Today Jake Gyllenhaal turns 31. And we have some birthday wishes for him.
A year of good food:

Good friends:

Maybe a new pet?

Another trip to the Oscars:

Perhaps another musical road trip:

More pickup basketball games:

But really, we just wish for days of fun, adventure, peace and happiness. So let's raise a glass and toast Jake's 31 years:

To many happy returns of the day!

Feliz cumpleaƱos Jake! Mis mejores deseos para ti:)
A very Happy Birthday Jake!.
Happy Birthday Jake, getting better each year!
UV,that first pic is truly adorable and I make your birthday wishes to Jake mine too
Happy Birthday my Prince. Like a fine wine you grow more delicious with each passing year. Hope your day is filled with love, kisses, hugs, friends and pure joy. Thank you for also unwittingly taking us on your adventures. Bring on 2012 :D. Thank you also UV for your labour of love in bringing us all together united in our love of Jake. He's pretty special to do this to and for grown women and men. Happy birthday Jakey. Still in love.
Happy Birthday Jake! I hope it's filled with fun and loved ones.
I love the photos you chose for this post UV!
Awww!!! Hope he has a beautiful day!!!! Happy Birthday,Jake!
Yes,UV, great choice of photos! Especially that first one.
(Twitter's impossible! Explosion of Birthday greetings! So cool! Google too. : ))
Happy B-day Jake!!!
I love the first pic too and love the B-day wishes for Jake on twitter:):)
Looks like his is back in NY.
Hope he has a fantastic day!
Happy Birthday Jake.
Happy Birthday Jake. May your life be filled with happiness and best of health. and I hope your career goes in the direction you want it to go
best wishes
OMG! Wonderful news in THR: Jake has been selected to serve on the jury for the 2012 Berlin Film Festival in February!
Happy Birthday Jake have a good day and a good year
Happy birthday deat Jake!!!
Happy Birthday Jake!!!
That is wonderful news Bobbyanna, thanks!
Happy Birthday, Jake!
Bobbyana, this is great news. Thank you!
Forgot to say good news about thr Berlin Film Festival
Happy Birthday Jake!!!!:)
Happy Birthday Jake!!!!
Great pics in the post UV x
I remember being told Jake Wed 30 years the party was a gathering with friends and mother gave him a picture of Banksy, I hope he has a very happy day!
Happy Birthday Jake !!
Happy Birthday Jacob, have a great celebration!!!
Is that Adam Levine withJake in the 3rd pic UV?
That is great is news about Jake and the Berlin Film Festival!!
From twitter
Chelsea Lajterman
Sitting next to jake gyllenhaal at soul cycle, great start to the week :)
Aww, what sweet birthday wishes for Jake from everyone! And good birthday news for us about the Berlinale. Maybe for Christmas/Hanukkah, we'll hear about a new role! (Yes, I'm greedy.)
I loved that first pic, Paula. I can't remember where I found it on tumblr or I would have credited.
Thanks, Sheba. There really is something special about Jake, and I'm glad to be here with people who appreciate it/him.
Is that Adam Levine withJake in the 3rd pic UV?
Yup, Shondra. It's from last week in LA. I tried to use new photos for the post, which is why the Railroad Revival ones are so bad, lol. But I hadn't seen them before!
Definitely hard to find Jake news amid the explosion of birthday wishes on twitter. It's fun to read them.
At Soul Cycle on his birthday! Hope that's to prepare for the big meal/cake he's going to have later.
He's also been seen on the train:
Saw Jake Gyllenhaal on the subway and somehow fought off urge to say, "This baby's not gonna blow, is she?" #subcode
3 hours ago
did you wish him a happy birthday?! #jakegyllenhaalfail
2 hours ago
Damn, I did not!
2 hours ago
what about asking him to blog for moviefone? #jakegyllenhaalfail2
2 hours ago
I was just glad he was reading a magazine instead of frantically interrogating us about our impending doom
WOW! What a Montage of Wonderful Jake Pics UV, some I've never seen. TY so much:)
Just looking at the loads of wonderful wishes, from all of us to a most fantastic actor, Jake, who inspired me to become a Senior Gyllenhaalic. I still love him and I love using my Senior Gyllenhaalic title, when I can, shamelessly, to move ahead in line, whenever I go to see Jake movies!
Happy Birthday Jake.!
I've watched all your films since October Sky with my son. I love your talent, your kind gentle nature, and how you care for those people in life, less fortunate. Thank God you came along while I am on earth. God Bless you and your family. May you have all the happiness you desire and have HAPPY HOLIDAYS--BOTH
Hanukkah, which begins at sunset on Tuesday, December 20, 2011, and ends at sunset on Wednesday, December 28, 2011 (TY Google) and of course Christmas.
I found it by posting Jake Gyllenhaal, who knew? I'm so bad at this, which means more time online :lol
"COLOGNE, Germany – Oscar-nominated actor Jake Gyllenhaal, French star Charlotte Gainsbourg and legendary German diva Barbara Sukowa are among the VIPs making up the jury at next year’s Berlin International Film Festival (Feb. 9 – 19)"
What an honor for the best actor in the entire world...
hyperbole anyone:lol NOT!
That statement is true...
happily off to CVS:)
Wishing Jake a very Happy Birthday, Hanukkah/Christmas!
And thanks Jake for starring in some of my all time favorite movies like DD, BBM, Jarhead and SC and may you continue.
And congrats on being named to sit on the jury at the Berlin, what an honor!
Happy Birthday and Chanukah and Xmas. Jake.
I hope you have had a great day. Congrats on being on the Jury in Berlin
Happy, happy, birthday Mr G!!
Thank you so much for creating some of the most fascinating characters on screen over the years.
Hope you are having a blast today and UV the photos are perfect for a perfect post.
And what great news about Jake being a juror for the Berlin film festival!!!
From twitter, one of the Soul Cyclers talks a bit more about Jake:
Celeb sighting: Jake Gyllenhaal, front and center of spinning class. #didimovetoLA?
9 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone
Favorite Retweet Reply
More important question: how does he look in sweatpants?
9 hours ago
I'm not gonna lie - JG looked good. His presence was horrifying but motivating.
LOL - I can totally understand that reaction.
And this made me laugh:
We had lobster for dinner. When I asked my mom what the special occasion was, she said "it's Jake Gyllenhall's birthday" #cantmakethisshitup
I added a photo of Jake from the RRT, I think taken after they played that Austin basketball game.
Sass, glad you found all the Jake tweets :) They keep coming!
" @kathenning
Kat Henning
jake gyllenhaal interrupted my afternoon snack today and we had ourselves a nice long talk #likeafamousbrothertome #yesthisreallyhappened"
I'm a bad fan, happy belated birthday Jake!!
I remember Jae attending the NYFF screenings so he has good practice for the Berlin Film festival:)
The NY tweets are the best, thanks for posting them here since i'm not really into twitter and I love the Jake trough the years on this post.
Oh, hiiiii Jake Gyllenhaal at @LaColombeCoffee in TriBeCa. Hi, too, door I just ran into.
23 minutes ago via
LOL about tweeter smacking into the door after seeing Jake (I'd probably do the same thing)
I thought I'd share 31 Jake sexy shots
Happy birthday! That's cool. Looks like a pretty fun life. Normal guy stuff.
is Jake still going to the Soul Cycle at Union Station?
FYI: I just read that E! has not renewed Ben Lyons contract. Which is to say he's been let go. Terminated. Jake always had a good time with him whatever his shortcomings were, and I enjoyed it when the of them did an interview.
That's super sad about Ben Lyons. I am shocked. I know he has interviewed Jake a few times, and he was honestly the only thing I liked about E!. :( This is sad news.
However, HAPPY (late) BIRTHDAY Jake!
Happy Hannukkah Jake!
Wishing Jake and his family a very Happy Hanukkah!
How Jake celebrated his Birthday according to the NY Post:
Jake Gyllenhaal celebrated his 31st birthday with a SoulCycle spin class in Union Square on Monday morning and dinner with friends at Peter Luger in Brooklyn. The “Source Code” star and his actress sister, Maggie, “Love and Other Drugs” co-star Oliver Platt and a handful of close friends shared a low-key meal at the steakhouse. A spy said a “lumberjack chic” Gyllenhaal hung out at the bar and then enjoyed a cake that his mother, Naomi Foner, brought to the restaurant.
Happy Chanukah Jake!
Happy Hanukkah to Jake and to all who celebrate!
Peter Lugar's Steak House has been on my "to do" list for years! : )
Maybe one day...
(Odd facts: Oliver Platt's brother Adam is the food critic for New York Magazine. )
Some tweets from today:
vlmortimer Victoria Mortimer
@SamBooth1 he's dishy!!!! At least we think it was him anyway...if not he has a great doppelgƤnger!!
1 hour ago
vlmortimer Victoria Mortimer
Just passed Jake Gyllenhaal on the street in NYC! Shame I look like a heroin addict or else he might have stopped to chat. #celebspotting
This tweeter saw him last night:
I just stood next to Jake Gyllenhaal. #omg
16 hours ago
in reply to ↑
omg did you tell him I love him?
I'm in NYC...and he was wearing pleated khakis!
I'm in NYC...and he was wearing pleated khakis!” pleated khakis ?! #hotornot? pic?
14 hours ago
in reply to ↑
very handsome, totally dressed-down with a beard. Crowded restaurant so no pic.
Hey there babblers,
Just saw Fincher's movie and was it ever intense!
Whoa. Babblers who read the book let me know if U are
happy with the film. I can't read novels anymore--
Adult onset ADD--so please let me know!
One of Fincher's.
Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate
From twitter
A sincere apology to Jake Gyllenhaal for blocking the aisle in Wlliams Sonoma today. #truestory
Jake gyllenhall on Columbia heights #rackcity
14 minutes ago
Happy Hanukkah to Jake and all that celebrate here on GB!
Sass...Anon 3:17, unable to sign on my cell when I posted earlier...lost the signal.
I can only imagine what Jake would/could do with Daniel Craig's role...too bad Fincher won't use him for now. Rooney Mara's performance is phenomenal...unbelievable...the best I've seen in a long time. And considering, what she had to do for this film, and the fantastic performance she gave, I think she'll be nominated for an Oscar by the Academy and perhaps the film as well...who knows with Hollywood...
Happy Hanukkah to Jake and all who are celebrating!
Happy Belated Birthday to Jake.
Did he make love to a beautiful woman or make love to a beautiful man, I guess we will never know. Hopefully he had a great time.
I always thought it would be great to see Jake in a jury of film festival. And I was very happy to read that he will be at Berlin film festival.
In the festival's official website, all of you can read about each one that will be part of the jury:
" @JessDMarti
Jessica Martinez
Just saw Jake Gyllenhaal in Little Italy...just a typical Thursday night in the city"
Thanks for the link Monica!
frannyb28339 Francesca
Just saw jake and maggie gyllenhall walking down the street! #lovecelebritysightings
3 hours ago
Thanks for the link, monica. The write up for Jake is very nice. I wish they would have included Rendition, since Gavin Hood was also an Oscar winning director. : )
such a good collection of pics of Jake, Ultraviolet, Merry Christmas!
Hope everyone is making progress in their holiday prep, and enjoying it ; ) I'm SO exhausted, but the house sparkles, and I'm done shopping. Almost. My family will be here for our "eve of Christmas Eve" dinner, tonight, then I get to collapse. Looking forward to spending time with my daughters, too. : )
Bobbyanna, you are not alone!I've been doing some house cleaning too and last minute shopping but my Christmas eve is going to be calm because I have to work on Christmas day and new year's eve :(
I'm hoping for a calm Christmas day in the E.R.( on new years eve i just hope to sit for 5 minutes) and I feel blessed because when my shift ends I get to go home and spend the rest of the day with my family knowing we have the most important thing in life: health.
Shopping all done and looking forward to spending Christmas Eve and Day with my family and BF on Long Island.
Wishing, Paula C and everyone here a very Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all who are celebrating!
Jake must have taken a late class today - I've seen a couple of tweets pop up:
Soulful workout with jake gyllenhaal today....#callmeboo
48 minutes ago
I've never wanted a spin class to keep on going as badly as I did today when Jake Gyllenhaal was in my @soulcycle class. #whitegirlproblems
2 hours ago
Merry Christmas, everyone, and Happy Hanukkah, too.
I've been on work overload, but spent the evening with my nieces and nephews, so that was fun. Tomorrow, I have some last-minute shopping then a Christmas tradition of champagne/drinks with friends.
Then I just have to get home to wait for Santa :)
Bobbyanna, I'm glad your girls will be home with you. Paula C, I'm sorry you have to work! I hope for a peaceful day for you, too. Chica, glad you got your shopping done. Wish I could say the same!
And hi, Kendra and everyone else who's been posting. Sorry I've been an absentee bloglord!
Merry Christmas to everyone here who celebrate i have to work Christmas day too but am off Christmas eve so will be having my Christmas tomorrow my kids will be out so can spent the day with them tomorrow
What a bummer that you have to work on Christmas day Mary but it's great that you have Christmas eve off to spend with your family.
I'm expecting a bunch of friends over today for our annual Christmas Eve party then i'm off to see family tomorrow.
Wishing everyone here at GB a very Happy Christmas!
Happy Holidays to you all.
I hope everyone has a joyous Christmas!
Merry Christmas Everyone, hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday.
Thanks to UV for a great site and for keeping us upto date with Jake going ons this year xx
Have a safe and fun Holiday everyone! Enjoy this time with loved ones.
I hope everyone has a beautiful, fun, peaceful Christmas!
And Uv, thank you especially, for this wonderful place to hang out! : )
Merry Christmas and a Happy and Peaceful New year everyone!
And let me add my thanks to UV too fro making this such a fun place to hang out!!!
Merry Christmas to all GyllenBabblers!
Jacquie H
Was standing next to Jake Gyllenhaal at @LoxPopuli. Apparently he's a regular n that brings him up a notch in my book."
Happy Holidays Gyllenhaalics! Have a great Christmas and don't drink too much egg nog!!!
looks like Jake is in touch with his Jewish side. I wonder what he got at Russ and Daughter (lox populi) I had some lox and cream cheese this week (I forgot to buy bagels :( ) it is delish.
Merry Christmas to all Babblers!
From twitter
marnee rose
Just got the Subway for the first time ever, oh and nbd we were just standing behind JAKE GYLLENHAAL!!!!!!2!.$3!48:,&/@3
I had my share of Lox and Bagels myself this week but I bet they were no where as good as the goods at Russ and Daughters Lily!
Happy Holidays to all the babblers here and thanks UV fpor making this one of my favotrite Jake blogs to visit.
Caroline Gottlieb
I'm standing right behind jake gyllenhaal at liquiteria oh my god"
Thanks for all the nice words, folks!
I finally finished wrapping and can go to bed!
Merry, Merry. New post.
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