So this weekend was the Chilmark Race at Martha’s Vineyard, where I was convinced by Jake Gyllenhaal, who also has a house on the Island, to compete in the front group who compete to do six-minute miles. ...
So in spite of being such a dilettante runner, I was pretty proud at first because I did manage to leave Jake in the dust at the beginning. Apparently, that had less to do with my running powers and more to do with the fact that someone ran into the back of his shoe and he ran right out of it. It actually went flying over us. I like to think of it as me making him eat my dust. But he did catch up and pass me.
You can see Doug Liman just behind Jake in the starting line.

Doug also blogged this week about the Untitled Moon Project, which even he acknowledges needs a real name. Sounds like it will be his next movie and that he and Jake have been working on it:
And it now looks like my Untitled Moon Project (it really needs a title) is next, because Simon Kinberg (my partner from Mr. and Mrs. Smith) just did some amazing work on it.
Every draft of the script has been really exciting and really solid. The movie is about a private expedition to the Moon — present day. Not science fiction. So real, in fact, that I debated spending $100 million to make the movie or $100 million to really go to the Moon and just shoot a documentary there. The heroes of my film steal all the old Apollo parts to rebuild Apollo 18, which was canceled in 1972 before it launched. ...
The other thing that I think Simon is nailing is an amazing character not only for Jake Gyllenhaal to play but also for the other lead to play — an amazing female character — as well as a great love story. Jake’s been a lot like Matt Damon was in The Bourne Identity — these are actors who are fiercely committed to doing something original, not derivative — off the beaten path. And we’re writing Moon for Jake’s voice. That part of the process has been sitting in rooms with him, riffing out dialogue, and figuring out not only what would be the best character for the movie but who the best character is for Jake for this movie. So from a character standpoint the script took a tremendous leap forward.
I think he means that Jake has been working on it with them. In any case, it's great to hear that they are really paying attention to character.
No timeline for the project. We'll have to keep an eye on Liman's blog for more details.
In other Jake movie news, IFC places Nailed on its list of movies waiting to see the light of day. I really hope we get to see it at some point!
And just because:

(Photos courtesy of Martha's Vineyard Gazette and
The moon project is starting to sound interesting, love that profile Thank you.
When I first heard about this movie I was thrilled. I was always fascinated with the Space program, Apollo 13 and the Right Stuff are 2 of my favorite movies.
I can't wait until this hits the screen. Love that Jake is so involved in the project, thanks for the update UV!
He looks incredible in that photo!
This sighting is from this past weekend:
Jake Gyllenhaal playing basketball at the Chilmark Community Center on Martha’s Vineyard, while girlfriend Reese Witherspoon cheered him on. ...
So now that I read 30ninjas, Doug Liman's blog, I think I like how UMP is sounding:
We had issues getting to the launch and making the concept work, that if you could get the parts necessary to go to the Moon — parts that are sitting in museums, in archives, and university libraries — then it’s just a treasure hunt to go find the right parts and put them all back together like a giant Lego set. They’re all proven to work — they put a man on the Moon six times — and they’ve been sitting inside, for the most part well cared for. All you need to do is steal the appropriate parts and you just put them all together and go to the Moon.
All of a sudden this is a movie I want to see!
Nice to read that Jake has been actively involved in crafting the voice of his character. And you know, not just sitting around on his duff waiting for someone to call him for work. ;-p
Good morning, babblers!
I was never a fan of this project, but it sounds interesting.
I'm also happy to see the involvement of Jake in the project.
UV, Liman's blog is a great find. I'm starting to warm up to this project, too. And there's a love story in it!
Agree, FL. I love that Jake is involved in developing his character's voice and working closely with Doug Liman on the project.
You have to wonder at the schedule juggling. Damn Yankees isn't scheduled until 2012, but if PoP is the huge success we all hope it will be, there are sequels to deal with. Plus Joe Namath, and the random projects that come up in between times. I'm glad Jake's busy. Life is good!
This project is starting to sound really interesting. The script is still being worked on so we won't see it on screen for awhile.
Glad to see that Jake is taken an active role in this. I really like Limon's blog, thanks UV!
That should be Limans' blog!!
"Just because..." LOL
You can't post the sports drink picture too often for me!
Of all of Jake's upcoming projects with the exception of Pop, this is the film that I can't wait to see!! Any news on this is welcomed, thanks so much UV. Great news that Jake is so involved in it as well.
OT: Jack Nicholson made justjared, today. You gotta love him! he looks like he is having enormous fun on vacation! LOL!
Jack does look like he's having a blast, Bobbyanna! Much more fun than Philly.
I'm also happy with the moon movie story. I dreaded having to see a sci fi movie just for Jake. This plotline sounds much better to me.
And if they can write it similar to Bourne and Smith, even better. Though just the first Bourne. Wasn't a fan of either of the sequels.
So far the Moon movie sounds like it's going to be awesome, thanks for the link UV!!!
They should really use that photo of Jake in their ads, sigh....
I wasn't too keen on this but now it sounds fascinating. Happy to here that Jake is really into the character and script development.
Jack looks like he is having a blast!
This movie is a long way off but I think it will be worth the wait!
This Moon Project could be a really good "caper movie" with equal parts suspense, humor, love interest, thrills. I'll look forward to hearing more about it as things develop.
I can't wait either Bobbyanna. I thought at first that it was going to be a Sci-fi flick, but I was wrong. Sounds like it's going to have a big budget too!
Reese was back in PA today working with Owen Wilson.
I never really had strong feelings one way or the other about the Untitled Moon Project movie. But after reading Doug L's blog, I'm looking forward to it now. I do like good, interesting caper movies..... and I love that the subject matter of this is original, and not just another bank/fine art/casino heist plot.
Very interesting to learn about Jake's involvement in developing his character...... that's the kind of tidbit I love reading!
Good post, UV...... thanks!
Reese has been back on set working since Monday according to the tweets.
I wish that script was finished and that this movie would be the next one he would be doing! How cool is it that he has some imput into his character. Thanks for finding and linking to the blog UL!
Jake was probably "undercover" casing out the Smithsonian, or the Air and Space Museum, when he was in D.C. for Reese! :) I kid!
Don't know if this twitter is a Jake sighting or she is just comparing this douchey guy to Jake in looks/eyes (douchey guy comes in 2nd). She has an earlier twitter about DD so it may be the former but she is twitting from Philly:
japades: Hate the guy who works @ my glasses store. But his eyes are amazing. Like, blue-green. He's there behind Jake Gyllenhaal. But he's a douche
The shoe story just gets better and better, LOL!!! I was on the fence about this movie when first annoumced but now i'm intrigued. It's great to hear that Jake is involved in shaping his character.
Have a feeling that we will see this before Nailed, what a shame.
Love reading Doug's blog, the film with Penn sounds great!
I am struck by the way people often react to Jake. As if being with him is a special event. Doug Liman joins others who seem very taken with Jake. He seems to have a very natural charisma that makes most people fans. I might be saying this poorly, but I hope you will understand what I mean.
You explained yourself very well anon. and I agree that Jake has that special something. He's very charismatic and funny and people geniunely enjoy being around him.
I thought it was interesting that Doug Liman said Jake has a house on MV.
I thought I read that Jake's parents sold their MV house, I didn't realize that Jake had one too.
If it's true, I'm happy for him, he obviously loves the island.
So much great news...have to thank you two again and again...catching up from July and loving it.
Maybe Jake bought the home of their parents.
I remember that house was being sold by $1.6 mil.
Hello, sass!
Happy to see you here!
Hi Sass, good to see you!!
I caught that bit about him having a house on MV too and wondered if he had bought his parents place.
I don't think we should make too much of an off hand remark. As far as I know the house hasn't been sold yet, so maybe his mother is based there and Reese and Jake came in for a long weekend to visit and to race. It's sort of convenient to PA.
It would be so nice if they could keep it for the family. I noticed the remark too, and I can't help hoping it's true. It's fun to have Jake and crew as our summer stars on the Vineyard! :)
New post.
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