? I want to go forward about 50 years.
3. Favorite food: Indian, but only the proper home made by real Indians stuff.
4. Dinner with: Can I choose Carla Bruni-Sarkozy?
5. Anything Sarah McLachlan
6.Resume: Quick thinking and decisive.
7. Jet lag? Don't get it, so I have no idea.
Anyway, here's a really sweet story about Reese and her generosity that made me smile. Its nice to see Jake with someone who's as equally good natured as himself.
Awwww . . . that's very nice. :)
I'm dying to find out if she really is going to be playing Stevie Nicks.
You're lucky Lemon if you don't get jet lag! My hub doesn't get it much either, he's very organized - he adjusts his sleep schedule gradually to the new time zone if he knows he's going to be traveling. I just suffer. ;)
Jakes still in LA from twitter.
ranchocabeza this evening, saw jake gyllenhaal with reese's children at the sausage place next to work, wurstkuche. about 8 hours ago from web
What a funny interview! I knew Jake is funny/goofy but who knew that Natalie was, I can't wait to read the whole intervew.
My turn:
I can't think of anyone I would like to see on Mt. Rushmore at the moment.
Time travel: The UK in the 60's when the Beatles first exploded on the scene.
Favorite food: Thai&Indian
Dinner with Obama, I don't speak a word of French
Song that describes my mood at the moment: Have you ever been mellow?
Resume skills: Creative, multi-tasker.
I haven't found a cure for jetlag yet!
A few twitters from last nigt, it sounds like Jake is still in L.A. and he is with Ava and Deacon.
And I have no idea how phillychitchat knows when Jak is returning to Phily!:
iPhillyChitChat: Jake will b back fr venice next week. Look for him and reese witherspoon on early date nites nxt Mon - Thurs. + possibly Ryan P bck in town
about 6 hours ago from TwitterBerry · Reply · View Tweet
ranchocabeza: this evening, saw jake gyllenhaal with reese's children at the sausage place next to work, wurstkuche.
about 8 hours ago from web · Reply · View Tweet
The interview was great - both are good sports. I cannot wait hearing one of Jakes absurd stories during the PR for "Brothers".
Gemma Arterton Online has some scans of the Total Film magazine October
Today I have been to the Disney23 expo site and I expected to see PoP presented prominently but now it seems that the film will only be presented in one panel together with the other new Disney films.
A bit disappointing.
Huffington Post has a poll that lets you vote for your favorite Ang Lee movie. But what caught my attention was that it also shows the votes of some other HuffPost members. Check it out. :)
Hi Suvee!
I went to the Huffington post site but I didn't see the poll, just the Taking Woodstock trailer etc., and a story on the early Lee films. Could you link? Thanks!
I saw that Pop fan and I was a bit disppointed, the presentation will be on a Friday morning. still hoping that Jake will make an appearence.
Ted Kennedy burial service:
Hi chica! Here you go (sorry, I can't do live links).
Thanks Suvee!!
It was a choice between Crouching Tiger and BBM, voted for BBM. Tiger is at #1 and BBM is #2 so far.
I wonder what is happening with Nailed, on imdb it was in post production for ages then in production, now it is post production again.
Prince of Persia action figures to hit the shelves by 5/2010:
Just went to Goggle and typed in Mcfarlane toys to see the type of work they do. They do sports figures that are excellent - and went to the Godfather one - really good..and they do Game figures, etc.
Sometimes figures don't have that much resemblance to the characters but these Do.
Looking forward to seeing what they do with POP.
R U you saying Jake is
in LA w. Reese's kids and she is in PA working? R U sure these two aren't secretly married?
I don't know how you can come to that conclusion anon. from a tweet!!
Looking forward to the Pop figures next year, this movie is goig to be huge IMO.
Just wanted to say that the President's eulogy at Ted Kennedy's service yesterday was beautiful, and the service was so moving, it brought tears to my eyes, what a fitting tribute.
One last thing: why are the Daytime emmy awards airing on CW??
New pics - new post :)
And I don't know why the Daytime Emmys were on the CW or why I (semi)watched them, oonp!
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