Jake Gyllenhaal was one of several stars on a WWE special Tribute To The Troops". Jake taped a holiday message of thanks and good wishes. Messages from Nicole Kidman, Robin Williams, Bradley Cooper and McBongo, among others, were shown.
This autograph hunter seemed to catch Jake and some WWE types and other celebs on November 26, near the Millennium Broadway Hotel in NYC.

Jake was spotted at the LA Watch The Throne show:
VIP Profiling! Kobe, Cudi, Big Sean, Drake, Jake Gyllenhal, Joe Jonas, etc.
1 hour ago Favorite Retweet Reply
Backstage eating Catering at WTT. #NoHumbleBrag #JustBragging Hahaha.
3 hours ago
Spotted: jake gyllenhal at #WatchTheThrone #heaven
2 hours ago
Jake and WWE? How wonderful. Two of my favourite indulgencies, its pure entertainment. Now if Hugh Jackman can host a WWE show so successfully so can Jake. It would be fabulous fun. I love some of the initiatives that WWE have started for the kids such as anti-bullying, stay in school, etc. Jake and UV you put a big smile on my face today that's likely to stay all day. Love this!
What a nice find, UV! When I first saw the WWE tweets, I thought Jake was there, then realized the show was taped a while ago in N.C. and aired last night. Instead, Jake was enjoying WTT one more time! : )
I don't expect the GG to nominate Jake or Source Code tomorrow, even tho both are deserving, but I'm still hoping! :)
UV, you just made my day. we all know how much this means to our troops. During the Vietnam days, I remember how terrible our country's citizen's...not all...were to the troops, as they came home to anger, confusion and disrespect.
I pray we will forever honor our troops, and never forget, that they are the reason, we can have fun with our friends, on GyllenBabble, babbling about our favorite actor in the Universe, Jake G!
This is wonderful, I forwarded this to my Niece's husband, they are at Ft Hood in TX and he just returned from Iraq.
I'm sure he saw it as I and others have. It is so important to support the troops overseas and when they return home.
Thnaks so muh for posting this UV.
I have my fingers crossed too Bobbyanna for a GG nomination for SC, that would be fantastic.
My fingers are crossed too for an GG nom.
Im glad to see Jake showing his support for the troops my son is in the navy.
Guess Jake is back in LA now hes back in my time zone:)
Stephanie has posted pics in the gallery of Jake arriving at LAX yesterday and then leaving a sushi resturant hes wearing the same clothes so he must of gotten something to eat soon after he arrived and wearing the green pants:)
Thanks, mary. SAG nominations were just announced. No real surprises. I guess these are the most accurate guide to what AMPAS will do with Oscar noms.
It is a beautiful message of Jake Gyllenhaal. Thank you.
Bobbyana, there were some surprises as no-nomination for Fassbender, Oldman, Carey Mulligan and Drive.
I don't understand all this love for Melissa McCarthy and Bridesmaids. Must be one of the worst comedies I've ever seen.
I love when Jake does these types of things.
what is Watch the Throne?
and was Jake nominated for a Sag?
monica, I didn't expect a lot from them, that's what I meant. It was a big yawn. There were a lot of great performances overlooked, and I sort of agree about Bridesmaids. It had some funny moments, but only one decent performance,IMO, from Kristen Wiig.
Watch the Throne is the Jay-Z and Kanye West Concert that Jake also saw in NY, Lily.
Jake must have loved the Watch the throne concert to see it twice.
Nice video of WWE, its nice to be praised like that for serving your country.
I'm starting to get the feeling that this trips to LA in such short period are related to some future project, at least I hope so.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a GG nomination for SC, I remember last year I was pleasantly surprise with Jake's nomination for LOAD, what i'm not surprised is with a non nomination for Drive, I didn't like the movie at all and also don't understand bridesmaid
What a great thing for Jake the other actors to do for the troops. It is so important for them to know that they are appreciated and supported.
I was surprised that Fassenbender was snubbed for a SAG and I don't get the Bridesmaid/McCarthy praise too. Wasn't she nominated for a L.A. critics award as well?
Well if what he looks like now is current (with the beard and all) then yes it's him
19 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
yepjustmedrea Drea
Omgahhh i just saw Jake Gyllenhaal at oakland airport just an hour ago ahhh wow
20 minutes ago
What's with all these Jake Gyllenhaal sitings in Berkeley? I still haven't seen him.
1 hour ago via Twitter for Android
Looks like Jake's LA visit was a very short one. He did the same thing last week when he stopped in at LA, went to San Fran and then back to NY. I hope that maybe he is involved in a new project or in talks about a new project.
What A beautiful message for our troops. So happy that they are coming home from Iraq and hopefully soon from Afghanistan.
I don't think we will hear Jake's name called tomorrow for a GG nomination either Bobbyanna but I'll keep my fingers crossed!
Last year was a nice surprise.
He may be working on a new project, NY, L.A., SF I sense a pattern , hmmmm.
I finally got the opportunity to watch the actor's RT and enjoyed myself immensely, especially Robert Duvall's mentioning the 50+ takes that Stanley Kubrick often did on set...and how Kubrick was the Actor's enemy. And then RD goes on about how commercial directors (DF was one of those I think) shoot many takes. Mark said that once Fincher walked past him for the 309509 take:) and arranged a fellow actor to his right behind him. He then realized the many takes he was doing were for background placement and scenery. Jake, whose dad is a director, had to know that.
It seems that many actors feel as Jake does...certainly Robert Duvall does... he said so many times, though it didn't seem he knew they were talking about Fincher for a while. His hearing may be going just a bit...as is mine:)
I haven't ever heard Ryan talk and enjoyed listening to him. I see why Jake admires him so much.
I know Peter Jackson made a big mistake not keeping him on The lovely bones. Oh well.
And so it goes,
nite nite all,
Thought there were some surprises at the SAG nominations. If nothing else Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy not getting an ensamble nomination. Full of truely great actors.
But this year with all the critics awards and such have been all over the map.
There's a picture up on twitter of Jake with Alice Waters and kids from Edible Schoolyards. It looks like it may have been taken today or very recently. His Hair and beard look like they did yesterday. He's changed his pants. : )
( Wish I could link properly.)
Edible Schoolyards offices are in Berkeley CA.
Stephanie posted the picture in the gallery @ IHJ.
From twitter about an hour ago:
"Fun surprise on my southwest flight back from oakland....a bearded mr jake gyllenhaal"
THe tweeter's L.A. based. Glad to kno I can run into Jake on SW Airlines. : )
I am so happy that Jake is involved in the Edible Schoolyard, was he made a spokeman or something like that? If I were to meet Jake I think I'd thank him for bringing a spotlight on a worthwhile cause, teaching kids where their food comes from and how to grow it. One of my fondist childhood memory is the garden my father grew, we rarely had to go to the produce section of the market during the summertime.
I'm also glad he brought attention to New Eyes for the Needy
A birthday party for Jake?
Hence, good wine, a great restaurant for dinner and...Jake Gyllenhaal's birthday celebration. Grandfather would've chuckled.
38 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
Must admit: though entirely surreal, a lovely distraction from the larger task of mourning the loss of my grandfather. So, thank you Jake.
1 hour ago
But I do take your point. :)
1 hour ago
Yes, but he didn't know. Was a surprise and we were in an extremely low profile restaurant downtown.
1 hour ago Favorite Retweet Reply
It is and isn't. His friends brought the cake out from the back, so he had no idea. Super mellow, low profile restaurant.
1 hour ago
It's just us and the party. He's surrounded by famous friends, all rather low key. Stars: they're just like us w/their titty cakes.
1 hour ago
Strange to randomly be at the intimate restaurant where Jake Gyllenhaal is celebrating his birthday. He just got a boob cake. Really.
1 hour ago
And someone disappointed to have missed Jake:
2 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply
2 hours ago
he came to the garden vfeghijfexnkuds
2 hours ago
OMMGG WHATT whyy werent we there?!!
2 hours ago
in reply to ↑
oooooh I'm piiissssed
I'd be mad, too!
No comment on the Jake cake :)
Sheba, so good to see you! I assumed you are a WWE fan because of your sn, but then I realized it might just be what you like! I definitely would never have thought of Jake involved in a WWE event, but there you go. He does like to surprise us.
Mary, my father was a Navy man, too!
Sass, I'll have to check out that discussion. I can't imagine Duvall having to put up with Fincher's BS.
Speaking of Fincher, I saw Rooney Mara on Letterman and she was skeletal. It was scary. I've read a few things about the some-say creepy relationship she developed with Fincher. I don't know about that but I do hope she doesn't take on Lisbeth Salander's persona full-time.
That's a nice photo of Jake. I'll add it to the post.
Sorry if I missed anything. Work is killing me - hence my being up at 3AM. The next month is going to be hell, so please forgive any lapses.
Fingers crossed for tomorrow morning, but I fear we're all going to be disappointed.
Thanks for posting that photo, Bobbyanna. That was Jake's PR firm that tweeted it. Apparently they remembered that he's a client :)
Lastly, from FB:
Jake Gyllenhaal at gas station currently...Y U NO ASK ME FOR PICTURE WHILE I PUMP GAS???
Share · 4 hours ago via mobile ·
Did you give him my number??
4 hours ago
Lol no i just said hey bubble boy is my fav movie lol he laughed n then drove away
3 hours ago
Oh come on Gordon, you just ruined that opportunity for me! Haha. I'm glad the first thing you thought to tell him was that bubble boy was your favorite movie.
And this was sweet:
I met you today in the airport. I was carrying two whining babies and you were super nice and cracked a smile. :) Thanks for making my crazy stressful day a little easier! "Merry Christmas!"
Great job by the WWE and the actors like Jake to thank the troops.
Some of the SAG noms were expected like The Artist and The Help but I was surprised about Tinker omission.
The GG's are coming up this morning.
That cake sounds fine to me UV!
Here are the GG nominations, nothing for SC or Jake unforunately:
Love that Hugo got a best pic nom.
Oh and The Ides of March was nominated. Really? Talk about Clooney love overload along with the Descendents.
PS: Rooney Mara's nomination is a joke. I read about the creepy relationship that developed between her and Fincher too UV.
CNN joked HFPA loves Clooney so much, they nominated him for everything they could. IMO, while I'm glad Fassbender was recognized, and not surprised by his nom, it seems there were only two spots open, bcz Pitt, Clooney, and Leo were locked in.
I feel bad, even tho I didn't expect any love for Jake or SC, but I was disappointed Gary Oldman and Michael Shannon were overlooked. I wasn't impressed with either Descendants or Ides for any nominations. There were other more worthy choices.
I know how you feel bobbyanna...Perhaps the Academy will add to the list. Gary Oldman should not be ignored this year...and Michael Shannon...unbelievable. Jake can't be happy, but things will get better. He's nearly 20 years younger than GC and has lots of time to get an Oscar or be nominated again. Have to look at nominations later.
Babblers is there no category for SCI-Fi movies? Jake had a birthday celebration...here or CA? He'll be 31 this year. YAY!! A boob cake...hmmmm...Men:)
back later,
The Ides of March nominations are a joke. That really irks me. And yes, I'll admit to being irrationally angry/jealous that Gosling was nominated twice, but he did not deserve it for Ides. No one/nothing in the movie did.
I agree with everything you said Bobbyanna, that list is a Joke.
I've said it before and will say it again, can somebody tell me in which part was Ryan Gosling in Ides of March better than Jake in SC.
I'm rooting for Charlize or Michelle, for Owen Wilson because i just loved Midnight and for Christopher Plummer.
I'm pretty sure Pitt or Clooney will take best actor and Ides for best pic, it's a Joke.
UV, while I was writing my comment you where commenting exactly the same thing, LOL
UV, your anger's not irrational...in my unbiased opinion. ; )
Is it irrational of me to imagine Jake in Ides or Drive? Bcz he would have been elctrifying, amazing. And I don't dislike Ryan at all, I've enjoyed his films, and clearly this is his year.
I'm particularly upset about Ides, given Jake's history of interest in it. Mike Nichols and Jake would have done wonders with it. I don't think it was well executed or well cast. I found it cliched and sophomoric.
Sad how they still snubbing Gary Oldman.
I have not seen The Ides of March, but I saw Crazy Stupid Love and Ryan is support in this movie. He's fine, but getting an nomination for this?
Michelle Williams will probably win. Jake should be happy for her.
Sass, there is no catogory for Sci-Fi sadly because I think that Jake definately would have been nominated.
Ides nomination is a joke, it must have to do with Clooney and HFPA's love for him:(
I'm so happy for Michele,I think she has a good shot at winning.
Looks like Jake had an early B-day celebration:)
I can see clearly what I had suspected, there is something more in the choice of actors and films to be nominated who is not only for being the best, as I have no experience as much as you can not explain what it is, but I I'm sure that has something
Daniela, I know what it is, the Golden Globes nominations are a invitation of " who's most popular this year".
The snubbing of Oldman is a head scratcher. I like Ryan but 2 nominations? He didn't deserve it for Ides, and the film didn't deserve it either.
Too bad SC has been overlooked :(
it's sad that SC got snubbed, I can watch that movie over and over again. In face I was watching it last weekend.
LOL Jake got a boob cake, I am assuming he's still in LA?
Good luck Michelle, it would be great if she won.
TY Chica...
I'm going to see The Descendants this afternoon. 50/50 was nominated for a GG, and was a great movie, but then I do love JGL.
Maybe GC and Leo don't care for Jake very much unless they are in business together. They had to know he was interested in the play! God don't like ugly...Jake's time will come.
How did it become like this? GC is not a better actor than Michael Shannon, see "Boardwalk Empire."
Jake has had such a sad time, with parents splitting...no matter how old you are it still hurts and badly...I know.
Heath's death, His grandmother's death, and the end publicly of whatever that was he was in with that person who shall remain nameless.
He is a private person whose trying to survive and he is such a open book emotionally...I love him and I don't like how DF and GC are treating him. Bollocks!
I didn't like TIOM though I did enjoy Ryan and other actors. GC acting like GC may be the way he wanted to play the role but it didn't make me not go to sleep.
I have not and will not see the comedy Ryan was nominated for. I can't. It's rather a young folks movie to me. I will see TTSS... Take Shelter...W.E. and others but not until January. I can see 5 at a time reduced rate here the week before Oscar day...maybe I will do that...
I do hope Gary Oldman gets the Academy's attention...usually they try to do the right thing...Maybe these people didn't read John le Carré's novel. TTSS has 84% on Rotten Tomatoes site just as Jake's movie, SC, rated 92%, same site!
Indeed I don't believe that there were possibility for Jake this year, SC it is a beautiful film but it is not of the type that is rewarded to the Oscars or to the GG
What is GC, DF, TTSS?
Paula C.
May also be why
I´m pretty sure the Bafta awards and the Academy will correct the enormous mistake the GG made with excluding TTSS and Gary Oldman.
I also think that Kristen Dunst should have landed a nomination for Melancholia
From twitter
Grace Helbig
Thought I saw Jack Gyllenballs at a coffee shop. Turns out it was Jake Gyllenhaal. #bummer
GC is not a better actor than Michael Shannon
No, but he's a star and Michael Shannon not. This is important for the Golden Globe.
They distribute the votes for the largest number of stars, just to have a good audience.
In addition, there are other things. Parties, gifts ...
GC: George Clooney.
DF: David Fincher
TTSS: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Paula, Charlotte Gainsbourg has the best performance of Melancholia.
I too was so disappointed by Ryan''s performance in Ides. I saw Jake doing a much better performance as I watched. It was very wooden. I do love Ryan but love means never having to say you're sorry so I call it what it was. No love for Jake this year in all the awards sections. What they did with Source Code on the budget they had and the shed load of money they made??? The mind boggles. What's a guy to do?? We now know they are about being popular. I hope other categories get introduced such as comedy, sci fi, horror. I hope Jake takes his time to choose a great role. He's got so so much to look forward to in 2012 such as new nephew/niece and visiting me in the UK for the London 2012 Olympics.
Oh and er... Yes UV I watch it because of my boys... Yes that's it. Edge is my favourite next to HHH. To each his own eh! :D
Jake was never up for the role in Ides of March. He had originally been attached to the play when it was still called Farragut North, but it never happened.
Leonardo DiCaprio had originally been attached to the film version but pulled out.
Exactly. And also we can not blame others because Jake is not getting roles.
Jake and his team are responsible for it. He accepted roles that didn't well for his career.
OT, but not. Today @ the dentist's our movie discussion turned into a Jake love fest. : )All I said was I've "retired" Clooney,and Jake was my favorite.
They went crazy. I got every single detail of the PoP plot, the Dagger of Time, and how cool his accent was, etc.,etc.,etc. They segued from PoP to LAOD, to SC. The hygenist has watched PoP 6 times. She's 38.
They adore him. They think he's the hottest, most amazing actor in existence. I didn't say a word after I first mentioned his name. I was so surprised by their enthusiasm, I just let them talk about him. : )
I guess my point is,Jake's audience has grown. His box office numbers hold up with RG and RR. I might not agree with his choices, but not going to say he made bad choices.
The Suits are fickle. I think Jake needed to up his profile, become more well known. He's done that with PoP and LAOD.
I was surprised, but even with BBM & Zodiac, he wasn't well known beyond a select audience. He also needed to get beyond BBM and DD.
I thought with Jarhead he'd done that, but people are just starting to "discover" his other movies, and it's because they've seen PoP or LAOD. People needed to see he could do more. So if PoP roped them in, it appears they stay after seeing what else he has to offer. : )
I hope Jake starts producing his own stuff like everyone else seems to be doing.
I guess I have a different view than some of you regarding "what if" Jake had done Ides of March.
I don't think he would have done much more with the role than RG, not because he's less talented, but because of inherent flaws in the way that character was conceived and written.
I never bought that someone in that position - communications advisor in a national Presidential campaign - would be a naive, innocent lamb who was shocked to learn that politics is a dirty business. I think he would be more intense, harder, much smarter...... sort of a young, dialed back Rahm Emanuel. The character as written and directed just did not ring true to me. Jake would have just been in yet another earnest, serious, innocent nice guy role. He's done enough of those IMO.
I'm truly not much of a Ryan Gosling fan, but I don't think there was much else he could do with that role. And.... I really don't think it's an award worthy performance (or movie, for that matter).
"The character as written and directed just did not ring true to me."
Excellent points,Suvee. I agree with you about Ides, as written and developed by George Clooney. But I'd like to think that if Jake and Mike Nichols had done it, it might have been reworked and interpreted differently.
Ryan's interpretation of that character never seemed to live up to the hype that surrounded him, as some young, hotshot Media guy.
I think Jake could have brought an energy, an intensity, a charm. an aura of the "political operator" (always selling) to the role that was the antithesis on the earnest young idealist.
I would love to see Jake work with Clooney, but what's done is done.
Jake needs to move on quickly and find other good script and directors.( I also think George Cloonet is a good director but not great)
BTW, isn't Crazy,Stupid,Love a Steve Carell's movie??(I have seen it, Steve is great)but he didn't get nom for leading role?? What a joke.
Maybe GG think RG has become a Hollywood darling, they NEED to nominate the world most popular star.(just kidding XD)
A really cold and cheerless year for Jake fans....
oh, Viv, not so cold & cheerless. Even tho he has yet to sign on to a new project, Source Code came out this year and it surpassed expectations. Jake had an adventure with Bear Grylls this year.
BTW: Roeper just put out his
Top 11 Movies list and Source Code is #7.
Twitter spotted Jake and Adam Levine having lunch in SilverLake today.
Thank you, bobbyanna :)
I just a little upset when hearing Ryna G., Ryan. Renolds, Bradley Coper, JGL or James F. etc,getting so many new projects.... I will be patient. XD
Excellent points you make Bobbyanna. I love the account of the dental hygienest and their love of and discovery of Jake and that they could talk about him for hours. I've had a few if those encounters and they are surprising and thrilling as it supports my hypothesis that I'm not crazy for this guy no one's heard about. I'm still hurt by PoP and what it could have been. Such as having it's premier as the Royal Film Performance in London instead of Chronicles of Narnia Dawn Treader. Our Prince with Prince William last year. Anyway yes we do need to move on as Jake has. With age comes experience and he's in his prime right now. With this guy ..... We know ANYTHING is possible.
Looks like there was a screen of EOWlast night from twitter,
Jake Gyllenhaal & Michael Pena...wow! Amazing movie!
I went to an advanced screening tonight. Just got back from watching it and it was better than I expected.
we actually did sign a paper that says we can't talk about it,but I will say it's a mix of Harsh Times, Drive, Cops, and Training Day. Very emotional,funny, and realistic. Definitely go watch it,out next year. :)
oh yeah,applause when it was over, then we all filled out a survey saying what we like/didn't like and I am sure his performance will be acknowledged,especially by law enforcement community/families
I love the discussion here on Jake's film choices and the GG nominations.
I was hoping for a nomination but I'm not surprised. Summit is doing nothing to promote SC and yes 50% of the nominating process is promotion and not just hoping critics will notice just your proformance.
I remember the push for Jake and Anne last year for LAOD and it resulted in GG nominations. The film didn't get one since it was poorly received but most critics liked them, here with SC it recieved solid reviews and Jake got good reviews andyet it's barely registering.
I love Ryan G and Michele but their PR teams work overtime as does Leo's. A nomination for Ides of March? He did nothing with that role, not his fault but no way should he have recieved one. I'll give him Crazy Stupid Love, but not for Ides.
Love the message to the troops video and it looks like Jake is becoming a fan of Watch The Throne!!!
I saw that titty cake tweet and cracked up, hee, hee!
Thanks Anon., that blurb from the EOW sounds promising.
Thanks so much Anon, great news for EOW, I'm rooting so much for Jake and this movie.
I don't get all the Clonney buzz, I mean I love his humanitarian work and his attitude of who don't give a damn to what other people think ( like me), but i don't find the man attractive and he's not that great of a actor, the only think that connects me to him is my Nespresso machine
We're having great discussions here: I love that. I guess I will move on and know that my favorite actor will not be overlooked again.
Michael Shannon is awesome in Boardwalk Empire. I didn't know who he was when I saw him in Revolutionary Road, but I never forgot his performance. I wish him well.
I plan to see Take Shelter and Fincher's movie later this month.
back later,
Thanks for the clue in on EOW, I wonder if it has a distributor?
Lily, David Ayer said he would show to an audience first and then he would show the film to buyers. So, I think the film has no distributor yet.
Sass, did you see that special of some actors for the The New York Times?
My favorites: Brad Pitt, Gary Oldman, Michael Shannon, Jessica Chastain and Viola Davis.
Thanks for that link Monica, I love Viola Davis.
I hope that EOW gets a distributor soon.
DavidRay3 David Ray
Best company holiday lunch! Celebrity sightings of Lo with her new bf, Kevin Bacon & Jake Gyllenhaal @Polo Lounge in Beverly Hills Hotel!
just jared jared has pictures of Jake leaving a medical center today
he doesn't look pleased, but the medical building is one place the paps love to hang out. He's gotten caught there plenty of times by them. I wonder if this visit has anything to do with any upcoming projects?
Lily, I have a feeling it does. Normally actors have to do a check up because of insurance clauses in the project they are involved, but with Jake is hard to tell, because the doctor's office seems to be one of his favorite places.
The men and women whos serve in the military deserve our respect and gratitude, this video is just wonderful. Thanks Jake, the other actors and the WWE for making this video.
The GG nominations were somewhat disappointing but not surprising but I was surprised atht eh March of Ides attention, I thought that movie was dead in the water.
For some reasin I thought that EOW already had a distributor.
Jake does looked pissed but he should know by now that that place is infested with paps.
I also think that we will be hearing about a new project soon, fingers crossed!
TY so much Monica...I've watched five clips already. I'm saving the rest for my late night viewing pleasure. Does that sound weird? :)
Babblers, I was wondering where all Jakefans had gone, since his iheartjakemedia.com pics had so few views...<250 usually.
Then I stumbled upon this site via ONTD and WOW!
27,000 views of Jake in 9 hours
I had no idea Viola Davis was such a powerful actor , until I saw her in a scene with Meryl Streep in Doubt; and it's an incredible scene.
Usually paps are talking when they are taking pictures maybe Jake is reacting to something said. You know they do try to get shots of people reacting to some stupid thing they are saying.
Did anyone watch SNL? That was a great episode. I love Jimmy Fallon and the Townies skit.
I wonder if Jake will go to the cast party, as he sometimes does. If he is back in NYC. From a tweeter who flew CA to NYC:
PS: a guy on our flight looks like JayZ....
9 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone
Favorite Retweet Reply
replies ↓
omg have fun!! Eat lots of food and go shopping! Also ask Jay-Z to perform at GreenFest LOL
8 hours ago
it wasn't him but Jake Gyllanhall was! :)
She was in SanDiego, so if she flew from there, who knows if it was really Jake.
Also, from FB last night:
Gah!!! 5 feet away from Jake Gyllenhaal right now at Casa Vega!!! You are wearing glasses and have a beard, but I seeeee youuuuuu!
Friday at 10:51pm via mobile ·
Ah!!!! I am SOOO jealous of you right now!!!! I love that boy!! We just went there at the beginning of this week too...no sightings...you'r the best girl!
Friday at 11:09pm
I'm a frickin' celeb magnet! Too bad people in LA are too cool to freak out on famous people...or I'd be all over that... I'm also with my husband, so.....
Catching up on some of the discussion earlier:
Suvee, I wasn't saying that Jake would have done anything better with the role, though I think he would have. It just bums me out that he wasn't involved in it, since it's now going to be in all the awards hoopla.
I agree that the role was badly written. Was the guy a hotshot or a naive patsy? And if he was a little of both, Gosling didn't manage to convey that too well.
Also, to the anon, we know Jake was never offered the role. As bad as I feel that he didn't get it, Chris Pine should feel worse, since he did it on stage and was apparently pretty good.
UV, while I was writing my comment you where commenting exactly the same thing, LOL
Great minds, Paula C! :)
Exactly. And also we can not blame others because Jake is not getting roles.
Jake and his team are responsible for it. He accepted roles that didn't well for his career.
Monica, no one knows what roles will work and what won't. It's a crap shoot. We can blame Jake partially, because he has to bear the responsibility. Who knows what he's turned down or why he hast gotten some roles. But other than PoP, I don't think any of the post=BBM roles he's done could have been seen as bad for his career. before they were made.
And though many disagree, I think PoP could and should have done better.
One last thing about PoP, I know many think the flak he got for not being the right ethnicity wasn't deserved. But I always thought it was a valid criticism. And now that the film is (mis)perceived as a flop, that bad taste lingers even more, as do the jokes. It's a pity and something that could have been anticipated.
Bobbyanna, the dentist story is great! I'd love to meet a group of Jake fans like that.
Apologies if this has already been mentioned here, but I just saw a blurb on JustJared that Mumford & Sons played a concert last week in LA.
I guess those were the friends that threw Jake the early bd party? He must be thrilled to have his favorite band back.
I was just wondering if he would go back to NYC with his birthday and christmas doubt if he would want to spent them alone if true i guess we will hear soon could be why his friends threw him an early birthday party
OT: On the subject of Awards season: I finally saw MWWM yesterday, and Michelle Williams should sweep the board for every award out there this season. She was absolutely amazing!
Later, I checked You Tube for clips of the real Marilyn Monroe in the Prince & the Showgirl. Michelle did more than imitate her. She WAS Marilyn.
Eddie Redmayne was excellent, too. Kenneth Brannaugh was the weakest actor in the cast. IMHO. : ) I haven't seen Iron Lady, MMMM, and Young Adult. I can't imagine anyone besting Michelle this year.
Not even Tilda.
Hope Jake did get to at least hang out and visit with the Mumford crew.
I didn't think Jake was miscast at first with Pop in the beginning UV, especially with Orlando Bloom and Ben Barnes names being mentioned as well. But after several viewings of Pop, I did feel that way.
Jake did do a good job though, the problem for me was the Director. I don't think Newell was the right director for this type of movie.
I think part of the reason POP didn't get the attention it deserved was because Disney didn't do enough to promote it in this country. From what I understand there was some kind of internal shake up going on over in their publicity section and it was during the time POP was being promoted. I remember that except for the Disney channel I saw very little commercials being aired on the networks. It was very odd to me.
Jake worked his ass of getting ready for that movie. From top to bottom, accent, body shape, everything. As far as the ethnic thing goes, Jake is Jewish, even though he is not Persian I am sure there are plenty of Persian Jews (Iranian) I never understood what all the bru haha was about Jake taking on the role of Dastan
I'm sure Jake will probably be in NY to celebrate his birthday (Unless he and his family are planning on spending the holidays outside NY, didn't they spend it someplace warm one year?)
sorry to spam....
Jake made InStyle's 20 Most Stylish Men of 2011. Not my favorite look (jacket looks one size too small to me), but I'm not a men's fashion expert!
LOL, suvee! yeah, I can think of a lot of other photos of Jake that would've worked better.
I never had an issue with Jake as PoP. In the storyline Dastan's an orphan, a street urchin. No one knows where he comes from.
I know there's heightened sensitivity to this casting issue in recent years, but we can all come up with a long list of actors playing roles like that. It was not an intentional slight, IMO, at any ethnic group.
I thought of it as Richard Harris in "A Man Called Horse" when I was a little kid, or Costner in "Dances with Wolves." Dastan was adopted. : )
(It was pretty insulting for Oliver Stone to make the WTC movie, and not realize the ex-marine who found the trapped PA workers was a Black man. He later apologized, but it's still in the movie.)
I understand some people feel uncomfortable with Jake or any non-Persian in that role. I guess my own expectations with Disney have never been too high in that respect.
Lily, you're right about some PR shake up, I remember now you mentioned it, but I thought it was with Brothers. Disney definitely could've done a better job, tho. They even failed to book IMAX screens. They overlooked it until it was too late to reserve them. I remember that.
My complaint with PoP, is Bruckheimer/Newell, who had to know Avatar was breaking new ground ina major tech way,but they didn't want to spend the extra money to go 3D, costing about $10M more based on his own admission.
I remember a couple of interviews he did and he sounded defensive. I'm not a big fan of 3D, but in this case, for a gamer movie, it would've helped.
When PoP was getting ready to open, 3D was still a comparative novelty and a marketing advantage.it wasn't being used as promiscuously as it is now.
POP a Disney-Hollywood movie - does anyone think that the movie would have as its main character an unknown Persian actor?
And would they like to name a Persian actor they think should of been in the role?
He worked hard and he did a wonderful job.
How many English actors are playing Americans - on t.v. and in the movies.
From twitter
Shen-yi Liao
Bought APC jeans that barely fit (new standard) and saw Jake Gyllenhall at Blue in Green. #whathaveibecome
I agree with most of the comments here regarding Jake , especially 3-D. If any movie that screamed 3-D was Pop, could you imagine the parkour scenes?
Also I thought that it was odd that a movie like that opening on Memorial day weekend wouldn't have opened on a Wednesday instead of a Friday.
Again, poor marketing by Disney.
I hope if they take another chance on POP--which I doubt--they should get a PG rating so preteen boys can attend and film in it 3D; I know that would make all the difference. And pump the air waves with news and trailers and. and. and. PULEEZE.
I love all the information.
TY bobbyanna, I have to see Michelle in action this week. She is one fine actress...all BBM's cast are.
Blue in Green is a men's clothing store on Greene street in SoHo in NYC. Men's. Clothing. Store... ; )
Sass, you'll really enjoy MWWM.
bobbyanna, I know I will. Is Jake here?
I just watched Meryl Streep on 60 minutes and happily report that she hates to do takes over, and over, and over and over.
She even rolled her eyes when she said one or two of the 'overs' and I fell off my chair.
She wants small budgets with films so that Directors can't make that happen to often. I love her for saying that.
Hollyweird sure banged Jake for mentioning it...but he is like Meryl...a true artist and he's right. How many times, please, and how many ways, Mr Director sir, do I have to repeat that take.
For me, that couldn't help.
It would irritate and tire me and I would do my worst.
love again'
Jake's shoes?
They do look like them, and she is in Brooklyn, but I have no idea what the context is.
POP a Disney-Hollywood movie - does anyone think that the movie would have as its main character an unknown Persian actor?
Why not?
And would they like to name a Persian actor they think should of been in the role?
Umm, no, that's kind of the point. There are no famous Persian actors, and the fact that they can't get roles specifically based on Persians is part of the problem.
He worked hard and he did a wonderful job.
How many English actors are playing Americans - on t.v. and in the movies.
You're kidding, right?
It's easy to dismiss this as a non-issue, because we were happy to see Jake in the role. But the fact is that Jake is now the poster boy for Hollywood whitewashing.
It's an issue that could have, and I hope was, considered before he accepted the role. And one I wish he'd had a better answer for when asked about it.
Happy Birthday, Jake :)
Happy Birthday Jake. That pic does look like Jake's shoes. I wonder where it was taken?
I don't think Newell was the right director for this type of movie.
Mike Newell is just a director who does everything that a producer wants. Jerry does not give freedom to its directors. Even if he gives freedom for Mike, the film would have been the same.
UV, I don't believe that ethnicity was a factor. I think that was the smallest of problems.
If the movie had been good, for sure people would not be complaining about ethnicity.
Happy birthday, Jake Gyllenhaal!
That's not my point, though, Monica. What I'm saying is that it was a legitimate issue, and the failure of the film makes that decision even worse. So the result of the movie is not just that Jake's professional reputation took a hit, but he's also a punchline for certain jokes now/a symbol of something that's fundamentally wrong in Hollywood.
I wish he had considered that more and, in the end, that he didn't do the movie. As much as I enjoyed it, it was pretty bad for his career, for both valid and not-so-valid reasons.
Oh yes, I agree.
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