Speaking of Jake characters as action figures. You might think that LEGO was the first to immortalize a Jake Gyllenhaal film character in miniature, but you'd be wrong.
Not so long ago artist Wade Schin created a one of a kind Donnie Darko figurine which puts the LEGO Jake to shame. Sadly, it was a one-off piece of artwork that sold for $750.00.

Pics courtesy of EmpireOnline and Gallery1988.
I love it. Wet Jake rocking the '80s rocker look. Hee. And the Donnie Darko action figure is way cool. It's really too bad there was only one made. I bet it would fetch more then $750 today!
Going back to the last post - great to hear from you, Sass! Glad things are going well and that there's a lot of good Jakeness to catch up on.
OMG, that Donnie doll is freaking awesome! I want one. :p
And again, THUD at the new PoP pics.
Hope your having a great time on your trip, UV! :)
I think Lego Donnie is adorable, FL.
Plus it's a really important artifact! ...:)
Hey get real. Sadly, I am back home. Well, no, it's always good to be home. Especially since I can look at these pics for real and not just on my iPhone!
I really want that DD figure. I wonder who got it?
This is old news, but funny. Remember this tweet? From an interview with the tweeter:
Which famous person is your all-time greatest crush?
I have never had a crush on someone unobtainable, though I did go into a cafĂ© the other day because the actor Jake Gyllenhaal was sitting in the window seat having a cup of coffee. I do think Lily Allen and I could be friends – I like her lyrics and her realism.
Ahhh, didn't realise that tweet from from the lovely Kirsty, I long to raid her house and steal her shoes :D
I wonder if the whole film's going to have that slight tint to it, I love it, very reminisent of 1950s action/adventure films to me, and deary me, to whoever came up with those trousers for Jake - we thank and worship you ;-)
I remember she was in the media somehow, but I wasn't familiar with her, AK. Thanks to FL for finding the original tweet.
And yes, thanks to the trouser gods :)
It does seem like they have a particular tint going on. Could be just what they've released so far, but it works.
I'll join the THUD!! crowd too! He does kinda look like a 80's rocker, love it!!
The DD lego is cute, love that movie.
Welcome back UV, hope you had fun!!
He looks hot here.
ROFL, that Donnie Darko LEGO is so dark . . . and broody. That's the funniest thing I've seen in ages.
Welcome home, UV!
Is there anything more irresistible than a "rescuer?"
I cannot wait for more pics to come out. I'd like to add the chest hair gods to the list for thanks!
By this time next year, I don't think anyone will have to worry about how to spell his last name. I think everyone will know who "Jake" is.
Chest hair, yay!!!! He looks dashing, romantic and hot, love these photos! The shot of Jake and Gemma on the horse is beautiful.
That DD lego is kinda creepy looking!
hope you had a great vacation UV.
I think 2011 will be entirely consumed with Jake shooting PoP II and PoP III simultaneously. This is gonna be BIG.
Gorgeous doesn't begin to describe it/him.
Looking good, both Jake and Gemma!
The Darko lego piece looks like Frankenstein!!!
Good night, babblers!!
Great images!
I think the first teaser trailer will be released next month!
Hello, sass!Happy to see you here!
I want the lego Donnie!
Hollywood plans a Broadway revival: Jake Gyllenhaal to star as Joe Namath in biopic
Wet, rocking badass Jake, I love it! The photos are beautiful, stylish and sexy, sigh.
Looks like Namath is a go, maybe after he does Love and Drugs. Thanks monica!!
Welcome back UV!!
reeetakray: My mom just make jake gyllenhal &reese witherspoons kids.!!
about 6 hours ago from txt
Someone made Jake and Reese kids? Don't they want to do it the old-fashioned way? :)
I love Lego Donnie, and I am deeply in awe of the new PoP pictures. Thanks for posting them.
Notice on the comments under the Empire pictures are mostly negative as in why didn't they hire Persian actors not right that Emma and Jake were hired, or it looks like a flop to them.
Has anyone made any comments about Ben Kingsley or Alfred Molina? As in they're wrong for the movie.
Always find that interesting.
But as we've talked before there are always the nay-sayers long before a movie is seen.
As I said in the previous post, the photos are stunning!
Love the DD lego set, great find FL!
Yes I have noticed that they don't complain about Kingsley and Molina not being Persian, enough already.
I love Cuban food!:
Witherhaal at Alma de Cuba tonight: Reese in white dress, Jake in shorts/T-shirt.
about 8 hours ago from TwitterBerry
The first photo of Jake and Gemma almost looks like it was painted, must be the lighing but I love it! He looks awesome. And the second photo of them on the horse is beautiful.
Yes I have noticed that they don't complain about Kingsley and Molina not being Persian
And I imagine they weren't up in arms that Johnny Depp, unlike Capt Jack, isn't English(or indeed Scottish when playing J M Barrie, Christian Bale, playing Batman, isn't American etc etc. Perhaps someone should explain to them that David Tennant isn't really a Timelord from Gallifrey :p
This "issue" came up somewhere else, on another board, and someone retorted that it was too bad the couldn't use a real cannibal for Silence of the Lambs! LOL!
I guess we could point out Colin Farrell wasn't Greek when he played Alexander, but I'd rather forget that movie exists, (horrible movie, and I adore Colin.) Then there was Troy, with Brad Pitt's Achilles, Orlando Bloom's Paris, Eric Bana's Hector, Peter O'Toole's Priam, etc. etc. etc.
How about Russell Crowe's Spanish Gladiator, and Joaquin Phoenix's Roman Commodus, or Richard Harris as Marcus Aurelius. It's pretty absurd to use that as a basis for criticism. But oh, well.
Monica, In their excitement, I think they meant to say their Mom met Jake and Reese kids, although of course really Reese's kids I can understand the mistake if Mom doesn't follow them as a fan and just assumed.
Some info on Reese's movie and a little tidbit from last night here:
Meanwhile, Witherspoon and beau Jake Gyllenhaal were spotted having dinner Monday night at Alma de Cuba on Walnut Street. As they emerged from the restaurant, Gyllenhaal saw a photographer and pulled Witherspoon back inside. It's believed that they slipped out the back.
I can see why ethnicity is an issue for PoP. There are not a lot of movies with a Middle Easterner as a hero, so I can understand why some people would have preferred a Middle Eastern actor in the role.
I also understand why Disney went with Jake. None of the other actors ever mentioned would have been right, and I don't think they wanted to risk the franchise on an unknown. And, you know, just look at him :)
Having selected Jake, they could have made more of an effort to get some darker skinned/"ethnic" actors for the other roles.
I do hope Jake has a good answer formulated for when he is asked about this. Because I don't think the issue is going away.
I don't remember any of this brouhaha when Adam Sandler cast himself as an Israeli and Rob Schneider as a Palestinian in that Zohan movie.
People are funny.
Of course, that was a comedy. Nothing in that movie was meant to be taken seriously. Also, Adam Sandler is Jewish, so casting himself as an Israeli? Not much of a stretch.
There's a difference between casting a white actor for a Euro character, e.g., Johnny Depp for a Scottish role, and casting a white, Euro-ish actor for a Middle Eastern role, especially when the role is that of a hero.
Middle Eastern/"dark"/ethnic actors are used all the time as villains. I think it's understandable that some people are upset that they can't be heroes, too.
Going back to what you said in your other post about Jake having a good answer formulated when inevitably he will be asked about this...perhaps my imagination and reasoning is shot, but I just can't come up with anything Jake would say to placate people. "Yes, I think a middle-eastern actor would have been better in the role...I'm sorry they gave the part to me..." No, that won't do.
I don't know that he will be able to placate people. I just don't want him to fumble around the way he sometimes can, e.g., the "the government should be like your parents" quote from Rendition interview.
I think all he can say is that he understands/appreciates the criticism but that Disney and the writer and director thought he was the best person for the part and that he will try/has tried to do his best to do the role justice.
It's just something he needs to put some thought into, and maybe already has, I don't know.
I agree, I can't think of anything Jake can say when he does PR for Pop to put a lid on the issue. It's going to come up for sure.
Jake looks just like the Prince in the video games, blue eyes and all.
Also the Prince of Persia/Dastan is a fictional character , not a historical figure. People need to get a grip already.
PS: Love that bit about J&R in Philly! It's a lot easier for them to do that there since I assume that there aren't as many stalkarazzis wandering in Philly.
I just don't want him to fumble around the way he sometimes can, e.g., the "the government should be like your parents" quote from Rendition interview.
If he starts making sense, we'll have to change the name of the blog. Hee.
Heehee. Wouldn't want to have to do that!
At least Atticus understands him.
I was just about to make that comment about - This in Not based on a real person who once lived as an historical person in historical times - this is based on a Computer GAME! And the not real generated Prince does have blue eyes.
If this was about a real Persian Prince then I imagine it would of been made by someone in the middle-east with their actors.
Doesn't the story go that Dastan was a street urchin until the King of Persia adopted him thereby making him the "Prince" of Persia? I wonder if Dastan's backstory will be that he was a mixed race orphan of European/Asian/middle-eastern ancestry. Problem solved!
Oh, good point, FL. That will work well. Doesn't solve the problem of why they couldn't make the Prince of Persia Persian, but it lets Jake off the hook a bit.
The photos remind me of the Arabian Nights, very romantic and sensual. And of course Jake is beyond hot in wet leather and exposed chest!!
Jake looks just perfect, he and Gemma look great together.
Dastan's backstory sounds perfect for Jake to use as an explanation FL!!
I was checking out some Comic Con stuff on line, the Pop graphic novel panel was interesting but not too many people wondered where was Pop. I think Disney knows what they are doing.
BTW, there were a few fans dressed up as Frank the Rabbit from DD at Comic con!
Jake and Reese and Alma de Cuba, well the back of them anyway:
Direct link for pic from Alma deCuba.
Man, when you're the only pap in town, we're relying on you to get the picture!
Video of Manny's grand slam, with a bit of Jake as cameraman at the beginning.
Someone is getting access to the forum IHJ using IE???
Server must be down, Monica. I can't get the IHJ board in either IE or FireFox.
Hell. Lawrence of Arabia...wasn't.
FL has solved the problem. Anyone can be a Prince of Persia.
thank's FL.
Thanks to all for the links!
Thanks for the video link UV and the blog link about Atti!
The one pap inPhilly needs to do a better job, LOL!!
Jake looks perfect for the role and people need to get over it. For one thing, there's no such thing as "Persian Looking". I've got Persian heritage and I've got dark eyes/hair and very fair skin. My mate is Persian and she's got blue eyes, brown hair and darker skin.
People are just nit-picking and being petty.
It's ridiculous! As was said, we don't know his back story and heritage. Besides, Jake resembles the videogame Dastan.
This person either thinks Jake is in Reese's new movie or Love and Drugs is being filmed in Pittsurgh, PA in Sept.:
jake gyllenhaal might be filming a movie @ our apartment complex.. ummmm
Oh UV..... thanks for finding the "Meeting Atticus" blogger account. I loved it for several reasons.....
The Philly pap pic was nice, but honestly..... I'd rather have seen an Atticus and Jake photo from that Saturday morning cafe encounter. :)
I would love to see a picture of Atticus too, it's been ages!!
I wonder about that twitter. At first I thought they wee mistaken but Pittsburgh has got to be at least 4 hours from Philly, a long way to shoot at some Apt. But then I remember reading that Reese will be in Philly until Oct. shooting, that's a long shoot for this type of film. Is it possible that they rented a house in the area for both movies? Perhaps Love and Drugs filming in Pittsburgh for a month and then finish in L.A.? Just thinking out loud.
I live in Pittsburgh
Philly is about 3oo some miles away
As an Irish/Scottish decendant, I may have to start an internet campaign against Jake being cast in Brothers. The surname given is Cahill, an Irish/Gaelic surname, and as Jake has no Irish/Gaelic roots he obviously shouldn't have been cast :p
Reese and Jake are staying in Admore on the Main Line in PA, not in Philly, she is just filming in Philly. The whole foods they were shopping at was near Admore. The sightings at Cuba de Alma, etc around S.Philly, etc obviously are because she is filming and he/kids are visiting, but for the most part they are in Admore.
Reese and Jake dine at Alma
Lovebirds Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal enjoyed a romantic dinner Monday at Stephen Starr's Alma de Cuba (1623 Walnut) where "Top Chef Masters" competitor Douglas Rodriguez is the chef. The couple both sipped a black cherry caipirinha, the national cocktail of Brazil, then Gyllenhaal switched to Red Stripe beer and the couple dined on a ceviche sampler, King crab salad, empanadas and a corn side dish. Gyllenhaal arrived over the weekend to be with Witherspoon, who is renting a house on the Main Line while working on the film.
The couple both sipped a black cherry caipirinha, the national cocktail of Brazil
This is so cool, Farmer Jake!:
The Environmental Media Assn. and Yes to Carrots have partnered with LAUSD to sponsor 10 new school garden projects, one of which will be at Saturn Elementary in L.A.. Actor Jake Gyllenhaal will be their mentor, and architect Rogerio Carvalheiro, who worked on the Getty Villa and Union Station, will work pro bono on the design. Once completed this fall, they hope to add a "scratch kitchen," where children will prepare the food they grow.
Now Jake deserves some quality time with Michelle Obama, since Reese got to meet the President! LOL!
The couple both sipped a black cherry caipirinha, the national cocktail of Brazil, then Gyllenhaal switched to Red Stripe beer and the couple dined on a ceviche sampler, King crab salad, empanadas and a corn side dish.
Dontcha just hate when the waitstaff blab to the press about what celebs dined on at their establishment?
On the other hand, ceviche, empanadas...yum! I'd've ordered the same thing. :)
The Environmental Media Assn. and Yes to Carrots have partnered with LAUSD to sponsor 10 new school garden projects, one of which will be at Saturn Elementary in L.A.. Actor Jake Gyllenhaal will be their mentor, and architect Rogerio Carvalheiro, who worked on the Getty Villa and Union Station, will work pro bono on the design.
This is beautiful! :) The food does sound yummy.
Jake and Paul Rudd were there too when Reese met the President they just aren't in the picture.
The food at Cuba de Alma sounds like heaven, and a black cherry caipirinha, perfect.
Loving the J and R sightings in Philly! The food and drinks at that restaurant sounds yummy.
Thanks for the video, UV. I had to slow it down and pause it to see Jake, lol. ;)
I adore the Atticus/Jake blogger sighting. Very sweet. :D
Great to hear Jake continuing to work for healthier foods/organic gardening projects. Such a great and important cause.
I also have to appreciate all the back and forth comments on the issue of Jake not being Persian for PoP. I do hope he can respond to that in a way that can limit the controversy. I find the comments about him not being right for the part, etc. annoying because this isn't a real life story or a period piece, it is based on a video game. And the background of the Prince makes it more acceptable to have Jake in the role, imo. Just my 2¢....
Thank you, extra! I'm so proud of Jake!
Just came across this
The video is worth watching, no interview with Jake, but Reese's reaction to being told he's looking good is priceless - Gemma looks absolutely stunning in the black and white shot (and one day, I will honestly learn how to do links properly *shamed face*)
Love that clip and Reese's reaction, thanks AK!! Jake is looking mighty fine.
Thanks for all the links and updates everyone!
Thanks to a poster on IMDB here is a link to the Empire PoP Article
Oh and thanks for the video link AK:).
Thanks, Agent K. That was fun to watch. And yes. Reese's reaction was priceless. I like that girl! :)
Thanks AK, that was priceless, LOL!! Thanks for that link Anon!
Interesting how "balanced" that video was. Reese is making sure everyone knows Jake belongs to her. He is getting ready to really come into his own, with Brothers and Prince of Persia. There will be no rumors about Natalie Portman or Gemma for this couple.
Love that video AK, and yes I noticed how "balanced" it was too anon, love Reese, lucky woman!!
Thanks for the link to the Empire scan article anon., Jake has a hoodie/thingy on in one of the pics!
Beaten to it, flicked through Empire on the way home and noticed the extra pics so bought it to bring you all a full report.
He does appear to be wearing a slightly strange hood type thingy, for no apparent reason - Gemma seems to be giving him a 'what on earth have you got on your head' look, both his and Gemma's outfits are different to the glourious 'wet' pictures.
Thanks for the scan of the Empire article anonymous, Jake does look bit out of place in the pic with him and the hoodie but the other stills are stunning!
I love the lighting and the coloring and he looks the part, the hell with the complainers.
What a great video AK, LOL@ Reese, I love her reaction. Love the sighting of them at de Alma, I wonder hoe long he will be in Philly?
From Twitter:
maggietastic: Jake gyllenhaal and Reese witherspoon just walked by!
about 1 hour ago from txt ·
A break in filming?
Venice film festival line-up is announced, no "Brothers"....:-((
Also nothing from Toronto so far...
I hoped they would at least show the film at one of the festivals...
So many people to thank......
extra, thanks for the news about Jake's participation in the school garden project. What a great thing to be involved with, and what an honor for him to be their mentor..... not just a token celebrity "face", but someone who actually gets his hands dirty.
ak, loved that video clip. Reese's reaction is classic. That's a girl that knows what she's got! :) Thanks!
Thanks to anon for the Empire scan. That black hoodie thing was in one of the photos in the style guide I saw (and I think described for GB). But in that pic, he had the red scarf rolled up and wound around his head over the black hood. The total effect really framed his eyes beautifully!
So Jake will be filming Love and Drugs in Pittsburgh! Late Summer/easly fall according to this article:
Zwick and his Bedford Falls partner Marshall Herskovitz are producing "Love and Other Drugs," along with Scott Stuber and Randolph. The Fox 2000/New Regency movie will be shot entirely on location in and around Pittsburgh.
Casting call for extras for Jake's new movie in Pittsburgh:
Anyone live near Pittsburgh?
This is amazing! What's Ann Hathaway up to these days? Is she shooting another movie? It seems as if this is being "fast tracked" similar to what happened with Rendition.
This movie does seemed to be on a fast track, which is great!
about 1 hour ago from web
robynmickinak: Jake G... enjoys coffee at OCC!!!!
24 minutes ago from mobile web · Reply ·
Jake and Reese at the Billy Joel/Elton John concert:
The back of their heads agsin!
Elton John dedicated Tiny dancer to Reese and the kids are with them, how cool is that?
iconjohn: Elton John just dedicted Tiny Dancer to Reese Witherspoon who they then showed in the audience with Jake and kids!!!!!
Deacon on Jake's shoulders at the concert:
Thanks tweety! lyrics to tiny dancer:
Wow, Ava's getting tall, she comes up to Jake's shoulder, and it looks as if Deacon got his hair cut. Thanks for the links.
New post.
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