I hacked into another (totally public) Facebook account and found this great new photo of Jake, posted by photographer Richard D. Cole. Don't know where it's from or why it was taken, but there it is.
I didn't manage a year-end retrospective, but I think the whole Bear Grylls Iceland adventure was my favorite Jake story of the year. This was definitely my favorite post. But the whole ride was a blast, from the first news of it until the hilarious, excited tweets that erupted when the special aired.

It was wonderful to watch Jake's progress through nervousness, excitement, apprehension and fear to sheer joy. His sense of adventure and zeal for life were inspiring. And as you remember, it was the GIFt that kept on giving:
Monica reminded me of the Railroad Revival Tour, another unexpected treat for JAke fans and for Jake himself:

Please feel free to share your favorite Jake moment(s) from 2011.
Finally, I hope everyone has a celebratory night and a happy, healthy new year. Thank you to all for another fun Gyllenyear.
I'm going to steal from Paula C's post, which says it all:
Happy new days
Happy new dreams
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to everyone!
My favorite was The Railroad Revival Tour. Jake on that trip, playing trumpet, was so much fun!
Oh, I forgot the RRT, Monica. I'll have to ad something from that, too! HNY to U2 :)
Great post! The Bear Grylls adventure was amazing!!! I especially love the quotes. ; )
The Railroad Revival Tour was such an unexpected treat! He was having so much fun.
Happy New Year everyone!
My favorite Jake time this past year was the Bear Grylls special.
I tried to click through to the photo site but it's off limits now...I use my FB acct but have cut usage down 90% since I quit playing games...who knew...plus you never know when Zuckerberg is going to open private pics and posts to everyone a la 2009.
The photo is haunting, to me. Am I wrong? I feel sadness vulnerability and so much more; I can't look at it more than a minute. I feel my psychic Aunt coming out. :lol :lol
I wish Jake happiness and love in the New Year with whomever he chooses to share his life with.
Happy New Year everyone! I think the Railroad tour was my fave too, we got a candid look at Jake just being Jake having fun. I wish I'd been on that tour with him. I love traveling by train. I wish Jake and everyone here all the best in 2012
thanks UV for all you do (including hacking :D)
Happy New Year I think my favorite Jake moment was also the one with Bear he had such a good time doing that episode but I enjoyed the RRT too
Hello! I am a lurker here... Have been visiting this fantastic website for a long time. (Thanks, UV!) Just thought what better way to introduce myself than to say happy new year to you all! Hope 2012 brings wonderful things to everyone!!!
Welcome, Vanessa!
I spent a wonderful night at work, so this 2012 is starting to be good!!
UV, loved seeing my name in the post, I feel somehow important,lol
Favorite Jake 2011 was the SC promotion because he always makes me laugh, the Bear grills cause it was the first time I felt jealous of a rope and the RRT because it was a side of Jake we had not yet seen.
I should have wished you all a very merry peaceful Christmas. I want to wish you all a very happy new year. And joy. Pure joy. I am so thankful for GB, UV, FL and its Gyllenites for this is a place of pure, precious joy. And Jake's joy at the Railroad Revival Tour is my lasting memory of him in 2011. I hope you all experience at least one unexpected serendipitous moment that the memory keeps you warm. As for Jake I hope his search for real everlasting love continues as his mantra 'choose to love'. I need to see you back on the big sceen at least 3 times a year big man is that too much to ask?
Happy New Year again!
And Happy New Year Vanessa!
I didn't have that much wine last night...hmmmm. My post says otherwise...
And I messed up my computer...arr
Please, more movies Jake, Please!
Jane Lee
Spotted @hollywoodfarmersmarket jake gyllenhaal with his scruffy beard and entourage. Shorter than I imagined lol booo"
Kerstin Tuttle
@mrboetel he was. I was at a party with Jake Gyllenhal."
UV, the photo was taken at a party of a friend in New York. I also hacked the account.
Anon, I think she was joking about being in the same party with Jake. The first twitter of her is Jake Gyllenhal doppleganger is here.
so is he in NY or LA? someone said they spotted him in the farmer's market in LA
Just one more day and holiday madness is over. I'm thoroughly unprepared to go back to the real world. And work is going to be awful for me for the next three weeks.
I can't complain after having most of the last two weeks off. I know a few GBers like Mary and Paua C have had to work the holidays, so I will try to be stoic!
Monica, I saw that info on the FB picture. The guy was asked to take it down. I wonder if I should, too? No one has contacted me about it.
Paula C, poi are important! So glad you and Daniela have joined us over here.
Speaking of which... Welcome, Vanessa. Glad you delurked. Please post anytime. And thank you for the nice words about the blog.
That goes to all of the folks who posted such nice sentiments about GB. i'm glad we have this little corner of the internet to discuss Jake in a fun, respectful way.
Sheba, thanks for that lovely post and lovelier wishes. And no, I don't think three movies a year is too much to ask. I'd settle for two :)
Sass, I don't think the photo is haunting, especially because it was just taken at a party. I think it's just a candid, un-touched-up shot.
thanks UV for all you do (including hacking :D)
LOL, Lily. And thanks :)
He's in LA, Lily. No NY sightings of him at all for the past few days. From today:
Enjoyed dinner with jake gyllenhaal...or at least near by. He heard we Badgers were in town and wanted to hangout with us :) #rosebowluw
37 minutes ago
And this:
Today in LA, 4-mile run, brunch with a Foxy man, meadow luxuriating in 80 degree winter, Gingergrass w/a Jake Gyllenhaal spotting. Yay 2012!
50 minutes ago
i had a jake g sighting too! hollywood farmers market this morning. i think this means good things for us in 2012
41 minutes ago
in reply to ↑
I was supposed to be there but my friend bailed. We've been living each other's lives all day. Oooo! It's so Sliding Doors.
Yikes - Paula C, I meant YOU are important. Poi is also important to some people!
I can't get used to autocorrect on my shiny new MacBookAir. I expect it on the iPad.
"Paula C, poi are important! So glad you and Daniela have joined us over here."
I also was very happy to have taken courage to come talk with yours lol
LOL! No offense to anyone, but Paula C. wrote the best line I've read lately!
"the Bear grills cause it was the first time I felt jealous of a rope..."
You make me smile!
Just read that the Berlinale will be honoring Meryl Streep.
It's very quiet around here. Banks & gov't offices, schools still closed for the Holiday...which ends today. I think all Mondays should be paid holidays. Then Tuesday can be the new Monday. ; )
She deserves it. She is extraordinary.
Happy that Jake will be there.
You are right Monica, she deserves it and it's getting closer, can´t wait to see Jake in a nice suit with that beautiful face shaved walking the berlinale red carpet!
Thank you, Bobbyanna! Here in Portugal schools open tomorrow too,good news because my son is driving me crazy, he spends all day pretending I'm a ninja warrior.
Paula, your son sounds wonderful...I miss when my boy was young.
So sorry UV, if I'd known the pic was taken at a party, I could have spared us my wine and beer ramblings. :lol
Son of Paula C. is a beautiful thing. I am willing that my grow soon, but at the same time I know I'll miss when they were small
I love Meryl Streep, who played the same movie with Jake, it must be so happy
Saw this on twitter:
"Tomorrow starts a 5 wk (yes, WEEK) cleanse. getting plastered @ Little Doms (Jake Gyllenhaal is here) right now. So what!"
41 min ago
Little Dom's is a restaurant in the Los Feliz neighborhood in L.A.
Morning all,
Thinking about everyone
this morning and wishing
you much happiness.
I saw this in a google alert. David Eikon Fashion forward. Well Jake is wearing very little but I like this look!
Lily did not understand that link, he's talking about?
From tumblr:
"Was in IKEA, I helped him out then we had a Really awkward moment lol. He’s really cute!!"
Jake was to ikea ?!
why not in Ikea (just wish I was there too)
gloriahurtado Gloria Hurtado
@IowaHawkeyeMeg @DKelter yeah it's crazy. We're all at one long table together. Sexy beard going on!
3 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply
gloriahurtado Gloria Hurtado
I just walked in right behind Jake Gyllenhal!!! Seriously sitting at a table WITH him. Freaking out! (@ Gjelina) 4sq.com/yyTreZ
Found this from what looks like the 2nd Jan, i think its recent as the beard & khaki trousers are present, Looks like he's getting a ticket..
^^ clickable link here
I love these scenes of everyday life with jake receiving a fine, crowded subway lol
Is that site a Finnish website? I tried to look for a translation site. I couldn't find it. I wouldn't be happy getting a parking ticket either (and I haven't been in the past)
Google toolbar helped--see below. The site asks for better translations and I don't blame them.
"Jake Gyllenhaal was a bitter experience, that celebrity status brings him special rights."
under pic of Jake and friends...translated
"Jake does not believe their eyes received sight of the parking fines."
Translated sentence under third pic.
"Fines do not seem disappointingly Jakea"
Another Reese interview over at People.com. Apparently the years in between divorcing Ryan and meeting Jim were years of great sadness and fear for America's sweetheart. Interesting.
Reese should really be a little classier. It didn't work out, fine. You don't do things like this. She has good PR, but she has no class.
Thanks for the photos link, T!
Reese again?
Ok, I read what she said. What to expect? She will not say good things about Jake.
She just said why she married with Jim, he's a good guy ...
When she was with Jake, she said he was good, he supported her... I remember everyone was compared to Ryan.
This is Reese Witherspoon. She always did it. No surprise.
Next: Taylor Zzzzwift.
Why is that? because she insisted on talking about what life was like before and after Jim, if everyone knows who come before him, sorry for Jake to have wasted more than two years of his life with her
Why is that? because she insisted on talking about what life was like before and after Jim, if everyone knows who come before him, sorry for Jake to have wasted more than two years of his life with her
Sorry, I published two times, delete the second, please!!
I don't think that was a waste. I think he liked her.
They had good times together. It wasn't something forever.
Ugh! I agree, Daniela. I have no respect for her "revised" version of history. I don't think she even considers Jake when she makes these comments. She's referencing her ex-husband's shortcomings, and she's "tone deaf" to how any of it reflects on Jake.
Since she's married to Jim she is about building him up. Her whining about never having anyone "who is good and kind, etc." is a steaming pile of crap.
Her "magical thinking" is so offensive. Unfortunately for her, there's a photogrqaphic record of life with Jake, and her "official position" might marginalize him and minimize their relationship, but it makes her look like a desperate, dishonest & selfish. I wish her no harm, but it's sad that she's so completely lacking in grace.
I'm tired of her and her mediocre career and the transparent hype she resorts to. I only want to look forward to Jake's next projects and I wish him the very best. As Anne Hathaway said, "He's one of the good guys."
OK. done ranting. Sorry. : /
"I don't think that was a waste. I think he liked her.
They had good times together. It wasn't something forever."
You're absolutely right, monica.
Sadly,she's so ungracious she can't even acknowledge that. Even Naomi Watts, married to Liev Schreiber, spoke well of Heath before he passed away.
Yeah bobbyanna, but Reese is NO Naomi Watts. Naomi left Sundance when she heard about Heath. She's one of the good ones.
I had a few choice words for that article, ending with my asking her to please try non-personal chat when she does her next movie interview.
When so many female actors are taking on extraordinary roles of late, she makes God knows what, and is obviously upset, at the sometimes negative critical response and lack of audience interest, especially with Water For Elephants, which I have not seen.
That has to be the reason, she talked in an interview, about how awful Robert Pattinson was as a screen lover, with his horrible green mucous filled nose. ( He had an awful cold) Reese, it is not his fault your movie wasn't your best work.
I don't know Reese, nor do I know Jake personally, but I appreciate his behavior... post all his experiences. That Jake was raised right is apparent, and yeah he IS one of the good ones.
Well said sass I have no further comment on Reese all I can say is that Jake is one of the good ones
Stephanie has the pictures up of Jake leaving the resturant where he got the parking ticket it was in venice on jan 1
I saw what that woman (who shall remain nameless) said about meeting her husband in Elle mag. all I can says is Jake is better off without someone like her
Yes, lots of photographic evidence. Jake with the kids and how they seemed to enjoy being with him. Lots of pictures of Reese and Jake laughing and arms around each other and how she went to see him at least 2 times, maybe 3, when filming Prince of Persia. Long hours to get there and back - just to spend maybe 5 days there.
When making movies they seemed to find time to see each other in respective cities. Even tho they did not speak to the press much about each other there was a time when she did speak about that being a good time in her life.
Maybe he is the one that ended it and felt it couldn't go any further as a relationship. Could that be why she has seemed to act like those almost 3 years didn't exist?
It's silly not to refer to Reese by name. Other than that, I'm going to try to ignore the latest drivel. As Monica said, it was an important time for Jake, but it wasn't forever.
From a story about the person who styled JAke and Anne for EW:
What's the difference in how you approach a shoot now versus when you were working with Rachel Zoe?
When I worked with Rachel, we traveled a lot and there was a lot a lot of stuff. That was the way that she worked, she liked to have a lot of options, and that's how I learned to put a shoot together.
I remember my first shoot by myself was an Entertainment Weekly cover with Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway, and they ended up naked on the cover. I was staying at a friend's house in the Financial District, and her living room was literally filled -- I had every single men's item, every single women's item. And she was like, "Babe. You have to learn how to edit." I got to the shoot and there were, like, nine racks for each of them, and stuff was still coming in during the shoot. We actually got a beautiful shot -- clothed -- inside, but after that shoot, I was like, "I don't want to travel like that anymore. I really just want to travel with the things that I want."
From twitter:
AHHHH!!!! Spotted!!! Jake Gyllenhaal at the sushi restaurant next door to me!!! Soooooo F**KING #sexy!
AHHHH!!!! Spotted!!! Jake Gyllenhaal at the sushi restaurant next door to me!!! <-- he's always there!!!
7 hours ago
I know!! He loves me! LMAO!!
7 hours ago
Not sure if this is a joke or a real sighting:
I checked in at Angeli Caffé (7274 Melrose Ave) on #Yelp bit.ly/um4wct
2 hours ago
you are the second person I know who is eating there tonight. Say hi to @elinashatkin for me!
2 hours ago
in reply to ↑
@Auradawn @elinashatkin dudes Jake Gyllenhaal won't get up from my table. We are waiting!!!
IHJ has new photos of Jake leaving a restaurant in Hollywood:
To conclude, I spoke in waste in the sense that he could have "given" to someone who at least refers to it, even after finishing, as a person who made me well, I do not know what's going on in the head him, but I would be sad to read or know that while I was happy with that person, that person pretend that time did not exist.
It may be silly, but it is my honest opinion.
End of discussion
Thanks UV, it's fun to read about how the EW fashion shoot evolved. I love behind the scenes stuff!
Thanks for the link, monica.
If Jake had to win an Oscar, then Reese will declare: OH Jake has been the greatest love of my life, and I was so devastated when our enormous love finished
Jim? Jim who?
Daniela, I think we all have a negative opinion of Reese at this point. She hasn't been very classy in what she has leaked or implied. I just think it's silly to pretend she didn't/doesn't exist, that's all.
It's a tough subject. I think we're all dealing with it rationally. As we've all said, we just don't want to dwell on it.
Happy New year!
Just got back from a much needed vacation with my BF and for some reason I had a problem posting from my new iphone:(
My favorite Jake moment of 2011 was Source Code and followed by Jake's adventure with Bear Grylls. The joy and excitement on his face was such a thrill to watch.
I see that Jake isback in L.A.!!
I have nothing to add regarding Mrs. Toth :(
From tumblr on 1/2:
i was standing in line at the movie theater and i was just looking around and i turn and hes right there and i just froze staring at him lol i felt bad too. and then he smiled at me and was like “hi there!” and i was like “hiiiii, i like, love you” and he was “why thank you! you’re so nice!” and i didnt wanna ask for a picture cos im sure he was busy and all “and then we got our food and he was like “enjoy your movie”
:D he’s super nice and unf hes so adorable
From JustJared comments today:
I just saw Jake and Maggie eating dinner last night at Angeli Cafe on Melrose. They both looked great! I actually like the beard. Maggie looks like she’s about 6 months pregnant. Her little girl was there too and she’s so cute!
From a story about Sundance celebrity encounters:
While waiting for a table at Zoom, Redford’s restaurant, Mary Ann sat on a bench between her husband, Larry, and another man. Kris, standing nearby, leaned over and whispered “Mary Ann, you’re sitting next to Jake Gyllenhaal.”
“I said ‘What?’” Mary Ann reenacts, raising her voice like she did in the noisy lobby. Again, “Kris said ‘Jake Gyllenhaal’s sitting next to you.’ I said ‘What?’ again, she started to say ‘Jake Gyllenhaal ...’ and I yelled ‘Jake Gyllenhaal! Where?!’ He was right there! He was adorable, and posed for pictures.”
Thank you Monica for the link.
He looks like he just got out of bed in a good way, in a sexy way, hehehe, and for my own surprise after months of waiting for him to put on some jeans I've to say I hate these ones...cargo pants you are forgiven, please come back:)
I'm impressed on how fast his hair grows and a bit jealous I may add.
Here's hoping Jake has a happy and very productive New Year!!
Love the way Jake looks in those pics you linked to Monica. I promise that in the New Year that I won't complain about Jake's chia face pet, LOL!!!
You are so right Bobbyanna, Reese is no Naomi. I just ignore her, it's so easy.
UV, Jake sounds like a sweetheart! Thanks for finding that tumblr account.
(waves to chica!)
This is OT, but maybe not? The NY Daily news is saying Jessica Chastain has the lead in a revival of "The Heiress" on Broadway. They have not yet cast Morris....
"Bolt the door, Mariah!" God, I love that movie! LOL! Who could possibly do justice to a role Montgomery Clift immortalized on film!!! Hmmmm...
Not to spam, but after 30 years, Angeli Caffe is closing on
Jan. 13th. Nice that they had a chance to enjoy a last visit.
Hmmmm, Bobbyanna!! Love that movie too. I would love for Jake to do a broadway play nad this would give him a chance to play a cad as they used to say!
Love the tumblr acct of Jake at the mvies UV. Hope he is seeing something really good like The Artist. What an incredible film, it's has to be the fav. for best picture.
Yeah, I was disappointed she didn't say what movie he was going to :)
Chica, it's good to see you back. Sounds like you had a great holiday.
I promise that in the New Year that I won't complain about Jake's chia face pet, LOL!!!
I'm going to hold you to that, OONP! Hee.
Reese is no Naomi. I just ignore her, it's so easy.
Great approach!
It's nice that Jake and Maggie got one last visit in to that restaurant, Bobbyanna. Thanks for the article.
cargo pants you are forgiven, please come back
I can't agree with that, Paula! I was thrilled to see him not in green!
From twitter:
Just had some sushi with Jake Gyllenhaal and JC Chasez... In a strip mall.
2 hours ago via
Alexander Payne's next project "Nebraska" will start shooting in May
Does this mean no new movie of Jake in 2012?? ><
Jake was in talks to work on a film directed by the writers of The Descendants, not with Alexander Payne.
Palm Springs International Film Festival's Black Tie gala is Saturday (tomorrow)) beginning @
8 PM DST. I'm trying to find out if they will live stream it as they did last year. This year, Michelle Williams is one of the honorees.
I was wondering if Jake will be there for her, but remembered that he did to Natalie last year. So, I think not.
to Monica
Thanks so much!!XD
Hope everyone had a safe and Happy New Year.
I enjoyed Jake on Man Vs wild, that was unexpected but cool.
Looking forward to seeing Jake in EOW in '12.
I'm wondering the same thing, last year he presented the award, if he goes this year is to show support to Michelle and since he is in LA it would be great , I love to see those two.
Wow, time has sure flown, I can't believe we are talking about the The Palm Springs FF already! I would love to see Jake appear to support Michelle.
I think Jake's RRT was my fav as well, he looked so carefree and happy, i'm reslly surprised that he doesn't have his own band, he loves music so much.
I don't know if I will ever get used to Grizzly Adams Jake, it covers up his beautiful face, sigh.
I hope Jake and everyone here on GB had a very Happy New year.
From facebook:
Are Spencer and I the only ones secretly stalking Jake Gyllenhaal while he's in San Francisco?
Not if you tell me where you are..
He's been filming at Alamo Square, snacking at Tartine, and buying jeans at Taylor Stitch... I can almost just smell him, he will be ours...
I love this!! I did Zodiac with Jake a few years ago; he's great!! Be gentle....
If that tweet is accurate that's some great news, both the filming and buying new jeans but my question is filming what??
Paula, Jake has friends in town, so it could just be a personal film or something. But it's not movie.
It seems he really in San Francisco:
Hi Jake Gyllenhaal here's your guacamole and escabeche!!
Something tells me that Jake will be very busy after Berlin
Me too, Daniela!
Focus features is conducting a pool to choose their top 10 movies, let's all vote for BBM, it´s currently in third place but it deserves the nº1
Wow! Thanks monica! Yes it looks like he's in SF. That restaurant, Gracias Madre looks good, too.: )
I saw Tinker, Tailor last night. it was pretty good. I love Gary Oldman and I hope he'll finally get recognition this year. I think it may boil down to him and Brad Pitt.
Paula C., I hope you are right. I want Jake to be very busy, too.
Is Jake in San Francisco now?
The link was cut in half, let me try again
I looove Gary Oldman!
looks like Jake loves San Fran, at least the paps don't bother him there. I wonder if he's doing anything for Edible Schoolyard again.
From twitter
curiousmikie Michael Murphy
Number 23 in line at Ferry Plaza Blue Bottle this morning: a bearded (but still HOT) Jake Gyllenhaal. Getting his hipster on.... (SF Style).
Yeah, guess he's at the Farmer's Market @ the Ferry Bldg/Plaza. Here's another confirmation.
"RIGHT NOW in San Francisco: Jake Gyllenhaal shopping at SF ferry building farmers' market. (Sat 11:16AM)"
Guess that's a long way from Palm Springs...altho, I hear they have planes now... : ) But I agree that it's doubtful he'll go to the film festival.
It doesn't look like he will make it to Palm Springs with all the SF tweets popping up but who knows? It took me going through seversl retweets to find this, LOL!!:
jake gyllenehalalhynalhallandoatmeal has left the market w/his lady friend and kale. you may go back to your day.
Jake and Mr. Grylls was hands down my favorite Jake moment of 2011, here's hoping for more surprised and good scrits for Jake in 2012.
3 hours ago
Jessica Chan
Celeb sighting this AM: a super bearded Jake Gyllenhaal hiking the Marin headlands in a grey T-shirt."
Marin Headlands national park area is right across the Golden Gate Bridge from SF. If you saw the recent movie of Planet of the Apes, it's the area where James Franco and Freda Pinto go with Caesar. There's a lot to love about that whole area, including SF. In addition to loving twitter. : )
LOL, Bobbyanna. Twitter SFO really does a good job on Jake detail!
Some funny tweets and follow-ups:
Jake Gyllenhaal is shopping at the Ferry Building? BRB. #sendbailmoney
thedapperdiner Dapper Diner
Jake Gyllynhalalylanl is at the SF ferry bldg farmers mkt buying kale. ladies, you may now come down & drop your panties.
6 hours ago
MonasApple Monica Nista
@thedapperdiner been there, done that. in central park. shirtless. running.
6 hours ago
in reply to ↑
Dapper Diner
@MonasApple did you eyefuck him like @carinaost?
5 hours ago via Mobile Web
Favorite Retweet Reply
replies ↓
MonasApple Monica Nista
@thedapperdiner yes. after i added about 2 miles of running onto my own run (which was ending 25 yards after i saw him).
2 hours ago
Jake Gyllenhall enjoying lunch here at Fish!
4 hours ago
I think that's this place.
CarinaOst Carina Ost
Just spotted Jake Gylenhall at the market
6 hours ago
uppityfag Patrick Connors
@CarinaOst WHAT?!?!?! Which one? Where are you?? JAKE!!
6 hours ago
in reply to ↑
Carina Ost
@uppityfag @deeezeee ferry building. He was with a girl carrying dinosaur kale
6 hours ago via Seesmic
Favorite Retweet Reply
replies ↓
uppityfag Patrick Connors
@CarinaOst @deeezeee OMG Which was carrying kale - Jake or his gal? Jake probably needs some help carrying his sexy butt around. HELP HIM!
6 hours ago
deeezeee Deee Zeee
@CarinaOst He would be with a girl carrying dinosaur kale in SF all casual like. He so would! @uppityfag
6 hours ago
bumped into a heavily-bearded jake gyllenhaal hiking on a trail in Marin this AM...celeb-doppelgänger? ;-)
1 hour ago
Also, it's funny how people always report Jake filming in SFO. Maybe he was doing something for Edible Schoolyard or maybe they are just nuts!
He was also reportedly at a ramen place.
And from tumblr:
Stood within 6 feet of Jake Gyllenhaal today. He smiled at me as I goofily stared.
He came to the booth where I work at the ferry plaza farmers market with his lady friend. She bought a couple things and he kind of hung back, but my god, he is just as beautiful in person. Apparently he is from the bay area, so it makes sense. I can’t believe he SMILED AT ME though!!!
Totally made my week. Maybe my month.
I think the week and the month are the same thing at this point :)
These are fun twitters, UV.
Love all the tweets UV!
And I love Gary Oldman too.
TTSS great. Oldman should
get Oscar nomination...may win.
I'm loving these tweets! definitely lots of fun.
I'm also learning so much about kale!; ) who knew dinosaur Kale from that other kale he was talking about that time? Now my big question is...will they go off somewhere to cook kale together! LOL!
Kenneth Branagh is who will present the award for Michelle Williams.
In Palm Springs:
"The Artist" director is getting his award and then Michelle Williams will be up for her presentation. This is the link for the livestream if you are interested in watfching:
Thanks, Bob.
Berenice Bejo, The Artist actress, was in Knight's Tale with Heath. She was the friend of Heath's love interest in the film.
thanks for all the tweet updates guys Jake sure loves SF
love the tweets, though I don't know what someone meant by Jake being from the bay area? he was born and grew up in LA.
I'd love to go to San Fran, I have some relatives that live there.
OMG, yes, monica! she looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn't place her! Thank you!
From twitter
foodiehunter foodiehunter
yes. jake gyllenhall paid a visit to hapa ramen today.
12 hours ago
The tweets from SF are almost as fun as the NY tweets....almost, LOL!!
Thanks so much for posting them, sounds like he is have a fantastic weekend there.
For those of you who care, the interview done by Reese is a ploy to keep Jim Toth from leaving the marriage. My sources (not bloggers) tell me that Jim is on the way out of the marriage. Shes just not a very nice person never has been since childhood.
poor Jake:(
" @brittanyf354
Brittany Faircloth
Jake Gyllenhaal is at The Italian Oven #lovemyjob
1 hours ago"
The Italian Oven poster was joking:
"no not really... but I swear on my life it's his twin haha #sosexy"
(It's a restaurant chain with locations in Atlanta and Pennsylvania, but not SF or LA.)
I think that was a lookalike on that last tweet.
The foodiehunter guy wrote about the experience of seeing Jake and Anne here.
I didn't watch the Palm Springs FF. Was the tribute to Michelle well done?
I saw The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo yesterday and liked it much more than I thought I would. I wonder what it's like for people who haven't read the book, if it gets confusing. It was nice to have the book to draw from when watching.
Daniel Craig doesn't even bother trying a Swedish accent, but he looks fantastic and is lovingly filmed by Fincher. It made me ling for Jake to have a role like this, a long, intense movie where you get to see all different aspects of the character he plays.
I think Rooney Mara did an incredible job. She's not the Lisbeth that was in my head, but I don't think any actress could have been. It's not a great movie, but then again, it's not a great book. It is a good movie of a good book, very skillfully done.
I was surprised how much I liked The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo UV. Daniel and Rooney were fantastic. I didn't read the book so I didn't have a fixed image on the characters in my head.
Excellent, intense direction by Fincher, but the scenes of violence may not be everyone's cup of tea.
Didn't Marcus and Sons have their tour filmed for a documentary? I'm sure that Jake will be in that, can't wait!
Maybe the tribute to Michelle at the PS FF is on youtube od their site UV, don't think it aired.
Lots of funDonnie Darko tweets, it's airing in the UK!
Jake is still on SF:
It was Hollywood in Hayes Valley today...Jake Gyllenhaal came into the store and John Waters was walking the sidewalks.
3 hours ago
I saw the livestream of the PSIFF presentation last night. Michelle's comments were heartfelt about her role and MM. She was obviously nervous so she read them, and read them very well.
Kenneth Brannaugh's presentation was littered with cliches(!). The film clips of her movies was well done and included the BBM scene of ALma in the doorway discovering Ennis & Jack kissing.
Thanks Extra & UV, for your reactions to Dragon Tattoo. I read the books and saw all the Swedish versions. Haven't seen Fincher's, altho I've heard it's very good. Noomi Rapace was so good as Lisbeth Salander, and it's such an intense story,I'm still not ready...: )
Not to spam, but I guess Jake's back in LA:
"Jake Gyllenhaal was on my plane coming to Burbank."
And one more from a SF fashion blogger: (I'm almost afraid to believe it)
"The trip to the barber was more exciting than normal, since we just missed Jake Gyllenhall getting a shave, apparently"
fingers crossed that Jake got a shave well i leave on my cruise tomorrow so I guess ill have to wait till i get back to find out if he did or not ill be back on friday
UV, I have not seen TGWDT. I saw Moneyball, 50/50 and Beginners.
I really liked Moneyball. Best performance of Brad and if the Oscar doesn't go to Gary Oldman, I'll be happy if Brad Pitt win.
I liked 50/50. It was exciting.
Beginners is my favorite of what I saw. It goes beyond the work of Christopher Plummer.
It is a very beautiful film. It's a great little movie.
I fall in love again with Ewan McGregor.
I really liked momey ball too brad pitt did a great job
Mary, Have a wonderful trip! Enjoy yourself every minute.
I Saw TGWTDT and loved it, like Extra said I didn't read the books so I went with a free mind,the scenes were intense especially the rape scene, Great job from Craig and Mara.
Monica, I loved Beginners too,Plummer was extraordinary and Ewan and the adorable dog, I wanted to bring the dog home!!
Bobbyanna, I know it sounds really bad but I hope there is some paps photos of Jake soon, I want to see that shaved face.
Mary, enjoy your trip!
A shaved Jake?? We will soon find out if he is back in L.A., the paps always track him down.
I have not seen the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo yet, but I saw Moneyball and My Weekend with Marilyn and both Michelle and Brad give great performances, especially Michelle.
Have a fun cruise Mary!
Mary, have a wonderful, fun time on your cruise!!!
Paula C. I don't think "it sounds really bad"! I want to see some photos of Jake too!('Specially if he shaved!)
I have to agree with monica, the Beginner was beautiful, above & beyond Christopher Plummer, who was wonderful. Ewan McGregor steals your heart.
OMG, Michelle was incredible! I loved her! YouTube has clips of the real Marilyn in scenes from TP&TS and Michelle nailed it. The singing and dancing was a bonus.
I loved Brad and Moneyball, too. If you haven't seen Young Adult, Charlize does a great job with her character. Very authentic.
Some people debate which is more difficult: to play a character based on a real person, or create a character from nothing. I think it's kind of a circular discussion, bcz each has their own challenges.
I also want photos!!
I confess I was already getting used to the beard
Jayne Mansfield's Car, film directed by Billy Bob Thornton, is going to Berlin. The film was selected for the competition.
And the film 'In The Land of Blood and Honey', directed by Angelina Jolie, will have a special presentation.
have fun on the cruise, Mary. I'd always wanted to do that.
Jake shaved! (oh please don't toy with me!) I can't wait to see that beautiful face again.
Shayna Proctor
Well, apparently Jake Gyllenhaal likes to hike and is polite. He stood to the side and let me and Jane pass him saying it was "no problem." "
Well, according to various entertainment sites, it seems Jake is going to be a presenter at the Golden Globes this Sunday! Now I believe the tweet about shaving.
Natalie Portman will also present.
yay about him presenting at the GG
Thank you, Bob.
When I read this twitter about shave, I was wondering if he would be one of the presenters of the Golden Globe.
Yay!! What a way to start the New Year. A freshly shaved Jake presenting st the GG awards!! Looking forward to seing him all gusied up on the red carpet, he sure cleans up well :)
Have a great vacation Mary!
Yes, Yes!! Good news.
Bobbyanna, do you know what award is he going to present?
Let's hope he does the red carpet!
Jake Gyllenhaal Leaves CAA For WME
Not long after leaving his longtime manager, actor Jake Gyllenhaal has left his longtime agency. He grew up, so to speak, at CAA as one of Kim Hodgert’s first clients. I’m assured his departure is not because of anything she has done. “He needed to make a change after 15 years. He has enormous respect for CAA.” He will now be repped by WME’s Patrick Whitesell.
NYTimes Q&A Patrick Whitesell
Ari Emanual's partner at WMA. He sounds good for Jake.
Thanks Monica ,I was expecting this move to WME after Maggie did the same. I can only wish the best of luck and good working material for Jake, he deserves it.
The new agent seems like he knows what he's doing, Affleck, Damon , Bale and now Jake, that's what I call a damn good client list.
I'm doing a "Happy Dance!" SO glad Jake has turned the page, and making a fresh start!! This is wonderful news! Ari Emanuel's got an awesome rep! Jeremy Piven's character, Ari Gold on Entourage is based on Ari Emanuel. He's a legend! : ) Yaaay!
Oh Sí!
Thanks, anon. There's some good stuff on Google about Patrick Whitesell and an interview on YouTube with him and Ari.
This is wonderful news! Ari Emanuel's got an awesome rep! Jeremy Piven's character, Ari Gold on Entourage is based on Ari Emanuel.
I thought it said he was being repped by Patrick Whitesell.
Yes, "anon" but Whitesell and Emanuel co-own and they're equal. Jake is repped by Whitesell, but Ari wields a lot of influence. They work together.
Oh~~~I am so happy for Jake.
Actually I am not planning to watch GG Award this year,now I have to.XD
is not because of anything she has done.
She wasn't doing a good job for him lately.
Looking for Jake's career, after the release of POP, he signed for just one film that was End of Watch.
Laod and Source Code were before the release of POP.
You're right monica. I attribute the lack of roles in equal parts of Jake being offered parts he turned down, as well as not being offered parts that went to someone else.
For example, and I'm not saying this happened, but if you're Jake and you're offered a part in a Denzel Washington movie about a runaway train, and also given a script like Source Code to read, which one would you be attracted to?
If you had a chance to work with Katherine Heigl in a romcom, or with Natalie Portman and James Sheridan, what would you do? These are often the kind of choices actors face. A crapshoot.
A good agent will know what's "in the pipeline" and really strategize how to best position his/her client. It can be very discouraging. I think Jake's had a rough couple of years.
It's the whole package IMO. He's been let down by his PR people, and his manager too. Sometimes when an actor has problems with his team, he overcompensates and starts second guessing them, and being his own agent/manager/PR person/Producer.
This signals a "turning the page" and a new beginning. I'm glad he did it. I am very excited and very optimistic. I hope he has the a comfort and trust he didn't have any longer with CAA.
Big news. Hopefully a turning point for the better in Jake's career.
New post for the new team, though there are no new photos.
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